Beware: The TROLL
TROLLS are nasty little vermin that can and will infest each and every profile out there. Here are some additional reasons why in particular they enjoy the ripe environment here at XHamster.
These are 10 of my top reasons TROLLS are such an issue:
1) If you are a woman of strength, they will infest your profile in attempt to bully you down.
2) If you are a woman that shows the slightest weakness, they will typically bully you out.
3) If you show dominance in any form they will try and shut you up.
4) If you have a difference in opinion in any form, they will attack you out of sheer jealousy that they didn't think of the idea and put it out there before you did.
UPDATE I felt it important to add this vital addition out of comments by user/resistivecorpse first off, love this blog (and especially its lead photo). im in full agreement with just about everything said here with the exception of the second part of #4. not all people will attack a difference of opinion because they wish they had thought of it first. a lot of them are so close-minded that they cant even open themselves up to the idea of seeing things from that point of view. what they're angry at is the fact that you have a difference of opinion at all. in their minds they're 100% correct on every issue, so for you to show dissent makes you (in their mind) wrong, and thus a target for ridicule. and yet others know you're right but just cant let themselves admit to any flaw, let alone being wrong about something so they troll. they change the subject, they try to get under your skin, to irritate you and provoke you into a response so that the issue is no longer your opinion, its whatever distracting bullshit they decide to go with to take attention away from the original topic.
Thank you RC
5) If you are a high profile user they will stalk you mercilessly in order to gain popularity of the herd of TROLLS that they admire and represent so proudly. Did I say "proudly"?... I meant cowardly. Gives them a sense of power where they have none. Either one. Sense, or power.
6) If you happen to have a friend on your friends list that the TROLL tremors from, you will likely be a victim of one the nastiest variety of TROLL. The one that comes out of no where, and for no apparent reason at all, to do full on battle with you.
7) If you post on Capo's page, G-P, or The Catfight-Club you are an automatic target for these lowly rodents.
8) If you are a newbie and specifically a female newbie, this a****l will latch onto you and literally frighten you away from XHamster so that the creature will not have to deal one more woman profile. This TROLL will attempt to keep you from ever developing your potential here.
9) Be aware of the TROLL that could possibly be your best friend on your friends list and is angry about something you put out there. Maybe you posted a few kind words to their adversary... Maybe you just friend-ed someone they don't like or have had issues with... They become this vicious TROLL in "sheep's clothing". This is by far one of the most dangerous of the species because now they play two roles. One, to build you up as your friend. The other to tear you down as the sneaky TROLL in disguise.
10)The alter-ego TROLL. This creature is a TROLL of his/her own making. Originally an insecure, insignificant coward who rather than facing another user straight up, will stab them in the back at every turn. Comments, posts, or blogs unfounded lies because the truth is just not how they see things. With the altered set of perception this TROLL often imagines, or creates situations and scenarios to where he/she comes out looking like the victim. "Poor me, I'm so misunderstood, everyone blames me..." And someones gonna pay for that. Not caring who that someone is... The need to lash out being so strong, it just does not matter who this TROLL hurts or offends in the process... As long as they are vindicated from their imaginary Woes ME.
Tell me what you think... What have your experiences been? How exactly did it make you feel? And ultimately, what was your decision on how to handle your run in's with the inevitable TROLL?
Thank you always. Love, Light, and Happiness,
SassyBri ~
"I just delete the small little trolls comments block his sorry little ass and never look back they are not worth your time or effort never comment never engage never explain."
Thank you for your responses so far. This last one from NiceSmile50, I've never quite gotten the hang of.
I believe we all have the right to say what's on our mind (all the while wishing it could be done within reason. Not always possible..) and have the opportunity to express ourselves effectively. You know, the whole 'FREE SPEECH' rhetoric. This is why I personally don't delete comments. I like for everybody who visits my profile to know that I'm only human. Yes, I have faults and readily admit most of them. LOL. I know I'm not perfect, nor am I any kind of beautiful wannabe porn star. I do what I do here for my husband, Mark. It turns him on that I am so open sexually. It wasn't always that way... I've come a long way with being confident in how I look, particularly naked. This I do for him. That I happen to do it with a few thousand onlooker's occasionally... Well that's just a kinky bonus. My point is this, I agree the TROLL's are not worth my time or my effort...
Here's where overcoming this challenge is difficult for me. I'M WORTH my time and effort. If that makes any sense. I WILL not... CAN not let the attacks just slide off my back. To not comment back, to never engage.. to not ask for an explanation .. or in turn explain myself what I thought of the insignificant attack .... Well, would be like asking me NOT to breath, to feel, or even have a pulse.
I'm aware of the majority of advice out there being "Don't feed the TROLL's". That's what they get off on. Here again, I'm not a bit concerned about how my responding to their verbal abuse affects THEM. I could give a fuck, but don't. Once you cross that line of civility with me. I cannot help how I act to being outright attacked. And really, it's remains in the back of my mind somewhere, WHY? What did I do to deserve such venom? I'm not one that's into negativity unless it's thrown at my face. Then... Well, I believe it's my right to respond anyway I choose. And I don't back down easily. You remember one of those faults I was talking about earlier? This is one.
Thank y'all for accepting me as I am. Faults and all. LOL.
SassyBri ~
11 years ago
Great work TROLL HUNTER!
Thanks for visiting my little corner of the world here...
SassyBri ~
It's also worth mentioning that these herds or hordes of trolls are very often small cliques with many auxilliary accounts that they go between to protect their main identities and to accuse those they troll of being the trolls when they fight back. If it's not a clique, it's most often just the one acting as himself and then his imaginary friends and you can tell because of the way they talk. It's identical more often than not.
You can spot these and ignore them most often by the state of the content on their pages. You know sinister when you see it, right?! They may have only favourites and no content, all of which are voted into the red, which is how they show off their "work" and they will have sinister looking friends.
They may be friend collectors, they may be admin groupies, always trying to appeal to the site support in the hopes of appearing misunderstood. There's nothing to be misunderstood though.
Feel free to browse my latest gallery and see a couple of twits you should avoid at all costs.
I enjoyed it all. I thought I covered this issue in a couple of my blogs, but they don't even come close to the level I've just read. I've encountered trolls many times on flame boards, and gave them very little thought because the art of the flame was much more interesting.
Trolls don't understand that game, it all becomes far to real for them to deal with, and unfortunately their need to live in self loathing hatred that becomes all consuming in their empty little minds, and lives, as it completely saturates them with utter hatred towards other more established posters as it is the unfortunate additions to their abundant life failures.
The fact that they cannot turn off their baggage claims is tantamount to their pathetic lives they find themselves hating even more, and more as their needs to lash out at others to make themselves feel better, as you nailed it. As cowards.
When they fail so miserably on boards of battle they turn to open sites such as this to lord their inglorious short comings, and failures over unfortunate people that only wish to enjoy themselves as they do in their real lives.
Mind to mind they have no game, but to abuse people that have never intentionally said a bad thing towards anyone on sites designed for regular life enjoyments, seems to empower their negativity that much more grotesquely, and just makes a guy like me wanna beat the piss outta them that much more.
That great picture you have above has left out a very important aspect of the troll. Their rotted, and shame ridden hearts the size of a gnat, and all a quiver in fear.
My skin has become thick enough over the years to laugh, and mock my present stalker here, but my concerns were that for my new friends, and acquaintances, and what my pathetic little menial mental midget intends to do towards them.
As he began this mess I shall use him to clean it up.
Thanks for this Blog Bri. I'm now able to feel comfort in knowing that there are well minded board veterans here that now make me feel more at home.
Unfortunately, what is fun and or exciting and or thought provoking (well, maybe not thought provoking) is the joy that trolls get from harassing people! I'm glad I have not been the object of their scorn! I have experienced this toxic attitude on Literotica when I tried my hand at writing. I got flamed so hard that I quit trying to write! I realized I let idiots influence my thinking, then I felt even dumber!
I think a lot depends on how short your fuse is that day. Someday's it's easier to let things slide, and other days you snap and want to respond in kind. That's when they get you, when you're weakest! So, yeah they're assholes wanting as response! I say starve the bastards out with neglect!
SassyBri ~
Too many Hamsters have the wrong goals
If they just were considerate
And spent more time being literate
And less time being stalking assholes
Personally, I think given that xham chooses not to clean-up this issue they should change the structure of the profile page ala what is suggested in Julia/Juno recent blog post. I think that would dampen some of this behavior.
Dr. Jonboi18 Phd esq brain doctor guy to HM THE Queen