Loser, it's spelled O-C-C-U-P-Y
I thought it couldn't get any lower than when Occupy Baltimore published a pamphlet discouraging victims from reporting r.a.p.e.s that occurred at their rallies to police. They preferred instead to handle such accusations as an internal matter. (Yea that will work)
I should know better than to think...
Occupy Patriarchy, an offshoot of Occupy Oakland managed to set a new low. A group called “HEAT Watch” held a conference for law enf.o.r.c.ement and social workers at the Oakland Convention Center, Weds. June 13, 2012. HEAT stands for Human Exploitation and Trafficking, they are foremost focused on preventing the commercial sexual exploitation of c.h.i.l.d.r.e.n.
The Occupy scuzz thought this worthy of protesting.
One particular scuzz monkey who calls himself zombie blogs at PJ Media. He said; The H.EAT. conference is a conference of pigs and their nonprofit lackeys to increase the harassment, imprisonment, marginalization and criminalization of sex workers. Fronting as a conference against “c.h.i.l.d trafficking,” this conference brings pigs and nonprofits together to develop policing strategies that line their pockets while leaving sex workers exploited and dis-empowered....
….The pigs are the enemies of sex workers, and of all workers. Let’s shut this fucker down!!!!!
With luck there is a hell and “Zombie” will spend eternity being ass rapped and experiencing the fear he wishes upon these c.h.i.l.d.r.e.n held in slavery.
They need to drop the whole 99% thing. I'm not part of the 1% (who aren't the problem by the way), and I'm certainly not associated with these idiots.
I should know better than to think...
Occupy Patriarchy, an offshoot of Occupy Oakland managed to set a new low. A group called “HEAT Watch” held a conference for law enf.o.r.c.ement and social workers at the Oakland Convention Center, Weds. June 13, 2012. HEAT stands for Human Exploitation and Trafficking, they are foremost focused on preventing the commercial sexual exploitation of c.h.i.l.d.r.e.n.
The Occupy scuzz thought this worthy of protesting.
One particular scuzz monkey who calls himself zombie blogs at PJ Media. He said; The H.EAT. conference is a conference of pigs and their nonprofit lackeys to increase the harassment, imprisonment, marginalization and criminalization of sex workers. Fronting as a conference against “c.h.i.l.d trafficking,” this conference brings pigs and nonprofits together to develop policing strategies that line their pockets while leaving sex workers exploited and dis-empowered....
….The pigs are the enemies of sex workers, and of all workers. Let’s shut this fucker down!!!!!
With luck there is a hell and “Zombie” will spend eternity being ass rapped and experiencing the fear he wishes upon these c.h.i.l.d.r.e.n held in slavery.
They need to drop the whole 99% thing. I'm not part of the 1% (who aren't the problem by the way), and I'm certainly not associated with these idiots.
12 years ago
Do you happen to have one, by any chance?
And it's spelled "l-o-s-e-r"
This is a porn site. Or doesn't anyone want to talk about sex with you guys?