“Porn is Evil & Degrades Women"

"Porn utterly destroys my self-esteem, and I hate it and I hate that all men watch it."
WE DON’T CARE. All we hardcore porn addicts care about is CUMMING to nasty gorgeous porn whores (who make ordinary, average females like you obsolete), draining our sacks until we’re satisfied, then doing it again and again and ... WE DON'T CARE who it hurts or exploits or damages or destroys or depresses as long WE GET OFF. That's the ONLY thing that matters. We are degenerate porn ADDICTS and OUR FIX is the ONLY thing that counts. Your feelings are completely irrelevent. GOT IT bitches?!?

“Porn takes young, innocent women, destroys their ability to love and trust and ruins everyone involved from begining to end.
WE DON’T CARE. All we hardcore porn addicts care about is cumming to nasty gorgeous porn whores (who make ordinary, average females like you obsolete), draining our sacks until we’re satisfied, then doing it again and again and ... WE DON'T CARE who it hurts or exploits or damages or destroys or depresses as long WE GET OFF. That's the ONLY thing that matters. We are degenerate porn ADDICTS and OUR FIX is the ONLY thing that counts. Your feelings are completely irrelevent. GOT IT bitches?!?

“Where I used to feel gorgeous and attractive, I now feel disgusting, worthless. My boyfriend literally chose photos of perfect naked girls over me every single day.”
WE DON’T CARE. All we hardcore porn addicts care about is cumming to nasty gorgeous porn whores (who make ordinary, average females like you obsolete), draining our sacks until we’re satisfied, then doing it again and again and ... WE DON'T CARE who it hurts or exploits or damages or destroys or depresses as long WE GET OFF. That's the ONLY thing that matters. We are degenerate porn ADDICTS and OUR FIX is the ONLY thing that counts. Your feelings are completely irrelevent. GOT IT bitches?!?

“I have self-esteem issues and I always hated the idea of my bf watching porn. Finding porn on his computer hurt me deeply.”
WE DON’T CARE. All we hardcore porn addicts care about is cumming to nasty gorgeous porn whores (who make ordinary, average females like you obsolete), draining our sacks until we’re satisfied, then doing it again and again and ... WE DON'T CARE who it hurts or exploits or damages or destroys or depresses as long WE GET OFF. That's the ONLY thing that matters. We are degenerate porn ADDICTS and OUR FIX is the ONLY thing that counts. Your feelings are completely irrelevent.GOT IT bitches?!?

“It almost destroyed me and it is destroying many millions of people across the globe. Don’t be part of this evil.”
WE DON’T CARE. All we hardcore porn addicts care about is cumming to nasty gorgeous porn whores (who make ordinary, average females like you obsolete), draining our sacks until we’re satisfied, then doing it again and again and ... WE DON'T CARE who it hurts or exploits or damages or destroys or depresses as long WE GET OFF. That's the ONLY thing that matters. We are degenerate porn ADDICTS and OUR FIX is the ONLY thing that counts. Your feelings are completely irrelevent. GOT IT bitches?!?

10 years ago
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snorkie1979 9 years ago
The women do it for the money or the sex and it some cases both,they don't have to do it.To those women who are piise or upset of spouse looking at porn if they were doing it better they may not look at as much porn.
They don't think of the millions of women who love porn and get on sites like this to show what they have and ehat they can do.So I agree shut the fuck up and suck a cock.
LOL! Fuck yes, dude! Tell it like it is! Fuck these weak bitches! If other women putting their bodies and sexual skills on display makes them feel so terrible, THEY are the ones with the problem, not us!!! And besides, if they were more attentive to our base sexual needs like they SHOULD be, we might not turn to porn so much! (Actually, that's not entirely true. I'd still watch porn, but I might at that point be more inclined to watch less, or often when I do watch it, I'd watch it with her.) Fuck these bitches. Worthless weak bitches.
Young_Outlaw_3 10 years ago
sexistpigpornadict Publisher 10 years ago
to nasti_fun_pervert : Btw, I think my new depraved story will make your filthy whore's cunt gush .....

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sexistpigpornadict Publisher 10 years ago
to nasti_fun_pervert : You'll have to tell me sometime how you turned the tables on your formerly domineering husband and made him your bitch.:smile:
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nasti_fun_pervert 10 years ago
to sexistpigpornadict : Couldn't agree more! A whore's cunt, ass and mouth is simply there for the pleasure and abuse of men who know how to destroy them. I fondly remember the abuse, torture and degradation that my now wimpy fucking husband use to put me through. I need the pain and humiliation of serving the cocks, balls and ass holes of multiple sadistic men.
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sexistpigpornadict Publisher 10 years ago
to nasti_fun_pervert : And that makes my sexist pig porn addict cock soooo fuckn hard. Fuck anyone who doesn't LOVE porn with ever fiber of their being, ESPECIALLY average/ordinary/plain/common cunts who wish sooo hard that it would just go away cause they're soo fuckn threatened by it. Listen up bitches, it's NEVER goin away and it will ALWAYS be important to men - YOUR men - than you. MUCH more important LMFAO:smile:
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nasti_fun_pervert 10 years ago
Awesome post. Makes my dirty whore cunt so wet
sexistpigpornadict Publisher 10 years ago
to jackoffxxx : That's your fellow cuntrywoman, humungous-fake-titted Brit Porn Whore Kerry Louise.
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jackoffxxx 10 years ago
great post and just love that first pic.
sexistpigpornadict Publisher 10 years ago
Can't wait for the day.
Average cunts will become obsolete overnight. They'll never get fucked again lol. Spend the rest of their worthless lives in therapy.
Wonder what the current state-of-the-art of virtual porn is? You know?
sexistpigpornadict Publisher 10 years ago
The female gene pool should be purified of any cunt that is not gorgeous. That way, in a few generations, only physically perfect females will be born. What a glorious day that will be.
sexistpigpornadict Publisher 10 years ago
to Paulo324 : Exactly. Monogamy is a female plot to deprive men of their true nature. Ugly bitches who hate porn because it has made obsolete need to just accept it - or fuck off and die. They won't be missed. NOTHING is more important to me than my porn. In the near future, Virtual Whores will completely replaced ugly cunts.
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Paulo324 10 years ago
The fact that porn is such a legit business is so great to me. Porn making will never end as it makes too much money for the government and no man would ever willingly give up their porn watching. These sorry whores just need to get over that fact.
facefuck_that_whore 10 years ago
great post
sexistpigpornadict Publisher 10 years ago
to bigcocksforcelebs : Thanks brother. Porn: we win, average, ordinary cunts lose. Fuck them. Who care? We have an endless supply of gorgeous porn whores. They have their tears. LOVE IT!:smile:
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bigcocksforcelebs 10 years ago
awesome !..love it