Dear Friends
Hi there!
I don`t have a experience with writing a long post, so this one will be shorty :)
I dont have time, to writing of each profile to thanks for inviting me, and very very sweet comments of my ugly pics. So i want to thanks to all of you, i love you all, and i`m very happy to be here.
Time to new set, i think it will be more artistic way. Now i hmm i dont remember that word (grabbing?)money to buy the stuff for a set (a wig, boots, and some of decoration).
I have job now, so i`m live and have enough food to survive, so thinks getting better for a while.
I was in a relationship with a woman, but it was end. bout two weeks ago. I think it was my fault, but i`ve always blame myseflf so this might be not real true.
whaterver monsters are monsters and humans are humans. just cant live together :)
my regards to all may ghost of H.P. Lovecfraft` soul be with you.
With Love
I don`t have a experience with writing a long post, so this one will be shorty :)
I dont have time, to writing of each profile to thanks for inviting me, and very very sweet comments of my ugly pics. So i want to thanks to all of you, i love you all, and i`m very happy to be here.
Time to new set, i think it will be more artistic way. Now i hmm i dont remember that word (grabbing?)money to buy the stuff for a set (a wig, boots, and some of decoration).
I have job now, so i`m live and have enough food to survive, so thinks getting better for a while.
I was in a relationship with a woman, but it was end. bout two weeks ago. I think it was my fault, but i`ve always blame myseflf so this might be not real true.
whaterver monsters are monsters and humans are humans. just cant live together :)
my regards to all may ghost of H.P. Lovecfraft` soul be with you.
With Love
11 years ago
When she left, i kept my animals too (i have courious cat, and silly dog). Everything go back to normal. i dont understunt why im not happy with this. Maybe i`m going to understanding that, my life is unchangeable ;|
thanks to Analisa for support.
I visit your site very often and I like your site!
Sorry my english is too bad...