My meeting with Kenny

I remain in awe from the meeting with Kenny.  It was probably the best meeting I've ever had and up to then, the youngest person I had ever met with. He was 20 at the time and looked all of 16!  And to think it almost didn't happen.

I was having a heck of a time lining anyone up prior to my business trip that August.  I had talked to at least 4 guys online trying to set something up, and Kenny was the only one who simply stated that he would meet me.  The other three ‘went silent’ shortly before I was to leave. Still, even with Kenny’s commitment, I was unsure and cut my trip short from the original four night to two. It had happened before that I had a firm 'date' and the guy punked out at the last minute.

Kenny was and is a lousy communicator.  His messages are always short and he goes days without writing.  Like many younger guys he uses text on his cell phone and doesn't like email as writing longer messages is taxing.

Kenny is Asian - not that that matters, but had anyone told me decades ago, I would be meeting for sexual intimacy with a young man from Viet Nam, I would have said they were nuts! 

I know he is very young, but in the emails he did send me, he sounded pretty mature. The photos he sent me were ok, but not all that flattering. He looked very Asian and they didn’t show much of his physique. In one he had his shirt off but the other two he was fully clothed and he didn’t look that handsome or cute.

I was scheduled to arrive on Wednesday, and Kenny and I were scheduled to meet in the hotel lobby on Thursday evening but Kenny didn't say when until Tuesday.  And the information he provided was vague: between 6:30 and 7 in one note and before 8 p.m. in another.  I told him that the hotel I was staying at had an open bar reception with snacks from 5:30 to 7:30 and urged him to come as early as he good.

I late Weds evening and pretty much unpacked and went right to bed.  I set up my DVD/VCR and watched two young male sex vids and had a nice cum after about an hour and went to sleep.

Thursday, I woke early, had breakfast and attended two of the conference sessions.  I got pretty bored with them and looked over the schedule and didn't really see anything worth staying around for, so I went back to the hotel at about noon, stripped down and took a nap for 4 hours.  Weds had been a very long day so I was pretty tired.

I planned to get up at 4, take a leisurely shower, give myself an enema, relax a bit and then go down for the open bar reception.  I did all of that.  I wore flip flops, a red polo shirt, white shorts and underwear and that was it.  I also put on a toe ring.  I took my laptop with me and had internet access and figured I would do email while I waited.

I must confess that I was not in the mood for this meeting.  For some reason, I recalled Kenny as being older and I was very nervous about meeting a gay guy who might want to do more than I was willing.  I had an email from Kenny saying that he had to walk a good deal and that he would be there but maybe not on time.  Great.

So I had a mess of beers and the tacos they had out and got pretty much of a buzz on.  There were a lot of people in the reception area.  I was kind of tucked away behind a bunch of plants.  It was around 6:30 when an Asian guy with a shoulder bag walked in looking around.  I sort of ducked down.  I was really not in the mood at this point.  He kept looking around and I figured I would make a run for it ... I closed up my laptop and bolted out of the area in the opposite direction of where Kenny was standing. 

I ducked into a little side room to catch my breath and figure out how to get to the elevators without Kenny seeing me when he walked in ...

"Tim?"  he asked?

Well, I was had, so I smiled and said,

"Kenny! I had just about given up on you." and he seemed not to notice that I was hiding and we said hello and shook hands and I asked him if he would like a beer and he said no, he was too young to drink, and that anyway, he never drank or smoked etc so we went back into the reception area and I got him some water.

He was a very cute in person - much cuter than his photos. When I first saw him I had reservations as he looked so young! Like a young teenager really. Maybe I should ask to see his drivers license?

We talked about a bunch of nothing and I was having a hard time hearing ... so many people make a lot of noise and we were sitting next to a little waterfall so I said,

"Shall we go up to the room where we can talk?"

Kenny has this habit of calling me Sir ... so he said "Yes sir,"  and up we went.

I was still nervous and the early parts of these meetings are awkward so we made forced conversation ...

I asked him about his job (he works at Starbucks and is quite proud of that) and he told me he was late because his 'recruiter' had called and wanted to meet with him and I learned that Kenny is thinking about joining the Marines!  Eeek. 

Kenny is about 5 feet tall and weighs maybe 120 pounds.  Hardly Marine material.  But Kenny explained that he is very confused about what he should do with his life and he cannot afford college tuition and figures the armed forces will pay for college. 

He had explored it thoroughly - the navy, army, air force and settled on the Marines because he liked the uniform!  He also is not stupid in that he doesn't want to join up right now because he knows he will wind up in a war zone.

Being the polite young man that he is, he asked me about my life and family and job etc (I had shared some details with him) and said, apparently sincerely, that I looked much better in person than in the photos I sent him and that he loved my smile.

Well we both knew we were meeting for more than chit chat so I asked him if we was agreeable to playing my strip poker game and he said

"Yes sir," 

I liked all that sir stuff.  Respect with dignity.

While I've written about this elsewhere, I should explain here to give these meeting accounts context, when I traveled on business, I would try and meeting with a younger man, someone with little experience in sexual intimacy, and play strip poker in my hotel room. The idea was, we would be two hetero guys getting naked together 'just for fun' and then, when we both had no clothes to lose, play on for 'favors' - foreplay type stuff such as kissing, hugging, licking body parts, sucking - anything the imagination could think of as long as it was legal and didn't involve pain, blood or anal sex.

As he went to the card table, Kenny said he didn't know how to play the game, but of course he knew how to play poker.  We sat at the table in my suite - I had a two room suite with a living room and bedroom - and I dealt.  As often happens with me, I lost miserably and within a few hands was down to my underwear.  I got to win the next couple of hands and got his shoes, socks and shirt off but I lost again and was down to the 'mercy towel' which is my way of avoiding losing completely ... but I lost the next hand anyway and was starkers.

He looked at me admiringly though ... at least he kept saying that I was 'perfect' which is pretty damn flattering to an older guy.  I won the next two hands luckily and got his pants and underwear off ... finally!  We were both naked.

What a body he has!  Being Asian he has almost no hair on his body other than his crotch - again projecting that image of extreme youth.  His pubic hair was black and bushy.  He was not muscular but very pretty. And he had the tiniest nipples I'd ever seen. 

He looked extremely boyish and if not so hairy in the crotch I would have wondered if he was lying about his age!

He apparently wasn't k**ding about liking what he saw because his cock was sticking straight up!  He has a nice cock too: not too large and his balls are like little tootsie pops.  When I got a chance to see his ass it was unbelievable!  Such a nice compact little bubble butt! So firm and round!

We played on and when he won, he didn't know what to ask me to do as a 'favor', so he asked for a kiss.  So, I kissed him on the lips and he felt just like a girl all boney and petite. While I kissed him hard on the lips, I grabbed his ass cheeks in my hands. He seemed to like it.

When I won the next round I asked him for a dick lick and it was like having a little puppy dog licking me from the balls to the tip of my cock.

He won the next round and he asked for another kiss - a long one this time - and damn if it wasn't really hot kissing him. As we separated after the long kiss, he kept his eyes closed and almost was swooning. I think he was having a good time.

I won the next round and asked for a suck and he got on his knees and gave me a good long suck.

He was a bit awkward and tentative with these things as if he had not done much of this before and in our conversation during the game he told me that he was definitely gay.  He had only kissed a handful of girls and it wasn't for him.  He told me a funny story of how a girl, when he was 15, kissed him in the high school hall and he said he got so red that when he went to class the teacher asked him if he was ok ... he said he never wanted to kiss a girl again, but they kept trying to kiss him. That was understandable because while he was not handsome, he was as cute as a button and c***d like.

He had only played sexually with a few guys - no anal sex at all - and that he really loved older guys.  Like me, he said.  He kept saying how much he liked my smile and my body.  He said I was 'perfect' ... imagine that!

Well there we were, naked, trading kisses and sucks until Kenny just said, what are we waiting for? Indicating that we should move to the bed.

I asked him to take a shower.  I was sure he was clean, but I wanted to make sure.  I had had my shower I told him (he had remarked that I smelled good) so he went in a took a quick shower and soon we were in bed together.

We didn't do all that much other than feel each other all over and roll around kissing each other.  I sucked on his dick, and he sucking on mine.  He also had this thing for my nipples.  He would kiss my nipples and then suck and bite them at the same time.  It hurt!  But it hurt really good!  He kept apologizing when I said Ouch, but then he would do it again.  I love nipple play and if it is a little painful, all the better, so I encouraged him.

We rolled around for I don't know how long.  He had such a terrific looking body and touching and licking it felt so good!  He was a delight.

Finally, I knew he had to go to make the last subway so I slathered up his cock with edebile massage oil and jerked him off.  He came very quietly but shot a nice load of cum.  In fact he was a very passive player. I loved smoothing his white cum over his flat belly and taking some and jerking him more with it as a lube.

When he was rested a bit, he asked if I wanted to cum so we got some oil and he brought me off too. He started by giving me some really long slow sucks. I told him that if he kept that up he would get a mouthful of cum and he replaced his mouth with his hand. In a matter of minutes I was spurting.

I knew he had to go ... I invited him to stay, but he said no.  We went into the living room still naked and he said Let's take a shower ... wow. That was nice, so we took a shower together, dried off and he got dressed. He was not in a hurry which I thought was nice. 

I dressed too and offered to walk him out.  We walked out to the street, hugged and I told him if the subway was closed he should come back but I didn't see him after that.

It was an amazing experience.  As I say, one of the best I've ever had ever.

We met a couple of times after that. One year after we had met and talked about his armed services thinking, he joined the Army National Guard and went off to boot camp. I corresponded with him and sent him 'care' packages and we are still friends to this day. We are no longer meeting or sexual however, as he found a 'mate' in the DC area with whom he lives and is faithful to.
Published by trowe
11 years ago
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trowe Publisher 11 years ago
to al985 : I was fortunate to meet Kenny at a time he was horny and eager to play. He was certainly young and both looked and acted young. We were very gentle with one another and I enjoyed every second and relish the memories! I remain in contact with him, but he has committed to another older guy.
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al985 11 years ago
Lucky man
harry1P 11 years ago
A truly great story. Keep up the good work with another one, please.