Cooking with the Bad Boys

A lot of people have asked me, what I did after I left Catering college,my first job was as a tutor teaching small groups basic Lifeskills cooking sometimes it was fun sometimes it was damn hot and horny.
My story starts with an appointment to do a cookery exhibition at Swanley Manor Y.O.I.
How grand I thought I had outgrown my new romantic look and had a 50s retro style going on had bought a lovely 50s halter neck sundress with large red poppies on a white background teamed up with a little white cardi and some tan ff stockings and a wonderful white corset I picked up in a flea market white stillettos finished off the ensemble, red nails and red lippy were order of the day, I looked like a cross between Fanny Craddock and a Burlesque dancer back then.
Well off I went to Swanley Manor in Sussex starting up the Hillman Imp wanted a Cadillac,
but my chocolate brown imp was as near to a Caddy even tho it was more 60s what an old banger it was, rust bucket was a compliment.
I went down a long lane till I reached a gatehouse with a security man stopping me at the large wrought iron gates.
"Yes Madam can I help you" He asked, looking me up and down as I put out my consulate ciggy.
"I am here for the cookery session for the bad girls"I said smiling.
"Bad girls... they are all bad Boys here it's a youth offenders Institute" He replied smirking.
"Oh trust me to get it wrong" I answered."It's not an Enid Blyton Adventure" he added looking me up and down I guess he was referring to my 50s style of dress!
"In you go Petal good luck" he spoke with dread in his voice.
The electric gates opened and my Imp chugged down the drive, to my surprise the building did not look like a Manor House more of a giant grey lego brick like a Prison...
I rung the bell and a buzzer went off so I pushed the heavy dark door once inside the hallway I had to go through another door, where an elderly spectacled man with a bald head greeted me"Hello Miss Diamond we are so glad you have come to teach our boys some lifeskills"I smiled and suddenly felt a little under dressed. Another man in uniform appeared and led me down some steps into a basement through two sets of iron doors.
"The lads are all waiting in the dining area for you there are five in this group" he told me as we walked down a corridor that smelled of disenfectant.
He opened a door to a rather stark room some pots and other cooking items had been set up, there seated was five young men.
He introduced me as Miss Diamond the cookery tutor, wolf whistles and comments like Must be our lucky day filled the room.
He locked the door and sat on a chair at the back of the room, from a rucksack he produced a flask of coffee and proceeded to pour a cup.
I introduced myself to the class, could I ask you your names boys..?
"Im Clarky "said the tall dark haired one, Matt said another Chaz,Dodgy Dave and Horse.
Ah sweet they all had nicknames.
I explained that today I was going to show them how to make a basic pasta dish,a trifle and a soup.
They seemed to be fixated on my chest more than what I had been saying.
The comments came quick and fast"Wanted to do something with baps" said Dodgy Dave
Chaz added I had the biggest baps he had ever seen. mmmm it was going to be trying.
"How big are your tits" Horse asked. "I think that is an inner appropriate question Horse" I told him.
Expecting some sort of input from the warden, I looked over to the back of the room, he seemed to be asleep... oh shit!
"Dropped a Mickey Finn in his flask earlier" said dodgy Dave.
Being Scottish I remembered what a Mickey Finn was a d**gged warden is just what I didn't want.
They gathered round as I started to prepare the food on a baby belling not ideal,
but they seemed more intent on groping my stocking clad legs"stop that" I scolded.
Wandering hands were creeping up the back of my flared dress they moved in closer someone yanked on my cardi the little heart shaped buttons pinged off into the pasta pot soon the flailing arms of several bad boys had disrobed the cardi from my shoulders, now a hand was on the tie bow at my neck on my halter neck Summer dress.
"Stop that at once "I shouted.
It actually got a reaction they all stopped groping me.
I stepped back and gave my speech...
"Now I know you boys have not seen a woman for a while, and I understand you must be frustrated but I am not here to be abused" I continued. "I will make a deal with you,
you can wank yourselves off cum and then maybe just maybe we can do some cooking" I stopped, did I just say that, my god what was I thinking.
Soon Pasta was off the menu and it was Sausage Surprise they all had their cocks out and no wonder Horse was called Horse! none of the five were small all well endowed and watching them wank was making me horny.
I asked Horse to assist me he stood up his appendage hanging from his jeans. I got him to stir the sauce with one hand as I reached out and grasped his thick flaccid cock with my hand the red manicured talons edging along the now pulsating flesh
The others watched as he stopped stirring and pulled at the bow on my halter neck ...
gravity did the rest my big boobedoos fell out, this caused a stampede and once again the hands of the bad boys were all over me I don't remember who pulled my knickers down as I was too busy deep throating Dodgy Dave's cock.
Clarky wasted no time in shafting me with his long dong.
The only dish on the table was me now as I was doggy with a cock in each hand and one in my mouth and impaled on one the other end,never thought I would be roasting
God I was horny and the guys were loving it, a strict rotation policy was followed
then Horse stuck his huge wang in my ass they all wanted a go at D.P. my curled hair began to droop my tan stockings ladder my mascara run lippy all but gone
Then of course it was time for pudding Cream Pie!
Once spent they took the keys off the warden leaving only Horse who wanted seconds
Glop glop glop how I love to suck huge cock, I tried to arrange myself but looking in my make up mirror I truly look ravaged. The Warden slept soundly as Horse showed me out to the main Hall, I got in the imp and stopped at the security man on the gates
"Good session what did you cook" he asked smiling..."Sausage Surprise and cream pie" I told him and winked as the gates opened and I left , but not as lady of the Manor.

Published by DiamondLife
11 years ago
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extrablond 11 years ago
Can't say I blame them for having some 'fun' with you. :smile: