Bad Dragon Razor The Doberman: Review

I recently bought myself a early Christmas Present I got


it is a silicone Dog cock, and if your wondering "Where can I get myself one of those?"
Just click the following link--> I got lucky and found a ready made one in the size and firmness I wanted. (Medium for both) and it was during a 20% off sale. The color; I didn't choose, but I'm still happy with it. Anyway enough with the intro onto the review...

Appearance: 9/10 It looks exactly like I expected it to. I am very happy with the color I got it was a "rouge" as it is called on Bad Dragon's website (which is an unintended color mix)

Feel: 8/10 It is 100% platinum cured silicone and completely non-porous (the proof to that is when water beads up on it's surface) The surface is not quite smooth though, but not overly rough either (I contribute that to the nonporous silicone) and it becomes very slick when lubed.

Smell: 10/10 None at all, and that is just perfect.

Price: 7/10 $72.00 for the toy I got it on a 20% off sale the toy is normally $90.00 for a medium size razor the doberman. Normal price seems high to me so I am glad I was able to get it on sale.

Shipping: 5/10 It was shipped in a plain brown box and Shipping was $16.67 for 1-2 FedEx shipping; not worth the extra $4.00 dollars in my opinion. I paid for it on a Wednesday morning and it didn't arrive till the following Monday. 5 days away, but whatever:/

In Use: 9.5/10 Anal use; It is a tight fit because of the "knot" (the bulbous part in the middle) has a 2.5 inch diameter. Thankfully it is not perfectly round as seen in the pictures, and it's very flexible because it is only a medium firmness so I am able to insert half of the knot then the other side. Once fully inserted the knot so filling I couldn't ask for a more fulfilling toy. It presses perfectly on my prostate I don't even need to touch my dick in the least to get rock hard. I have to say this toy very satisfying to use, but probably not for everyone.

Overall: 7.5/10 This is the perfect fantasy toy, but I don't think it will be my new go to toy seeing as it needs a long warm up period and takes a bit work to get it in and back out again (which truthfully is most of the fun of this toy) so I'll reserve this guy for when I feel like being extra knotty.
Published by umknown
10 years ago
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umknown Publisher 8 years ago
Yeah, just get the softest firmness available. Otherwise you'll end up with something you can't use; like I did.
umknown Publisher 8 years ago
In every joke is a tiny bit of truth.
Biggoot6969 9 years ago
I have a similar one in my toy bag
umknown Publisher 9 years ago
to FlaVoyer : Yeah those look very fun, thanks for sharing.
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FlaVoyer 9 years ago
to robinlikesitrough : Yes! The reviews on these are excellent btw.
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umknown Publisher 9 years ago
to FlaVoyer : I'll let you know :smile: I should be getting Rex and Nox in the mail by the end of the week.

Hopefully Wednesday XD
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FlaVoyer 9 years ago
I've been wanting to try a Rex from BD. Are they similar ?
umknown Publisher 9 years ago
Razor's knot is just a little too big for me to use regularly, butt I still love that I got him in a medium. Rex at a medium is even bigger so be careful that you eyes are bigger than you ass, butt I don't know you could be looking for a challenge.

Anyway, my Razor and Chance the stallion toys I have are great, butt lately I have been wanting the Knox the night drake toy. Mostly cause it can have a suction cup and that Knox looks like Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon.
dirtyazns8 9 years ago
Thinking about getting one of these or both in medium :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
robinlikesitrough 9 years ago
having had my sissy pussy K-9 bred and knotted more than once, I do know how it feels, was once knotted for 45 minutes, thing is, I do like your toy, but wonder in there is something more realistic where once the full penetration has been achieved there is a pump to make the knot swell up, just like in real life? any thoughts or comments on that? please?
umknown Publisher 10 years ago
to phillymark1 : Go for it; I'm happy I got my toy. I should really done it sooner though, and really I don't know what I was so worried about.
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phillymark1 10 years ago
sounds perfect, I must try one