Dear Friends

Hi there!

I don`t have a experience with writing a long post, so this one will be shorty :)
I dont have time, to writing of each profile to thanks for inviting me, and very very sweet comments of my ugly pics. So i want to thanks to all of you, i love you all, and i`m very happy to be here.

Time to new set, i think it will be more artistic way. Now i hmm i dont remember that word (grabbing?)money to buy the stuff for a set (a wig, boots, and some of decoration).

I have job now, so i`m live and have enough food to survive, so thinks getting better for a while.

I was in a relationship with a woman, but it was end. bout two weeks ago. I think it was my fault, but i`ve always blame myseflf so this might be not real true.
whaterver monsters are monsters and humans are humans. just cant live together :)

my regards to all may ghost of H.P. Lovecfraft` soul be with you.
With Love

Published by crow0
11 years ago
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gracy1 10 years ago
you are not ugly you are very pretty and sexy
crow0 Publisher 11 years ago
to sawax : i`m pansexual only in porn way :wink:
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sawax 11 years ago
do you think that pansexual is the right way?
JoeyB 11 years ago
just be yourself and if people really like you, you will know
crow0 Publisher 11 years ago
I dont know how, but your situation was almost the same. When i was met her, i would considered her as "my man" and everything was great! and the same as in your experience, she want to turn me into man, that i wouldn`t be. Like i`ve wrote before, I`m not consider yourself as man or woman. i`m something between. I`m in pain when i must act like men on the street or with friends, coz i`m aint man. I think about myself more like manly chick, a type of tough girl, but always stay girl.
When she left, i kept my animals too (i have courious cat, and silly dog). Everything go back to normal. i dont understunt why im not happy with this. Maybe i`m going to understanding that, my life is unchangeable ;|
thanks to Analisa for support.
crow0 Publisher 11 years ago
to Ronny1500 : thanx, better then starving, but it`s nothing special
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Ronny1500 11 years ago
Congratulations for your new job!
I visit your site very often and I like your site!
Sorry my english is too bad...