What Annoys Me and What I Don't Understand

X Hamster is a great place, but what really annoys me are users that have been on the site a considerable amount of time (100 days). But still do not have material on their profile, but still want my friendship… I will almost accept anyone who has any type of Gay material on their profile, personal pictures, favorite pictures, personal movies, favorite movies and or stories, etc. the reason for this is because I view it as a mutually beneficial relationship. I have no problem showing what I like to watch and if I get to know you and trust you. You may see my personal pictures as well. All you have to do is ask for the password. But if you cannot show me what you like to watch. Why should we be friends? I have been here a long time and I've seen numerous people express this feeling … I Would be interested in anybody's thoughts about this. It's not like XH makes it difficult to save it to your profile, it is just one click…. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent tonight

Update… 10 July 2013
There are no longer pictures of me on this website that I know of … the gallery is now open for everyone. It contains avatars that I have used in the past (they are not of me)

When I decided to Write this It was in a moment of frustration I truly was not expecting many comments If any on this subject … I am glad that it has turned out so well as a free-flowing Discussion

Published by ab8715
11 years ago
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ab8715 Publisher 10 years ago
to jim69jim : Your question has a very simple answer some people believe that all that matters is floats on pictures and videos comments counts I'm not going to lie I think most of it is important however that's only secondary for me this is a true community me
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jim69jim 10 years ago
You are absolutely correct! How hard is it to to actually care a bit about the people you're friending? If you don't then why bother?
ms7071 11 years ago
To click a fav's button, and leave a small comment of thanks You! And thanks for the blog!
ab8715 Publisher 11 years ago
to gayboy18usa : Thank U for your kind comment… You and I feel the same way as I've expressed in private messages to you… What annoys me even more is when they think I am my avatar even though it specifically says in bold print that I am not my avatar… They fall in love with a perceived image of me that is far from the truth… in actuality I'm just an average guy… and there's no way that I will ever do C2C or WebCam a mess I know the person extremely well and that means having an actual conversation with them not just based on sex… People get annoyed with me when I make a distinction between real friends and just users on the website I have very few real friends on this website that I can talk to about anything in my life and I have many users which just care about the friend number and the material… 95% of the people I don't even communicate with and could care less about and they could probably care less about me… It's harsh but it's probably true… And as you know I don't have any problem talking to anyone… But they have to make the first stop… I'm not going to bite off their heads but I'm also not going to Chase them down and want to talk to them if they don't show an interest I will stop talking to them… That's happened more than once on the website… I'm not going to beat a dead horse for lack of a better term
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gayboy18usa 11 years ago
I agree with you completely. How much trouble is it to click a favorite button for some vids, pics or blog posts. You get an invite and go to a person's profile and all you see is a cock pic. I think Muceric is right, it's seems like the same cock pics recycled on about 50% of the profiles.

My profile states I don't do c2c, skype, sex chat. And I get requests for these every day.
Ace217 11 years ago
Sure lets be friends
ab8715 Publisher 11 years ago
to mark-71 : Very simple… Your lovers should be able to tell your Dick and ass from pictures…:-) I never said it had to be Original content I am very Conscious of people not wanting to show pictures on websites such as this and I respect that Truthfully that is why I took down my personal pictures
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mark-71 11 years ago
A lot of peeps are just overconscientious about their privacy. Understandable as the internet can be a weird place.
Still, who's gonna recognice just your cock or ass?
ab8715 Publisher 11 years ago
I'm sorry I think it is clearly stated why I have things set to friends only… I If you're interested in becoming a friend please read my bio and send me a friends request… But we must have similar tastes in our favorites… If we do not I will not allow you to be my friend… I am here for friends not to collect users… And many people are just using this site… And not interested in real friendships… That is just my opinion but I'm not the only one that feels this way as evidenced by other comments people have left on this post
jaygomez1958 11 years ago
Well you get what you sow if you want gays and try you will find gay if you want bye you'll get bye's you can even get someone like me closet transexual so there you have it
ab8715 Publisher 11 years ago
to earlc82 : Thank you for reading and commenting… We do not need to be tolerant… That is why I Have so few friends… Because I go through and I delete those who do not have normal contact with me… Or do not have content that I enjoy watching And many of them do not miss me… So they must not care That much
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thanx for putting it on the line ..... but unfortunately those who are friend collectors don't see things the same as us we have just got to be tolerant.... what a bore !
trowe 11 years ago
Agree that you should post more photos of yourself :smile: And with your overall statement that this could be a much improved community of folks with similar desires and attitudes.
One thing that I don't like is that the search feature for members does not allow you to indicate male/female preferences. I myself would like to find other males in my vicinity but when I do a search, I come up with all these guys who are looking for women.
ab8715 Publisher 11 years ago
to Cocodelray : I am very careful considering my history with what I post and how I posted on my profile please respect that…
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Cocodelray 11 years ago
I agree in general with what you write and the concerns you express.
But I think that you should post some more picture of yourself :wink:
jonesingforcum 11 years ago
I gotchu man.
chuckdiesel2 11 years ago
I agree. You must have some content on your profile. You need to at least have some favorites. I prefer a profile with some personal pics and videos.
Ri_baldo 11 years ago
Agree with you 100%. Have fun and fun
boybi420 11 years ago
ya its lame
roonbng 11 years ago
Me too!
kenbilt 11 years ago
I Like the way you think.