Slow month so ill blog some more.
I've only had two clients so far this month. Summers tend to be slower, at least for me. People are on vacations and usually spend more time with their families, and yes 80% of my clients are married. I don't like that but if I only accepted single men, I would be broke. I've had a lot going on this month, tho. A new guy friend,, finally getting sex for pleasure,,lol and also I'm having to move. My condo is being sold. I may just get hotels here in Charlotte, but I love it here so much better than Baton Rouge. I need to build up a client base here so I can stay longer. I would like to get a small house or something here,, just love Charlotte.
Glad I'm slow, because I'm not 100 percent physically. Been fighting off a cold and my leg and back is still healing from a rough session last season. Yep,, there are occupational hazards in my job,,lol. Last month a guy got pretty rough, nothing I didn't have control over but he apparently thought I was a bit more flexible than I am. Strained my right leg and right lower back. It hurts like hell in the morning but gets better through out the day. This happens a lot because I'm so small, a lot guys like to toss me around like a rag doll, most of the time it's fun but every now and then I injure something. I might take a little break in August anyway. Get prepared for the fall which is the second busiest time of the year next to spring.
Well I know this blog was boring, I know I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you in the next blog. Actually I have a cool idea for my next blog anyway.
Glad I'm slow, because I'm not 100 percent physically. Been fighting off a cold and my leg and back is still healing from a rough session last season. Yep,, there are occupational hazards in my job,,lol. Last month a guy got pretty rough, nothing I didn't have control over but he apparently thought I was a bit more flexible than I am. Strained my right leg and right lower back. It hurts like hell in the morning but gets better through out the day. This happens a lot because I'm so small, a lot guys like to toss me around like a rag doll, most of the time it's fun but every now and then I injure something. I might take a little break in August anyway. Get prepared for the fall which is the second busiest time of the year next to spring.
Well I know this blog was boring, I know I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you in the next blog. Actually I have a cool idea for my next blog anyway.
11 years ago