Submissive to Tom
My high school buddy Tom was going through a bad time. He had just broken up with his girlfriend (the love of his life and the gal he wanted to marry), dropped out of college, lost his apartment and wrecked his car. I was a foreman on a construction crew and living alone (recently divorced from my first wife Cindy) so i offered him a place to stay and a job till he could get on his feet again and the use of my truck. Everything was normal and really good for the first few months, he was a strong, good worker, a great roommate and we had a good time talking about high school, girls and such.
At work things slowly started changing, he did all the grunt work, all the heavy lifting, all the "manly" work as he called it. Then he started saying things like i was to weak to do "real" man's work, then he slowly started be more in charge of the crew, again telling me that they would respect his orders more than mine that they were men and need a "real" man to direct them and be in charge.
Then things started changing at the house, he started wearing only loose fitting gym shorts and no shirt, he would take a piss and leave the door open, he would get out of the shower dry off then walk around nude for a while. Then are duty sharing started to change, first we share cleaning, cooking and laundry duties, but then he started telling me that since he did all the "manly" things at work that i should do more things around the house. So i started doing all the cooking, all the laundry and all the cleaning (even cleaning his room). Pretty soon he was bossing me around at home and walking around nude about half the time. I couldn't help but notice that he was very hairy with a really thick cock, it hung down at least 5" soft, i even started taking glances at it when he would walk by and he would often wiggle his hips or flop his dick around when we were talking.
One night after doing my duties and talking a shower i was laying on the couch with just a towel on. Tom had been out drinking with the guys from work. He thank me for taking care of things and then made some really strange committs, "you are going to make a good wife for someone" and "with the way you look and act the female role really suits you better". I didn't really know how to respond so i just said thanks. Tom stripped right in front of me and said he was going to take a shower, he told me to stay like i was that we needed to talk when he got out. When he finished the shower he walked back into the den, still wet with nothing on. But this time it was different, his cock was fully erect sticking straight out (it looked to be a solid 8"). I was in shock and st aring at his big cock when he reached down and pulled my towel off. When he looked down at me he laughted, then smiled then said "since you do all the female type work around here, since you are so small in the manhood department, since you even act a little feminine that maybe it was time to complete the arrangement". With that said he then pulled me off the couch, laid down where i had been, told me to kneel on the floor beside him and then said "start doing you wifey, sissy duties and get me off". At first i didn't know what to do or what to say then he reached up, grabbed a handfull of my hair, pulled my face toward his crouch and said "start sucking". Before i knew it i had his big hard cock in my mouth but even worst i was whimpering and moaning like a little school girl as i sucked him. Thge more i sucked, whimpered and moaned the more he bucked his hips and forced more of his cock down my throat. After about 15 minutes of sloppy, wet sucking and mouth fucking Tom told me to get prepared to recieve my sissy reward. Then his cock started getting even harder and thicker than before and he started going in and out of my mouth faster and faster. The harder he fucked my mouth the wetter it got, the more i wimppered and the more i moaned. Then his climax started, not one or two squirts but 5 or 6 strong spurts of his superior seed flooded my mouth and throat. I quit sucking but held his cock in my mouth till he had completely drain his balls into my mouth. Then as if nothing happened he told me to go get him a beer. When i returned he took the beer and ask if i had any female panties. I told him no, then he said "well that little thing between you legs says that you are not a real man, that thing is a little boi's penis or maybe even to small to be called that, it looks more like a clitty and clitties should always have on female panties". Then he told me to buy some after work the next day and start wearing then always around the house.
After that night Tom took complete control. I always did all the housework dress only in my female panties. When Tom when out on dates i would stay home and wait for him to return. If he was unsuccessful or still horny i would give him a blowjob. It was always the same, he would sit or lay on the couch, tell me to get in my place, i would kneal beside him or kneal between his thighs and suck him off. Some mornings Tom would wake-up with a hard on and have me suck him off before work. A few times he got real horny at work and made me suck him off in the truck at lunch time and many times i had to suck him on the way home from the job site.
For 11 months i was Tom's cocksucker and sissy maid. Some weeks he would have me suck him only 2 or 3 times all week, other weeks i was sucking him 3 or 4 times a day. He especially like for me to suck him after he had fucked a girl on a date. Tom never "outed" me but he did make many committs at work and around our friends about cocksuckers, guys with tiny peckers,sissy bois and guy that wear panties.
Tom never paid me rent saying that i recieved my payments in sperm. After 11 months he had saved enough money to re-enter college, buy a car and rent an apartment. After Tom went back to school we stayed friends. I did end up sucking him off 6 or 7 times after he moved away and was even in his wedding party.
The last time i saw him was at a high school reunion. He walked up to me and asked if i was still wearing panties, if i still liked to be on my knees, if i still had a tiny weiner, if i was still a sissy cocksucker. Before i even had a chance to answer, with a smirk on his face and a chuckle he said "follow me and i will let you do your wifey duties".
At work things slowly started changing, he did all the grunt work, all the heavy lifting, all the "manly" work as he called it. Then he started saying things like i was to weak to do "real" man's work, then he slowly started be more in charge of the crew, again telling me that they would respect his orders more than mine that they were men and need a "real" man to direct them and be in charge.
Then things started changing at the house, he started wearing only loose fitting gym shorts and no shirt, he would take a piss and leave the door open, he would get out of the shower dry off then walk around nude for a while. Then are duty sharing started to change, first we share cleaning, cooking and laundry duties, but then he started telling me that since he did all the "manly" things at work that i should do more things around the house. So i started doing all the cooking, all the laundry and all the cleaning (even cleaning his room). Pretty soon he was bossing me around at home and walking around nude about half the time. I couldn't help but notice that he was very hairy with a really thick cock, it hung down at least 5" soft, i even started taking glances at it when he would walk by and he would often wiggle his hips or flop his dick around when we were talking.
One night after doing my duties and talking a shower i was laying on the couch with just a towel on. Tom had been out drinking with the guys from work. He thank me for taking care of things and then made some really strange committs, "you are going to make a good wife for someone" and "with the way you look and act the female role really suits you better". I didn't really know how to respond so i just said thanks. Tom stripped right in front of me and said he was going to take a shower, he told me to stay like i was that we needed to talk when he got out. When he finished the shower he walked back into the den, still wet with nothing on. But this time it was different, his cock was fully erect sticking straight out (it looked to be a solid 8"). I was in shock and st aring at his big cock when he reached down and pulled my towel off. When he looked down at me he laughted, then smiled then said "since you do all the female type work around here, since you are so small in the manhood department, since you even act a little feminine that maybe it was time to complete the arrangement". With that said he then pulled me off the couch, laid down where i had been, told me to kneel on the floor beside him and then said "start doing you wifey, sissy duties and get me off". At first i didn't know what to do or what to say then he reached up, grabbed a handfull of my hair, pulled my face toward his crouch and said "start sucking". Before i knew it i had his big hard cock in my mouth but even worst i was whimpering and moaning like a little school girl as i sucked him. Thge more i sucked, whimpered and moaned the more he bucked his hips and forced more of his cock down my throat. After about 15 minutes of sloppy, wet sucking and mouth fucking Tom told me to get prepared to recieve my sissy reward. Then his cock started getting even harder and thicker than before and he started going in and out of my mouth faster and faster. The harder he fucked my mouth the wetter it got, the more i wimppered and the more i moaned. Then his climax started, not one or two squirts but 5 or 6 strong spurts of his superior seed flooded my mouth and throat. I quit sucking but held his cock in my mouth till he had completely drain his balls into my mouth. Then as if nothing happened he told me to go get him a beer. When i returned he took the beer and ask if i had any female panties. I told him no, then he said "well that little thing between you legs says that you are not a real man, that thing is a little boi's penis or maybe even to small to be called that, it looks more like a clitty and clitties should always have on female panties". Then he told me to buy some after work the next day and start wearing then always around the house.
After that night Tom took complete control. I always did all the housework dress only in my female panties. When Tom when out on dates i would stay home and wait for him to return. If he was unsuccessful or still horny i would give him a blowjob. It was always the same, he would sit or lay on the couch, tell me to get in my place, i would kneal beside him or kneal between his thighs and suck him off. Some mornings Tom would wake-up with a hard on and have me suck him off before work. A few times he got real horny at work and made me suck him off in the truck at lunch time and many times i had to suck him on the way home from the job site.
For 11 months i was Tom's cocksucker and sissy maid. Some weeks he would have me suck him only 2 or 3 times all week, other weeks i was sucking him 3 or 4 times a day. He especially like for me to suck him after he had fucked a girl on a date. Tom never "outed" me but he did make many committs at work and around our friends about cocksuckers, guys with tiny peckers,sissy bois and guy that wear panties.
Tom never paid me rent saying that i recieved my payments in sperm. After 11 months he had saved enough money to re-enter college, buy a car and rent an apartment. After Tom went back to school we stayed friends. I did end up sucking him off 6 or 7 times after he moved away and was even in his wedding party.
The last time i saw him was at a high school reunion. He walked up to me and asked if i was still wearing panties, if i still liked to be on my knees, if i still had a tiny weiner, if i was still a sissy cocksucker. Before i even had a chance to answer, with a smirk on his face and a chuckle he said "follow me and i will let you do your wifey duties".
12 years ago