Masturbation Quiz
Are you male or female? female
Age? 19
At what age did you start masturbating? 15
How many times a week do you masturbate? 4+ lately daily (bored a lot on break
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? At least once, sometimes 2 to 3
Where do you masturbate:
In bed? yes
In the shower? yes
In the bath? yes
Outdoors? Whenever I think I can get away with it :)
At work? not yet
Every room in the house? Bathroom and my room at home, dorm and bathroom at school
In a car while traveling along the interstate? not yet, maybe I should try it, now I need a car or at least a lift...
What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? yep
A friend? mhmm :)
A friend's spouse? not really, I friend's dad though
A stranger? mhmm for sure
A co-worker? no job :(
A member of the same sex? yes!
A member of the opposite sex? yes!
A past lover? not really, they were fun but young and we were dumb
What position do you play in:
On your back? yes
Standing? yes
Kneeling? Yes
Sitting? yes
Lying on tummy? yes
How do you play:
With left hand? Yes
With right hand? Yes, im a talented, especially when typing with the other hand
With a toy? Yes
With water from bath? mhmm, the bathtub and I are intimately close
Written erotica? Yes! the written word is so SEXY!
Pictures? yes
Movie clips online? yes
Videos? Yes
Something on TV? lol when desperate!
What is your favorite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman? yes
Gay or lesbian sex? yes
Group sex or orgies? Yes
Blow jobs/oral sex? yes
Cumshots? yes
Age play? not really
S&M? yes, a growing fascination for me
Role playing? yes totally!
Kinky? you could say I am!
Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? yes
A chat room dialogue? not sure what this is, anyone help (assuming anyone is actually reading this)?
Exchanged stories or pictures? yes, I love stories I have insipired
Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? yes
Masturbated for the same sex? yes
Masturbated in a group? no, not yet
Masturbated for a photo? no
Masturbated for a webcam? No
Masturbated for a video? no
Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? yes
insert something or play with your ass? yes
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? yes
Use pain as a method of playing? clothespins a bit
Final questions:
Do you taste your cum? yes
When was the last time you masturbated? right before typing this, I actually stopped to type this faster!
Are you wet or hard now? yes!
Are you going to masturbate now? as soon as I finish typing this out!
Are you a masturbation addict? probably
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? yes!
What is the most you have played in one day? Not sure, I should try to figure out my max!
do it and pass it on
Age? 19
At what age did you start masturbating? 15
How many times a week do you masturbate? 4+ lately daily (bored a lot on break
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? At least once, sometimes 2 to 3
Where do you masturbate:
In bed? yes
In the shower? yes
In the bath? yes
Outdoors? Whenever I think I can get away with it :)
At work? not yet
Every room in the house? Bathroom and my room at home, dorm and bathroom at school
In a car while traveling along the interstate? not yet, maybe I should try it, now I need a car or at least a lift...
What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? yep
A friend? mhmm :)
A friend's spouse? not really, I friend's dad though
A stranger? mhmm for sure
A co-worker? no job :(
A member of the same sex? yes!
A member of the opposite sex? yes!
A past lover? not really, they were fun but young and we were dumb
What position do you play in:
On your back? yes
Standing? yes
Kneeling? Yes
Sitting? yes
Lying on tummy? yes
How do you play:
With left hand? Yes
With right hand? Yes, im a talented, especially when typing with the other hand
With a toy? Yes
With water from bath? mhmm, the bathtub and I are intimately close
Written erotica? Yes! the written word is so SEXY!
Pictures? yes
Movie clips online? yes
Videos? Yes
Something on TV? lol when desperate!
What is your favorite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman? yes
Gay or lesbian sex? yes
Group sex or orgies? Yes
Blow jobs/oral sex? yes
Cumshots? yes
Age play? not really
S&M? yes, a growing fascination for me
Role playing? yes totally!
Kinky? you could say I am!
Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? yes
A chat room dialogue? not sure what this is, anyone help (assuming anyone is actually reading this)?
Exchanged stories or pictures? yes, I love stories I have insipired
Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? yes
Masturbated for the same sex? yes
Masturbated in a group? no, not yet
Masturbated for a photo? no
Masturbated for a webcam? No
Masturbated for a video? no
Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? yes
insert something or play with your ass? yes
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? yes
Use pain as a method of playing? clothespins a bit
Final questions:
Do you taste your cum? yes
When was the last time you masturbated? right before typing this, I actually stopped to type this faster!
Are you wet or hard now? yes!
Are you going to masturbate now? as soon as I finish typing this out!
Are you a masturbation addict? probably
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? yes!
What is the most you have played in one day? Not sure, I should try to figure out my max!
do it and pass it on
10 years ago
Age? 33
At what age did you start masturbating? 13
How many times a week do you masturbate? a dozen or so
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? I can rarely do more than once, unfortunately.
Where do you masturbate:
In bed? yes
In the shower? no
In the bath? no
Outdoors? sometimes
At work? yes
Every room in the house? yes
In a car while traveling along the interstate? Yep. It's a great way to stay awake driving at night.
What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? yes
A friend? yes
A friend's spouse? yes
A stranger? yes
A co-worker? definitely
A member of the same sex? sometimes
A member of the opposite sex? yes
A past lover? sometimes
What position do you play in:
On your back? yes
Standing? yes
Kneeling? yes
Sitting? yes
Lying on tummy? yes
How do you play:
With left hand? sometimes
With right hand? Yes. I'm good at typing with my left hand also.
With a toy? sometimes
With water from bath? no
Written erotica? sometimes
Pictures? yes
Movie clips online? yes
Videos? Yes
Something on TV? Yes, but you never know when it'll switch to a commercial.
What is your favorite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman? yes
Gay or lesbian sex? sometimes, more gay than lesbian nowadays
Group sex or orgies? yes
Blow jobs/oral sex? yes
Cumshots? YES
Age play? I'm not even sure what that is.
S&M? I'm not into pain.
Role playing? yes
Kinky? I think everybody thinks they are.
Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? yes
A chat room dialogue? yes
Exchanged stories or pictures? yes
Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? yes
Masturbated for the same sex? yes
Masturbated in a group? not masturbated
Masturbated for a photo? yes
Masturbated for a webcam? no
Masturbated for a video? yes
Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? sometimes
insert something or play with your ass? sometimes
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? no
Use pain as a method of playing? no
Final questions:
Do you taste your cum? yes
When was the last time you masturbated? a few minutes ago
Are you wet or hard now? not anymore!... well, maybe a little wet
Are you going to masturbate now? not until later tonight
Are you a masturbation addict? definitely
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? definitely
What is the most you have played in one day? 24 times
Age? 22
At what age did you start masturbating? Around 14
How many times a week do you masturbate? 7x
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? 1-2 times per sesstion.
Where do you masturbate:
In bed? yes
In the shower? yes
In the bath? yes
Outdoors? Yes
At work? Yes
Every room in the house? not in the parents' room.
In a car while traveling along the interstate? Yes (traveling by train and bus)
What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? Yes
A friend? Yes
A friend's spouse? NO
A stranger? sometimes
A co-worker? yes
A member of the same sex? yes
A member of the opposite sex? yes
A past lover? No
What position do you play in:
On your back? yes
Standing? yes
Kneeling? Yes
Sitting? yes
Lying on tummy? Yes
How do you play:
With left hand? yes
With right hand?yes
With a toy? Yes
With water from bath? yes
Written erotica? No
Pictures? yes
Movie clips online? yes
Videos? Yes
Something on TV? No
What is your favorite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman? yes
Gay or lesbian sex? Yes i love pussy
Group sex or orgies? Yes
Blow jobs/oral sex? yes
Cumshots? yes
Age play? Yes ( women only )
S&M? Yes (prefers femdom)
Role playing? yes
Kinky? Yes yes yes
Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? Sometimes
A chat room dialogue? Yes( girl only)
Exchanged stories or pictures? yes
Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? yes
Masturbated for the same sex? yes
Masturbated in a group? Yes (in the company of girls)
Masturbated for a photo? Yes
Masturbated for a webcam? NO
Masturbated for a video? NO
Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? yes
insert something or play with your ass? yes
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? Yes
Use pain as a method of playing? Yes (a little bit )
Final questions:
Do you taste your cum? yes
When was the last time you masturbated? NOW
Are you wet or hard now? YES
Are you going to masturbate now? YES
Are you a masturbation addict? No...I can quit any time, any time but not now .....mmmmmmmmmmm
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? yes
What is the most you have played in one day? 5