Facts. Porn v Reality
Internet facts of interest.
1 Average penis is 5-7 inch. Porn site penis is 6-9 inch.
2 Only 65% of woman and 85% of men actually shave their genital region.
3 Porn stars are instantly aroused. Real couples take 10-12 minutes.
4 Average male intercourse time is 3 minutes. Porn stars can go for days.
5 Only 11.5% of women have actually had a same sex experience.
6 Only 40% of women have actually indulged in anal sex.
7 Only 22% of women will really take a load on the face.
8 And only 6% of women actually swallow said load.
9 Only 18% of women actually admit to having been in a threesome.
10 Only 6% of women ‘squirt’ in real life.
11 But a whopping 40% really do indulge in BDSM!!
12 Very few women actually have a pussy shaped and coloured as in porn.
10 years ago
good to chat , hope you will continue to put further interesting topics on here
Regards Tim
that actually is the problem here , you say never found a girl who does not suck but obviosly you are a swinger type & drawaing your subjects from a pool of similar types & unless I am very wrong do not ``pull'' ordinary middle aged housewives that one sees in supermarkets, the post office, & pound shops (the very thought ! ) so my point is how would the stats turn out with them ?
I really wish that I could be the invisible man sometimes & watch such types on the occations they do indulge in sexual action to see what they get up to - might surprise me , might confirm my view , who knows
this time I offer the correct salutations - from a dodgy filthy degenerate geezer in NE London
Regards Tim. (PS a Duke should be referred to as 'Your Grace' not Lord)
of cuase I may be totally wrong, how can we ever know for sure, but there are so many couples out there that you see in everyday life you just know have never done anything other than the basics & then infrequently, how many times do you hear one person moaning that their partner is no longer interested in any sex at all ?
good work on here my Lord so please keep it up - teeheehee hehehe LOL as the young insist on saying
Plus I'm in to all that other stuff too. Yum.
SassyBri ~
are you serious?!?!
2 Only 65% of woman and 85% of men actually shave their genital region I SHAVE SO DOES MY MISSIS.
3 Porn stars are instantly aroused. Real couples take 10-12 minutes. SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT
4 Average male intercourse time is 3 minutes. Porn stars can go for days. NOT INTERCOURSE ALL THE TIME, BUT WE HAVE HAD SEX SESSIONS LASTING OVER 4 HOURS
5 Only 11.5% of women have actually had a same sex experience. MY MISSIS HAS HAD SAME SEX RELATIONSHIP
6 Only 40% of women have actually indulged in anal sex. NO ANAL ALLOWED HERE LOL
7 Only 22% of women will really take a load on the face. AGAIN, NO
8 And only 6% of women actually swallow said load. AGAIN NO
9 Only 18% of women actually admit to having been in a threesome. WE BOTH HAVE
10 Only 6% of women ‘squirt’ in real life.MY MISSIS IS DEFINITELY IN THE 6%
11 But a whopping 40% really do indulge in BDSM!! LIGHT BDSM, NOTHING TO HEAVY
12 Very few women actually have a pussy shaped and coloured as in porn. TAKE A LOOK AT MY PROFILE FOR HER PICS