The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton - Chapter On

The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton

Chapter One

Annapajamas was giving her boyfriend a great, enthusiastic, happy handjob out in the Nevada desert. They were in a convertible with the top down and watching the shooting stars in the night sky, out away from the city lights of Las Vegas. Everything was quiet except for her boyfriend's moans and groans and the sounds of her hands stroking up and down on his turgid cock. She'd brought along massage lotion and her hands and his dick were both slathered in it. She stroked up and down... Up and down... The slopping sounds were making his member even harder. He was getting close!


He was squirming, trying to hold back his orgasm as long as possible. Anna's handjobs were epic, and it never took her long to make a man nut his nut. ...Closer! ...CLOSER!

Out of the the quiet came a faint humming sound. Low and oh-so gradually getting louder. Stomach churning low, it was. And it was getting louder by the second. Boyfriend felt the vibration more than he heard it, and he thought she was sucking him and giving him a hummer. Thinking that made him let go! When a man decides it's time to cum there's nothing he can do about it but relax and enjoy the ride! He could feel his balls tightening! The hammer was cocking and the release was about to fall!

The hum above was getting louder and louder until it was the only thing in either of their heads. The stars blacked out above them, and a terribly harsh light bathed them! Suddenly Annapajamas was jerked up and out of her seat. Her hand, still grasping her lover's dick, slid up and away from him, leaving him to erupt just as she let go! He cummed into the cold air as he watched in his dazed orgasm as she shot up and disappeared into the black hole above!

Anna, not knowing what was happening to her, had her eyes tightly shut. The humming stopped and she was gently dropped just a fraction of an inch onto something solid. She opened her eyes cautiously, one eye at a time. The light lowered to a tolerable level. The throbbing in her head quickly subsided, and she could now see she was inside a circular room, sitting ungracefully on the floor. She could see no seam under her where a door or a hatch should be. Indeed, she could see no door or window or any break at all in the wall, floor or ceiling. The entire ceiling was glowing pleasantly. Anna suddenly realized she was undressed from the waist down! She was just getting ready to mount her boyfriend's lap when she was whisked away.

She didn't have time to panic, for a hole opened up in one side of the wall and in walked a tall handsome man in a silver jump suit.

“Hello,” the man said, “you must be Annapajamas.” He smiled. He hadn't asked, rather he had made a statement as if he knew already who she was. His voice was a nice pleasant baritone, and Anna was stricken by how sexy it sounded.

“Who are you, and where am I? --Why did you k**nap me?! --Where am I?!!”

She was just getting warmed up with questions when he held up his hand. “Not now, Anna. I know you have a million questions, but I'll just say...”

“Whatdya mean, 'not now'?!?! Where's my boyfriend?! Where's our car?! Where am I?! Why'd you k**nap me?! You're gonna pay for this, buster! Just wait'll my boyfriend gets hold of you!!”

The man smiled again, but remained quite calm. “Your boyfriend is miles away by now, Anna. As soon as we pick up a couple more people we'll go into warp speed and we'll be far, FAR away from him! Anyway, you're naked from the waist down. Here's a jumpsuit for you to put on. I'll be back to get you in a bit. Then I'll answer all the questions you have, then.” He turned and walked up to the wall. “Oh, by the way, My name is Dale Ardor. This is my space ship, The Dimensional Wing” He smiled again and turned back to the wall. A hole opened and he was gone. The hole closed up into a seamless wall again.

Anna was still livid! She put on the jump suit, anyway, just to cover up before she saw that handsome –but infuriating-- man again. ...Dale Ardor was a woman, wasn't she? Flesh Gorton's girlfriend? And the ship was the Venus Wing, wasn't it? Anna, indeed, had MANY questions!

As she donned the jumpsuit she began seeing things that she hadn't seen before! There WAS a seam in the wall. A faint one, but a seam nonetheless. And the floor she was standing on had a seam in it, too! She scooted away from the seam in case it opened up again and dropped her! To where, she could only imagine! The wall (there still was only one wall, a circular one) was a light beige; she hadn't noticed that before. It wrapped around her, maybe twenty feet across. She walked up to the seam and was taken back when it magically opened for her as she approached! She peered out. No one was around, but there were other seams all along a corridor in each direction and on both sides of the hall. She stepped through the hole and looked both ways. Which way to go? The hall looked to be twenty feet long in each direction. She turned right and went to the first seam, which was about five feet away. She stopped and looked again. There were three other seams further down on the same side. She walked another five feet and stopped at the next one. She looked further and there were still three more seams! She went to the next one and stopped. This was the third one she'd stopped at, and there were three more seams in that same direction! This was mathematically impossible. She started running forward, counting each seam. Each time she passed one, three more appeared, and she was still ten feet away from the end of the hall! She looked back and she could see several seams that she'd run past! What IS this, she thought! She stopped at one and a hole opened. She entered.

She was in a girl's room. It was decorated in French Provencal with a dressing table and plush seat, a reclining sofa and several fancy chairs. There were warm pictures of beautiful women and even a heavy blue velour set of d****s with white shears covering …what? So far Anna hadn't seen any windows (port holes?) on this ship. She looked through and saw blue sky. Clouds were rushing by. She was still on Earth!

She heard a female moan in an adjoining room. There was a door, and she quietly opened it a crack. There was a huge canopied bed in the next room, and in the middle of it, under the covers, were two forms. “If you're going to eat me, do it right!” a female's voice said. There was giggling. Two sets of giggles.

Suddenly one of them threw back the covers and Anna saw who it was. It was Kellykins! And she was holding a buxom redhead's head between her own legs.

“Kellykins!” Anna exclaimed, “What are YOU doing here?!”

“Anna? Annapajama?! What are YOU doing here?!?” Kelly jerked suddenly as if she'd just been caught with her hands in the cookie jar. --Well, she had, actually! In a manner of speaking!

“I was k**napped! I was out in the...” Anna started to explain when the beautiful Russian girl with big titties popped her head out from under the covers.

“ANNA!” The girl squealed. She raised her arms in a come-let-me-hug-you gesture. Anna came. Anna had the hots for this beauty. The girl didn't have to tell her twice! Kelly threw her arms around Anna, too. They had a great big triple boobies hug, and that was a wonderful thing because two of them had naked boobies. Anna wished she hadn't put the jumpsuit on, now.

After they all kissed and hugged some more, Anna asked Kelly, “You haven't told me how come you're here. Were you k**napped, too? Were you both k**napped?”

“Yes. We were laying out on the beach, getting some sun. You know, neither of us gets much where we live. We both live way up north, and when the sun shines we gotta take advantage. We were both in my backyard trying to get an all-over tan when all of a sudden the sky went dark and we looked up and this harsh light shone down on us, and first thing you know we were laying on the floor, I guess in the same round room you were in. It's just down the hall from here, right?”

“Yeah,” Anna said. Suddenly she jumped up and headed toward the crack in the wall.

“Where are you going?” asked Kelly.

“Out,” was all Anna said as she sailed through the opening hole.

As soon as Anna got into the hall she looked around. She finally noticed that each crack in the wall had a small notation in English. She looked back at the crack that she'd just left, and it said, “Kellykins2u!” “That IS convenient!” she thought. Trying not to look over to the wall at the end of the hall, 'cause that made her dizzy as she moved past each appearing crack, she walked along reading each of the little notations: wet052389... George178... teenslutlover... Volfy... Annapajamas...

Annapajamas?! Anna walked right up to that one. She wanted to see her room! Cabin? Anyway, she almost smashed her nose trying to get in. The crack wouldn't open! She turned and walked right across the hall and looked at that gash. “Hell with it!” she thought. She didn't even read what it said; she just walked right in.

She'd entered the bridge! There were three people standing in the center of the room looking at a screen. They had their backs to her and hadn't even noticed her yet. All three had on the same silvery jump suits like the one she was given in the transporter room. There was an older man with wild white hair, a curvaceous girl and... DALE ARDOR!

Anna made a lunge for Dale, and as she did she growled! They all turned, saw her coming, and all three grabbed her before she could hit Dale.

“Why did you k**nap me?! Why are you k**napping all these people?! Where are we?! Where are you taking us?!” Anna demanded.

“Ah, Ms Pajamas.” soothed the man with the white hair. I am Dr. Jerkov. Flexi Jerkov, but you may call me Flexi. It is I who k**napped you, my dear. I'm sorry for having to do that, but once I tell you why, maybe you will forgive me.” They let Anna loose and she relaxed as soon as she heard the doctor speak.

“You see, Anna, the great grandson of Emperor Wang, the infamous Wing has followed in his great grandfather's dastardly footsteps and created another Sex Ray, which he intends to focus on the Earth very soon. --But this sex ray is even more horrific than the one with which Wang inflicted us! THIS sex ray, Anna, is one that not only makes those it touches mad for sex, but it transforms the individual into his or her OPPOSITE sex! It turns men into women and women into men!” He paused to let this revelation sink in.

Anna didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say! Dr Jerkov continued: “We found out about this terrible plot when Flesh and Dale got blasted by the ray! --By the way, Anna, Flesh Gorton. The girl briefly nodded her head. Annapajamas, Dale Ardon. The man nodded his!

Anna was flabbergasted! She realized now that she had been met in the transporter room by a woman who just looked like a man! No wonder he hadn't seemed fazed by Anna's nakedness. Men usually showed a reaction of some kind when they saw a woman with her pussy exposed.

“I feel a little faint,” Anna said.

Maybe you should lie down, then, Anna,” Jerkov said. “Your cabin has been prepared for you just across the hall. Flesh, why don't you show Anna to her room?” The woman moved to Anna's side and held her arm supportingly as she escorted Anna out the crack in the wall and across the hall. The crack opened this time and they walked in.

Anna found herself in a big pleasantly furnished room (How did they do that, she thought). As if reading her thoughts, Flesh explained in a soft, sweet feminine voice: “This ship is built in a different way than most ships you may be familiar with. The exterior is huge, but the interior is even more huge. The inside is best explained by comparing it to a 3-dimensional Mobius strip. It folds back on itself and makes it possible to cram many times as much stuff into it than you'd think possible. --Think of it as living in a zip file!” Flesh chuckled to herself (himself!) as if he had just made a joke. “I'm sorry, Anna, but I'm still getting used to being in a female's body!

“I can see why it'd be very confusing,” Anna offered. You look just like a woman, but you talk like a man. I”m not sure I know how to take you, you know?”

“Tell me about it! I'm so confused, myself! I still have the urges of a male, but instead of getting an erection when I look at you, I'm getting wet! I'm not sure I know what to do!”

“Well, at the moment you're not going to do anything!” Anna retorted. She sat down. Flesh sat down next to her.

“...OK, how long have you all been this way? I assume Dale and Flexi both were hit by the ray, too?”

“They both were, but for some reason, Dr. Jerkov is immune. He's trying to figure out why.”

“Have you and Dale made love since then?”

“NO! I have a thing about touching a man's cock! EWEEEU!”

Anna chuckled. She couldn't help it. Then she thought about it a minute and she began to feel for both Flesh AND Dale. “So how does Dale feel about it?” she asked.

“Dale has had a headache since we were both changed. We couldn't fuck even if we wanted to!” At that, Anna laughed. She thought all this was hilarious!

MEANWHILE... On the bridge, Dale was starting to get horny and the only one around was Flexi Jerkov! How do men fuck, she thought. She thought, fleetingly, if the good doctor would like a male to suck him off. She would, if he would let her. She'd also like him to eat her pussy... if she had one! Dale was starting to get an erection!

“Why do you think my name is 'Flexi', Dale?” Jerkov asked with a sly smile. They both glanced at the crack in the wall, and then hurriedly began unzipping their jump suits! It didn't take them long before they were both naked on the floor with their heads between each others knees, sucking each other off!

BACK IN ANNA'S CABIN... Anna was starting to get interested in this masculine-talking but feminine sounding, VERY sexy female. “Would you like me to brush your hair?” she offered.

“That would be very nice of you,” Flesh said. She turned her back to Anna, offering her her long very luxurious locks. Flesh's hair smelled so fresh and clean, with just a hint of strawberries. Anna inhaled deeply. She began brushing the girl's hair.

After a hypnotic while, Flesh offered, “ You know, the closet and armoire are filled with all kinds of clothes. Not just these jump suits...”

“Oh? You mean I have girl's clothes to wear?”

“Oh, yes! All kinds! There are sports clothes and office outfits and evening wear. Things for any and every occasion! All with shoes and bags and accessories, of course. Your closet, like that of all the other ladies on board, will fold into itself, but when you open it, it becomes the largest closet you've ever seen! Here! Let me show you!” She jumped up and opened a door –a REAL door, with a knob and everything! Even a keyhole!

And there.... there on the other side of that door was truly the biggest closet Anna had ever seen in her life! It stretched on for as far as Anna could see! Things were arranged in types of clothes, and in each type things were arranged in colors, from one end of the spectrum to the other! Between each type was a shoe rack and a shelf for handbags on one side and on the other side were drawers to the ceiling for jewelry and scarves and belts of all kinds! Next to that group of drawers was another group labeled 'Underwear'!

MEANWHILE IN KELLYKINS' CABIN, Kelly was about to have a mind-blowing orgasm from the way the red-headed Russian girl was ministering to her needs. God, but that girl could eat pussy, and Kelly's was absolutely drooling with pleasure! The Russian girl was having a hard time lapping it all up, so she closed her sensuous mouth over Kelly's entire pussy and began sucking and licking her folds, swallowing as fast as she could! Kellykins flooded the girl's mouth with her appreciation! Kelly's toes curled as she squirted her nectar into the girl's throat!

THE DIMENSIONAL WING was cruising along on auto-pilot just above the waves of the Atlantic Ocean, heading east toward the Cliffs of Dover.

Published by George178
10 years ago
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daveguy_1969 10 years ago
Great story!! For im a flash gordon fan andvu really made it sexy!!! I look forward to reading all of them and coming with each chapter!!!
George178 Publisher 10 years ago
to goose6920 : She is very special, isn't she? :smile:

I tried pulling up your profile to give you a "Thank you!" but I see you are private. Well, thank you here! And a wish for a great week to you!
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luckymike 10 years ago
Wow! Quite a story. Sounds like the first chapter of a mini series. We need to acquire funding and put together a film crew and cast this thing. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who would watch this show. I have seen much less interesting programs on some of these cable networks. George178 that is brilliant writing! Can hardly wait for the next chapter.
goose6920 10 years ago
Very nice. I love annapajamas