My Trip To The Doctor
I once specifically asked my female dermatologist a question about a spot on my penis and lied that I had gone skinny dipping and was concerned about skin cancer, just so she'd check me out. It turned out just to be normal, just sort of a freckle. It was exciting to be sitting on the table with my penis in her hand. I didn't get a hard-on though. I wish I had.
Another time, at another doctor, just a regular physcial where they never seem to examine me naked.... when they told me to put on the paper gown, even though the nurse said to leave my underwear and socks on, I removed everything, as if I didn't hear her. When the female lifted the front of the gown to put the stethascope on my chest, my genitals were totally exposed to her and the nurse! Also, when I had to go over and stand on scale for weight and height measurements, my hard-on was sticking out from beneath the gown..
Another time, at another doctor, just a regular physcial where they never seem to examine me naked.... when they told me to put on the paper gown, even though the nurse said to leave my underwear and socks on, I removed everything, as if I didn't hear her. When the female lifted the front of the gown to put the stethascope on my chest, my genitals were totally exposed to her and the nurse! Also, when I had to go over and stand on scale for weight and height measurements, my hard-on was sticking out from beneath the gown..
12 years ago