I think one time I answered an ad for a bi-guy, I rang him and went to his home . I didn't care what he looked like, as it happened he was a lot older than me. he had the vcr running with gay porno and was slowly jerking himself.I sat next to him and took his dick in my hand and then started to suck his dick. I was pretty new to it and didn't really comprehend when he kept saying, "if you keep that up, you will get a mouth full" When he shot in my mouth, I simply tasted it, then swallowed. He said to me, "the bathroom is that way" pointing his finger to a doorway, and I asked him why? He said " to rinse your mouth to get rid of the taste" I said, "too late, I like the taste," and I did, I was married at the time, no comparison really. I really liked the whole experience.
to veryhotforu :I have been married to the same gal since 1981 [the same one I have been having sex with since 1977] and she is a great gal, but she has recently lost her ability to orgasm anymore and sex is now without any foreplay for her and me. And being on this site you see a lot of the male parts too and most folks on here are 'somewhere on the spectrum'. So when you cum across someone interested in you and it's another fella, DO what I did and just let it happen! You might find that you end up getting some of that MoJo back in your lifestyle!
Agreed! Once I am relaxed and in an environment where I can 'be me', being the soft feminine babe is so hot for me. Older men are all I've been with and if you're over 6', 200lbs then baby I want you on top of me doing what you like. And I'm still without swallowing, and more so where can I find him, or them? lol...
When I was in my early teens a few of my friends and a cousin if we didn't have any girls around, we'd suck and fuck each other silly. My cousin and me still go at when ever comes back to visit.
Who knows how many men who are getting married at the altar had previous sexual encounters with other men or had been propostioned by other men or had been seduced by other men when they were teenagers? While the newly married couple stand at the altar making their marriage vows, the guests have no idea of the husband's secret sexual past!
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