Frequently Asked Questions

I get a lot of messages from people asking the same questions over and over again. If people (usually guys) would just take the time to read my bio, most of the questions have already been answered. But even after I answer their questions, some guys just don't get it. So I thought maybe I would have better luck getting the message across if I just created a "Frequently Asked Questions" blog post. I'm sorry if I sound like a bitch but it gets tiring having to explain all of this every time I sign on. Here are my standard answers to the questions I get most often:

Question 1: "Do you want to cam with me?"

Answer: No I don't. I don't want to go on cam and have some perv record everything I do. This answer is usually followed up by...

Question 2: "Well, why don't you go on cam for me and not show your face?"

Answer: Because even if I didn't show my face, it would still be me, and I don't want anything like that to be preserved forever on the internet.

Question 3: "Well, if you don't want to go on cam, how about you just watch me?"

Answer: No thanks. It most cases, it really wouldn't interest me. Contrary to what some guys may think, it's not a real turn on to watch an out of shape guy vigorously jerking off in a dimly lit room on a grainy webcam.

Question 4: "Can I have your MSN or Yahoo?"

Answer: No you can't. I don't share any of my personal information here. No E-mail, MSN, Yahoo, Skype, Facetime, Facebook or anything else. And yes, I know I could set up a dummy account for people here, but if I did people would treat it as an invitation to keep asking to cam, so I don't want to do it.

Question 5: "Can you send me some pics? Or post some more pics on your page?"

Answer: No, I'm not going to send you pictures, for fear of those pictures being reposted somewhere else. And when I say this, some guys will say "Just send them to me--I promise I'll delete them afterwards." Yeah're just an anonymous guy on a porn site--I have every reason NOT to believe you. I was nervous enough about posting the one picture I have up, so that will have to be enough for you.

Question 6: "Have you seen the pictures of my cock? What do you think?"

Answer: Yes, if you've sent me a message or left a comment on my page, chances are I've checked out your page as well. Why are guys so obsessed with their dicks? Seriously, I think guys are more fascinated by dicks than girls are. If you've seen one you've seen them all, right? A dick is only a dick until you get to know the person attached to it...then it can start to be attractive and desirable. But we're only chatting online, so I don't think it's possible to really make a connection like that.

Question 7: "Would you like a tribute?"

Answer: No! There's absolutely nothing sexy about that. You're cumming on a picture...all that tells me is that you have way too much free time on your hands.

Question 8: "Do you want to meet up sometime?"

Answer: No I do not. Even if we live in the same city, I have no desire to meet anyone I chat with on a porn site. In most cases, I have no problem chatting with you online, but I don't want to meet up with someone who might turn out to be a freak and I end up k**napped and tossed in a dumpster somewhere.

Question 9: "Would you like to have sex with an older guy?"

Answer: I'm 21. When you were 21, how often did you fantasize about having sex with someone in their 60s? I'm willing to bet it wasn't very often.

Question 10: "Want to help me jerk off?"

Answer: No, I do not. Even if I wanted to, what do I get out of it? Try to see this from the girl's would be kind of boring to sit there and type messages while you're typing with one hand and trying to talk dirty. And then when you're done the blood flows back to your brain and you return to normal and just sign off. Some of you offer to return the favor, but from what I've seen a lot of guys are really bad at sexy talk. I'd rather just avoid the whole thing.
Published by CuriousNewGirl
12 years ago
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CuriousNewGirl Publisher 10 years ago
to dante3692 : haha....thanks! You wouldn't believe how many guys are obsessed with themselves...especially down there! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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dante3692 10 years ago
Great blog, Misty! Love the answer to #6.
CuriousNewGirl Publisher 11 years ago
to highlander303 : Thanks! I wish more people read this post! lol
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highlander303 11 years ago
I really like your frankness and intelligence :smile:
Schnuckems 12 years ago
It's sad people can not act like adults on this site. I have made some great friends on here with females. But at some point they get sick of guys and their actions:frowning:
cumhereoften 12 years ago
I deeply resent your answers to Q3.I use good lighting and a High Def. camera so there!As to the am exercising!Humph(retires to an indignant silence):wink:
scorpionstud 12 years ago
Well said, be respectful guys.
She is smart and knows what she wants. I always like smart, self-confident girls.
addictivemale 12 years ago
3 letters : wow
godawgs 12 years ago
christianbalerant 12 years ago
Obviously you've been accosted by all the same guys I have. What a concidence.
Your candor is admirable. Well said.
OrgasmExplorer 12 years ago
I managed to unblock one posted answer in my blog by posting myself next comment. I try do the same here, so you could see what I've previously written :smile: if it doesn't succeed, detete this post. :wink:
OrgasmExplorer 12 years ago
It's great. I don't understand why they don't understand :smile: such simple things. It's enough to have a bit of empathy and being able to place himself in the position of somebody else's. Great post, I also laughed most of the time. 1000% correct.
Should be copied and multiplied all over the net.
BTW, you're not alone. This very same situation happens on sex portals in my country as well.
BTW2, it's pleasure to read such a good english (contrary to usual monosyllabic "hot" or "nice". I learned much here, having fun. Thanks :smile:
desmolover 12 years ago
Well said Girl. Respect
Your not sounding like a bitch. You just been honest. Which is a lot more than what other people say. Even with doing this blog. Knowing how many asshole and everything are on here you still will end up with these messages.
Tomcat286 12 years ago
wow, hope you still can have respect for men, if you have so many here beaving so, hm, simple!
87look 12 years ago
Thats Fucking AWESOME! I actually laughed out loud while reading the answers. I guess this is what happens when the men out number you a billion to one. Keep doing you, great honesty, love the post!
mal-o 12 years ago
Very understandable, love the answer on question 8 lol...
mikethetank 12 years ago
it sounds like all the crazy people message you lol. you not wanting your body online is pretty respectable, so people should respect that :smile:
CuriousNewGirl Publisher 12 years ago
I forgot to add one more question: "Hey, are you there? Did you get my message? Why don't you write me back? Where are you?"

Seriously, guys...just because I respond to a message doesn't mean we're in a committed relationship. I try to respond when I can, just give me time.