Wife and My Start
I've been asked if i was married or am. My wife passed in 2001 from cancer. A better woman you'll not find, yeah, we men all say that lol. But we say it out of our love for them. But she really was kind, shy, very unaware of her beauty, and a top notch Mom.
Very little sex experience when we met, when she was 23. 23!!! The first time she really was scaring me. Just sorta lay there lol. Didn't know what really to do or do first, etc. I was confused, like i was not turning her on or she was a cold fish i caught and should have tossed back lol. But after the first time we talked (and she was shy/embarassed) to talk about it. But we did and from there is was total full speed ahead.
We had lots of talks and discussed things to try and what we've thought of trying or use to masturbate etc. When i first asked about women, she said no. To fast and with shades of red on the face. I let it go, but brought it up now and then. Yes, got usual accusations of 'the man's fantasy' being my reason to bring it up lol. Well duh! I'd told her she really needed to try anything and everything (within reason) so there would be no regrets. I meant it. It took a while and one night she asked how she would even find a girl to try it with. I told her, 'good question'...(g) I let it go for a few weeks.
We took a trip up to Raleigh, NC for a weekend. I'd already set up to meet with a girl who was in college. I'd found her in a swingers mag that a friend of mine was using for his own 'trips' out of town. The hotel we stayed at had a bar of course, and i had already told the girl what time to be there, and since she knew me, there was no problem in finding us. When she came in we were already on our second drink and full with good food. She loves that sort of night. We were talking, dancing and having a great time and she was in the best of moods and since a light drinker, well on her way to the level i could talk her into dong a murder for me lol.
I pointed out this beautiful girl that came into the bar. Long black hair, 5'8, asian, between slim and baby fat (oh so my type) with 36c boobs. My wife hit me on the back of the head. I told her, if there is a girl you should try it with, that would be the one. She blushed and said no way she could attract a girl like that and what would i even say to start. Door is open now lol. My wife, i swear i want to shake sometimes...she was a stunner herself! I was lucky, very lucky. That gal sat at the bar, i got up, walked over to her, introduced myself, pointed at my wife, and she looked, put a shock face on, i talked to her, she shrugged her shoulders, i took her by the hand and walked her over to our table...made introductions. heehee
Ladies and Gents, i cannot begin to tell you how the picture in the mag did this girl no justice. Damn! She also had the sweetest and most soft voice i ever heard. We talked for a while about so many things including her studies and so on. I swear, after about an hour, i couldn't get a word in edge wise. I say again, i was lucky, this time in my choice of gal for her. They were more than half way, in todays jargan, BFFs...lol. I thought an hour or so was good and we (I) steered towards her 'boyfriend' to which she said none. I asked why and she said that by now at her age (19) she knows boys only want one thing, that she learned that she was a target due to her looks...(said while lowering her head) and saying "do i sound vain and conceited?)...we said no. She wanted a guy who accepted her for her and not her looks and well, sorry again, 'im kinda smart too'...she was trying so hard to be modest it was cute lol. So i said go with a woman then! Her eyes got wide, hand flew to her mouth, and she said "i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to be so obvious" looking at your wife!! This chick is smart lol. Or very used to being picked up or picking up lol.
When i explained thats not what i meant, she acted so shame faced. So i asked her about 'it'...and she told us (or should say my wife) or she experimented at about 16...loved it...and when she was 18 started going to lesbian bar's whenever she wanted a female for love. That many married lady's came there on the sly or business women who can't come out. Told my wife about her first time with a real woman (experience) and was hooked. I say told my wife because it was long before that i was an afterthought lol. They knew i was there only by way of me saying something now and then to clarify or say wow, cool, etc..(g)
I told her of my wife's interest and how she was thinking of it and all. She asked if my wife ever kissed a girl...no...did she want too at all any time in her life...yes....why didn't you...don't know, thought it weird?.... I told my wife that ya know...here's a girl i think you really like as a friend you'd have back home, she's sweet, pretty, not pushy, and i think she'd be a great kisser...if there is any time to try, its now...if she agrees. She agreed, wife wife was in a sweat, looking for the door. The girl took her hands and said she'd be glad to share a few kisses. She wasn't meeting anyone, just having a night out and why not...we could continue to talk after you try it...i said lets do the room in case you need to run honey...after five minutes of hem haw around...to the room we went.
Talked for a bit and i said look sweety, your only building up anxiety, give a peck..she did, pulled back quick. The girl kissed her for a few seconds and pulled away...asked her how it was...nice...the girl said i must be off tonight and said ok, again, and she put her hands on either side of my wifes face, lowered down to her lips and they held it it for a minute, small pull away, and then moved in (both of them) for a kiss that i swear would rival any porn movie. Now "I" was stunned. In awe. Holding my breath! They pulled away and all she could say was.....wow. Oh my gosh! I looked at her check (my wife) and you would think she just ran a marathon! The girl stood up, took my wifes hands and stood her up, put her arms around my wifes neck and went in for another kiss, thanks lasted 3 days i think..not sure...but it seemed like it. And while that kiss was going on, she had taken my wife's hands and put them on her breasts. My wife didn't remove them, but started little squeezing and pushing motions. The girl backed a way a little, pulled her dress down to under her breast, no bra, and tits i wanted to ravage...she took my wifes hands and put them on her breasts, she pulled them away...the girl put them back, held them here and told her i love them rubbed and squeezed when i kiss my lover. Damn she's good lol.
My wife's eyes got a little big, she tilted her head, the girl put the hands back, put her arms around my wife and lowerd to my wifes lips, pulling her to her and the tongues dueled...i walked over and pulled my wifes dress down, and the girl pulled them tits to tits...it was over, my wife wifes hands were all over the girl, her kissed were more insistant and it was like she was trying to push herself into the girls body...it was great! Wonderful! And the strange thing was, i was so happy for my wife...didn't want to join, or yank the pole. In fact, i was starting to get a little embarassed being there, like in intruded lol.
I finally said 'i'll leave you to lovers alone for a while'...that got my wife a little scared... I told her that this was for her and her alone. She shouldn't have to think of me or see me in the room during 'critical' moments lol. I looked at the girl and thought, what the fuck...walked over and gave her a kiss, felt up her tits, looked again at my wife and told her to enjoy it to the hilt...experience it all without hesitation...kissed her and told her i was happy and proud of her...she looked at the girl and the girl said to to my wife "I've not wanted any woman more than i want you now and i'm going to do my best to give you the best woman to woman love making i can".... So what my wife tells me later, she knows what heaven feels like.
I should say i had to go up to the room after the girl came down lol. She said my wife was to weak to move and could i just come up to her lol. As the girl tells it, she said it was mind blowing to her as well. I think it was due to my wife being a virigin for her (g). However, for the next year, that girl came down once a month for the weekend (averaged out) and they remained friends long after. What did i do? I left them alone to go play poker with the guys etc. She would come down on saturday, we all made a day of it, they had girls night out (and in) and it was A-ok with me. As i had told my wife before the night in question, people are who they are...if you love them, you don't even try to change them. If someday she tried it, liked it, would i leave her if she wanted it a lot...nope. Of course over the years we did do many a threesome, but mostly i let her have her fun.
She tried the MMF and it was 'ok i guess'...but we found she loved the 'wife swap' more as she got off seeing me with another women while she was with the guy...go figure lol...
Anyways...thats how she go into bi sex with the lady's...and how we got started on a partial swing life. I say partial as when you have k**s and your military and gone all the time, its hard to find the right folks. Today its much easier as clubs are all over the place and you have the internet.
So i hope this answers the questions i have been getting about the wife and if she was bi and how/if we were swingers...thanks all...be safe out there...
Very little sex experience when we met, when she was 23. 23!!! The first time she really was scaring me. Just sorta lay there lol. Didn't know what really to do or do first, etc. I was confused, like i was not turning her on or she was a cold fish i caught and should have tossed back lol. But after the first time we talked (and she was shy/embarassed) to talk about it. But we did and from there is was total full speed ahead.
We had lots of talks and discussed things to try and what we've thought of trying or use to masturbate etc. When i first asked about women, she said no. To fast and with shades of red on the face. I let it go, but brought it up now and then. Yes, got usual accusations of 'the man's fantasy' being my reason to bring it up lol. Well duh! I'd told her she really needed to try anything and everything (within reason) so there would be no regrets. I meant it. It took a while and one night she asked how she would even find a girl to try it with. I told her, 'good question'...(g) I let it go for a few weeks.
We took a trip up to Raleigh, NC for a weekend. I'd already set up to meet with a girl who was in college. I'd found her in a swingers mag that a friend of mine was using for his own 'trips' out of town. The hotel we stayed at had a bar of course, and i had already told the girl what time to be there, and since she knew me, there was no problem in finding us. When she came in we were already on our second drink and full with good food. She loves that sort of night. We were talking, dancing and having a great time and she was in the best of moods and since a light drinker, well on her way to the level i could talk her into dong a murder for me lol.
I pointed out this beautiful girl that came into the bar. Long black hair, 5'8, asian, between slim and baby fat (oh so my type) with 36c boobs. My wife hit me on the back of the head. I told her, if there is a girl you should try it with, that would be the one. She blushed and said no way she could attract a girl like that and what would i even say to start. Door is open now lol. My wife, i swear i want to shake sometimes...she was a stunner herself! I was lucky, very lucky. That gal sat at the bar, i got up, walked over to her, introduced myself, pointed at my wife, and she looked, put a shock face on, i talked to her, she shrugged her shoulders, i took her by the hand and walked her over to our table...made introductions. heehee
Ladies and Gents, i cannot begin to tell you how the picture in the mag did this girl no justice. Damn! She also had the sweetest and most soft voice i ever heard. We talked for a while about so many things including her studies and so on. I swear, after about an hour, i couldn't get a word in edge wise. I say again, i was lucky, this time in my choice of gal for her. They were more than half way, in todays jargan, BFFs...lol. I thought an hour or so was good and we (I) steered towards her 'boyfriend' to which she said none. I asked why and she said that by now at her age (19) she knows boys only want one thing, that she learned that she was a target due to her looks...(said while lowering her head) and saying "do i sound vain and conceited?)...we said no. She wanted a guy who accepted her for her and not her looks and well, sorry again, 'im kinda smart too'...she was trying so hard to be modest it was cute lol. So i said go with a woman then! Her eyes got wide, hand flew to her mouth, and she said "i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to be so obvious" looking at your wife!! This chick is smart lol. Or very used to being picked up or picking up lol.
When i explained thats not what i meant, she acted so shame faced. So i asked her about 'it'...and she told us (or should say my wife) or she experimented at about 16...loved it...and when she was 18 started going to lesbian bar's whenever she wanted a female for love. That many married lady's came there on the sly or business women who can't come out. Told my wife about her first time with a real woman (experience) and was hooked. I say told my wife because it was long before that i was an afterthought lol. They knew i was there only by way of me saying something now and then to clarify or say wow, cool, etc..(g)
I told her of my wife's interest and how she was thinking of it and all. She asked if my wife ever kissed a girl...no...did she want too at all any time in her life...yes....why didn't you...don't know, thought it weird?.... I told my wife that ya know...here's a girl i think you really like as a friend you'd have back home, she's sweet, pretty, not pushy, and i think she'd be a great kisser...if there is any time to try, its now...if she agrees. She agreed, wife wife was in a sweat, looking for the door. The girl took her hands and said she'd be glad to share a few kisses. She wasn't meeting anyone, just having a night out and why not...we could continue to talk after you try it...i said lets do the room in case you need to run honey...after five minutes of hem haw around...to the room we went.
Talked for a bit and i said look sweety, your only building up anxiety, give a peck..she did, pulled back quick. The girl kissed her for a few seconds and pulled away...asked her how it was...nice...the girl said i must be off tonight and said ok, again, and she put her hands on either side of my wifes face, lowered down to her lips and they held it it for a minute, small pull away, and then moved in (both of them) for a kiss that i swear would rival any porn movie. Now "I" was stunned. In awe. Holding my breath! They pulled away and all she could say was.....wow. Oh my gosh! I looked at her check (my wife) and you would think she just ran a marathon! The girl stood up, took my wifes hands and stood her up, put her arms around my wifes neck and went in for another kiss, thanks lasted 3 days i think..not sure...but it seemed like it. And while that kiss was going on, she had taken my wife's hands and put them on her breasts. My wife didn't remove them, but started little squeezing and pushing motions. The girl backed a way a little, pulled her dress down to under her breast, no bra, and tits i wanted to ravage...she took my wifes hands and put them on her breasts, she pulled them away...the girl put them back, held them here and told her i love them rubbed and squeezed when i kiss my lover. Damn she's good lol.
My wife's eyes got a little big, she tilted her head, the girl put the hands back, put her arms around my wife and lowerd to my wifes lips, pulling her to her and the tongues dueled...i walked over and pulled my wifes dress down, and the girl pulled them tits to tits...it was over, my wife wifes hands were all over the girl, her kissed were more insistant and it was like she was trying to push herself into the girls body...it was great! Wonderful! And the strange thing was, i was so happy for my wife...didn't want to join, or yank the pole. In fact, i was starting to get a little embarassed being there, like in intruded lol.
I finally said 'i'll leave you to lovers alone for a while'...that got my wife a little scared... I told her that this was for her and her alone. She shouldn't have to think of me or see me in the room during 'critical' moments lol. I looked at the girl and thought, what the fuck...walked over and gave her a kiss, felt up her tits, looked again at my wife and told her to enjoy it to the hilt...experience it all without hesitation...kissed her and told her i was happy and proud of her...she looked at the girl and the girl said to to my wife "I've not wanted any woman more than i want you now and i'm going to do my best to give you the best woman to woman love making i can".... So what my wife tells me later, she knows what heaven feels like.
I should say i had to go up to the room after the girl came down lol. She said my wife was to weak to move and could i just come up to her lol. As the girl tells it, she said it was mind blowing to her as well. I think it was due to my wife being a virigin for her (g). However, for the next year, that girl came down once a month for the weekend (averaged out) and they remained friends long after. What did i do? I left them alone to go play poker with the guys etc. She would come down on saturday, we all made a day of it, they had girls night out (and in) and it was A-ok with me. As i had told my wife before the night in question, people are who they are...if you love them, you don't even try to change them. If someday she tried it, liked it, would i leave her if she wanted it a lot...nope. Of course over the years we did do many a threesome, but mostly i let her have her fun.
She tried the MMF and it was 'ok i guess'...but we found she loved the 'wife swap' more as she got off seeing me with another women while she was with the guy...go figure lol...
Anyways...thats how she go into bi sex with the lady's...and how we got started on a partial swing life. I say partial as when you have k**s and your military and gone all the time, its hard to find the right folks. Today its much easier as clubs are all over the place and you have the internet.
So i hope this answers the questions i have been getting about the wife and if she was bi and how/if we were swingers...thanks all...be safe out there...
12 years ago
Something that can`t be taken away from you.
I can see that life is going on for you and wish you all the best.
Greetings form an old german sailor.