Women don't owe you anything
Just got a friend invite from a guy with the following on his profile, and it infuriated me:
"There is one thing that has been of particular annoyance - Ladies, if a man PMs you courteously and genuinely wants to know you, don't ignore him. I'm well aware of all the idiots running around here PMing obscene, demanding, and downright rude comments, but I'm sure all of you are intellectual enough to discriminate between the good guys and the bad ones."
This condescending bullshit pops up again and again in men's dating profiles and in real-life attempted dating scenarios and It. Has. To. Fucking. Stop.
Let's clear something up right now for anyone who may be confused: women do not owe it to you to indulge your desire to get to know them if they don't feel like it, no matter how "nice" or "intelligent" or "sophisticated" you think you are. A woman can talk to you if she wants to; if she doesn't want to, she has no obligation, regardless of what you would like her to do or think she should do. Newsflash! She is an autonomous human in sole control of her own actions and destiny, just like you. She is your equal. Her attention is not some payment to which you are entitled for completing what you believe should be The Steps Leading To Sex. Women do not owe you ANYTHING. Be grateful if they give their time willingly, and if they don't, maybe you're just a fucking douchebag. (Hint: if you have ever said anything resembling what this asshole wrote in his profile, you definitely are.)
"There is one thing that has been of particular annoyance - Ladies, if a man PMs you courteously and genuinely wants to know you, don't ignore him. I'm well aware of all the idiots running around here PMing obscene, demanding, and downright rude comments, but I'm sure all of you are intellectual enough to discriminate between the good guys and the bad ones."
This condescending bullshit pops up again and again in men's dating profiles and in real-life attempted dating scenarios and It. Has. To. Fucking. Stop.
Let's clear something up right now for anyone who may be confused: women do not owe it to you to indulge your desire to get to know them if they don't feel like it, no matter how "nice" or "intelligent" or "sophisticated" you think you are. A woman can talk to you if she wants to; if she doesn't want to, she has no obligation, regardless of what you would like her to do or think she should do. Newsflash! She is an autonomous human in sole control of her own actions and destiny, just like you. She is your equal. Her attention is not some payment to which you are entitled for completing what you believe should be The Steps Leading To Sex. Women do not owe you ANYTHING. Be grateful if they give their time willingly, and if they don't, maybe you're just a fucking douchebag. (Hint: if you have ever said anything resembling what this asshole wrote in his profile, you definitely are.)
10 years ago
And I go even beyond that: There have been dickpicks, people who are straight up creepy, people who have been asking me if I would want him to fuck and - a b u s e -Ā my own daugther if i had one or rather to have sex with a - a n i m a l - or to be - r a p e d - by that dude. Same dude had adresses and contact info of several women he was "presenting" openly on his profile page. How is that even tolerated by xHam? asking as a newbie. But that seemed to be hightly illegal...Ā
All of these incidents happened to me within 1,5 hours of being active on here.. just saying.Ā
On this site, and in life, nobody owes anyone ... anything.
Well said. Thanks for sharing.