Big Cock? - No, Big Phoney

So I had the interesting occasion of being contacted by a user on here called
Whitezilla1. He wanted to know if I ever fantasized about fucking a big cock. Which I laughed at. But then he persisted in asking me to look at his cock pics.

Well I did. What's interesting is that ever single pic he has, and there are several are FAKE. Being a graphic artist, I have access to some good photo editing tools and after looking at a few of his pics in Photoshop, it was clear they were digitally manipulated, and really not very well either.
Whitezilla1 is a bullshit artist.

Another interesting thing is he has all his pics tagged as "interracial"
but he is a white guy. So clearly he has penis envy, which I though only girls got.

The shocking thing is reading the comments and seeing how many people have been duped by this phoney!

Well, since he insisted on asking for my opinion... I gave it to him lol.
Look at my pics section and tell me, should I have been meaner or nicer?


P.S.- I encourage each one of you to judge Whitezilla1's pics for yourself.
And vote and comment accordingly! :D

Published by hottstuff1982
11 years ago
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Oh guys definitely have penis envy, most guys wish they had a big beautiful porn one unless of course they are fortunate to sport such a cock themselves x
robert_mcmurphy 10 years ago
Ok, as far as the voting goes, I would have been highly suspicious but would not have been able to provide well articulated evidence as you did. In terms of whether or not you should have been meaner or nicer, I honestly think you handled the situation extremely well. You were honest, to the point, and did not resort to a lengthy series of insults, which was probably tempting. I have heard stories from Xhamster friends and other non-Xhamster types, of guys making boastful and inaccurate claims. Sadly, I am average in size, and of course I wish I was bigger. The last thing I would ever do, or would have done prior to being married, would be to claim to be larger than I am to a woman, especially one focused on big cocks. The last thing I would want, would be to show up, start to get into it, and they be told that I am actually much smaller than I claimed. I am not sure how these guys expect this to play out...
CatB 10 years ago
Take a look at his more recent pictures... it gets worse! Amazing how this monster cock appears to morph into a basketball when viewed in profile.
shortness93 10 years ago
I view it his pics fake cause out of all my porn watching time I've never seen a dick that big
donos26 10 years ago
BuzzKillington 11 years ago
Here is my completely natural, definitely NOT Photoshop enhanced cock, for comparison:

7 3/4 inches long, 7 1/4 inches in circumference at the base - not that I'm bragging :wink:
blkmswag86 11 years ago
It's interesting and confusing the people that are fake on here. I have come across more than a few women with fake pictures. :frowning: I guess just in need of some attention. I don't understand how someone likes compliments on a pic that is not them, or photoshoped?
Ahaha funny! there alot of photoshoped cock in that site
If you are in the mood, feel free to "Inspect :grinning:" my pics :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
CatB 11 years ago
You were probably too nice.
bigroscoe 11 years ago
to getlucky65 : That's funny as well. There are some desperate insecure wee-bees on this site.smh
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Same here and some "girls" are falling for this...
odlum 11 years ago
Great post and I have also enjoyed the replies!
rodent1 11 years ago
Jessi, if I wanted to look at a penis in desperate need of digital manipulation to impress women, I'd drop my trousers and reach for a mirror.
hottstuff1982 Publisher 11 years ago
Economy car lol.
hottstuff1982 Publisher 11 years ago
to shyblkguy : Well said! As much as I adore a nice big one, I love a courteous, friendly guy even more.
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hottstuff1982 Publisher 11 years ago
to kinky_mn_man : Thanks, I am always careful but the advice is appreciated. I just hate some of the bullshit artists on here and now I am fighting back!
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hottstuff1982 Publisher 11 years ago
to getlucky65 : I know you are John! :grinning:
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getlucky65 11 years ago
Im the real Whitezilla lol!!!!!!
kinky_mn_man 11 years ago
Some boys have egos that are as fragile as a cracked egg sitting on a ledge during a windstorm. That is one of the differences between men and boys. This fake is not even worth another thought. Too bad your popularity is attracting crazy people. Please do be careful. Thank you for sharing.
kking375 11 years ago
this is funny thanks for posting it I will check him out
shyblkguy 11 years ago
I feel sorry for these guys who obsess over penis size or having a "huge cock" or whatever. It's such a waste of time and effort and there are so many other more important things in life. Just be happy with what you have and the rest will take care of itself.
The largest cock in the world is 13.5 Inches long hard. the man is alive and his name is jonah falcon. in the early 20th century there was a cock, same size, with a 6.75 inch circumferance. just be happy with what you were given. and to put the record straight, pigmys have the largest cocks of all humans.