The Most Beautiful Image

The most beautiful image in the world is that of a woman who is naked, on her back, her legs spread wide for a young hard stud who is filling her fertile body with his cock — while the man in her life is by her side, holding her hand, whispering tender words of support and encouragement. The beauty of this image is not just the natural erotic response to seeing a woman so accepting of pleasure, or so accepting of her natural desire to create life. It goes deeper than that, because it is an image of a woman who fully accepts her sexuality as a joyous thing that should not be suppressed in the name of love or fidelity. It is the image of a woman who wants to glory in sexual sharing, and who wants the support of her partner as she seeks, seduces and enjoys a wide variety of other men… and embraces the possibility that it brings. Infidelity in a traditional monogamous relationship is a act of deceit that builds walls between men and women. The pleasures of illicit relationships cannot be discussed and relived, much less enjoyed openly. It is impossible to truly enjoy such experiences without guilt or remorse, and the memories of those encounters have to be hidden away and forgotten, or relived only in secret. For the sake of protecting their partner, people slowly build secret compartments in their heart that can never be opened for fear of the penalties that honest disclosure might bring. A truly loving, open relationship transforms the burdens and guilt of what society views as “unfaithfulness” into a source of shared joy and intimacy. Instead of suppressing their desires, and building secret resentment as a result, men and women openly discuss, enjoy, share and relive the pleasures they have enjoyed with others. Instead of driving them apart, the enjoyment of sexual pleasure with others becomes something that continually brings couples closer together.
For this reason, I believe a woman should NEVER suppress her sexuality. If a woman wants to bond with her partner, she must open up to him and freely acknowledge her desire to savor the touch, taste and pleasures of other men (and perhaps women as well). A woman desires these things not because she wants to replace her man, but because she wants to embrace her natural urges to enjoy the physical and emotional high that results when a new lover, or old friend, fills her womb with his seed. The special bond that results from open sharing is immune to the corrosion caused by acts of infidelity and dishonesty that inevitably result from imperfect human beings trying, and failing, to suppress natural sexual and reproductive desires.

Published by cuckoldclub
10 years ago
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zebra925 9 months ago
Agree totally
funall 2 years ago
to Plonk123 : I've seen that but she wasn't looking at me
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Janus595 2 years ago
very positive point of view This is very much I think it shoud be.. Is it possible ? Weigth of society...
pete1233333 2 years ago
to Plonk123 : mmmmm
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Plonk123 2 years ago
The best image is your wife with a big, beautiful cock in her mouth 👄looking deep into your eyes  👀 and with cum running down her chin into her cleavage. 
mountaindawg01 2 years ago
That might be the most beautiful image inside the home. The most beautiful image outside is the B&W couple and their baby dining out, or at a fair or in a park etc. Plus the husband. The BNWO isn't to be hidden, it is to be celebrated.
MWMluvsGayMen 5 years ago
I know my wife loves sexual variety and even more loves sharing that with me.
cuckoldclub Publisher 5 years ago
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pete1233333 5 years ago
I love that moment that a ne cock enters my wifes cunt
cuckoldclub Publisher 5 years ago
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Jolly-Barra 5 years ago
I'm in total agreement with everything the enormously erotic sight of seeing on that first occasion your wife take hold of huge thick cock guide it into her waiting wet pussy and watching the shear joy produced by him was for us just pure magic . We're now exclusively black only 
dg85 5 years ago
cuckoldclub Publisher 5 years ago
to saulhakim : Indeed
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it is a beautiful sight.. made even hotter by her husband watching as the young stud enjoys his wife
west123 7 years ago
So very true, from the outset of our relationship we practised openness and honesty with each other, we are still fairly new to this but enjoying every moment so far,
Thank you for sharing xxx
zzyzyy 8 years ago
Beautiful. :smile:
VirginSturgeon 8 years ago
Uninhibited sexuality is a wonderful ideal, and you have described it beautifully! 21st century medical and communication technology allow sexual inhibitions to drop away for large numbers of people... This is healthy and bodes well for the future, I think...
aleberm 8 years ago
to ziilike666 : NAMASTE BROTHER! Namaste! Praise the cunt!
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ziilike666 8 years ago
her natural desire to create life??? What is SEX? Synergistic Energy eXchange... To appreciate another person 101% Sex is not only for reproduction, it is a possibility, but its not the purpose... Throw away all the old Dogmas... that man touching women means wanting to reproduce... Love is connection between same wave lengths, same vibes. SEX is appreciation of that connection. Way of synchronizing your everything. Feel your vibe, feel your partners vibe... and Love yourself and each other. NAMASTE!
william2015AND 8 years ago
iamawatcher 8 years ago
I'm just that sort of girl.
Osten22 8 years ago
I would love to fuck a happily married wife
Cuckofspades 9 years ago
Complete agreement!
Erghost 9 years ago
Very beautifully said, I completely agree!
bb49 9 years ago
Then men too should be able to openly seek other women for intimate relationships in front of the wife,imagine this scenario but the wife whispering into the husband's ear,her smelling the sexual fumes ignited by lusts fire,watching as her husband sinks his erection deep into his new,or older lovers well lubricated pussy, lubrication he was able to work up from the level of excitement they shared,if his partner felt comfortable with his wife present that is,perhaps she does but insists she watch
focussystems 9 years ago
Totally agree... well said
agrred. wife deserves to be to see my wife happy
userofhotwives 10 years ago
very well said
cuckoldclub Publisher 10 years ago
to brother2ian : Agreed. That was contributed by one of our members during a conversation about the lifestyle.

I also thought it was perfectly stated.
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brother2ian 10 years ago
Eloquently stated! I love my wife before and even more so, after.