So we have tried a few different things that we have shared on here. She enjoys flashing and likes to "accidentally" flash unsuspecting guys. We need some ideas of what you want to see. Remember we are going for "accidental" so it has to be subtle.
10 years ago
You could always substitute the iPad or phone for a CD-R, thumb drive or even envelope full of pictures labeled "PRIVATE" if you can think up a valid scenario to have your buddy find them while thinking they have the time and opportunity to look: "Hey buddy, thanks for helping us out and feeding our dog, It would be great if you could let him out in the yard for a little bit. I think there's a tennis ball SOMEWHERE in the TOP DRAWER by the phone. It looks like I should actually be back in about 20 minutes if you just want to hang around til then."
The reason I love the Home Depot videos and the types of "set-ups" I described is because you and your wife (possibly the real perverts here) preserve your innocence and the strangers or unsuspecting 3rd party members become the ones with questionable morals by snooping and betraying your trust. I even though about setting up our nanny this way- I was going to leave the house to "run an errand" and call her as soon as I was gone to ask if sh could sew a button on one of my dress shirts that I needed ASAP. I'd tell her that my wife keeps a sewing kit in her top dresser drawer. Of course the sewing kit would be at the back of the drawer, behind the open envelope with pictures of my wife and I fucking spilling out. I wanted to know if she would ignore them, gasp in shock and disgust, or best yet - take pics of them with her phone or even more. Of course I lost my nerve and ultimately decided NOT to shit where I eat. Love you guys!!!
You also might want to consider experimenting with other types of revealing clothing. Shorts can oftentimes be much better than skirts. I'm not talking about skimpy shorts where the cheeks hang out, but rather the sort of shorts which are long enough not to look particularly slutty but which open up much too widely upon sitting, kneeling, or squatting. Unlike with skirts, a girl can wear these sorts of shorts and sit with her legs spread wide open without looking like she's looking for attention. Another good item of clothing to consider is jeans with "accidental" holes in them. A woman can show off quite a lot in ripped pants without even having to try very hard. Ripped leggings might be something to try as well.
As for new ways to reveal your body, I would recommend trying something with a lot of shelves, where people on the side of the shelves have the luxury of staring without worrying about being seen by you. Bookstores and libraries work well for this. And if you enjoy squatting in front of people, then you might also want to try flea markets and garage sales. These settings allow for lots of sitting and squatting to look through boxes of items while simultaneously giving you a good excuse to focus all of your attention on those items and let your legs spread nonchalantly for the vendor.
When a man believes he will not get caught you will see how close of a look he may take
accidental see through leggings
even just walking around with her cheeks hanging out is sexy.
just a few ideas