Today for the first time I encountered an aggressive and angry male on xhamster.
He seemed to take offense at my obesity. He called me names that were intended to hurt me. I have a thick skin and I've heard it all before. Just not on here. I find that a great number of good people are members of this site. When I peeked at his profile I realized that it isn't me that he hates but himself instead. His user name is harry_pr . I found that I felt sorry for him. It must be very painful for him to have to pretend to be a badass in order to gain attention. If not for shooting his mouth off and insulting people showing his weapons in pictures he might go through life completely unnoticed. I suppose in his case a reputation for being a dick is the only one he will ever achieve. A shame really. He could have a reputation for being a good man, an honest man, a brave man, a hard working man, or even a wonderful lover. Instead he has made this choice. I feel sorry for you harry_pr. You don't know the joys in life that you are missing out on because of your poor attitude.By lashing out at others it speaks volumes about who you really are.
He seemed to take offense at my obesity. He called me names that were intended to hurt me. I have a thick skin and I've heard it all before. Just not on here. I find that a great number of good people are members of this site. When I peeked at his profile I realized that it isn't me that he hates but himself instead. His user name is harry_pr . I found that I felt sorry for him. It must be very painful for him to have to pretend to be a badass in order to gain attention. If not for shooting his mouth off and insulting people showing his weapons in pictures he might go through life completely unnoticed. I suppose in his case a reputation for being a dick is the only one he will ever achieve. A shame really. He could have a reputation for being a good man, an honest man, a brave man, a hard working man, or even a wonderful lover. Instead he has made this choice. I feel sorry for you harry_pr. You don't know the joys in life that you are missing out on because of your poor attitude.By lashing out at others it speaks volumes about who you really are.
12 years ago