The best comments to my Collections


Tonight's dilemma offers you multiple choices.

Your personality assessment appears after you have chosen the most appropriate answer for you!

The situation:

You and your girlfriend are going out to a spiffy party. Anyone who is anyone will be there! Free bar and lots of beautiful women to see and admire and be admired in return for you are both lusted after and there will be temptations - not that either of you ever give in but it's nice to feel wanted.

Your girlfriend insisted on choosing your clothes and lingerie and the sheer black seamed stockings you loves to see you wearing. And she has, again, deliberately forgotten your panties!

She also dresses you, taking great care to delicately touch you in every appropriate erotic place (accidentally of course - yeah, right!) which has set your pussy on fire. And when she put your stockings on, you nearly fainted in ecstasy - which is what she intended. She knows you love her doing that to you!

The final temptation is the gentle little kiss on the lips - you can't help closing your eyes as she does so - with the merest hint of the tip of her tongue on your lips as she nuzzles your neck and places her hands on your hips to keep you aware of her presence as she breathes gently on you and leaves a radoactive kiss on your exposed skin.

Your pussy is not just on fire - it's getting really moist because she's making it obvious she doesn't want to go out and you know you have just had the most obvious demonstration that she WANTS you! NOW!

She turns and starts to leave the bedroom and your eyes follow her cute little butt as she sashays away from you in that undulating motion that gets you every time. Your pussy is now really, really wet and your head is spinning.

Then she applies the coup de grâce by looking over her shoulder directly into your eyes and blowing you a little kiss - and then she is gone.

You go weak at the knees because you know she is completely naked under her dress. All it would take is to unzip it and...

You need to gather your thoughts. You reapply your lip gloss and put on the diamond pendant she bought you. Then you spray her favorite perfume - the one that always drives her crazy - on your neck and wrists and in between your breasts. Your cleavage is, to say the least, impressive. Well, she chose the dress and like hers, it just needs to slip off your shoulders and you would be naked too.

You slip on your killer heels and check your seams - they're perfect.

And as you enter the living room, this is the sight you are presented with!

With the words 'I've dropped my contact lens...'

She doesn't wear contact lenses!

Do you:

1. Ignore her and go to the party on your own and the hell with the consequences?
2. Say 'Time to go!'?
3. Slap her ass and say 'Come on, time to go!'?
4. Not slap her ass because she likes that too much but say 'Come on, time to go!'?
5. Say 'Where did you lose it' and help her look?
6. Run your hand all the way up her leg very slowly and let it rest on her butt and then stop and softly say 'It's not here'?
7. Run your hand all the way up her leg very slowly and let it rest on her pussy and then stop and very softly say 'It's not here'?
8. Run your hand all the way up her leg very slowly and put your finger gently inside her pussy and then stop and very softly say 'I wonder if it's in here'?
9. Help her to stand, take of her dress and start to chew her nipples and put your fingers inside her pussy and then put your tongue down her throat and give her what she really wants - YOU! and an orgasm?
10. Bury your tongue in her pussy and give her the biggest orgasm she's ever had?
11. Bury your tongue in her pussy and give her the biggest orgasm she's ever had and then make her do the same to you?
12. Bury your tongue in her pussy and give her the biggest orgasm she's ever had and then make her do the same to you and then go to the party?


Choices 1 - 3 tells you that you don't know how to treat a lady and you don't deserve her. She will leave you and why not?

Choice 4 tells you that you are a secret sadist but she's probably a secret masochist so you're ideally suited.

Choice 5 - Well, you need help. I mean really!

Choices 6 - 8 tell you that you really a tease and a torment but so is she so you're ideally suited

Choice 9 & 10 - great choices but you should have some fun too!

Choice 11 - See what I'm talking about?

Choice 12 - You girls really know how to have fun! You both get your orgasms before the party. You get to go to the party and everyone(!) will know what you've been up to (exhibitionists too!) and be really envious of one or both of you and you'll be so turned on by going that there are sure to be several more (multiple) orgasms before the night is over.

So, now you know the results, wouldn't you just go for number 12?

I bet you did anyway...

written by zorrokundra©


If I wear this to the party you know what will happen don't you?

You want me to wear it but you don't want anyone to see me do you?

I can't go without my heels so my pussy will show and my nipples will go harder than they are now because the girls will be staring at me and you know how wet that makes me!

And if I wear my stockings, well, I'll really be turned on and I'll start to gush. I always do, you know I do!

And you'll get jealous, won't you?

I go almost naked and you get jealous. Don't get me wrong, I love you being jealous because I know you want me but if you want me to wear it, then there's a price to pay...

You'll have to watch them drooling over me with imaginary balloons over their heads with "Evil Thoughts" written in them. And you will have to wait until everyone has gone home before you can get your hands on me and do all the naughty things to me that you know I love. And you will be ferocious in bed because you will be so frustrated, won't you?

Yes, you will, I know you will!

And I love it when you can't get enough of me. God, your hands are everywhere and my nipples could cut glass after you've tweaked them and when you lap my pussy and you put your tongue inside and then kiss me...oh my God, just the thought of it!

You're wet now aren't you?

Should we have a pre-party party? Just you and me? Hmmm?

And should I wear stockings?

I thought you'd say yes...

written by zorrokundra©


o ik verlang wel
weer eens naar
een paar warme
billen in me handen
me hoofd begraven
in de schoot van
een robuuste schone
de warmte voelen van
haar mooie zachte
o ik verlang
wel weer eens
naar een aai over me
een hete kus
verlang nog meer
naar een hete dame
met wie ik tussen
de lakens kan duiken
in haar nek ruiken
haar zoete geur
urenlang beminnen
buiten zinnen raken
o ik verlang zo naar
echte liefde

written by Davyflirt©


Do you know, my love, how roses became red?...

...No, is this one of your little stories?

This was one of their favorite games, telling each other about things they knew were strange or incredible or sometimes, like now, part of legend. They smiled, as they always did, because neither of them tired of listening to tales of things wonderful - and sometimes lurid or scandalous or very often erotic. Smiles meant "tell me."

Legends about the rose turning red are many but it is said that Venus, or Aphrodite if you prefer Greek...

...Oh, I love Greek food. Stuffed vine leaves! Yummy!

A playful slap on her butt and 'you are such a torment!' followed by 'but I love you' prevented any further interruptions. As did a contrite '...sorry, I'll make it up to you later.'

You will, you will...

The smile returned, as it always did.

So Aphrodite (a pause for effect) the goddess of love, who always carried a white rose, caught her foot on a briar and her blood stained the petals red and that is why we have the flowers you love so much...

...Thank you Aphrodite for creating these beautiful roses and thank you again for this one. Now I know, I shall keep it for ever.

Do I get a kiss?...



...Hmmmm, it depends where you want it

Oh, I have a choice?...

...Always! But perhaps tonight, as it's so special -

Special? Tonight? Have I forgotten something?...

...No, silly, it's special because it is. You're here. I'm here. That makes it special.

...I love you so much!

I know and guess what?...

...You love me too?

Come here and let me show you just how much...

Will you talk dirty to me?...

...What do you want me to say?

Let's start with 'Come and sit on my face'...

...I thought you'd never ask. Come and sit on my face and let me tweak your nipples!

Oh God, don't be gentle!...

...Your wish is my command. C'mere!

written by zorrokundra©


'I love your dress!' were the first words she said to me, 'where did you get it, if you don't mind me asking? It's really beautiful! Is it Givenchy?'

I gazed in wonder at the vision who stood before me and for the first time in my life, as my mom would have said, I could not speak. I quickly sipped some of my wine to cover my nervousness as she waited and then, smiling - what else could I do? - I said 'Thank you. You're very kind, but no it’s not from a major fashion house. It's by a new, but little known designer (me!) and I know her very well and I’m sure she would be able to talk to you about a design of your choosing – if you’d like?’ (Oh please, please, please say yes.) I took a longer sip to see what happened next.

To my surprise and everlasting pleasure, she said, 'It's absolutely gorgeous! Could you give me her name and number? Please?' Unlike a lot of the other people in the room, she was so genuine and 'normal' unlike the other fashionistas and hangers-on and pretentious snobs who had lots of money (unlike me) but in lots of ways, no taste or style.

I was just about to speak when I felt the gentle touch of her hand on my forearm and even through the material, electricity passed between us but I doubt she felt it.

But I did! Oh God, she's so lovely!

She was two or three inches taller than me with short, crazy (but enchanting) platinum blonde hair, an elfin nose, green, almond eyes - with green eye shadow with a hint of purple - that drew me in instantly and such kissable lips with a topcoat of shimmering gloss with a little gold sparkle. She wore heels so high she must have needed to stand on a footstool to put them on. I’d be willing to help with that, I thought to myself, so long as afterwards I could take them and everything else off as well and have my wicked way with her …

Her dress was short - very short! Almost indecent in fact but I loved it! A little later in the evening as she turned away from me I could see the bottom part of her butt cheeks. I almost swooned as I imagined her naked body through the delicate gauzy material that allowed her body to fade in and out of sight as she moved. Her legs seemed to go on forever - when I got as far as looking below her waist - and at that very moment I wished that I could have them wrapped tight around me as she kissed and nuzzled my neck. God, just the thought of it was making me so very, very, very moist. I had to have this incredible woman! I just had to! But how, other than saying ‘would you like to do whatever you want to me?’

I mentioned it took a while to look at her legs. The reason? Well, her dress had a deep and very revealing cleavage. It was slit to the waist and her bronzed boobs were on display and within such easy reach. (Gulp!)

All I had to do was just let my hand slide inside and I’d be able to fondle her boobs and tweak her nipples and then she would…Stop it! Concentrate!

Her sensuous, deep, husky voice brought me back to the real world as she said,

‘I think you and I are the same dress size, aren’t we?... (Oh yeah, this is how!)

‘I wonder?... (If you can have sex with me?)

‘Would it be possible to?... (Have sex with me?)

‘Perhaps?...(Yes, you can have sex with me!)

‘Could I try your dress on?...(Here? Now? Yes? )

‘I’d love to see what it looks like on me. What do you think?’... (The only thing that would look good on you is me!)

God, I didn’t say that out loud did I?

Her expression still looked expectant so I mustn’t have made a ‘faux pas’ but I was so close…

‘Well,’ I smiled, ‘it might be possible but I don’t even know who you are. At least tell me your name.’

(And your preference for who eats who first and when and for how long…)

I hope that didn’t sound as if I was pleading, even if I was…

‘Oh, I am so sorry! It’s just (and here she leaned in close to whisper and her perfume – Dolce and Gabbana? – filled my senses) that you seem such an easy (I am, I am, just say the word!) person to talk to and I feel as if I know you already. (Oh God, you will, you will, please God!)

‘My name is Nina Morgenstern,’ she said, ‘and, tell me, pretty maiden, who are you?’

Morgenstern? It can’t be! Nina Morgenstern? THAT Nina Morgenstern? And ‘pretty maiden’? Me? Oh! My! God! Wow!

Nina Morgenstern, if it was the same person – could it be anyone else? – had her face and name all over the media a couple of years ago after the very public break up of her relationship with her lover who was twice her age.

Her lover is a famous film star but no-one knew she was lesbian until the news hit the media and at first everyone thought her career would nosedive as a result of her coming out, but the opposite happened and her career was boosted into the stratosphere. Basically her publicity agent put a phenomenal spin on the whole thing and the public loved her for being ‘brave’ but Nina suffered the backlash and was cast as the devil incarnate.

I remember reading an article several months later in a sensible magazine that revealed the truth of the matter and put things into perspective but the moment had passed and despite all efforts the public had lost interest, so Nina’s reputation was tarnished still. Unfair in every respect but life can be a bitch, just like her ex-lover!

But that Nina was a fiery redhead and while she used to wear slinky and revealing clothes, they were nothing like what she was wearing tonight. God, I could eat her! Wait, I want to eat her!

‘My name is Lola, I am a showgirl…’ I smiled, and waited.

And she came back with ‘With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there,’ and looked down at her own cleavage and then directly into my eyes. Did I mention her green eyes? Wow!

And we both burst out laughing and said ‘Copacabana!’ because we both got it!

I looked into her smiling eyes and could not and would not spoil this precious moment by asking if she was THAT Nina Morgenstern. Besides, I wanted to seduce her into my bed (or any bed!) and my sixth sense told me to just follow my intuition and let everything take its course.

‘Would you like another drink, Lola?’ she asked.

It was quite late when she came over to talk to me and I was about to leave. I felt really out of place because the friend who got me the invitation had to go and attend to business and I was on my own for most of the evening. Did I mention pretentious people in their own cliques? Now that we’d met I didn’t want to go – at least not without her.

‘If you’re having one, I will. That would be lovely.’

‘Well, there’s another option…’ (You want to have some steamy sex with me?)


‘I know we’ve only just met and you can say ‘no’ of course (Would I?) and we could do it another day but I don’t live very far away (Yippee!) so would you like to have a drink at my place (Yes! Yes! Yes!) and I could, perhaps, if you don’t mind (No!) try your dress on there. It’s not too late is it? What do you think?’

What do I think? I think I’ll see you naked and you will see me naked because I’m not wearing anything under my dress!

Oh God, I must be telepathic!

Trying to keep my cool, because I was now very wet, I pretended to think it over, for about three seconds, and said, ‘Well, if you’re sure? I can get a taxi later.’ (Please let me stay the night so I can creep into your bed and kiss your nipples and your neck and your earlobes and your nipples and we can eat each other!)

‘Let’s go then!’

All eyes in the room followed us as we made our way to the door. Well, to be truthful, all eyes followed HER as we made our way out and while they were watching her I was watching her butt move under her dress and I got even wetter. I could only imagine the way her boobs must have been bouncing as she walked in those impossibly high heels and how they did not escape still remains a mystery.

Sweet Jesus, is this really happening?

So there I was, outside the entrance to the cathedral, waiting for her to fix her shoe because she struggled in her heels. She was leaning on the wall, bending over a little and I could not take my eyes off her. Her boobs were almost falling out of her dress! Is that a hint of her areola? God she is so sexy! Yes, impossible though it may seem, I got wetter still!

‘Sorry, Lola, I can’t keep up with you!’ she said.

‘I’m sorry, I’m always dashing. I can’t help myself sometimes. (And I want to get you alone!)

‘Tell you what, why don’t you take off your shoes?’

‘Good idea! But you’ll have to help me. I can’t bend over. My dress is too short. Sorry!’

It certainly was and she looked sensational in it but I’m glad she had a little modesty and besides I liked her being sexy but I wanted her to myself. Selfish I know but I was beginning to feel possessive about her and I knew I had to be careful and try and control that. I didn’t want to put her off in any way at all. I wanted her to love me. More than anything!

I managed somehow to stoop low enough to undo her straps and was treated to an incredible view of her naked pussy as my gaze, in stolen glances, followed her legs all the way to the top.

She must have guessed what I was doing because, with a very coquettish smile on her lips, she asked ‘You didn’t see anything you shouldn’t have did you?’ as she helped me up.

I decide to test my ground and, smiling equally coquettishly, replied, ‘Was I meant to?’

‘Perhaps…’ came the soft, sexy reply. (Yes, it happened again. My panties now issued a flood warning!)

She took my hand and gently gave me a little kiss on my cheek but didn’t move away. Then she gave me a slightly longer kiss on my lips and said ‘Thank you.’


‘Being so lovely.’


‘You are. I know you are. Come on, let’s go to our changing room.’

Puzzled, I said ‘Changing room?’

‘My apartment, silly.’ she giggled.

I pouted but took her hand, and her shoes, and we made our way the hundred yards or so to her place.

Nina Morgenstern is a very rich lady indeed. Her top floor apartment, with a terrific view, is in the swankiest part of town and occupies the complete floor and is, to put it mildly, opulent. Well, if you have the money…

Twenty nine years old and with a trust fund the size of Texas and an unlimited expense account. This I know because the article I read had a lot of detail in it. I am so glad I am not in the limelight but at least I know something about her, including the fact that her father dotes on her and she on him. They are even closer since her mom passed and he has accepted her sexuality – unlike my dad. Mom’s OK but for him, I’m invisible.

‘You have a fabulous apartment, Nina,’ I said after she had shown me around and we were sat next to each other, sipping our wine. Now I know where her bedroom is and I wanted to get her in it!

I knew I was falling in love with her. The moment she spoke to me at the reception, there was that special resetting of my perspective when she became my only focus and I lost interest in anyone else. I knew my life would never be the same again now I had met her. She was and is ‘the one’ and I didn’t want to even contemplate not having her in my life. She seems so lovely and interested in me but how interested? Please God, don’t make my love for her unrequited. I couldn’t stand it!

‘Why, thank you,’ she said graciously, ‘my dad is very generous,’

She paused for a moment and then hesitantly asked me. ‘Do you know the name Morgenstern at all?’

I knew this was potentially a difficult moment but I couldn’t dance round the subject or lie, so I simply said, ‘Yes.’

She looked wistfully into my eyes and said, ‘Then you know who I am. And what happened a couple of years ago.’ It was more of a statement than a question but I knew she needed an answer and not silence. The room seemed to be developing shadows and I didn’t want the mood to become sombre after having such a happy encounter before so I decided to be completely straight with her.

Mentally crossing my fingers I said,‘Nina, as you said, it was some time ago. I really don’t care what happened then. It’s not that I’m not interested because I am but I don’t want to open old wounds. If you want to tell me I will listen and not be judgemental but you don’t have to. Really, you don’t.

‘You’re a lovely person and it’s the ‘you’ who’s here and now I’m interested in. And like. Well, like a lot really. I think you’re funny and clever and completely gorgeous and I’d like to get to know you a lot better. If you’d like to, that is…’ and I placed my hand on her arm as much to reassure her as just to touch her and hope for another kiss and let her know I was interested.

Yes, it was my way of finding out if she was just being friendly or whether there was something more. True, she had flirted with me – I can still taste her kiss - but some girls do that and then walk away knowing they have control over you. I hoped to God it wasn’t that but somehow I believed she had feelings for me.

She put down her glass and took my glass from me and placed it on the table next to her, smiling to herself. She took my hand in both of hers and looking deeply into my eyes and with a twinkle in hers, she said ‘I’d like that. I’d like that a lot. And not just because of the dress.’

She giggled and I did too. We were like a couple of schoolgirls.

Then she turned a little more serious again but still smiling, as if to reassure me, she said, ‘Lola, if we are to be closer there’s something I have to tell you so there’s no misunderstanding between us.’

She didn’t say ‘friends’ - she said ‘closer’! That sounds REALLY good but what was she going to tell me?

‘I really do love your dress, it’s so exotic!’

‘And I really love yours, it’s so non-existent!’

We both burst out laughing and the mood lightened instantly and I knew, I just knew it was going to work out.

‘You noticed then?’ she asked with that gorgeous smile a million miles wide and watching where my eyes were looking. I stared pointedly at her boobs which pointed back at me. Her nipples were so prominent. That was a good sign too because mine were as hard as titanium and I knew why mine were hard (Her!) so if mine were hard and hers were hard, then…

Playing the game, I said ‘Perhaps…’

‘Touché,’ she said, ‘you clever girl. I knew we had the same sense of humor.’

‘Lola, I nearly didn’t go to the reception this evening. My lifelong friend Alicia got me in under a false name so no-one would know I was there. I have had a complete makeover to boost my confidence because it has been at an all-time low. I have hidden away from everyone and everything because even though I did nothing wrong, everyone thinks it was me who was the bitch. I wasn’t and that’s the truth. You’ll see.

‘Tonight was my first time back in the public eye and I chose this dress because people would see it and not me. Well, I know they’d see most of my body too but that was the distraction. I didn’t want people to recognize me so I could see if I could handle things. My hair and makeup are the opposite of the way I looked before. So people would not put two and two together. Do you understand?’

‘Nina, there’s no need to explain, really. When I saw you, I was speechless. I could not believe anyone could look so beautiful. Yes, your dress is outrageous and so very, very sexy but believe me, I saw YOU. You’re gorgeous. And I can’t believe I’m here sitting next to you and you’re holding my hand and that you’ve kissed me. That’s a hint by the way…’

(Take me to bed and kiss me there!)

I could not believe I just said that to her. Dropping a hint?

‘So you’d like another kiss then? Hmmm?’ Again that twinkle in her eye…


She moved closer and her hands released mine and her right hand rested on my shoulder and pulled me into her. Our eyes closed as she, gently at first, kissed my lips and then her tongue parted them and explored further. Mine started to dance with hers as my hand slipped inside her dress and I fondled her breast and squeezed her nipple. She moaned in to my mouth as our kiss deepened and I knew my life was about to become complete.

We came up for air and we smiled breathlessly at each other and our foreheads rested against each other. We didn’t want to lose contact. My hand continued to hold her breast and play with her nipple.

‘I can’t begin to tell you how good that feels,’ she said.

‘I was just thinking the same thing,’ I said and squeezed nipple again and we both giggled.

‘I told you I wasn’t going to go to the reception,’ she said, ‘But I found the courage from somewhere and I arrived a lot later than I planned. And I’m sorry I arrived late because if I’d arrived on time I would have met you sooner. From the moment I saw you I knew I had to talk to you. I do love this dress but it was my excuse to come and talk to you because I think you’re stunning and when I saw you I just knew it was fate. Going to talk to you was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over.’

Did I hear what I just heard?

‘Did you just say you love me?’

‘Yes, but not just that. I have fallen IN love with you. And I want to make love to you. I have just put my life into your hands but I know, somehow, that I can trust you with it. I feel it in my heart and soul.’ She looked expectantly at me.

My heart was singing and about to explode. She loves me! She loves me! Sweet Jesus, she LOVES me!

‘Nina Morgenstern, you are the woman I have been waiting for all my life. I cannot begin to tell you how happy you have just made me. If I were to tell you that I love you it would be an understatement. Whether you wear jeans and a T-shirt or a dress like this, I adore you. Whether you are brunette or blonde or happy or sad I will still adore you.’

‘That sounds like a proposal,’ she said with a million kilowatt smile and a really big twinkle in her eyes.

‘Do you accept?’

‘On one condition.’ Did I mention she played the coquette very well?

‘And that is?’
‘We try dresses on later, unless you want to do it now?...’

‘You are so naughty, Nina!’ I said, trying to sound annoyed but failing.


‘Yes, toi!’

She stood and, taking my hand, helped me to my feet.

‘Turn around,’ she said softly.

I lifted my hair so she could unzip me and I heard the sharp intake of breath as she saw my naked back.

‘See anything you like?’ I asked.

‘Perhaps…’ she giggled.

She kissed me between my shoulder blades and goose bumps ran up and down my back and I shivered in nervous anticipation. She eased my dress off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

‘Oh my God, you’re not wearing anything underneath!’ she cried in delight.

‘Shall I wear something in future?’ I teased her, looking over my shoulder.

‘Only if I can dress you and rip it off afterwards!’

‘And have your wicked way with me?’ I said as I turned around.
She looked longingly at my body from head to toe and back again and said, ‘You are my plaything from now on. And don’t you forget it, you, you…’

‘Plaything?’ I said and bit my lip, with wide eyes.

God, I loved laughing with her and when she kissed my nose I took full advantage of the situation and put my arms around her and pulled her to me. Without our shoes we were the same height and everything that touched was in exactly the right place. Her arms encircled me and our boobs squashed together and I could feel her nipples boring into mine. And mine fought back and it felt wonderful. Our bellybuttons sort of glued themselves together and our pussies, hers naked and mine less so, ground against each other as we cuddled and defined new ways of turning each other on.

Lips on shoulders and necks and hands caressing butts while we clung to each other with neither of us wanting to break the embrace. That kiss lasted for an eternity but we both instinctively knew that things needed to go from the vertical to the horizontal.

Eventually, our lips reluctantly broke free and then our bodies, but we could not let go completely and our hands remained intertwined. We gazed into each other’s eyes and then Nina said the one thing I wanted her to say.

‘Take me to bed.’

There could only be one reply.

‘Yes, Mistress.’

In the morning, after a night like no other, we lay in each other’s arms just touching, a hand here, a kiss there, enjoying the fact that we had spent the night together and made love with tenderness, passion and a great big helping of lust.

There were orgasms deep and deeper and multiple at times and highs which seemed to be impossible to reach even in the imagination. But reach them we did.

Tongues traced lines of desire across arched backs and into warm and succulent places and I felt her legs around me as I had hoped and longed for. At times it was like an out of body experience and she said that she lost her place in time and space such was the intensity of the moment.

Love doesn’t come for everyone but when it does, it is to be treasured and guarded jealously. I will never let Nina think I take her for granted. I tell her I love and adore her every day and I can see her love for me in her eyes when I say it. Nina is extraordinarily beautiful and turns heads always but she has eyes only for me. Other women are of no interest whatsoever – to either of us.

I made a dress for Nina. It’s so risqué she cannot wear it outside – it’s THAT sexy, she would be arrested for public indecency. There’s less of it than the one she wore when we first met and we are in bed about thirty seconds after she comes into the room wearing it. Well, wearing what there is of it…

To tease her, I wear lingerie that shows off my boobs and butt – and shows off my pussy – to perfection. And ‘yes’ she does dress me in it and does rip it off when we get home after I’ve been wearing it for her all day.

To think, if I hadn’t have made that red dress…

Am I glad I did?

What do you think?

written by zorrokundra©


There she is, pretending she hasn't seen me.

My muse.

My siren.

My temptress.

The object of my...





...and love.

She chased me until I caught her and I've never been able to let go.

And she has held me and held on to me when I needed her and poured light into my life, muse that she is. She knows my innermost thoughts before I think them and so tenderly shows me the way I should go if I am lost.

I love her the more for that, if it's possible to love her more than I do.

Tonight is special. It's her birthday and one with a zero and she has self doubts because she thinks she looks older. My darling, your mirror tells lies. You look no different now from the day I first met you.

You have become more beautiful with each passing day and when I wake before you in the morning, as I always do, that is my special time to gaze at you and take in every single pore without you knowing so you're not self conscious because I can't take my eyes off you.

Looking at her makes me drip with desire but we're going out and I'm going to have to wait and the longing will be unbearable! I will be jealous of anyone who talks to her but I cannot let it show. Be nonchalant, I tell myself, act cool and outwardly I can appear so but on the inside my head is a mess.

She can read my thoughts! Does she know?

My lust for her is all consuming and I know she will want a star performance when we come home.

No problem with that sweetie, no problem at all because I have just realized what she's holding in her hand!

I know she's braless because I dressed her and the only other things she is wearing are stockings and a tiny pair of lace panties. Correction! Was wearing panties - that's what she's holding!

Oh sweet Jesus!

How am I going to make it through this evening?

I'm gushing!

My nipples could cut glass!

I want to rip her dress off!

I want to eat her, right here, right now on the floor!

She looks up at me with a little knowing smile on her lips and walks towards me.

The temptress speaks and my knees go weak.

'Do you really feel like going out?' she asks coyly.

Thinks: I want to devour you, of course I don't want to go out!

But I say, knowing this is a test...

'We could stay in but our friends will be waiting at the restaurant and they'll be so disappointed if we cancel. But it's up to you, my love. What would you really like? It is your birthday party after all...'

There's a slight pause and then the stakes are raised.

'I'm feeling quite warm tonight, I've taken my panties off. You don't mind do you?'

Mind? Mind? You are such an angel-faced slut!

My voice is so dry at the thought of her naked under her dress, all I can say is 'No, of course not. I'm not wearing any either...'

'You naughty girl! So we've both got naked pussies! You're such a little temptress. How am I going to last through the evening without putting my hand up your dress?'

Temptress? Me? Well, maybe a little...

'Are we going then?' I ask.

'I'll go and put my heels on! But when we come home, I'm going to eat you alive.'

'On one condition, my darling...'


'What's my favorite number?'

'Let me see. Hmmm. Is it one less than seventy?...'

written by zorrokundra©


I know you want me, I can see it in your eyes. You're sorry you ever let me go, aren't you?

...No, that's not true!

Yes it is, you can't take your eyes off me. You keep licking your lips the way you used to before you started to eat me.

...I didn't!

Oh but you did! Your eyes always gave the game away. They searched every single inch of my body and I loved you doing that!

...Did you? Really?

Why do you think I started to touch you? And kiss you? And let you put your hand on my leg? And then open my legs wide so you could get at my pussy?

...Oh God!

You're getting wet just thinking about it aren't you?

...No, I...

Do you like my dress?

...It's absolutely gorgeous, I mean it's so...


...Oh God, yes!

Should I have worn something underneath do you think?

...No, I think you look perfect. You're stunning!

You're getting wet now aren't you?


Do I look like a slut?

...God, no! You just look so elegant. No-one could ever describe you as slutty!

You did!

...But you are a slut in bed. You said it yourself!

I did it for YOU! I love you!




Why did you leave me?

...I...You're very demanding and I couldn't handle it. There, I've said it and I hate myself for saying it and for not saying it sooner! I love you. I have never stopped loving you but I'm timid and I just couldn't cope and I didn't know what to do!

Please don't cry! Please? I'm sorry, really I am. I was only behaving like that because I thought you wanted me to. I loved making love to you and I wanted so much to please you. God I am so sorry!

...Why did you come here tonight?

Dressed like this?

...No, why did you come?

Because I couldn't stand not knowing a moment longer. I had to find out why you left even if it hurt. At least I'd know. I'll go now. I'm sorry I hurt you...

...Are you hurt?

I feel foolish and it hurts too. And it hurts more because I hurt you.

...Why did you wear that dress?

Protection for my ego for one but mostly because I wanted to tempt you back into my arms, my life and my bed. I have missed you so much and...

...Not another word!



...I am wet. I am tempted and I would like your arms around me and I have a bed...

You mean?

...With two conditions.

Tell me?

...One, let me decide who eats who and when...

OK! And two?

...Be gentle with me from now on.

I promise!

...One other thing...


...Are you wet?

From the moment I saw you...

written by zorrokundra©


I close my eyes and…

imagine and then…

drift away and

sleep and then...

dream and then...

watch her, wanting her and then I…

feel the desire build, turning to…

a passion growing more intense, turning to…

all-consuming lust, turning to…

enduring love and…

pretend to...




kiss deeper...













kiss again…

touch again…

play again and…

at last take…


to that special place that only lovers know and…


more softly but…

more deeply because…

it is not an end but…

a beginning and then…

I wake but…

long to sleep so…

I close my eyes…

written by zorrokundra©


Newsflash just in...

Police have detained a suspect in the balloon smuggling scandal currently engaging the public interest.

When questioned, according to an undisclosed source, the suspect pleaded guilty but had no remorse saying that she would do the same again and posed for this picture to let everyone make up their own mind and asked for balloon smuggling to be legalised for the greater good.

Opinion polls show that everyone wants to support her in every way possible and a petition has been started to let her balloons - and all like them - to be made freely available.

Offers of a helping hand and - in 99% of cases - two helping hands are inundating the lady in question. She offers thanks saying that she wants everyone to feel as uplifted as she does when she releases her balloons.

Smiles and - in most cases - wicked grins are permanently creasing millions of faces.

Readers will be interested to know a public exhibition of balloon smuggling treasures ( like these) is already planned and her identical twin sister will be performing, er...attending, the exhibition.

Tickets sold out in less than three minutes...

written by zorrokundra©


And so to bed but to sleep, never...

Your legs, endless that they are, were parted enough to tempt me the second I walked through the door and I became moist.

For I became juicy the moment you kissed me.

And then you told me you'd been out wearing nothing but a short dress over the top and I started to get really wet. You really know how to turn me on with your talk of the flashes of leg you gave to girls while you were shopping.

And you thought one had seen your pussy as you tried on strappy high heels in the shop because your skirt rode up your legs as you fastened them and your pussy went wet. And then you told me you had done it deliberately and you let her look for as long as she wanted and she had helped you with the straps and touched your legs higher than was necessary but you let her.

And when she asked for your number, your pussy started to get really wet because you knew she wanted you - really wanted you!

And when you told me you had to play with yourself to relieve the frustration I started to gush and my juices became a river.

The touch of your icy cold fingers on my skin as you took off my clothes sent shivers down my back and your lips on my nipples as your fingers found my wetness have sent me almost delirious with longing.

I had to play with myself as you took off your dress and I saw your nakedness in all its glory. That knowing smile as you watched me play. The control you have to make me do what you want because I want to do it is an aphrodisiac in itself.

God, I want you!

I know you tease others and I love you teasing me and them. For me, you are the sexiest woman on the planet and I will give you the orgasms you crave so much - one after another until you cry for mercy to end the rapture.

Please stop, you say, but I know you don't mean it for as soon as take my fingers away you pull them back in or you hold my head so I can only continue to lap your cream and send you over the edge again.

It is our game and we love it - the teaser and the teased.

And now you know I am fully charged with lust and a desire to possess you and to do with you what I want, you turn and leave with that last look over your shoulder as you start to climb the stairway to heaven.

The look tells me everything.

Your pussy is so wet waiting for me and you know mine is ready for you.

You know I love to watch the gentle movement of your hips and the rotation of your butt as you climb each. The sound of the scissoring of your thighs drives me wild as does the click of your heels on the stair. You are so sexy!

God, how I want you!

In a few moments I know I will find you naked on the bed with your legs as far apart as they can be and you will be pinching your nipples but you know I want to see your pussy lips waiting for me.

That first contact as my tongue enters your pussy is just the start of the journey into ecstasy that takes so little time. Such is the power of the torment we have created for each other. Such is the need for release.

But soon you will have your reward my love and I, mine.

To bed, but to sleep my darling teasing angel? Never...

written by zorrokundra©


I'm going to stop doing this for you!

But why Mistress?

Because you like it too much!

No, that's not true - I hate it!

Then why are you smiling my pet? Hmmm? No answer? Cat got your tongue?

I'm smiling Mistress because I know you get pleasure from doing it for me.

Really? That's a lovely answer but I still think you like it, don't you?

Well, a little bit but only a little bit...

And what's that little bit?

When you take off the chopsticks and my nipples tingle...

Nothing else?

Well, I love it when you kiss them.

This gets better - anything else?

And I love it when you put your fingers inside me...

Better still! Is that everything now? Hmmm?

No Mistress, there is just one other thing but you don't do it to me very often...

Oh? and that would be?

When you spank me and then rub cream in afterwards.

Do you like that?

No Mistress, I hate it!

No you don't - you love it!

No really, I don't!

Bend over!Now!

Yes Mistress!

.......Ooooh that hurts so good!

Time for the cream, my pet.......

written by zorrokundra©


I can’t remember how to fasten my garters, can you help me? she says in that little girl’s voice with a cute little pout, looking so forlorn, so lost, so helpless and so unloved.

I immediately soften towards her. Those big blue goo-goo eyes set my heart racing and my lust burning, as they always have.
Yes, I am old enough to be her mother - but only just! I’m forty five and she’s twenty seven but in many ways she’s much more worldly than I am. She plays the little girl part so well and I go weak when she asks for help I know she doesn’t need. She knows instinctively how to tempt me and does so all the time and I love the part she plays to perfection. The heaving of her chest as her breathing quickens in anticipation and the thrusting of her breasts and those nipples poking through her top are too desirable to ignore.

I know. I’ve tried but I can’t. Why do I even pretend I can?

Is she playing games with me? Of course she is but I really don’t care!

She’s never strayed since we met three years ago. I know because we’re always together and we have never had a day, or a night, apart since we became an item. Seeing her at the office for the first time made me so disoriented I couldn’t concentrate. My mouth went dry and I felt as if I was talking gibberish. What a fool I must have made of myself! But she didn’t seem to mind.
Working with her was a dream come true. The sexy intern with a body to die for and a personality which is irresistible and who liked me and let me know it right from the start!

Within a week we were having lunch together and becoming the talk of the office. Perhaps it was the ‘Hands off, she’s mine!’ looks I was giving anyone who tried to get near her? And the first Friday after we met we had dinner, but the thing is it was her who said ‘Aren’t you going to ask me out? I think you should,’ in that little baby pink voice that is impossible to deny and leaves me weak and very horny. Did I ask her? Oh, yeah! Oh sweet Jesus, did I!

That same Friday night we went to bed for what was almost a religious experience. The sex was pure, unadulterated, wanton, tantric, tantalizing and utterly incredible! Perhaps it was because she was indirectly leading me on and allowing me to ‘teach’ her how to satisfy me but she turned my wishes and desires into an art form that left me dizzy, breathless, deliriously happy, longing for more and wanting to make her explode with desire for me.

I believe she let me make all the moves and allowed me to feel in control but the way she responded made me believe she was very experienced but was trying to disguise it. Whoever taught her was a real expert and I am so jealous of that person that I never want to find out who it is. I prefer not to know.
Did I make her explode? Oh God yes! She had, so she said, her first multiple orgasm. It was a joy to behold, believe me! I loved every second of taking her into the stratosphere and helping her to fly so high and then bathing in her afterglow as she descended from the clouds back into my arms and my life from that day on!

The way she lets me see those long legs of hers at every available opportunity and makes sure I know when she’s wearing stockings and sometimes very little else is so distracting and enticing and unbelievably exciting and I know she’s playing with my mind but I don’t care. Her see through tops and low necklines drive me wild with desire. She teases me so much and she’s insatiable in bed! The orgasms she has I know are real – no-one, but no-one, could fake those. They are too intense. She once fainted and reached a kind of divine existence – an otherworldliness that is impossible to explain to anyone who did not witness what happened.

She knows I can’t resist and I want to get back in bed with her about five minutes after we wake up because she is SO sexy. If she gives me that look from over her naked shoulder and just looks at me as if to say ‘do we have to get up?’ I am lost. My pussy starts to throb and go juicy the second she kisses me and God, how I want her to kiss me and then have the inescapable mind-blowing sex that follows.

It doesn’t matter where the kissing starts. My earlobe, my nose, my neck (God I love her kissing my neck, especially when she pretends to be a vampire!) or sometimes just a little kiss on my cheek or a brush of her lips against mine and then that little look from under her eyelids that says ‘Do you want more?’ drives me crazy and that one tiny spark starts a forest fire that burns for hours and hours and when we’re on vacation, for days and days and days. We come back exhausted and everyone one knows why!

Do I care? What do you think? I have her! That’s all that matters.

Does she play me because of my feelings? I can’t be certain but I don’t believe she’s leading me on. It’s just that sometimes it seems too good to be true and I have to keep mentally pinching myself that I’m in the real world …

She knows I love her but does she love me as much as I love her? I know she loves me. I can feel it in my bones! She never misses an opportunity to tell me and show me but will she move on when I get older? Will we still be together when I’m fifty? Or sixty? Or seventy? She will be fifty two then! Please God don’t let her go! What would I do if she left me? Die of a broken heart, simple as that!

I turn her around so I can take in her lovely pink tipped breasts peeping over the top of her corset and I gently squeeze both her nipples to ensure they stay hard – for both of us. I give her a fleeting kiss on her lips and her eyes start to close as she starts to lean in towards me, expecting something much deeper, but I have other ideas.

Our lips part but her eyes remain closed and I know, because her lips are parted in anticipation, that she wants my tongue inside her mouth and she will have that – I want that too! – but there are other delights to be had before we kiss as deeply as we want. I take her hand and lead her to our bed. She comes willingly as I knew she would and no words are needed between us. We know what will happen and we both want it to happen. This is our foreplay and we love every second of teasing each other.

We sit on the edge of the bed and her eyes close again as my hand rests on her leg just above her knee and there is that sharp intake of breath as I start to move along her thigh. Her breathing quickens as my hand moves further up her leg and then in between her thighs as it nears her pussy and we both know what she wants. Then I stop as my fingers find the bare skin above her stocking top and I revel in the feel of her skin under my fingertips. Her breathing becomes even more intense as she waits for me to make my next move and she leans into me, pressing her breasts into me so as there can be no misunderstanding of her intentions.

She wants to seduce me and her legs part enough to allow me to probe further. I gently and slowly caress the naked skin on her inner thigh with my fingertips but hardly move any nearer towards her pussy. I know she is desperate for fulfilment because we have played this game so many times before and we both love it. I feel her hot breath against my neck as she leans further in and I await the soft touch of her lips which drives me crazy with anticipation for I know that once she kisses me I am lost and under her control. But I want that so much! I want to be seduced and my body used for her pleasure in the same way that I want to use hers for mine.

My fingers now move higher and I find the wet patch on her delicate lace panties and she moans as I do so and her lips find my neck and we are adrift now. There is no stopping us.

My finger insinuates itself underneath that thin material covering her and it moves ever nearer to her pussy. Stroking, playing, searching, probing, teasing. Then my finger is inside her and her lips are devouring my neck and her hand is gently but insistently making me turn towards hers. Our lips meet as my second finger starts to work its magic and this time we both moan as our tongues begin to dance with each other. I am lost but she is in my spell as well. It’s always the same. A beautiful mystery that repeats itself and gets better every single time we play.

Take my panties off, she begs, I want you to have all of me. I want you inside me as far as you can go.

You’re near aren’t you, I ask, more of a statement than a question.

Oh God, she cries out, I love this, don’t stop, don’t ever stop.

Don’t! You! Ever! Stop! Deeper! Deeper! Dear God, Deeper!

She’s forgotten about her panties. All she wants is release from the torment of being so close to her orgasm and I know she wants to prolong the agony of her pleasure but can’t really wait. Her mouth draws me in as her tongue encircles mine and her nipples are burning holes in me and her love juice is oozing round my fingers and I love the feeling of power as she squeezes her thighs together as she goes over the edge into the free fall that is her ecstasy.

Her deep seated moan is the opposite of her little baby voice but both are the essence of her and it feels wonderful to give her the pleasure she wants. I don’t know why but it is probably one of the strongest and most intense orgasms she’s ever had and it took no time at all. I wonder why? She’s been horny all day so perhaps she’s just frustrated. Like I am now!

It’s my turn and I bathe in the shower of kisses she starts to bestow upon me and I know I am going to receive something very special from her.

Back to the little girl as she says in between kisses, you were very naughty doing that to me. The ‘very’ comes out as a lisped ‘vewy’ and that really does drive me wild.

I may, she kisses me, have to, kiss, smack your bottom, kiss, for being so ‘vewy’, kiss, naughty. Would you, kiss, like that? Hmmm? Kiss

Yes! I cry out as her lips move down my neck to the valley between my breasts.

I have to move my hand so she can get at me as she unbuttons my dress and when I am completely exposed and the cool air teases my nipples and makes them harder she takes my hand and wipes her juices from my fingers onto my nipples and then licks my fingers clean. Then she kisses my lips and I can taste her strawberry surprise, as she calls it, on her lips and tongue.

Her hand is already making its way along my leg and I have given up all thought of going out as her lips descend to my nipples and she starts to kiss and lick and suck her juices from them. Within seconds her fingers have found my pussy. I have deliberately not worn panties because I know it makes her delirious with desire to find out I was going to go out without them.

Well, two can play at the teasing game!

Best of all is when she finds out after we’ve returned home and she’s not known until then that I’ve not been wearing any. Especially when we’ve been to the office!

You are such a slut! she says playfully, you didn’t tell me you were naked underneath!

Didn’t you know? I ask, tormenting her.

No, I can’t believe you would do such a thing! She says, pretending to be shocked.

My eyelashes flutter uncontrollably as if to say ‘Really?’ and my nipples go harder because now she is really turned on and her fingers are doing incredible things to my pussy and my juices are flowing uncontrollably and then she stops!

No! Don’t! Don’t do this to me! Please!

She takes her fingers out and smiling sweetly at me she stands up and my mind is in turmoil because I think she is going to go!

Please no! Don’t!

And I watch her helplessly as she faces me and smiles that smile and as we know each other so well I can imagine what she’s thinking…

… I know she loves to watch me dress and undress but I am almost naked anyway and it’s a pity I can’t do a striptease for her. So I remove my panties as sensuously as I can and I maintain eye contact with her as I do so. I watch her eyes move down as I smooth my stockings on my legs and pull them up as far as they will go and pretend to fix the buttons as I lean forward waiting for her to fondle my breasts. She follows my every movement and because she is so frustrated she has started to play with herself, which I love.

Her free hand reaches for my breasts and I let her squeeze my nipples and pinch them again and I gasp in pleasure. Those extra years she has on me are a delight because she knows exactly what to do to please me and she has taught me so many different ways of pleasing her – and myself. I love her watching me as I orgasm and I love watching her do the same. It can be such a turn on for us to play with ourselves while we watch each other.

I have no intention of undressing her because I want her to feel the urgency of my passion because I can’t wait to get at her. If she only knew that I am tormenting myself more than her because I WANT her! And I want her now! But I want her to explode like never before and I know she loves to be teased, so if she like being teased then...

…I move away so she cannot reach my breasts and I slowly kneel before her and lean forward so I can lick her delicious moist pussy while she’s playing with herself. Her legs open wider as I use my tongue to go deeper inside her. She is mine now. She knows it and I know it.

I raise my head and slowly, pressing my breasts against her legs and then against her pussy, I move upwards towards her mouth. I lick her tummy and then her breasts and then her neck using only the tip of my tongue so I lose none of her juices from my lips.

I can feel her fingers against my skin moving so urgently in and out of her pussy as I lean into her. I know she is close because her movements are almost frantic.

My tongue has reached its desired destination and I place the tip against her lips and let her suck on it. I know it’s hard for her to do because her breathing is so heavy but she wants everything! My body presses into her. My nipples and breasts are pressing into her nipples and breasts and hers are so hard against me. She is writhing underneath me and her fingers are rubbing against my spot too as they search for relief from the agony of waiting for release from the torment she’s enduring. I’m sure she’s waiting for me to cum too, the darling that she is. I am near my love. Almost there!

Her deep rumbling moan of joy begins to build inside her and it can only be seconds before she cums. I know we are both going to climax together but it has to be perfect and so I move my lips slightly away from hers and she opens her eyes as I do so.

There is a look of despair starting to appear but I smile to let her know everything will be OK and I close my eyes and insert my tongue as far as it can go into her mouth and as she tastes herself on my lips her fingers stop and she wraps her legs around me and pulls me in as our orgasms take control. Her body shudders against me and she screams ‘Oh dear God! Oh Fuu…’ but she runs out of words and her thought processes stop as she loses control of both time and space.

I bathe in the warmth of her embrace and the feeling that I have given her all the love I can in those few fleeting moments of passion that pass all too quickly. My consolation is that I know there will be a next time. I know she never wants to get out of bed in a the morning but I don’t either and if I can keep her with me for just those few extra seconds then it’s worth putting on the baby voice and looking at her to say ‘Don’t you want more? Because I do!’

We stay locked together. Neither of us wants to move. Her breathing slows as does mine and I rest my head on her. She caresses my neck and gives me little kisses on my forehead which I love. I don’t mind where she kisses me so long as she kisses me.

I kiss her cheek and her eyes and her nose because I know she loves that too.

I always tell her that I love her. I do it because I want her to know I do. I don’t believe it’s OK just to think it. If you love someone then you have to tell them. But sometimes it doesn’t feel enough and I got that feeling at that moment. Sometimes a little something special is all that’s needed.

There was just one final thing for me to do.

I raised my head so I can look into her eyes and I said,

I fell in love with you before I met you and I loved you more from the moment I saw you.

I wanted you before I saw you and I’ve wanted you even more since the day we met.

I want you to love me forever because I will love you longer than that.

You have made me into the woman I am by loving me the way I’ve always wanted to be wanted and me playing the little girl is my way of doing for you what you do for me.

You do like me being helpless and taking care of me don’t you?
And she said, smiling into my eyes as our lips met,

More than anything…

written by zorrokundra©


Are you sure you can't see anything through my dress Mistress?

...I love your shoes, my pet, are they new?

Yes, Mistress, I bought them yesterday as you asked because they're taller and you said my legs would look better.

...Indeed they do. I am pleased with you!

Thank you Mistress!


For buying them for me and making me look sexy and making me feel really good!

...You can thank me later in a way I will decide on while you're out shopping.

Yes Mistress! What would you like me to buy?

...I think you should buy that see through dress we saw - the backless one in black and some lace topped stockings and a matching garter belt.

Yes Mistress, I'd like that!

...I know, my pet, I know. You do like to show yourself off don't you?

Yes Mistress, I do! You know I do but I do it for you and only you!

...There's a good little pet! Know your place and my pleasures!

Yes Mistress!

...So, your dress! Yes, you can see through it and it shows off your legs and your butt to perfection. I'm sure a lot of girls will be very happy to see them.

Yes please Mistress. I am so happy! And Mistress?


Will you put my butt plug in before I go out please?

...Mmmm, I like that idea and now I know how you can thank me later!

How Mistress?

...Let's just say you should buy another toy for me while you're out.

A large one?

Oh yes! Definitely yes!

written by zorrokundra©


Some say that I'm shapeless...

...No, you're not - those who say that are blind, or jealous

And that I'm too tall...

...How tall are you?

In my heels, six feet four...

...Then no, you're not

I feel too tall, people stare at me...

...because you're gorgeous, that's why. You're perfect. And besides...


...I love the fact that you are taller than I am and I think you're more than gorgeous.

Keep talking...

...You have a grace and an elegance that only tall girls who are at ease with their height can have. You don't stoop as some do and I can tell you are proud - not in a boasting way - of how tall you are. You are, to me, quite beautiful - exquisitely so

Really? Do you think so? Really?...

...Don't sound so surprised!

But I never think of myself as being that. I think I'm quite ordinary...

...You missed the 'extra'

Extra? Oh, you mean?...

...Yes! You look fabulous! Your legs are so long and slim and you have a perfect figure and I adore the fact that you wear so little and show yourself off and I can't believe I'm saying this but I want to lick your belly button - it looks delicious! Sorry, have I just blown any chance I might have had of you having dinner with me?

Do you really want to lick my belly button? Really?...

...More than anything!

Is there anywhere else you want to lick?...

...There might be

Such as?...

...What are you wearing under your skirt?

Ooooh,you ARE naughty!...

...I know! But I think you are too! You deliberately dressed like that to tease me didn't you? So, tell me

Well, I might have done...


Because I think you're so sexy and I wanted to seduce you and get you into my bed and ravish you and give you the best sex you ever had!...

...So tell me!

Skin and a smile...

...Hmmm, I'd love to see that smile

Just to look? Nothing else?...

...No, once I see your naked pussy

Like this?...

...Oh Jesus, you're so smooth!

And wet...

...I won't be able to stop

I don't want you to stop! But first, it's my turn. I said I want to give you the best sex you've ever had and that's exactly what you're going to get! Take off your dress!...

...Yes, Mistress!

Follow me back inside and lie on the bed with your legs wide open!...

...Yes, Mistress!

I will be less than a minute...

...Where are you going?

To change into my seven inch heels for you and then later you can find out just how erotic my belly button is...

...Yes, Mistress!

written by zorrokundra©


The shape and sound of 'O'... unmistakable.

For you, it's the moment of ecstasy realized, that split second when your body knows no boundaries of time and space.

For your lover it's seeing the unlimited pleasure on your face as your orgasm takes over both your body and your mind because of what her fingertips and lips have done to you and the fact that you wanted her to do everything she did without a word being spoken.

It's the visual expression of your passion and lust being released into the world outside your body because there are no words to say what you feel.

This is the moment you reach your climax as two bodies become one and as fleeting as it is, it is perfect.

Every single time is the same, perfection and your open mouth and closed eyes produce a silent scream and shut out the world because there is but one thing that matters.

It controls you and you love the fact that it does and you want more and more and more.

You arch your back and your body begs for the moment to last forever because it consumes you.

Every part of you is on fire and that feeling cannot be doused, nor should it be.

You know she is waiting for you and she loves what she has done for you and now you must let her make her shape and her silent sound because you love her...

...and because you want her to see the pleasure on your face when she opens her eyes and the shape of 'O' becomes two perfect smiles...

written by zorrokundra©


Who's there? Is that you?

A whisper embraces her ear saying 'perhaps' and then is gone as quickly as it came.

Where are you? I know you're playing games but how?...

'Do I move so quickly?'


A moment passes, then another and then another. Silence.

If you don't behave I'm going to take my hands away!

'No!' the whisper commands 'You must not spoil our little game!'

So you are there! You're meant to be teasing me and if you do, you will receive your reward later. You know how I love to be teased when I can't see what's happening!

'Of course I do, that's why I love teasing you and why you torment me because of how you dress!'

You love me being dressed like this don't you?

A breath of cool air caresses her neck and sends shivers down her spine and makes her nipples go even harder.

Ooooh, you've never done that before. I'm glad I wore this dress now!

'So am I!' the whisper says unexpectedly into her other ear and then the silence returns.

She feels movement around her but it seems far too quick. The room feels alittle colder with the movement of the air and again she shivers in anticipation.

And then she feels a finger circling her left nipple and it engorges to the touch and then another fingers plays with her right nipple and that too goes even harder in response.

You're very naughty doing that!

'But you like it don't you?' the whisper says in a playful voice that is full of mischief.

I love it! I'm getting so juicy.Can I take my hands away now?

'No!' comes the reply, a little too harshly and with the pout that forms on her lips come the words 'Not yet' a little more gently.

You seem very abrupt. Is everything OK?

'Yes, it's just that I want to get you in bed and I'm trying to hurry but don't want to and I don't want to spoil our fun.'

Well, I forgive you then! After all I want to go to bed too and feel your lips in all the naughty and now very moist places.

'Good, that's what I am longing for.' The whisper has moved sides again.

And then the fingers stop and she feels hands touch the sides of her body and they move down oh so very slowly to the hem of her very short dress which just about covers her butt.

You could have warmed your hands! They're freezing!

Only silence as she feels the hem of her dress being lifted and pulled upwards and is slowly pulled over her head until she is naked except for her high heels.

Going along with the game she keeps her eyes closed as her dress is removed and then she puts her hands back over her eyes again.

She moves her feet apart so that her pussy is available for what she knows will come next. The part she loves the best before they go to bed...

...the feel of her lover's tongue on her pussy and the fingers squeezing her nipples as she does so.

She waits knowing that the lapping of her lover's tongue will send her over the edge and she will orgasm, as she always does, with a shuddering climax and the trembling of her legs as she presses her lover's head into her pussy.

The intensity of it makes her ravenous for her lover's body and the lovemaking is wanton because she wants to, and does, drive her lover crazy with desire with what she does with her fingers.

She waits and is just about to oepn her eyes when she hears her lover's voice behind her.

"What are you doing my love? Why have you taken your dress off? God it's freezing in here!"

She opens her eyes and turns around.

There on the bed behind her is her dress, neatly folded as it it's just been laid out ready to wear/

Have you just picked my dress up,she asks.

"No, I've just come into our bedroom. Why? And who were you talking to? I heard your voice as I reached the top of the stairs."

I was talking to you! You and your cold hands!

"No, my love. I've just come upstairs. I forgot the bottle of champagne."

But you were here! You were whispering to me and blew on me and squeezed my nipples and took my dress off. Didn't you?

"No. Really I didn't. It wasn't me. I swear!"

But who? How? Someone was here! In this room with me! Touching me!

Oh sweet Jesus! Who was it?

And the whisperer smiled to herself and not daring to say more, thought to herself 'I think I'll stay and watch. These two gorgeous women will be so scared now they will not be able to keep their hands off each other!

'Did you think ghosts don't have any fun?'

written by zorrokundra©


If you think that time will change your ways, it won't.

You will always bind me because you think you can control me but there is an opposite truth - I am the one in control, not you.

Don't you always kiss me?

Don't you always bite my neck?

Don't you always squeeze my nipples?

Don't you always kiss them better afterwards?

Don't you always play with my pussy lips to make me wet?

Don't you always lick my pussy when I am?

Don't I always have a sensational orgasm when you do?

Don't you always beg me to do the same to you?

Isn't your orgasm so intense because of how I use my fingers and lips on your pussy?

Have I ever tried to stop you binding me?

Don't I always protest only a little to make you wet while you do it?

All the things you do to me you do to me because I want you to!

So, my darling, who do you think is in control?

Are you going to spank my bottom for telling you?

Ooooooh, I might like that...

written by zorrokundra©


Yes, I am a kept woman. So what?

I am treated as no more than a mistress with, in some respects, fear and loathing and dirty looks and the minimum of official respect in public, but behind my back and in private conversations my character is shredded.

‘That bitch’ is what I am politely referred to – I know because I have overheard some conversations I was not supposed to and some that were deliberately intended for my ears.

I am called worse – like a slut and a whore - since I moved in with the love of my life but do I care what they think?

Yes, sometimes I do! People say things that hurt and bruise my heart because they’re just not true. I have done nothing to deserve what they’re calling me. They think I am the reason that things turned out the way they did but I am not. All I did was fall in love at the wrong point in time but you can’t decide when you fall in love can you?

If it wasn’t for my darling caring for me and loving and supporting me the way she does I would have crumbled under the weight of their criticism.

But she does look after me in every way possible and I love this little quote from Sara Teasdale she told me about because it makes me feel better:

“c***d, c***d, love while you may
For life is short as a happy day;
Never fear the thing you feel -
Only by love is life made real…”

The sentiment in the words has given me comfort and when I hear sharp tongues it makes them blunt.

She and I know the truth and that’s all that matters.

There is one word in our relationship which I love but it is, sadly, only used by the two of us. It’s how we know each other and is so well chosen - it's 'inamorata' and I love it because she told me about it and because we are ‘inamorata’ - female lovers.

The beautiful Italian language uses the verb 'innamorare' which means to fall in love and so inamorata is a lover. We have fallen in love and so...

Because of what people believe to be true, many think that I am ‘easy’ and can be persuaded to be theirs and there are ladies who have made it clear that they would like to get me in their beds whenever I tire of her, or before, and with promises of anything and everything I desire.

I know what they want is to prove that I am what they call me but that will never happen. The truth is I have everything I desire and there are no choices to make – I am here with her because I want to be and I love every second of it.

Yes, I love being what I am but simply because she’s in my life and I am in hers. It’s not only that - she IS my life and I know I am hers.

I didn't plan it but I loved the idea when she first suggested it.

She does make other suggestions too and I have had orgasms to prove it - she's so naughty but delicious at the same time!

It all happened so quickly!

I blame gravity! No, that doesn’t sound right – I should thank gravity for pulling me into her orbit and capturing me so that I cannot escape! Not that I want to, you understand…

There I was, the head seamstress in a fashion house – I worked there because I adore clothes of all kinds, especially really sexy ones - quietly minding my own business when the designer walked in one day and told me of a commission that had just been received and that it was so important to the house that he wanted me to stop whatever I was working on and concentrate on it to the exclusion of everything else.

I told him it was impossible! We had so many other items to finish for our existing clients and we would lose business and, more importantly, damage our reputation! He told me to stop being silly because the other items would still be delivered on time but the work would be done by others. He said that I would be working exclusively for the new client because no-one else could compare to my artistry and flair and workmanship. All three?

Well, flattery always works for me!

And then he told me who the new client was and my heart skipped a beat. She was the most glamorous woman in the world and reputed to be one of the richest. I thought to myself that my future would be secure for a long time to come if it worked out. If she kept coming back, then…

Little did I know how true that would be.

And I also didn’t know at the time that the money was hers and not her husband’s. But all will become clear.

A few days later I was introduced to her at the fashion house.

This time my heart skipped a beat but for a totally different reason. She was and is absolutely adorable in every way and in a different and understated way very, very sexy. Some say she is quite ordinary, or plain even, but I don’t think so. To me, she is stunningly attractive and desirable and absolutely gorgeous.

She is tall, slim, elegant, refined, well-educated and knowledgeable with a poise and presence that cannot be denied.

Your eyes are drawn to her, it’s like a spell is being cast!

I don’t know what I expected but she was so easy to talk to and very friendly and considerate and kind and I felt at ease with her from the second I met her.

The pictures of her in magazines and newspapers did her no justice at all! To me she always seemed camera shy and never appeared to be an attention seeker but, oh my God, was she glamorous!

Lots of our rich clients are just bitches who just think so much of themselves and are very rude and can be insufferable but they know we have to be polite and take it. Otherwise they will go elsewhere.

I found out she was at least ten years older than I am but with her flawless makeup and her blonde hair ‘just so’ and the way she carries herself she looks the same age as me. And the more I got to know her during the design sessions and fittings, the more attractive I found her and the more I was drawn towards her. She was engaging and she would listen to what I had to say about how things should be sewn or cut to make the material d**** and fit her properly.

It was as if no-one had really talked to her and treated her as a real person and she took my advice so readily as if she really wanted to learn. That was a first. And I loved it!

In less than a week, she had enchanted me just by her presence and I was starting to love her too! The feelings that were stirring in me were nothing I had ever experienced before.

True, I had had romances but this was different! And sometimes I found her looking at me in a way that conveyed something more.

It was hard to explain but it felt as if she had feelings for me! Me! A nobody.

And then she would smile but look away quickly and I thought that perhaps it was just my imagination running away with me.

After all, she was married to one of the most handsome men in the world. He was every woman’s dream.

I sensed something else too. There was a sadness about her, something indefinable and well-disguised but it was there nevertheless. She seemed to long for the company of a woman – someone to really talk to. God knows she could have had anyone but she really seemed to like me and being in my company and that flattered me.

I knew I had to be careful with what I said and did but I did so enjoy being able to touch her during the fitting sessions and I missed her on the days she could not attend. I loved being able to touch her in intimate little places as part of my job and she didn’t seem to mind at all. It was wonderful, simply wonderful and heady stuff!

It just seemed too much too soon but I didn’t want it to end – ever! But what chance could there possibly be for me? The ‘dream couple’ were nearly always front page news – premieres, fast cars, houses all over the world. How could I – a seamstress – compete with that?

I am a lesbian but I don’t flaunt it. I am not coquettish or a seductress but both men and women find me attractive although I have only had relationships with women. I haven’t had many lovers but I have always found the relationships difficult in the end – there has always been something missing because, as I said, I adore sexy clothes and I do love to wear very revealing clothes.

Not in the fashion house of course because there are people who would see that as a threat so I just stayed in their shadow – it was safer that way.

But in my private life I love to wear dresses with lots of cleavage or short skirts or thin and sometimes see through material that clings to my body. None of my lovers have been able to handle that very well. I can’t help the way I am –exhibitionist is another insult that should be applied to me, perhaps.

I love women because they are so considerate and I love being pampered – it makes me feel lovely and cared for when a woman looks after me. I love being kissed but even a kind word or a compliment makes me feel good. I could tell she was a kind person and I sensed she wanted to know more about me – a little personal question here or a prompt for more information there - but I thought it was just because she was such a lovely genuine person.

After she had been away for nearly a week she came to the fashion house quite unexpectedly to see me. She looked so lovely in a turquoise dress I hadn’t seen before. It complimented her complexion and coloring so well and she looked ‘ravissant’. It was quite late, turned seven, when she arrived and I was the only one there and I knew instinctively she was very upset. My sixth sense told me that something was very, very wrong and I feared the worst. Was she going to cancel the commission?

It would not be the loss of the commission I dreaded, although that would be a disaster, but more not being able to see her again. After all we did not exactly move in the same social circles and I had resigned myself to the fact that at some point she would go and although there would perhaps be other commissions, I would not have her near me anymore.

I realized during the week that she was away that I really had fallen in love with her and the thought of not seeing her, not being able to talk to her and touch her, was driving me crazy. I missed her so much and ached to see her again. Just to hear her voice…

‘Fleur’ she said as she stood before me, ‘there’s no easy way to say this but I have something to tell you and it is not very pleasant but it may be for the best for everyone in the long run.’

Oh please God, no!

‘But I cannot tell you here, someone may walk in on us.’

‘It’s OK, really, there’s no one here and no-one will come back now.’

‘I cannot take the risk. It will probably be common knowledge very soon but I am trying to avoid that. Please, do this for me?’

I would not have refused anyway but hearing her speak with so much emotion, I could not refuse - her plea was so heartfelt, so I agreed.

‘Have you eaten yet?’ she asked.

‘No, I was getting ready to go home and have some supper when you rang the bell.’

‘I think I can do better than that. Will you come to my hotel and we can have something to eat there? Please?’

I had no-one to go home to, so why would I refuse dinner with this gorgeous woman?

‘Of course, if you don’t mind me being dressed like this – in my work clothes?’

‘And why would I mind, Fleur, I see the person although I do like to see pretty, and when the moment is right, sexy and sometimes outrageous dresses - but that’s another story and not for now.

You look quite lovely. In fact you always look lovely. No, that’s not true. Sometimes you look lovely but at other times,’ she paused as if she was choosing her words carefully, ‘you’re astonishingly beautiful.’

As she was saying this, my heart leapt when she said I always looked lovely. Me? Lovely? ME? And then it sank like a stone when she said ‘sometimes’ but then it went to an even higher high when she told me I was beautiful. And she likes sexy dresses! And outrageous dresses too! Oh my God! Oh my God! OH! MY! GOD!

Can I wear something like that for you now? Let me go home and change into the short red one!

I didn’t know what to say. What could I say? She had never passed any comment at all about me before and I was lost for words. My jaw must have dropped without me realizing because she placed her fingers under my chin and smiled as she gently closed my mouth.

She looked at me as if to say ‘…that will never do!’ And then she tilted her head slightly, ever the lady, placed her hand on my shoulder and waited for the proper response, still smiling but more than ever with that trace of sadness as she tried to make light of a situation that, I assumed, was not of her own making.

Of course, I then knew what I should have done and I smiled as I said ‘Thank you, Veronique, you’re very kind.’

‘That’s settled then. Let’s go!’

I called a taxi and it was only when we arrived at the plushest hotel in town that I thought to myself ‘Why is she staying here?’ I was about to find out!

When I say plushest I should have said ‘most opulent’ because the place just oozed class and money and a room for one night must have cost ten times my food bill for a month! I managed to keep my mouth closed but imagine my surprise – and delight – when we arrived in the penthouse suite!

It was fantastic! It had three bedrooms both with en suite bathrooms, a bar in the lounge with a huge dining area and a balcony with a fantastic view over the city. Amazing!

We ordered room service and I managed to eat some of mine but Veronique hardly touched anything.

When the dishes were taken away we sat in the lounge with a bottle of really beautiful wine and I waited for her to talk.

After a few minutes of silence – and I think she was working up the courage to tell me - she said with that nervous little smile again, ‘Fleur, thank you for being patient with me. I know you must be wondering what’s going on.’

I nodded my head and murmured in agreement.

‘The thing is…’ was all she managed to say before bursting into tears.

I threw caution to the wind and I quickly went and sat beside her and held her in my arms to try and comfort her as she sobbed uncontrollably. I held her tightly and waited as she let her emotions take over and I just let her cry. I sensed that I could not stop her tears and that there were no words I could say to help.

Eventually her tears subsided and she went to the bathroom to clean up. She was more composed when she returned and she sat down next to me again.

‘Will you hold me again? Please?’

I didn’t say anything but held her tightly again and she put her head on my shoulder and it felt so good. Of course, the circumstances could have been better but there I was, cuddling this gorgeous woman who I had known for such a short time. And she had asked me to do it!

I knew then that this was something a lot more than a cancelled commission. And I also knew why it was that I had fallen in love with her. She was such a lovely, genuine, down to earth – and very beautiful – woman and someone I wanted to be with and take care of.

‘Last week’, she said, ‘something dreadful happened. No, that’s wrong because two things happened, one dreadful and one I could no longer deny and I must tell you about both. I don’t know what your reaction will be to either. But you must promise me that whatever happens you must never reveal the first but I think you will be happy with the second. At least I hope you do because I sense something in you and I think you sense something in me too. My heart is in my mouth just thinking about it.’

‘Veronique, I know we haven’t known each other very long but I want you to know that you can trust me. Whatever you tell me I will take to the grave. I like you. In fact I like you a lot and I don’t want to risk losing you.’ I just managed to stop myself from saying that I loved her.

Did I just say that I didn’t want to lose her? Oh God, no! What a faux pas!

‘I…I… That came out all wrong. I mean, I don’t want to lose your friendship. Sorry, I…’

‘Fleur, please, it’s OK.Really,’ she said as she took my hand. ‘Just wait,’ she smiled.

She took a deep breath and said ‘This will come as a shock to you, I’m sure, but I have left my husband!’ What?

‘But…’ I replied.

She disentangled herself from me but didn’t move away or let go of my hand.

‘The thing is, my marriage has been one of convenience, a sham. We have, well had, an agreement to behave as a married couple to give him a public persona of respectability as the faithful, caring husband and I would have the same alibi as the faithful, caring wife.

The same alibi?

‘I have kept my side of the bargain and nobody knows of my sexuality although there have been some raised eyebrows here and there but I have enough friends to help cover my tracks. I am a very private person and I try to stay out of the spotlight of publicity, unlike my husband, but I have had one or two very discreet affairs but nothing has been made public.

‘He, on the other hand, is the opposite and it feels sometimes that he has his pants off more than they’re on and last week he was caught with his pants down, literally!

‘Fleur, it was the final straw. I have already filed for divorce but it will cost me a lot of money because he wants me to pay him to keep his mouth shut. He knows his career will be over once the scandal is revealed and he needs to live the good life so he wants a huge settlement to keep him the lap of luxury. ‘

‘But Veronique, why do you have to pay him anything? Isn’t he the one who has been unfaithful? Can’t you just dump him?’

‘No, my sweet, if only that were possible. You see, he’s gay and so am I so it’s not a question of infidelity! I told you it was a marriage of convenience and that’s exactly what it has been. We knew each other for quite some time before we married and we made a pact – it’s complicated why we agreed to do it but it suited both of us at the time.

I trusted him and it worked for a while but he’s quite a predator where men are concerned and he’s indiscreet but it’s always been kept quiet. Now that it doesn’t suit him he is threatening to tell everyone that I am a lesbian and I can’t have that. It could ruin me.’

She just called me ‘my sweet’! She’s just told me she’s a lesbian! She’s filing for divorce!

‘Is this all a bit too much to take in, Fleur? Are you OK with this?’

‘Well, it is hard to take in. I’ve never heard of anything like it. I’m really not sure what to think.’

‘But are you shocked about me being lesbian?’ she asked gently but with a great deal of concern in her voice.

‘No! Of course not! There are all types of love in the world and everyone deserves happiness whenever and wherever they can find it. It’s not always easy and even Shakespeare wrote “The course of true love never did run smooth” and if you love women, so what? Only a fool would try and prevent two people being together or change the mind of someone in love about who they should love. It will not be denied. It chooses you, not the other way round.’

‘It’s lovely to hear you say that and it means a lot to me!’ she said as she squeezed my hand and smiled a little more positively. And then it hit me, she doesn’t know I’m a lesbian!

‘Fleur, even though I have been expecting something like this for some time it’s still come as a shock and dealing with the aftermath is something I cannot do in public. It’s not easy for me being in the public eye. I did it to further his career when I had to and he had so many useful contacts that doors that would ordinarily be closed to a woman he could open, but I hate it!

So there’s something else I have to tell you and I don’t know how to say it and I have something to ask you and I don’t know how to.’

I looked straight into her eyes and said ‘Veronique, I told you that whatever you say will never be repeated. That’s a solemn promise. I want you to know too that I will help you in any way I can and that too is a solemn promise. During the past few weeks I have,’ and here I chose my words very carefully, ‘become very fond of you and I sense you like me too so please just say what you want to say and ask what you need to ask. I won’t run away.’

That smile again as she asked ‘Are you really fond of me?’ I nodded my head to say ‘yes’ – how could I not be?

‘Will you hold me again?’

I moved closer and put my arms round her. This powerful woman seemed so fragile at that moment and she melted into me and I put my hand on her neck and, selfishly because it felt so good, gently pulled her closer so her head was against me and I softly stroked her hair.

‘How’s that?’

‘It feels wonderful being in your arms, you’re so gentle,’ she said.

I could not believe that I was cuddling her and heard what she had just said. It felt so good and my heart was pounding! And she was right, it did feel wonderful. She placed her hand across me and it rested on my thigh and I could feel the electricity course through me. I wanted so much to kiss her. And not just a little kiss on the lips. I wanted to devour her! Could it be? Could it possibly be?

We stayed like that for what seemed like years but eventually she said, ‘I cannot face the public Fleur, really I can’t, and so I have to go away. I’m sorry, really I am. I’ll pay for everything you’ve done and I will come back but it will be a while. I’m sorry.’

My heart sank like a stone and involuntarily my hand must have stopped stroking her hair as I realized what she was saying. With a catch in my voice and close to tears, I managed to say, ‘You must do what you must do. You don’t owe me an explanation. It’s OK, I understand, really.’

She gently pulled herself away from me and looked directly at me and said ‘It’s not OK, is it?’

Trying but failing to hold back the tears, I lowered my head and shook my head to say ‘No’.

‘Fleur, I told you not to worry didn’t I?’ I’m sorry if I upset you. I didn’t mean to, really. I’m not very good with words sometimes and right now I feel very mixed up and I’m not thinking too clearly. I’m sorry.’ She put her fingers under my chin and lifted my head so she could see my face and the tears starting to roll down my cheeks.

She leaned in towards me and kissed the tears away. My heart did somersaults! My tears of sorrow started to turn to joy as she kissed me. Please, please, please let my lips be next!

‘There now,’ she said ‘I had no tissues so I hope you didn’t mind me drying your tears like that?’ Her smile just drew me in and made my insides melt. I knew it was a ruse to kiss me and I loved the fact that she did it.

Mind? A kiss? I want you to rip my clothes off! And I want to rip yours off!

‘Tell me , I know you said you had become fond of me but is that just as a friend, or?...’ she let the question hang in the air as she bit her bottom lip and her eyes widened.

It was now or never because I knew what she was asking and so I took my life in my own hands and, saying nothing, I leaned in and gently at first but then more insistently I kissed her full on the lips and pulled her in towards me.

The kiss was slow, deep, languorous, intense, delicious and for me, incredibly sexy. Her mouth opened and her arms started to encircle me as I felt the tip of her tongue start to probe and I opened my mouth wide to let her do whatever she wanted.

My heart was bursting and I put my tongue in her mouth and pulled her in even closer to me and the kiss grew deeper and deeper and I knew this was for real. It just felt so right and perfect.

Several centuries later we returned to the real world and we laughed and giggled with each other and sat there, holding hands and just looking into each other’s eyes with smiles about a mile wide.

Veronique then said, ‘I hoped that would happen. I dreamed about it. I wanted it so much for it to be like this. Have I seduced you or are you a lesbian too?’

The gentleness of her question told me she was not looking for compliments but she just wanted to be sure of my feelings.

I replied, with a big grin on my face, ‘the answer is “yes” to both questions. I thought that you were perhaps a little more interested in me than meets the eye and I wanted that so much. I have devoured you with my eyes at every available opportunity and I have seen you looking at me but you seemed so unsure and I have had to be so careful in case I misinterpreted what was happening.

But the truth is I wanted to be seduced by you and I want you. I love touching you and holding you and I loved kissing you but I WANT you. I want you to take me to bed, or here on the sofa or on the floor but I want you!’

‘And you shall have me, my sweet, but first I have a very important question for you and I must tell you something I cannot deny. I have feelings for you that have overcome me in the past few weeks. I have been trying to avoid telling you in case I misunderstood and I suppose I had some misguided loyalty towards him.

No, that’s not right. I have no loyalty towards him! I didn’t want to involve you in a messy divorce case just because I told him I loved you. He would have used anything he could against me and you would be his lever to blame me. I didn’t want to hurt you but I did so want to tell you how I feel. Does that make any sense? I’m making such a mess of this, aren’t I?’

‘Wait a second! Did you just say that you love me?’ My heart was in my mouth!

‘Oh God, I didn’t mean it to come out like that! I wanted to tell you properly. I really am making a mess of this, aren’t I? I’m sorry, I’m in love with you and I was trying to protect you and I want you to come away with me and be with me and I want to look after you and love you…Oh God, oh God, oh God, it sounds like I’m making excuses! I…I..I sound so pathetic! ’

She looked so crestfallen and helpless and so very, very desirable!

‘Veronique, we can talk later!’ I said gently and then more urgently, ‘Will you take me to bed? NOW!’

She then got a delicious wicked look in her eye and said ‘On one condition, my sweet!’

And then, just as wickedly, I said ‘Oh? And what might that be?’ and fluttered my eyelashes at her. It felt so naughty to be coquettish with her. I’d never behaved like that before with anyone!

She leaned in towards me and placed her hand on my knee and let it slowly creep up my thigh under my dress. Her eyes never left mine as her hand moved ever closer towards my pussy and my legs parted willingly under her touch to allow her to go wherever she wanted to go. I gasped as her hand now touched my already moist panties and I took a sharp intake of breath as she pulled the thin material to one side and placed a finger inside me. All the time her eyes held mine and then they closed as hers lips softly caressed mine and her tongue made my lips part as her finger probed deeper inside me. My insides were turning to jello and I could not resist. I didn’t want to resist! Her tongue then traced a seductive line down my neck and then up towards my ear where she nibbled my earlobe and then she whispered, ‘I want you to spend the night with me.’

I moaned as her finger worked its magic and became more insistent in its probing but I managed to say, breathlessly, ’In that case, I have a condition…’

In return, she whispered, and I knew she was smiling when she said, ‘Oh? And what might that be?’

‘I want you to undress me. I want you to take all my clothes off but not touch me sexually while you do it. That way I will be so frustrated I will pounce on you when you are naked. But I want to watch you undress for me and I want to play with myself while you do it and that way you will as frustrated as I will be and we can devour each other for hours and hours and hours and hours. What do you say?

She took her finger out of my pussy and moved away slightly. My pussy was on fire and I wanted that finger back inside me. I wanted more of her fingers back inside me! Once again, she looked me directly in the eye and licked her finger while she was doing so. It was erotic watching her slowly lick my love juice from her finger. I could not help but moan as she did it.

‘You like me doing that don’t you?’ she teased.

‘I might. Possibly,’ I feigned indifference, ‘But I’d have to watch you do it again before I was certain…’ I let the words hang in the air to test her reaction.

It worked!

‘I think we should go to bed, then. Right now! Because you might not be sure, my sweet, but I am and I want another taste of that lovely pussy of yours!’

No more words were necessary. She stood and pulled me up towards her. My nipples were so hard and I could see hers poking through her thin dress. I so wanted to kiss and lick them and everywhere else too. She took my hand and led me into the main bedroom. Just a table lamp illuminated the room so there was a soft glow and just enough light to allow us to see each other. It was so romantic and exciting. I hoped this would be just the start of something wonderful. She had not asked me if I loved her but I think she knew that I did but I knew I had to tell her and I wanted to look in her eyes when I told her. I wanted to see her eyes when she told me properly. No-one had ever told me they loved me. I wondered if anyone had told her either.

‘Oh, Veronique, I love you so,’ I said as I touched her cheek with my fingertips.

‘My sweet little Fleur, I know. I knew when you were looking at me that you did and I wanted to tell you then but I couldn’t. But there’s nothing to stop me now.’

She placed her arms around my neck and she looked at my lips so I would know she wanted to kiss and then looking directly into my eyes, as I hoped she would, she said, oh so softly, ‘Fleur, I think you may have guessed but I want you to hear the words that are in my heart. I love you. I love you very, very much.’

Our bodies were already touching but instinctively we pressed harder and our arms wrapped around each other. Our kiss dissolved my tensions and a feeling of warmth and longing for her spread throughout my body. The kiss contained all our emotions and I knew I was about to experience something magical and irresistible.

We giggled again as the kiss ended and we held hands as our eyes searched each other’s faces and found exactly what we were looking for!

‘Turn around for me,’ she whispered and I heard the zip on my dress being unfastened. Her lips kissed my shoulders as she let my dress fall away from my body and I stood there in my bra and panties.

‘Behave yourself,’ I scolded her, ‘You promised nothing sexual.’

‘That was just to let you know I’m still interested, my sweet, and if you thank that was sexual wait until you’re naked…’ This time she let the promise hang in the air. The goose bumps started to appear as she said it and I shivered involuntarily in anticipation.

I felt her fingers go next to the clasp on my bra and that too fell to the floor. Her hands touched my shoulder blades and then moved down my arms. I was finding it hard to resist her and I longed for her to move her hands around the front and put them on my breasts and squeeze my nipples. Then I heard her say, ‘It’s so hard to resist you. I can’t stop touching you. I wondered what you would look like naked but you’re even lovelier than I thought you would be.’

‘You’re just trying to flatter me to get me into bed. I know your type. Once you’ve had your wicked way with me you’ll just cast me aside,’ I laughed.

She turned me round to face her. Her eyes took in my breasts and my flat tummy and my waist and I could tell she desperately wanted to touch me but she knew she couldn’t spoil the moment.

‘You’re right. I do want to get you into bed,’ she smiled, ‘and I will have my wicked way with you and you will not want it to end. But I will never cast you aside, Fleur. You made a promise to me and now that’s my promise to you.’

‘I know,’ I said softly, ‘I know you won’t.’

But then I giggled. ‘But, erm, what’s this about having your wicked way with me and it never ending? Isn’t it about time it started?’

Veronique laughed out loud at that and quickly pulled down my panties and threw them away. All I was wearing were my shoes. I stood there before her and put my hands behind my head so she could see the full weight of my breasts and I made them sway gently from side to side.

‘See anything you like?’ I could not believe I was being so brazen! She had that effect on me. God, I really wanted her!

‘You little hussy! Get on that bed now!

Ever so slowly and still with my hands behind my head I turned away and let my hips sway as I moved the few feet to the bed and then I looked over my shoulder at her as I placed my hands on the bed and let her get the full view of my ass as I crawled slowly into the middle on my knees.

I then moved my hand so that it was between my legs and put one and then two fingers inside my pussy with my ass in the air. I was so wet because I was so turned on showing myself to her. Wait until she sees me in a see through dress with no lingerie I thought! I don’t know who will cum first – her or me!

I could hear the lovely sound of my fingers moving in and out as I started to get really turned on playing with myself in front of her and I knew I had to stop because I didn’t want to orgasm before she touched me again. I wanted her to make me cum!

I carefully lay down on the bed so that I was facing her and her face was a picture! Her eyes filled with lust as I opened my legs wide and then put my fingers in my mouth and licked them clean and then put them back inside my pussy.

‘You like me doing that don’t you?’ I teased.

Instead of the ‘I might’ or ‘Possibly’ that I expected her to say, she said, ‘I love it. You are so, so sexy. I have never seen anything so erotic in my life. You look so wanton and inviting and…’ she paused.


‘Fleur, would you do something for me?’

‘Yes but be quick because I’m very near!’

‘How near?’

‘Very! I can’t help it. I love doing this for you and it turns me on so much!’

‘Can you stop?’ she asked.

‘Are you asking me to?’ I asked as I continued to make slow sensuous movements in and out of my pussy with now three fingers, wanting to torment and tempt and tease her.

‘I want you to stop and I don’t want you to stop. I want to watch you make yourself cum but I want to make you cum. I want both!’

‘Then you can! Take off your dress and lie beside me quickly. Forget what I said before!’

She pulled her dress over her head and I as I suspected she was wearing only panties. She pressed her breasts and deliciously hard nipples into my arm as she lay beside me and just as our lips met I managed to say, ‘Put your fingers inside me like you did before and I’ll do the rest.’

Our tongues entwined and her fingers slipped effortlessly in and out of my pussy, lubricated by the love juice she had made flow. I knew I wouldn’t be long but I held off for as long as I could before I let my fingertips press on my button and I felt the orgasm start to build. I could feel her tongue deep inside my mouth and I so wanted it inside my pussy but I knew that would happen before the night was over.

The sensations inside and outside of my pussy were incredible and there were only seconds left before I exploded. Her fingers moved more and more quickly and I went over the edge of the waterfall into a land of make believe. I don’t remember my back arching or the shriek of joy as my orgasm peaked but Veronique said I fainted, such was the release from that wonderful torment that I never wanted to end.

I must have fallen into a deep sleep or a trance because I came to wrapped in her arms but had no recollection of how I got there.

‘Well, sleepy head, welcome back!’

All I could manage was a little ‘Hi.’

‘Well?’ she said, as she kissed my forehead and then my eyes and then my nose and then my lips. It felt really good to be there in bed with her. I felt loved and cared for and completely at peace.

I paused a little, to think, before saying, ‘What just happened was like a dream come true. I never imagined I could feel so close to someone. I have never loved anyone before like this so the feeling is very strange because I have nothing to compare it to. I have been infatuated I suppose and I love people but I have never been in love with anyone before, ever.

‘But I am in love with you and I love being in love with you. It feels like there’s a ‘me’ that I never knew existed. It’s as if you found a hidden door to which only you had the key and inside the room there was another ‘me’ I never knew existed and you have let her out to be with you – but only you.

‘Only you and I know of that existence and I believe that only you and I want to know each other in that way. That’s the way I want it to be. Well, that’s the way I would like it to be but there seems so many things to sort out that I cannot do anything about. I feel helpless.

‘Does that make sense?’

‘Perfect sense’ she said, ‘and here’s something else that I hope makes perfect sense too.’

‘Tell me?’

‘I told you I have to go away, didn’t I?’

‘Mmm, but at least I have had tonight with you and I will wait for you to come back when you’ve done what you have to do. I shall be sad and so lonely without you and miss you when you’re not here. So much so that it will like a part of me is missing and…’

‘Fleur?’ she interrupted, ‘you won’t miss me, I…’

‘I will, I will, I told you I love and I thought you loved me and…’

She placed a finger to my lips to quieten me.

‘Shush, my sweet, let me finish. OK?’ she said gently.

‘OK,’ I said quietly.

‘The reason I said you won’t miss me is because there is one more thing we need to talk about. I do have to go away…’

‘Please don’t keep saying that,’ I pleaded, ‘just the thought of it. Of being away from you after me just finding you, it’s… it’s… unbearable.’

‘If you don’t let me finish, I’m going to spank your bottom.’

‘Oooooooh, now you’re talking!’ I said, being coquettish again and fluttering my eyelashes at her. What was making me behave like this? Is it love? Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Oh, definitely, yes! And the fact that I was trying to cover the fear that I had that I would lose her. I was trying to make light of the situation. I couldn’t help it.

‘You’re crazy, Fleur, but in the loveliest way imaginable,’ she said, planting a big kiss on my lips.

‘I’m crazy for you. I thought you knew that?’ Another flutter of my eyelashes…

‘I love you, you’re impossible!’ she said, kissing me again.

‘Well, I’m going to get worse if it makes you kiss me…’

‘Seriously, Fleur, listen. Please?’

I looked at her with great big goo-goo eyes and she giggled like a schoolgirl which I loved but she continued.

‘You will come away with me, won’t you?

‘It won’t be an easy ride. I still have my businesses to run and the glare of publicity will be bright, believe me. I didn’t want to put you in harm’s way but I realize now that I cannot do this on my own and in the same way you want me, I want you. In every way imaginable.

‘You’re funny, you’re clever, you’re beautiful. All the things I’m not. No, don’t try and persuade me otherwise. I know I’m attractive in a way and I make the best of what I’ve got but I’m not beautiful like you. My heart missed a beat the first time I saw you and I was so happy it was you working on my new wardrobe. You’re like a breath of fresh air after all the hangers- on I’ve had to deal with.

‘It was so easy to fall in love with you and I cannot imagine life without you now. I know I’m asking a lot. There’s your job which I know you love and your friends and all sorts of things I haven’t even thought of.’

‘Are you trying to dissuade me, Veronique?’ I asked gently.

‘No, no, no, no. no. Never. I just want to prepare you for the worst. I don’t want to place you in an impossible position.
‘With all my heart and soul I want to be with you and I want you to come with me. Please say you will?’

I knew what my answer was going to be before I spoke but I had to tell her how I felt. My mind was in turmoil and my head said ‘be careful what you wish for’ but my heart said ‘you love her. Go!’

‘Veronique, I want you to know that, no matter what you think, you are the most beautiful woman in the world to me. I hoped and prayed that I could somehow find a way to keep in touch with you when my work was done but I could see no way of doing that. I was resigned to the fact that I would lose you and forever long for you in vain. To hear you ask me to go with you is everything I wanted.’

And so I kissed her on the lips and said ‘Yes!’

Needless to say that kissed turned into something much more exciting and we made love again more slowly and it was even better than the first time and later that day we left the city together and went to one of her villas on a remote island away from everyone. It was as simple and as quick as that.

Veronique suffered very badly from the publicity. She carried, wrongly, all the blame for the breakdown of her marriage and he waged a campaign to ensure that he didn’t. He talked to the media and she didn’t and would not even though she was advised to speak out. She did that for me to keep me safe.

He got his settlement simply because she didn’t want a fight in public.

I have looked after her through it all – why wouldn’t I? And she has cared for and loved me. We give each other massages that are so sensuous that I have orgasmed without her even kissing me. I told you she was good didn’t I?

We have experimented in so many different ways and I love dressing up for her and she loves me doing it. I can be the ice maiden she seduces or the red hot whore who tempts her and makes her obey my every command. It works for both of us. I just say to her ‘let your imagination run wild and I’ll do it for you. If you want me to be outrageous then I’ll be outrageous’ and sometimes she goes weak at the knees when she sees me. Yes, she has seen that little red dress – and I do mean ‘little’. My pussy lips show, as does my ass cheeks and my nipples peep over the top and it’s like a second skin and it’s Veronique’s favorite and mine because I know she cannot resist me, especially when I bend over for her. And what she does with her tongue! Then I can’t resist either! We’ve had more orgasms when I’ve been wearing that dress that with all the others combined!

Mmm, tomorrow sounds good for another little fashion parade for her…

She pampers me and I love it. I give her everything she has ever wanted – love and happiness and that feeling of being wanted for her own sake and not for what she can do in return. We are best friends and lovers and everything is so playful and full of fun and laughter.

So here I am, ready and waiting for her to finish her meeting.

She will see me like this, almost naked, and find me so moist because I’ve been naughty and started without her, as I always do – because she loves it!

We will play our little game and I will tease her and pretend I’m not interested at first and that’s really hard to do because I am – believe me, I am! I can’t keep my hands off her! But then I will let her ‘seduce’ me and we will spend long slow hours exploring each other’s bodies and making love and sleep in – just because we can.

That’s what inamorata do isn’t it?

written by zorrokundra©


So, you like to play games? And be teased too?

== Mmmmm, I love being teased but not JUST a tease, otherwise I get really frustrated. I want someone to tease AND please me. It's more exciting if someone else is involved.

Why's that?

== Well, the other person can take the lead and sometimes it's nice to be told what to do, to not have to think but be, you know, enticed and respond and see where things go. The unknown is very attractive sometimes...

So are you saying you like to be dominated? Is that why you're here?

== No, not exactly. I'm not submissive and certainly not into pain but I do like being, what shall I say, persuaded to do things that I might resist at first but will enjoy afterwards.

I can assure you that I don't inflict pain and I am here to please and I guarantee you will not leave here without having at least one full, mind-blowing orgasm that will live with you for the rest of your life. You will want more tonight, of course, I am THAT good! And I'm sure you will want to return very soon to enjoy another night with me - but that may not be possible...

== Oh? Why's that? If I like what happens...

You will, believe me, you will!

== ...then why won't it be possible?

Lovely lady, you are one of the most exquisite women I have ever seen but you are petite and most ladies feel, mmmm, drained after their experience and need time to recover. Some never do...

== My God, never?


== What could make a woman never want to return if she?...

Likes it?

== Yes.

The pleasure I give is intense and not everyone can cope with it. It is an experience that is unique and the way that I bring about your orgasm is unique. Only I know how, there is no-one else quite like me.

== Oh my God, I cannot wait! My nipples are rock hard and I feel weak at the knees just thinking about it...

Is your pussy wet too?

== On fire! Is yours?

Always. I am always ready and I taste delicious, so I've been told.

== I do too but no-one told me - I found that out for myself. Do you think I'm a slut for saying that?

Yes, but I'm a slut too - you'll see. And in these circumstances it's better if we ARE sluts. Prim and proper doesn't help.

== Ooooooh, no! Are you naked under your dress?


== Goodie!

Unzip me!

== I love the tattoos on your back - they're so intricate and ornate. You look so sexy! And your ass is fabulous! I want to bite it! Can I?

You can do whatever you wish to me...but on one condition. I want to do whatever I want to you...

== And you won't hurt me?

Only pleasure. Nothing else...

== Me first or you?

Take off your dress now!

== Me then!

You look so enticing! Squeeze your nipples! Harder! Now squeeze mine! Are yours tingling?

== Oh God yes - are yours?

Yes, you do have a certain way with you. Have you done this before?

== Once or twice - but not like this...

You can tell me later.

== Yummy!

Yes you are! Put your fingers in your pussy and then let me lick them!

== Like this? Your eyes are devouring me. I love that. I love feeling wanted sexually! Here, try a little taste...

Mmmm, you ARE delicious aren't you?

== Told you!

I've never experienced a taste like that before. It's very sweet and...

== You want more don't you? And you never thought you would?

Why do you say that?

== Because you thought you would control me. Here, have another taste...

Mmmmmmmmmm, I want more...

== No, you've had enough for now! You’re so naughty! Lie on the bed for me?

It’s supposed to be me who’s in charge, not you!

== I know but is it nice to be led astray for a change?

Well, I suppose so. It all feels so dreamy and I’m so relaxed. It feels like I’ve had too much to drink…

== In a way you have…

But, I’ve not had anything to drink – I was going to open some pink champagne after we’d played for a while to relax you for what I was going to do to you and…

== You’ve had a drink of me, that’s why you are so…


== Exactly! Don’t you want to know what happened? Why you feel so wonderful? Hmmm?

I feel wonderful but so tired and I so wanted to give you that orgasm I promised…

== No need. There’s nothing for you to do, just lie there and enjoy it and I will tell you everything...


== No buts. Let’s kiss…

Oh, yes please! It’s unusual I know but I do feel like kissing you and oooh, your fingers are so persistent! My pussy is so wet and I want you so much, I…

== Those were the last words she ever spoke. The d**g took hold and she was powerless – wide awake but powerless.

My body exudes a hypnotic pheromone that entices women and makes them pliable and willing partners for anything I desire. My body also produces a relaxant and when women lick me they become completely compliant. It doesn’t hurt and usually there are no lasting after effects except their memories are removed. She had an early taste from my fingers and then she was mine. It had to be that way for she and I are the same.

But I had to control her before she gained control of me, otherwise…

I explored her sumptuous body to my heart’s content. That was the least I could do.

She screamed in ecstasy every time she had an orgasm and her pussy tasted wonderful and her nipples! They are, well were, so big and chewy and that’s just how I like them. I kissed every inch of her body several times. I lapped at her pussy like a little kitten – she loved that the best because I lapped and then kissed and then licked and then lapped again incessantly sometimes with just one finger and sometimes three or four. Oh how she writhed but only in pleasure…

Because she was so strong she had something like seven or eight orgasms before she dimmed.

I’ve never known any other vampire last that long but I can’t have competition can I?…

written by zorrokundra©


... and the Gods have decided to create the most beautiful girl in the world. And each one gave her something:
The Sky - the color of eyes
The Sun - the freckles and the unbearably burning hair
The Snow - the tenderness of the skin
The Sea - the breath of the sea breeze
The Moon - the most enigmatic smile in the world
When it was the turn of the Earth, the Earth did not have anything else to decorate her hair with flowers...

written by Lollapop©


Look what you've done to me!

Yes, my pussy has been dripping all day since you kissed me this morning and told me what you were going to do to me when you came home!

The fact that you went out wearing hardly anything did nothing to relieve my tension. You were braless, your dress clung to you like a second skin and those heels made your legs seem to go on for miles and miles.

Obviously you chose the shortest dress in your wardrobe too!

You're such an exhibitionist!

Did it turn me on?

No, not at all!

Well, maybe a little...

Yes, damn you it, turned me on! You knew it would, that's why my pussy is so wet! I kept thinking about what you were doing. Who was lusting after you. Who was kissing you. Who was trying to touch your boobs or your legs or your pussy - and if you let them...

Did you? Did anyone try? Who do I have to kill because you were letting them?...

How many times? I lost count after about six or seven and each orgasm was more intense than the one before. By lunchtime I could hardly stand let alone walk!

I hate you! You're driving me insane behaving like this!

See, I'm playing with myself now because I can't stop. I can't help myself!

== My love, you must not think the worst of me. Lots of girls wear skimpy clothes now. I like showing off my body but it doesn't mean I'm unfaithful to you.

== I love you! You're my girl and that will never change. I don't want anyone else but you.

== It's true, I was trying to turn you by dressing the way I did - and it worked didn't it?

== When I told you this morning I was going to tie you to the bed with the silk rope and lick you all over until you screamed for mercy I thought you'd like the idea...

== You've loved it before, haven't you? Mmm?

== Was it the promise of a blindfold too that tipped you over the edge? Would you still like me to tie you to the bed? And the blindfold?

== Stop playing with your pussy, my love. Please? That's my job now...

== Come here and take off my dress. Give me your panties so I can taste you. That's it, unzip me slowly. I know you like to see my bare back...

== That's it, squeeze my nipples nice and hard because I've been such a bad girl. Really bad not wearing panties...

== Well, I think there may have been one person who saw my pussy as I got out of the car but it was sort of accidental, I didn't do it on purpose. But it did turn me on a little. Does it turn you on too? Good, then you'll be even wetter...

== Now then, let me see what you taste like...Mmmmmmmm, you are so sweet I won't waste a drop. Mmmmmmmm.

== Of course you can kiss me, silly!

== How do you taste? Like it? Me too...

== There now, shall we 'tie the knot' so to speak? No? That's a pity. Tell you what, why don't you tie me to the bed? Would you like that? Yes, you can blindfold me if you want to.


== There now, I'm all yours. Get the toys out of the drawer.

== Start with the butt plug...

== Still hate me?

No, I just wanted you so much. I couldn't help myself. I was so jealous. I'm sorry, really I am!

== It doesn't matter, I'm yours, make me beg for mercy for being naughty...

No, I can't do that - but I want you to do it to me...

written by zorrokundra©


Everyone has a dark side…

And I am yours!

I know you cannot resist me. Your eyes fill with lust, and worse, when you watch me lying here naked. When I play with myself, your desire and longing lights a fire inside you that cannot be put out until you have me.

And when I wear next to nothing when we go out, well what can I say? Your pussy is so moist when we come home! You make me lick you until you come and you say ‘never again’ but how many times have you said it?

Too many but not enough perhaps.

Should I leave off my panties as well as my bra next time? And those really high heels? Would that turn you on?

I see you watching the girls as their eyes devour me. Looking at my legs and trying to see whether I’m wearing anything under my dress.

Lots of cleavage helps too doesn’t it?

Remember that time my nipples were exposed and I forgot to pull up my neckline? No wonder she couldn’t look me in the eye!

But the sex we had that night was incredible wasn’t it? You sat on my face and came about five times and I just kept on lapping like the little kitten you want me to be.

You love that don’t you?

Obeying your every command in bed but not out of it!

Being a naughty girl when I want to be and tormenting you all the time!

Bending over from the waist in front of you while others are watching. My pussy looks so inviting like that doesn’t it?

I bet they wish they were you being able to have me whenever you want.

Would you like to lick me now? I’m really juicy just talking about what we do.

Would you like to tie me up so I’m helpless? I’m only a poor defenceless little kitty so I wouldn’t be able to stop you!

Come on, you know you want to, don’t you?

Don’t just sit there, come and pinch my nipples and make them even harder!

Put your fingers in my pussy and feel how wet I am!

Kiss me! On my lips! My neck! My thighs, I love it when you do that!

My pussy perhaps?

Kiss me anywhere!

Sit on my face – you’re naked too!

Let your dark side take over.

Let your dark side take me over.

Take me! You cannot resist! You know you can’t!

Use me!

I am your dark side!

And you are mine!

Take me!

written by zorrokundra©


I've been waiting for this moment since you left this morning.

I thought you hadn't seen me watching you playing with yourself before you left but you did. And I played with myself while I watched you. It turned you on didn't it? Me, of course it did! I couldn't help myself when I watched you. You're so naughty and so very sexy - I love it!

I know you didn't cum because you didn't close your eyes like you normally do. You didn't did you? No, I thought not.

And then I watched you get dressed. That skimpy dress and your stockings but no bra and no panties and I wondered why you dressed like that. Was it for someone else, I thought, and not for me?

I admit I was jealous but intrigued because I've never seen you go out like that before. And then you phoned me at lunch time and told me what you were doing. You are such a tease AND a torment!

Deliberately leaving off your lingerie to turn me on. Three times I played with myself this afternoon AND I had to use the dildo to try and satisfy myself - but it didn't work! My pussy just got wetter and wetter thinking about you wearing next to nothing!

And hearing you playing with yourself while you were talking to me on your cell phone! Well! Did anyone see you? Really! You are such a bad girl! I cannot believe you did that!

I had to have you the second you walked through the door and now you can feel how wet I am even though I've cum four times but I am about to find out just how deliciously sweet you are after a day of being practically naked!

This first drop on my tongue will taste wonderful!

Don't stop licking me - I am so near again and please, please, please do it again tomorrow!

Oh God - almost there, you bad girl!

I'll be hurt and I'm not sure that i could


You're mine you undertand?

--Yes, Mistress...

Tell me you understand!

--I understand Mistress...

And what do you want me to do to you?

--Anything you wish Mistress...

And if you don't like what I tell you to do?

--You may do with me as you wish Mistress...

And if you don't like what I do to you?

--My answer is the same Mistress. You may do with me as you please...

Very well, you have learned your lesson. Are you naked underneath your coat as I ordered?

--Yes, Mistress...

Were your stocking tops showing?

--Yes Mistress...

And have people seen you and stared or passed remarks?

--Yes Mistress, several people noticed as I walked along the street and as I climbed the steps outside...

Did anyone say anything to you?

--Yes Mistress, one said how sexy I looked and one asked me if I was a hooker and how much did I charge and one called me a slut...

And how did that make you feel?

--All their comments turned me on, especially when I was called a slut...

So how do you feel now? Are you still turned on?

--Very much Mistress, my pussy is very wet and my nipples are aching to be touched and I so want to have sex...

All in good time, my pet. You have been a good girl doing as I asked and you deserve a reward. What would you like me to do for you?

--Anything you wish Mistress, I belong to you and I will be happy no matter what you do...

That is the best answer I could have wished for and you will have your reward immediately!

--Thank you Mistress...

No,thank me afterwards.

--Yes Mistress...

Good girl! Now take off the rest of your clothes but leave your stockings and heels and your garter belt on - they suit you.


Good, that's better. Now,would you like me to spank you for being so naughty and exposing yourself?

--Yes, Mistress...

Then ask me to!

--Please spank me Mistress...


Yes, six slaps are enough! Now undress me and take everything off except my heels.

--Yes Mistress!


You must not say another word until I tell you to, do you understand? You may squeeze my nipples and then kiss them!

Now, suck them - hard!

Put two fingers in my pussy.

Now take them out and lick them clean.

Put them back inside and put two fingers in your pussy at the same time and then take them out so I can lick your fingers clean andyou can lick mine.


That was wonderful! Nod your head in agreement if you feel like a slut now.

Mmmm, I thought so. Would you like more?

I thought so.

You may now lick my pussy until I cum and then I will do the same for you but you must play with yourself while you're lapping me. I want you nice and juicy but you must not cum until I tell you. Understand?


That's it! That's it! Oh you are so good - I love the way you get your tongue so far inside. Oh God, I'm still shivering with the aftershocks! That was fabulous!

So are you ready?


You may speak when you cum but not before. It will only make your orgasm more intense!



written by zorrokundra©


See how she undulates as she crawls so slowly away from me.

She knows I cannot take my eyes off her for she has done this so many times before and each with the same result...

Her body is sinuous and moves in a way that lets me see first one side of her and then the other. Her stockings scissor against each other with that swish of sound that drives me crazy with lust and that she knows I love and never tire of hearing.

First one perfect ass cheek and then the other is displayed for my pleasure and to increase the lust I always feel when I see her like this.

My pussy starts to gush as I see her pussy lips moisten with her every move - oh, so slowly moving away...

She knows she has power over me - she tempts, she teases, she seduces, she torments until I can resist no longer. Only a few seconds have passed but it seems like an eternity!

She knows I want her - I always want her - and she knows I cannot resist and when I reach out and draw her towards me and start to kiss her neck and I hear her sigh, I am lost. That feeling of desire is like no other - it permeates every part of me and I reach out and squeeze her nipples as I start to kiss her and my tongue parts her lips and she moans into my mouth which I love more than anything because now she is mine and I regain control.

My fingers enter her pussy and now she is lost. She was the temptress, the seductress and she has tempted and seduced me and I would not have it any other way because now I can do for her what she wants because she has done for me what I want.

It is our symbiosis, our yin and yang, our garden of earthly delights...

Her breathing quickens and still our lips have not parted, such is the power of our love and our kiss. She is near, so near and now it is my turn to tease her. My fingers stop and there is that sharp intake of breath as she realizes what is happening.

She breaks our kiss, as she always does and her eyes plead with me to end her wait and I will - but not for a few endless seconds, because that is what she wants...

I whisper in her ear 'Well?'

She cries in despair 'You must not stop, you musn't - not now!'

'Say the word I want to hear' I whisper.

'Mercy, please, mercy.'

My mouth descends on hers and our kiss tastes even better.

My fingers work their magic and her body stiffens and her back arches and she screams in ecstasy against my mouth - which I adore! And so does she!

Then it is my turn and my orgasm is all the deeper and longer because of what she does for me and what I do for her.

The cycle is endless and tomorrow she will move slowly away from me - dressed differently - to tempt and seduce and I love it.

And she will say the word and the magic casts its spell through her body and I will in turn have my desires fulfilled.

Endless, limitless, wonderful love...

written by zorrokundra©



Yes, come in here for a moment please?

Hi, just to let you know I've been to the beauty parlor and I had a little talk with the blonde bombshell - she IS kinda cute isn't she? - and she persuaded me to have my pussy waxed. Now, I know I told you I wasn't sure but I didn't want to spoil my dress for this evening, so Blondie mademy pussy naked.

I feel so naughty, it's the first time for me, isn't it? but I really do feel soooooooooo sexy and naughty and, well, a little bit slutty too...

Can you see? Don't you wanto wait until I've got my dress on? After all it's VERY revealing, but you like that don't you? I know it turns you on when the other girls look down my cleavage or up my skirt, doesn't it?

Of course it does and I love teasing them! But it's you I want to tempt, you know that don't you?

So, now? or later? Hmmm?

OK, you win...

There now, do you like the look? A completely naked pussy! And it's just for you - ONLY you! I love you, silly! And don't you forget it!

Wait until I have my dress on! No underwear, very see through, killer heels, really hard nipples AND a naked pussy that will be very juicy very quickly!

You're starting to get hot aren't you with me talking like this?

Wait! What are you doing? Oh God, your tongue feels so good!

Oh sweet Jesus, if you're like this now what are you going to be like tonight? Oh God! Oh God!

Don't, please God, don't stop!


written by zorrokundra©


Love is...

Feeling her hand lightly caress your neck as she passes by just to remind you she's there...

Her kiss on your lips and the soft gentle probing of her tongue that makes you moist with anticipation...

The intensity of her gaze and the look in her eyes as she silently mouths 'I love you' as you leave in the morning...

The pressure of her unclothed body against yours as you walk through the door...

That kiss that takes away your breath every time she does it to let you know she wants you and will stop at nothing to please you...

Looking at her perfect body as she dresses for you and poses so you can see the thrust of her breasts and the arch of her back...

Longing for the moment when you can untie the bows on the panties that you bought for her and that you know she's wearing just for you...

Dying with lust because you know that you both have to go out but you'd rather stay in and give her one of your special orgasms...

Wanting to see her put on her see through dress to tempt and tease you and knowing that others will see her and want her as much as you do but knowing that turns her on and will make her so juicy for you later...

Anticipating the moment when you are both naked in bed and all she's wearing is stockings and heels and you can kiss her hard nipples and the inside of her thighs knowing that drives her wild...

Waiting for your first orgasm as her fingers probe your pussy and make you delirious with lust and longing...

Being awakened in the morning by the touch of her tongue in your pussy as she laps it like a cat and then delves so deep your pussy feels as if it's on fire and all the while her eyes never leave yours as she watches you reach your climax and you know they're smiling because she's just loved the woman she loves...

Love is...

...both of you...

written by zorrokundra©


Words...and [thoughts]

Oh, hi Mistress, I didn't know you were home
[How did she get in without us knowing?]

What are we doing? Well, to be honest we were practising so we can be better pets for you
[To be honest, we were having fun - lots of fun!]

No, of course not, we've only just started.
[I've cum twice and so has she in the past twenty minutes]

Would you like to join us so you can see how much we've learned?
[Please don't join us, we're having too much fun!]

No, of course she's not as good as you, please don't think that!
[I've cum twice in twenty minutes - of course she's better than you]

Are you going to punish us for being naughty and not waiting?
[Will you punish us for being wicked and if so can I be first?]

I don't know, what would you like to do to us?
[Spank me, please spank me - I love it when you do that!]

Spank us? Really? Will it hurt?
[I hope it hurts a lot - I love being spanked but she can rub the cream on my ass afterwards and make me cum again!]

We have to spank each other? That's very cruel, Mistress - are you going to watch?
[I love being watched when I'm being spanked - I get soooo wet!]

Who's going to be spanked first?
[Me, please me]

Me? Oh, OK then if I have to?

Yes, I promise not to be naughty again, Mistress.
[Until tomorrow, that is, when I lick her pussy for an hour like the naughty girl that I am...

[Ooooh, that hurts so good...]

written by zorrokundra©


Don't be afraid, Mistress will be especially pleased you're completely naked the first time she takes you. She absolutely loves her pets to be naked so she can dress you up exactly the way she wants.

If she asks you what you'd like to wear, remember to say 'whatever pleases you Mistress' and don;t suggest anything yourself and you will be in for a special treat. I can't tell what that is otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise would it?

But I promise you, you will always want more and will beg to be taken into her bed again so she will do it to you again. She will enchant you and beguile you and make you her slave because you want her to.

Are you nice and juicy now? I thought me saying that might make make you a little bit slippery - she will love that too! But not too much as she wants to play with you first and make you her own.

Do whatever she tells you to and you will become a different person - you will become the woman you always wanted to be. She will never hurt you but pain can be pleasure too.

Just say 'yes, Mistress' when she asks you to do things and prepare yourself for the time of your life.

You will always remember this - enjoy every moment, every touch, every kiss, every squeeze but you will lose track of your orgasms but you will re-live them over and over and over again.

Go, my sweet and make your dreams come true...

written by zorrokundra©


Dare you resist me?

If I want you I will take you! But before I do, I will make you beg for release from your longing. You will long for the moment when I let you have your orgasm. I will take you on a journey to the darkest recesses of your desires and you will begin to know that there are no limits!

Your body will obey the commands of my lips, my tongue, my fingers and my words. You will do exactly as I tell you to do. I will make you hover on the brink of the abyss until I let you fall - because fall you will. Everyone does!

Oh yes, you didn't think you were the first did you? And you won't be the last! There have been many more before you and each one has submitted gladly, as will you!

All it takes is my kiss! My first kiss will draw you into my web. You will lose track of time and space and want that it never ends. Once my tongue starts to caress your mouth you will be mine to do with as I please and you WILL obey me because you will want more and more and more.

It is true, I know of what I speak.

So, are you ready?

Take off your dress! Now!

And your lingerie too but leave your stockings and shoes on. They're very pretty and very sexy and those heels make your legs look so very long! Just like mine!


Now, spread your legs! Wider! Wider still, I want to see your pussy and find out just how wet you are...

But first, my kiss...

Does it feel good when my pussy presses against yours?

Do you like the feel of my breasts pressing hard against yours?

And my hot breath on your neck?

Then here's your kiss! You're mine now! Don't try and resist, it's too late for that. You are about to experience ecstasy...

Here's my tongue - ooooh, your lips are so tasty!

Close your eyes and enjoy the moment, that's it...

You're mine now - for as long as I want...

written by zorrokundra©


I wanted to make sure you're naked underneath that dress - it could have been shorter but perhaps next time, hmmm? Do you intend to let her see your pussy like you did last time? Mmmm, I thought you might - you love teasing her as much as you love teasing me, don't you? You're such a naughty girl - I love that about you...

And I wanted to feel how juicy your pussy is so I'll know if you've been too naughty while you're out because if you're pussy is any wetter than it is now, well I'll have to tie you to the bed like I did last time and you know what happens when I tie you up don't you?

How many orgasms was it?

So are you going to be naughty then?

I'll get the silk rope ready then!

You can't wait? You should feel how wet I am!

written by zorrokundra©


All Hallows' Eve, the start of the triduum of Hallowtidw, is now over, sadly.

For me it is the perfect time of year, the nights turning colder and when I can go amongst people and not feel, what shall I say? - yes, unconventional, that's the word. I can blend in and not feel out of place.

Perhaps it is my black lipstick that makes people think I am a Goth. Well, I suppose I am! Probably the original one and certainly the oldest - yes, truly gothic in my tastes.

How I love to see people dressing up in their fancy dress trying to look like me. If they only knew, I could give the ladies some tips - that would be a hoot, wouldn't it?

All I have to do is sit in a bar and someone will strike up a conversation and think nothing of it. It's party time! Have a drink!

Of course I will, just be patient, just be patient, I say to myself...

But I accept - not from men of course - they do nothing for me at all! But an attractive woman, slightly the worse for wear (wine does that my darling!) is a completely different proposition. And I always get a proposition.

Perhaps it is my short dress or my nipples poking through the thin material or a glimpse of my stocking top or the parting of my thighs as I turn to face her or my hand gently caressing hers as we talk or may be it's just my looks. I've been told I look like a vamp and because I play hard to get, I seem aloof but it makes them think they have seduced me when I agree to go home with them. Of course I always give in, otherwise how can I get my drink.

I always allow them to touch me in the bar. They think I'm so wanton as I let them slide their hand under my dress and when they find I'm naked above my stocking top, it sends them wild with desire.

You're naked under your dress!

Of course I am my darling, how else would I seduce you?

Sometimes I have to take their hand and gently guide it to my breast or place their hand on my leg and put my hand on top of theirs to let them know I did it deliberately. But it always does the trick. No-one has ever refused as I whisper 'Let's go to bed, shall we?' in their ear.

Often, if we get a taxi, they will start to fondle me during the ride. I don't mind, they might as well have their pleasure while they can, don't you think? It turns them on and makes their blood flow like a torrent of desire through their body. I like that!

But of course, I always ensure that we end up at my apartment. It's better that way, my darling. We can have more fun that way. After all it's only fair they enjoy themselves...

I love the expression on their faces as I take off my dress the second I walk into the apartment and they see me naked for the first time. All I wear underneath is stockings and ridiculously high heels. My legs look so loooooooooooooong!

Lust appears in their eyes immediately and that makes my nipples go really, really hard but I tweak them anyway for effect. They are quite long and very tempting, so they tell me...

I undress them very slowly, increasing their torment and speeding up their pulse rate. I like that! I kiss them full on the lips when they're naked and that always takes their breath away. They feel possessed - but of course they are!

My hands roam over their bodies, squeezing nipples or an ass and usually making sure my fingers get their pussies nice and wet.

A simple 'Bed?' is enough to get them into horizontal.

What follows is my ritual. I lick every inch of their bodies - it drives them crazy with my raspy tongue. It always ends up with me licking their pussies and giving them at least one (that's only fair, isn't it?) orgasm and sometimes more. Some ladies are very sensitive...

Of course they want to return the favor but I say 'I'd like you to lick your love juice from my lips so you can taste how sweet you are - will you?' They never refuse. After all, they've just had the best (and last) orgasm they've ever had.

Then the final question - 'Can I kiss your neck?' - Of course, you can do anything to me.

'Well then, can I give you a little love bite? Hmmm? Please?'

They always say 'yes'...

So I get my drink at last and they get their ecstasy in return.

Three days of fun and drinking - I love All Hallows' Eve, don't you?

Trick or treat?

Or both?

written by zorrokundra©


Is she looking?

---Of course she is! Who wouldn't?

What's she doing?

---Are you k**ding me? Since you bent over, her eyes have dilated and haven't blinked!

I expected that but what's she doing?

---You're impossible! Doing? What's she doing? Staring at your pussy and biting her lip!

Good! Serves her right! Now she knows what she's missing!

---You still want her, don't you?



Well, just a little...


All right then! Yes, I want her!

---How much?

I can take her or leave her, you know me...

---Yes, I do and I don't think 'leave' is what you're thinking, is it?

Well, maybe I want to take her a little...but only a little, mind you...

---Do you think teasing her like this will work?

It has in the past...

---So you say, but that was before...

Please don't say it!

---she left you for the blonde she's with now.

I said don't say it!

---It won't work. All that will happen is that she'll want to have sex with you and...

That would be nice!

---Grrr! ...and then she'll get bored and you'll lose her again!

Are you saying she'll use me and then throw me away?

---Well, I don't want to see you hurt again, sweetie.

Am I doomed to spend the rest of my life alone?

---Perhaps not!


---She's heading our way!


---Oh yeah! I'm going! Three's a crowd, s*s!

No, don't!

---Too late! It’s up to you! Bye!


Oh, hi!

***Before you say anything, I wanted to say I'm really, really sorry.


***Forgive me. It was all a misunderstanding...

That's an apology and an excuse - why are you sorry? Why now?

***I called you to explain but you wouldn't listen. You kept slamming the phone down and then wouldn't even answer.

You left me for her! And you get a glimpse of my pussy and you think you can just pretend nothing happened?

***It's a beautiful pussy - so you were trying to tempt me then?...

No! I didn't know I was showing anything!



***Really and truly?

OK, yes, I did it on purpose!

***Everyone here has been drooling over you...

Good! Perhaps I can find someone who won't desert me like you did!

***I didn't desert you, really I didn't...

OK, you left me then!

***No, I didn't...If you had let me talk to you I could have explained! Let me try please?

I saw you kissing her and you had your arms round her, what's to explain?

***She's my sister!


***She’s my sister. You saw me comforting my sister because she was upset. Her boyfriend just left her!

So when my sister and I saw you…

***You jumped to conclusions! If you had come over I could have introduced you and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. If you had talked to me on the phone…

Oh God! I screwed up didn’t I?


I’m sorry, I live up to my reputation don’t I?


Yup! Sorry!

***Wanna go to bed?


written by zorrokundra©


We can dance in the shadows when we want to be alone...

We can dance in the rain when we want to feel alive and don't really care who's watching - but the thought of peeling your wet clothes from your body afterwards gives me goosebumps just thinking about it...

We can dance on the beach when everyone is watching us and they will think we're crazy because only us can hear the music...

We can dance on the table in the bar after everyone's gone home and I can kiss your neck without fear of being interrupted...

We can dance in the moonlight with fairy dust on our shoulders and a song in our hearts and our arms entwined until the sun rises...

We can dance in our bed with the accompaniment of our fingers and lips and with kisses for an encore...

We can dance naked in the street after midnight and hope no-one sees us but hope that they do...

We can dance in our heads every time we look at each other because we know the steps by heart in our hearts...

You dance in my eyes with your soft smile and beguiling looks...

I dance in your heart so you always know I'm there - your heartbeat is my rhythm...

We dance though life without a care because we have each other for an eternity and we will not be denied our love by anyone or anything...

We dance for each other - for always...

written by zorrokundra©


We only have an hour before our guests arrive so consider my wearing of stockings and heels as foreplay, my pet!

You will be rewarded later on after they have gone but I want to see you squirm with lust and desire for me during the evening because I will take you to the brink of your orgasm but stop before you cum and then you will want me all the more, won't you?

You like to be kept waiting, don't you? Remember though, that our guests will want to play with you dressed like that but you are MINE, understand? No-one can have you but me!

I, on the other hand, will have several orgasms - how you do that I will leave to you! After all, you should have some choice, I'm not that controlling, am I?

Mmm, that's the right answer! Of course I am!

You may use your fingers or your tongue or your a toy or your lips but preferably all of them to some degree. But start with your fingers, I LOVE that!

You can be as playful as you want but I want to be teased as well as pleasured. Take me to the edge and pull back and then start again with your lips or whatever works at the time but take me near again and then stop and make me wait but not TOO long, you understand, otherwise you will wait a very long time!

So, shall we begin?

No, I won't spank you until later! I know you want me to but we don't want any nasty red telltale marks on your ass do we? But if you are a good girl - and by good I mean naughty - and torment and tease our guests with your nakedness and being tactile with them, you will have want you desire - and more!

The handcuffs are waiting my pet, especially if you stick your nipples in HER back and ensure they sc**** across their breasts of the other ladies. They love that don't they? You nipples are are going hard just with the thought of it aren't they?

Are you juicy or are you wet? Let me hear...

Ah, yes! Very wet...

Time for me then!

Start with my pussy! One finger first of all...

That's it, tease me, go slowly, now all the way in. You are good at this aren't you? Oh, yes, now another, all the way!

Lick your fingers!

Perfect - put them back in and start on my nipples now!

Naughty, so naughty, you know what I like, don't you my pet?

I think you'll get what you desire later...time for another finger, I think...

written by zorrokundra©


Silence and stillness generate an aura of mystery all of their own. Ladies whisper to each other 'Why is she so still?' or 'Why is she just exposing one breast and nipples? Why not both?'

That you see, is exactly what I want...

To be noticed.

If I were to be naked or mostly so, then no-one would give me a second glance. But the fact that I am covered but obviously naked underneath creates curiosity in the eye of the beholder.

And that is what I want...

Eventually she, that certain someone, will want to know what lies under my carefully arranged dress and will come and talk to me and ask me why.

That is what I want...

My nipple will visibly harden under her gaze as she asks the inevitable question. 'Are you wearing anything underneath? Do tell me'

And my reply? 'Of course not - why would I?'

'But we are all naked or nearly so. We revel in the beauty of the moment. The scissoring of thighs and the press of breasts. The sc**** of nipples across exposed skin that sets the senses tingling. Do you not feel overdressed? I mean no criticism, I am just interested...'

'If I were naked, would you have come and spoken to me?'

'I don't know. I really don't, but I see now just how clever you are. In a world of beautiful women, how can you make your presence felt? You are so very very clever. I like that!

And that response is what I wanted...

'May I see what else you have to offer? You can see all of me so you have the advantage of me and I would love to...'

'...explore your options?'

'Yes, that does sound very enticing.'

'Then close your eyes and put your hand underneath my dress. Is my nipple hard?'

'Oh, God, yes'

'Move your hand down to my pussy.'

'Like this?'

'Oh, yes, just like that. Now put your fingers inside me...slowly, very slowly...'

'Oh God, you're so wet!'

'Mmm, you've made me like that!'

'I love the fact that everyone can see us doing this.'

'So do I, but we should find somewhere more private for what I think is coming next,don't you?'

'Well, I'm not sure. We've only just met...'

'My pussy doesn't think so...'

'You are so very juicy...'

'Then let's go to my place. Come on, I won't bite. Well, not at first anyway...'

And that is what I want...

written by zorrokundra©


My name is Jennifer. I am forty one years old and happily divorced. Why happily? Well, because it’s the opposite of being unhappily married. With help from my three girls, I somehow found the courage to face the monster who was once a man.

Once it became public knowledge and people found out what he had done to us, the support from everyone was incredible. The major embarrassment to me was the fact that I am a judge specializing in divorce law. You can imagine the fun some people had with that!

The divorce settlement helped to ease the pain a little and I am now rebuilding my life and learning to live again. I’ve dated but it’s just been an odd time now and then. Friends have asked me to dinner parties – “You should see this guy, he’s dreamy…” – but the reality was, let’s say, less than desirable.

It’s not as if I desperately need to find someone. In a way, I like to please myself what I do and at times I have been accused of being something of a ‘bossyboots’ but I just know what I want. I like to think of myself as having a purpose – what’s wrong with that? I’m nice really. No, really! I still turn heads and the breast implants, that my ex-husband doesn’t know he’s paid for and why should he?, have certainly helped. He always said, in his usual kind manner, that I was ‘flat-chested’ – nice, huh?

I wasn’t – I just had a boyish figure. Now I don’t – there’s enough to go round and I really do turn heads and not just men.

The compliments – and the indecent proposals – I have received have been eye-opening and in some instances quite a turn on. Ladies, and you know who you are, you are something else!

A short while ago, I ran into Lisa, my college roommate. She looked me up while she was in town. She always was very sexy and really attractive and she was more than just a friend. When we were together back then, let’s just say no-one noticed me. She could have had anyone – and frequently did, including me, but she didn’t have multiple partners – does that exclude her from being promiscuous? No, I don’t think so but she was insistent, predatory almost, and hard to resist. Yes, there was a time when

I had a crush on her and she did take advantage of the situation but I know in my own mind that I wanted it to happen. We became lovers and I loved the relationship we had. She was always very exciting to be with and taught me things about how to please a woman I have never forgotten.

I thought at first she was bisexual and I wondered about my own orientation because I still liked men but she was very desirable and I gave in to those feelings. We were an item through college but we went our separate ways when we graduated. We just lost touch as we moved back home. We kept in touch, birthdays, Christmas, things like that but living thousands of miles away from each other and pursuing our careers just meant that things fizzled out, as they often do but we are still very fond of each other still.

So then I married, God help me, and I have wondered if it was me who was at fault for us getting divorced because I didn’t try hard enough to make it work but no, it was him, I know now.

Lisa has never married and for a very obvious reason. Men are definitely not her thing but women certainly are – did I mention promiscuous? Irresistible and loveable but a man-eater, except it’s women she eats and oh boy, does she know how to eat women.

The things she could do with her tongue made me crazy with lust and a craving for a repeat performance. God, just the thought of it makes me so juicy!

So we went out to dinner and of course, several glasses of wine later, we ended up in bed again. I told you she was insistent and hard to resist! I suppose though that I wanted to see if the spark was still there and it rekindled old feelings that had lain dormant for some time. I found myself enjoying more than ever what she was did to me.

After my divorce it felt wonderful to be wanted and loved again and the passion was exactly what I needed and the release of sexual frustration and lust and the orgasms – long, deep, beautiful orgasms – and the lovemaking was so tender. It made me realize what I had been missing for all those years. But I knew in my heart that it could not last.

The sex was good but the thing we had in college had gone and we both knew it and so we just enjoyed the time we spent together and our trysts became more infrequent as the weeks went by and it fizzled out again.

And then, several months ago, a new attorney, Olivia, arrived in court and caused quite a stir. Every man in the place trod on his tongue just looking at her. They flirted with her. They asked her out. They tried everything! She is absolutely stunning so that comes as no surprise but nothing doing! Always polite but always ‘no thanks.’ I thought, as did everyone else, that she was in a relationship.

She has the longest legs I have ever seen, a great ass usually encased in tight skirts which were just about an acceptable length for court and a figure to die for. Her blonde hair was very 60s but on her it looked good and she really turned heads with her looks and her elegance and she was very easy on the eye. I was instantly attracted to her but I could not be seen to be taking sides in the case, so I had to keep a professional distance, even though I didn’t want to.

I did notice though that she smiled at me a lot and I thought she was either just being nice or trying to get in my good books. I could not let that influence me in any way professionally so I smiled back politely but my intuition told me that there was, somehow, something more there. I was sorry when the case ended because I did look forward to seeing her every day but we never seemed to have an opportunity to get to know each other. I desperately wanted to see her again and tried to think of a reason to contact her. “Hello, this is Judge Jennifer - can I interest you in having some wild sex with me?”

Not quite the best of opening lines is it!

Then, last night and quite by accident we met in my favorite local restaurant. I was with some girlfriends when she came in with a guy. I was disappointed to say the least because I was trying to find the courage to call her, on some pretext, and arrange to meet for lunch or dinner just so I could talk to her ‘off duty’ and see if it might lead somewhere interesting, like my bed. I was living in hope, but seeing her with a guy put paid to that idea.

Her strapless red dress was really short and skin tight and with quite some cleavage. She looked sensational! My girlfriends started to drool when they saw her – who wouldn’t? I noticed her looking around and then she saw me. Her face lit up! I got a thousand kilowatt smile and she oozed towards me, her hips had a sensuous movement all of their own as she walked toward me.

As she came nearer my close friend Ruth, who was sat next to me, said in a whisper ‘Sweet Jesus, will you look at her!’ and took an enormous gulp of her martini and followed it with ‘I think I’ll turn lesbian’ and finished her drink and summoned the waiter to get a refill. Conversation around the table stopped mid-sentence as Olivia said ‘Hi Judge’ and kissed me on the cheek. Huh? A kiss? On my cheek? What is this? We’ve never even touched before! My heart did a somersault!

I can only imagine what people behind her must have seen when she bent over to kiss me. I was envious of the view of her ass they must have had but then again I got to inspect her cleavage which was really impressive. Her breasts were magnetic but I had the presence of mind to quickly look into her beautiful brown eyes and say ‘Hi, Olivia. What are you doing here?’ My throat had dried. My voice must have sounded really croaky.

‘Oh, we’re celebrating a special event. How about you?’ Oh no, are they getting engaged?

‘Oh, just a night with the girls, you know, a few drinks, some gossip, girl talk, stuff like that. I’d introduce you to them but they’re not worth the trouble,’ I joked and laughed as much to keep her to myself and to try and cover my nerves. The four girls with me glared at me in pretend outrage but introduced themselves anyway, thinking that I was k**ding.

I watched her intently as she said hello to them all – she was so sweet and gracious and she shook hands with them all except for Ruth who, ever forthright and slightly intoxicated and about to become my ex best friend for embarrassing me, stood up and said ‘Nah, I wanna kiss!’

To my complete surprise, Olivia looked at me as if to say “should I?” and then gave Ruth a kiss full on the lips. Just a little kiss, thank God, and nothing sexual but hoots of laughter, applause and cheering accompanied that and Olivia giggled and did a little curtsey while I was the one to blush to my roots in front of everyone and feel so very, very jealous!

Ruth sat down and said ‘I think I just died and went to heaven!’ More laughter!

Her boyfriend took it in good part and applauded and laughed along with everyone else. Olivia gave me a wink as she was turning toward him and then stopped and turned back to me and whispered in my ear, ‘I wish that had been you!’ and then went back to him and gave me a little wave and another dazzling smile as the maître d’ took them to their table on the other side of the restaurant and out of sight. My friends bombarded me with questions. Who is she? How do you know her? And so on…

I was too stunned to speak! I sat down and finished my Martini in one go. She wished that had been me? I must have been staring into space because Ruth put her hand on my arm and said ‘Earth to Jennifer. Come in Jennifer?’

‘Hmm?’ I mumbled.

‘Jennifer, that girl likes you. I mean, are you k**ding! Can’t you tell?’

‘Don’t be silly Ruth, she’s just being friendly. You were the one she kissed on the lips!’ My heart was racing so I had to say something to deflect her comments and to give me time to think and stop myself from slapping her silly for asking for, and getting, that kiss!

‘Jennifer, the kiss was a diversion. I saw the way she looked at you for approval and the way you looked at her. It was pure lust on your part. And you were jealous! What sweet nothings did she whisper in your ear? Come on, tell me!’

‘No, it’s private. You’re very naughty for asking.’ I said with as much conviction as I could, but my God, did I really show my feelings so much?

‘If you won’t tell me, then I know you know she likes you. And I know you more than like her. You’ve never refused to tell me before, so that’s giving the game away. Did what she say have the “Wow!” factor? You went all dreamy on me!’ How can Ruth know all this?

‘Well, did it?’

‘You’re not going to give up are you?’

‘Nope. Tell me!’

‘Ruth, I won’t tell you what she said. It’s attorney-client privilege.’ She laughed with me at the ‘in’ joke but said ‘The jury is out on that’ and looked at me as if to say ‘And I know what the verdict is.’

‘You’re not offended are you?’ I asked.

‘Hurt? Me? I’ll never recover,’ she said putting her hand on her chest in mock offense.

‘Will another drink help?

‘Oh yeah, two more strong martinis,’ she said, ‘You can have two too if you like! Waiter!’

I kept looking wistfully for Olivia throughout the evening but I didn’t see her and I wondered where she was and what she was doing. Was I raising my hopes because she said she wished she had kissed me? Was I being taken for a fool? She seemed genuine but had I lost any chance of us getting together because she had a boyfriend? My mind was in turmoil – I felt confused, lost and I needed answers!

Ruth leaned against me. ‘What’s wrong k**do? Lovesick?’

‘Will you behave yourself! It’s not what you think.’ I tried to sound assertive but I knew I wasn’t convincing.

‘Oh, yes it is! You were like this with Lisa only nowhere near as bad. This is serious!’ God, I wish I’d never told Ruth about her.

The evening drew to a close and still I hadn’t seen her. We settled the check, guiltily left a huge tip because of the uproar surrounding Olivia’s arrival and headed for the door. I was sad, distraught and unhappy as we stood waiting for a taxi and then to top it all, the five of us couldn’t all fit in. I let the girls go because they lived near to each other and besides I wouldn’t have been good company. I waited for another taxi, lost in my own little world of disappointment and thinking of what might have been but resigning myself to the fact that the chance had probably gone.

And then I heard a voice, her voice, bright and bubbly, behind me saying ‘Hi Judge Jennifer, need a ride?’ There she was, her nipples poking through her dress in the cool air but still with her boyfriend. I wanted to rip her dress off there and then!

God, her cleavage! Her nipples! Her legs!

‘Call me Jennifer please,’ I said smiling, ‘and it’s OK. You guys go on and I’ll wait’, trying to sound cheerful. ‘Are you going on to a club to finish off the evening?’ hoping she’d say ‘No, I was hoping to get you into my bed!’

‘We can’t, David’s got to get up really early in the morning so
I was going to drop him at our mom’s house and then go home myself. I have no-one to go with.’ Our mom? Separate houses? No-one to go with? Wait a second!

‘Oh God! Forgive me Jennifer, I forgot my manners before. At your table. I should have introduced you. This is my brother, David. David, this is Jennifer, who I told you about.’ Her brother! Oh. My. God! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! My heart started to pound – could it be?

‘So, you’re still at home David?’ I asked, trying to find out more as we shook hands. It turned out they were celebrating his birthday and that was because their parents were away and he was going to join them to celebrate his birthday, on his birthday, but Olivia couldn’t go because of her workload so they’d had a celebratory dinner together instead. He was house sitting and flying out early in the morning.

Olivia however was home alone! Does she need some company?

No sign of the taxi so Olivia said ‘Come on, we can give you a ride. I can drop David off first because our house is near and then I can take you, if that’s OK?’ Is that OK? It’s perfect!

The valet then delivered the car and David, for some strange reason I was grateful for, allowed me sit in front but I just got in as quickly as I could and I saw an appreciative glance at my boobs from her. Wow! As we drove, her skirt rode even further up her legs – I could almost (damn!) see her panties. I couldn’t take my eyes off her legs, they seemed endless. Thank God she was looking ahead and didn’t notice me looking. In less than ten minutes we had arrived and David was out of the car, said his ‘good nights’ and off we went.

‘Where to?’ she asked. I wanted to say ‘Anywhere with you’ but I settled for ‘Hang a left at the next light and I’ll direct you.’ Well, that’s certainly taking advantage of the situation, isn’t it Jennifer?’

As we turned, she said softly ‘This is my way home too and it’s not that late. Would you like to have a coffee with me or a nightcap or something? We never did get to talk properly before did we?’ Oh God, it was the ‘or something’ that caught my attention. Is she giving me a BIG hint or is it just my imagination? But here’s your chance. It may be the only other one you get, Jennifer. Don’t screw it up!

‘I’d like that, thank you,’ I replied. Yes! Yes! Yes!

‘Good, I’d like that too,’ she said, ‘besides, I have a confession to make.’

‘Oh? You don’t seem as if you’re the type of girl who would have done something you had to confess.’

‘Well, I did it with the best of intentions but I can’t tell you while I’m driving. It’s not very far now. Will you hang in there for a few more minutes? Please?’ She said that with such feeling, how could I say ‘no’?’

‘OK, a few minutes is fine. I’m intrigued.’

As she promised, two minutes later we arrived at her place. She smiled and said ‘Here we are.’

I let her get out of the car first to see if I could see her ass and to my delight I was treated to the sight of her ass cheeks peeking just below the hem of her dress, seconds before she pulled it down. I could feel my pussy getting even wetter.

Her apartment was fabulous and I told her so. A great view of the city at night and elegantly furnished. The girl had taste, and obviously money.

‘What would you like?’ There was no hint of double entendre in her question. I paused for a second before saying ‘I’ll have whatever you’re having.’

‘Well, I’d like something to drink now that I don’t have to drive anymore. Is bourbon OK?’

‘Perfect, my favorite.’

We sat on the two-seater and sipped our drinks and made some small talk but I sensed she was trying to find the courage or at least an opportunity to tell me what she had to say. She had crossed her legs and there was a vast, and wonderful, expanse of thigh on display and I found it so hard to concentrate but she seemed unconcerned and comfortable with showing so much leg. Was I complaining?

I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed answers. I wanted her but I was still unsure of myself and the situation and I feared rejection and the awkwardness if I was wrong. I decided to give her an opening to find out if her confession was to say she had been leading me on and this was ‘let’s let Jennifer down gently and this is “good bye”.’

‘Olivia, you said you have something to tell me? I’m quite broad minded so it will be difficult to offend me or my sensibilities. So, what is it?’ I gave her my biggest and warmest smile as I was saying it and patted her hand and let it rest on hers and her leg momentarily. I wanted to leave it there and it took real willpower to take it away.

She hesitated for a few moments while she took a large gulp of the bourbon.

‘Jennifer, there’s no easy way to say this but tonight was no accident! I planned it! There, I’ve said it. I feel as if I’ve deceived you but I had to tell you. I’m sorry.’ What? What does she mean? She looked so contrite and really anxious and nervous about whatever it was.

I didn’t want to jump to conclusions and I must have sounded more irritated then I was as I said ‘Explain yourself, young lady!’

She looked more uncertain now but she said, ‘I was in your office a couple of days ago. I had become friendly with your P.A. when my case was in your court and I steered the conversation around to you. I found out that you were meeting your friends in the restaurant tonight so I arranged with David to take me there. It really was to celebrate his birthday but I persuaded him to change restaurants so I could see you.

‘I‘ve wanted to see you and talk to you since I first saw you but I couldn’t think of any easy way to do it with anything relating to work and I was desperate so that’s why I did it. I wore my slinkiest dress to make you notice me. It took all my courage to kiss you on the cheek to let you know that even though we hadn’t really talked or anything, I have feelings for you. I wasn’t expecting your friend to ask me for a kiss so I just had to go along with it to cover my nervousness. I didn’t know what else to do!

‘I hoped you might come over and talk to me, especially after I said that I wanted to kiss you, and when that didn’t happen I decided to go home because I thought you weren’t interested. And then I saw you waiting at the door and I thought I would try one last time so I offered you a ride and I saw you looking at my legs in the car and I deliberately didn’t pull my dress down because I wanted you to see them! I didn’t know what to do and I didn’t know what your reaction might be but I couldn’t go on not knowing if you even like me or not.

‘I’m really sorry for what I did but I really was desperate. I can’t be dishonest with you so that’s why I’ve told you. I hope you’ll forgive me and that’s most of my confession.’

‘And the rest is?’ I asked, in the gentlest voice I could find.

‘I love you!’

She had hardly drawn a breath, her words had just come tumbling out and now I was lost for words. She loves me! God in heaven, she loves me! And to think she went to all that trouble just so she could see me again! This is a dream come true!

She finished the rest of her drink in one go and sat holding her glass and looked briefly into my eyes with an expression on her face that said ‘I’ve just blown everything, haven’t I? ’ and then looked down again, not being able to meet my gaze.

‘Olivia, look at me. Please?’ I said, trying to keep the tremor out of my voice.

She hesitantly raised her eyes to meet mine.

‘Are you telling me that you went to all that trouble just so you could meet me?

‘Yes’, she said softly, looking directly into my eyes. God but hers were gorgeous.

I took her hand in mine and let it rest on her leg and this time I didn’t move it. She let it rest there as if it was just something we always did. ‘I have to say something to you. This is all my fault!’

‘How can it be your fault? I was the one who…’

‘No, no, it’s not you’ I interrupted, ‘Let me explain.’ I said as I squeezed her hand.

‘I have been a foolish and stupid old woman. You have probably heard that not too long ago I went through a very difficult divorce and it hurt. It hurt a lot! I have beautiful daughters – did you know that?’ She nodded to say ‘yes’ and I continued, ‘And they are the only good things that came out of my marriage, which was a sham, I realize now. The details of what happened are best forgotten but let’s just say that torture and mutilation are too good a punishment for him! And my daughters agree with that. They have not spoken to him or seen him since and they do not want to. It takes a lot to keep girls away from their father, doesn’t it?’

She nodded and said ‘Yes, it does. It must be something really bad that happened. I’m not asking and I’m not trying to pry, but

I can tell by what you’ve said and the emotion in your voice. I’m so sorry, Jennifer, that you’ve been hurt.’ This time she squeezed my hand and it felt wonderful to feel her touch, so loving and gentle.

‘Thank you, no-one’s ever really said anything like that to me before.’ I could feel tears welling up in my eyes but wiped them away quickly.

‘And you’re not foolish nor stupid nor old. Don’t you ever say those things again!’ She scolded me and I knew she didn’t mean it in a bad way. She was just trying to make me feel better and I loved her for it. It felt really good to hear her say it because it proved she cared.

‘Olivia, I have felt very fragile since it happened but the thing is, it made me realize something that I have been denying myself for a long time. I thought I preferred men but I don’t.’

A wonderful smile spread across her face as I said that. She moved closer to me and said, ‘Keep talking!’

‘I still feel foolish because I let my head rule my heart and I should have been friendlier towards you when we were in court.’

She looked at me quizzically.

‘I was afraid of being hurt again! But when I saw you I started to have feelings…no, not just feelings but longings for you…’

‘Really? You mean like a yearning to have wild, abandoned, wanton sex on the carpet longings?’ she said with a huge wicked grin on her face.

My jaw must have dropped because she then realized what she’d said and blushed a deep shade of red. ‘Oh my God, Jennifer, I didn’t mean to just come out and say what I was thinking. Oh God, I just made it worse didn’t I?’ and she bit one side of her lip and her eyes widened as if to say ‘Did I really say that?’

She looked so cute and delicious and vulnerable at that moment my heart almost missed a beat. Is this what real love feels like?

I burst out laughing. And then she did too.

‘Olivia, you are shameless!’ I paused and then said, ‘I’m pleased to say!’ In response, her smile was angelic and devilish at the same time and hard to resist. I could feel myself getting more and more juicy and I didn’t want to waste it, so I said ‘Listen, we can clear up any misunderstandings a little later but I have something important to ask you, OK?’


‘You said you loved me?

‘Yes, yes, yes!’ That angelic smile again.

‘I never thought I’d ever say this to anyone else, ever again, but I’m falling in love with you too.’

Like a little girl she clapped her hands together in glee and said ‘I am SO happy. I have wanted to hear you say that since I first saw you. I hoped and dreamed it might happen and now it’s finally come true.’ Tears of joy ran down her face. Mine too. We held hands just lost in the moment but both of us knew things were about to get a lot more intense.

‘There’s something else I need to ask you?’


With a huge wicked smile on my face I asked her ‘Do you have a king size bed?’

With an even more wicked smile and a look of longing on her face and playing the game she said ‘Actually, I do. Why?’

‘Well then, can I stay the night?’

Now we were teasing each other in the most intoxicating way because she said ‘I’ve already locked the door and I’ve put the key in my panties. If you want it you’ll have to undress me!’

Her eyes looked at my lips and then back in to my eyes as we drifted towards each other.

That first kiss was like no other. I knew the moment our lips met that I didn’t want to even take a breath in case the moment passed. It was tender, sensuous, deliriously sexy and seemed never ending but ended too quickly. She moaned into my mouth as we kissed and caressed each other. I got goose bumps and shivers down my spine. We surfaced after what seemed an eternity and breathlessly laughed with nervousness as we both anticipated what was about to happen.

‘Come on’ she said, ‘let’s go and have that wild sex!’

She pulled me to my feet and led me in to her bedroom. It was the prettiest shade of pastel pink with white bed linen and to me seemed like the perfect place for us. There was just the light from the window to illuminate us as we stood toe to toe.

I caressed her hair and followed it with a deeper kiss. Our tongues entwined as our bodies pressed hard against each other while our arms wrapped around each other in a tight embrace. She tasted wonderful.

We parted and we started to undress each other. I found the zipper at the side of her dress and pulled it down. As soon as I let go, her dress dropped effortlessly to the floor with hardly a sound. All she was wearing were the tiniest pair of see through panties I had ever seen and her pussy was clearly visible. Her breasts were perfect and her nipples looked so hard and inviting. She was absolutely gorgeous!

She stood there with a mischievous look on her face, revelling in my gaze and willing me to keep on looking at her. She put a fingertip in her mouth just like a little girl would and said, ‘I wore these panties especially, in the hope that you’d see them and that you would be tempted. I want you so much!’

I squeezed her nipples, perhaps a little too hard because she had a sharp intake of breath but all she said was, ‘God, that feels so good! I am so wet’ I squeezed them again and she put her hands over mine in approval and then she said ‘Now it’s my turn!’

She took my hands away and placed them around her neck and pressed herself against me again and hugged me tightly and I sucked on her tongue as we kissed once more. Her hand moved to my neck and then I felt my zipper being pulled down. When it reached my waist she pulled away a little and she took my dress off my shoulders and it whispered to the floor and puddled around my feet.

Thank God I had worn some of my best lingerie. A black lacy bra with a plunging neckline and matching panties and stockings.

She took a step back and devoured my body with her eyes and then she said ‘You have an absolutely fabulous figure and I love your boobs. I wish mine were as big as yours. They’re wonderful!’

‘There’s nothing wrong with yours Olivia, believe me.’

She smiled. ‘I always wondered what you were like under your clothes. I tried to imagine what lingerie you’d wear. Whether it would be white or black or pink or…’ her sentence trailed off as she got lost in her thoughts and she moved behind me and unfastened my bra. She lifted it off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

She then pressed her rock hard nipples into my back as her hands went under my arms and cupped my breasts and then squeezed my throbbing nipples as she started to kiss my neck. Her lips moved up to nibble my earlobe and then back down again to kiss my shoulder as she squeezed my nipples hard again. I was going weak at the knees. I could feel her hot breath on my neck and I was loving every second of it. Dear God, it felt so good!

Her right hand let go of my nipple and moved across my tummy and went inside my panties. Within seconds her finger found my pussy and she moaned into my neck as she said ‘God, Jennifer, your pussy is dripping wet!’

‘How can I not be wet while you’re doing this to me?’ My body was starting to writhe under the spell she was casting over me.

Her finger was probing deeper and moving in and out, in and out in an irresistible and insistent rhythm. I moved my left hand behind me and pushed it into her panties and found her pussy. It was just as wet as mine, if not more so!

‘You are a naughty girl, Olivia. Your pussy has no right to be so juicy!’ I teased her.

‘I’ve been like that since I let you see my legs in the car. I wanted to take my panties off and give them to you there and then and make you put your fingers inside me so I could cum!’

I moaned as much because of what she was doing to me with her fingers as what she just said and we were both getting near and we weren’t even naked! She was starting to tremble against me as my finger played with her button and hers played with mine.

Within seconds we both orgasmed with the longest ‘Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooohs’ imaginable.

It was like no other sensation I had ever experienced. A wave of euphoria swept over me and my body shivered in ecstasy as I leaned back into her. She was shaking against me and crying tears of joy and kissing my neck, my shoulder, my hair, anywhere she could reach without letting go and without us removing our fingers. The tremors took a long time to subside and finally she whispered in my ear, ‘My darling Jennifer, my love, my beautiful one, I have never, never in all my life felt anything like that. I cannot find the words to tell you what I just experienced. I want you so much. I need you in my life and I never want to lose you now that I’ve found you. I love you – more than anything!’

I moved my hand and she moved hers as I gently turned around to face her. As I looked into her eyes, I placed the finger that had been in her pussy in my mouth and licked it clean and I said, almost in a whisper, ‘I feel the same way, my love.’
Then I took her hand and I licked it clean too. ‘That’s to show you how much I want you.’

Her lips were on mine in an instant and we kissed long and deep and hard with our bodies pressed so tightly against each other.

It was pure lust and passion and love and longing and a wanton need for fulfilment. We eventually came up for air.

‘Jennifer, I just tasted both of us at the same time. It was wicked and sexy and I love it. And I want more!’

‘Shall we get in bed?’

She took her panties and mine off in seconds and we began again.

It was a****listic and dangerous and the most exhilarating thing I had ever experienced. Neither of us could get enough of each other. We devoured each other. Kisses, tongues, fingers, sucking, probing, licking. I loved the feel of her fabulous long legs wrapped around me and she paid special attention to my boobs and I licked and lapped her pussy and gave her what she described as the most intense, shuddering orgasm she’d ever had.

Our lovemaking knew no bounds. Different positions, starting, stopping, teasing until we drove each other crazy with desire.

We entered another dimension where there was only us. Nothing from outside could reach us – we neither wanted it or needed it.

Sensation after sensation infused and suffused our bodies with longing as a touch here and a kiss there awakened such passion, lust and a desire to be possessed, owned, taken, used and loved.

We ended up in a ‘69’ position and in the intensity of those moments we held each other and pressed each and pulled each other’s bodies together with absolutely no intention of ever letting go. Neither of wanted to break the contact nor end the moment. We entered another stream of consciousness. The real world ceased to exist and we were transported to a place that had no time, no reference points, no connection to anything other than the two of us.

And when our simultaneous mind-blowing orgasms took control of our bodies and swept us away on a tide of ever increasing passion , I swear part of our souls transferred in that moment.

We became one indivisible entity.

I awoke in the early hours feeling happy, comfortable, content and totally fulfilled in every sense of the word. I couldn’t stop looking at her and mentally pinching myself to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. Is this beautiful, loving, totally gorgeous woman who is fifteen years younger than I am really here next to me? Have I just made love to her for hours? I couldn’t resist and I gently touched her arm just to make sure she was real.

Her eyes flickered open as I did so and a sleepy smile made her face light up.

‘Jennifer, you’re insatiable!’

‘No, I just wanted to make sure this is real,’ I began to protest.

‘I bet you say that to all the girls,’ she said and giggled. ‘This is real, come here!’ She pulled me toward her and kissed me with her soft pliant lips and I could feel my nipples hardening again and could feel hers boring their way into my breasts and our lovemaking started again.

I think I may be insatiable because when we awoke this morning, I kissed her again and I think that was the fifth or sixth time we made love. It was incredible! Just like the other times.

Still with passion, still with wanton lust, still with longing and desire but always full of love and intimacy and tenderness.

There was no need for words between us – we both knew that our future is together. No more doubts, no more misunderstandings.

We are not two separate people. We are an ‘us’ and people will find that out very soon. If they have a problem with it, it’s their problem not ours.

This is a new chapter in my life. It is a new chapter for Olivia too.

We will write the book of our life together and the words will be ours alone.

We have been shopping today and we have bought some absolutely delicious and sexy new lingerie for each other. And we have been back to bed too – but not for a nap!

So here I am, getting ready to go out and making sure my makeup is just right for her. I’m going to do something very special for her but not tell her so she can see for herself when we come back later. I’m going to leave my panties off and not wear a bra either! I can’t believe I’m going to do that but I want to turn her on by being naughty. That will drive her wild when she finds out.

Besides, it’s only fair because Olivia is walking around the apartment wearing nothing but high heels and a smile right now.

I’m beginning to think she doesn’t really want to go out and she’s trying to tempt me to stay in. I want to get her into bed again, believe me, but we have something we must do.

She’s already phoned David and told him about us. It seems very sudden, I know, but we can’t contain ourselves. David’s reaction? ‘That’s been obvious for weeks, s*s. I could tell you’d fallen in love with Jennifer just by listening to the way you talked about her. Guess what, we can have another celebration when we come home! I wish you guys all the luck and love in the world.’

I’ve phoned my daughters and Ruth. Olivia and I are going to tell them tonight in person. It’s only fair that they know. Ruth I’m sure has worked it all out last night. When I spoke to her, she just said ‘You have something wonderful to tell me don’t you?‘ I told her she’d have to wait. ‘OK, I’ll bring champagne then! A case enough?’ She’s such a loveable horror!

As for my daughters, I think they will be OK. Once they meet Olivia, they will find out how kind and loving and caring she is and it will be obvious that she loves me. It will be obvious that I love her too.

I cannot lose Olivia, she means too much to me so there’s no choice to make if my girls can’t handle the situation right now.

I am a little nervous about the whole thing and it will be strange at first for them I know, but I have to hope for the best.

If they can be happy for me and accept that we are in love then that’s all I can ask for.

written by zorrokundra©



You'd like to kiss me? Why do you want to do that?

Ah, my lips are inviting are they? Well, yes, lots of people tell me that but not everyone gets to kiss them, so...

Interesting question! Mmmm, I wear lots of different shades but it has to be red! Never pink - too insipid. Always red and my favorite is crimson, blood red, the color of love or, sometimes, something else...

Mmmm, wait - you'll find out, don't be so impatient. I want to tempt you first! No, I didn't say I wouldn't kiss you. I wanted to know why you wanted to kiss me.

Doesn't anything else appeal to you?

My hair?

My eyes?

My legs? They are long and shapely aren't they? They look so good in stockings I'm told - do you agree? Am I tempting you when I open them wide like this?

I know it's dark but it adds to the atmosphere don't you think? If I move slightly my pussy will not be in the shadow and you will be able to see it perfectly. See, like that! Is that tempting you? Would you like to touch me? And feel how juicy I am?

Are you wet too? Wonderful! Why don't you take the rest of your lingerie off and be naked like me? Wouldn't that be better for us to get, what shall I say, closer?

Here, let me unfasten your bra. That's it! Your boobs are so big and your nipples are so hard! You are turned on aren't you?

Let me touch your pussy. See how easily my fingers slip inside you! Does that feel good? Yes, you can do the same for me. That's it, right inside. Am I hot?

That's because of what you're doing to me, you naughty girl! You know how to press all my buttons,don't you? Oh,that feels so good! Are you near? I am!

Let's come together - that would be perfect! Ooooooh, you are so sexy doing this to me, you're giving me goosebumps! Oh God, that's it! Now!

Wow, that was fabulous! Who did you learn that from? Not telling, mmmm? Don't be shy, you might get a kiss...

Ah, she taught me too! But I thought you were so innocent! You're quite the opposite, but I like that in a woman. Trying different things is so exciting, I find.

Well, if I were to kiss you where would you like me to kiss you? I don't usually kiss you see...but I could be tempted...I am flirty I know, but you like that don't you? Naughty but nice...

You don't mind me leaving my fingers inside you do you? Good, because I can't resist playing with you, you're so juicy! Yes, don't stop either. I love what you're doing to me!

So, where is it to be? All over! Oooh that could take ages but it could be fun! But where would you like me to start?

My lips? Mmmm, I thought so! Am I right in thinking that you'd like me to tease you and leave your pussy until the very end? Not just my lips though, you want me to use my tongue as well? And my fingers! You little...that's so slutty, but I love it!

Remember how I said that I don't usually kiss? Well, what would you do for me if I so kiss you? Anything! You are turned on aren't you? Are my fingers working their magic on you because yours are on me? Are you near again? Me too!

And as for trying something different, can I kiss your neck first of all? That really turns me on, it's so sexy and sensuous doing that!

Then you shall have your kiss!

Use your other hand to squeeze my nipples while I'm doing it! That's it!

Your neck is so smooth! I can see your pulse beating, you are near aren't you? Just one little.....


I never kiss - it spoils my blood red lipstick...

written by zorrokundra©


God, I'm exhausted!

I never imagined telephone sex could be so strenuous!

The invitation asked me to wear something sexy to 'put me in the mood' and it took me absolutely ages to decide what to put on.

Or more precisely what I should not put on!

I love the feel of stockings on my legs but I didn't want anything to get in the way so panties were a 'no-no'! Braless obviously so I could tweak my nipples and my highest heels even though she couldn't see me. This dress is so light and flimsy I may even go out like this I feel so sexy! Slutty even!

I've even had my hair done - and a couple of Martinis too...

How could I resist playing with my pussy dressed like this? And before we talked!

Her voice was dreamy and it was like honey dripping in my ear - sexy, seductive, husky and very demanding!

She asked me so many questions:

What are you wearing?
Do you always wear stockings?
Why did you choose not to wear panties?
Have you ever let someone deliberately see your pussy when you've been out?
Have you ever let a stranger touch you?
Was anyone watching me?
Do you wish there was?

I didn't need any encouragement to start playing with myself - I couldn't help it! Flashing my pussy? Wow, there's an idea...

Then the instructions!

Squeeze your nipple!
Really hard so it hurts!
Now the other one!

...and all the time making me tell her what I was doing and what I was feeling while I was doing it.

I felt so dirty AND delicious!

My pussy was gushing before I got down there. My dress was wide open from my neck to my waist and my skirt was round my waist!

My nipples had never tingled so much and were really hard but my pussy was on fire. It's burning even now.

The things she told me to do!

Open your legs wide!
Wider than that!
Tease your button!
Make it hard!
Now put a finger in!
All of them!

Now take them out and lick them clean!

How do you fell now you've done that?

Do you wish someone was watching you do it?

Put two fingers back in and start to play with yourself!

Make yourself come! Don't stop until I tell you!

Now put a finger in your ass!

Back to your pussy! Three fingers! Come again!

I had more orgasms in the past hour than I've had in weeks!

It was fabulous! I loved telling her how dirty and naughty I felt and the noise I must have made!

God, I can't wait to do it again! I wonder what she's like?

But next time I'm going to use the other phone because I needed two hands!

And I'm going to suggest a video link so she can watch me!

written by zorrokundra©


Hello? Oh, hi darling, are you nearly home?

That's great!

What am I wearing? Well...I can't decide really, so at the moment very little! OK, I'm wearing sheer black stockings and those strappy high heels I told you about and some tiny silk panties that show my ass cheeks and that lacy silk teddy thing that you love so much.

Mmmm, the one that comes just underneath my boobs and that diaphanous negligee that I can never keep fastened when you're around because always touching me in places I love to be touched.

Am I turning you on? I am,I know. You're all breathless, I can tell!

Of course I'll take my panties off - would you like me to play with myself while we're talking? Would that turn you on more?

There now, they're round my ankles! I can make my pussy nice and wet for you. My nipples could already cut glass, you naughty girl! You know what turns me on don't you?

God, that feels so good! I'm really slippery, oooooooh, so wet!

Wait a minute, are you playing with yourself too?

Where are you? Can anyone see you? Are you coming? No, don't come without me! Please! I'm so close! Where are you?

Outside the door? You little tease! You were there all the time!

Get in here right this second so I can come at the same time as you! And are you in trouble! Yes, I know I'm turned on!

God, you're naked under your coat! You finish me and I'll finish you and then we are going straight to bed, we can eat later.

After you've eaten me!

Oh sweet Jesus! Come for me, come for me. Now!

written by zorrokundra©



…Six months ago…

"Come in!"

I knew who it was and although I half expected the knock on my door, my heart still skipped a beat. Even after all this time, she still has that effect on me.

I couldn’t help myself. I wanted her and I knew it would take a will of iron to resist the urge to rip off her clothes and make love to her but I knew I had to be strong to protect myself. Time had not made me immune but it had given me the ability to not give in the moment I saw her. When she left me it felt as if part of me was missing.

Someone once said to me that when you find your soul mate a part of you transfers itself and becomes part of them and vice versa. That’s why you miss them so much when you’re apart because a part of you belongs to someone else.

I have missed her every single day and I longed for her to come back to me. I could not understand what happened – I kissed her goodbye when I dropped her at the airport but she never returned.

As soon as I saw her smile and heard the chime of her voice, I knew my heart would be in trouble.

"Is it OK if I come in?" she asked timidly.

I hadn't deliberately planned to be naked but I was glad I was.

I was going to cover myself up so it wouldn’t look obvious what was on my mind but it must have been my subconscious at work making me want to tempt her to make her realize just what she had been missing. What she had been missing for the past two years.

Perhaps now I would find out what happened, that long, lonely time ago.

"Yes, of course. Trouble sleeping?" I asked, deliberately playing it cool. God knows, I didn't want to be distant but I had to try to stop my heart going into freefall.

She had flown four thousand miles from England to be here. There is a five hour time difference with the U.K. so she must have been tired after the journey.

No-one was more surprised than me when she called last week and asked if she could come and talk to me. She wouldn't discuss things over the phone but just said it was important. Really important! Well, if she's travelled four thousand miles it must be. But if she wanted to see me face to face then would it be good news or bad?

I asked her how she’d found out where I was and she said she’d gone to my apartment to see me.

“Oh, so you met my mom and dad then?”

“Yes, I did,” she said, “and it didn’t go very well.”

That was an understatement. My mom was very caustic about her when she disappeared but they had never met so I could only imagine what she must have said.

“So what did mom say then?” I thought I would just ask and see what happened.

“When I told her who I was, her exact words were ‘so you’re the one who broke my little girl’s heart! What are you doing here? Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage?’”

Thanks mom!

“She slammed the door in my face. I suppose I should have expected a cool reception but I couldn’t leave like that without finding out where you were, so I kept knocking until she answered. Your dad opened the door and he was a little more reasonable but I could hear your mum in the background telling him to get rid of me.”

“So, what happened then?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

“I pleaded with him to let me explain. I said I had come to find you to tell you what had happened and I didn’t care who heard because I was so desperate to find you. I had to tell him the basic details and your mum must have been listening behind the door because she opened the door wider and told me to come in.”

“Tell me what happened c***d,” she said when I was sat down, “because if you don’t, you’ll never see her again.”

“So, I had to tell her everything, otherwise she would never have given me your number. I didn’t want to tell her before you but I had no choice. But there is one thing that I didn’t do and that was to show her the proof. And that’s why I need to see you in person. I pray to God you’ll understand but I had to see you. There is no other way, please believe me!”

She sounded genuinely upset and desperate so how could I refuse?
When I picked her up from the airport, in the usual afternoon thunderstorm, we hugged and said ‘Hi’ but it felt as if we were strangers. It felt as if we were just being polite. The hour in the car seemed a lot longer because it was just small talk and the conversation felt awkward and forced. Two years is a long time and I wanted to know everything there and then but she seemed distant and withdrawn so I didn’t pursue it. She obviously came here to tell me something but how long would I have to wait?

I knew what I wanted to hear but would it be what I had hoped for? I have become almost a recluse since we last saw each other. With time passing I decided to keep my distance because for me, it seemed safer to be out of harm’s way; I didn’t want to run into her accidentally and be totally unprepared.

Neither did I wish to be near to other people we knew so I wouldn't be reminded of the past or asked questions I didn’t want to hear or answer. God knows, I wanted to see her but I suppose I was afraid of what my reaction might be if I did. Not a day has gone by without me thinking about her. I have said ‘Good night, my love’ to her every night even though I knew she couldn’t hear me. Love can hurt so much.

My villa is comfortable and secluded and well decorated. Far too many rooms for just me but I like the space and being alone, the ability to please myself what I do and when I do it. The master bedroom has been completely remodelled and it is very feminine and reflects my taste. I have my mom and dad to thank for that because we exchanged homes – me back to my c***dhood home and them to England. It was supposed to be for just a few months but it has been nearly eighteen months now.

I am a romantic at heart so the furnishings are very ‘girly’ and frilly and I make sure I pamper myself too with trips to the beauty salon in town for facials, manicures, pedicures and my hair done. Once I had a massage but it was a little too intimate so I had to say ‘no’ and I haven’t had another since. At the time my heart was breaking and I just could not bear the thought of being touched like that or sex with anyone else. It was all too much, too soon.

I have had invitations to parties and dinners but I always refused. It’s not that I am antisocial generally but I knew people would want to know about me and I really didn’t want to have to explain or be cross examined so was better to say ‘some other time’ or ‘sorry, I can’t’. I have turned celibacy into an occupation! Well, not strictly true – I have ‘entertained’ myself a lot. A girl has to relieve the frustration somehow and I could make all the noise I wanted. Sadly there has been no-one to hear, or watch, or take part. If only there had been.

I love the way the moon illuminates the room and casts shadows across the covers on my king sized bed. They appear to shimmer sometimes when the moonlight catches the silk – I find it very restful and dreamlike. You’re very silly, I think to myself.

The pillow is very special – it was hers but I couldn’t bear to part with it despite everything. I have cried myself to sleep more times than I could count and it has been really wet with tears. God, how I ached for her! How I still ache for her!

I didn't turn around but I heard the door close softly.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were undressed!"

Of course she knew I would be undressed! I always sleep naked. She knows that, doesn’t she?

Still trying to be cool I said, "Yes, I'm too warm. Can you turn up the air conditioning? – it’s there on the wall beside you.”
There was a swish of something delicate – what? – and then I heard the fan starting to blow cool air. My nipples started to go harder. Yes, harder because they turned to diamonds the moment she knocked on the door.

“Are you going to put something on?” she asked. Strangely, she wasn’t demanding in the way she asked. The tone of her voice implied concern for me rather than wanting me to comply with her wishes. Hmmm…

“Would you like me to? Do you feel uncomfortable with me naked like this?” I was wary so I spoke gently too.

“Well, it is distracting looking at your bottom.”

Oh, that cut glass English accent can be so suggestive! She has always loved my ‘bottom’ and I love the way she says that rather than ‘ass’ because it so different to what I’m used to. Refined is the word. Sometimes she said derrière and that turned me on even more.

She could appear to be quite demanding at times. Not in a nasty way but she seemed to want control of a situation and I put it down to some form of feeling inferior rather than a need for control. I let her get away with lots of things because I loved her and the things she asked of me I didn’t mind doing. I still love her but this time I can’t just give in! I’ve waited a long time so she can too!

“I’m too warm, really. You’ll just have to avert your eyes,” I said a little playfully. Stop flirting!

I hated myself! I love this woman to distraction and I wanted to take her in my arms and hug her and kiss her and say ‘I love you!’ but I must not. I had to know. I just had to know first!

“Why don’t you sit down here in the chair next to the bed?”

I heard another swish of material as she sat and said “You’re such a bossy boots!” She sounded slightly annoyed but she knew she could not get her own way but it wasn’t a reprimand.

Am I bossy, I thought to myself. No, I’m not! I’m very timid really but let’s face it, I had nothing to lose. I had been alone for a long time and I’ve played out this scene in my head many times. What I would do. What I would say. How I would behave. But now she’s here I find myself weakening already. God help me!

When we were first apart I imagined her in bed next to me, naked, her pale English rose complexion illuminated by the moonlight surrounded by the darkness of the room. I remembered the curve of her body, her nipples erect and trying to reach the ceiling as they responded to my delicate touch designed to deliberately drive her wild with desire for me. I would trace the contour of her ribcage in my mind’s eye and wonder at the slenderness of her body. God she is beautiful to behold!

My fingertip remembered the smoothness of her skin and my ears the sharp intakes of breath as my fingers descended to her hips and along her leg as I deliberately prolonged the moment when I would change direction and move back up her leg along the delicate inviting expanse of her inner thigh towards what we both wanted.

I would kiss her imaginary lips which would yield to my tongue as my fingers began to explore our deepest desires and her legs would open wide to let me and then…

I would wake and realize I was just hugging her pillow and tears would start to flow again. Oh God! How have I survived without

Since then I had become accustomed to existing without her. Not living, certainly not that. ‘Existing’ is nearer the truth. I had always wanted to be part of her life and I always wanted her to be part of mine but it can’t be just on her terms now. I really didn’t want to lose my self-respect and sanity. I could not afford to lose them! If I weakened I would!

I allowed the silence to develop. I wanted her to make the first move.

“I can tell you’re very annoyed with me,” she said quietly.

Trying to remove all sarcasm from my voice, I turned towards her and met her gaze for the first time and said, “Really?” Of course I was annoyed! More than annoyed! I was heartbroken because of you!

She could now see my nakedness. One of the things I had done at the beauty parlor was to have a complete wax. I knew no-one would see my pussy but I wanted to make a statement to myself.

I expected a reaction and I got one!

“Oh My God, you’re naked, smooth! Oh My God, when did you have that done?” She sounded really excited and that surprised me.
I could swear she blushed slightly because she was always ‘Little Miss Prim and Proper’ – not Victorian in her attitude to anything but she loved my trimmed pussy and loved teasing me by running her fingers through it, so having no pussy hair would be quite a surprise for her.

“Oh, that was some time ago, when I first moved here. Do you like my new look?” I said smiling, trying to be coquettish.

“You look beautiful – I…” she stopped mid-sentence.

“Go on,” I said.

“I…no, I can’t. I feel embarrassed”

“Yes, you can. Tell me.”

She hesitated and then said, “You do look really beautiful, truly. I…I... ”

I decided not to take the bait by asking her to finish the sentence, so all I said was, “Thank you, that’s lovely to hear.”

As we were talking, my eyes wandered over her face and body and took in the way she was dressed. Her figure is still fabulous. But I sensed a nervousness about her as I looked. It was if she didn’t want me to look at her.

She’d dressed in a black silk negligee which must have cost an absolute fortune. Her hair was ‘just so’ and she was barefoot.

She always wore killer heels and they made her ultra long legs look really sexy so it was unusual for her not to be wearing them. I couldn’t see too much of anything else because the negligee was wrapped tight around her and her arms were folded.

She watched me watching her.

“I love your negligee,” I said.

“Thank you.”

She paused slightly and then said, “It was a gift.”

So this is the bad news. Someone has bought it for her and that’s what she’s come to tell me about face to face. She has a new lover and that’s why she left me!

She sensed my change of attitude instantly and put her hand on my arm and said, “No! No! I bought it for myself. I bought it as a special gift for me.”

The touch of her hand was electric. Shivers ran up and down my body. All this time without her and she touched me once and I melted inside. What was I going to do?

Slightly hoarsely, I asked, trying to regain my composure, “And what was the special occasion?”

She looked down and unfolded her arms and started to play with the ends of the belt on her negligee.

Still with her eyes downcast, she said the one thing I never expected.

“It was when I came out of hospital for the second time. That’s what I’ve come here to explain to you.” She looked at me with hope and expectancy in her eyes and waited.

“What? You’ve been in hospital and didn’t let me know? When? Why? What for?”

This was the woman who promised me the day she disappeared from my life that she would love me until the day after time ended.

We were going to buy engagement rings when she came back from doing her interview in Paris. She never returned! I tried everything I could think of to find her. I emailed her. I rang her phone. I rang the airline. Yes, she had caught the flight to Charles de Gaulle airport but had never returned. I went to her apartment so many times I lost count. I had no luck with the police either. There was no trace of her. Nothing!

I sat bolt upright on the bed, not knowing which emotion from the cocktail that was going through my mind had the greatest hold on me! Concern? Anger? Annoyance? Disappointment? Hurt?

I must have shouted because, overcome by my outburst and overwhelming and unexplained emotions of her own, she started crying. Silent tears were streaming down her face. She was not what people would describe as a classic beauty but she had that inner glow that some women have and a personality that was so engaging that I could never resist her.

But it was her face and I loved it and the way she looked, and it hurt to know I had upset her. To see her face dissolve in torment as she then started to sob uncontrollably was more than I could bear.

I reacted instinctively and said, “I’m sorry – I shouldn’t have said that. Please, come here. Please. Lie next to me. I’m sorry, really I am.”

Her sobs didn’t subside but she did come and lie beside me. The fact that her tears were wetting her pillow was not lost on me so I felt even worse. I held her in my arms and hugged her tight, stroked her hair and made gentle shushing noises as I did so to try and soothe her.

I could tell this wasn’t an act. Whatever happened was still very real for her and I knew I had to wait until she was ready to talk. My mind imagined so many things – what could have happened to her?

Whether it was the fact that I was cuddling her or that she was so tired I didn’t know, but after a short while the sobbing subsided and she became still. She hadn’t spoken and her change in breathing told me that she’d fallen asleep. I gently released her and rolled over and got off my bed. I went and put on my negligee and then found a light blanket to cover her up.

I kissed her head and stroked her hair tenderly and then turned off the light and then sat in the chair so that I could watch her. Just to have her here was a dream come true and I couldn’t help but just gaze at her and watch her gentle breathing as I used to. Bathed in the moonlight she looked so ethereal and so peaceful and vulnerable. All I wanted to do was protect her and look after her. That’s all I ever wanted. And I wanted to make her hurt go away, whatever it was.

It was in that moment that I realized that, no matter what, I loved her more than I did before. And I realized just how much more. She was my life. It was as simple as that.

I was awakened in the morning by her gentle touch on my arm. I must have fallen asleep in the chair.

“Sorry, I stole your bed,” she said quietly, “don’t be cross with me, please? I’ve brought you some coffee.”

She was very wary of me, I can tell. Perhaps my unfamiliar outburst had unsettled her.

“Beth, it’s OK. Really. I like sleeping in chairs,” I said, trying to make light of it.

She relaxed a little and said to me, “I’m making some breakfast for you. Finish your drink and freshen up and then come through in a minute, OK? It’ll be ready by then.”

I went and sat at the breakfast bar within two minutes because I wanted to watch her. She’d been out of my life too long to delay seeing her.

I noticed she was only making one breakfast.

“You not having anything?”

“No, I had some toast before. It’s OK really.”


“Yes, really, I’m fine. You eat and then we can talk. Is that all right with you?”

At last! This could be the best or the worst day of my life but I had to play the cards as they were dealt.

“Mmm. I’d like that.” I tried to smile when I said it but I had no idea what she was going to say. My heart was in my mouth. I was dreading what was about to happen and I could hardly eat anything. I made an excuse and asked for another coffee.

“Let’s go sit on the porch, it’s not too hot yet and we’re not overlooked so it’ll be nice and quiet and private."

She nodded her head and we went outside. There was a gentle breeze just barely moving the palm leaves and whispering through the bougainvillea and hibiscus. A blaze of colors confronted us – white, cerise, heliotrope, ivory, cream, red and lush greens. A pair of tropical birds took an interest in us but watched from a distance.

“It’s so beautiful here,” she said.

“It is. I find it so restful and most of all it’s quiet. That’s what I love the most.”

There was a slight lull in the conversation. I could tell she was trying to find the strength to speak.

“Tessa?” I heard her say.


“Do you feel like talking now?”

“Only if you do. I want to say again how sorry I am for last night. I was being very selfish and only thinking about me and how what you said affected me. If you’ve been in hospital then whatever happened has affected you must have been serious and I should have realized that.

“But please understand that I have been here for a long time on my own, trying to forget you because you disappeared from my life and I never expected to hear from you again. Ever!

“I searched for you for such a long time and all I could do was run away and hide when I couldn’t find you. I thought you had run away from me and perhaps with someone else. So to hear from you after all this time has turned my world upside down again and then when you told me you’d been in hospital I was hurt because no matter where, no matter when, I would have come to you.

“I really am so very, very sorry for everything. Being offhand, shouting at you but mostly because you’ve obviously been ill.

“Beth, I loved you then. I love you now. I always will. If you leave me tomorrow, that won’t change. I can’t stop being in love with you just because you’re not around. And last night proved that to me. I’m sorry. Please forgive me?”

By the time I’d finished, I was almost in tears and so was she.

She said “If you say ‘sorry’ one more time, I’m going to smack your bottom!” Oh, that ‘B’ word again!

She said “Tessa, there’s no-one else. Please don’t think that. I am trying to find the right words to tell you. It’s not an easy story.” She smiled but it was forced but it felt more like she was trying to be brave rather than anything else.

We dried our eyes and the atmosphere seemed to lighten and then she said, “Tessa, firstly it should be me who apologizes to you. What I am going to tell you will, I hope, explain why you haven’t heard from me for such a long time.

“I want you to know that I love you too. I have been in love with you since the moment I saw you. I fell head over heels for you and it took me such a long time to speak to you. You are so glamorous and sexy and I never ever in a million years thought you could ever fall for someone as ordinary as I am.

“I know you didn’t love me at first…”

I tried to stop her but she stopped me.

“No, I know that’s true, don’t deny it. But you did fall for me and that’s all that matters. And I came here in the hope you will understand and forgive me for not being in touch for so long. I want to try and repair the damage.

“I want so much to start again from where we left off but when you hear what I have to say, you may not want to. If you don’t I will have to live with that and then I will have to run away too and learn to live without you as you have learned to live without me. But, over some of the past two years I have longed to be with you but it has not been possible for me to see you. You’ll understand why I say ‘some’ in a moment, so don’t worry.

“What I have to tell you is difficult for me and will bring back unhappy memories and it will hurt me to tell you but not in the same way that it hurt me. Your reaction may and possibly will be both psychological and emotional. Mine has been those certainly, but also physical.”

She said this in a quiet, factual way with little or no emotion in her voice. I put it down to the fact that she was trying to hold everything together just so she would have the strength to tell me. But I sensed it was also to prepare me for what was to come.

A feeling of dread started to permeate my being and I felt a chill creeping up my spine – something I had never experienced in my life before.

My heart was in my mouth as I said,

“Beth, whatever it is, if it’s going to hurt you, don’t tell me. I’m just glad you’re here with me. Just say you were ill and you’re better now.”

“Tess, if it were only that simple. If I don’t tell you, it will be hanging over me like a dark cloud. I want you to understand why I haven’t been in touch because I know you must have thought the worst of me and I want you to think the best of me. In a sense it will help me. My psychiatrist said as much.

“That by talking about it I will release the monster from its cage and it will run away. And, I hope, never come back as it has done in the nightmares I had all too frequently at first. Sometimes I still do but I am able to cope better now.

Moira, my psychiatrist, quoted something to me by Nietzsche. I knew his name but nothing of his work but when I heard them, these words rang a bell in relation to my treatment so I memorized them.

“Here goes, “she said, and gave me a little smile.

“Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird. Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.”

“Wow, that sounds very serious,” I said, “but what does it mean?”

“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.”

She continued. “Moira told me that it means you should face your fears but don’t allow them to consume you and make you as evil as they are.”

Holy Mother of God! Hospital? A psychiatrist? Sweet Jesus, what happened?

“Beth, are you sure? You’re beginning to frighten me!”

“No, to be honest, I’m not sure at all but I won’t be able to live with myself until you know the full story. I owe you that much. What you do after you know is up to you. I hope and pray you’ll understand. Let me tell you?”

I took her hand in mine and said, “OK.”

She took a deep breath and began.

“I went to Paris, as you know, and I was so thrilled that we were going to get engaged when I returned. I was the happiest girl in the world! I hated to leave you and I couldn’t wait to come home and move in together and meet your parents, as we’d arranged.

“I went to interview him and he was very late but unavoidably so. He was very apologetic when he phoned but he asked if we could meet later that same day so it was about nine p.m. when we started and because he was flying out early the following day I had no choice. I said ‘yes’ and that was the worst decision I ever made in my life.

“We finished after eleven and I went to get a taxi. Of course there weren’t any. I started walking. Another bad decision. I got slightly lost and ended up in a particularly dark and deserted street but I could see a main road ahead so I hurried towards it but feeling very nervous. I was almost at the end of the street when I was attacked from behind.

“I was knocked u*********s. When I came round later and I have no idea how long that was, through a haze I saw two men going through my bag and laughing between themselves. My purse, keys, credit cards, mobile phone, passport, everything, was in the bag. I was very woozy but I screamed in the hope, I suppose, in the hope of frightening them away and attracting attention but it had the opposite effect. They knew I had seen them and instead of running they beat me senseless and left me for dead.

“I found out afterwards that I had broken ribs, a fractured jaw, black eyes, cuts and bruises and internal injuries from when they kicked me. I wasn’t found until early the following morning by a street cleaner and I was rushed to hospital and apparently, because I had lost so much blood from the wound on my head and the internal bleeding I wasn’t expected to live. I was in a c*** for over five months.

“I had total amnesia. I didn’t know who I was and I didn’t remember anything that had happened to me. I remained in the French hospital for some time after that and eventually I was flown back to England by air ambulance when I was well enough to travel and was cared for in a hospital near home. Don’t ask me the details because I don’t know how that happened.

"And it was there that I met Moira, the psychiatrist who helped me to get better. I still had no memories so she suggested I try hypnosis. I thought it was a load of rubbish and refused for quite a while but eventually she persuaded me and I agreed.

“During the sessions, she said that I would not, not ‘could not’ you understand, but ‘would not’ remember my attack. It was buried too deep in my subconscious for her to open up the memory. But she also said that after one long session that I mentioned a girl’s name. She asked me if the name ‘Tessa’ meant anything to me. As soon as she mentioned your name, my memories started to return. Not all at once but bit by bit.

“But what also came back was the memory of the attack and I suffered a nervous breakdown. But it doesn’t end there. After I had recovered physically I suffered PTSD and tried to commit suicide several times so I was admitted to a psychiatric unit for my own good. Luckily for me, Moira worked in the psychiatric unit. She is a lovely person and she has given up her free time to help me and would not give up on me even though at times I gave up on myself. She more than anyone has helped me to get better. So here I am, thanks to French and English doctors and your mom and dad.”

I was absolutely dumbfounded. As I took her in my arms and hugged her, all I could say was,

“Oh, my love, my love. I can’t even begin to imagine what you must have gone through! All this time on your own. And I wasn’t there for you. I have felt so sorry for myself and you have had all that happen to you. Beth, I feel so ashamed.”

“Tessa, you weren’t to know. I feel badly because I haven’t contacted you sooner but at first I couldn’t and then I wasn’t strong enough either physically or emotionally to deal with anything. Don’t feel ashamed, please.”

To feel her arms around me felt wonderful. I didn’t want to let go. I just wanted to hug her and kiss her and we embraced for a long, long time.

And then she said, “Tess, there’s something else. Part of the reason I had to see you in person was to show you something and this is the part I have dreaded. I am still fragile after all that’s happened to me but as well as the emotional scars there are physical ones too.”

“I will understand if you cannot bear to look at me but I must show you. It’s the final part of my story. If you cannot bear to look at me and you want me to go, then I will. It will break my heart but I will go.”

“Beth, nothing can stop me from loving you.”

“I hope so. I can’t do this out here. Let’s go inside please?”
I took her hand and led her back into my bedroom. I did not know what to expect and my mind was in turmoil. Dear God, what is it she has to show me?

She smiled at me and it seemed as if she was thinking ‘this is the last time we may be together.’

I smiled back and said ‘It’s OK, don’t worry. I love you.”

She turned her back to me and I heard the swish of silk as she
unfastened her belt. She shrugged her negligee from her shoulders and put it on the bed beside me. She was now completely naked.

She turned to face me and I saw the scars. God, the pain she must have gone through! They looked like scars from incisions from the surgery she must have had. They would have looked angry at first, I’m sure, but had healed and to me were barely visible but I could tell she was very self-conscious about them.

“Well, aren’t they pretty?” she said

“I can see you’ve endured a lot of pain and I feel for you, I really do! I can understand why you couldn’t and wouldn’t get in touch but that doesn’t matter. I’m just glad you’re here Beth and nothing can stop me from loving you. Nothing! Come here.”

She moved closer and I took hold of her hands and looked directly into her eyes.

“My love for you is unconditional. The fact that you have scars does not matter to me at all.”

I could tell that she wasn’t completely convinced because she still seemed so reticent. There was the hint of a smile but she seemed to be putting on a brave face. Her ordeal must have been terrible and I wanted more than anything to help her to regain her confidence and become the person I fell in love with.

“What can I do to prove to you that I am not going to run away and that I want us to be together?” I asked.

“I’ve thought of this moment with a sinking feeling since I called you. After such a long time I didn’t know what your reaction would be. I know you must have thought I’d left you and I want to put that right if I can. What I’m not sure about is whether or not I can put myself right and that you will not be able to cope with me when I’m feeling down. I’d worked out what I was going to say but now I’m lost. I feel adrift on a sea of emotions that are not of my own making and I’ve no control over them. Tess, I don’t know what to do or think any more!”

At that moment, I didn’t know what to do either but I knew that I could not lose her again. She was so fragile and vulnerable and I loved her all the more for it.

“Beth, I want you to know that I will do whatever it takes to make the hurt go away. We will work it out between us one day at a time. Let’s not make plans apart from one thing. I hope by doing this it will tell you how I feel. OK?”

“What is it?” she asked with doubt in her eyes.

“Well, later on today when you’ve rested a little, we are going to the airport and we are going to cash in your return flight! That means you can’t escape from my clutches and I can do with you what I want. You can stay here with me for as long as you want. And I hope that’s a very long time.”

I said this with the biggest smile I had ever been able to find and her eyes lit up as I said it.

And then, very quietly she said, “I love you Tess. I never stopped loving you. And I would like that very much. But please just be patient with me. Will you?”

“Of course I will. We’ll get through this together.”

We kissed. We hugged each other again for a very long time. It was not sexual in any way but the feeling of love between us was palpable. And I knew it would take some time but we would be like we were eventually.

…Three months ago…

Since she told me of her ordeal she has learned to relax and she’s started to talk more and appears to have regained some of her confidence and seems more like herself but I can tell that there’s still a way to go before she’s back to her usual happy self.

She will come and sit on my knee, which I love because she rests her head on my shoulder and I can stroke her hair and I do get little kisses when I least expect them. That’s lovely too!

I have persuaded her to come with me to the beauty parlor. She was very reluctant at first but once she had met Laurel and Naomi and found out how nice they are and experienced the attention they lavished on her, she felt more at ease and we both go every week for our hair and nails done.

The fuss those two made of her must have really boosted her confidence but when, at first, they were saying things like ‘So this is why you wouldn’t come out with us!’ or ‘If I had her as my girl, I wouldn’t leave home at all!’ and ‘You are so lucky Tessa to have such a beautiful woman in your life!’ Beth’s face turned crimson when she heard that but I could tell she really loved hearing it.

So we have started to go out and mix. Nothing too exhausting but the company has done her good. In a way I feel a little jealous because she gets so much attention and her English accent always tends to make her the centre of attention. At first we didn’t stay too long because the attention was a little overwhelming for her but she has got used to it, I’m pleased to say. Little by little she’s started to mend and that’s made me happy.

We have shopped for new clothes and she has started to feel more comfortable being dressed up. Not quite back to the killer heels but she wears more make up now and she looks absolutely gorgeous and it takes me all my time to keep my hands off her. But the one thing which is missing is the closeness and tenderness of making love to her.

She has started to sleep in my bed and this past week has stayed all night and she will lie next to me and let me cuddle her but she still says ‘I can’t – not yet’ when my emotions get the better of me and I want to make love to her. I am more frustrated now than I’ve ever been and it’s tearing me to pieces so I have to ‘entertain’ myself in private to try and get it out of my system. God, how I want her!

…One month ago…

Beth will never wear a bikini because of her scars but I have managed to get her to wear a one piece bathing suit so we can go to the beach. Oh boy does she get admiring glances! Her legs are incredible! And so is every other part of her! As she has worn a backless bathing suit I’ve managed to persuade her to wear a backless dress and she has started to wear her killer heels again!

She is so sexy! Sweet Jesus I am so glad she’s mine because every woman who she comes into contact with wants to have her.

She never reacts and always draws me into the conversation with a line like ‘Tessa, my love, come and meet…’ and once she said ‘This is Tessa. She is my Mistress!’

I nearly choked on my wine but we laughed for days afterwards and Laurel and Naomi overheard and asked us if they could watch!

We said ‘Not yet’ and they laughed for days too!

Yes, I’m still frustrated and we have progressed a little. She sleeps with me all the time now and has begun to cuddle me and just this last week has tried to make love but she is so afraid of being hurt because of her internal injuries. I have been so gentle with her and she keeps apologizing but we are getting closer, I can tell. It can only be a matter of time! Surely?

…Today, the day after my birthday…

At last! At last! At last!

Last night I got the best birthday present I could have ever wished for. I still can’t believe it happened!

We’d had a lovely meal in our favorite restaurant with our close friends and despite the fact that it was my birthday all eyes were on Beth. She looked absolutely sensational! A simple little black backless dress, quite short and skin tight with her trademark killer heels. She looked like a million dollars.

It took me all my time to keep my eyes off her cleavage. She had obviously gone to a lot of trouble because her hair was ‘just so’ with some devastating pink streaks which Laurel had added. I wore a white strapless dress almost as short as hers and I bought some heels like Beth’s but I struggled to walk in them.

How does she do it and look so elegant?

And she said “I’ve got something special for you but you’ll have to wait until we’re in the restaurant.”

“Tell me now, I can’t wait that long!”

“No, be patient!”

She would not tell me no matter what I tried.

We caused a sensation when we walked in. All of the guys in there were pouring their drinks in their ears when they saw us. Well I suppose our dresses were revealing! Naomi seemed to be drooling when she saw Beth and Laurel said to her, loud enough for people to hear, “Close your mouth honey, there’s a train coming!” Naomi was not amused but she got the message. I must admit I did feel jealous. It had taken a long time for Beth to be well enough to dress the way she did but she was making a real effort to do it for me. The thing is, other girls were lusting after her too!

After the meal had finished it was time for my presents. Lovely flowers, tickets for a show and gorgeous jewelry and lots of other things which were ‘just me.’ There were lots of ‘Ooohs’ and ‘Aaahs’ for each present opened and then it was Beth’s turn.
To my amazement and completely out of character, this is what she did in front of everyone.

If you have never heard the song before you should listen to Tracy Chapman singing ‘Baby Can I Hold You?’ because with the gentlest voice and most heartfelt interpretation of the words Beth stood up. That in itself made everyone look so she really did have a captive audience.

Then, looking into my eyes she began to sing the song a capella.

But with one huge difference – instead of the words ‘you can’t’ she said ‘I can’ which made the line from one verse into

‘Forgive me, is all that I can say.’ One other thing she changed was to add another verse and she sang.

‘I’m yours now
Is all that I can say
Yours now forever and a day
Words come so easily
Like I’m yours now, just yours now’

The restaurant had quietened the moment she started to sing and by the time she’d finished, the place was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop and then there was the most rapturous applause from everyone and even the waiters shed a tear at the passion she put into it. I was afraid my makeup would run and I saw other girls desperately trying to find tissues or sharing them with others. The applause faded and as the room quietened again, in a voice filled with emotion, she said,

“Tessa, my darling, before I give you your present I want to tell you that I have chosen it to let you know how much I love you. From the moment I saw you, you took my breath away and I fell head over heels in love with you and my love for you has grown deeper and deeper with each passing day. You have nursed me back to health and been so patient with me, putting up with my silences and helping me to find me and I love you all the more for that. I cannot imagine a day without you and I want to make sure that never happens.”

She then knelt down in front of me. It could not have been easy in that dress and oh, my God, the expanse of thigh she presented to me and then I knew she was naked under the dress! Her legs have always been fabulous and they seem endless but this was a living dream!

She put her hand down her cleavage and I thought ‘Whaaaat?’ and she pulled out a diamond solitaire ring.

Taking my left hand in hers and looking me straight in the eye she placed the ring on my third finger and said, “Tessa, I love you more than I could possibly put into words. If you will have me, will you marry me?”

She kissed my fingertips, like she used to before and she would not let go of my hand. Then she bit her lip, like she used to, and gave me one of those devastating looks that said ‘If you say no…’

The silence around that table was incredible. In fact the silence in the restaurant was deafening as people waited, holding their breath. All eyes were now on me!

Laurel told me later that my eyes were like saucers.

I was stunned and thrilled and could not believe what I had just heard!

It took what seemed like hours for me to answer and I was told it was just seconds but long enough to keep everyone on edge, but I whispered “Yes.”

And then, a lot louder, “Oh God, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!”

“And about time you two!” Laurel shouted above the applause, the hoots and cheers and some of the biggest smiles I had ever seen in my life, the biggest of which was mine. Then Naomi looked at me and said ‘Don’t let her get away or else I’ll have her!’ We laughed and Laurel gave her a playful slap to say ‘Stop it! Don’t you dare!’

I helped her up and we just stood there looking into each other’s eyes with the knowledge that our lives were going to entwine forever. We both knew instinctively, too, that we couldn’t embarrass everyone present by allowing our inevitable kiss to develop into something sensuous and sexy – even though we wanted to!

So, in front of everyone, we settled for a gentle kiss on the lips, to seal our promise, which lasted as long as it could under the circumstances and then a hug where we clung on to each other and pressed our bodies together. There was no daylight between us for a long time as we whispered ‘I love you’ to each other. We gave each other another little kiss on the lips and then we sat holding hands for the rest of the evening as well as ensuring everyone saw my engagement ring.

Lots of strangers came to the table and asked to see it and wished us good luck for the future. It was lovely!

Champagne flowed and there were little nudges and nods as people looked at us and alerted others to us sneaking a kiss here and there. Lots of laughter and smiles and hugs and the ring on my finger made it the best birthday I could have possibly wished for. The girl of my dreams was going to be mine! At last!

We stayed as long as was polite afterwards but we wanted to go home. Her eyes drifted constantly to my cleavage to let me know what she had in mind. I wanted to see her legs but all I could do was put my hand on her bare leg under the tablecloth. And the feel of her breasts pressing into my arm was heaven!

Finally we made our excuses and made our way home with knowing looks, especially from Laurel and Naomi who, I suspected, had a real crush on Beth. Poor Laurel would have to ensure she always kept Naomi satisfied!

Beth had gone to bed while I was checking everywhere was locked.

As I entered the bedroom, there was no light but my eyes were instantly drawn to the bed. There she was with her head on the pillow and I could sense rather than see her looking at me.

She was bathed in moonlight from the full moon we had seen on our way back. No clouds so the shadows were intense. All she was wearing were the killer heels I loved to see her in and her legs were slightly bent but as my eyes adjusted I could see her nipples were hard and she was allowing me to see her body but this time without being self-conscious about it.

I heard her say “I’m not asleep. Are you going to take your dress off soon?”

My clothes were discarded in seconds and she held out her arms to me saying gently, “Come here, my love.”

I lay on the bed next to her, both of us naked and her pale English rose complexion illuminated by the moonlight surrounded by the darkness of the room. I gazed at the curve of her body, her nipples erect and trying to reach the ceiling as they responded to my delicate touch. I traced the contour of her ribcage and took in the slenderness of her body. God she was beautiful!

My fingertip explored the smoothness of her skin and the lines of her scars but now we knew they were emotionally invisible. I heard the sharp intakes of breath as my fingers descended to her hips and along her leg as I deliberately prolonged the moment when I would change direction and move back up her leg along the delicate inviting expanse of her inner thigh towards what we both wanted. This was my dream and fantasy coming true.

I kissed her lips which yielded to my tongue as my fingers went between her thighs which parted to let me explore further and she moaned into my mouth as my fingers entered her. She pulled me closer to her and her legs went wider still – I had full and willing possession of her. She came very quickly and shivered and arched her back, pressing her breasts into mine as she did so.

“I’ve waited so long for that,” she said breathlessly, “I know it’s been a long time for you too but I never thought I’d be able to make love ever again and it feels so good to be with you.”

She paused and then said, ”Tessa, I really do love you, you know, I…”

I silenced her by putting my finger to her lips.

“There’s no need to say another word,” I said softly, “I have a fabulous ring that tells me how much you care about me.”

“Do you like it? I mean, really like it?”

“Don’t be silly! Like it? I love it! It’s beautiful – look how it sparkles even in the moon light. It’s gorgeous! And as we promised each other so long ago, we’ll go and get one equally as yummy for you tomorrow. And choose our wedding rings and start to make arrangements for our wedding.”

“Tomorrow? Can we?” She sounded so excited, as was I!

“Of course we can! We can do anything we want from now on. I literally can’t wait. We’ve been apart too long and why should we wait?”

“Well, there’s your mum and dad…”

“They can be here in a couple of days. Mom’s a sucker for weddings. She’ll be in her element – and on the next airplane.”

“I’d like Moira to be there!

“Then so she shall. And Laurel and Naomi?”

“Yes – let’s invite everyone!”

“Well, we’ll start tomorrow. How about that?”

She nodded her head happily and then more thoughtfully said,“Tessa?”


“Thank you for taking care of me. I know it can’t have been easy for you.”

“Why would I not take care of the woman I love?”

She gave me a long sensuous kiss followed by, “Thank you.”

“Mmmm, that was fantastic. You’re such a great kisser.”

And I added “Besides, you did all the hard work!”

“What makes you say that, sweetie?” she frowned. I love it when she calls me that!

“By singing that beautiful song in front of everyone. You were so clever changing the words and that last verse was incredible. You were so brave and I never expected anything like that! You were always so shy.”

“I know but I had to show you how I feel about you. I wanted the world to know.”

“Well, they do now! Have you got a record deal lined up?”

It was lovely to hear her laugh and giggle the way she used to.

It had taken a while to help her find her inner strength but finally she made it through the dark days and found the sunlight.

“You know, we should make a wish while we’re bathed in moonlight,” she said.

“No, my wish has already been granted. You’re here.”

“Well, in that case, you’d better grant me mine!”

“But, I thought?”

“Shush, I’m k**ding! Let’s have our wedding night before the wedding!”

“No! Before! On the night! And after!”

“OK! So, could we start by you lying on your back?” she asked.

“Like this?” I replied as my nipples started to go hard again.

“Yes, perfect! Now I’m going to head south and I may be some time,” she giggled.

Her lips traced a path down my body and my legs opened as if they had a mind of their own. It was time. I opened my pussy lips for her and her tongue began to work its magic on me. I lost count of the number of orgasms she gave me.

I reached a state of euphoria and delirium that I had never experienced before.

I entered another dimension.

No time. No space. Floating. Endless. Pure. Holy.

Perhaps it was the moonlight…

written by zorrokundra©


You know what I'm going to do, don't you?

--Whatever you want...

Are you telling me or asking me?

--I want you to do whatever you want. That's an instruction!

Why are we in here?

--Because I don't want us to be disturbed.

That's not the only reason is it?

--No, there is something else.


--I don't want her to hear.

But we're almost whispering, how can she hear?

--I scream when I have an orgasm!

You think you're going to have an orgasm?

--I KNOW I'm going to have an orgasm because you're going to make sure I do.

Why would I do that?

--Don't tease me or I will torment you afterwards and make you beg for yours! And you know you will and you know I will, don't you?

So why don't you want her to hear?

--So she won't know what to expect when it's her turn later. Would you like to watch?


--Would you like to join in?


--Are you going to give me an orgasm then?


--Multiple orgasms?

Is that what you want?

--I want you to do whatever you want, remember?

Your pussy is going to explode, you know...

--Then you had better start and make me nice and wet for her, hadn't you?

Yes, Mistress!

written by zorrokundra©


Do you really think I can let her go?

After all she has done for me?

You have NO right to ask me! She's mine and always has been - I cannot remember a day without her and I don't want to have a day without her! It would break my heart!

But that's what you want isn't it? To own her and hurt me at the same time but she will never be yours! She might be in the same house as you. She might even end up in the same bed as you, if you force her, but in her mind she will always be with me!

Is that what you want? Someone who is there in body but will not react in spirit no matter what you threaten or do to her? But if you hurt her I promise you this. You will never rest easy at night because I will get to you! You will never be safe from me! I will be the last nightmare you ever have! It will be painful! It will last a long time and you will not be able to scream. Don't think I won't do this and don't think you won't scream. I will make you suffer!

She is here with me because she wants to be. She does everything willingly because she knows that with me she has love, excitement, passion, lust and the best sex she has ever had in her life! Those are her words, not mine!

Ask her! Ask her what she wants! And I will live with the consequences. But you will have to live with yours!

--I want to stay here with my Mistress - forever...

written by zorrokundra©


I can't go home now...

--Why ever not? You should have gone ages ago.

I know but...

--Go on, tell me?

Well, for one thing you look good enough to eat with that dress on! I can see your ass cheeks and your nipples are poking out and your pussy is showing! How can I possibly leave while you look like you do? It's not fair!

--My darling, you were the one who dressed me in it. You asked me to put it on, didn't you?

Well...sort of...

--There's no 'sort of' - you made me wear it and these heels because you said it made me look sexy and you wanted something to remember me by. And you've already eaten me twice this afternoon!

I know, but now I've seen you in it, I want to eat you again. And sweet Jesus, do you look sexy! Come here and sit on my knee!

--Oooh, bossy!

Kiss me. But kiss me like you mean it, like you did before when we were in bed together.

--Yes, Mistress, whatever you say...

She sits on my knee and d****s her arms around my neck. Her eyes lock onto mine and I know from that moment I am lost. I cannot leave until we have made love again.

Her lips touch mine so tenderly and then become more insistent and her tongue parts my lips and I willingly let her explore my mouth and our kiss deepens and I can do nothing but moan into her mouth as she takes my breath away. My eyes are closed so tightly because I don't want to break the spell and I pull her closer and the touch of her skin under my fingers send electric shocks through my body.

My nipples go harder and harder and my pussy is so very wet - again!

I put my hand on her thigh and move it up towards her pussy and find her just as wet as I am. This time she moans into my mouth as my fingers tease her and she parts her legs to let me put my fingers inside her. God, she is even juicier than before!

We surface from our kiss and she smiles that delirious little smile as the passion takes over and we both know what is about to happen is inevitable.

--You are so naughty!

Am I?

--Yes, you are and you know you are! You had no intention of going home at all, did you?


--Did my kiss tell you all you need to know?

Yes, you meant it. Are you near?

--I want you!

But are you?...

--Stop teasing me! Yes, I'm nearly there! Oh God, what are you doing to me?

Everything you desire and anything you want...

--Then stay the night and take me to bed again.

Try and stop me!

--Oh God, I can't stop myself! How can I stop you? I don't want to stop anything. I want it to go on forever!

It will, my love, it will...starting from now...

written by zorrokundra©


I still wear your ring - I...I...I cannot take it off because that will mean I have given up on you.

But it has been such a long time since I have heard your voice and longer since I have seen you.

There's not a day gone by that I haven't thought about you. Sometimes a song on the radio or seeing lovers holding hands brings the memories flooding back.

I wait in vain for something, anything from you on my birthday - just a little card would do. At least I'd know you still think about me...

Are you with someone else now? DO you care?

It's the not knowing that hurts the most. I never ever thought you would say goodbye in silence.

Well, my darling, for I still love you so despite everything I have learned to live without you. I don't hear your heels on the stone floor or smell your favorite perfume or your key in the door. All the little things that made you part of me.

And the Sunday mornings lying in bed making love and feeding each other and me running my hand under your skirt to feel the skin above your stocking tops when no-one was looking. And the way you squeezed my hand tight between your thighs when I reached your wet panties and your tongue in my ear and the way you loved to see me like this wearing just my shoes.

I remember everything as if it had just happened but although time has helped I cannot forget.

Yes, I have learned to live without you but in my heart the door has always been open but as I sit here I realize I cannot go on like this, just waiting.

If you can read my thoughts, then you will get in touch. But now it is not open ended.

You have just one hundred and fifteen days, the start of the new year, to find a way to come back to me. If you don't, then that's the end of everything.

If you do, we will work things out.

But no matter what I will always love you...

written by zorrokundra©


Someone once told that George Bernard Shaw said "Dancing is the vertical expression of a horizontal intention legalized by music."

Well, honey, I can live without the music but my intentions are strictly dishonorable and I do want to see you horizontal and naked but we have to agree the rules, OK?

Rule Number One is that there are no rules! So that's that settled, OK?

But you can seduce me if you want to? And, yes, I'd like you to! I know we're married but a girl has to feel wanted, doesn't she?

I want you to dance with me, tell me I'm beautiful even if I'm not and lick and kiss my neck and bite my earlobes and stick your tongue down my throat and...Well, you get the picture, don't you?

I wore this dress especially for you because I know you love backless dresses and I feel so sexy in it because of my cleavage and the split that exposes my thighs. And I love these peeptoe shoes you bought me. Yes, matching red nail varnish in the same shade as my lipstick! Do you like it?

I know I shouldn't tell you this because I should let you find out for yourself but I'm being really naughty! I'm not wearing any panties and there's a nice surprise for you. Think, what have you been asking me to do for ages? A little wax here and there? Mostly there! Intrigued? Interested?

Well, do we have a date right here in our bedroom?

I love that seethrough dress you're wearing, my love. Your nipples look so chewable. And those fishnet stockings make you look so sexy. Don't make me beg, please? Come here and seduce me!

That's it - put your arms around me and hold me close. God I love the feel of your hands on my bare back. I'm getting goosebumps already.

Feel the music in your soul and just sway with me. Do you like it when I push my pussy into yours? God, do I? Of course I love it too!

Darling, my pussy is naked...

Unzip me?

Like what you see?

Take off your dress and put your arms around me again.

You're so gorgeous!

Kiss my neck, that's it...

God, I love my earlobe being chewed. You're making me so wet...

Can we go to bed? Try and stop me...

Thank you for playing along, my love - I love being seduced!

But only by you!

I love you too...

Time for my intentions to go horizontal.

Get on that bed and be a bad girl!

written by zorrokundra©


I can't help it Mistress, I don't want to leave!

I want to stay here on your bed or, better still, in your bed so you can do with me what you want.

I'll be naughty for you and play with myself whle you watch if you wish?

Or I could play with you if that would please you?

Or maybe I could play with you and myself at the same time?

Or just kiss you or suck your nipples - you liked that didn't you?

Do you want to tie me up again? I really liked that!

Let me stay, let me love you. Will you? Please?

Really? In an hour?

I'll be waiting with my blindfold on and you can tell me afterwards who it was with you...

written by zorrokundra©


Oh those thoughtful,soulful eyes thinking of how she might please her Mistress when she enters her bedroom in just a few moments and those cupids bow, oh so kissable, lips waiting to turn into a radiant smile as her Mistress enters...

...all she wants to do is please and show, by revealing her bare shoulder and deep cleavage, how ready and available she is for anything her Mistress might want to do.

If only her Mistress will allow her to kiss her body like she did last time, it would be perfect...

Let it be so...

written by zorrokundra©


Every time I see her, my heart misses a beat!

There she is again on the staircase, the envy and object of desire of every woman in the house.

She's so tall and slender and sexy and seductive and her figure is absolutely to die for and oh my God, those legs! They seem to go on forever and I want to feel them wrapped around me pulling me towards her. God, just the thought of it is making me so wet!

I'v been following her round the house but I can never seem to attract her attention. I hate that girl with her! She won't let go of her hand at all!

I've been looking at her for so long and she's never turned my way at all. I know everyone here is gorgeous beyond belief and some are so stunning but if only she would look my way I could smile and say 'Hi' just to let her know I'm interested. Not that I stand a chance, I suppose! Just a dream.

That girl she's holding hands with is gorgeous but not like her - she's in a class of her own. God, how I want to kiss her - everywhere! I want to touch her skin and squeeze her nipples and give her multiple orgasms and, more than anything, LOVE her!

I can hardly interrupt them - they look like an item and they seem to be having such a good time. I'm not really interested in anyone else. Why would I be now that I've seen her?

Oh well, I'll go and powder my nose and make my way home.


Is that who I think it it outside the bathroom door? It sounds like her voice and her girlfriend. I'll just eavesdrop. I don't care if it's naughty, no-one will know but me!


"It's OK, we're here now, s*s. I'll go first and then I'll help you - just let me check things out, OK?"

"Mmmm, but don't be too long. What will people think? Me, hanging around outside the bathroom door?"

"You'll be fine. Shall I ask whoever's in there to wait with you?"

"I'm not sure! What if they say 'no'?"

"No-one will say 'no' to you, s*s!"

"Why? Because I'm blind?"

"Stop it! They won't say 'no'!because you're beautiful and they'll want to drool!"

"Now you're being silly, I'm nothing special."

"But they will stay. OK?"

"OK, I suppose so."


Oh dear God, she's blind! I am so stupid! I should have realised. And they're sisters! She's been helping her! Now I feel awful and happy! I might stand a chance!

Let me open the door!


"Oh, hi. I'm Cindy and this is my sister Tina. I'm sorry to ask but would you mind staying with her while I, you know? Tina can't see and she feels nervous on her own. Would you please?"

Try and stop me!

"No, of course I'll wait. It's not every day I have the opportunity to talk to a woman as beautiful as you.!

"I told you, didn't I s*s?"

"Go and powder your nose,smarty pants!"

"What's that about Tina? Tell me? Please?"

"Oh, she's just proved a point. It's nothing, really. What's your name?"

"Me? I'm Leona."

"What a beautiful name"

"Your's is kind of cute too!"

"And, Leona, you have a gorgeous voice too. It's so soft and gentle and husky. Can I touch your face so I can see you?"

"Take as long as you want. I have all night."


And the rest of my life, if you'll have me...

written by zorrokundra©


Sweet Jesus, that was the most intense orgasm I've ever had!

I know I've been teasing you all day but I never imagined that you would be so demanding when we got home.

Was it that the fact that I wasn't wearing any panties?

Or my seamed fishnet stockings?

Or my seven inch heels?

Or all of those? Mmmmm, I knew it was because of my bare pussy. I was so wet wasn't I? You have that effect on me, I can't help myself. Even just a kiss - oh my God, your kisses...

I was hoping that I could take everything off for you but you just couldn't wait could you? You beautiful, sexy, naughty girl! I loved it because you wanted me so much, it really turned me on!

God, I'm still getting aftershocks! My pussy is throbbing so much!

The moment your tongue started to lick my pussy I knew I was helpless and had no control but I loved the way you devoured me and when you put your fingers in too I was lost!

I want you again while I'm still so wet.

Oh God, what are you doing to me?

Even when I say 'stop' - don't!

Don't you dare stop! Stop! Stop!

No, don't! Not now, not ever.


written by zorrokundra©




It is time for my magic to begin...

It is a spell which will last for your lifetime and you

Will not



I know this in the depths of my soul.

You have been patient but the wait will be worth it...

You'll see...

Ask your first question!

Night time? Because it's so mysterious. Your eyes play tricks in the gloom and that adds to the experience. Shadows move when you least expect them to. Yes, they do move for there are things of which you know nothing that make that happen.

And your second question?

My name is of no importance. I have answered to many names during my time here. You may call me anything you wish during our time together.

I will call you 'darling' if it pleases you and you may say 'my love' as I cover your body with kisses and I let you explore mine with your tongue and fingers.







Final question then?

No, I am not afraid of the dark. It is my cloak. I become invisible and I see things the better for being so...

The tales I could tell...

Are you afraid?

Don't worry darling, I will protect you from the denizens of the night. They hold no fear for me.

To be truthful







Sorry, you have no more questions.

But let us enjoy the moment.

You weren't expecting me to start with your pussy were you?

I always do, it's so naughty I know but I was sure you'd be delicious - and you are! And so juicy - darkness obviously suits you.

Don't stop at one finger, darling! That's it! Yes, fill me up with all four. I love that!

My turn to enter your pussy while I suck your nipples.

Shall I bite them too? Good! Keep your fingers moving inside me so we can have our orgasms at the same time.

That's it, that's it, nearly there!

Only your neck to kiss before I reach your lips.









Would you like me to give you a little lovebite to remember me by? It's my trademark in a way.

No, it won't hurt a bit, you'll see...

You will experience the darkness very soon...








Another beautiful orgasm but I will be the only one to remember.


written by zorrokundra©


I gaze in wonder at the woman in my life.

The swell of her hips, the curve of her back, the splendor of her legs and the mystery of her eyes as she pretends not to look at me but I know she craves my wanton stare for I am mesmerized by her elegance, style and beauty.

I knew her a million years before we met but in the instant that we did, our worlds merged into one as did our hearts and souls and we have never been apart since.

At first it was the sex that transformed us into voracious creatures longing for our next orgasms and still the sex is exciting and sometimes dangerous territory that we willingly explore but now our love has grown deeper and stronger and consumes us with passion and lust.

And our orgasms are deeper and stronger and longer because our bodies respond to the smallest signals and translate them into those special places where there are no boundaries of body and mind.

I know her pussy is wet right now because she is teasing me to get me into bed. I need no teasing my love, I am your willing slave and my pussy is just as wet as yours as you will soon find out.

I do not need the teasing, that is true. But I love the fact that she does it because if it's possible to love someone more she can make me do it with just one look. Just as my fingers and lips can send her into a frenzy of desire as you will soon find out.

I cannot resist any longer.

I move towards her and I see her head turn slightly to allow my lips to kiss her neck. This is what she loves. The seduction of the kiss and my hot breath on her neck and the feel of my hand squeezing the cheeks of her ass.

Her legs will part involuntarily to allow my hand access to her pussy and then we will climb the winding stair to our bed.

Her negligee will fall to the floor in seconds and because I am already naked she will start to suck my nipples and begin to devour my body from head to toe.

I am gushing already at the thought of it. My lips touch her neck and the soft moan tells me all I need to know.

She turns towards me and kisses my lips and she says 'I love you' while her eyes capture mine with desire.

'Time for bed, my love. You are about to find out how much I love you.!

'I know. Let's waste another second.'

Morning will come too soon...

written by zorrokundra©


I told you I would make her mine but you wouldn't believe me would you?

See how she has her eyes closed in rapture as I possess her lips. She knows what's going to happen next, you see...

Yes, it has already happened! You were far too busy to pay her any attention and now she wants me as much as I have wanted her because I have given her the love and affection she has craved.

There was a time when she had eyes only for you and try as I may I could not break the spell. But a kiss when someone needs one can provide the magic that makes sparks fly!

And they have!

She has been lonely for too long and now she has me.

And I have her!

I wanted you to know that. And that's why this kiss is so important. In her book of life, the chapter entitled 'You' is closed but the chapter entitled 'Me' has only just opened.

And the chapter entitled 'Us' is being written.

How does it feel to hear that?

Do you want her now you can't have her?

It's not going to happen, is it? This kiss provesit...

I think you should leave now, don't you?

You don't want to see us together, do you?

written by zorrokundra©


I can never resist a naked back.

They are my weakness in thought an irresistable desire to caress and kiss endlessly.

Exposed for the pleasure of others - to be gazed upon and envied and lusted for...

For one as flawless as this, lit by darkfield illumination as would a diamond and complemented by that string of pearls and an ass that is to die for, you have a slice of time that burns in your memory, your subconscious and stirs a longing that is forever present and will not fade.

Heart stopping, delicious, magnificent.

I love this picture to pieces. In itself, it is flawless, just like her...

“I saw pearls in her mouth and the velvet cushion of her tongue and I heard the magic words come out of her.”

and the words are "love me..."

written by zorrokundra©


I love the way my corset hugs my body and the sheer net covers me but reveals everything - the best of both worlds.

Dressed but naked. Clothed but not. I love to tease her like this especially as she chose this for me because she says I look so sexy in it.

My nipples are always hard when I'm wearing it because the fabric tickles my skin and rubs against my nipples. I can't help it if it makes them so hard, can I?

I've put on my stockings and garter belt too - I know they drive her wild and not wearing any panties will make her insatiable and the sex will be incredible.

One final little tease before she comes through the bedroom door though. I'll squeeze my nipples and let her find me doing that and that will drive her over the edge and her clothes will be off in seconds. Mmmmmmmmmmm - that would be perfect!


better still, I can tweak my nipples with one hand and play with my pussy with the other! Then I know she'll start on my pussy first and God do I need that!

Oooooh, I am so juicy already!

Here she is!

I'll open my legs even wider for her...

Hi Darling!

Look - dinner is served! Get it while I'm hot!

written by zorrokundra©


One thing – whatever I tell you is in confidence. You must not use any names or identify this house in any way. You can use what I tell you in your story but we must remain anonymous no matter what and for reasons that will become obvious. Do you promise me that you will respect my wishes?

Don’t be offended but if you don’t do as I ask, I will sue your ass for all you have! I can and will do it but if you agree we will be friends and we will remain so for as long as you keep your side of the bargain. Agreed?

Now we’ve got that out of the way, on to more …well, I was going to say pleasant things but not all of them are, sadly.

Anyway, let’s talk!

My name? It’s Désirée.

I have always liked my name because I think it sounds so exotic – I am silly, don’t you think?

Oh, do you mind if I stay like this? I know it’s unusual to interview someone who’s half undressed but it is hot isn’t it? I will have to get dressed later but I’d like to remain cool for now and I don’t want to sit near the open window for fear of being overheard. You can take some of your clothes off if you like?

No? It’s perhaps too much to ask of you, I suppose, but we are more, what shall I say, used to it here. You’ll see.

Well, what can I tell you?

My personal story? Well, I am more able to talk about things now but five years ago, I would not have agreed to speak with you. I can tell you how I came to be what I am because I have become reconciled to what happened to me and I have a very special lady in my life who has helped and supported me during that difficult time. She is wonderful and I love her so!

My life started to unravel when I was s*******n. You see, I came from a wealthy family – we were ‘moneyed’ as they say and our family name meant everything, especially to my stepmother who guarded it jealously despite the fact that she married into it! She made no secret of the fact that she disliked me from the very start. Perhaps she even hated me, but I never thought she would do what she did.

I know the real reason now but at the time I thought she could not bear to have the family name tarnished in any way and I was the one who took the full force of her anger. In her eyes, or so I thought, I was the one who would have damaged the family’s and therefore her reputation beyond repair. Had my father been alive at the time I’m sure things would have been very different but sadly that was not to be. He had passed away when I was just thirteen.

My crime? My stepmother found out I was having an affair with her sister. So shocking, don’t you think?

Her sister was glamorous and famous and I became infatuated with her and basically she seduced me. I was flattered that she even noticed me but I loved every minute of the attention, the stolen kisses and the nights of passion when she invited me to stay at her house in the country during that long hot summer vacation.
Don’t misunderstand me though, I wanted to be seduced. I had no sexual interest in boys at all and she was chic and funny and clever and a passionate lover and I couldn’t get enough of her and she couldn’t keep her hands off me. Yes, I was a willing partner in crime.

Even though she was a lot older than me the age difference was no barrier and that summer, with her, I blossomed into a woman. She made me realize that love with another woman is something very special and, well, I could go on and on – I talk a lot, don’t I? – but you can tell that I had deep feelings for her. I thought it was love at the time but no, it wasn’t. Infatuation, lust, sex or perhaps a combination of all three is probably nearer the truth.

Yes, you noticed, past tense.

Why? Very simple. When my stepmother visited her country estate unexpectedly, she found us naked in bed together. Her face was a picture! Think of any wicked stepmother or evil queen and there you have it.

The names we were called, the threats, the language! It would have made a sailor blush!

And then the biggest shock of all!

Her sister, and I still cannot bear to say her name, blamed me for seducing her! I thought she cared for me and would defend our relationship, difficult though it would have been, but it seems I was just another conquest. And it hurt! Really hurt! I was s*******n, for God’s sake!

Of course, my stepmother took her side. When her sister died tragically a few years ago I received a letter from her as part of her estate. I have no idea of how I was traced but it was probably sent to ease her conscience but it did nothing but make me even angrier than I was when I was thrown out and disowned. They had planned it between themselves!

My stepmother knew of her sister’s ‘preferences’ and encouraged her to seduce me. What I thought to be an unexpected visit was planned and my stepmother got the means to disown me and throw me out by finding us together. My stepmother got rid of me. Her sister got her trophy and they both got my money! Sounds like a plot for a movie doesn’t it?

Angry? Of course I was! Hurt? Naturally! I never imagined anything like that could happen to me!

I was helpless and defenceless and alone. I had led a very sheltered and privileged life and I had no-one I could turn to.
I found myself out on the streets with a suitcase of clothes and a little money but basically it was ‘go and don’t come back.’ It all happened so quickly!

Even now, I can’t quite believe it. You look suitably shocked but it’s all true.

How they explained my disappearance I don’t know. Ran off to join the circus or eloped with a secret lover – who knows? All I do know is that it was hushed up. I thought they might relent but of course I didn’t know then of their scheming so a new chapter opened in my life. All I could think of was to get as far away as possible, as quickly as possible, so I bought a ticket and the first train to leave brought me here. I just wanted to be away from them.

But the money didn’t last long and being so young and without any experience of anything – I had everything done for me before it happened – I soon found myself staying with the few friends I’d made here but their places were tiny and they had no money either and I knew I was just in the way. I looked for work but washing dishes, or ironing clothes doesn’t pay a lot and when I said ‘no’ to sexual advances from men, I was soon out of a job.
So, on the first night of trying to sleep in a doorway and wondering where my next meal was coming from, something happened that changed my life forever.

It was very late and I heard the click, click, click of high heels passing by. They stopped. Then the sound of them coming back made me more concerned. I had no money, so being robbed wasn’t going to worry me but what could she want?

Then a voice, gentle and concerned asked – What are you doing here? With all the bravado I could manage, I said – Oh, I just wanted to sleep under the stars tonight.


She looked me up and down, appraising me and said, equally gently – Well, I can teach you the names of the constellations if you like?

Not what I expected at all! She had my interest now. So, I looked her up and down and, with nothing to lose, I said – And how many do you know?

Her smile was truly beautiful as she said – All of them! She let that hang in the air and waited for my reaction.

- So how do you know them all – are you a scientist, or an astronomer or something? It would have been unusual if she had been but my thoughts were interrupted by her reply.

Still smiling, she said – No, I’m a fortune teller and it’s my job to know. And I can tell you this – your fortunes are about to change.

The carrot, I thought.

Then she said, - But you have some choices to make.

The stick…

Oh, and what choices are those?

She cocked her head to one side and said – First choice is here and now, others will follow, perhaps, but you can decide what to do at the time the offer is made. This offer now I will make only once and you can say ‘yes’ or you can say ‘no.’ There was a slight pause and then she said…

If you say no, you stay here and work out the names of the constellations yourself (she actually giggled at that) or if you say ‘yes’ you can come home with me and I will give you a bed for the night. You can have a bath and food and in the morning we can talk about what’s to be done with you.

And in return? I asked.

In return, you must promise not to steal anything. She said it with a smile on her face but I could tell she meant it.

Crazy! But she was very engaging.

Why are you doing this? Are you my fairy Godmother? I asked, in hope as much as in wonder.

All she said was – ‘Yes!’ and waited.

Again, not what I expected! Of course I thought there would be a very strong hint that food would be followed by bath and then her bed. Not that I would have minded, you understand, she was very attractive and well dressed and I hadn’t had any kind of sexual encounter since I left home. That was mostly because I was still nursing a bruised heart but to be honest, I hadn’t really tried.

She could sense my hesitation but she waited patiently and then my mind was made up when she got something out of her purse.

Here, she said, - This will help you. It’s the key to your bedroom. You can lock the door and bolt it so you know you will be safe. No-one can get in. She waited…

I took the key. It was the best decision I ever made in my life and you are about to find out why.

Would you like a drink? I know I would! Are you sure you want to hear more? There now, here’s your martini.

I do love vodka martinis!

On to the next part of my story…

Her name is Delphine and she was true to her word. She made no attempt to force me or blackmail me to get me into her bed although it soon became obvious that she was a lesbian and I could see she liked me. It was obvious to me because I am one too but I didn’t reveal that to her. I longed for the love of a woman but for me it was too risky to let it be known that I was a lesbian because I didn’t know what would happen to me if I did.

She is a true lady, elegant, educated, clever, generous, caring, funny and real fun to be around and a Madame! Yes, she runs a bordello! I had led a very sheltered life and it took me a short while to figure it out – remember I was s*******n and I wasn’t worldly-wise at all. I’ve used the ‘b’ word but it’s never spoken here. There is no acknowledgement of it and of course we use euphemisms but that is the way it is. We say ‘the salon’ usually – that’s our verbal shorthand.

But here’s the thing, it is exclusively for women! Not a man in sight! Ever! All the household staff are women and two in particular provide security. They are scary to the unsuspecting! Every single woman is hand-picked to be discreet and they are well paid, so they are very loyal to Delphine. And every single one of them is, in their own way, very, very attractive and in some instances truly beautiful, especially ‘Les Girls.’

The clientele? Very wealthy women from all walks of life who want a woman’s love. There are those who visit regularly every week, sometimes more than once if they can afford it and those who come infrequently. Some come in the afternoon while they pretend to be shopping – how naughty! I love the atmosphere, the decadence and the glimpses of naked flesh – a thigh here, a bare back or bottom, or sometimes fabulous breasts – it is heady stuff. I drank it in, immersed myself in it and I love all of it!

What did I do? That’s the strangest thing! I did almost nothing at first. Everyone assumed that I was Delphine’s lover and eventually – no, that comes later! I suppose I was her companion but I used to act as her dresser and a maid of sorts but not a proper maid. She had a real maid who brought her breakfast in bed but not anymore, and we’ll come to that. She cleaned and all those kinds of things.

I didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth but I wondered why she had taken me in and what might happen to me if I fell out of favor. There was never any indication that I would be thrown out but there was that uncertainty in the back of my mind and it nagged!

So, one day, after several months, I plucked up enough courage and I asked her why she had stopped when she saw me in the doorway. I had to know!

It’s very simple my little darling Désirée - I suppose I do owe you an explanation, don’t I? she said.

No, no, you don’t owe me anything! I am the one who is indebted to you and you know I will always be grateful to you for taking me in. God knows what would have happened to me if you hadn’t! I have tried to repay you, you know that don’t you?

She just smiled that beautiful smile and said, - Out of interest, do you know what your name means?

I said, No, it’s just my name.

No, it’s more than that, she said, shaking her head. It means ‘desired’ but only when applied to a person and not a thing. ‘Volou’ is the word for things wanted as you know. And believe me you are desired and always will be because you are quite beautiful. Some ladies here have already asked if you are ‘available’. You have turned quite a few heads, my darling.
And am I to be made available? I asked. I began to worry – had she been grooming me to be one of ‘Les Girls’?

Of course not, silly, you’re destined for much greater things! She smiled, - I hoped that you might be but I had to be sure.

What is all this?

Désirée, I think I know who you are! If I’m right then I know your family and I knew your father very well but not in that way – men don’t interest me at all. My preferences, as you many have guessed, are completely in the opposite direction!

She cocked her head coquettishly, as she did often and chuckled to herself.

I was amazed. You know who I am?

Yes, I think so and I’m sure I have seen you in your old home and I know you are a very prim and proper young lady. You never noticed me but I noticed you. You were far too busy to notice older women! But then my invitations to visit were few and far between. I don’t think your stepmother liked me very much but her sister did! She described both of them to me and then asked, - That was you and your family wasn’t it?

I nodded but wondered why she had never said anything before.
And I saw you here before our stargazing encounter in the doorway! We never did talk about stars did we – far more interesting things to see and do, hmm? Yes, I saw you up to your elbows in dishwater several times in the restaurant and I thought it was you but I couldn’t be sure. You were out of context so I couldn’t place you exactly! Then I saw you in that doorway and I had to know so that’s why we had our little conversation.

Then she said, - Now that we know each other a little better, tell me please why you left home. What happened? I have heard so many conflicting stories through the g****vine but I‘d like to hear your side of things.

Her question brought everything flooding back. I couldn’t help myself, I burst into tears!

She came to me and put her arms around me and hugged me. - It’s OK, she said, if it still hurts, it doesn’t matter.

No, I said, it’s not what you think. It does still hurt but there’s something else I will have to reveal about myself and I don’t know how you will react. I know that I would have told you at some point but you caught me off guard, I suppose.

Désirée, we don’t have to do this now if you don’t want to. I will not think any the less of you and there will be no repercussions of any kind either.

She handed me a dainty handkerchief – I still have it – and I dried my tears. - Delphine, I said, Thank you for everything you have done for me.

She waved her hand as if swatting a fly, meaning ‘so what’ and I said - If you want me to go after I have told you, I will understand and I will leave today.

She took my hand and patted it and I knew somehow that everything would be fine.

I told her everything that had happened – the affair with my stepmother’s sister, my stepmother’s reaction, being thrown out and coming here to get away. She listened intently, nodding sometimes to let me know I should continue, but she didn’t say a word while I told her.

At the end, she looked me in the eye and said – That bitch! I never liked her!

I had never heard her swear before!

I saw the way she treated your father! And that sister of hers is a whore! She’d sell her own mother for a bottle of gin!
She was so angry! She stood up and started to pace up and down.
My God! she said, You’re only s*******n! How could she?

I thought she was going to explode, really I did. But, the thing is, she never mentioned the fact that I had had a lesbian affair. Her anger was directed at my stepmother and her sister, or as she called then from then on ‘The Two Ugly sisters’!

I need a drink, Désirée, will you get me a gin and tonic please? The Tanqueray.

I got her the drink and waited while she calmed down and this is what she said.

Désirée, I now know why you found it so difficult to speak of this. But you must not blame yourself. You are young and inexperienced in the ways of the world. You will encounter people who will stab you in the back, cheat you if they can and slander your name and hurt you because they are jealous or, sometimes, just because they can. And I have to tell you that the female of the species is deadlier than the male. That doesn’t just apply to spiders either!

Women can be catty or bitchy and sometimes downright nasty and you have just experienced one of the most underhanded tricks anyone could ever play on someone else. Your father would never have let this happen, believe me. Your stepmother would not have dared to try such a scheme and even if she did, he would never have thrown you out nor disinherited you.

You are what you are and that will not change. You must not think that loving other women is wrong, it is not! Love between women can be exquisite and beautiful. It is tender, caring, loving and to be treasured. It is deeper because love to a woman is her whole existence. There is no greater love - it knows no bounds!

She paused for a moment and then continued.

I brought you here because many years ago someone did the same thing for me. I was not from a wealthy family but I too was destitute and the same age as you. She found me in a shop doorway late at night, just like you, and took me in and looked after me and made me what I am today. I am wealthy now, it’s true, and some would say that I have attained my wealth by living off money that has been earned immorally. Perhaps that’s true but no-one is forced to work for me. No-one is forced to come here against their will. No-one goes away disappointed, except to say perhaps that it did not last long enough! She giggled.

Am I wrong to provide what women want? That is for you to decide, my little darling.

But here is your choice now. I will not ask you to leave! Why should I? You have done nothing wrong! Quite the opposite - you have had wrong done to you. Have you disgraced me in any way or made me angry or have I ever expressed that I am disappointed in you or what you do? Need I say it? No!

I need someone to help me run this place – someone I can trust. And, she said smiling - You haven’t stolen anything yet! and we burst out laughing. I will teach you and when I am gone you will take over in the same way that I did from Clementine, the woman who took me in.

Well, what do you think? Don’t give me an answer now if you don’t want to. I will not think any the less of you if you say ‘no’ but I will be more than happy if you say ‘yes’. The choice is yours, as always!

My mind was in turmoil. I couldn’t really take in all the things which had just happened but I sensed that a new world was about to open up for me. There was an affinity between Delphine and myself that was hard to explain – it was not like mother and daughter but I had come to trust her in the months since she had taken me in and I knew, I just knew, things would work out. I had made friends with all of the staff and ‘Les Girls’ and there was mutual respect between all of us. It was like a family I suppose and I loved being a part of it. They sensed I had been through a lot but never pried about where I had come from or who I was. They just accepted me.

Could I judge them for who they are or what they did? Why should I? How could I?

Delphine was sipping her gin and she smiled at me as I looked at her but said nothing.

Mistress…I started to say.

No, no, no, don’t call me that, she said gently - I am not your mistress. You must call me Delphine from now on.

No-one in the house ever called her Delphine! Always Mistress!
Even in front of everyone else?

Of course, why not?

I took a deep breath and trusting my intuition, I said - I don’t know if I can be who you want me to be but you seem to have faith in me, so if you will teach me and guide me I will learn from you. I will do the best I can to make you proud of me. Delphine, I will repay you for what you have done for me and I promise I will never let you down. Oh and one final thing…
She raised her eyebrows as if to say ‘and that might be…’
I won’t ever steal from you!

She burst out laughing and so did I. We kissed and hugged each other and cried too but they were tears of joy this time. And that is how I started to become what I am today. How shocked are you? Not very now, I suppose? I thought not.

Like another drink?

Well, to continue.

My life moved in a totally different direction from that day forward. One I could never have imagined being a part of six months earlier. I threw myself into the life heart and soul and Delphine taught me how to dress for any occasion and I became accustomed to having a décolletage that would tease and tempt our guests but it was all designed to create interest. Oh, the offers I had from very beautiful women! But I knew that my rôle was not to provide the service but to ensure that ‘Les Girls’ could. I was tempted, believe me, God I was tempted but I knew too that it would be the end of me if I did. And of course I had promised Delphine that I would not let her down, so I politely declined without hurting anyone’s feelings. That would definitely not do, would it?

I also learned to enjoy the finer things in life – good food, good wine, lovely clothes, expensively decadent jewelry - and how to behave and to engage people in conversation and to put them at ease. During the months and years that followed she taught me everything about running the salon. I think that people, generally, have preconceived ideas of what a ‘house of ill repute’ is like – I’m sure you did when you arrived, didn’t you? It’s not like the seedy places where men go, is it?

Well, I don’t think you know do you? You don’t do you? No? Well, that’s good isn’t it?

This maison is like a five star hotel but with the best room service in the world! We offer things that you could never find in a hotel and that’s what our guests want, so they get it.
Delphine also has an arrangement with the police and they turn a blind eye. Don’t ask what because that’s a secret. Let’s just say that we bring influence to bear in certain quarters.

She taught me how to be sure a girl would be suitable for our guests. There is a certain art, shall we say, to providing those things that women want, who are used to getting their own way. There needs to be a degree of pliancy to those kind of relationships but sometimes it requires the nerve to say ‘no’ and make light of it by saying ‘I’m not that kind of girl’ while smiling coquettishly and fluttering their eyelashes and then saying ‘but I am this kind of girl’ and doing something which takes out guests breath away. Some girls cannot bring themselves to do those kinds of things and so we cannot take them. The standards are the highest you can imagine. Women pay a lot for what they get but it’s worth every penny. And that is what our guests say, we don’t need to.

No, I am not going to tell you what those things are but you could experience them for yourself, if you wish…No? You really don’t know what you’re missing! Our girls are very special and know how to please another woman, any woman, beyond imagining.
Yes there are some things we won’t do. If someone wants to be tortured, well that’s up to them but we direct them elsewhere. A little correction can be entertaining at times though. Me? No, I don’t get involved but I overhear things but I am always discreet and never repeat. That’s the way it has to be – always!
My personal life? Are you sure you want to know and not hear more about Delphine, the Mademoiselle Châtelaine?

No? Very well, I did say I would tell you about Delphine and myself didn’t I?

I was very busy all the time and I found it hard to have any kind of a relationship despite that fact that this place is full of women! As I said, I had offers but none I could accept. I was lonely and becoming more and more frustrated sexually. I have to be honest with you and I am being very frank too when I say that I practised ‘self-love’ a lot. Well, you wanted to know! We all do it, don’t we? It’s just a question of how much!

Let’s just say I became an expert at it. I have a very demanding libido so I had to do something to relieve the frustration. I was becoming well known and tongues wag so I had to satisfy myself rather than get involved locally. I was very, very lonely and there was no fun in my life at all.

Delphine is a very good reader of people. Sometimes it seemed as if she can read your thoughts and she always manages to solve a problem with a minimum of effort. It is uncanny, really!
After a particularly gruelling day, we were both dead on our feet. Our high heels and corsets were killing us and so our usual remedy for that was a long soak in the bath with a large Tanqueray for her and a vodka martini for me brought to us by our maids. Yes, I have my own maid who acts as my dresser too. She has been with me a long time and I love her to pieces but not in a sexual way – she is very close friends with another maid – no surprise really. She is very good and I trust her implicitly. As for breakfast in bed, well they don’t do that now. Be patient, wait and see.

Anyway, on this particular night, Delphine came into my bathroom and sat in the chair beside the bath. I made no attempt to cover myself because we had wandered into each other’s rooms before and we had seen ourselves undressed and even naked before but nothing had ever happened. There was always a certain frisson in the air of course and we had occasionally slapped each other’s derrière playfully and even hugged and kissed but nothing sexual, even though there were times I wanted to. I could sense that Delphine wanted to take things further but I couldn’t be absolutely sure, so I waited.

She winked at me and smiling wickedly she said ‘Great tits’ and pointedly stared at mine which were just above sea level. ‘Thank you’ I replied and fluttered my eyelashes at her.

‘No, silly, I meant mine!’ she said and pulled her negligee wide open and flashed hers at me, laughing out loud. I had just taken a drink and spurted the vodka down myself. I couldn’t help myself, it was so funny. We laughed until tears ran down our faces. It was a wonderful moment. And to be honest, she really does have great tits. They are heavy but firm and have a lovely shape and I am envious – mine have never been big. Perky is probably the right word. And I have great nipples too! Sorry, I’m embarrassing you. Am I embarrassing you? Forgive me!

Then she asked me what was bothering me. I told her nothing was wrong but she just gave me ‘that’ look as if to say ‘really?’
I protested ‘No, no, everything’s fine.’

Désirée, she said, I can tell these things – it’s my business to ensure that everyone in this house is happy and I know you are not. I can help if you let me.

I realized afterwards that her words were loaded with ulterior meaning but I just didn’t pick up on it at the time. The thing is she hadn’t covered herself and I could see everything.

Neither of us were bothered by that but she is a very attractive and desirable woman and I wondered in a whimsical way what it would be like to be with her.

She just looked at me and said gently ‘Tell me, my little darling.’ When she talked to me like that it was hard to say ‘no’ believe me.

Whether it was the fact that I was tired, or a little drunk after three large martinis or a desire to unburden myself or a combination of all of them, I do not know but my resistance was low and, with some misgivings, I told her.

I told her of how lonely I felt and that I needed some mind-blowing sex to relieve my frustration and how difficult it was for me to have a sexual or loving relationship. And then I asked her what she did – that was definitely the martinis asking that question. She laughed, as she usually did, and complimented me on my direct approach.

I’m sorry, Delphine, it’s not my place to ask, I said, I’ve had too much to drink and I’m sorry. Forgive me? Please?

Nothing to be sorry for, she said, I get lonely too, you know.
But I thought you had a lover. You go to many parties and sometimes you don’t come home until the following day, so I thought... I let the question hang in the air.

It’s true, my little darling, that I do stay away but I have only started to do that since I knew I could leave you in charge. Before you came here I could not leave the house for any length of time because I am always needed and if I am not here, who can they turn to? Everyone relies on me for everything but now you are helping me and doing more and more so I can relax a little. It’s hard to let go but I am learning and I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am! So, yes, I stay out like a naughty girl, she giggled, But it’s only so I can have a break, that’s all. There’s no-one in my life. I really wish there was.
It was then that I realized just how lonely she was. I knew how she felt and she knew how I felt. It was just that I hadn’t picked up on it. I was just a girl at the time remember!

The water was starting to go cold and so I stepped out of the bath, naked as the day I was born. I felt no embarrassment because it felt so natural and I knew she liked looking at me and, to be honest, I liked looking at her too. In the house everyone was used to seeing each other in various states of undress or naked – it was just accepted. Some girls adored being looked at and revelled in it but nudity was just accepted as the norm.

I can only describe Delphine as extraordinarily beautiful and very, very desirable. She has a fabulous figure and legs. I was skinny by comparison at the time but she was voluptuous and she always described herself as ‘well upholstered’ which endeared her to everyone. Believe me, she is not. I thought she was perfect, as did a lot of people and I longed to look and act like her. She is very, very sexy!

She put the towel round me and rubbed my back dry. She went and got us some more drinks and brought them into my bedroom and we sat side by side on the bed resting on the headboard while we sipped them. She had made no attempt to cover herself so all of her body was exposed apart from the lower half of one leg and I couldn’t help but notice that her nipples were fully erect and looked very hard and, to be honest, very inviting. I was wrapped in my towel but my legs were uncovered. We talked about this and that for a while - we were just comfortable in each other’s company. Then it was my turn to get the drinks.

As I was bringing them back to bed, my towel slipped off. I couldn’t stop it because I was holding the drinks so what could I do? I had no spare hands so I gave her the drinks and stooped to pick it up.

Don’t bother, she said, It’s too warm, isn’t it? Besides, you look good like that – even if your tits aren’t as big as mine. We laughed again at our ‘in’ joke but there was a plea in her voice – she didn’t want me to cover up, I could tell. I could sense a change in the atmosphere and I’m sure she didn’t want to spoil the moment any more than I did. My intuition told me that this evening would be unforgettable. I wanted something to happen. It’s hard to explain but it was as if we both knew that something would.

She was almost naked anyway but I really couldn’t sit there without anything on so I said to her. You’re right, it is warm but close your eyes and don’t open them until I tell you, OK? I have a surprise.

I went behind the screen and took out a diaphanous black negligee I’d just bought. It left absolutely nothing to the imagination but it was classy and elegant and very, very sexy and I felt very wicked and wanton wearing it. No-one had seen me in it because I’d been saving it for a special occasion and I thought ‘this is that special occasion’. I thought about putting on some sheer stockings as well but that would have been too obvious so I just put on some black high heels and a little red lipstick and walked back to her side of the bed. I had left it open so all that was covered from the front were my shoulders and arms.

With a little tremor in my voice and a prayer that I was not making a fool of myself I said, You can open your eyes now.
I need not have worried. Her eyes widened in surprise and delight when she saw me and she said, almost in a whisper, ‘Mon Dieu!’ And then she looked me up and down, taking in every inch of my body as if she’d never seen me naked or half-dressed before but this was the first time I had worn something so provocative. She told me later I had taken her breath away. I was starting to feel a little embarrassed because she was so silent but then she held out her arms to me and said, - You are such a temptress, come back to bed.

I did as she asked and sat next to her. Our bodies were touching from shoulder to toe and she turned her head towards me and her eyes went to my lips and then looked deeply into mine again. Her hand gently touched my cheek and we leaned towards each other and kissed. Just a tender little kiss and then another that lasted a little longer and then another longer still and that’s how our love affair began.

No, I’m not going to tell you anything else! That’s private. Let’s just say it went on for hours but it passed too quickly and seemed like years. It was wonderful and totally unforgettable. The first time always is, isn’t it?


Désirée’s mind became lost in a reverie as her thoughts drifted back to that night. It still felt as if it had happened yesterday.

She had never forgotten that first loving kiss that made her heart flutter and all that followed. Her mind’s eye replayed what happened during the course of that night and as if she was thinking out loud, she remembered…

I could feel her kisses become more and more insistent and I loved the feeling of being wanted by another woman. Her tongue probed further in my mouth and her hand caressed my breasts and then her fingers played gently with my nipples, teasing them and making them hard under her touch. All I could do was moan softly into her mouth as the kiss became deeper and deeper and both our tongues danced seductively with each other. There was such passion in that kiss as pent up emotions took over our bodies and I knew that what was happening was going to be unstoppable.

Her hand cupped my breasts and then squeezed my nipples and then moved to my waist as we kissed and tried to devour each other. Then she traced a line with her fingertip down to my pussy and probed gently between my pussy lips and the petals parted as I opened my legs wider because I wanted her to put her fingers deeper inside me.

God, the feeling was incredible! I let her do whatever she wanted because I could not resist. It had been so long, too long, since I had made love to anyone and I wanted and needed to feel loved and possessed again.

I moved slightly so that she could kiss my nipples and bring me ever nearer to my climax. I could feel the lasting imprint of her hands on my skin and my body responded to the sucking and kissing and licking of my nipples and breasts and the fiery feel of her fingers inside my pussy. She was an expert lover and took me to a level of delirium which shut out all sight and sound.

The only sensation I had was that of touch and it consumed my very being and the sensation became an entity in itself. My body burned with desire for a release from the exquisite torment but at the same time I didn’t want it ever to stop.

No words passed between us. Instinct took over. Her lips left a trail of breadcrumb kisses from my nipples, down my tummy to my pussy and I moaned in ecstasy as her tongue ran itself along my fully dilated pussy lips. The pleasure I felt was so intense that I almost came there and then, but she stopped lapping at my pussy and, looking directly at me, she said, God you are a taste of heaven.

She started to lick and lap my pussy again. I could not help myself as wave after wave of passion and love pulsated through me and I started to squeeze my own nipples really hard as she moved her fingers faster and faster inside me.

Release came within a few minutes and my body shook and writhed in an unimaginable, frenzied rapture as I reached my orgasm. My body didn’t feel as if it belonged to me – I was transported somewhere I had never been before.

But she did not stop when I came.

She looked me in the eye and said, My darling, that was just the start of things. Relax now and let yourself go. Don’t resist, I won’t hurt you.

I simply nodded and I threw back my head as Delphine started to lap my pussy again like a hungry cat from the bottom to the top. Gently at first but then she started a rhythmic caressing of my pussy lips with her tongue, building up to a more insistent and frequent and intense invasion of my pussy.

She nibbled my pussy lips and inserted her tongue deeper and deeper into the groove, sucking on my clitoris and sending me into what I can only describe as a form of bliss from which I never wanted to escape. My pussy juices flowed more and more freely. What started out as a trickle became a steady flow and then a river and then a waterfall and finally a deluge and then...

Delphine told me I screamed when I came that second time but I don’t remember. I lost all track of time and where I was while she was making love to me. I could feel nothing but her tongue and fingers. The sensation was beyond belief! It felt like an hallucination!

I must have fainted with the rapture spreading throughout my body because I came to a few minutes later to find Delphine cuddling and stroking me as if she was protecting me and I felt such a wave of love and affection for her, simply for doing that for me.

Well? Are you all right? she asked and kissed me on my nose.

That tickles, do it again, I said, smiling.

So she did and then she kissed my forehead and my eyes and my cheeks and then my lips. Nothing sexual – there was no need – just gentle, loving, tender kisses which told me all I needed to know.

I lay in her arms, content with the thought that she was there and would never leave me and as I fell asleep, I heard the words ‘I love you’ and, almost to myself, I smiled and drifted away.

I came round several hours later and found myself still in exactly the same position, enfolded in her arms. I guessed by the light starting to permeate the room that it was close to dawn. It felt wonderful just to lie with her like that and I nuzzled into her to try and get closer. My movement disturbed her and she opened her eyes.

Hello, beautiful, she said, smiling.

Hello, beautiful yourself, I replied.

Shall we get up? She asked but I knew from the way she said it that she wanted me to say ‘no’.

In a minute, there’s something I have to do first.


Mmm. Close your eyes.

As she did so, I gently kissed her eyelids and then her forehead, her cheeks and then her lips in exactly the same way she kissed mine the night before.

Keep your eyes closed and just concentrate on where you can feel my lips or fingers, OK?


I kissed her lips again and she gasped as I tweaked her nipples at the same time. They were already aroused and my fingers made them go really hard and ready for my lips.

She started to moan softly as my lips worked their way down from her face, along her graceful neck and across her chest to her breasts and nipples. I sucked her nipples hard. Her back started to arch as I did so as if she was trying to make it easier for me to reach them.

Then I kissed and licked them and left them wet so the air could get to them and keep them hard for me. I had never seen her nipples so erect or as long. They were sexy, provocative and delicious to look at and taste.

My journey continued and my kisses left little damp trail on her skin as I moved across her tummy and down to her pussy. I moved position to in between her legs and lied flat on the bed so that her legs rested on my back. I was just an inch or so away from her pussy and I started to kiss and nibble her pussy lips.

I heard her say, “Amore è un fumo levato col fiato dei sospiri; purgato, è fuoco scintillante negli occhi degli amanti.”

I didn’t know what it meant at the time and I wasn’t going to ask because I had more important things to do! I asked her later and she told me it was from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and it translates as:

“Love is a smoke raised with the breath of sighs; purged, is fire sparkling in lovers' eyes.”

I asked her what it meant and she said that she thinks it relates to the actions of the heart which causes lovers to breathe heavily when their hearts are pounding. She said it came to her because she could feel my breath on her pussy and she was on fire inside.

It’s beautiful, I said.

Yes, it is. Remember me when you think of it.

Always, I said, Always.

Her moans became louder as I parted her lips with my tongue and I started to lap at her pussy as she had at mine. I wanted her to feel as wonderful as I did when she had made love to me just a few hours earlier. She had taught me so well because she came more quickly than I did, but I made my mouth lock on to her pussy and inserted my tongue inside as far as it would go and then I licked and lapped and teased her to an orgasm of epic proportions. She didn’t scream but cried out in joy as she entered her own paradise.

She had asked nothing of me the night before and I wanted to let her know that our relationship was different now. We had become equals in every way and we both knew that with me doing that for her, it was my way of saying that we could just enjoy being together as ‘us’. I wanted to prove to her that I could, despite my youth and relative inexperience, be a loving, caring woman who would treat her with respect and that we would be equals in all things.

And from that moment we became lovers with a deep understanding of each other’s needs and desires. Sometimes all that was needed was a look and we both knew what the other was thinking. Magic weaved its way through our relationship and lives and has never gone away.

I didn’t fall in love with her I an instant as she did with me. My love developed as a slow burn and grew and grew inside me as the days and weeks went by until it consumed me and we reached that perfect place where we understood each other and loved each other and didn’t care who knew it.

We have each other and it is enough.


Désirée returned to the present to find her guest looking at her with a playful smile on her face…

Oh! Was I gone for a while? That long! Sorry, I was reliving that night - it took longer than I thought.

So, now you know about us. Yes, I am content with my world especially with her in it. She is my best friend and confidante and lover and she would tell you the same. I still marvel at how, with just one kiss, she can send me into a frenzy of lust, desire and passion. I just want to get her in bed and make love to her. She is wanton and insatiable and I love it.

To have someone who wants you so badly, needs you like you need oxygen and loves you unconditionally happens only once in a lifetime. It’s not claustrophobic or cloying or uncomfortable – it just is beyond words to describe! And it’s wonderful to feel the same way and share everything!

What’s happened since? Well, working together we have created a small empire of salons throughout the country, all exclusively for ladies. I told you she has taught me well because it was my idea but she has financed things and as we have expanded we have become financially very comfortable. We live here because it’s a wonderful place to live and it’s my home and always will be.

But there’s something else which we have done and this is our revenge for what was done to me. At first I was not convinced that we should do anything but Delphine convinced me that I had been cheated out of something that was rightfully mine and in the most despicable way possible by someone who was supposed to care for me. The motive, whether it be greed or hatred or whatever is, in her words, irrelevant. But what is relevant is that the punishment should fit the crime.

I was left homeless, penniless, hungry and without friends. Delphine said that revenge is a dish that is best served cold so we devised a plan so that we would do to my stepmother what she did to me.

It took us several years but we started, discretely, to buy shares in my father’s company. She had let it go to rack and ruin so the value of it was depressed and eventually we had a majority shareholding. All of her people were removed and she, who took no part in the business but liked the money it generated, could do nothing because she was outvoted. We introduced our management team but kept those people who knew what they were doing.

We bought more and more shares and in the end she had almost no income. She had spent my inher-itance so she was now in effect penniless. Friends whose company she bought disappeared when the money dried up so she became friendless.

Finally, she had to sell my family home to pay off her debts and she became homeless. She never knew that we bought it and I could not move back there, even though Delphine offered that we could if I wanted to.

We turned it into an orphanage – it seemed the right thing to do and the money from my father’s business helps to run it. The business now is back on its feet and growing all the time so the orphanage is self-supporting really.

Yes, it’s THAT one!

My stepmother?

She is still a bitch and here’s why. We relented slightly and tried to help her in a roundabout way but she would have none of it. Her pride would not let her.

But here’s the final irony. She had to take a job to support herself or be on the streets.

Sad to say, but it is her choice, she is now a cleaner in the orphanage, surrounded by the things she used to own but never will again. She could not move away so that’s what she does. Sad, isn’t it?

Enough sadness – this is meant to be a happy ending so for Delphine and myself it is. We have worked hard, played hard and we have loved every minute of it. And I bring her breakfast in bed or she brings me mine. Love will do that

I must tell you one other thing she says after she has kissed me and sent me sometimes into a delirium and it’s one of the reasons why I love her so much. Here’s what she says.
E che cos'è un bacio? Un segreto detto sulla bocca, un instante di l’infinito.

The meaning?

“And what is a kiss? A secret told on the mouth, a moment of infinity.”

Yes it is just as beautiful!

We spend as much time together as we can and as I said, we can’t get enough of each other. Our love has grown stronger and deeper and the sex is sensational and so is our lovemaking!

I have become a lot franker as the years have passed by but I have grown up a lot and Delphine has helped me – and I haven’t stolen anything!

Except her love…

written by zorrokundra©


"This morning, after a dreamless night, I wake up. My vision is blurred, I see a feather on the bed. Finally, am I dreaming? A silhouette moved to the end of the bed ... J 'opens his eyes, and get used to the sunlight that hits the bed.

Yes, there is indeed a feather, white as snow, on the bed. My gaze follows the groove formed by the folds of the sheets and there ..... what do I do? a wing of incredible whiteness .. it is there, motionless, looking at me, a smirk on her lips, a twinkle in her eyes ...

"So, is it not you who yesterday cried from the rooftops that angels do not exist?"
Seeing my surprise, she burst out laughing. And mischievous, adds "Well, yes, heaven exists and I can confirm to you that even the angels have a gender."



if you look into my eyes - yes, look into them, not at them - what do you see?

I know what you're thinking. Why should you look into my eyes when you can look at my body?

My breasts are almost bare and I am completely naked underneath my negligee so why wouldn't you want to gaze at me? Am I not attractive?

But when you have surveyed the territory you want to invade and occupy - you do don't you? - take a closer look into my eyes, as I asked you to.

Now, tell me what you see.

Take your time, there is no need to rush - we have all the time in the world.

My eyes are piercing, are they not?

They hold your attention. You find it hard to look away. You become transfixed because you now start to sense the power that lies beneath.

You don't quite understand what that power is, you just know that it;s there and it's working on you, invading your senses in ways you cannot understand and it unnerves you, doesn't it?

Just listen to my voice now. That's it, just listen and do exactly as I say. Close those tired eyes now, that's it. Gently close them and hear my words.

You will remember nothing of what happens. You will do everything I ask of you. You will obey me in all things. You are mine from now on.

Do not be afraid, you are powerless now to resist. Try moving your hand. Impossible isn't it?

Can you speak?

You may open your eyes. Can you blink? Yes, I will allow you to blink, it would be cruel not to but as for speaking, I think 'no' - I hate to hear anyone beg for mercy.

So, you thought you could have me?

Sorry, that's not going to be possible. Not on my agenda at all.

You do look good enough to eat, I must admit, with your see through dress and those fantastic high heels. So that's what I'll do - I'll eat you.

You'll love it. Every single second of it. You'll wish it would never end. And you will want more, I guarantee it. And you will receive more - but only when I say so.

Let's start with your nipples and then we can get to the main course - that delighful pussy of yours that you flashed at me when you sat down and were careless with your legs.

Relax, we have all the time in the world...

written by zorrokundra©


Do you like me dressing like this? Really?

That's wonderful because I wanted to be a little more adventurous. I was going to go without my panties today but I thought 'no' it would be far more erotic and sexy and exciting if I pulled my panties up tight between my pussy lips so that when I bend over someone will be treated to a view that will really turn them on! At least I hope it does!

Oh yes, I always flash my ass all the time. It makes me go really juice so I'm ready for you when I come home. You love it when I'm naughty don't you? I know it turns you on.

Yes, it turns me on too. A lot!

And my skirt is a little bit shorter too so that my stocking tops will show - I'm such a tease! You like that too don't you? You like me teasing you too, I know...

Would you like to tweak my nipples before I go out so that they will poke through my top?

That's it, squeeze them, pinch them. God, yes, make them really hard so they'll be really obvious to everyone. I love people looking at them. That's it, that's it my love, nice and hard.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, that feels fabulous! Just look what you've done to me, you naughty girl!

Now I can go and tease that cute little girl at the beauty salon. She's always looking down my cleavage and up my skirt. She will see such sights today, won't she?

OK, now I'm ready to go!

Are my stocking tops showing enough? Nipples hard enough? Should I put my see through top on instead of this? Would you like that?

Now I'm being really naughty!

Go on then, you go and get it while I take this off! And bring my butt plug too, darling?

I don't think I'll need my panties after all.

God, I will be so juicy when she licks my pussy later...

written by zorrokundra©


The Darkness descends upon me when I least expect it. You’d think I would be accustomed to its gnawing appetite for disruption but it does catch me unawares at times. So here I am, wondering again and so tormented because I am torn between two courses of action and really not wanting to take either but I know I must because the Darkness will not release me from its grasp.

Whichever course I take I will lose – it’s just a question of how much. This is my plight.

I fell hopelessly in love with her the first time I saw her. It was, as the French say, un coup de foudre, a thunderbolt, as unexpected as it was welcome and it has transformed my life since it happened a year ago today. The changes are, for me, good and evil. I shall explain but later, be patient.

I have had countless lovers over the centuries. They have been playthings, dalliances, trifles, nothing of consequence at all but she changed all that. Now I am a captive to my own heart, what is left of it. But what little there is, is hers

Her raven hair, dark as midnight and her flawless ebony skin and those piercing black, mysterious, flashing, smouldering eyes that draw you in and never let you go seduced me in an instant.

In that instant the world as I knew it stopped and started revolving in a different direction. She knew she had me without a single word passing between us.

She wore a diamond white strapless dress with slits up both sides to her hips. Her legs went on forever. The contrast of white against ebony was striking and mesmerizing and enchanting and I could not look away. I took in the fullness of her breasts and the way her nipples tried to break through the thin material and I tried to imagine what she would look like naked.

What else could I do? I ached to undress her and kiss every inch of her flawless body. And I wanted her to do the same to me.

Perhaps she heard my sharp intake of breath or recognized the look on my face for she is so very beautiful and she must have seen that look so many times on so many faces. The look of yearning to be near her, a need to touch her, to hear the sweet dulcimer chime of her voice that carries you away but keeps you near and that longing to possess her body.

She knew!

And so did I!

I recognized the same longing in her eyes and we knew we would be in each other’s arms making love before the night was over.

And we were and we did.

I have never experienced anything like it in my life. She gave herself to me completely as I did to her. No boundaries, nothing was forbidden. If she wanted it, I let her do it. If I wanted it, she let me do it.

My love for her knows no bounds. She possesses me and she has told me that she belongs to me but that is love talking. It is simply a way of saying ‘I will never leave you.’

We knew there would never be anyone else, for all eternity.

But her eternity is not the same as mine. Hers is a concept. Mine is real.

I have not told her what I am but she is starting to suspect something is not quite right. She wants us to live together. This I want more than anything but I cannot allow it. She would discover things that are best left hidden, for now.

People think that our kind is like the caricature that appears in movies. Not so.

We walk in daylight but sunglasses are ‘de rigeur’ even on cloudy, rainy days. It is seen as an affectation. So be it.

We sit in the darker part of restaurants so that we can be romantic and I love that.

We have candlelit dinners at her place or mine and we feed each other. I love that too. Sometimes we go to bed with dinner half eaten because we can’t resist each other any longer.

But what she does not see is me taking diuretics or stimulants, or worse, to rid me of the food but she has assumed me to be bulimic. Bulimia from the Greek, meaning ravenous hunger. How true and how wrong that is, if she only knew.

I love her to distraction. I cannot bear the thought of losing her. Not now, after all this time but I face a conundrum. There are two answers to it. And soon I will have to choose one of them.

Consider this first.

Is it possible to feel any sympathy or empathy for a vampire?

Is it possible that a vampire can fall in love?

Answer these questions now and I will ask them later to see if your answers are the same.

As vampires, we do not generally convert humans. When we feed there is nothing left but an empty shell. I know that is not a nice thing to hear and you will probably feel revulsion because of what I have just told you but we have no choice.

It is as much a compulsion as d**gs or alcohol but oh, so much more addictive. There are some who enjoy it but they are very few. We eat to live not live to eat – that’s what humans say, isn’t it? Of course, we have a different slant on that saying.

You can perhaps see the humor and irony of it all?


Not all do.

Sometimes, we are disturbed and not everything is taken. It is then not a shell but an entity that takes some time to change from a human being into a vampire. This is a convert.

A convert remembers nothing of the feeding. The wounds heal within a matter of hours because despite popular belief and movies, twin holes in the neck do not remain to identify a convert, or victim, if you like.

The internal changes take place gradually. There is a sense of disorientation and lethargy and mood swings and an increase in photosensitivity but not photophobia. The skin becomes pale and sometimes translucent and the effect is quite striking, especially in women. Their faces take on an ethereal beauty and otherworldliness which makes them so intriguing, desirable and very difficult to resist. Makeup can, of course, help but eventually the desire to hide the paleness of the skin lessens and disappears as the changeling turns into a vampire.

Human food becomes tasteless, then unpalatable and eventually sickening. The desire to feed grows.

Then there is the realization that they cannot remain as who they were. Ties with humans have to be broken – survival becomes everything and they must feed. If they do not, they will not die but the longing becomes more intense and more risks have to be taken and that’s when things tend to go wrong. Vampires do not die – they are annihilated. But they must feed and while the last vestiges of their humanity remain , they do not want their loved ones, or friends, to see them feed.

There is no immediate acceptance of their situation by converts. They did not ask to become vampires and neither do they want to be – they just have to learn to live with the consequences of someone else’s action. This takes centuries. Believe me, I know, for that is what happened to me.

There is also constant movement from place to place for fear of being discovered.

‘My, you never seem to grow any older – how do you do it? Is it diet, or exercise, or…?’

It is painful and heart-breaking. To watch your loved ones die of old age or illness from a distance while you remain forever the same is unbearable. And then, within fifty years, or less, you have no-one you have known.


The world changes but you do not.

Remember my first question? Has your answer changed now, if only to be a little less critical?

As time goes by, relationships become as transitory as the passing hours. Certainly, there is no shortage of sexual adventure for we are desirable creatures. We generate lust with our perceived beauty. In fact it is unusual to have but a single partner and a ménage a trois is not limited to three.

I think the most I had at any one time was six. I will leave it to your imagination to decide where fingers, tongues and lips were placed. Let’s just say I received more pleasure than I gave.

Sex without boundaries or consequences is heady stuff but it loses its appeal because it is just that – sex. The sex is freely available – the women who wanted me wanted to be able to say ‘look who I slept with. I told you we are desirable creatures – sometimes all it took was a long lingering glance and the next thing we were in bed but not always. Some love the back seat of a car or want to be watched. I could make them do anything if the prospect of having me was offered.

But when sex becomes ‘routine’ it is merely a habit and eventually there is nothing new to try because, believe it or not, the ideas dry up. You’d think that’s impossible wouldn’t you?

But after several hundred years, it’s not. Think about it.

I searched incessantly for someone to love but in the end I gave up because I didn’t want to be disappointed.

A long, long time ago I had a conversation with Aristotle. I’m sure he knew what I am, both lesbian and vampire, but was neither disgusted nor afraid for I am a gentle and loving person.

In my own way I loved him and in his own way he loved me. I just loved being with him and listening to him because he was so interesting.

Two things he said have stayed with me. This seemed appropriate to me at that point in my life (life - such a strange concept for me now) and what he said was this ‘the gods too are fond of a joke.’ He was trying to lighten my feelings about my loneliness and my need to be loved by diverting my attention to someone whom I could blame. It has helped – a little.

So that brings me to now.

You have listened to my story and you will have your own opinions about what I am and what I have said and what I have to do to survive. I don’t think of myself as evil although it must seem as if I am. Please try to understand, I have no choice in the matter. What I do is what I am.

I now present you with my conundrum:

I can convert the most beautiful woman in the world, the woman I love without words to express how much, and she will become like me for all eternity.

She will then leave me in search of herself for centuries and I may never see her again. I would not be able to stop her leaving. How could I stop her? Remember the only way to stop a vampire is annihilation. Could I kill her? Could I live with myself? Can I live without her?

I cannot bear the thought of a single day without her.

Without her touch?

Without her smile?

Without her laughter?

Without her kiss?

Without her embrace?

Without her love?

Could I spend eternity constantly longing for us to be together again? The pain would be unbearable, even for someone like me.

The other alternative is to leave her before she learns what I am because I do not want to burden her with the responsibility of the knowledge. She may hate me and I couldn’t stand that! If I go she will think that I have deserted her and I know it will break her heart. As it would mine!

I would have to watch her from a distance and see her grow older and perhaps find someone else. If she did my insides would be eaten away knowing that I couldn’t have her but happy and sad that she had someone to love her. But not me!

How could I see her and not be able to touch her, kiss her, embrace her and love her the way I know she loves to be loved?

And how could I live without her love for me?

That pain would be unbearable too.

Aristotle also told me that love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

I didn’t believe him then but I do now. Our souls have merged.
We are one.

But what happens when those two people are separated?

Remember my second question? Has your answer changed?

Now do you believe that a vampire can fall in love?

And as for my conundrum, there are two doors through which I can go.

One is called ‘Convert’ and the other ‘Depart’

If you were me, which door would you open?

And could you live with your choice?

written by zorrokundra©


here's the deal...

you're always saying that you would love to see my pale skin, so here I am.

You've always wanted to see me naked, so here I am.

And you've always said you want to have sex with me, so...not quite so fast...

Are you sure you just want sex? Don't you want to make love to me? With me that would be at least three or four hours - the first time...

Yes, we can have sex and make love too if you want to. That will take a lot longer. A lot longer.

Would you like to tie me up with some silk scarves? I like being tied up - it makes me really wet. God, my pussy gets so juicy just thinking about it! And my nipples are starting to go hard too.

So, I can be yours but there is something you have to do for me first.

And this is a once in a lifetime offer, OK?

You must give up all of your other girlfriends and promise to be faithful to me for the rest of your life. If you cheat on me, I will leave you in a heartbeat.I will never take you back. Never!

Yes, I will be faithful to you. I would sooner die than cheat on the woman I love.

You can see what could be yours.

Well? what is to be? Me and only me or...?


written by zorrokundra©


Do you think she's watching?

---Yes, I can see her out of the corner of my eye

Do you feel like being naughty?

---With you? Always my love but do you mean?...

Yes, I think we should let her watch. Would you like that?

---I'm wet already just thinking about it but I've never done it before. I've flashed my pussy when I've not been wearing any panties but that was only for a second or two.

Oh no, I was there remember! It was not for a second or two at all. You sat with your legs open for at least a couple of minutes and both of the girls couldn;t take their eyes off you! Well, your pussy anyway!

---It was deliciously wicked wasn't it? And it had the desired effect...

Yes, I've never known your pussy to be so juicy and you were so turned on you played with yourself in the car on the way home!

---But you said you liked me being a little slut.

Yes, I did and it turned me on too.So, naughty or slutty?

---You mean?

Yes, take off your clothes while I take off mine and then put your tongue down my throat! Make sure she can see both of us.

---Yes, Mistress!

God, that was gorgeous! Tweak my nipples and put your fingers in my pussy. Is she watching?

---Yes, she's playing with herself too!

Good, I thought she wouldn't be able to resist. Do you want another finger in your pussy yet because I do?

---Oh, Mistress, put them all in and squeeze my nipples hard!

There, that's all of them. God, you're so wet!

---I can't help it. It's because she's watching and what you're doing to me. God, oh God, I am so near!

So am I and you've only got two fingers in but they feel like six. I am cumming, God Almighty, any second!

---Ooooooooooh, Mistress, I'm gushing!

Yes, you are, you're flooding my hand and here I cum!!!

---We did it, simultaneous orgasms!

By the sound of it, all three of us...

written by zorrokundra©


No, my darling, if I don't wear a bra then you can't either!

I like the opaque stockings because there will be a lovely contrast between them and the white of your thighs when you tease my guests by letting them see what they cannot have when your wrapover skirt accidentally parts as you cross your legs.

There will be lots of leg showing won't there? There's a good little pet! Remember you are mine to command so no-one but me can touch you - unless, of course, I say they can. And they will want to put their hands where they should not!

You will be tempted, it is only natural, because exposing yourself will make your pussy juices flow and you will want to satisfy your desire to have someone play with you. You know this will happen don't you? Of course you do, you were so wet the last time we played this little game.

Well, it's time to put a little more excitement into your life, my pet. Tonight you will not be wearing any panties, so when you cross and uncross your legs your pussy will be on display for everyone to see.

Especially when I command you to sit with your legs open.

Would you like the butt plug in again? The one you like with the jewel? Hmmm? Yes, I'll put it in for you and have a little fun while I'm doing it. You're juicy now aren't you? Just the thought of it is exciting isn't it?

A naked pussy and a butt plug! How delicious! How naughty!

Let's go and find that lovely black see through wrapover dress. Clothed but naked - fabulous!

Are you looking forward to the evening now? You're quite the exhibitionist now, just like me.

When they've gone you will get your reward, I promise. Your juices won't go to waste.

And neither will mine...

written by zorrokundra©


I'm glad you phoned, it saves me calling you.

Louise has moved out? Well, you can't say you weren't warned. You're so full of yourself, I'm surprised you even noticed she had gone!

How dare I? Well, she who dares wins, you selfish bitch!

Not nice to be spoken to like that is it?

Yes, she's here with me and you'd better get used to the fact that your bed is going to be empty for quite some time.

No, you can't speak to her, she's busy right now. Why? Wouldn't you like to know!

What are those noises? What does it sound like?

No, it's the sound of my fingers playing with her pussy. It's about time she had some fun, don't you think seeing as how she never got any with you?

She's nearing her orgasm now.

Would you like to listen - I can leave the line open?

No? Then enjoy the rest of your life. Alone!

Forget about her, baby. She's out of your life.

That's it, let it all out. Cum for me, cum for me, cum for me...

written by zorrokundra©


When you put the butt plug in me for the first time this morning it felt strange. Not uncomfortable but strange.

But, no that 'butt' - the other 'but'- it was less than an hour after I arrived at the office that I started to have a yearning for sex and sis the day wore on I found myself becoming more and more excited by having it in my ass.

It began to feel wonderful and I felt sexier and sexier and I didn't but (noooo!) I wanted to tell someone, anyone that I had a butt (yes!) plug in.

By lunch time I was squirming with lust for someone to lick my pussy and at that moment I couldn't have cared less who it was but (mmmm?) there were no women in the office to tempt.

Now I know why you did it. It was to find out if I could be trusted and not just to see if I liked it. Well, the answer to both those things is 'yes'!

I want to wear it again tomorrow because there's a big presentation and I'll have to give a talk in front of twenty or so people and my pussy will be screaming to be licked and kissed and played with but (I know, I know!) no-one will know what's inside me except you and I.

So, do I get my reward for being a good bad girl?

My ass and my pussy are waiting - they belong to you now...

written by zorrokundra©


Here I am, dressed in my favorite color and with matching lip gloss and ready, always ready...

I have asked my guest tonight to paint my finger and toe nails in the same shade and then everything will be perfect.

I am naked under the chiffon, as I always am. She will notice my nipples, always hard, always hard, poking through the thin material. Everyone does because I make sure they do.

It is so easy to tempt her - the thought of what lies beneath my dress.

She is thinking will I let her see more of my body before the night is over? She will keep looking while she paints my nails as I tempt her by arching my back so my breasts are pressed against the thin material.

Knowing she is looking and wanting to see more and do things to me turns me on more so my nipples get harder still. In turn she becomes less resistant to what I want to do.It is a spiral of lust I create that she cannot resist.

And then, she begins to paint my toenails. I let the material slide down my legs as she is doing it and let them part so she gets a glimpse of my pussy, already open and moist and waiting, always moist, always juicy.

Her eyes are constantly flickering back to my pussy lips, now fully dilated as the dress is almost around my waist. I pretend not to notice and close my eyes and part my legs even more so she can see all the wonders which await her.

As she finishes, she is speechless. There is only one thing in her mind and we both know what will happen although hardly a word has passed beween us.

I love the eroticism of being able to control her emotions and to make her lust after me just my showing a little here, a little there.

The tease always works. Her pussy is now wetter than it's ever been.

I open my eyes and look directly into her eyes, smile and ask, as I run my tongue over lips...

'How can I ever thank you for doing that for me?'

She knows what the question means because I look directly at her pussy as I finish speaking.

She wants to ask but cannot find the words - I have put such a strong spell on her.

I slowly take off my dress so she can see my naked body and then I take her hand and place it on my breast. Her eyes devour me and her fingers start to tweak my nipple.

I move closer to her and open my legs a little and move her hand to my pussy and say...

'Would you like me to lick your pussy?'and kiss her full on the lips before she has a chance to answer. Besides I know the answer.

I know I am taking her breath away but her lust is now unstoppable - she is mine to do with as I want. I feel first one and then two fingers enter my pussy as I kiss her and she moans into my mouth as she finds my wetness.

My lips leave hers and descend to her neck where I kiss and nibble while she puts another finger inside me. She thinks she is in control, but no...

My fangs enter her artery and I drain the last drop of blood as I reach my orgasm and she takes the first few steps on her eternal journey.

I love the blood red color of my dress - it always reminds me of who I am and what I must do - tonight and every night.

I have no choice. But those who come to me do, they always have a choice, always.

I tell them it is dangerous to be near me but I look so innocent. Telling them that seems to make them want me more, but I keep warning them...

Always, always...

written by zorrokundra©


You enter the room and there she is – the woman you love, long for, lust after, crave, desire, ache for and adore and find her dressed like this.

She has always worn lingerie and dresses which show off her body to you and you love her even more for doing that. It turns you on - really turns you on!

But this is something you could never have imagined her wearing! Not because she would never wear it but because she has found something that you knew existed in your mind's eye but never thought you ever see in reality. It is perfectly sexy and very very erotic. You are transfixed.

Her body is perfect in every way and she has given you more orgasms than you can remember.

Each one of those orgasms has transported you to a place from which you never want to return. It is a wonderland of magic where she makes your body sing to a tune of her own making. Even thinking about what she does to you and for you makes you so wet you immediately want her no matter where you are and you think about her many times during the course of a day. You cannot get home quick enough so you can possess her again and she you.

There have been times when you have ripped her clothes off because you are so desperate to have her – and she loves that because she knows you want her.

You know you cannot resist her and she knows you cannot resist her but she loves you in equal measure and yes, she teases you and, at times, torments you but it is through love that she does it because she wants you to want her as much as she wants you.

She loves you that much!

She says nothing as you drink her in. She watches you as you take in every inch of her body and her shoes, her stockings, her garters and that fabulously shaped corset that supports but breasts but does not cover them.

Her nipples are as hard as diamonds but she squeezes them anyway which makes your eyes focus on her breasts. You are now so, so juicy and delirious with desire but the best is yet to come.

Smiling to herself, she slowly, oh so painfully slowly moves towards you and then you feel her body press against you.

Her nipples press against yours.

Her pussy pushes against yours.

There is no daylight between you.

Her hand encircles your waist and pulls you even closer - your heart pounds.

Her other hand gently goes round the back of your neck and she pulls you closer and licks your lips with the tip of her tongue - you find it hard to breathe.

Her lips find your lips and she kisses you softly and then more urgently - you moan into her as she does.

Her tongue enters your mouth and you willingly suck it in and yours dances with hers - your body is on fire as she holds you against her and your arms pull her to you - your nipples are about to burst through your dress with lust and desire.

She breaks the kiss - why has she stopped? Don't stop now!

Her lips move to your neck and kiss you softly but her lips leave fiery imprints on your skin as she moves back up and gently licks and nibbles your ear - you are going weak at the knees.

And then she whispers in your ear...

Take me!

I'll do anything you ask me to!


Anything at all!

I don't care what it is!

Just take me!



written by zorrokundra©


Emerging from deep inside of darkness
With a body as naked as my soul,
Out in the open letting the brightness
To caress my body all over
The sun shine shower on me and
Free myself of the entanglements
Of the darkness and pull me into
The brighter world that is Supreme,
Thus I achieve the FREEDOM from all bondage.

written by lesbevelyne©


" mit weißesten füßen tanzt du den reihen
spielen deine feuchten augen küssen
deren seltsamkeit vieles
man sagen, und singen
(ob liebe ein tag)
welcher maid magst du blumen bringen ?

deine lippen zu sein ist ein liebes und klein
Tod, dich nenn ich reich ohne maßen
fängt du dies ein
magst sonst alles missen
(ob liebe ein tag
und leben ein nichts, soll nicht enden das küssen"

Edward Estlin Cummings

written by tornegrom©


My hand slides down her leg, touches her thigh ... shudder .... I feel my hand back, stroking her white hills dwell on this sweet valley of a thousand wonders .... but she shudders silent .... my hand up along her back, back down, back, small back and forth which makes she vibrates and sighs with happiness .... I linger still on her back, her shoulders, I tickle her neck, spreads her hair .... sighs intensify .... I go back along her neck, run my fingers through her hair .... and ... I'm going

the next day, I found her the same time, and this game again ..... maybe one day I dare ask her to turn around and my hand dare go ....



I've just written this . It still needs some "Sichtung":

She called
Dangerously armed
but merely with her skin
She showed her might
She took the light
& settled in my core
And as I lay there by her side
I thought of a day in paradise
and nothing ahead
Nothing before
And Nothing more !

written by tornegrom©


Well then,here comes E.E.Cummings. Please enjoy. I would give my both arms to have written it:

somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond

any experience,your eyes have their silence:

in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,

or which i cannot touch because they are too near
your slightest look easily will unclose me

though i have closed myself as fingers,

you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens

(touching skilfully,mysteriously)her first rose
or if your wish be to close me, i and

my life will shut very beautifully ,suddenly,

as when the heart of this flower imagines

the snow carefully everywhere descending;
nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals

the power of your intense fragility:whose texture

compels me with the color of its countries,

rendering death and forever with each breathing
(i do not know what it is about you that closes

and opens;only something in me understands

the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)

nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands

written by tornegrom©


She's never late, ever. Where can she be?

I know we had a silly little argument before she went this morning but we kissed and made up before she left. Surely she can't be punishing me because of that?

Here I am - naked except for my shoes, just the way she likes me to stand in front of the window so she will know I'm trying to say 'sorry,' Well it was my fault but I don't really need an excuse to take my clothes off for her.

I love seeing her face light up when she sees me like this because she knows we are in for some very serious sex. Food can wait - she can eat me instead!

This is just not like her - I hope she's OK? What should I do?

Wait! There's the phone! Oh God, please God, let it be her!

It's you, where have you been? I was so worried, If it's about this morning, I...

What? When? Really? Then that means?...

Oh my love, yes, yes, yes! Of course I'm crying! I'm so happy! Come home but be careful, OK?

Yes, I love you too - oh, and by the way. I'm only wearing shoes! Yes, I know I'm naughty but you like me when I am, don't you? See you soon!

I am so silly! I'd completely forgotten about her meeting. She's got the promotion and the raise. Now we can get married!

written by zorrokundra©


Body of ocean, milk and sky,
Your breasts are the heaving of grasses
And wind, loft and laden in the rounded
Hills, a hoard of yeasty bread, bountiful,
Ripe and strange. Your hair is an endless
Savannah, your valleys are gold and honeyed
With milk, seared, filled by my penetrating sun.
In passion we play; low on earth and deep in sky.

written by Hangdog90©


Mons Veneris

Of your existence I wasn't aware,
Until I noticed the other girls and began to compare,
I spent my teenage years wishing you there,
My funny pubic hair.

At my smooth hairless skin I used to glare,
You drove me down to the depths of despair,
I don't even seem to have developed elsewhere,
My silly pubic hair.

What if I never blossom down there?
Doesn't that just seem a little unfair?
That I cannot contain you in my underwear,
My elusive pubic hair.

But I needn't have given myself such a scare,
I looked down one day and you'd answered my prayer,
Now even I had my fair share
Of curly pubic hair.

I thought that I'd want a royal fanfare,
But to be perfectly honest I wouldn't dare,
Coz it turned out I didn't like you, I wasn't prepared
For this unruly pubic hair.

Collection of pheromones? I'll collect mine elsewhere,
Sexual maturity? I've got boobs now, so there!
There surely must be a way to repair
This faulty pubic hair.

So I found a solution that I felt was fair,
To give my mons veneris a flair,
I pay a nice lady to wax you bare,
My redundant pubic hair.

written by Hangdog90©


No, my darling, you need not wear anything else except for those really high heels you know I love so much.

I adore the way your see through top presses against your nipples, it makes them look even more kissable.

Just let your hair cascade over your shoulders and make sure your lip gloss is that brigh shade of red and then you'll look so tarty, won't you?

Remember, don't cover your pussy with your hands - everyone must see it and be prepared for wandering hands and fingers. You're mine and no-one else's and I decide who touches you - or not.

This is your initiation - if you pass you will be my pet. If not, I will keep you but it will be just sex. As my pet, you will experience things that most women can only dream of, time and time again.

You want to please me and for me to be your Mistress, don't you?

Well, then, let everyone here know you are mine...

written by zorrokundra©


Jealous? Me?

Do you think just because I'm wearing green lip gloss and have green accents in my dress and some green accessories and that my nails are green that I am jealous?

Why would you think that?

My eyes are green - they are one of the reasons you were attracted to me, are they not? So, green highlights and matching nail varnish just make everything complementary don't they, my love?

If I remember well, you were the one who was so upset not too long ago when your intern made a pass at me...She is stunning though, isn't she? Oh, those legs and heels and that see through dress. My God, she could have been naked for all that it covered!

You're jealous now aren't you, just talking about it? No, nothing happened, I told you. Well, she did put her hand on my ass and tried to kiss me but I told you that didn't I?

Oh, not the bit about my ass? I thought I had. Sorry darling, I'll make it up to you later when our guests have gone.

I will leave a trail of green lipstick kisses all over you, starting with your neck and ending somewhere a lot juicier. Feeling better? You can't wait? Neither can I...

There's the door - see if your intern has arrived. You didn't invite her? Why not? Just k**ding, I'm teasing you!

OK, I'll just light the candles on the table - go, shoo!

My inner dialog:

Thank God I got out of that. Quick thinking saves the day!

Jealous? Of course I'm jealous and I hate myself for it but I can't help it. She's the most beautiful woman in the world and I see other women looking at her and I know they want to get her into bed and do to her all the things I do. And to have her do things for them - the thought of her doing it if ever she was tempted. Oh God, please God, no! I couldn't bear to stray or lose her.

So I must play my little charade just to keep her on her toes and make her want me. I have to play hard to get all the time - the tease of an 'accidental' stocking top being revealed or a lot of cleavage always makes her horny and then I must let her win and give in to her so she feels she has gotten her own way.

I know she loves to chase after me - I must beguile her so she will...

My green kisses on her - what could be better? Oh, yes - her red kisses on me...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections

I've waited so long for tonight. I've been dreaming about it for days and days since she asked me to dinner - I wish we could have met sooner but at last this is it. I've been to the beauty parlor and hairdresser especially so I will look my best for her. When she said she thinks I'm beautiful I couldn't believe she said it but I'm making sure I leave nothing to chance so she will be impressed. She's the one who is so dreamy. God, when I saw her legs and most of her thighs in that short skirt I nearly fainted. How embarrassing would that have been? I cannot bear the thought of this being our only date so I hope she likes my new lingerie when she undresses me later. I don't care if this is our first date, I want to be naked for her when holds me in her arms and then kisses every square inch of my body. Oh my God, I'm behaving like a teenager - is this what love really feels like? Wanting someone so much? Yes, it's lust for her but it's more than that - I can't explain it, there are no words but God, I want her! In my arms, in my bed, in my life as well as my dreams. Just my dress now and I'm ready... Ready to go out, ready to be wined and dined, ready to be seduced - that's not going to be difficult, is it? - and ready for her bed and ready for the most important 'yes' I will ever say. Dare I say it? When she says 'Can I get you anything' will I be able to say '!'

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 2

I'll soon be ready Mistress, I'm just fixing my hair.

It's the seven inch heels you want me to wear isn't it? Good, I love those because they make my legs look sooooo long and make me feel so sexy.

Er, are you sure you want me to wear panties? Don't you want our guests to see my pussy and my ass with the dress being so short and seethrough?

You want me to take them off in front of everyone? Really? God, that's so hot and naughty!

Of course I will - I know I'll get my reward tonight in bed or maybe sooner?

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 3

even though she's not here I can still feel her hands gripping my ass while she licked my pussy, lifting me to her mouth and tongue.

she's never done it like that before and I can't remember how many orgasms I had but God Almighty were they intense!

I think I'll wear these stocking again if they turn her on so much - I can't wait for her to come back home but she'd better hurry because I'm so wet just thinking about it I might have to start without her.

hmmm, perhaps I should let her find me playing with myself because that might turm her on even more...


written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 4

The thrust of her hips, the way she reveals just one leg and stocking top and ass cheek and keeps the other side shrouded in mystery is the perfect tease...

The hint of the fullness of her breasts through her seethrough dress promises so much more and she knows she has you exactly where she wants you - helpless, lusting, waiting...

Her downcast eyes are the other tease - she pretends not to see but she senses and anticipates your every move and thought.

While you are watching she removes her panties and slides them slowly down her legs while she gazes over her shoulder, her eyes locked on yours as she bends from her waist to guide them oh so slowly over her shoes to discard them.

She is now naked underneath and still she holds eye contact with you.

She turns away and your heart sinks but you hear the swish of silk as she unfastens her dress and lets it fall to the floor...

Hands above her head so you can see every inch of her, she turns much too slowly to face you. You cannot help yourself as you drink in every inch of her body - her breasts, her rock hard nipples, her naked pussy, her legs - and the desire, the lust, the want consume you.

Finally she smiles and your heart melts at the sight of it. You are transfixed as she comes and presses herself hard against you. Her hands caress your neck and she whispers softly in your ear just two words...

...'I'm yours'

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 5

you know this is not the main event don't you?

I chose your stockings and shoes and dressed you and now I'm making you nice and wet for our Mistress.

I will not and cannot give you an orgasm - that is her privilege. I know you want to cum but you must wait because once you have experienced the way she gives you orgasms - yes, multiple - you will want no-one else to touch you.

You will be her pet like I am and take your turn. Tonight is my turn after she has rested after playing with you. Shall I stop? No?

I have to because I want her to make me cum.

There now, you're ready and here's your Mistress. Be a good girl and you will be happy here forever. Be a bad girl for her and you will be even happier and so will she.

I'm going to sit and watch - next time you can ask Mistress to let me join in if you like?...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 6

Yes, the line is still open and he can hear us...

He doesn't deserve me and never has and I cannot bear to be near him ever again.

I want him to hear us making love so that he will know that from now on I am yours and yours alone.

Take me, make me cum and give me another of those fantastic orgams using your fingers and lips.

Did you hear that? yes, ANOTHER orgasm...

Yes, of course I love her - I always have...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 7

Will I do like this Mistress? Do I please you?

I bought the corset as you suggested and I did feel very naughty and decadent wearing it under my see through dress.The looks I got from the ladies at the club were just pure lust but I wouldn't let anyone touch me because I wanted you.

Yes, I was tempted - that's why I'm so wet and juicy and why I've got my legs open ready for you.

Can we start now please? I need you...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 8

I won't be needing this or my panties tonight, not now that I know Mistress is here.

Just a dab of her favorite perfume between my breasts and on my wrists is sure to get her in the mood.

But when I turn round and she sees my nipple clamps that will ensure we go straight to bed. I love her kissing my nipples once she's pulled the clamps off and it makes me so juicy.

Oh yes, one final where's my butt plug? - that will drive her wild with lust. Lucky me...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 9

She's hidden my clothes again!

I would have stayed anyway because I'm ready for another three hours of sex with her - I love her urgency and the fact that she loses control and lets me tell her what to do which turns me on even more because she just does whatever I ask.

God, she's incredible and even I must have orgasmed five times with what she does with her fingers. Well, I did ask her too, didn't I?

Wait, what's that noise? It sounds like something buzzing...hmmm? I know, she's using her vibrators. God, she's insatiable!

Well, I'll just have to help her out now I know where she likes to be kissed.

It's a good job my boyfriend's out of town for another week. Plenty of time for lovemaking after the sex. just thinking about it.

God, I could eat her...mmmmm, come to think of it...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 10

Some women think I'm beautiful and say so. Others say nothing but I see them looking at me when they don't know I am. Their eyes caress my body and drink me in so I know they're interested and intrigued.

I have heard several of them say that I am dark and mysterious and I think that sums me up perfectly - but I am a lot darker than they know. Some find that out but only when it's too late.

It's a game of give and take with me and the women who want me - they take and I give. They think that I am subservient because I do their bidding without question but only after I have played hard to get. The chase is theirs not mine - I weave a web and they become caught.

Sometimes it is a glimpse of stocking top with the swish of my dress but my favorite is to let them see my breasts and the hard nipples down my cleavage - not one has been able to resist.

A candlelight dinner in my apartment - so romantic and dare I say, dark and mysterious? Wine flows, lips touch, fingers probe, clothes are removed - far too quickly because all they want is body. A girl likes to be wooed after all - I have gone to so much trousble to set the scene.

Her lips find what the lady wants - my musky perfume intoxicates her and there is no escape. Her tongue probes the deepest recesses in my pussy and she laps the nectar I produce.

I feign an orgasm for the sake of politeness and that pleases her but now it's my turn. My lips and fingers take her to places she has never been before. The euphoria overtakes her senses and she succumbs to my touch and my kiss.

Her orgasm builds and builds and builds until the dam bursts and she reaches that place from which there is no return.

I kiss her breasts, her lips and then down to her nuzzle her neck.

My fangs pierce her skin so gently she does not feel then but her life blood drains into me and this time I take and she gives until she reaches that dark and mysterious place she wondered about.

Some women think I am beautiful - others perhaps do but all who dine with me finally realise just how dark I am.

So if I invite you for a bite to eat...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 11

I hope she doesn't think I'm too obvious when she finds out I'm naked under my wrapover dress but I do so want to tempt her. I'm sure my nipples poking through the thin material will let her know I'm not wearing a bra and set her mind working.

Maybe I'll accidentally let her see a glimpse of my stocking top as I get in the car. Mmmmmm that's so naughty, so I'll do it.

When I kiss her, I'll make sure I press my breast in her arm and then just wait and let my perfume - her favorite - work its magic.

She always has the air conditioning really cold so my nipples will stick out even more for her and by the time we reach the club I'll be soooooo wet and ready for her.

Oh, damn, there's the phone...


Oh, hi darling - yes, I'm ready. Are you running late? Where are you? Outside? Yes, I'll open the door - two seconds...

Flowers? wow, they're gorgeous. Thank you! But come in...

Do you like it? Thank you, I put it on especially for you - I know you like red. Here, let me take your coat.

OH MY GOD! you're naked! You naughty girl!

You wanted to tempt me? But I wanted to tempt you so you'd realize I wanted you!

Then consider me tempted! To the bedroom now so you can undress me - what am I wearing?

Wait and see...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 12

Mistress doesn't know I have a key to her room.

She'll be home soon but I can't resist going in and taking off all my lingerie and getting the two vibrators and putting them in and laying on her bed with my legs wide open and waiting for her.

I'll be sooooooo juicy anyway wondering what she'll do when she sees me but with the toys and the handcuffs I'll be sooooooooo much wetter for her.

Will she punish me for being naughty? I hope so... perhaps she'll wait and watch me writhe before she touches me to prolong my desire and lust for her. She knows I like that...

God, I feel so sexy...

Hurry up Mistress - I want you so much...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 13

well? see anything you like?

under my dress? not much...

not much? well, just skin...

will I? hmmmm, I could be persuaded...

how? take your dress off first...

now your lingerie - all of it, but slowly...

stockings? no, leave them on - and your heels...

good, lay on the bed and open your legs, wide..


wider still...

that's better, open your pussy lips for me...

here I come, then you cum...

hold tight, this is going to be a rough know I'm the best there is and the best you'll ever have...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 14

Do you like my see through panties? I bought them especially for you and I wanted you to see them before we go out so that you would know just how little I'm wearing underneath my dress and if anyone should get a glimpse of my stocking tops as I get out of the car then they will see my panties too because my dress is so short. You'd like that wouldn't you? Showing my panties as well as my stocking tops? I thought so, you naughty girl! I'm going to have punish you later for that and I know you'd like that... There is just one other little thing I have to tell you though. We're both going to the beauty parlor this afternoon and we were going to have that special 'hers and hers' wax so we'd be nice and smooth and feeling really sexy for our party tonight. And you promised we could both be naked under our dresses except for our stockings didn't you? Well, the thing is I've bought this see through dress - it's black and low cut and backless and very, very sexy and I get so juicy just thinking about wearing it and I want to be really sexy underneath too. So I thought that I wouldn't have the wax and instead I'd just have a little cut so that my pussy would have a heart shape and that way people will know for certain that I'm not wearing anything at all because they...well, you can imagine can't you? Yes, I'll attract a lot of attention darling but you know I love the attention from the ladies. She'll be there of course and she'll be so jealous of you because you have me and she won't, so won't it be worth it to see her expression when she sees me in the dress? Hmmm? Good, that's what we'll do, so let's go back to bed and practice for after the party tonight. Go - go and get the handcuffs, so I can interrogate you, you bad girl!

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 15

The allure of your fragrance and beauty captivates my worthless being. You command me to "Get down on your knees. Crawl to me. Don't speak." I’m entranced by your power and beauty. In my mind, I respond “Yes Mistress Jana” as I obey you. My heart races and a chill overwhelms my worthless body as I take a quick glance up, waiting for your next command. You command me to “Sit you worthless cunt while I determine what to do with you!” My mind races like a kaleidoscope imaging what may be in store for me tonight. I am a truly fortunate woman as I sit before you waiting to please and serve you.

written by lonely38©

The best comments to my Collections 16

Did you know that enlarged pupils are a tell for when someone is interested in you? [...Like me!]

Why am I saying this? [...I want you!]

Well, see how large and black my pupils are when I look at you? [...Please look at me!]

Am I interested in you? [...How could I not be] Well, I might be [...I am, I AM!] - but perhaps it's just because the lights are low and my pupils have adjusted to the dark room...? [...It's not!]

Why should I be interested in you anyway? [...Why wouldn't I be? You're gorgeous!]

The fact that you are the envy of every woman in the room because you are so beautiful means nothing to me.

[...Yes, it does, I want you. I'll take my dress off now if you ask me to!]

Is it the fact that you have a fabulous figure and the longest legs I have ever seen? [...God, I want to touch you everywhere!]And the fact that you are almost naked [...Look at those nipples!] and women are drooling over you and undressing you with their eyes and watching your every move? [Stay away from her, she's mine!]

Not that I noticed you understand [...I did - I can't take my eyes off you]

I couldn't care less. [...I love you!]

No, I think you're just OK [...I'm lying through my teeth]

You noticed me? [...Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?] When? [...When?]

When you dressed me at home to come here! [...You mean after you undressed me at home to come here - I'm naked under this see through dress!]

OK, I give in. [...I don't but I'll let you think you've won!]

You have to admit though, darling, you love me teasing you like this don't you? [...And I love doing it to you and for you and I wouldn't have it any other way because I love you so much!]

Can we go home to bed now? [...and have wild sex and wake the neighbors!]

Please? [...Please?]

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 17

I have been waiting so long for tonight.

the girl of my dreams will be here so very soon and finally we can be together. I want tonight to be the last time we say 'goodbye.'

I want to hold her in my arms and kiss her and squeeze her and never let go. I have loved her for such a long time and now my dream is becoming a reality.

I cannot believe she has asked me to marry her - I know she loves me and I always hoped - and prayed - she would.

I cannot wait to be hers and she mine for all eternity. A few more weeks to go to finalize all the arrangements and our honeymoon and then we can be one.

Well, she asked me to wear something interesting - I hope she likes it. She is so glamourous and always looks so sexy, I could eat her. God, I want her...and I want her to want me the way I want her.

There's her key in the lock...

I'll just stand here and pretend to be cool even though my knees are trembling - God, she looks so beautiful and she's wearing less than I am...

Hello darling! Yes, this is especially for you...

You want to rip it off?

No, undress me slowly, kissing me everywhere while you do and then I can give you an orgasm but remember, you are here to stay now so let's make this a night to remember - our first night of forever...

Don't stop, don't you dare stop, oh God...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 18

She cannot resist me. Here she is again, almost naked as I remove her clothes and she never wears any lingerie when we meet so that she can feel my touch more quickly.

When we first met at a friend's party I saw her watching me through the mirror as I pretended to fix my hair. She could not take her eyes off my ass or my legs - well my dress was really short that night...

All it took was an innocent little kiss at that party - she held my hand and my gaze for longer than necessary and I knew she wanted me when I looked into her eyes and held her gaze. There was a longing there, a need and the fire of passion.

She asked to meet me for lunch on a pretense - shared interests. To those listening - and they were - the pretext was shoes. She owned the shop, I wanted red ones.

The lunch was followed by dinner and a 'nightcap' while her husband was away on business. We were naked and in bed within two minutes of going into her apartment.

So here we are in my bedroom where we will spend the night making love. I love undressing her and watching her climb naked into 'our' bed - oh, that gorgeous ass of hers - so she can watch me undressing for her.

Our lovemaking gets better and better and I now cannot resist her. I love her like no other.

She says she has something important to tell me tonight - my heart sank like s stone when she told me that but she told me not to worry but I can't help myself. What could it be?

I climb in beside her - our bodies touch so closely I want to climb inside her.

Ske kisses my eyes, my nose, my cheeks and finally my lips and then that nervous little laugh she has that drives me wild with desire. She holds my hand and looks me in the eye.

She says 'I've asked for a divorce so I can be with you. If you will have me I will stay here with you from tonight. I love you like no other. I...'

I place my finger on her lips and I say 'You and I have loved each other before we met. From this moment,my love, we will never part. Will I have you? On one condition...'

She smiled 'And that is?'

'Take off your wedding ring.'

She did. We did. The orgasms were beyond belief.

All from one little innocent kiss...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 19

do my stockings and shoes please you my love? I'm wearing them especially for you as I know you like latex so but our guests will be here soon and I want to look my best for them so you will be proud of me, so will you kiss my pussy to make me wet so when I bend over to kiss someone I will glisten and everyone will know what we've been up to. 'She' will be here this evening and will try to seduce you again so be careful - I might let her :))). I'm really naughty but that's what you love about me isn't it? she wants revenge because I took you away from her but you weren't married then and we are and when two women marry it's our whole existence. We are one, not two and not three! come on darling, kiss me, you know you can't resist when I'm like this and when the party is over I have something very special in mind for you. what is it? wait and see, you naughty girl...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 20

Outside the door...

I love watching them make love - it excites me so and entices me to join in with them but I know I musn't, even though I could but it would not be the same any more - they would know what I've been doing.

I'm not spying, am I? They know I'm in the house all the time but does that make me a voyeuse? I guess it does... or is it simply that I'm human and enjoy looking at something beautiful happening before my eyes?

I adore the way Laura kisses Estelle's lips and neck while she's squeezing her nipples and the way Estelle moans softly and arches her back when her nipples are being licked and kissed. Laura's tongue is so long! God, I wish she was doing it to me.

I'm getting really juicy just watching them - does Estelle really like being bound like that with her legs spread so wide with her pussy exposed? I can see her pussy glistening with lust...

I know Laura will suck Estelle's nipples next - like she always does - and leave them wet so the cool air will make them even harder.

Yes, her fingers are tracing a line down to Estelle's pussy now and Estelle's trying to open her legs even wider to let her in.

One finger, now two - in and out, in and out - now three. Listen to her moan! The agony of desire, lust and waiting for the moment...

Laura is such a tease, stopping, starting, going fast and then slowing down, taking her time and taking Estelle near to the edge so she will have the orgasms she is crying out and delirious for.

Laura's letting Estelle kiss her nipples - that's unusual but so very, very sexy - God, I'm going to have to play with myself, I can't help it...Will I last?

She's so near,so am I - Estelle fainted last time she came like this...

Don't stop Laura, make her cum, please God, make her cum so I can too...

That's it, that's it, that's it, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, both together, at last.

God, that was unbelievable! but I'd better go and hide while Laura unties her so they can change places.

Then I can come back for the next show - the one I really adore.

Butt plugs and nipple clamps - God, I've got goosebumps just thinking about it...they are so, so naughty, but it's wonderful to watch. Every time...

Inside the room...

...Laura, did you just hear something?

Mmmm! don't worry, angel, it's our pet. She always watches us making love. What more could two exhibitionists want?...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 21

You are so naughty doing this to me just before I go out!

I'm not wearing anything underneath except for stockings so everyone will be able to see my nipples poking through - oh God, I love you kissing my neck like this, but you're such a tease...

Do I want you to stop? Yes, you must - otherwise I'll get really juicy as well. Stop it, you know what you're doing to me!

Stop, please stop - oh God, your lips! Don't you dare start tweaking my nipples...mmmmmmm. Stop - no! No, I mean don't stop.

No, I didn't mean to say that - you must, you must...oh, there, there...NOT stop. Don't you dare stop now - yes, I want your fingers in my pussy. God, what are you DOING to me?

My legs are shaking so much - how can you get me so worked up so quickly? OK, I know my nipples are sensitive but, mmmmmmmmmmmm

Yes, yes, YES! Oh God YES!

Kiss me! Where? Anywhere! - Everywhere! - just take me to bed and do it properly with no clothes on and take things slowly this time!

You know what I'm going to do you for being so naughty again don't you?

No? well, you're about to find out and we'll see how long you last. Get your clothes off!

Go - I want to watch your ass as you climb the stairs and I can decide what to do with you. Naughty! You are about to find out what naughty really means, my love...

and you will love me...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 22

I sit on my knees before you Mistress Jana, ready to serve you. Thought of you whipping me scares me. At the same time, though I feel a thrill going
through me body of the thought of being blindfolded and tied about to be punished and being spanked by you. "No!" you commanded. “You are not allowed to orgasm yet Myra you worthless slut! Not until I give the command. Is that understood?" Mistress Jana is seated in the love seat and grabbed my hair and pulled her hair up and looked into her eyes and hissed, "Not until I tell you! Understand?" I whimpered, “Yes Mistress Jana, I understand.”


written by lonely38©

The best comments to my Collections 23

Every time I see her, she takes my breath away.

Just look - she is, for every woman in the room, the object of their lust, their envy and sometimes both. Beautiful, slender, sexy, provocative, desirable, such long legs, perfect breasts, a fabulous figure and a born exhibitionist. She loves the limelight, the attention and the adoration.

But the exhibitionism is controlled – there will never be any sexual activity with others. Sometimes there is contact and we know it’s a premeditated accident (for who can resist the temptation of her nipples scr****g across or just pressing through thin clothing or onto naked skin?) but our ladies know the unwritten rules at our little soirées. If a real liberty is taken there will never be another invitation. Word gets round, so who would risk never being able to attend or seeing her again?

Our soirées are legendary and select – a group of like-minded ladies who belong to an exclusive beau monde – Women Who Love Women – where they can just be themselves or whatever persona they desire. The ladies wear what they want which is usually very little and the evening is all the more exciting for it. Some are married but revel and luxuriate in the company of other beautiful women – to admire and be admired, form relationships either passing or enduring, secure in the knowledge that, here in our salon, a woman’s love can be sought and be caring and tender and exhilarating, especially when it is risqué, or forbidden.

We drink, we gossip and a quiet corner, or a bedroom, can always be found to allow seclusion to allow a liaison amoreuse to take place that would not be possible elsewhere. In return, we ask and receive comlete discretion. Many here are celebrities and appear on TV and in movies – the potential scandal of exposure provides a frisson of excitement but then it would be no more – who would risk that?

The atmosphere is always electric and that, with the champagne and bodies which are dressed to thrill, tempt and arouse and be available for those who wish it to be so, provides a headiness which is intoxicating to the senses so there is never, ever any shortage of ladies.

I first met her when she was just fifteen years old and I instantly fell in love with her. She was stunning then and she has grown more and more desirable and beautiful with every passing day.

God, I had to be so careful back then. I was so tempted to take things further but even when she became of age I could not reveal my feelings. I am not what you would call pretty, so that stopped me too and being ten years older I never thought that she would be interested in me. I did not want to risk rejection so I observed and lusted and loved – and, oh how I loved - from a distance. I had to keep my distance, I had to. Not having her was better than not having her after being rejected. Self-preservation I suppose.

Sad to say, I always thought my love for her would be unrequited and all I would be able to do was just adore her and never be able to reveal my feelings. The thought of that was not easy to live with and yes, I cried myself to sleep many a night. I suppose I got comfort from the fact that I saw and talked to her every day and helped her to become the most glamorous and sought after model she is today.

And then, and then…

…one day, she hurt her ankle. I flew to her side and, I was told afterwards by a mutual friend who had guessed how I felt, that I practically elbowed everyone out of the way to get to her. How did she put it? ‘Plain as the nose on your face darling, everyone knew.’

Yes, everyone had added two and two. I thought I’d hidden my feelings very well but was I that obvious and transparent? Apparently so because that same friend also told me that when she was in the room my eyes followed her every move – discretely but nevertheless my eyes gave me away.‘You devoured her with your gaze. I could see you longed for her.’ If they only knew how much - if they only knew.

The thing is, they knew something else too – that she loved me! What? - I had no clue that she preferred women! But she thought I wasn’t interested in her because I was always so distant and seemingly disinterested. She loved me? Why? Yes, why would she love ordinary little me?

The ankle…

She leaned on me and into me as she limped to a chair – oh, the sweet agony of feeling her body against mine! I put some ice on her ankle (Look, I’m touching her leg!) and I could sense her gaze on me – it felt like the sun breaking through on a cloudy day. I did not dare look at her.

And then, and then…

…“You are so kind – thank you for looking after me” – that sexy, seductive voice with her honey-flavored words turned my insides to mush and I mumbled some incoherent reply. For God’s sake! Who’s the teenager here?

“You are always so kind and thoughtful – you always seem to be there when I need you,” she said. This made me look up and I bathed in the radiance of her smile and her coquettish gaze held me spellbound. My insides did a somersault. Me? She noticed? Oh my God! I had to look away in case she read my mind.

“Please sit here, next to me” (Do I have to let go of your leg?) as she patted the chair beside her. It was then that I noticed we were the only two people in the room – everyone else had somehow managed to disappear. Like, let’s leave them to it and see what happens – discretion…

She took my hand in hers. “I meant it when I said ‘thank you’ and I’d like to do something for you.” (Go to bed with me?) Still I could not meet her eye. Then I felt the electric shock as her fingers tenderly touched my chin and she lifted my head and our eyes met. My insides melted.

“Will you have dinner with me or… we could go to a movie… or both?” Her eyes looked into mine for a sign. I wanted to say ‘yes’ and ‘afterwards can we play hooky for a week and have wild delirious sex?’ But instead, tongue-tied, I said “Well I’m not sure I can make it tonight, I…” Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Say ‘YES!’

“Who said anything about tonight, you’re very presumptuous.” Her tone changed completely, now she was serious! Oh God, no, no, no, no, no, you idiot! Seeing my face change color with embarrassment, she realized, thank God (and, again, who’s the adult here?) her act was too good and she burst out laughing “Got ya!”

What could I do, I burst out laughing too and the ice was finally broken, We had fits of giggles and tears of laughter streamed down our faces, our make-up ran a little but neither of us cared. Eventually, she said “That’s settled then. I’ll expect you at seven.”

“But what about your ankle?” – always practical…

“We can order in. Don’t be late. Seven.”

Wait a minute! What should I wear? My hair looks a mess. I looked at this glamorous woman – for that’s what she was – and felt inadequate in every way. I wanted to dress up for her to show her I cared enough to make a special effort.

Reading my mind, she said tenderly “You don’t have to wear anything special – it’s you I want to see. Jeans and a tee are fine. I’m being very selfish, I know, but I have to dress up every day because the agency says I have an image to maintain but at home I don’t, so it’s nice to relax – and I’d like to relax with you.” Am I hearing things?

From that moment my fate was sealed. Whatever she wanted (and I wasn’t really sure what she wanted at that time – but I was about to find out) I knew I would have the greatest of difficulty saying ‘no’ to anything she asked. She always looked delicious and irresistible – talking to her only made her more so because she was completely unaware of just how devastatingly attractive she was and that made her all the more desirable.

All I had to do was go with the flow and see what happened. What did I have lose -except my sanity and self-esteem? I knew it would break my heart if she was leading me on but, somehow, somehow, somehow, for reasons I could not even begin to explain I believed she genuinely cared and was interested in me. I had to trust my intuition.

I couldn’t think straight after that, my mind was in turmoil as it considered so many possibilities. I couldn’t stop myself – I arrived early. I didn’t care if I was being obvious. She kissed me as I entered her apartment – just a chaste kiss on the cheek but I vowed never to wash that cheek again. We ordered in Chinese food and it was great. While we ate, we talked about girly things – clothes, hairstyles, handbags, shoes and it all seemed so natural and just meant to be. We laughed, drank a lot of wine and got to know each other – the pent-up frustrations I had were released and I started to relax in her company. God, why couldn’t this have happened sooner, you idiot?

And then, and then…

…we were sat comfortably next to each other and she was leaning unintentionally (I thought) against me in such a tempting way and I was trying to look down her cleavage – I couldn’t help it! Who wouldn’t, this might be the only chance I got?

She turned slightly towards me and took my hand in hers – another power surge as my nipples became as hard as Superman’s kneecap – and as for south of the border, I was definitely in the flow.
“I have a confession to make to you. I got you here under false pretences.” My heart sank like a stone when I heard those words and I held my breath, dreading what might come next.

…“There’s something I have wanted to say to you for such a long time but I have never had the courage to tell you because I have always been afraid of your reaction.” Once again she searched my face for a sign that she could continue. Trying to keep the tremor out of my voice, all I could whisper in reply was “OK.” But I feared the worst, I just couldn’t figure out what that might be.

“I want you to promise me that you will still be my friend no matter what I say. Please, it’s important and you’ll understand why when I tell you,” she pleaded with her eyes as she said it. How could she possibly know how much I loved her and how could I not be her friend, if nothing else? She was my life. I said “I promise.” I gently squeezed her hand to reassure her.

And then, and then…

…with her eyes downcast, she said ”I have only one chance to say this so once I start, please let me say all I have to say because I couldn’t ever start again, I’d lose my nerve. I’ve had to have the wine to give me the courage. I can’t imagine what your reaction might be.”

My heart was now in my mouth – oh God, she’s trying to be gentle but she’s going to fire me!

And then, and then…

…She looked at me and said “The thing is…I want to tell you…I…oh God, what if you…don’t?” She could not find the words, so this time I took the risk and gently touched her cheek and said “Whatever it is, I will understand.”

She nodded her head and with a catch in her voice, began.

“I’ve known you for almost two years and you have looked after me and looked out for me and made me what I am today. As the days and weeks went by I began to notice little things about you that had nothing to do with us working together. You have never forgotten my birthday, or Christmas and I kept your cards because they were so lovely. (Wow!) But last month, when you went on vacation I realized that the place was empty without you. And I realized that not only did I miss you but there was something missing from my life. It was at that moment that I knew.”

Where is this going? Could it possibly?

And then, and then…

…she took a deep breath and said “I have fallen in love with you…”

My jaw must have dropped. I could not speak. I could hardly breathe, let alone speak.

She. Loves. Me? Me?

The most beautiful woman in the world loves me? How can she? She could have anyone? She’s been to premieres with handsome movie stars and lives a glamorous lifestyle and, and, and… Me?

I wanted to believe it. Oh God, did I want to believe it. I mean, after all, I had loved her from the moment I saw her but I’m hearing things – what’s in the wine?

I could see she was putting her heart out there but she, the nineteen year old beauty sat next to me had the courage to do something that I never had.

All I could say was “Me?” How perfect a response is that? Full of emotion, yeah? Hopeless! I was stunned into silence – my brain couldn’t process anything. Say what you feel, you idiot!

Her face was a mixture of so many emotions – waiting to be hurt, hoping for love, feeling lost, anxious, worried she had made a mistake, near to tears. She just didn’t know at that moment whether they would be of pain or happiness. And at that moment, when she was so fragile and vulnerable, she had never looked more beautiful.

And then, and then…

…after what must have seemed an eternity to her and with my mind racing through endless possibilities I decided what I had to say and just as importantly for me, to ask her a question to which I needed an answer. I could not go on without knowing. I summoned up enough of my own courage to speak.

“I need to ask you something very important before we go any further” I said as gently as I could.

“Go on - I’ll answer if I can.” That was all I could hope for.

“Please tell me truthfully - why me? I’m not pretty or glamorous so how could you fall in love with someone like me?”

Her face changed immediately – I don’t know what I was expecting but not the joy and love that made her so radiant at that moment.

“It’s very simple, my love,” she said, smiling, and squeezed my hand again. Did she just call me ‘my love’?

What she said next changed my life forever.

“You may not think you’re attractive but I do! Believe me! You have an inner beauty that is so hard to resist and it radiates from every pore in your body. It’s infectious. So is your smile, your laughter, the twinkle in your eye – the list is endless, plus you have a great ass!” Really?

She giggled when she said it and then turned serious again, but serious in a nice way.

Reading my mind again she said “I didn’t choose to love you – love chose me to love you.” That devastating smile knocked me sideways again. Oh my God, it’s real!

“Does that answer your question?” she asked, still nervous and unsure.

And then, and then…

“It does,” I said, “and now I have something to say but you must not stop me either, promise?”

She nodded, “I promise,” and I think she sensed what I was about to say because, let’s face it, I started to grin like an idiot.

I took a deep breath. “I have loved you from the first moment I saw you. I have watched you become a truly gorgeous woman who is a dream to be with and a dream to behold. It has taken all my willpower to keep my distance emotionally so I wouldn’t be hurt and possibly lose you if I told you how I felt. To see you every day and not be able to tell you has been unbearable. To not be near you if you turned away from me would have broken my heart.

“I would always know that you didn’t want me and I couldn’t stand that. I didn’t even know you preferred women! You have been seen out with so many handsome guys all the time and I never, ever imagined that you preferred women or that you could fall for someone like me.

“You have my heart in your hands – I’ve never given it to anyone else. It’s yours to keep my darling but if it gets broken it will not mend – I’m not a strong enough person to heal myself. There, I’ve said it. I love you so much. I always have. I always will.”

As she listened to me I could see her start to glow. Her features relaxed as she realized that her dream was coming true and that mine was too. I couldn’t stop smiling and neither could she. It was obvious to both of us that something magical had just happened.

Then she said, “There’s something else I have to confess but it’s something special. It’s my gift and in a way it’s the most precious thing I can give you, apart from my love.”

Less concerned now I asked “Tell me, there can’t be any secrets between us now. What is it?”

Slightly embarrassed, but looking so very, very cute with it, she said, “I’m a virgin. I may be old fashioned but I promised myself that I would never give myself to anyone but the one I love.” And then she laughed, “That’s you by the way!”

All I could say, with the biggest smile I have ever had on my face, was “Let’s go to bed,” and we did.

I helped her up and we went into the bedroom. We practically ripped each other’s clothes off and were naked in seconds. I drank in her perfect body, not daring to touch her in case she evaporated. My eyes devoured her and I said “You are so perfect. I can’t believe you’re real.”

She just simply said “You’re more beautiful than I ever imagined. I knew you would be but you’re so lovely!” If there’s one thing, the only thing, I’ve thought was pretty good about me, it’s my figure. I can fill a bra in all the right ways and, strangely, I think I look better undressed than dressed but I must have blushed because she said “Don’t be embarrassed. You are! And oh my God, your ass is dreamy.” That’s twice -she likes my ass!

She was more comfortable undressed because she was used to wearing skimpy or see through clothes for her modelling and I could tell she loved me looking at her. I felt nervous because I had never felt so exposed – no-one had ever seen me completely naked like this or had even wanted me sexually before and under her gaze I became, because it was the first time, self-conscious. But then she changed the mood as she cupped her breasts and asked “See anything you like? Hmmm?” You’re k**ding, right?

My reply? “Get your ass on that bed!”

Her reply? “Yes Mistress!” she giggled and I watched her climb deliberately slowly and sensuously on the bed so that I could see the full glory of her tight ass undulate as she crawled to the center and then looked over her shoulder, fluttered her eyelashes playfully at me and said, “Well?”

The sex was wonderful! Pure wanton lust! We tried this position, then that, then going back to ‘this’ because it was so abandoned and delicious. There were so many different positions and tastes – an exhilarating cocktail of sensory thrills and wonders that neither of us wanted to stop. Years of frustration dissipated in those first few hours as we discovered how to please each other, both of us exploring each other’s body and wanting to give and show love but receiving the same in return. We lost count of the orgasms we had, each one deeper and more intense than the one before. Every nerve in my body tingled with delight and even when an orgasm subsided I wanted another and another and another and I wanted to give her another and another and another. And that’s what we did – it was heaven! We entered it and explored it and made it our personal temple.

Exhausted but peaceful and warm we fell into a deep sleep wrapped in each other, neither of us wanting to let go.

And then, and then…

…we awoke in the early hours and without words we started, this time, to make love to each other. We moved slowly and delicately to ensure everything we did produced the utmost pleasure. God, it was unbelievable! The world faded away and there was just us – two people and two souls coupling and intertwining in different patterns and positions, each one better than the one before – the sensations were more prolonged, sensuous and more intense because we took our time. Fingers explored dark, dreamy, mysterious places or caressed breasts or tweaked nipples. Kisses were deeper, languorous and more satisfying no matter where they landed. Tongues created wave after wave of simultaneous passion as they lapped and licked the juices they produced. Lips sucked and teased and pleased. Teeth nipped and left much desired temporary imprints in skin that faded from view but not the memory and the orgasms became multiple and never ending. It was a state of total euphoria. Our pussies were on fire but neither of us wanted the flames extinguished. We did not want the night, our night, our first perfect night to end.

It’s said that you always remember your first time. For us it is indelibly imprinted in our minds – different versions of the same event but both unforgettable and true. We have repeated it, on oh so many occasions but we know we could never better it – it was perfect and that’s how we remember it and how it should be.

Thank God the following day was a Saturday. Did we stay in bed and order in again? Oh yeah!

We talked all day Sunday but went to bed in the afternoon ‘for a rest’ (yeah?) and decided what we should do, so on the Monday we gathered everyone in the office and announced, while holding hands, “We’re an item!”

Reaction? Kisses and hugs and shrieks of delight and “About time too!” Drinks all round at our local bar that night. Result? Another great night of sex and lovemaking and hangovers.

And then, and then…

…I moved into her apartment within a couple of days and we had a lot more sex and I do mean a LOT more – but our lovemaking got better and better. God, she was and is insatiable and, at times, shameless but I loved and love every second of it – never predictable and always exciting.

One thing she insisted on. She promised she would bring me coffee in bed every morning. She has never, ever missed and on a Saturday and a Sunday, that’s followed by something a little more, shall we say, exploratory?

Crazy, I know, but I promised her I would paint her finger and toe nails and wash her hair, which she says is sybaritic and sheer luxury. She loves me doing it and so do I.

We have shared our innermost thoughts and dreams. We have looked after each other when we’ve been unwell or exhausted and dried each other’s tears when we have been upset about something. She looks so glamorous with makeup – but I have to say she’s even more beautiful without it and sometimes I just look at her when she’s asleep beside me and I watch the gentle rise and fall of her breasts and gaze in wonder at the woman who loves me. Sometimes she wakes up and catches me doing it and sleepy-eyed she says, “Stop it, I’m not going anywhere. Give me another kiss night-night and go back to sleep.” I love it when she says that. She gets her kiss and I get a cuddle and very often, extras. Mmm, I love that more…

As time went by, her career exploded and her schedule was gruelling but she loved every minute of it, tiring as it was. But during that time we never spent a night apart. She turned down commissions so we could be together and whenever possible we went on shoots together. I told her that I wouldn’t mind if she had to go away (I was lying, of course, but I didn’t want to hold her back) but she would have none of it. A very firm “No, you want your coffee and I want your ass.” That giggle again as she said it. It was as if she had to reassure me she wouldn’t leave me – either figuratively or literally.

As she got just that little bit older, things started to change as they do in the modelling business. It’s brutal at times and as ‘younger’ models appeared, her commissions started to reduce – not all at once, there were some agencies which were loyal – and the type of work changed too. Less to do with clothes and more to do with endorsements for cosmetics or hair products, some of which paid very well indeed.

But, it meant that for her, there was less opportunity to do the kind of shoot which she loved more than any other - to show off her fabulous figure and that, she missed. A lot!

She became downhearted and try as I may to help, she became inconsolable. She was never difficult – not in her nature – she was just unhappy. What could I do? I could not let her continue like that!

And then, and then…

…we went on a shoot which was to recreate the decadence of 1930’s Germany including the famous ‘Der blaue Engel’ as portrayed so famously by Marlene Dietrich. She loved every second of it, the atmosphere, the people and especially the costumes which were a lot skimpier than what Marlene wore. She was back to her usual self and then the idea hit me!

I gave it a lot of thought on the way home and when we were in bed that night, I put the idea to her.

“Oh, God! Yes! Yes! Yes!” she said as she started to kiss me and then headed a little lower to that special place that she called my ‘orgasm factory.’ I can tell you that the production line that night exceeded all my expectations. Of course it would not be polite, would it, to not return the favour? We fell asleep, exhausted, in the early hours after some the best sex we have ever had.

We worked out we had enough money between us so we agreed to buy a house in a quiet suburb and then we could ‘entertain’ on a regular basis. Over the next few months we found what we were looking for and created our dream home with some very special features including a downstairs bedroom for special guests and some secluded little spots for a little, what we called, flirtation.

We had some close friends who we knew were like-minded and so we began, cautiously, to hint at what might be possible. Not one said ‘no’ to our idea – in fact they were all very, very enthusiastic, unbelievably so – why had no-one thought of this before, it’s so fantastically decadent? With a little preparation and planning and willing helpers our ‘Salon Bleu’ came into being with just those few friends to begin with. Now word has spread, discretely, we have a waiting list and that’s with Salons once a month plus those at Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year.

We decided too we should have some ‘guidelines’ to ensure there was enough initial excitement. Age has never been an issue. Our youngest ‘lady’ is just sixteen but you would never know it and she is a bombshell! One of our regular ladies who always looks so glamorous and tasty and has the best legs ever, we found out is in her seventies. She is one of the sexiest women to ever ‘entertain’ us ‘en salon’ – the things she can with chocolate to tempt you are amazing and naughty and irresistable!

The other rules? A minimum of five inch heels, that’s it! Most ladies take the opportunity to ‘dress down’ which means just that. See through – fishnet – cleavage to the waist or lower – backless to the ass, or lower – slits to the hip, or higher – just stockings – just pantyhose – and sometimes just shoes with pendant diamond jewelry on nipples.

Of course there is a prize for the lady voted to be the sexiest on the night. Guess who has won it the most times? You’re right, it’s not me but it is the only person I share my bed with.

And now, and now…

…I have never seen my beloved so happy. She loves the Salons because she can wear as little as she wants and feels exhilarated by the attention. I do get jealous sometimes but it’s a small price to pay for seeing her look so vibrant and I know deep down she’s mine. She says she gets jealous too because no-one can take their eyes off my ass. I’m not sure that’s true but I love to hear her say it. And then she proves it’s true when we are in bed afterwards. God, her fingers and lips…

She smiles at me across the room and silently mouths an “I love you” and I know it’s true.

“I love you too” is my reply and she knows it’s true too.

And in the future…

Next month we are getting married – imagine two wedding dresses to buy?…

And to close…

When I think of that night at her apartment, if it had not worked out the way it did, I wondered if I would be constantly reminded of my disappointment whenever I heard Gabrielle singing “Should I Stay?”

But now we are one, I smile as I listen in wonder to Sarah McLachlan with the beautiful and haunting “Answer.”

Especially these poetic words…

“’Cause I can only tell you what I know, that I need you in my life.”

That says it all…

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 24

Not sad at all. Beer boobs ass and pussy and I am good. Best boob sucking gallery ever!

written by bustinloosetoo©

The best comments to my Collections 25

I've become a little more daring of late - scarlet lip gloss and nails. Even my toes, so yummy just thinking about it...

I've seen people looking but they wouldn't dare ask - but they have been taking a lot more notice. Wonder what I should try next? A little more cleavage or braless maybe? Wouldn't that be so naughty!

But I musn't go too far because what good is a surprise package if it's not a surprise, hmmm?

She won't suspect until I 'disrobe' that I am wearing this little corset today.

I look so prim and proper in my business suit - a fitted waist and a skirt not too short but just short enough to be interesting but when she sees these pantyhose she will become so wet - I know she gets really juicy when I wear something sexy underneath.

That will be just perfect because she will be just dying to get my clothes off and hers so I can find out just how juicy she is.

So, better finish getting ready before I go and preside over court proceedings and find out just how sassy that cute little prosecutor with the great ass will be when we adjourn this afternoon.

Let's see what happens when she says 'stop' and I say 'objection overruled' - not that she's ever said 'stop'...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 26

There is no other taste on earth quite like the honey from your pussy.

So irresistible, it doesn't matter whether I lick it from my fingers or directly from your pussy lips, I cannot get enough of it.

And I love it when you take my hand and lick my fingers so you can taste your own sweetness and then make me kiss you while the honey is on your lips.

I have lost count of the number of times I have had an orgasm while you've been doing that to me.

Don’t you dare take your fingers out of me because this is another special delivery of you for you…and then me…

God, you are so shameless! But don't stop...please don't stop...

written by zorrokundra©

The best comments to my Collections 27

I've been told I have really long legs...but that’s only because they want me to open them

I've also been told that my body is sumptuous...but that’s only because they want to touch me

And some say that my breasts are perfect...but that’s only because they want to fondle them

Others say that my hard nipples look fabulous...but that’s only because they want to suck them

Yet more say that my pussy always looks inviting...but that’s only because they want to have sex with me

And lots more say that my ass is to die for...but that’s only because they want me to let them do anything

If you would only look at me you would tell from the weight of my gaze that I am yours to have and all they want is yours to have without asking.

Take me, own me, keep me, love me, want me, need me, desire me, possess me, thrill me – all you see is yours – it just needs you to see me…

written by zorrokundra©


Psyche descends on Aphrodite and the world rejoices that such a love can exist to turn dreams into a reality which cannot be denied and will last an eternity...

Jana, this picture is so beautiful I could not find words to comment on the ethereal quality of their bodies which are, without doubt, simply and truly unequalled.

Instead, because there is, for me, a mystical presence in the picture I tried to capture the esssence of how these two beautiful women are going to make love to each other for the first time and why they are...

I hope you like me expressing it as I have because this picture just blew my mind, Zee

written by zorrokundra©


she sees her prey, her ice cold blood rises knowing she will easily seduce her helpless victim because her breasts and engorged nipples cannot be resisted.

the final part of her plan starts to work as she parts her dress to reveal her smooth pussy, already dilated and she feels lips at the top of her legs move towards her lips. what does it matter that her victim tastes her love juice, it will be the last thing her victim will remember beacause as soon as soon as they are face to face she will kiss her victim's neck and her fangs will pierce her victim's artery and she will die in ecstasy...

written by zorrokundra©


I know you want what you see, all women do. I'm hard to resist because my reputation has spread and you know I will do what you want and then I will make you do what I want and you will enjoy that more, much more.

I will start with your neck and then your breasts and by the time I get to your pussy you will be soooooooo wet and then the fun will start and when you reach your orgasm I will stop.

You won't want me to but I will, and then I will do what I want. You're starting to go moist already aren't you - just the thought of it? I thought so...what happens then I will control and your orgasms - yes, orgasms - will not stop until I stop and then you will be mine, forever. You know this.

So, shall we begin? Then take off my corset...

written by zorrokundra©


My friend the night is here again and I can go out for a drink. A different bar every night so as not to attract too much attention.

The nights are so hot and steamy now so I will need little clothing and that is bound to attract the flies to my honeypot.

I think I will take off my bra and then my nipples will poke out thru my thin dress. Ladies can never resist that - the number of times they have either tweaked my nipples or asked if they could. I prefer the timid ones, they are easier to lead astray although the agressive ones also have a certain charm but I have to be in the mood.

I love it when they kiss my neck when we are alone together. That lets me kiss theirs and then I drink their blood oh so slowly so the taste lingers on my tongue.

Ecstasy - for them and for me but it's a pity they won't remember. I do - I remember all those who have fed me...

written by zorrokundra©


I am the night. The Mistress of Shadows. The Queen of the Dark.

The night is me and we weave our magic in the corners of the mind - I am here or am I there? Shadows dance in candlelight and where do we go? who can say? but go we do...

And when I enter your realm, you will not know until it is too late and you think you are in control...but you are not. I am here, in the dark, with the dark, enfolding you in my embrace from which there is no escape.




You will be my slave and do my bidding. You cannot resist the probing of my fingers or the touch of my kiss...









You know this.

Gaze upon me and look what my body will do for you. Undress me if that is your final wish. See me naked, see my legs part for you and taste my flesh and then it is my turn...

You will not resist the bite even though you know it awaits.

Your fate is sealed.

The Dark, My Dark will take you and you will sleep...

That is your reward for keeping me dead and joining me in the shadows.

I am the darkness within you and about you - I await your decision...

I knew you would...and so did you...

written by zorrokundra©


she waits...

she waits and listens...

she waits and listens and at last hears the high heels of her Mistress approaching but she keeps her back turned. not out of disrespect but because she knows her Mistress wants to see her pussy and her ass first and then touch and play with them so that she will become wetter and wetter and go weak at the knees until...

finally she nears her orgasm but Mistress stops, as she always does, before she reaches the crescendo of the music of seduction so that her nipples will be as hard as they possibly can be and...

Mistress gently turns her round and rubs the love juice on her nipples and then licks it off and...

she has her orgasm and then another and another and Mistress helps her to her bed and says 'now. it's my turn. you must do for me what I have just done for you. you know what I want and we have all naughty my pet, that's why you're here in my bed...

written by zorrokundra©


I am spellbound - even in profile you can see she has that rare timeless beauty that stops you dead in your tracks.

The sexiest of lingerie with her looks makes such a potent combination that no-one could possibly resist her.

She could make empires collapse and time stand still with just the fluttering of her eyelashes. Hypnotic, sexy as sin and so erotic it makes the sun feel cold in comparison.

Do I wax lyrical? Of course, how could I not about a woman as compelling to look at as she is - I am after all, spelbound...

Jana, a masterpiece, a work of art and thrilling to look at!

Thank you! Zee

written by zorrokundra©


I lie in wait. I need not move. I feel the gentle warm zephyrs caress my pussy lips and play across the cheeks of my ass and my nipples start to harden with desire.

I wear these stockings to accentuate the skin above and draw her eyes to my pussy as it moistens in anticipation of our lovemaking.

i feel the breaths of air dance across my skin as the door opens and she enters. I know, without looking, that she is wearing only high heels and a butt plug and her favorite strapless dildo, the way she always does.

I feel her presence drawing near and then the weight of her body as she sits on the bed behind me. I need not look, I know her eyes are devouring my body and that soon her lips will be devouring mine as she explores my mouth, my neck, my nipples, my belly and at last, after too long a time, my dripping wet pussy.

but first the gentlest of touches on my leg and then her nails drag themselves ever nearer and nearer until a finger touches my pussy lips and they part as if they have a mind of their own. they cannot resist and neither can I.

Then another finger, then another as they become more insistent and they probe further. I cannot help myself as I moan and raise my ass to offer myself to her.

she removes her fingers and she offers them to me to lick my juices from them. she knows I love to taste myself and it is the cue for me to turn over. as soon as I am on my back I know she is mine to command and I remove my top so she can see how hard my nipples are - they feel as if they are on fire and her lips descend to kiss and lick and suck. I am so wet...

there is no resistance as she enters me and her lips envelop mine and trace patterns of kisses on my neck, first one side and then the other.

my back arches as she thrusts deeper and our combined lust turns to passion. the world disappears and there is just the two of us. I go over the edge too quickly but not quickly enough and suddenly I am without my body for an instant as I try to enter her as she has entered me.

the ecstasy subsides a little at a time - I try to retain it but it escapes my grasp until the next time. she smiles, knowing that she has given me yet another incredible orgasm and that it is now her turn.

there has been no need for words, we know instinctively the dance steps we must take when we are together but at this point there is one thing that always has to happen.

simultaneously we say 'I love you' and our smiles grow brighter for the saying of it. there is no real need for words but we both know that sometimes, at times like this, they should be said...

written by zorrokundra©


Who am I? People say I'm a siren but it's not true - I have no need to be.

It's true my name is Lorelei but I do not lure, I do not make anyone do anything they don't want to. Why would I?

Yes I wear seductive clothes and yes, that seduces. But it's always the other woman who takes my clothes off and she is always naked before I am because she removes her clothes as quickly as she can because she cannot wait to have sex with me.

Yes, I have a reputation for giving ladies exactly what they want and yes, I enjoy giving them what they want because I enjoy the sex and the control over them that it gives me.

I say 'suck my nipples' or 'put your fingers in my pussy' or 'lick my pussy' and they do - without question. In fact it's hard to find anything they won't do.

So, now that you know that I am in control are you still willing to stay the night?

I like what I see otherwise you would not be here standing naked in front of me. Are you glad now you took your panties off for me in the club before we left? Did it feel good to be a naughty girl? I thought so...

You have great legs and a fabulous figure but turn around so I can see your ass. Mmmmmmm, perfect - you will enjoy being spanked later because you have been so naughty. And you will be naughtier as the night goes on won't you? Of course you will...

So, now I'm almost naked do you like what you see?

Does my pussy look inviting? Do you want me?

What about your pussy - is it nice and juicy?

Then lick mine! - it's delicious, isn't it?

That's it, nice and slowly - we have all the time in the world...

written by zorrokundra©


I love watching her get ready to go out.

From the moment she gets out of the shower and I see her toweling herself dry my pulse starts to race because she is naked - and she loves being naked. Sometimes it's really difficult to concentrate when she's walking round in nothing but high heels or even worse (and better) high heels and stockings like she is now. How can I get anything done?

Then comes the make up - eyeshadow, lashes, lip gloss - while she's still naked. God, my nipples have a mind of their own when I see her in front of the mirror like that.

Then the stockings. Because she knows it turns me on so much watching her, she deliberately takes her time to prolong my agony and tempt me even more.

She runs her hands up and down her legs to make sure there's no wrinkles and sometimes I hear "Well, are my seams straight?" while she flutters her eyelashes at me over her shoulder. At that point, looking at her naked ass and back, I can stand it no longer and I drag her off to the bedroom and we never go out - which is what she wanted in the first place. Clever girl!

And then the dress. Let's just say she doesn't leavemuch to the imagination. She hassuch long legs and a fabulous figure and she likes to show them off. Short? Oh yeah! Lots of cleavage? Oh yeah! Explosive sex when we come home? Guess?

She knows I love her dressing like that and she is such a tease while we're out. Adjusting her stockings. Bending over to show her ass and cleavage at the same time, front and back. The girls just drool over her. She loves it!

Look at her now - just about to put on her dress. I don't think she has ever had one so skin tight or short - it just covers her ass and she's never looked sexier.

But it's worth it because being lusted over drives her wild.

As soon as we get home, she's naked in seconds and ripping my clothes off. Our pussies are so wet and our nipples could cut glass.

I wouldn't have it any other way. She's gorgeous and she loves me and the way she wants me and teases me and the delicious sex is all I could ever hope for.

I wonder if she really wants to go out?...

written by zorrokundra©


When we married today I wore the color red with my wedding dress to bring happiness upon us during the ceremony.

My darling, I wear the color red again tonight to symbolize the happiness and joy we will share in our bed.

I have dressed as you asked - I hope it pleases you as much to see me like this as it pleases me to wear it? The mystery of my eyes will be revealed when you undress me with your hands as your eyes have undressed me since I came to our bed.

I bare my body for you to tempt you as much as you are tempting me with your nakedness.

This will be such a special night - time will stand still for us as soon as our bodies entwine.

We have each other now for all eternity.

Come my love, take me...

written by zorrokundra©


my zipper is stuck - can you help me?

No! - actually I want to seduce someone you know very well so I'm trying to take my dress off...

Well, I'm not sure I should tell you who it is in case you betray my secret but should I decribe her to you?

She's quite tall and I love it when she wears really high heels, like yours, so that's she taller than me.

She's blonde like you and always wears really sexy clothes - low cut, see through, that sort of thing - just like what you're wearing right now. You are wearing stockings, aren't you? I thought so - I can see the buttons because your dress is so tight. I love the way she wears tight clothes...

She always wears crimson lip gloss...Yes, of course it's the same shade as yours! I put your makeup on before we came out didn't I?

Can I consider you seduced you naughty girl now that I'm naked?

So can we go to bed, or should we do it here?

Of course I'm juicy, now get your dress off!

written by zorrokundra©


Look what you have done to me Mistres!

It's been an hour since playtime and my nipples are still so very, very hard - they are still tingling from when you tweaked and kissed and licked and sucked them and they just won't go down.

My pussy is just starting to recover from the last orgasm I had and even though I have left your bed I cannot leave here.

I want you so...

My back is arched so my nipples will stick out more just to tempt you - you must know that!

Take me again here in front of the window - I don't care who sees...

It's naughty I know, but you like me being naughty don't you?

Take me, make me yours...

written by zorrokundra©


The dragon has enslaved me - see the breath of fire over my body.

Whatever the dragon asks of me, I must obey.

So I wear this exotic clothing to tease and entice you - the feathers, the flower, the jewelry, the mask and the red lips and damask and the fan which surronds me to inflame your desire.

That is what the fire dragon commands me to do - to make you burn with lust so your passion will feel hot to the touch and cannot be dimmed while you take me and makes me yours.

Once you have tasted me, you will want for no other for no other woman can make you feel like I do as I give you my body and my soul - it is ordained to be so.

You will sense this as our bodies entwine and it will make you delirious with desire - not just for now but forever and you will lust after me more and more with each passing day.

You will not and cannot resist because you know you want to possess me as my body wants to possess you.

It is here for the asking - all you need do is start by kissing my nipples.

The fire dragon will do the rest...

written by zorrokundra©


She's mine now!

I wanted you to know beyond question that it is so.

You have mistreated her so badly, you do not deserve her and you should be ashamed of what you did. I will love her and take care of her like you never have and never can.

Is that a shock? Do you feel hurt and cheated?

Well, now you know how it feels.

It’s over! Your bags are packed! We've changed the locks! See who will have you!

Leave! Just go!

written by zorrokundra©
Published by Janchen
10 years ago
Please or to post comments
Balllman 3 years ago
Mmmmmmmmm sooooo hotttttttt
Janchen Publisher 9 years ago
to fd8984596 : Thanks for your lovely comments.... :smile:)
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fd8984596 9 years ago
Amazing - I had to save the page so I could enjoy the stories and pics fully later!e
Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
to Leaflee : The pleasure is always on my side...:))
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I love this story and the accompanying photos! Thank you for sharing it!
zorrokundra 10 years ago
Thank you - it's lovely of you to say so! Sometimes we need to 'paint a picture' of the picture to do it justice...Zee
Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
to heymickey30 : Thanks for your so nice words... i am glad... pls have a look in my new post if you want...
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Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
to markpabear : Thanks for all your sweet comments..:)).. pls have a look in my new post...
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Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
to WALKINGWITHYOU : Your lovely words touches me... thanks so much... pls have a look in my new post...
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Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
Thanks for all the lovely comments.. pls have a look in my new post...
Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
to zorrokundra : and your words are lovely and stunning... pls have a look in my new post when you have time...

as always Jana
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Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
to soumelise : It`s my pleasure... thank you... pls have a look in my new post...
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heymickey30 10 years ago
Thanks Janchen, I can see you have inspired some extremely erotic fantasies with your exquisite collection of photos, you have impeccable taste and I look forward to exploring your galleries x
markpabear 10 years ago
Wowzerzzzzzzzzzzzzz :smile:)) simply amaaazzzzzinng
"you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens"

Chaque photo est unique et superbe en son genre ! Chaque commentaire que vous avez choisi est empli d'originalité, d'humour et de beauté. Merci pour l'honneur que vous me faîtes.... je ne sais si je puis en être digne....

Many, many thanks to you !
zorrokundra 10 years ago
to ccshaker : All I can say is that the pictures choose me because they have a story to tell - I simply supply the words...
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ccshaker 10 years ago
[email protected] if want to discuss before.. :wink:
ccshaker 10 years ago
Sorry for posting my message here but I like many photos of you, you could be so sensitive for selecting pictures.. sincerly, could you add me in your list?? :,

..And maybe for sharing some stories, tips, etc... :wink:
Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
to soumelise : Not for this... you are a good seems..
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Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
Yes they do it... and you doing well...
soumelise 10 years ago
thank you Mistress Jana
Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
to Juicylikker : Thank you my best adorable Anita...:))xxxxxxxx
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Juicylikker 10 years ago
In one word.......Lovely!
Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
to dreamcrave : Thanks... and maybe you will find you here one day too... thats a growing blog who lives and develope all the time...:))
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Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
to repizza : No.. only i post the outstanding comments... for share with all my followers.. they like it like me... i says THANK YOU for all comments...
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Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
to gpablo1975 : Gracias por sus palabras de amor que,
y gracias a todos los que hicieron el único posible ... sólo te gusta con todo su delicioso tiene comentarios... M. Jana
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Janchen Publisher 10 years ago
Thanks hunny..:)) i am glad you like it too..
dreamcrave 10 years ago
When I saw the title of this blog post I thought, "Wow, she's going to have a comment of mine!"
I didn't realize people (well,some ONE) were writing short stories to your pictures!
They ARE very good!
repizza 10 years ago
Now I know how poor my comments have been :smile:
gpablo1975 10 years ago
el profil mejor de hamster ..graxias MISTRESS JANA!!