My meeting with "Roni"

I met Roni online at a Yahoo group called ā€œclosed loopā€ relationships.

The concept of this group is that a traditional marriage works for many people: man and wife as a couple; but some people, mainly men who are gay or who have strong bisexual tendencies, need a ā€˜thirdā€™ person to ā€˜close the loopā€™ of the relationship. There is considerable controversy within the group membership as to whether wives should be made aware of this desire or if men can have such a relationship on the side that harms no one but completes the man himself. In one way, it is a form of bonding with someone else of the same sex. If that bonding leads to sexual intimacy, then it is suggested that this is harmless.

Roni - not his real name of course - posted a note several days prior to my scheduled business trip in August to Arlington Virginia. Roni posted a note saying that he was a young man looking for an older person to meet discreetly: Here is the text of his original note posted:

Looking to meet older man, 50-70, and have a CLR

Roni wrote:

Me - professional, early 30s, 5'8", 150 lb, slender, nice complexion (like tanned white), good looking (told by many), very straight acting, bisexual, extremely discreet, D&D free, can do various things with a right person. Like to get into intelligent conversation. Open for a long-term relationship.

You - 50 -70, professional, in good shape, slender the better, good looking, wearing glasses a plus not necessary, D&D free, and caring. If you are visiting DC, I can meet you at your hotel, show you around (if time permits), have lunch. Prefer married bi guys who are also straight acting.

I read the note with interest. I had been contacting people online at yahoo groups for weeks. I had searched for a younger guy who was a newbie and interested in doing some exploring. My previous experience in meeting people had not been all that successful. I had three meetings up until now: I met with one younger guy who wanted me to spank him, one older guy who was a submissive and we played strip poker and another younger guy who just wanted to hop into bed and ā€˜do itā€™ (we did not). While all three had been fun, none had been all that satisfying and none of the guys matched my ideal body image of a playmate: younger, thin, smooth, hard body with little hair.

So I was on the hunt. I talked to three younger guys who really seem promising. Two from DC had foot fetishes that I thought would be fun and a third just want to try things out. The third fellow was actually from Ohio and was planning on meeting me in DC for playtime. The latter fellow cancelled because he got nervous and the trip got to be too complicated for him, the former two both re-thought their desires and decided against meeting.

From there I must have communicated with another dozen guys who either I contacted or who responded to my profile or a note that I had posted at a meet-up site. None of these worked out for a variety of reasons. Most guys apparently like the idea of hooking up and the ā€˜danceā€™ around the planning of such a meeting, but when it comes time to commit for real, they get cold feet.

I responded to Roniā€™s note immediately and he shot back a note just as quickly asking for a photo and more about me. One thing I liked about Roni was his prompt responses that, although they were not long, were complete and to the point. I told him a bit more about me and sent him some photos. He liked my photos and he sent me one of him ā€¦ It was a ā€˜normalā€™ shot of him sitting at a desk revealing that he was of foreign origin. His original note said that he had darker skin but I wasnā€™t bothered by either of those things as long as the young man was thin and had a nice smooth body. He said he was smooth but had hair on his legs and ass. I didnā€™t mind the leg hair but the ass thing kind of bothered me ā€¦ but at this point I really couldnā€™t be too picky.

I had set up another ā€˜dateā€™ with a submissive that I was going to give a ā€˜medical examā€™, which sounded like fun. The only drawback was that he could only meet during the daytime. I like to attend the meetings at the conferences I go to and like to play in the evenings. But we talked and he seemed like a nice guy ā€“ he is 40-something ā€“ and we were all set to meet when three days out he wrote and expressed misgivings. Well I wrote back saying that it was not a problem if he wanted to cancel out. The daytime meeting thing was not all that good for me. So he cancelled and said maybe another time.

The other person I was close to meeting was a young man in Virginia Beach who wanted me to spank him. He sent me photos and had a great body and spanking usually leads to some sort of sexual contact. But he lived 3.5 hours by car from DC and refused either to meet me in DC or even halfway. With that kind of drive, I would be in a car for 7-8 hours for probably a three-hour meeting. He didnā€™t indicate any interest in a longer meeting or for me to stay overnight with him (he referred me to local hotels which were not cheap). So I cancelled out on him but am keeping him around for future reference.

Since I am so new at all of this, I really feel better if I have a ā€˜hookā€™ that allows me to keep in total control of things. Spanking, foot worship, submissive play all seem to me to be approaches that allow me to take charge. In the end, I could not find anyone viable to meet on my terms. Roni suggested that he had little experience and wanted to explore just as I did so it seemed very promising.

I continued to correspond with Roni and, both in his tone and level of communications, he seemed better and better. I laid out my proposal to him. I would invite him to my hotel, meet him first in the lobby so that we could both be sure we were who we said we were. And then we would go up to my room, a suite with two rooms, where I would take off his clothes, have him shower (I explained that I was a clean freak, and of course, did not want to play with someone who worked all day and had not washed since morning). Then, with him face down on the bed, give him a nice long massage ā€¦ basically tease him until he begged me to make him cum. With this approach I felt I could do as much or as little as I wanted.

Roni wrote back and said that that approach would be fine but that he probably could only meet me in the later afternoon for only two hours from 4 to 6. Well, I was hoping for a long lingering evening ā€¦ possibly with some beer drinking, strip poker, watching porn and easing into things. But heck, Roni was my only live contact at this point just days before I was to leave.

As the date drew close, I introduced myself for real, gave him my real name, where I was going to stay and gave him my cellular telephone number. I also asked him again (I think I asked him three times in all) if he was okay with my plan, as I knew it was very limited and he said that he was and that he would simply tell me if anything didnā€™t please him.

Later on he told me that he had some hesitations in meeting with me simply because I was a stranger ā€“ an unknown factor. Once he got my real name, he did a google search and found my companyā€™s web site and that I was an established fellow sort of in the same industry he is in (he works for the government). He also came across a photo of me accepting an award on behalf of our agency in which I looked rather rotund. It gave him pause, he told me later frankly. He had met before with a heavyset guy and he was just hoping that I was not ā€˜fat.ā€™ Turned out I was not - in his opinion anyway.

We were going to meet on the second night I was in DC, at my hotel with the time adjusted to from 5 to 7 PM. Roni is married and has a real problem getting away from home alone during the evening hours. A situation I can well relate to.

Anyway, I left for DC on Tuesday, August 23, got to my hotel all right, set up camp and spent my first evening naked in my room watching porn and enjoying a long eveningā€™s tease. My suite was nicer then I expected and there was not only free breakfast daily, but each evening there was a free open bar and snacks in the lobby. I took full advantage of both. The suite consisted of a living room with a small dining area; microwave, fridge, bathroom and a separate bedroom with a king sized bed. There were two TVs one in the living room and one in the bedroom. The lighting was great and so was the climate control: I set the room temp up for warm naked comfort.

This was Tuesday. I spent the evening as I usually did when away on business. Set myself up with some dinner I could microwave. Cooled down the beer. Stripped and showered. Put on some good porn. Had a great evening.

Wednesday, I awoke early, had breakfast downstairs, and went to my meetings, which I attended until noon. The meetings were at a nearby hotel a few minutes drive from where I was staying.

I had discovered that I had forgotten a memory card for my digi cam so I spent several hours that afternoon driving around trying to find a cheap one ā€¦ well I couldnā€™t so I wrote it off and got back to my hotel around 3:30.

I set the room up for Roniā€™s visit. Put some porn in my player, laid out some bath towels on the king-sized bed for the massage portion of the evening and laid out a towel and flip flops in the bath for Roni to use after his shower. As an afterthought I arranged the table in the living room for cards if Roni so chose to play strip poker.

Then I took a shower myself, put on a t-shirt, loose shorts and flipflops. It was now about 4:30 and Roni was due in the lobby at 5 so I went downstairs to wait in the lobby. I also did something unusual ā€“ at least for me. I suddenly had misgivings about meeting a total stranger myself. I usually carry several hundred dollars in cash and was concerned about the possibility of being robbed. So I took the money, put it in an envelope and stashed the cash in the hotel safety deposit box.

I had no reason to distrust Roni. So far he had been much more open and straightforward then other guy that I communicated with previously, but, I took this precaution anyway. I didnā€™t do anything to hide my digital cameras (I had two with me) or my new Dell laptop, cellular phone etc. I was not that paranoid, but cash seemed a bit risky to have in my room for someone to find while I was in the bathroom doing something.

I wandered around the small hotel lobby for a half an hour ā€¦ No Roni. Then at a few minutes after 5 Roni called my cellular and explained that he was lost. As it turned out he was very close ā€“ only a block away actually and once I explained where the hotel was, he said he would be there in about 10 minutes. I decided to go outside and meet him on the way in. I was walking down the driveway to the street when I saw a young man in white shirt, tie and khaki trousers and briefcase walking up the sidewalk coming from the opposite direction that I thought Roni would be coming from. Well we passed each other and I turned around and followed him into the hotel lobby ā€¦ he was heading towards the elevators obviously looking for someone when I approached him and asked if he was Roni and he said yes.

We shook hands, stood there awkwardly for a moment and I asked if he wanted to go up to the room and he said yes.

First impressions: Roni was as dark skinned as I imagined he would be and had more then the ā€˜suntanā€™ that he described himself as having. But that was ok. He was not ā€˜blackā€™ and clearly had caucasian facial features. He was good looking in fact, wore glasses and had a nice smile. He is a bit shorter then I am and his pants sort of made him look a little plump from the waist down. Something that was deceiving I found out later. I was frankly nervous and not all that observant really.

We made some small talk ā€¦ we were both nervous or at least, I certainly was. On the way up to my room, I asked him if he was married and he hesitated before he answered me. It was clear that he wanted to share as little information as possible.

We got to my room and stood in the living room and I asked him if he wanted a beer and he said sure. We sat down he on a chair and me on the couch. I forget what we talked about it was so inane. As far as I could tell, he had no accent and spoke English like a native.

I asked him if he wanted to play strip poker and he said he didnā€™t know how to play poker at all. After maybe 10 minutes of this awkward small talk I asked him if he wanted to get started ā€¦ he looked quizzically at me, and I said lets take your clothes off and get you into the shower. He said ok and, stood and took his tie off and then started unbuckling his pants while I undid his shirt buttons. He was wearing an undershirt and boxer shorts. I felt rather clumsy undressing him so I just moved away and let him proceed. Soon he was wearing only the t-shirt and underwear and I pointed him to the bathroom, showed him the towels and flip-flops. The flip-flops were to keep his feet clean.

Roni was in the shower for only a few minutes. I turned on a porn video in the bedroom that I had set up. It was a foot fetish porn video. Roni came out of the shower wearing only a towel and no flip-flops. He went into the living room and I stayed in the bedroom. I think he was getting his glasses and maybe checking his wallet to see if I taken anything ā€“ a natural fear since he didnā€™t know me either. I found out later that Roni went to his trousers to get a small bottle of vodka he had brought alone for ā€˜courage.ā€™ He took a swig while in the living room out of sight from me. This information only made Roni more dear to me as he was as nervous as I was but went ahead with everything in spite of his nervousness. It also confirmed our mutual attraction.

I waited in the bedroom and Roni came in wearing his towel and carrying his beer. I took off my shirt and then gestured for Roni to get into bed and lay on the towel face down. I adjusted him so that he lay on his stomach, still covering his ass by the towel. I took off my shorts and was now naked. I crawled onto the bed, looking at this young smooth skinned man ā€¦ he had beautiful skin. His leg hair was dark but not thick. He also had lovely feet I noted happily.

I wanted to feel him all over and massage was definitely the best approach. I donā€™t think Roni was too sure about all this, but he patiently cooperated. I started at his shoulders and neck in classic massage fashion, with both hands, rubbed his skin and muscles as deeply as I could. I squeezed his muscles and gently kneaded them. I moved from neck to mid-section and then proceeded to work on his legs and worked over both of his feet. While doing so I could really study his body and just marveled at how perfect his ass was. It was round, firm and very sexy!

I got the massage oil that I had bought for this purpose ā€“ ā€œedibleā€ massage oil apple/cinnamon flavored. I had never used it before. I poured some on my hands to warm it up and then put my hands on his back and slowly rubbed it in. Everything I did was in slow motion. I was in no hurry. We had at least 90 minutes I figured.

I rubbed his back and arms and then massaged oil into his legs and paid particular attention to his feet. Then I moved back up to his ass and massaged it deeply. Roniā€™s moans grew a bit louder and he reached back and started to pull on my cock. This was really nice. I worked on his ass some more and then started to reach under his ass to caress his balls. His hairless scrotum was very dark and he reacted immediately to my touch ā€¦ moaning louder and lifting his ass a bit to give me more access. Roni clearly loved this.

I must have massaged his back for maybe 15 minutes and then I turned him over. The first thing I laid my eyes on was his cock. He was fully erect ā€“ I couldnā€™t tell if he was cut or uncut ā€“ we never discussed that ā€“ but it was pretty plain that my attentions had gotten his cock to stand at attention. There was no precum that I could see. His cock was perfect for me: not too large, thin and I could imagine very easy to take into my mouth.

His chest was beautiful. Nice dark nipples and just sweetly defined pecs and flat tummy. He had had an appendectomy and had a scar that was a very dark line just to the right of his belly button. I thought having a flaw like that just made him more attractive. There was no hair at all on his chest, just the way I love it. He had pubic hair on his scrotum but not much at all around his crotch. As I said, his legs were hairy, but his dark tanned skin made the dark hair blend in. Roni had said he was 5ā€™8ā€ and 150 and I would say that was true. He was extremely well proportioned and good-looking.

I started the frontal oil massage: pouring oil on his chest and massaging it in ā€¦ doing his nipples and tummy ā€¦ and then his legs. I kneaded his muscles and worked the oil into his skin. He was so smooth! I asked him if he wanted me to remove his glasses, but he said no, that he preferred to be able to see my naked body, which I thought was a nice thing to say.

Working his legs I noticed how hot his feet look. I am not a foot fetishist, but I do like feet and Roniā€™s were lovely. I decided to go for it and started kissing his feet ā€¦ tops, bottoms, toes ā€¦ this got an immediate response from Roni. He moaned. Thus encouraged, I started sucking on his toes. He moaned continuously and I kept sucking. I worked on his feet ā€“ nibbling at his soles and sucking his big toe as if it were a cock. I liked that very much and he did too. More then the activity, I liked the reaction.

I then moved to his mid-section. He had a nice flat tummy. In my plan to tease and prolong his pleasure, I was going to not touch his cock but rather continue my ministrations to get him as hot as possible but I could not resist that sweet looking, hard cock. It was not big: about the same size as mine: six inches, and on the thin side which I like very much. His cock head was well defined ā€“ like a mushroom - with a thick line of skin right beneath it on the front. I took some oil and stroked his cock and massaged his balls. I got on the bed between his legs with my head close to his crotch and just started licking his scrotum ā€¦ then I took one of his balls into my mouth and apparently went a little too fast because he sat up a bit. I apologized and he just murmured take it slow, which I did from then on. I just could not resist it; I started licking his cock. It was so soft and firm! Then I took his dick into my mouth and sucked it deep! As I say, I planned on teasing and teasing him and here I was nearly working to bring him off. Roni loved it. He reached down for my dick and started pulling on it.

Well I did that for several minutes and then turned Roni over again. I wanted to work some more on that ass of his. I massaged his back and legs again and kissed his feet and sucked his toes. Then I oiled his ass and brought my fingers down his crack hard to feel where his anus was located. I also wanted to get his reaction to my approaching his anus like that. He did not object but rather continued his soft moaning so I went for it. I massaged his anus with the oil and with a wet finger started to pressure in. He clenched his ass muscles obviously enjoying the sensation and the attempts at my invasion and then I stuck my finger into his asshole. Again, I think he loved it as he moaned louder and started moving his ass against my finger.

He felt good to me that was for sure. His skin was smooth and soft. Almost every part of him was smooth and nearly perfect. He barely had a flaw on his body ā€¦ the young man was just pure perfection.

God I could not believe that this was going as well as it was! Here I was, massaging a sweet looking young man, sucking on his feet, toes and cock and pumping my finger into his ass. And Roni, I think, loved it as well. All I know is that I did things that I had never done to a man before, inspired by this lovely young body that was at my fingertips.

He was clearly sexually aroused further and I slid a second finger into him and he continued to express his pleasure. His anus was very pliable and while tight, I could easily work two fingers in and out of him so that he felt pleasure, not pressure or discomfort. This was all about pleasure and comfort.

Well I did that for a while and then Roni gestured for me to replace him on the bed towel. He wanted to massage my body. I was a bit hesitant since I was so concerned that if he touched me too much or stroked my cock I might cum right away. But he was assertive and I sensed that he wanted to reciprocate, to give me pleasure, and so I lay on my stomach while he did to me what I did to him only he didnā€™t kiss or suck my feet or toes. He did not take as long to put his finger in my ass. God was that a trip! It felt just incredible to have another guy working me over like that. And I had never had another guyā€™s finger inside me like that. I was in heaven.

Then he turned me over and massaged my chest and legs and started pumping my cock with his finger in my ass. Well this is the formula for making me cum quick and I told him so, so he let up. In fact, we took a brief beer-sipping break. Very brief.

We got back into the bed, once again with me massaging Roni. This time with him on his back I went from toe to groin ā€¦ worked his cock over pretty well and now was driving two fingers into his asshole ā€¦ pumping it pretty well. Then I was licking and sucking his cock. Sucking his cock pretty hard and deep ā€“ sucking cock in a way I had never done before in my life. Hell, practically none of this I had done before. I could not discern any precum but it was obvious Roni was extremely aroused.

I was doing things with my mouth and his cock and I had seen in porn movies. Taking his cock head and just sucking on it. Then pushing my tongue into his pee hole. Taking his cock down all the way into my mouth. I thought it would be a choking thing, but his cock was so sweet and thin that the entire thing fit. Then I took his cock and put in one side of my mouth and then in the other. I let the cock fall out of my mouth and licked it from the base to the tip. Took his balls into my mouth one by one. I had a ball, literally!

Looking back on it now, even though we went slowly, I wish I had not rushed certain parts of this. But some of it was spur of the moment ā€“ it was just there - and other parts of it were the passion of the moment.

It was such an exciting thing. Here I finally had a body and a cock that I could play with that was eye-pleasing and completely available and compliant. It was just a terrific feeling to be able to express myself this way and experience what it was like to ā€˜make loveā€™ to a young firm body. And remarkably, Roni seemed to genuinely appreciate my body. It was just mind-blowing.

I got him pretty turned on because he stopped me and said that he was ready to cum but didnā€™t want to yet. He motioned for me to get on my back and he got on top of me and pressed his hard cock next to mine and started humping me ā€¦ then with his face close to mine, he said, kiss me. Now I was not really prepared for this. But I didnā€™t have much choice really. I closed my eyes and he pressed his lips against mine and I just responded. His lips were kind of mushy but soon we were kissing and tonguing one another like, well, a man and woman. It was something that I really didnā€™t think I would like doing, but it was surprisingly pleasurable.

At one point, Roni said to me: ā€œMaking love to a man is much easier then making love to a woman.ā€ I agreed and said it certainly seemed to be much less complicated.

We didnā€™t talk much. As he said before we met, if there was something he didnā€™t like, he just would say so. Likewise, he was just very polite when I said no to something ā€“ although that wasnā€™t often. He also made nice remarks about my body and would express pleasure when he touched me. We tended to talk very quietly when we did speak to one another. I think we both were very aware and sensitive to the other person and trying to do what pleased the other the most.

He continued to hump my groin. And he reached down with his hand, brought our two cocks together and pumped them a bit. Then he went down on me. He licked my cock and took it into his mouth. I thought for sure I would cum right away, but I did not. It was one of my fears that I would be so aroused and excited that I would cum at the slightest touch. But, I did not. I did not watch him either which I think might have pushed me over the edge. Watching Roni suck my cock definitely would have made me excited. It was very nice. His wet fingers were into my asshole too ā€¦ he pumped me two ways; cock and ass, and it was just delightful. Then something that really surprised me happened.

He rose up like he was doing a push up and then raised my legs up and started pressing his cock against my asshole ā€¦ before I knew it, he was inside of me! I opened my eyes and said NO ā€¦ he said, it would be okay. Donā€™t cum! I said, and he said he would not cum and that he was very safe. He entered me and pumped a few times and it felt okay but it was tight. But it was clear that I was uncomfortable with the idea of the things and so he soon he backed off. It did not spoil the mood. In fact, I was amazed that he slipped inside me so easily and that it felt okay. I was glad that he was not big and that he was so patient with my limits.

We played some more. Kissing each other, sucking each other. We took a couple of more breaks - just a couple of one-minute breaks - to sip beer and then resume.

After one break, I observed that I was very sweaty and Roni said, Yes, and I like that!

Roni glanced at the clock a couple of times which was ok since I knew he was up against a time deadline. It was now about 6 p.m. He said a couple of times, he did not want to cum yet. He said he was really enjoying himself and wanted to make it last.

I was sucking him and working on his cock and ass with my fingers and hands and he said, stop please, I donā€™t want to cum ā€¦ but it was a few strokes too late apparently since he said, Iā€™m going to cum! And I pumped and pumped his cock and ass and he spurt a nice thick bunch of sperm on his tummy. His orgasm was very strong and he bucked slightly and moaned in a very cool way. As he rested after his orgasm, I did something that Iā€™ve wanted to do for a long time: I took my hand and rubbed Roniā€™s sperm into his tummy and then with a wet handful, pumped it onto his cock ā€¦.

After a few minutesā€™ rest, Roni said he wanted to make me cum. I was going to skip that and wait until the end of the evening to do myself, but he was so sincere in his expression of affection for me that I agreed and lay back on the bed while he got between my legs. Again he filed my asshole with his fingers and sucking on my cock. By this point though my stamina was dropping and my cock was not very stiff. Roni didnā€™t mind apparently and he pumped me and pumped me until I was very close.

He did the two cocks in one hand thing again, which was pretty nice. He sucked me some more and then just kept pumping and fucking my ass with his fingers. I told him not to stop that, even though I was on the soft side, I would cum ok and in a few seconds I did just that and shot a wad of cum that hit me high the chest which I thought was pretty good for an old fellow.

We lay there for a few minutes just enjoying the moment. Roni said this was the best time he had had with someone. He said it lasted a full hour and that this was the longest he had spent like this with a guy. He also said ā€“ which he had kindly said several times during the session ā€“ that I was his type. I of course kept complimenting him on his good looks and terrific body.

After while, I suggested to Roni that we get dressed and go down and partake of the open bar in the lobby/dining area.

Since I had coated Roni with apple/cinnamon edible massage oil, he took a shower to wash it off so he wouldnā€™t go home to his wife smelling odd. I got dressed in my t-shirt and shorts and flip flops and, after Roni dried off and got dressed we wen down to the lobby where happy hour going on. We got some beers and noshes and sat down for a few minutes. It was about 6:30 and Roni had to go at 7.

Roni felt confident of me now that he told me his real name and that he was married for four years and had a son. He said that he was from Bangladesh originally but I had no idea when he moved here. I assumed it was when he was a c***d since his English was so natural and he had no accent to speak of. Turned out that he was much older when he moved to the US.

He told me that he had met with several guys before but none turned out as nice as me, which I thought was a very nice thing to say. He said he had mostly gotten naked with guys and just touched them or jerked off with them. If he had done anything more sexual he assured me that it was with someone he was sure was ā€˜safeā€™ and he used a condom.

It was then too that Roni said that he had had reservations about meeting me but when he had done a google search on my name and the photos he had seen made him think somehow that he could trust me. He also said the one made me look fat, which he assured me I was not, and he was relieved when he saw me naked that while I was bigger then him, I was well-proportioned.

I talked about the difficulty finding a reliable person to meet. I told him about the last time I was in DC I had arranged ā€˜datesā€™ with four different guys and every one cancelled. Roni expressed amazement at this. I said it was probably because I was looking for something so different: a chance to meet someone with about my same level of experience who was willing to explore intimacy and not simply get together and fuck. Plus I was looking for someone who was safe and who would not be very aggressive. My lack of success thus far was partly because I was so cautious and Roni nodded in agreement and said he was very cautious himself for all the same reasons.

We got along very well. I like Roni very much and hope to meet with him again. However, I did have some misgivings about the scene. Donā€™t get me wrong; I enjoyed every minute of it. But I do not know if I am ā€˜gayā€™ in the sense that I am looking for a male to replace a female for sexual intimacy. Further, I do like a bit of a twist to things and not just a vanilla scene. I am hoping that Roni and I can explore other aspects of male-to-male sex.

But who knows? I wish I had taken some photos. I am not certain he would have permitted it, but it would have helped my memory if I could have had some pix of him naked on the bed or us standing together naked.

Anyway, Iā€™ve written to him since and we are sharing some personal history and I hope that we become friends. Hard to figure how his cultural background will affect our relationship. He must find it very strange to be so far away from home in a country so very different then his homeland. And I would like to know how his culture views bisexuality and how he rationalizes his activities within that context.
Published by trowe
11 years ago
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trowe Publisher 11 years ago
to al985 : It was a great meeting. I wish I had done some more anal exploration
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al985 11 years ago
wow, sounds like very good you the slipping it in with out asking would be something to make me think.