Fuck Your Trauma
Literally, fuck your trauma.
Just fuck it until it doesn't make sense. Fuck until you feel.Until the wound is raw and open, make way for new skin to heal.
Fuck your guilt.
How long can you carry that burden? What does it take to let it go? Are you serving penance, past transgressions forgiven with welted skin.
Fuck your shame.
Mommy? Daddy? Uncle? Are you reliving that pain? Processing it? Or just numb to everything except my whip.
Fuck your low self esteem.
What do you feel when I call you a worm, worthless, the shit on the bottom of my shoes? Did I just call you by name? Is that all you are? Or can you can you clean yourself and leave it behind.
Fuck me
How much are you paying for? Did someone else set the price? I paid my dues. Now I fuck for free.
11 years ago