Benefits of Love
This not so brief blog post details some of the benefits and drawbacks I believe exists when it comes to the relationship between a mother and her son. Obviously such a bond is shunned by western society and considered a taboo. Then the following is simply an abstraction, something some desire and agree with and others will burst out in anger (notably religious people).
1. Relief the burning desire at young age.
According to biology books, boys can impregnate a woman, that is to say their semen is potent around their first teen year. However we start noticing girls at much younger age. So there is a significant period during which it is unlikely for a boy to get laid. I remember that due the raging hormones it was very difficult to concentrate on school matters for prolonged times because I was thinking about girls. A desire which was constant and magazines and VHS tapes did little to satisfy me so that I can stop thinking about it. Now in my opinion it is not only natural (sex) but real and fulfilling experience with a woman. And who is that woman that is always happy to help - the mother. Now imagine how clear and sharp the mind will be after two or three sessions - one in the morning before school and then one in the afternoon. I wasn't a bad student but I'm sure I would have done a lot better in school.
2. Education.
I remember that my knowledge of women at that young age was to say the least laughable. I am talking both in terms of anatomy and psychology of the female mind. Now who better can teach a young boy, someone that has all the knowledge and is willing to teach you all the tricks in the book without wanting something in return. The mother can teach her son all about female anatomy, female sexual pleasure, and how to effectively talk to women. Moreover these lessons will be highly effective because they can be daily. The result of this "training" will result in a man who can easily communicate with women, avoid some of their nasty tricks, and be the best lover of his future girlfriend or wife. I can't say I was painfully shy around girls but there was an invisible demon who always made me uncomfortable around them; something that could have been cured at a very young age by being intimate with a real woman.
3. Avoid Pregnancy and STDs.
When I was in 4th, 8th, and 10th grade we had compulsory sexual health lectures. Movies, pictures, discussions, free condoms, pamphlets, the lot. From these classes I remember having learned nothing at all, if anything it was more foggy. There were never live models as some of us wished to see our lovely teacher do a practical demonstration as seen in many JAV movies. Now I am sure that if my mom had taught me about the usage of preservatives, birth control pills, nasty private parts deceases, and showed me how to put on a condom, how it feels, how to count monthly periods, and perform with me "no baby" sexual acts like hand jobs, blow jobs, tit jobs, anal; I would have learned a lot and enjoyed the practical demo. Some may say that boys learn that anyway with their girlfriends. Unfortunately sociological researches show that many mature man and women are poorly educated in these matters.
4. Keep the marriage strong.
According to research of married couples, sex becomes illusive and more difficult when there are k**s in the family and everyone lives in an apartment (my situation) or small house. The mother will start denying sex to the husband with the argument that the k**s might hear. This of course leads to the deterioration of the relationship between the two. In fact Freud argues that in some cases the husband becomes jealous of the k** which is getting all of the wife's attention. Which leads to outbursts of anger, divorce, and physical aggression towards the boy. Naturally this does not happen to all couples, especially those who keep their sexual life very active. However I think that it would be a lot better situation if there was an arrangement between the mother and her husband so that she can sleep with both men and avoid marriage destructive sexual tension. Now I don't think I would have wanted to see my dad's hairy balls but you never know, maybe I could have learned something from him.
5. Care Free.
Imagine this, you have a girlfriend from your school and you want to do it. You have sex which is so sweet honey tastes likes salt. However you learned nothing from sex ed and now she's either pregnant or you have syphilis or both. That sounds terrible. Now how about this scenario? You come back from school, you have sweet, passionate, and sweaty sex with your mommy. Happy with life, you go out and play football with your friends who have not seen or smelled a real pussy in their life. Your mommy having taught you have to pleasure her completely because she knows that you obey her every order unlike her hubby, has had an amazing orgasm and the rest of her day will be on a high note. Which do you consider better? Also do not forget that your mother knows all about contraception and condoms and your girlfriend does not even know where to buy them from or she's shy about it.
6. Discipline.
When I was younger, washing the dishes, cleaning my room, vacuuming, writing my home work all seemed like an annoying and boring chore. Often I would find an unlikely excuse to try and omit studying or tidying up. Now if sexual pleasure was involved and my incentive was to cum all over my mummy's face and then get sucked dry, I would be doing all the house work better than well paid house maid. I would be doing my home work with such joy and pace so that I can sooner lay my hands on her soft, pearly white, bouncy breasts.
6. Quality.
Obviously this is very subjective. Some men prefer younger girls, and other older women. Some like chubby, and some like skinny. In my opinion the quality of intimate encounter with your dearest mother beats all other pussy.
7. Cheating.
This has happened before and it sure won't seize to exist in the future - cuckold. The husband's away for the weekend, the wife gets bored and finds someone to fuck her pussy good. The husband finds out and bad things happen. Now imagine the same situation where the husband knows about his wife and his son and sometimes they team up. He would be delighted that his wife will not slut around the neighbourhood but stay home and entertain herself with someone he knows and trusts.
8. Love.
Who would you rather have sex with on regular basis? Some skank you met in a club who makes you pay for her drinks and you consider wearing two condoms just in case. Or someone you have loved from the time you were born? 10 odd years of sincere pure love, warm smile, caring soul, plenty of sexual expertise, proper clean, no condom, and you enjoy it within the comfort of your own home where you can set-up a pleasant environment (rather than a dirty, stinky bathroom stall) and have a bite of mom's best cooking afterwards your mind blowing orgasm?
9. The husband is out of the picture.
This possibility occurs more often than not. Whether the boy is in his 40s or still in school, you still love your mother and you don't want her to stay lonely and be sad day and night. Even worse you let her meet some guy, whose sole purpose is to take advantage of your lovely mommy's lonely desperation and forlorn soul, a guy who is most probably going to fuck her rectum raw, rough, with no lube, kick her out in the middle of the night, and not bother to contact her anymore. In such situation I think it would be best for the son to undertake the duties of the father and make his mother/wife happy and joyous once more, and take good care of her.
Philosophically speaking we live in a world where perfection is impossible to achieve. Some succeed in life, some die, some are rich, and others are poor. In this sense a sexual bond between a son and his mommy may not always work for the best but for the worst.
1. Genetics.
The biggest stigma associated with *est has to be the negative effects of inbreeding. The c***dren become deformed in one way or another. Usually some "smart" guy will immediately point out to the horrible results produced by family members living in the deep south of the US or Iceland or New Zealand and does NOT mention the the family may suffer from malnutrition, toxic poisoning of the drinking water, industrialisation, warm climate viruses. Undoubtedly these negative effects are due to the fact that from evolution's stand point it is better to diversify the genetic pool, have a baby with someone with very different DNA from you. Thus the baby will have higher rate of success in life.
What some scientists forget to mention is that *est is commonly practised between royalty. And even though some of their c***dren have suffered from a peculiar deceases, life is full of surprises. Bacteria and viruses are constantly evolving to get around our medicine and strike us as hard as they can. The royals know very well that not all *estious babys are deformed and keep it all in the family to this very day.
2. Procreation.
According to research the lower limit of a woman's capability of bearing a c***d is 50 years. Anything upwards means that she is unlikely to successfully give birth to a c***d and carry for it. It has been documented that some women give birth at 60 and more. Some of them (families) not to the public's knowledge are between the highly potent and strong semen of a boy or son and an elder lady well into her 60s. However it is common sense that a 20 years old girl will have bigger success than a 50 years old (there are plenty of problems with young girls, too). Also in the past people did not expect to live more than 50 years. So it would make sense that despite a boy's love for his mother he would abstain from sexual activity because there will be no one to take care of his babies.
3. Taboo.
In ideal situation the love between each other is kept private and behind closed doors. However this may only work in metropolis cities and sparsely populated country villages. There's always the possibility of the community finding out. If this community happens to be religious as it is in many placed in Europe and the Americas, the family will be in a very difficult position and even sent to court as *est remains i*****l in many places around the world similar to homosexuality.
4. Laziness.
This comes as no surprise, the rapid technological advancement of humans over a****ls is due to our need for convenience and automation of mundane tasks. If the love of your life mommy has had sex with you for the past 10 years and now you are 22, it is more convenient for you to keep it cool and relax. Why bust your balls for some other chick? Clearly this will be a problem in terms of the population growth. However there will be many that will prefer to love, kisses, and sexual adventure outside the family. So that the population would not be undermined.
5. No consent.
Without a doubt there are good loving parents and those who hate their c***dren and prefer to beat their ass red than to caress them softly. Also sexual attraction is as much biological inheritance as it is popularity. In cinema, TV, and press we see only one type of women that are supposedly the ideal of beauty. I for one find some of them not attractive at all. As a man who prefers hairy, curvy, and smart women rather than stick figure, smooth as glass, dull women which seem to be famous. So it is possible for the boy to find his mother unattractive. In which case her sexual advances will be without or against his consent which will make their intercourse unwanted and terrible rather than lovely and passionate.
Historical figures from the past
Nero and Agrippina of ancient Rome. Nero achieved relative popularity as a ruler of the empire as well as great wealth. Another treasure was always waiting for him in the palace - Agrippina his mother. Nero's fondness of her was overshadowed by his mistress which arranged for his mother's assassination.
Alexander the Great and Olympias of Ancient Greece. Alexander managed to concur vast territories where he met many attractive women that were his trophy, curvy Persian, slender Indian, and doughy white Greek. Nonetheless his heart was always with his faithful comrades and loving mother Olympias. History tells that he saw his father's womanising and eventually Philip ditched Olympias for a concubine. Alexander did not abandon her and kept his love strong for her even when roaming distant shores.
Oedipus and Jocasta from Sophocle's tragedy Oedipus the King. Even though this is a masterpiece of literature and Oedipus fate is indeed tragic, Sophocle's does not omit the love between the powerful king and his mother. Also most of this fictional stories of the ancient past are based on reality.
1. Relief the burning desire at young age.
According to biology books, boys can impregnate a woman, that is to say their semen is potent around their first teen year. However we start noticing girls at much younger age. So there is a significant period during which it is unlikely for a boy to get laid. I remember that due the raging hormones it was very difficult to concentrate on school matters for prolonged times because I was thinking about girls. A desire which was constant and magazines and VHS tapes did little to satisfy me so that I can stop thinking about it. Now in my opinion it is not only natural (sex) but real and fulfilling experience with a woman. And who is that woman that is always happy to help - the mother. Now imagine how clear and sharp the mind will be after two or three sessions - one in the morning before school and then one in the afternoon. I wasn't a bad student but I'm sure I would have done a lot better in school.
2. Education.
I remember that my knowledge of women at that young age was to say the least laughable. I am talking both in terms of anatomy and psychology of the female mind. Now who better can teach a young boy, someone that has all the knowledge and is willing to teach you all the tricks in the book without wanting something in return. The mother can teach her son all about female anatomy, female sexual pleasure, and how to effectively talk to women. Moreover these lessons will be highly effective because they can be daily. The result of this "training" will result in a man who can easily communicate with women, avoid some of their nasty tricks, and be the best lover of his future girlfriend or wife. I can't say I was painfully shy around girls but there was an invisible demon who always made me uncomfortable around them; something that could have been cured at a very young age by being intimate with a real woman.
3. Avoid Pregnancy and STDs.
When I was in 4th, 8th, and 10th grade we had compulsory sexual health lectures. Movies, pictures, discussions, free condoms, pamphlets, the lot. From these classes I remember having learned nothing at all, if anything it was more foggy. There were never live models as some of us wished to see our lovely teacher do a practical demonstration as seen in many JAV movies. Now I am sure that if my mom had taught me about the usage of preservatives, birth control pills, nasty private parts deceases, and showed me how to put on a condom, how it feels, how to count monthly periods, and perform with me "no baby" sexual acts like hand jobs, blow jobs, tit jobs, anal; I would have learned a lot and enjoyed the practical demo. Some may say that boys learn that anyway with their girlfriends. Unfortunately sociological researches show that many mature man and women are poorly educated in these matters.
4. Keep the marriage strong.
According to research of married couples, sex becomes illusive and more difficult when there are k**s in the family and everyone lives in an apartment (my situation) or small house. The mother will start denying sex to the husband with the argument that the k**s might hear. This of course leads to the deterioration of the relationship between the two. In fact Freud argues that in some cases the husband becomes jealous of the k** which is getting all of the wife's attention. Which leads to outbursts of anger, divorce, and physical aggression towards the boy. Naturally this does not happen to all couples, especially those who keep their sexual life very active. However I think that it would be a lot better situation if there was an arrangement between the mother and her husband so that she can sleep with both men and avoid marriage destructive sexual tension. Now I don't think I would have wanted to see my dad's hairy balls but you never know, maybe I could have learned something from him.
5. Care Free.
Imagine this, you have a girlfriend from your school and you want to do it. You have sex which is so sweet honey tastes likes salt. However you learned nothing from sex ed and now she's either pregnant or you have syphilis or both. That sounds terrible. Now how about this scenario? You come back from school, you have sweet, passionate, and sweaty sex with your mommy. Happy with life, you go out and play football with your friends who have not seen or smelled a real pussy in their life. Your mommy having taught you have to pleasure her completely because she knows that you obey her every order unlike her hubby, has had an amazing orgasm and the rest of her day will be on a high note. Which do you consider better? Also do not forget that your mother knows all about contraception and condoms and your girlfriend does not even know where to buy them from or she's shy about it.
6. Discipline.
When I was younger, washing the dishes, cleaning my room, vacuuming, writing my home work all seemed like an annoying and boring chore. Often I would find an unlikely excuse to try and omit studying or tidying up. Now if sexual pleasure was involved and my incentive was to cum all over my mummy's face and then get sucked dry, I would be doing all the house work better than well paid house maid. I would be doing my home work with such joy and pace so that I can sooner lay my hands on her soft, pearly white, bouncy breasts.
6. Quality.
Obviously this is very subjective. Some men prefer younger girls, and other older women. Some like chubby, and some like skinny. In my opinion the quality of intimate encounter with your dearest mother beats all other pussy.
7. Cheating.
This has happened before and it sure won't seize to exist in the future - cuckold. The husband's away for the weekend, the wife gets bored and finds someone to fuck her pussy good. The husband finds out and bad things happen. Now imagine the same situation where the husband knows about his wife and his son and sometimes they team up. He would be delighted that his wife will not slut around the neighbourhood but stay home and entertain herself with someone he knows and trusts.
8. Love.
Who would you rather have sex with on regular basis? Some skank you met in a club who makes you pay for her drinks and you consider wearing two condoms just in case. Or someone you have loved from the time you were born? 10 odd years of sincere pure love, warm smile, caring soul, plenty of sexual expertise, proper clean, no condom, and you enjoy it within the comfort of your own home where you can set-up a pleasant environment (rather than a dirty, stinky bathroom stall) and have a bite of mom's best cooking afterwards your mind blowing orgasm?
9. The husband is out of the picture.
This possibility occurs more often than not. Whether the boy is in his 40s or still in school, you still love your mother and you don't want her to stay lonely and be sad day and night. Even worse you let her meet some guy, whose sole purpose is to take advantage of your lovely mommy's lonely desperation and forlorn soul, a guy who is most probably going to fuck her rectum raw, rough, with no lube, kick her out in the middle of the night, and not bother to contact her anymore. In such situation I think it would be best for the son to undertake the duties of the father and make his mother/wife happy and joyous once more, and take good care of her.
Philosophically speaking we live in a world where perfection is impossible to achieve. Some succeed in life, some die, some are rich, and others are poor. In this sense a sexual bond between a son and his mommy may not always work for the best but for the worst.
1. Genetics.
The biggest stigma associated with *est has to be the negative effects of inbreeding. The c***dren become deformed in one way or another. Usually some "smart" guy will immediately point out to the horrible results produced by family members living in the deep south of the US or Iceland or New Zealand and does NOT mention the the family may suffer from malnutrition, toxic poisoning of the drinking water, industrialisation, warm climate viruses. Undoubtedly these negative effects are due to the fact that from evolution's stand point it is better to diversify the genetic pool, have a baby with someone with very different DNA from you. Thus the baby will have higher rate of success in life.
What some scientists forget to mention is that *est is commonly practised between royalty. And even though some of their c***dren have suffered from a peculiar deceases, life is full of surprises. Bacteria and viruses are constantly evolving to get around our medicine and strike us as hard as they can. The royals know very well that not all *estious babys are deformed and keep it all in the family to this very day.
2. Procreation.
According to research the lower limit of a woman's capability of bearing a c***d is 50 years. Anything upwards means that she is unlikely to successfully give birth to a c***d and carry for it. It has been documented that some women give birth at 60 and more. Some of them (families) not to the public's knowledge are between the highly potent and strong semen of a boy or son and an elder lady well into her 60s. However it is common sense that a 20 years old girl will have bigger success than a 50 years old (there are plenty of problems with young girls, too). Also in the past people did not expect to live more than 50 years. So it would make sense that despite a boy's love for his mother he would abstain from sexual activity because there will be no one to take care of his babies.
3. Taboo.
In ideal situation the love between each other is kept private and behind closed doors. However this may only work in metropolis cities and sparsely populated country villages. There's always the possibility of the community finding out. If this community happens to be religious as it is in many placed in Europe and the Americas, the family will be in a very difficult position and even sent to court as *est remains i*****l in many places around the world similar to homosexuality.
4. Laziness.
This comes as no surprise, the rapid technological advancement of humans over a****ls is due to our need for convenience and automation of mundane tasks. If the love of your life mommy has had sex with you for the past 10 years and now you are 22, it is more convenient for you to keep it cool and relax. Why bust your balls for some other chick? Clearly this will be a problem in terms of the population growth. However there will be many that will prefer to love, kisses, and sexual adventure outside the family. So that the population would not be undermined.
5. No consent.
Without a doubt there are good loving parents and those who hate their c***dren and prefer to beat their ass red than to caress them softly. Also sexual attraction is as much biological inheritance as it is popularity. In cinema, TV, and press we see only one type of women that are supposedly the ideal of beauty. I for one find some of them not attractive at all. As a man who prefers hairy, curvy, and smart women rather than stick figure, smooth as glass, dull women which seem to be famous. So it is possible for the boy to find his mother unattractive. In which case her sexual advances will be without or against his consent which will make their intercourse unwanted and terrible rather than lovely and passionate.
Historical figures from the past
Nero and Agrippina of ancient Rome. Nero achieved relative popularity as a ruler of the empire as well as great wealth. Another treasure was always waiting for him in the palace - Agrippina his mother. Nero's fondness of her was overshadowed by his mistress which arranged for his mother's assassination.
Alexander the Great and Olympias of Ancient Greece. Alexander managed to concur vast territories where he met many attractive women that were his trophy, curvy Persian, slender Indian, and doughy white Greek. Nonetheless his heart was always with his faithful comrades and loving mother Olympias. History tells that he saw his father's womanising and eventually Philip ditched Olympias for a concubine. Alexander did not abandon her and kept his love strong for her even when roaming distant shores.
Oedipus and Jocasta from Sophocle's tragedy Oedipus the King. Even though this is a masterpiece of literature and Oedipus fate is indeed tragic, Sophocle's does not omit the love between the powerful king and his mother. Also most of this fictional stories of the ancient past are based on reality.
11 years ago
I also like you way of expression
Even in the past people knew how to control pregnancy. I'm pretty sure that blowjobs, deepthroat, and hard anal banging were as popular in ancient times as they are today. My point is that no matter what measures you use, the condom can brake and she might forget to take the pill in time.