My Friends List
Okay, so I'm thinking about cleaning out my friend list a little. A lot of people have sent me a friend invite, but after I accepted I never heard from them. What's the point of being someone's friend if you never communicate? So if you're on my friend list and we've talked in the past, you're safe. But if you're on my friend list and we've never had a conversation, you might be deleted. It's nothing personal, I just want my friend list to be small and full of people I actually talk to. But if you're one of the quiet ones on there, let me know why you want to remain just doesn't make sense to me to keep so many silent people on there. So once I clear out a few people I'll be able to add more of the people I chat with who aren't on my friend list yet, although I'd like to keep the number between 50 and 100. :)
11 years ago
Or only contact me when they want me to comment on what they post !