A Crossdresser’s tale II

Shopping at 75 m.p.h.[/b]

So here I sit, in my beautiful, black sparkly 3” heels trying to write and admire how the sun sets off all those pretty little balls of reflect light from my feet as I turn them in a shaft of light.

I can just imagine them catching the lights of a night club as I saunter inside from the oppressive summer‘s heat, as I decide to go public at least once in my life. Is THAT why I bought them?

They really weren’t on the list, but I had to have them.

I get to travel a lot in my job and the last weeks of February and the first two weeks of March I can see a lot of towns and cities that I don’t normally get to. Which, as any good closet cross dresser knows, means SHOPPING.

HE told me to get a butt-plug, so I researched them and found, supposedly, the best sissy-vibrator on the market--the Aneros--which if used correctly was supposed to give you a sissy-gasim.
I found one in an adult boobkstore in one of the cities I was traveling through via the web.

The Aneros was pretty pricey so I tried to watch my buying as the trips began. But I couldn’t resist that pink chemise on sale for $9 not that longish faux a****l print nightgown lacked in pink for $16. And yes, some new panties slipped in there too.

I began to notice that I was beginning to shop for style and flair, as opposed to just buying the odd pretty little thing that caught me eye. I began to buy accessories here and there to match my lingerie. I began to fantasize about what would please HIM, and began to shop accordingly.

I’ve really fallen in love with those yoga pants and yearned for a pair, but the Aneros kept my shopping in reserve. My final day on the road, when I was to pick up the Aneros, I discovered the need for some cheap, black hated-boi shoes for my job, so I found the local Payless Shoes store and walked in.

I took about three steps and stopped: There they were, at eye level, all sparkly and jet black. A rather low 3” heel, but then trying to find ANY heel in size 12 is a challenge.[/i]

The salesgirl pointed me towards the ugly and hated boi-shoes and I went. I tried on a lot of boi shoes and when the aisle cleared out, grabbed the box with my boi-shoes and BAM, I snatched the heels up, stuffed them into their box and headed towards the register. The sales girl gave me a weird look as I left.

Bitch. She probably had eyes on them, the cow.[/i]

So I was already further into my gurl budget than I liked when I hit the adult bookstore. I tried to explain the product to her, but she let me walk the long perimeter of the shop, the walls lined full of dildos and toys, until finally I found it. It was pricer in the shop than online, so disappointed, I shopped further and found a lovely tiger print teddy in my size on the sale rack.

She asked me if I had found the Aneros and I told her it was out of my price range. She then pulled a pretty blue, triangular-shaped vibrating butt-plug out of a fancy box! And it was on sale! I bought it of course.

The more I thought of it, the more I decided that the blue plug was what HE had in mind…..its sooo THICK at the end….My little clitty leaked through my new lime-green lacey thong as I drove home through the night. I stimulated my nipples as I drove, the cold air blasting on my chest and my long painted fingernails tweaking and teasing them, I began to think about this past year as a cross dresser.[/i]

I am now shaved almost everywhere, except my armpits and arms. I love my smooth, bare skin and am using oils to keep it soft as HE would want it. I love the feeling of silk on my legs as I walk.

My fingernails and toenails are always painted.[/i]

Speaking of walking, I now practice my gurl walk a lot whenever I am dressed. I find myself observing women’s mannerisms as the move and flow and find that I practice them almost sub-consciously when I’m dressed. I love it.[/i]

I find myself trying to dance gurly, whenever I’m dressed and playing music. I cry more when watching chick flicks.[/i]

I’ve bought eye shadow and lipstick this year….and plan to have at least ONE day made up, if for nothing else to see what I’d look like. My desire to go out dressed in public seems to be increasing…becoming an obsession. And once I go into like a club or party, what will happen? [/i]

So once again I find myself confused….but seemingly moving up a path to that final encounter…a night of pleasing a man and having him fill me with his seed, over and over again.

Published by prairieFreak13
11 years ago
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prairieFreak13 Publisher 10 years ago
to sexygranny01 : Aww thanks Susie! *huggles* I plan to sneak the Aneros into my toy stash soon....can hardly wait. Also, I am planning an overnight work-road-trip this summer to K.C., where there is a transgenderd friendly club, so maybe I'll get to fulfill my obession of going out in public....xoxoxo~Bri
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sexygranny01 11 years ago
I sure wish I was able to be on the road once in a while...as Susie. I'd be so damn hot and horny, with occasional shopping ventures to add to my wardrobe and toys! That Anero sounds like fun, especially if you could count on an anal orgasm! (so fucking intense!!)
Loved your blog, honey! ...Susie
prairieFreak13 Publisher 11 years ago
to prairieFreak13 : Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Hope to get pics up this weeekend!
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prairieFreak13 Publisher 11 years ago
awww thanks! I get to dress quite a bit each week due to our schedules...almost daily in fact. I DO wear thongs or panties daily now...have for a couple of years. :grinning: I'd LOVE to dress with another gurl sometime, but we are few and far, far between out here on the plains! :frowning:
prairieFreak13 Publisher 11 years ago
Thanks for the rating! glad you enjoyed it! hope to get pics up this weekend....
mmmm......nice story.....stimulated my imagination ........