Facts. Porn v Reality

Internet facts of interest.

1 Average penis is 5-7 inch. Porn site penis is 6-9 inch.
2 Only 65% of woman and 85% of men actually shave their genital region.
3 Porn stars are instantly aroused. Real couples take 10-12 minutes.
4 Average male intercourse time is 3 minutes. Porn stars can go for days.
5 Only 11.5% of women have actually had a same sex experience.
6 Only 40% of women have actually indulged in anal sex.
7 Only 22% of women will really take a load on the face.
8 And only 6% of women actually swallow said load.
9 Only 18% of women actually admit to having been in a threesome.
10 Only 6% of women ‘squirt’ in real life.
11 But a whopping 40% really do indulge in BDSM!!
12 Very few women actually have a pussy shaped and coloured as in porn.

Published by tim1936
10 years ago
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A very interesting set of facts. I guess it's all dependent on those taking part so to speak. Having said that from my own personal experience I've met more women (less than 10 so small focus group haha) who swallow/enjoy swallowing than enjoy analy
Toosoon 7 years ago
Purple pussy is great, but a love it bare.
jollyboy111 8 years ago
I hope that you are correct, the hotter & hornier our female population becaomes the better for the quality of life

good to chat , hope you will continue to put further interesting topics on here
tim1936 Publisher 8 years ago
to jollyboy111 : I think that you will find that to become an ordinary middle aged housewife you have to go through the transition of teenage slut, greedy newly wed and then loss of interest due to kids and mortgages. I like my girls in the 20-34 age group without kids or husbands!!
Regards Tim
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jollyboy111 8 years ago
appologies Your Grace, i am of cause truly from the lower orders despite my pretentions & have no idea of true class & the protocols, I doff my flat cap

that actually is the problem here , you say never found a girl who does not suck but obviosly you are a swinger type & drawaing your subjects from a pool of similar types & unless I am very wrong do not ``pull'' ordinary middle aged housewives that one sees in supermarkets, the post office, & pound shops (the very thought ! ) so my point is how would the stats turn out with them ?

I really wish that I could be the invisible man sometimes & watch such types on the occations they do indulge in sexual action to see what they get up to - might surprise me , might confirm my view , who knows

this time I offer the correct salutations - from a dodgy filthy degenerate geezer in NE London
tim1936 Publisher 8 years ago
to jollyboy111 : Excellent dissertation and commentary. I would disagree on the sucking. I have NEVER yet found a girl who does not suck cock - admittedly some for their own pleasure and others to please me; But without exception they have all sucked cock, though most do not swallow, they let it dribble!! Agreed that it is very difficult to obtain accurate impartial information when doing these types of survey.

Regards Tim. (PS a Duke should be referred to as 'Your Grace' not Lord)
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jollyboy111 8 years ago
hallo, at last a touch of class amounst the various degrees of riffraff, chavs & trailor park trash on this wonderful site - am always interested in sex surveys but rarely seen one that seems in your guts to be ``true'' & the stats here are of various degrees of believability, for example anal & swallow - if we take the members of a porn site it is likely to be quite high, if we took the female population who read hot mags which invite replies to surveys (which is where the results are often from) then this would seem about right , but in the entire population as a whole, lets say in UK today, 40% have done anal , really ?? just cannot see it, my gut tells me no more than 10$ & some of them may not have been with consent & even worse, & similar feeling about 22% of cum swallowers. just dont see it, many women will not ever take a dick into their mouths at all & are appalled by the idea & think it is sick & evil

of cuase I may be totally wrong, how can we ever know for sure, but there are so many couples out there that you see in everyday life you just know have never done anything other than the basics & then infrequently, how many times do you hear one person moaning that their partner is no longer interested in any sex at all ?

good work on here my Lord so please keep it up - teeheehee hehehe LOL as the young insist on saying
tim1936 Publisher 8 years ago
I would put that one down as 99.99% hetero men and 0% of puffs
edintx99 8 years ago
Well, geez... Based, on your stats, I guess I missed my true vocation.
mike0207 8 years ago
Thanks for posting these interesting facts :smile:) Loved it.
SassyBri 8 years ago
Guess I am one of that 6%.

Plus I'm in to all that other stuff too. Yum.
SassyBri ~
RomeoDlite 8 years ago
The 3 minute intercourse thing I don't get - at ALL. And I understand that they are talking about starting the stopwatch when penetration begins until orgasm. But seriously, and I guess every is different and we only know our own experiences, at the 3 minute mark we are truly just getting started. I don't have a stopwatch with me, but man....
blueboxsheet 8 years ago
i think swallowing is at least 60% but in terms of liking it, the number probably gets smaller
MC351 9 years ago
Only 6% of females swallow?! Really?? Then I must be lucky as hell as 80% of females I've received BJ's from swallowed....
tim1936 Publisher 9 years ago
to fuoriin60 : This was a survey of women in the US of A. I just re-posted it. Cheers
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fuoriin60 9 years ago
so women prefer take a cock up their ass than a load down the throat?!
are you serious?!?!

exeterguy 9 years ago
1 Average penis is 5-7 inch. Porn site penis is 6-9 inch. I AM 6.5"
2 Only 65% of woman and 85% of men actually shave their genital region I SHAVE SO DOES MY MISSIS.
3 Porn stars are instantly aroused. Real couples take 10-12 minutes. SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT
4 Average male intercourse time is 3 minutes. Porn stars can go for days. NOT INTERCOURSE ALL THE TIME, BUT WE HAVE HAD SEX SESSIONS LASTING OVER 4 HOURS
5 Only 11.5% of women have actually had a same sex experience. MY MISSIS HAS HAD SAME SEX RELATIONSHIP
6 Only 40% of women have actually indulged in anal sex. NO ANAL ALLOWED HERE LOL
7 Only 22% of women will really take a load on the face. AGAIN, NO
8 And only 6% of women actually swallow said load. AGAIN NO
9 Only 18% of women actually admit to having been in a threesome. WE BOTH HAVE
10 Only 6% of women ‘squirt’ in real life.MY MISSIS IS DEFINITELY IN THE 6%
11 But a whopping 40% really do indulge in BDSM!! LIGHT BDSM, NOTHING TO HEAVY
12 Very few women actually have a pussy shaped and coloured as in porn. TAKE A LOOK AT MY PROFILE FOR HER PICS
rick_4363 9 years ago
to tim1936 : So true and it's so much fun when that happens, I luv watching them lose it
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tim1936 Publisher 9 years ago
to rick_4363 : Agreed, I give them a mind blowing multiple orgasm as a reward for doing what I want, they get so addicted that they will do 'anything' just to be allowed another such orgasm!!
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rick_4363 9 years ago
to tim1936 : American Survey? How interesting. I must be hanging with different American women because for the most part, I've found that the more they are pleasured and made happy the more apt they are to do what you want or ask them to do. I'm glad I don't hang around the women they surveyed.
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tim1936 Publisher 9 years ago
to rick_4363 : Agreed, I have my own experiences that do not tally with this American Survey. Thanks for the visit anyway.
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rick_4363 9 years ago
I'd like to hear from more women about this survey. Just from personal experience I'd say some of those numbers aren't exactly right, but thx for sharing it with us.
tim1936 Publisher 9 years ago
to jjmcz : No, I would,from personal experience, increase no 11 to 100%. Thanks for the tips.
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jjmcz 9 years ago
I have no great experinece but percentage of women swallowing should be much greater, especially amongst girls and young women. Percentage in point 11 should be reduced by app. double
tim1936 Publisher 9 years ago
to chocolateboy1976 : Everywhere, in my experience it is more like 100%!!!
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Where are these 40% who like bdsm ? Hahahaha
naughtygirl6 9 years ago
not sure where I fit in but I love swallow cum like cum on my face my not brothers cock 7.5" uncut I like anal sex.
tim1936 Publisher 9 years ago
Thank you, would love to test that for real. LOVE
tim1936 Publisher 9 years ago
to milf4bbcstretch : Could not have said it better myself. LOVE
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milf4bbcstretch 9 years ago
Porn is the gateway drug into sexual freedom. And when you do it, it's all GREAT. So, make your fantasy a reality.