Getting Back In Shape With a Chinese Teenager...
As a former college and semi-pro athlete I was in excellent shape in my twenties. Now on the edge of 40 I weigh about the same as I did in my playing days but the weight distribution is a bit different. Anyway I'm no stranger to the gym but decided on some goals and decided to get back into a muscle/fitness regime.
So I've been in the local chain gym early mornings every day this week and I noticed a very cute Asian girl around and every time I looked up I could catch her eyes. Pretty college looking girl 5-5, maybe 100-110 lbs, sporty tits, long hair, compact, but nice little Asian butt. I'm not a shy guy so by chance I ended up close to where she was working out so I gave her a casual "good morning". Went to the incline bench and sat down to lift. It's right in front of a big mirror. Just happened to have a raging hard on in my boxer briefs at the time and as I sat down it made a nice outline against my shorts...
Now the young Asian girl is close like 6 feet away and looking in the mirror. I see her look at me in the mirror then stop and start twirling her hair around... Hmm she's interested I think, but I also think hey, she's like half my age and weight. If I fucked her she might die LOL. Anyway I smile at her in the mirror and she catches herself and quickly turns away.
I'm thinking cool OK whatever a young Asian chick might be interested, little ego boost yes. Should I try and fuck? Devil says yes, angel says why not? LOL..
So it happens that we get to the door when we are leaving the place and I say hello and gave her some complement on the focus and intensity of her workout. I asked her if she goes to school around here and she said she goes to the big local school (not going to give the name). Learned that she's a bio major (perfect right) going to be a doctor, cool. Told her what I do and she just came right out and said that she's never been with a Black guy before. I was stunned for a sec because it was totally out of context but I recovered composure and asked her if that was something I could help her with? The whole time doing this chicy twirling hair thing... She explained she was really into "older" guys so I asked well how old do you think I am? She said 27, 28? I made maybe too big a laugh and said thank you...
Did not tell her my age right then but she said she was 19 and had a 20 year old boyfriend, Chinese like her. OK, so she has a young boyfriend but into older guys... She said straight out that she would like to "hook-up" sometime so I said what about today? She laughed, hair twirly thingy again, and said "really!?" I said yea, today, now you free? She said she was staying at a rented house with some other college students and no one was home during the day, do you want to come over? I agreed, she gave me the address and I said I'll see you in an hour...
I get myself squared away and over to her place which was easy to find. Knock on the door and she lets me in. It's a big nice house and her little "apartment" is downstairs. Cute setup and private which is nice. Big bedroom and a nice queen size bed. I sit down on the couch and and we talk a bit about various things she's wearing short shorts so I boldly put my hand on her inner thigh and she eagerly opens her legs inviting me in. I can feel the heat off her pussy as we kiss and my hands find her panties. She shaved, nice, she's wet, very nice...
Motion to the bed and we are taking off clothes for the main event. I get her naked then start to take my clothes off. Before I can get my shirt off she is trying to stuff my cock in her mouth. The thickness is a bit of a challenge so she goes after my balls and gives one of the wettest ball lickings I've ever had-lovely.
After she's enjoyed my balls she lays back on the bed motioning me to get started fucking her. Would have liked to lick her pussy but that's fine, next time. I go to get the XLs and she tells me I can fuck her without the condom as long as I don't cum in her pussy. I thought about it for a sec and then she told me she has never fucked anyone but her boyfriend. I was thinking WTF!? This chick was telling me she was all into older guys I thought for sure that meant fucking them. Anyway the small head took over and I decided to fuck her bare. Pussy, very small, but very wet so I knew to take it easy. She's panting and flushed as I started to slide in... Gently moved the head in and she arches her back like a scene from the Exorcist...
Going in very slowly now, feeling her tightness. She's saying, fuck!...big!...fuck! Got all the way in her (took about 2 minutes) and then pulled back the first stroke and back in gently. Back arches again and panting like she's in labor. I come down closer to her and she just grabs me and starts wild deep kissing action. Licking and biting my ears she tells me to fuck her, please! So I do as requested cause I'm a gentleman and slowly work up the pace. The screams from this chick are epic. Pumping her is missionary she's wheezing like an asthmatic, grabbing on to me for dear life. Suddenly my cock gets popped out and she squirts! Not huge amount but a nice shot. Legs shaking she says what happened!? I said you squirted hun. Oh SHIT! She says, legs still shaking trembling, can we keep fucking? I said sure, of course.
So back to missionary and her sexy wheezing. I flip her over on her side and give some strokes and bam! Squirts again, legs just flopping out of control. I'm enjoying it but also trying not to laugh. She can't speak, looks like she's going to choke but wants the dick in her. So I keep rocking her from the side and pussy juice is flying. Flip her all the way over to doggy and she seems to gather herself a bit. She says "do whatever you want but don't cum in my pussy OK". I tell her it's OK, I'm not going to cum in her, she then says "I love you OK". I don't miss a stroke but in my head I'm like "shit! what have I done now? this chick says she loves me after 15 minutes of fucking?
Not to be one to let something like that get in the way of my fun I kept on fucking her. Eventually we got a towel to keep the bed from getting too soaked. I came once on her butt which she seemed to like and once in her mouth which she desperately tried to suck out of me. In total we fucked for about an hour and a half which is all I thought she could take but she was super wet and cumming hard until the end. She has decent muscle tone for a slim Asian girl (workouts work)and pussy was super tight. It took a lot of intense control to avoid cumming in her. I almost did once. If I could have cum in her it would have been a lot more times for me but that's fine you get what you can.
So after she stops shaking and convulsing on the bed. Took about 20 minutes... She asked me how old I am for some reason. I told her 39 and she hit me in the shoulder with her fist and said "don't lie!" I calmly said yes I'm really 39. She said she would never have fucked a 39 y/o guy and laughed. I said "that's cool, so you don't want to fuck me again?" She said OMG! I love you I want to fuck you every day! No real reaction from me... That was the best fuck ever, I can still feel you on my spot OMG, OMG, OMG! Again, I'm screaming in my head "what did I just do!?"
I try to play it cool, honestly not super into her other than that she is a hot Asian chick. I actually find young girls a bit boring but OK, I fucked her, she loved it now what? Yes, I'd like to fuck her again, but this may get out of hand quickly...
She then starts to go on about her boyfriend and how she thought she was enjoying sex blah blah blah... In my head I'm thinking weather I want to leave or pin her ass down and fuck some more because my cock is pointed straight up to the ceiling.. Instead asked her if she wanted to take a shower and she said yes. We jumped in the shower started washing up. She's got long legs for an Asian girl so her ass is in the perfect height when standing. She bent over slightly and I put my hand on her waist and positioned my cock. She lets out an "oh shit" in a soft whimper as my cock slides in. Still nice and wet inside so easy to fuck. I did not want to take to long but it was so nice. She tells me again "don't cum in my pussy OK baby", right then she cums squirts a bit an pops me out. Legs shaking I grab her and hold her up, she's in my arms in the shower...and she's crying... Oh boy. I asked her if she was OK, she says yes, she just never felt so good before. I said I understand, I'm glad I could make you feel good. We finished up in the shower got out toweled off and I'm getting dressed and thinking about how to get out of this but at the same time she's fucking hot so I want to do her again.
Anyway we get to talking on my way out and I tell her that it's cool you have a boyfriend, but if you want to get together sometime that's cool. She says she's probably going to marry the guy because he's a good Chinese boy nobody can know she's fucked a 39 y/o Black guy... My spirits start to rise a bit... She asks if I'll be at the gym tomorrow I say yes, and I'll check you out then. She says OK and comes in to kiss me. Delicious kiss goodbye and she whispers in my ear "next time I'll let you put that big cock in my ass... My eyes go a bit big and I looked at her smiled and walked out to my car... Oh yea, I'm coming back here!
So I've been in the local chain gym early mornings every day this week and I noticed a very cute Asian girl around and every time I looked up I could catch her eyes. Pretty college looking girl 5-5, maybe 100-110 lbs, sporty tits, long hair, compact, but nice little Asian butt. I'm not a shy guy so by chance I ended up close to where she was working out so I gave her a casual "good morning". Went to the incline bench and sat down to lift. It's right in front of a big mirror. Just happened to have a raging hard on in my boxer briefs at the time and as I sat down it made a nice outline against my shorts...
Now the young Asian girl is close like 6 feet away and looking in the mirror. I see her look at me in the mirror then stop and start twirling her hair around... Hmm she's interested I think, but I also think hey, she's like half my age and weight. If I fucked her she might die LOL. Anyway I smile at her in the mirror and she catches herself and quickly turns away.
I'm thinking cool OK whatever a young Asian chick might be interested, little ego boost yes. Should I try and fuck? Devil says yes, angel says why not? LOL..
So it happens that we get to the door when we are leaving the place and I say hello and gave her some complement on the focus and intensity of her workout. I asked her if she goes to school around here and she said she goes to the big local school (not going to give the name). Learned that she's a bio major (perfect right) going to be a doctor, cool. Told her what I do and she just came right out and said that she's never been with a Black guy before. I was stunned for a sec because it was totally out of context but I recovered composure and asked her if that was something I could help her with? The whole time doing this chicy twirling hair thing... She explained she was really into "older" guys so I asked well how old do you think I am? She said 27, 28? I made maybe too big a laugh and said thank you...
Did not tell her my age right then but she said she was 19 and had a 20 year old boyfriend, Chinese like her. OK, so she has a young boyfriend but into older guys... She said straight out that she would like to "hook-up" sometime so I said what about today? She laughed, hair twirly thingy again, and said "really!?" I said yea, today, now you free? She said she was staying at a rented house with some other college students and no one was home during the day, do you want to come over? I agreed, she gave me the address and I said I'll see you in an hour...
I get myself squared away and over to her place which was easy to find. Knock on the door and she lets me in. It's a big nice house and her little "apartment" is downstairs. Cute setup and private which is nice. Big bedroom and a nice queen size bed. I sit down on the couch and and we talk a bit about various things she's wearing short shorts so I boldly put my hand on her inner thigh and she eagerly opens her legs inviting me in. I can feel the heat off her pussy as we kiss and my hands find her panties. She shaved, nice, she's wet, very nice...
Motion to the bed and we are taking off clothes for the main event. I get her naked then start to take my clothes off. Before I can get my shirt off she is trying to stuff my cock in her mouth. The thickness is a bit of a challenge so she goes after my balls and gives one of the wettest ball lickings I've ever had-lovely.
After she's enjoyed my balls she lays back on the bed motioning me to get started fucking her. Would have liked to lick her pussy but that's fine, next time. I go to get the XLs and she tells me I can fuck her without the condom as long as I don't cum in her pussy. I thought about it for a sec and then she told me she has never fucked anyone but her boyfriend. I was thinking WTF!? This chick was telling me she was all into older guys I thought for sure that meant fucking them. Anyway the small head took over and I decided to fuck her bare. Pussy, very small, but very wet so I knew to take it easy. She's panting and flushed as I started to slide in... Gently moved the head in and she arches her back like a scene from the Exorcist...
Going in very slowly now, feeling her tightness. She's saying, fuck!...big!...fuck! Got all the way in her (took about 2 minutes) and then pulled back the first stroke and back in gently. Back arches again and panting like she's in labor. I come down closer to her and she just grabs me and starts wild deep kissing action. Licking and biting my ears she tells me to fuck her, please! So I do as requested cause I'm a gentleman and slowly work up the pace. The screams from this chick are epic. Pumping her is missionary she's wheezing like an asthmatic, grabbing on to me for dear life. Suddenly my cock gets popped out and she squirts! Not huge amount but a nice shot. Legs shaking she says what happened!? I said you squirted hun. Oh SHIT! She says, legs still shaking trembling, can we keep fucking? I said sure, of course.
So back to missionary and her sexy wheezing. I flip her over on her side and give some strokes and bam! Squirts again, legs just flopping out of control. I'm enjoying it but also trying not to laugh. She can't speak, looks like she's going to choke but wants the dick in her. So I keep rocking her from the side and pussy juice is flying. Flip her all the way over to doggy and she seems to gather herself a bit. She says "do whatever you want but don't cum in my pussy OK". I tell her it's OK, I'm not going to cum in her, she then says "I love you OK". I don't miss a stroke but in my head I'm like "shit! what have I done now? this chick says she loves me after 15 minutes of fucking?
Not to be one to let something like that get in the way of my fun I kept on fucking her. Eventually we got a towel to keep the bed from getting too soaked. I came once on her butt which she seemed to like and once in her mouth which she desperately tried to suck out of me. In total we fucked for about an hour and a half which is all I thought she could take but she was super wet and cumming hard until the end. She has decent muscle tone for a slim Asian girl (workouts work)and pussy was super tight. It took a lot of intense control to avoid cumming in her. I almost did once. If I could have cum in her it would have been a lot more times for me but that's fine you get what you can.
So after she stops shaking and convulsing on the bed. Took about 20 minutes... She asked me how old I am for some reason. I told her 39 and she hit me in the shoulder with her fist and said "don't lie!" I calmly said yes I'm really 39. She said she would never have fucked a 39 y/o guy and laughed. I said "that's cool, so you don't want to fuck me again?" She said OMG! I love you I want to fuck you every day! No real reaction from me... That was the best fuck ever, I can still feel you on my spot OMG, OMG, OMG! Again, I'm screaming in my head "what did I just do!?"
I try to play it cool, honestly not super into her other than that she is a hot Asian chick. I actually find young girls a bit boring but OK, I fucked her, she loved it now what? Yes, I'd like to fuck her again, but this may get out of hand quickly...
She then starts to go on about her boyfriend and how she thought she was enjoying sex blah blah blah... In my head I'm thinking weather I want to leave or pin her ass down and fuck some more because my cock is pointed straight up to the ceiling.. Instead asked her if she wanted to take a shower and she said yes. We jumped in the shower started washing up. She's got long legs for an Asian girl so her ass is in the perfect height when standing. She bent over slightly and I put my hand on her waist and positioned my cock. She lets out an "oh shit" in a soft whimper as my cock slides in. Still nice and wet inside so easy to fuck. I did not want to take to long but it was so nice. She tells me again "don't cum in my pussy OK baby", right then she cums squirts a bit an pops me out. Legs shaking I grab her and hold her up, she's in my arms in the shower...and she's crying... Oh boy. I asked her if she was OK, she says yes, she just never felt so good before. I said I understand, I'm glad I could make you feel good. We finished up in the shower got out toweled off and I'm getting dressed and thinking about how to get out of this but at the same time she's fucking hot so I want to do her again.
Anyway we get to talking on my way out and I tell her that it's cool you have a boyfriend, but if you want to get together sometime that's cool. She says she's probably going to marry the guy because he's a good Chinese boy nobody can know she's fucked a 39 y/o Black guy... My spirits start to rise a bit... She asks if I'll be at the gym tomorrow I say yes, and I'll check you out then. She says OK and comes in to kiss me. Delicious kiss goodbye and she whispers in my ear "next time I'll let you put that big cock in my ass... My eyes go a bit big and I looked at her smiled and walked out to my car... Oh yea, I'm coming back here!
10 years ago
I used to fuck a younger Chinese girl that had a BF. I need to write that story one day...
Great one. Thanks.
i cant imagine how she moaned