Not tellin' - The Email & Profile post
... Well I dunno about your evening - but I had an awesome time last night ...
I slept like a log, I woke up smiling ... and thinkin' What a lovely shitty day :D lol
Hope your long weekend has a smile or two in it ...
I not tellin' - I'm just sayin' I had a wonderful evening ... And I'd do it again :D
OK I'm writing this post in parts cause it's a crazy day lol...
1st replied to - to ignored ...
Interesting guys - local or who are making interesting offers ... 1st group
Now some of you seem to think you need to be lying to a babe to get in this bunch, if you're doing that it won't last long and you'll "be made" so don't waste the three emails to get yourself busted.
An interesting offer can be LOTS of fun stuff ... the post previous to this one gives ya some ideas and notions - but I'm not suggesting you should do a stag type party and collect up bids from the guys and then shove it all up my pussy - well unless of course you come up with this brilliant idea and then suggest it; and then I'd be thinking that's a fun offer for a night out - lol ... I'm a freak. Deal with it.
Another fellow wrote said he's like to come visit and wants to jump out of a plane with me on his back - THIS IS AWESOME, great fuckin' deal man ... THAT'S FUN! See now that's an offer/date I have NEVER had before - I so so so so hope that boy makes good on that cause I am SO looking forward to it., truly think it's freakin AWESOOOOOME Plus I'm pretty sure yep - I'd be rarin' to go after that (horny as fuck) - can't know until I try it tho, so he better DO it!!
Another fellow in another province but within the country; I am watching for his notes but we're having timing issues - he's an interesting, creative sort of pervert too ... I like that in a guy, and yes it is a potential meeting thing.
This is still actual replies and emails but for this group that's likely all they're going to ever BE so - the babe may or may not reply to them, depends on current mood and interest level - available time; etc. People from group 2 can move to group 1 for a time if for instance they will be travelling and local .... ahem ... mmmmm
Another example of a 2:1 is someone who begins chatting is local but is shy/skittish ... However eventually decides to take the plunge - married boys might be appropriate in this sort of light.
So it is possible to move from a 2 to a 1 ... but there's only so much time and so many emails in a day a girl wants to sit an type out ...
Group 2 is always IMMEDIATE READ ... they are NOT always replied to, but if he sends a few notes we reply so they know we're here - we're seeing you and you rock - thanks for the love.
This group is not likely to get a reply, and if they do get a reply it's not likely to be the sort of note they're pleased to receive. These guys are the one liners the 3 and 5 worders - the "love your vids" - the "you make me hot" - the "just popped a load to you" ... that crowd.
A 3 can move up the scale if they figure out how to speak in complete thought groupings, and hold an actual conversation. The lack of a female response is designed to encourage a greater mating display, it is up to the male to either work harder, or walk away ... the female of the species can only respond to the stimuli (or lack of it) she is provided ...
WATCH A FUCKIN NATURE SHOW! YOU are the bird who walks in on the hoard of birds doing the mating dance ... goes oh - hi shit - hi - try to find a spot - get jostled twice and run. We know this. We know you won't even find a spot let alone dance and show off, so WHY acknowledge you. Read - when inclined.
Oh this one's good ... This is the
I'M HERE!!!!! HERE'S MY WALLET group ... I'm pretty sure the other GUYS don't even like you - and guess what, have a MEMO - the WOMEN don't like you either. Your ONLY redeeming quality is the belief putting up with YOU, and your ego, and your social maladjustment issues will get the other person ahead somehow (usually financially). The MOMENT they realize all you are doing is baiting and manipulating them, you're done, and they walk. You lot can not move out of the hole you've dug yourself unless or until you "make good" on the promises or claims, or fantasies you've presented people with in the past; and at that you're only likely to move to a group 3 until you can consistently NOT be a manipulative dweeb and can simply be social, civil and worth bein' around - without the bait. DInner and dancing - dinner and drinks - dinner and a movie - whatever - this should be enough if you HAVE to pay someone or offer to pay someone to be around/"with" them ... it speaks volumes about you socially.
On the other hand if the reason for this INSULT is actually a COMPLIMENT (Sorry sexy; I don't have time or I'm not close enough to truly be able to show you what you're worth to me but ... I can show you THIS way ... ) then make sure when you make THAT approach you do it with manners, you do it "clean" you do it and actually follow through, and you do not approach this as a "here's my wallet" type offer but as a tribute, an offering, a form of worshipful sacrifice; honourarium if you will THAT is the ONLY way you bunch can ever get away with this approach.
MAY OR MAY NOT BE READ - ever - subject to deletion unread.
Usually something in another language
Something incoherently rude
Something totally self serving
RESPONSE: NEVER replied to - sender blocked
Now - if you look over the emails you've sent out to people ... and where you're getting replies - Unless the babe is an attention whore I'm betting you'll notice that pattern pretty much holds true.
PROFILES are another matter entirely ... And if you're looking to get laid, make pen pals, or otherwise "find some friends of a feather" it is absolutely vital to build a profile that has enough on it so to create an interest and provide some beginning of a conversation.
PICS: PHOTOS, or vids are MANDATORY for getting replies and places with the babes - Doesn't have to be your face or cock - but it SHOULD be you. Blur out a face and you defeat the purpose. So to get around that?? BAD lighting or a darker pic ... Lots of shadows just around/over your face (trees/shadows at dusk kind of thing work) ... partial face crop off ... coverage using hats ... hands ... things in motion (removing a Tshirt, flicking a towel, tossing a beach or foot ball, swinging a racket etc) it's ALL in the timing of the shot.
LOCATION: If you don't want to list city DO at least list COUNTRY, so people have some idea where you are. If you are in a large country (like Canada) realize your states/provinces are likely to be as big and bigger than some people's entire nation. Discretion comes on a site like this in 2 ways ... 1) everyone else ON IT is here for the same shit so ratting you out rats them out and 2) if they fuck you over they ruin their own chances in the future so ... Stop being so paranoid and defeating the purpose before it's even realized; start either allowing the possibilities or accepting you simply aren't ready for them. But um if I can do this, I'm fairly certain I'm more likely to be stalked than you are right, and if I can do this - you can too, so stop being a pussy and start GETTING some pussy instead :)
AGE: Don't lie, and do keep it updated as appropriate. Some people do actually have age fetish interests or aversions so yes, it does matter and if they find out when you are standing in front of them, there is no assurances as per the result. Again a photo and the truth are kinda helpful - see me, do I LOOK 42? Ok so the info and the pic are a vital combination, and without both pieces of info you wouldn't be having the same conclusions or thoughts right ... Just be honest, be confident, be casual, and be fun ... WAY more of a "clincher" than your age, or look ...
LIKES/INFO/About me: This one you can do a few ways. You can talk, you can do your like/fave photos and vids, you can upload stuff yourself, but being ON a sex site which is as open and limit free as this one is (yes there's limits but they're international legality issues not prude issues) ... it's up to YOU to show the girls you are MAN ENOUGH to even SPEAK your interests and admit them, never mind reach out and GET them. The point of a sex site is to shed some inhibitions and allow yourself the space to breathe without fear ... your profile is your space where you create that environment of your sexual desire - if you don't have one it says you don't have that interest, or desire, or knowledge of yourself; and you're hoping someone else will define you.
If I'm looking at invites or mail and being "pestered" by someone with a blank profile who is sending me "god yer hot" "I just jacked off to you" etc notes ... I not only don't reply - I will block them to stop them from continuing to waste my time, and theirs.
If you cannot take the time to build a profile the babes are thinking:
Ok so he's married and lying ...
Ok so he's playing 40 different games with 40 different women
Ok so he's doing a fly-by and will delete the profile tomorrow
If he's so "shy;" why should I be so - open to him , he already knows far more about me than I know about him... give n take ...
Build a profile. Take the time and effort to do your online "foreplay" and add to it, update it, change it. Introduce yourself innocently without need to be present. Show us some of your interests. Show us your cock and don't be afraid if it's "small" there are people and places which prefer a small precision tool for the job. If you have an interest in another culture or language express it in a profile, take advantage of translation engines - time is on your side in a profile, and doing these things are not time sensitive like an email reply. So take the time on yourself, to make you look as appealing to the group you are seeking to interest as you can, not for them - but for yourself.
A profile is a designed introduction and if you can't take the time to build one or are too shy to speak of your interest and inclinations at your own speed and comfort level, trying to pull it out of you in chat will only be a royal pain, and subject to your hormones and moods - so build the profile ... for yourself; and if the girls like what they see, then ok it's for them too - but really it's for yourself - if for no other reason and purpose than to find other men of like mind who have more vids and clips of the sort you like :) So show them what you like - (and hey show ME what yo like so I can make them for you!) ...
So there's some thoughts and help on emails and profiles and why we reply and the profiles that work, or don't.
ALSO - THIS IS NOT AN AFF SITE so take the disclaimers OFF - And those of you with that "truth or dare" crap are sexual infants who have NO IDEA what you like or are interested in and so want to be led ... you'd fare better to say as much than to attempt to manipulate people into playing your infantile games.
Add some interests so people have something to truth or dare you about ...
Meantime - Enjoy the last night of your long weekend ... and DO go into work with a hang over ... it's a Canadian rule of July 2nd - look it up seriously the MOST sick day of the year, annually in Canada - July 2nd - if you MAKE IT into work, you'd actually be in the minority. *chuckles* SAVE A BEAVER!!!!!
I slept like a log, I woke up smiling ... and thinkin' What a lovely shitty day :D lol
Hope your long weekend has a smile or two in it ...
I not tellin' - I'm just sayin' I had a wonderful evening ... And I'd do it again :D
OK I'm writing this post in parts cause it's a crazy day lol...
1st replied to - to ignored ...
Interesting guys - local or who are making interesting offers ... 1st group
Now some of you seem to think you need to be lying to a babe to get in this bunch, if you're doing that it won't last long and you'll "be made" so don't waste the three emails to get yourself busted.
An interesting offer can be LOTS of fun stuff ... the post previous to this one gives ya some ideas and notions - but I'm not suggesting you should do a stag type party and collect up bids from the guys and then shove it all up my pussy - well unless of course you come up with this brilliant idea and then suggest it; and then I'd be thinking that's a fun offer for a night out - lol ... I'm a freak. Deal with it.
Another fellow wrote said he's like to come visit and wants to jump out of a plane with me on his back - THIS IS AWESOME, great fuckin' deal man ... THAT'S FUN! See now that's an offer/date I have NEVER had before - I so so so so hope that boy makes good on that cause I am SO looking forward to it., truly think it's freakin AWESOOOOOME Plus I'm pretty sure yep - I'd be rarin' to go after that (horny as fuck) - can't know until I try it tho, so he better DO it!!
Another fellow in another province but within the country; I am watching for his notes but we're having timing issues - he's an interesting, creative sort of pervert too ... I like that in a guy, and yes it is a potential meeting thing.
This is still actual replies and emails but for this group that's likely all they're going to ever BE so - the babe may or may not reply to them, depends on current mood and interest level - available time; etc. People from group 2 can move to group 1 for a time if for instance they will be travelling and local .... ahem ... mmmmm
Another example of a 2:1 is someone who begins chatting is local but is shy/skittish ... However eventually decides to take the plunge - married boys might be appropriate in this sort of light.
So it is possible to move from a 2 to a 1 ... but there's only so much time and so many emails in a day a girl wants to sit an type out ...
Group 2 is always IMMEDIATE READ ... they are NOT always replied to, but if he sends a few notes we reply so they know we're here - we're seeing you and you rock - thanks for the love.
This group is not likely to get a reply, and if they do get a reply it's not likely to be the sort of note they're pleased to receive. These guys are the one liners the 3 and 5 worders - the "love your vids" - the "you make me hot" - the "just popped a load to you" ... that crowd.
A 3 can move up the scale if they figure out how to speak in complete thought groupings, and hold an actual conversation. The lack of a female response is designed to encourage a greater mating display, it is up to the male to either work harder, or walk away ... the female of the species can only respond to the stimuli (or lack of it) she is provided ...
WATCH A FUCKIN NATURE SHOW! YOU are the bird who walks in on the hoard of birds doing the mating dance ... goes oh - hi shit - hi - try to find a spot - get jostled twice and run. We know this. We know you won't even find a spot let alone dance and show off, so WHY acknowledge you. Read - when inclined.
Oh this one's good ... This is the
I'M HERE!!!!! HERE'S MY WALLET group ... I'm pretty sure the other GUYS don't even like you - and guess what, have a MEMO - the WOMEN don't like you either. Your ONLY redeeming quality is the belief putting up with YOU, and your ego, and your social maladjustment issues will get the other person ahead somehow (usually financially). The MOMENT they realize all you are doing is baiting and manipulating them, you're done, and they walk. You lot can not move out of the hole you've dug yourself unless or until you "make good" on the promises or claims, or fantasies you've presented people with in the past; and at that you're only likely to move to a group 3 until you can consistently NOT be a manipulative dweeb and can simply be social, civil and worth bein' around - without the bait. DInner and dancing - dinner and drinks - dinner and a movie - whatever - this should be enough if you HAVE to pay someone or offer to pay someone to be around/"with" them ... it speaks volumes about you socially.
On the other hand if the reason for this INSULT is actually a COMPLIMENT (Sorry sexy; I don't have time or I'm not close enough to truly be able to show you what you're worth to me but ... I can show you THIS way ... ) then make sure when you make THAT approach you do it with manners, you do it "clean" you do it and actually follow through, and you do not approach this as a "here's my wallet" type offer but as a tribute, an offering, a form of worshipful sacrifice; honourarium if you will THAT is the ONLY way you bunch can ever get away with this approach.
MAY OR MAY NOT BE READ - ever - subject to deletion unread.
Usually something in another language
Something incoherently rude
Something totally self serving
RESPONSE: NEVER replied to - sender blocked
Now - if you look over the emails you've sent out to people ... and where you're getting replies - Unless the babe is an attention whore I'm betting you'll notice that pattern pretty much holds true.
PROFILES are another matter entirely ... And if you're looking to get laid, make pen pals, or otherwise "find some friends of a feather" it is absolutely vital to build a profile that has enough on it so to create an interest and provide some beginning of a conversation.
PICS: PHOTOS, or vids are MANDATORY for getting replies and places with the babes - Doesn't have to be your face or cock - but it SHOULD be you. Blur out a face and you defeat the purpose. So to get around that?? BAD lighting or a darker pic ... Lots of shadows just around/over your face (trees/shadows at dusk kind of thing work) ... partial face crop off ... coverage using hats ... hands ... things in motion (removing a Tshirt, flicking a towel, tossing a beach or foot ball, swinging a racket etc) it's ALL in the timing of the shot.
LOCATION: If you don't want to list city DO at least list COUNTRY, so people have some idea where you are. If you are in a large country (like Canada) realize your states/provinces are likely to be as big and bigger than some people's entire nation. Discretion comes on a site like this in 2 ways ... 1) everyone else ON IT is here for the same shit so ratting you out rats them out and 2) if they fuck you over they ruin their own chances in the future so ... Stop being so paranoid and defeating the purpose before it's even realized; start either allowing the possibilities or accepting you simply aren't ready for them. But um if I can do this, I'm fairly certain I'm more likely to be stalked than you are right, and if I can do this - you can too, so stop being a pussy and start GETTING some pussy instead :)
AGE: Don't lie, and do keep it updated as appropriate. Some people do actually have age fetish interests or aversions so yes, it does matter and if they find out when you are standing in front of them, there is no assurances as per the result. Again a photo and the truth are kinda helpful - see me, do I LOOK 42? Ok so the info and the pic are a vital combination, and without both pieces of info you wouldn't be having the same conclusions or thoughts right ... Just be honest, be confident, be casual, and be fun ... WAY more of a "clincher" than your age, or look ...
LIKES/INFO/About me: This one you can do a few ways. You can talk, you can do your like/fave photos and vids, you can upload stuff yourself, but being ON a sex site which is as open and limit free as this one is (yes there's limits but they're international legality issues not prude issues) ... it's up to YOU to show the girls you are MAN ENOUGH to even SPEAK your interests and admit them, never mind reach out and GET them. The point of a sex site is to shed some inhibitions and allow yourself the space to breathe without fear ... your profile is your space where you create that environment of your sexual desire - if you don't have one it says you don't have that interest, or desire, or knowledge of yourself; and you're hoping someone else will define you.
If I'm looking at invites or mail and being "pestered" by someone with a blank profile who is sending me "god yer hot" "I just jacked off to you" etc notes ... I not only don't reply - I will block them to stop them from continuing to waste my time, and theirs.
If you cannot take the time to build a profile the babes are thinking:
Ok so he's married and lying ...
Ok so he's playing 40 different games with 40 different women
Ok so he's doing a fly-by and will delete the profile tomorrow
If he's so "shy;" why should I be so - open to him , he already knows far more about me than I know about him... give n take ...
Build a profile. Take the time and effort to do your online "foreplay" and add to it, update it, change it. Introduce yourself innocently without need to be present. Show us some of your interests. Show us your cock and don't be afraid if it's "small" there are people and places which prefer a small precision tool for the job. If you have an interest in another culture or language express it in a profile, take advantage of translation engines - time is on your side in a profile, and doing these things are not time sensitive like an email reply. So take the time on yourself, to make you look as appealing to the group you are seeking to interest as you can, not for them - but for yourself.
A profile is a designed introduction and if you can't take the time to build one or are too shy to speak of your interest and inclinations at your own speed and comfort level, trying to pull it out of you in chat will only be a royal pain, and subject to your hormones and moods - so build the profile ... for yourself; and if the girls like what they see, then ok it's for them too - but really it's for yourself - if for no other reason and purpose than to find other men of like mind who have more vids and clips of the sort you like :) So show them what you like - (and hey show ME what yo like so I can make them for you!) ...
So there's some thoughts and help on emails and profiles and why we reply and the profiles that work, or don't.
ALSO - THIS IS NOT AN AFF SITE so take the disclaimers OFF - And those of you with that "truth or dare" crap are sexual infants who have NO IDEA what you like or are interested in and so want to be led ... you'd fare better to say as much than to attempt to manipulate people into playing your infantile games.
Add some interests so people have something to truth or dare you about ...
Meantime - Enjoy the last night of your long weekend ... and DO go into work with a hang over ... it's a Canadian rule of July 2nd - look it up seriously the MOST sick day of the year, annually in Canada - July 2nd - if you MAKE IT into work, you'd actually be in the minority. *chuckles* SAVE A BEAVER!!!!!
11 years ago
YOU are a lil turd though rofls ...
Too much fun