The status of Purrfect Deepthroat

I'm a tell it like it is type of girl and I've always been open about my life in all aspects. The word I've had used to describe me the most by people I meet is "real". No matter what community I am in I hear I'm real and that attracts all kinds of people to me. So as always I'm going to keep it real.

Humblestud, my former Master, and I broke up 8 months ago. I know it's shocking because I'm still in shock, but it's true. He and I loved each other and still do but we just aren't right for each other. However, we still try to remain friends.

In the process of that break up I had to move into a friend's house and put all my three bedroom townhome full of furniture into a storage unit. I'm currently sitting in a small room in my friend naughtynakita mobile home with all my girly things and my kitty cat. She is an amazing friend and allowed me to rent her 2nd bedroom until I can save enough money to find a place of my own.

I am currently so far in debt right now due to many things. One of which is that I am disabled and trying to live off of a low fixed income that makes it almost impossible to find housing. I either make to much for food assistance or not enough to rent an apt because you need to make 3x the rent amount. That's absurd, but I guess I understand they have to protect their assets.

So here I am single, poor, and still always horny. I've been trying to date, but that's hard as you can imagine. I get a lot of attention and that creates jealousy and insecurity. I'm getting recognized at clubs and on dating sites now and it boggles my mind that I have had over 5 million views worldwide. I never expected my porn to be so popular, but I am extremely thankful. I am so grateful for all your support and the love you've sent my way. I can't tell you how much you've helped me over the last 3 years. I've had major bouts of depression, but still kept smiling because I knew how much you depended on me to give you my all.

I've had a couple business opportunities, but I always said I would never go mainstream because I don't want to be fake. I want you to see me raw, primal, and as unedited as possible. I'm real and I want you to see real porn. Most of the men in the videos were volunteers and some became good friends. I will continue to make videos as much as I can, but it's not as easy as it looks. I had to leave me webcam and lights behind in the move and I lost don't really have a place to make videos unless it's at someone's house or a hotel room. The preparation takes time and paperwork is involved. I'll stop there before I bore you to death. Porn takes a lot of effort and it's something I love to do, so the faster I can get of this rut the faster you get more porn.

I've always been so self sufficient and have never been in this predicament before. I've never needed to ask for help, but it's about time I change my life and start over, so anything you can do to help, PLEASE HELP! is parked at the moment until I pay the renewal fee.

You can go to my store and buy some videos or you can click on the tribute button to donate $.

The money is sent directly to me at the end of the month. Any donation is helpful and I will put it to good use.

I'm ready to start building my life again and just be me without a man holding me back. I will find love again, but I'm not going to settle for just anyone. This man is going to amazing and love for me for me and not try to change me. I'm okay being single if I can't find him. Besides I have my fans to show me love and I'm still smiling despite my current situation.

A trying time is not the time to stop trying!

10 years ago
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Bellylvr 3 years ago
to Bellylvr : RIP sweet lady.........
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Bellylvr 3 years ago
to Bellylvr : Posted by her friend NaughtyNakita
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Bellylvr 3 years ago
I'm looking to get into the world of adult film, amateur of course.My very good friend,Purrfect_DT helped me make my first two videos. Unfortunately, Purrfect passed away in my arms last on Sept 22 2015. She had a heart issue and it just caught up with her. She is deeply missed. I know some of you knew her, and this is why she's no longer around.
masturbeertje 10 years ago
Sorry to hear that!
Malliephatsacs 10 years ago
U know ya biggest fan got ya back mama
jahbonz 10 years ago so sorry...I tried to PM you for the last month...
im so sorry about the break up...but me and you were on the same
boat...I just broke up with my gf after 9 yrs I didn't like
what ive become and my ex wasn't helping...only thing ill say
is just move forward...better things will come to you
Redneckjohn82 10 years ago
Hang your head high , you are a strong woman , eventually you will get things all figured out and situated in a life you want to live . Best of luck with your business opportunity a , I'm sure your friends and fans will help you through this .
hidden72 10 years ago
ola! I hope you will better soon... In french we say: "After the rain come the sun", I hope the sun will come back soon for you. Peacefull sister. The Président.
luv2plzr 10 years ago
My prayers are with u Purrfect :wink: Wish u was in Houston. I would love to have you as my lady :wink:
PurrfectDeepThroat Publisher 10 years ago
Thanks for the support sweetie.
bigpickle73 10 years ago
sorry to hear and my prayers are with you