Since I first joined this site, I’ve purposely made it a point to personally reply to each and every comment left in my photo galleries, on my videos, blogs and on the wall of my profile.
Recently, the sheer number of comments has grown so large that I regret to say that it’s now become impossible for me to devote the time to answering all the many comments without it impacting other parts of my life and obligations.
I will continue to try replying to as many comments as I possibly can.
Please understand that I continue to read and appreciate all comments left for me, and that, if I happen to not reply individually to a comment left by you, it’s not because I haven’t read and been touched by the effort you took to message me, but only because, with the number of images in my galleries well into the tens-of-thousands, my ability to answer every single comment made has become more than I’m able to realistically accomplish.
And, for this, my dear friends, I sincerely apologize to anyone who may feel neglected, overlooked or slighted. Please believe me when I say that you haven’t been.
I deeply appreciate every one of you, and each and every comment you’ve left for me.
create by my friend Olive8©, because my english is so shitty... thanks for it..
Recently, the sheer number of comments has grown so large that I regret to say that it’s now become impossible for me to devote the time to answering all the many comments without it impacting other parts of my life and obligations.
I will continue to try replying to as many comments as I possibly can.
Please understand that I continue to read and appreciate all comments left for me, and that, if I happen to not reply individually to a comment left by you, it’s not because I haven’t read and been touched by the effort you took to message me, but only because, with the number of images in my galleries well into the tens-of-thousands, my ability to answer every single comment made has become more than I’m able to realistically accomplish.
And, for this, my dear friends, I sincerely apologize to anyone who may feel neglected, overlooked or slighted. Please believe me when I say that you haven’t been.
I deeply appreciate every one of you, and each and every comment you’ve left for me.
create by my friend Olive8©, because my english is so shitty... thanks for it..
10 years ago
So I join "Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra", the Well~Spoken ZEE(respectfully Zorrokundra), who in few sentences, who able to manifest the SPIRIT that You J. was able to create in all of us, Privileged Members of J. Fans Club, in short: PMoJFC!
U, J. have become a REAL~ADDICTION! So allow me to say: In J. WE TRUST!
With all my Love~Respect~and~Consideration!
Never stop being J.,cuz U've been able to flood an X~site with PlusQwamART!
Je t'Embrasse.
Lastly it has also been said that: "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, to comment or tweet it did anything really happen?"
Wo kann ich mich bewerben ?
I can not add anything or take away, I thank you for your touching words,
The sheer volume of earthly delights you post is an achievement in itself [when do you sleep?
Let me add mine.
And this may echo what has already been said but, of course, I understand that it must take an age to read and then answer all the comments you receive.
You have succeeded, I guess, in ways you perhaps never thought possible [I'm guessing here] and such success can become overwhelming - it's lovely to have but not always easy to deal with, so time to dismount the tiger [old Indian proverb] so good for you for being brave - have some time for yourself!
Your pictures [as always, Jana
Looking at them is the best part of my day - sexy, erotic, beautiful, thoughtful, intriguing but always inspiring, always!
I too wish I could comment on every one, they are THAT good.
Sweet lady, look after yourself!
I will continue to gaze in wonder and add more of your indelible images into my mind's eye and play more movies in my own personal headcinema
You may have noticed I can't stop writing until I say what needs to be said
This is it: You are a treasure and a collector of masterpieces to share with us - don't stop doing that because our world would be worse off without you!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you've done, sweet Jana!
As always,yours Zee
PS: I love your English - don't ever change! It is fabulously enchanting
Sometimes I don't even have time to go through and watch every galleries you put online!!!
Anyway thanks for all the beauty and erotism you bring. And thank you for all your sweet replies, I am sure you have earned a place in many hearts. You are special here.
I just like looking and commenting on your pictures, but if you fell like responding you can or you can post it on my page If that's easier for you
i know you would understand it...:))xxxxx
to this time it was a pleasure... always... but slowely its not to handle..further,
and thank you so much... for you love my English...muahwww...:))xxxxxxxxx
and I can say that I can not escape myself a certain charm...:))xxxxxxxx
If there's a new position about to open up, perhaps I should dust off my resume, get my short skirts, tight jackets, loose blouses, garter belts and stockings cleaned and readied and all my high heels polished and 'spit shined' in preparation for my *exhaustive,* 'in-depth' interview.
I'll get busy with my makeup, lipstick and hair so I can *dazzle* the new boss right from Day 1.
I know you well enough to know that you appreciate the comments left, but perhaps you need to slow down your output too! You are prolific, which many of us appreciate, but Hamster should be a pleasure, not an obligation..........oh, and I love your English! Alison xxx