Just wow! Idiots, zealots and fakes- oh my!
So Allie sent out a friend request to this moron...
...who had the balls (yes, it says she's a woman) to reply by posting on our wall the following comment;
As stated on my profile:
In order for me to accept your friendship request, it is an absolute prerequisite that you have an avatar of an actual person, your profile's not empty and your profile's verified OR at least one of your photos has proof that it's yours.
(Photos can have your [email protected] on paper like mine, with a body part you've taken previous photos with (to verify that a photo of your penis/vagina etc. is actually yours)
You don't have to show your face if it's not shown in previous photos.
If your face is shown then prove that it's actually you :)
I replied on behalf of Allie;
Yah, um- okay. The avatar is of a person- it's Allie. Those are her hands strictly and happily bound by me, Tom, and simply fit there as a representation of the lifestyle we have chosen, and one which we share with our xHamster "friends."
It's a porn site. There's tons of our original posted content on our page. Allie requested to be friends (or friendly) with you on a porn site, not run a bank account for you or even volunteer to buy your groceries. So no, neither of us are going to comply with your silly-assed request. I mean WTF? If we have no content, if we've made no comments, nor spent time making a profile, I, like others could understand your (then justified) request. But having been an active participant as much as we have here on xH, your request just made the innately stupid and fucking silly idiots and zealots which troll these sites seem ultra-intelligent. I suspect you're likely a fake yourself, else you wouldn't have gone to the extreme that you have in making an idiotic, unrealistic and pompous request. Business professionals on LinkedIn don't have to produce the rediculous bullshit you've asked for, and there- it really matters.
Please, accept this invitation "young, hairy, Irish pussy" to lighten the fuck up and get a life!
Now, I felt kinda bad for about half a second after I replied, but then quickly regained my decorum about the subject, and pondered it further. Why are any of us on here? To satisfy our sexual desires and cravings through appreciation of the material posted here-in. Yes, there are fakes, it sucks, but I think (feel free to jump in here if I'm wrong) they're pretty easy to spot.
Clue 1- No content- obviously
Clue 2- Very little profile data- again, obviously
Clue 3- Repeated avatar- little less obvious
Clue 4- No comments on other's content
Clue 5- Lots of numbers or meaningless letter combos in their name
Clue 6- Lots of retired friends- no house keeping of who's profiles are retired
Clue 7- "Just me" gallery doesn't jive with the rest of the galleries
Clue 8- Pix are all of someone with their clotes on, no nudes- it's a porn site - not Facebook
And Clue 9- They write some BS like this moron, who's probably really a guy posing as a woman
I'm not pissed or angry, but frustrated about common sense. If you bloody well don't want to be friends with someone on here, fine. But what's up with making the federal case about "proving" our validity by complying with this set of bullshit requests on a fucking porn site?!?!?! Really?
Done ranting, we now return you to your regularly scheduled porn feed... B)
...who had the balls (yes, it says she's a woman) to reply by posting on our wall the following comment;
As stated on my profile:
In order for me to accept your friendship request, it is an absolute prerequisite that you have an avatar of an actual person, your profile's not empty and your profile's verified OR at least one of your photos has proof that it's yours.
(Photos can have your [email protected] on paper like mine, with a body part you've taken previous photos with (to verify that a photo of your penis/vagina etc. is actually yours)
You don't have to show your face if it's not shown in previous photos.
If your face is shown then prove that it's actually you :)
I replied on behalf of Allie;
Yah, um- okay. The avatar is of a person- it's Allie. Those are her hands strictly and happily bound by me, Tom, and simply fit there as a representation of the lifestyle we have chosen, and one which we share with our xHamster "friends."
It's a porn site. There's tons of our original posted content on our page. Allie requested to be friends (or friendly) with you on a porn site, not run a bank account for you or even volunteer to buy your groceries. So no, neither of us are going to comply with your silly-assed request. I mean WTF? If we have no content, if we've made no comments, nor spent time making a profile, I, like others could understand your (then justified) request. But having been an active participant as much as we have here on xH, your request just made the innately stupid and fucking silly idiots and zealots which troll these sites seem ultra-intelligent. I suspect you're likely a fake yourself, else you wouldn't have gone to the extreme that you have in making an idiotic, unrealistic and pompous request. Business professionals on LinkedIn don't have to produce the rediculous bullshit you've asked for, and there- it really matters.
Please, accept this invitation "young, hairy, Irish pussy" to lighten the fuck up and get a life!
Now, I felt kinda bad for about half a second after I replied, but then quickly regained my decorum about the subject, and pondered it further. Why are any of us on here? To satisfy our sexual desires and cravings through appreciation of the material posted here-in. Yes, there are fakes, it sucks, but I think (feel free to jump in here if I'm wrong) they're pretty easy to spot.
Clue 1- No content- obviously
Clue 2- Very little profile data- again, obviously
Clue 3- Repeated avatar- little less obvious
Clue 4- No comments on other's content
Clue 5- Lots of numbers or meaningless letter combos in their name
Clue 6- Lots of retired friends- no house keeping of who's profiles are retired
Clue 7- "Just me" gallery doesn't jive with the rest of the galleries
Clue 8- Pix are all of someone with their clotes on, no nudes- it's a porn site - not Facebook
And Clue 9- They write some BS like this moron, who's probably really a guy posing as a woman
I'm not pissed or angry, but frustrated about common sense. If you bloody well don't want to be friends with someone on here, fine. But what's up with making the federal case about "proving" our validity by complying with this set of bullshit requests on a fucking porn site?!?!?! Really?
Done ranting, we now return you to your regularly scheduled porn feed... B)
11 years ago
We look forward to seeing more from you.
I actually had one guy accuse me of being a woman in disguise, which he followed up with a bunch of sexist slurs. I deleted the most misogynist comments and then blocked him. That kind of behaviour has no place on my profile page.