Spanking Rick
Another in my series of true accounts of my meeting with guys.
I met Rick in a Yahoo group where he had confessed to the group that he was looking for someone to spank him. I wasn’t into that concept all that much, but my other prospects for meeting guys were pretty slim. And he was local: I usually met with guys while away on business. Maybe it might be fun to have someone locally as a regular?
I had written a note about something that piqued Rick’s interest and he contacted me directly through a private email. Rick explained that he had met several guys for ‘discipline’ and that he liked bareass spanking while held over a ‘Dad’s’ knee … He liked roleplaying in which the ‘Dad’ accused him of some wrong doing and then prescribed a spanking.
We exchanged a number of emails. I was curious as to exactly what he expected of me and asked him to write to me about his ‘ideal session’ and he did. I figured I could play along with him although I knew I probably couldn’t meet his desires for someone to vocally accuse him and humiliate him verbally. Just not my style and I am not all that great of an actor.
But it was all interesting enough for me to pursue a meeting so we set something up in a public place so we could scope each other out.
We had arranged to meet at a Dunkin Donuts at 2:30 p.m. which Rick said was about a 5 minute drive from his house. Rick called me on my cellular phone at 2 p.m. just to confirm that the meeting was still on.
I drove over to the shop and was there about 10 minutes early and I got a cup of coffee. Rick was about 10 minutes late.
He looked pretty much like his photograph: 36, about 5'10" tall; thinning red hair; a little on the heavy side but not fat. He was wearing a t-shirt, jeans and brown hiking shoes.
We shook hands and Rick sat down and we chatted. We talked about his job (he works in a high tech area of a local plant) and his crumbling marriage (mostly in relation to his plans to try and have as low a financial settlement as possible) and his previous meetings (4) with other fellows whom he had met online. In terms of the latter, he said that the first one was pretty bad (fat and he got tired too fast), the next two were pretty good (and I meant to ask if he was still meeting with them but I didn’t get a chance) and the last one was a dud.
All this took about 20 minutes and after Rick came back to the table after using the bathroom I said,
“Well, since neither of us looks armed or dangerous, shall we go?”
Rick said he had some concerns in that his ‘in-laws’ had said they would be visiting the house ‘something today’ ... he had tried to contact them to find out when without success. I asked him if he had a sense from their previous visits whether he thought they might be there before we were done and he said he doubted it but he was still a bit worried if they arrived and saw my car in the driveway.
Well, I suggested, my car has municipal plates and he could say I was a township inspector or something and he thought that was a fine idea. That would serve as well in case any of his neighbors told his wife upon her return that he had had a ‘guest.’
So, with this final piece of business decided, we took off and I followed Rick to his house.
The house is on a mountain and is off of the main road about 3/4 of a mile into the woods. The road, as he had cautioned me, was a dirt road and very rough.
But his place is really nice outside and in and once inside Rick explained that he had ‘built’ the house himself with the help of some contractors. It is small but very comfortable and attractive. He did cut some corners though with only one bath that I could see (although it was big) and only two bedrooms.
He has a large dog - a German Shepherd - that is very friendly but excitable and we stood in the kitchen chatting until the dog calmed down and Rick said let’s go up to the bedroom.
We climbed the stairs to the master bedroom which was a reasonable sized room with a king size bed and the large bathroom right off it.
I had brought in my little bag of ‘toys’ and I laid it on the bed. After we talked nervously for a few minutes, I said,
“Well, shall we begin?”
It was obvious to me that the start of this was clumsy in that I think Rick wanted me to really play the role of the ‘Dad’ and challenge him about what he had done wrong, and based on his confession, find that I would have to punish him. Well I was too nervous to play my role very well and just went about donning a fingerless leather glove “So I don’t hurt my hand” and asking him what position he usually got spanked in? He said, “Over the knees Sir.”
I asked him if he had been naughty lately and he actually wasn’t answering too well: he said he used the computer while his wife was out of town and I had to keep inquiring if he looked at dirty pictures or what? And finally he confessed that he did. I said, again somewhat awkwardly,
“Well, I definitely think some punishment is in order Rick.”
I asked if I should sit on the bed or the straight-backed chair that was in the room and he said “Whatever you are more comfortable with Sir.” So I pulled the chair out into the middle of the room and sat down and motioned for him to lay across my lap. He did and positioned his ass right across my knees. It was clear that he had done this before.
I felt his ass a bit ... he had told me that it was small and ‘bony’ and indeed I liked that I could grab each entire check with one hand.
I started smacking him - this was at about 3:15. Slowly and with increased pressure, I smacked his ass cheeks through his jeans. After a couple of minutes I had him get up and remove his belt as it was in my way ... then I continued to smack his ass.
After a little while of that - maybe 10 minutes - I suggested that he take down his jeans. He got up, undid them and asked if he should take them all the way down, and I said yes.
He lay back down and I could feel his ass better now through his white jockey style underwear. I could get some pretty hard whacks now and spent some time warming his butt.
I would slap alternating cheeks ... 5 or 10 times on each one and then stop and squeeze his cheeks with my fingers. Having smacked my own ass, I know that the intensity is heightened if you pause and massage the area.
The glove really protected the palm of my hand and I could hit pretty hard and he grunted and cried out once in a while in pain. He also started saying out loud that he was sorry and for me to, please, stop.
After about 10 minutes of spanking his ass through the underwear, I decided to go for it and pulled his white pants down and revealed a pink and somewhat hairy ass. Not a bad looking ass, but a little too hairy for my tastes.
Now I was hitting naked meat and my slaps were harder and my series longer. His vocal protests were louder now too as well as his reaction - flinching - to the pain. I was clearly making a pain statement and he was starting to wiggle his legs and feet ...
At this point I told him to stand and take all his clothes off. He seemed a little surprised at this but obeyed me ...
“All my clothes Sir?” he asked while taking off his underwear ... and I told him he could leave his socks on which he did. I took note that he was not aroused but that he had a nice looking dick - average size - and a small scrotum. He was not too hairy down there which was nice to see.
While he stripped, I took out the two paddles I had brought along and placed them near the chair. One paddle is wooden and I had drilled large holes in it. The other paddle is plastic. Both sting pretty badly but in different ways. I think the plastic one is more severe.
Then I directed him to get me a bath towel which I placed over my legs and told him to get back down. Now his naked body was completely exposed to me. I immediately noticed that Rick’s balls were very visible to me between his legs and when I leaned to the right, I could see that his cock was bent backwards and its head was resting on the towel on my knee.
I started whacking his ass with my leather glove and increased the speed and intensity and the number of whacks in each series between ‘rests.’ During one rest I touched his balls and felt his cockhead. No precum at all.
It was about 3:50 and I figured it was time to escalate things since we only had about a half-hour left to go.
I stated that his ass looked nice and rosy and now it was time for the paddle. Rick asked if that was necessary since he didn’t think he was bad enough to deserve the paddles.
I said, “Yes, it was most certainly necessary.”
I started hitting him with the paddle and I could see that got his attention. He squirmed and made louder protests begging me to stop which of course only got me to whack him harder. I gave him a long series of whacks which were pretty noisy and got his ass really red. I wondered if I was bruising him too much? But I assumed that if he had done this 4 times before, certainly he would let me know if he felt too much pain and would ask me to stop. We had agreed in emails that there would be safe words: ‘yellow’ for, Hey decrease the intensity and ‘red’ for Hey stop! At no time during the session did he utter either word.
After alternating paddle whacks with massaging his cheeks for a while I said that it was time for the plastic paddle and again he begged me not to use it ...
The plastic paddle really made some nice smacking noise and from experience I know it stings like hell. I didn’t have any mercy at this point and gave him long series of good heavy whacks.
Now between the series I was starting to use my fingernails to scratch across his ass and down his legs. I also was squeezing his balls and feeling his cock which I could get a fairly good grip on once I pulled it further through his legs. I wondered why he didn’t get hard and was pleased that after several series with the plastic paddle he did get harder. Still no precum and no full hardon even though I was pulling on his cock as if I was jerking him off.
There was a sort of lack of sexuality about this session but it was fun just the same.
At certain points when I was hitting him really hard and at length he asked “If there was anything he could do to make me stop?” and I guessed he was asking for me to suggest something - perhaps oral sex - as an alternative to further punishment. But I really wasn’t in the mood nor did I think during this initial session that I wanted to go that far. I had made up my mind that if I was going to do this, that it was not going to be sexually based. If I made him cum that would be pretty cool especially if it was during some hard paddling but that didn’t happen.
I also reached under his chest and squeezed his nipple a few times and that REALLY got a rise out of him! He has very large and very sensitive nipples and didn’t seem at all interested in me hurting them. I mentioned that I had brought some nipple clamps with me but he made no indication that he wanted me to use them. I suppose I could have insisted but I didn’t want to push him into something that he wasn’t enthusiastic about.
In general, he was not responsive or enthusiastic about too much.
I alternated between the two paddles and did a good job of getting some color on him ... I whacked him so hard with the plastic paddle that it broke! Imagine that?
Anyway, after a bit more with the wooden paddle, he asked if he could get up - his wrists were hurting from being in one position for so long. I said sure, and he rose and stood in front of me totally naked and flaccid. I told him to look in the mirror that was in the room to see his ass and he observed that it was good and red.
After a few minutes - it was 4:10 and we had set 4:30 as the end time - I told him to lie face down on the bed. At first I say next to him, but that didn’t give me enough leverage so I pulled the chair over, spread his legs wide and sat in-between them on the chair. This gave me a good view of his ass and back and he looked pretty good. I also reached under him and pulled his cock back.
Using the paddle, I kept whacking his ass and then pausing for a few seconds to massage it.
I asked him if he had told me ‘everything’ that he had done wrong, and he responded
“So what else have you done that was bad?” I asked?
And he confessed that he had taken a paddle and whacked his own ass. I asked him if he got hard doing that ...and at this point I was feeling his cock with one hand and whacking his ass with the other ... and he admitted that he did get hard.
I asked him if he jerked off after he whacked his ass and he confess that he did and darned if he wasn’t nice and hard in my hand now! Felt really nice to have a guy’s cock in my hand. Still no precum though.
It was clear that he wanted some verbal abuse and challenges and for me to “make” him confess but he really didn’t stipulate that (I guess he expected me to know that) and if there was a weak part of my participation it was that. I wasn’t a good enough actor for that. But he most definitely got erect when I was challenging him and hitting him at the same time.
I now saw that it was 4:27 and I said “Well, Rick, I think you’ve had almost enough punishment but we are going to finish up with 40 more whacks with the paddle. And I told him he had to count them. I didn’t go into “If he messed up the count I would have to start over from 1 ...” and I think I should have.
Anyway, I did the 40 whacks as hard as I could all the while holding onto to his somewhat erect cock.
Then I told him to get up and dressed while I gathered up my toys.
We shook hands then and both of us went down stairs to the front door. I said I had a good time ... Rick didn’t really say much. Not sure what to make of that. I don’t want to over analyze my performance based on his reactions. I didn’t really know what to expect ... He didn’t seem to be a very outgoing person or one who communicated all that well. He is bright and has a sense of humor, but I found him to be rather bland. He also seemed a bit nervous and maybe was scared of me a bit.
So I won’t know really until I see if he writes to me again online. I instructed him to ‘confess’ at the spanking yahoo group where I met him that his ‘Dad, Tim, had punished him for being a bad boy” and he said he would do that so perhaps I will glean some information from that.
And I really did have a good time. It was different. I liked hitting him and hearing him express his pain. I liked feeling his cock and I wish he had cum but am not disappointed about that aspect of it. We were in this for a spanking and nothing more as far as I was concerned. He certainly - while he hinted that others had made him perform oral sex on them - did not make that part of the deal.
But that was our first and last meeting. It was exhilarating for me in that I met someone locally and did not get caught and proved to myself that it could happen. On the other hand, my paranoid self asked what if he wanted to meet again bad enough to threaten to ‘out’ me?
I decided that I would not pursue guys on my home turf unless they were truly unusual and highly desirable. I also learned that I was not great with role playing – at least in person. It was hard for me being someone other than who I am – awkward and I felt clumsy doing it.
Final note: Rick did write and thanked me for spanking him. He was sincerely grateful and said it was the 'hardest spanking' he had ever received. Maybe that was the reason for his reticence: he was in shock and in a lot of pain. He wanted to meet with me again, but we didn't pursue that.
I met Rick in a Yahoo group where he had confessed to the group that he was looking for someone to spank him. I wasn’t into that concept all that much, but my other prospects for meeting guys were pretty slim. And he was local: I usually met with guys while away on business. Maybe it might be fun to have someone locally as a regular?
I had written a note about something that piqued Rick’s interest and he contacted me directly through a private email. Rick explained that he had met several guys for ‘discipline’ and that he liked bareass spanking while held over a ‘Dad’s’ knee … He liked roleplaying in which the ‘Dad’ accused him of some wrong doing and then prescribed a spanking.
We exchanged a number of emails. I was curious as to exactly what he expected of me and asked him to write to me about his ‘ideal session’ and he did. I figured I could play along with him although I knew I probably couldn’t meet his desires for someone to vocally accuse him and humiliate him verbally. Just not my style and I am not all that great of an actor.
But it was all interesting enough for me to pursue a meeting so we set something up in a public place so we could scope each other out.
We had arranged to meet at a Dunkin Donuts at 2:30 p.m. which Rick said was about a 5 minute drive from his house. Rick called me on my cellular phone at 2 p.m. just to confirm that the meeting was still on.
I drove over to the shop and was there about 10 minutes early and I got a cup of coffee. Rick was about 10 minutes late.
He looked pretty much like his photograph: 36, about 5'10" tall; thinning red hair; a little on the heavy side but not fat. He was wearing a t-shirt, jeans and brown hiking shoes.
We shook hands and Rick sat down and we chatted. We talked about his job (he works in a high tech area of a local plant) and his crumbling marriage (mostly in relation to his plans to try and have as low a financial settlement as possible) and his previous meetings (4) with other fellows whom he had met online. In terms of the latter, he said that the first one was pretty bad (fat and he got tired too fast), the next two were pretty good (and I meant to ask if he was still meeting with them but I didn’t get a chance) and the last one was a dud.
All this took about 20 minutes and after Rick came back to the table after using the bathroom I said,
“Well, since neither of us looks armed or dangerous, shall we go?”
Rick said he had some concerns in that his ‘in-laws’ had said they would be visiting the house ‘something today’ ... he had tried to contact them to find out when without success. I asked him if he had a sense from their previous visits whether he thought they might be there before we were done and he said he doubted it but he was still a bit worried if they arrived and saw my car in the driveway.
Well, I suggested, my car has municipal plates and he could say I was a township inspector or something and he thought that was a fine idea. That would serve as well in case any of his neighbors told his wife upon her return that he had had a ‘guest.’
So, with this final piece of business decided, we took off and I followed Rick to his house.
The house is on a mountain and is off of the main road about 3/4 of a mile into the woods. The road, as he had cautioned me, was a dirt road and very rough.
But his place is really nice outside and in and once inside Rick explained that he had ‘built’ the house himself with the help of some contractors. It is small but very comfortable and attractive. He did cut some corners though with only one bath that I could see (although it was big) and only two bedrooms.
He has a large dog - a German Shepherd - that is very friendly but excitable and we stood in the kitchen chatting until the dog calmed down and Rick said let’s go up to the bedroom.
We climbed the stairs to the master bedroom which was a reasonable sized room with a king size bed and the large bathroom right off it.
I had brought in my little bag of ‘toys’ and I laid it on the bed. After we talked nervously for a few minutes, I said,
“Well, shall we begin?”
It was obvious to me that the start of this was clumsy in that I think Rick wanted me to really play the role of the ‘Dad’ and challenge him about what he had done wrong, and based on his confession, find that I would have to punish him. Well I was too nervous to play my role very well and just went about donning a fingerless leather glove “So I don’t hurt my hand” and asking him what position he usually got spanked in? He said, “Over the knees Sir.”
I asked him if he had been naughty lately and he actually wasn’t answering too well: he said he used the computer while his wife was out of town and I had to keep inquiring if he looked at dirty pictures or what? And finally he confessed that he did. I said, again somewhat awkwardly,
“Well, I definitely think some punishment is in order Rick.”
I asked if I should sit on the bed or the straight-backed chair that was in the room and he said “Whatever you are more comfortable with Sir.” So I pulled the chair out into the middle of the room and sat down and motioned for him to lay across my lap. He did and positioned his ass right across my knees. It was clear that he had done this before.
I felt his ass a bit ... he had told me that it was small and ‘bony’ and indeed I liked that I could grab each entire check with one hand.
I started smacking him - this was at about 3:15. Slowly and with increased pressure, I smacked his ass cheeks through his jeans. After a couple of minutes I had him get up and remove his belt as it was in my way ... then I continued to smack his ass.
After a little while of that - maybe 10 minutes - I suggested that he take down his jeans. He got up, undid them and asked if he should take them all the way down, and I said yes.
He lay back down and I could feel his ass better now through his white jockey style underwear. I could get some pretty hard whacks now and spent some time warming his butt.
I would slap alternating cheeks ... 5 or 10 times on each one and then stop and squeeze his cheeks with my fingers. Having smacked my own ass, I know that the intensity is heightened if you pause and massage the area.
The glove really protected the palm of my hand and I could hit pretty hard and he grunted and cried out once in a while in pain. He also started saying out loud that he was sorry and for me to, please, stop.
After about 10 minutes of spanking his ass through the underwear, I decided to go for it and pulled his white pants down and revealed a pink and somewhat hairy ass. Not a bad looking ass, but a little too hairy for my tastes.
Now I was hitting naked meat and my slaps were harder and my series longer. His vocal protests were louder now too as well as his reaction - flinching - to the pain. I was clearly making a pain statement and he was starting to wiggle his legs and feet ...
At this point I told him to stand and take all his clothes off. He seemed a little surprised at this but obeyed me ...
“All my clothes Sir?” he asked while taking off his underwear ... and I told him he could leave his socks on which he did. I took note that he was not aroused but that he had a nice looking dick - average size - and a small scrotum. He was not too hairy down there which was nice to see.
While he stripped, I took out the two paddles I had brought along and placed them near the chair. One paddle is wooden and I had drilled large holes in it. The other paddle is plastic. Both sting pretty badly but in different ways. I think the plastic one is more severe.
Then I directed him to get me a bath towel which I placed over my legs and told him to get back down. Now his naked body was completely exposed to me. I immediately noticed that Rick’s balls were very visible to me between his legs and when I leaned to the right, I could see that his cock was bent backwards and its head was resting on the towel on my knee.
I started whacking his ass with my leather glove and increased the speed and intensity and the number of whacks in each series between ‘rests.’ During one rest I touched his balls and felt his cockhead. No precum at all.
It was about 3:50 and I figured it was time to escalate things since we only had about a half-hour left to go.
I stated that his ass looked nice and rosy and now it was time for the paddle. Rick asked if that was necessary since he didn’t think he was bad enough to deserve the paddles.
I said, “Yes, it was most certainly necessary.”
I started hitting him with the paddle and I could see that got his attention. He squirmed and made louder protests begging me to stop which of course only got me to whack him harder. I gave him a long series of whacks which were pretty noisy and got his ass really red. I wondered if I was bruising him too much? But I assumed that if he had done this 4 times before, certainly he would let me know if he felt too much pain and would ask me to stop. We had agreed in emails that there would be safe words: ‘yellow’ for, Hey decrease the intensity and ‘red’ for Hey stop! At no time during the session did he utter either word.
After alternating paddle whacks with massaging his cheeks for a while I said that it was time for the plastic paddle and again he begged me not to use it ...
The plastic paddle really made some nice smacking noise and from experience I know it stings like hell. I didn’t have any mercy at this point and gave him long series of good heavy whacks.
Now between the series I was starting to use my fingernails to scratch across his ass and down his legs. I also was squeezing his balls and feeling his cock which I could get a fairly good grip on once I pulled it further through his legs. I wondered why he didn’t get hard and was pleased that after several series with the plastic paddle he did get harder. Still no precum and no full hardon even though I was pulling on his cock as if I was jerking him off.
There was a sort of lack of sexuality about this session but it was fun just the same.
At certain points when I was hitting him really hard and at length he asked “If there was anything he could do to make me stop?” and I guessed he was asking for me to suggest something - perhaps oral sex - as an alternative to further punishment. But I really wasn’t in the mood nor did I think during this initial session that I wanted to go that far. I had made up my mind that if I was going to do this, that it was not going to be sexually based. If I made him cum that would be pretty cool especially if it was during some hard paddling but that didn’t happen.
I also reached under his chest and squeezed his nipple a few times and that REALLY got a rise out of him! He has very large and very sensitive nipples and didn’t seem at all interested in me hurting them. I mentioned that I had brought some nipple clamps with me but he made no indication that he wanted me to use them. I suppose I could have insisted but I didn’t want to push him into something that he wasn’t enthusiastic about.
In general, he was not responsive or enthusiastic about too much.
I alternated between the two paddles and did a good job of getting some color on him ... I whacked him so hard with the plastic paddle that it broke! Imagine that?
Anyway, after a bit more with the wooden paddle, he asked if he could get up - his wrists were hurting from being in one position for so long. I said sure, and he rose and stood in front of me totally naked and flaccid. I told him to look in the mirror that was in the room to see his ass and he observed that it was good and red.
After a few minutes - it was 4:10 and we had set 4:30 as the end time - I told him to lie face down on the bed. At first I say next to him, but that didn’t give me enough leverage so I pulled the chair over, spread his legs wide and sat in-between them on the chair. This gave me a good view of his ass and back and he looked pretty good. I also reached under him and pulled his cock back.
Using the paddle, I kept whacking his ass and then pausing for a few seconds to massage it.
I asked him if he had told me ‘everything’ that he had done wrong, and he responded
“So what else have you done that was bad?” I asked?
And he confessed that he had taken a paddle and whacked his own ass. I asked him if he got hard doing that ...and at this point I was feeling his cock with one hand and whacking his ass with the other ... and he admitted that he did get hard.
I asked him if he jerked off after he whacked his ass and he confess that he did and darned if he wasn’t nice and hard in my hand now! Felt really nice to have a guy’s cock in my hand. Still no precum though.
It was clear that he wanted some verbal abuse and challenges and for me to “make” him confess but he really didn’t stipulate that (I guess he expected me to know that) and if there was a weak part of my participation it was that. I wasn’t a good enough actor for that. But he most definitely got erect when I was challenging him and hitting him at the same time.
I now saw that it was 4:27 and I said “Well, Rick, I think you’ve had almost enough punishment but we are going to finish up with 40 more whacks with the paddle. And I told him he had to count them. I didn’t go into “If he messed up the count I would have to start over from 1 ...” and I think I should have.
Anyway, I did the 40 whacks as hard as I could all the while holding onto to his somewhat erect cock.
Then I told him to get up and dressed while I gathered up my toys.
We shook hands then and both of us went down stairs to the front door. I said I had a good time ... Rick didn’t really say much. Not sure what to make of that. I don’t want to over analyze my performance based on his reactions. I didn’t really know what to expect ... He didn’t seem to be a very outgoing person or one who communicated all that well. He is bright and has a sense of humor, but I found him to be rather bland. He also seemed a bit nervous and maybe was scared of me a bit.
So I won’t know really until I see if he writes to me again online. I instructed him to ‘confess’ at the spanking yahoo group where I met him that his ‘Dad, Tim, had punished him for being a bad boy” and he said he would do that so perhaps I will glean some information from that.
And I really did have a good time. It was different. I liked hitting him and hearing him express his pain. I liked feeling his cock and I wish he had cum but am not disappointed about that aspect of it. We were in this for a spanking and nothing more as far as I was concerned. He certainly - while he hinted that others had made him perform oral sex on them - did not make that part of the deal.
But that was our first and last meeting. It was exhilarating for me in that I met someone locally and did not get caught and proved to myself that it could happen. On the other hand, my paranoid self asked what if he wanted to meet again bad enough to threaten to ‘out’ me?
I decided that I would not pursue guys on my home turf unless they were truly unusual and highly desirable. I also learned that I was not great with role playing – at least in person. It was hard for me being someone other than who I am – awkward and I felt clumsy doing it.
Final note: Rick did write and thanked me for spanking him. He was sincerely grateful and said it was the 'hardest spanking' he had ever received. Maybe that was the reason for his reticence: he was in shock and in a lot of pain. He wanted to meet with me again, but we didn't pursue that.
11 years ago