Conversion: The Clinic byAnotherHotWife©

another from "Anotherhotwife" on literotica god she is sexy love her stories again not trying to steal just pass this sexy story on thanks

if this offends you sorry its just about sex and the fantasy some of us like

Conversion: The Clinic

Note to Readers: For those of you who are offended by the idea of racist white women, black men fucking white girls, or dirty talk about the same, I suggest moving on. I won't be offended if you click the BACK button right now. Go on, it's okay!

Completing Test II

The video screen flashed through another set of interracial pictures of white pussies stretched around thick black cocks, white women's mouths sucking on giant black dongs, interracial couplings all featuring the largest darkest dicks Heather had ever seen. The music was low toned and rhythmic and reminded her of old school techno; all of it was mixed with different girls' voices often repeating the same messages that flashed on the screen in between videos and images.







Her own pussy was sore from masturbating for the last several hours in the private room. As she pumped the black dildo in and out of her cunt she felt the familiar build up of exquisitely dirty pleasure. There was no stopping it. The medication coursing through her body had completely removed all inhibitions and the images she viewed – no matter how revolting she initially thought they were – blocked out all other thoughts.

"I'm a black cock whore! I'm a black cock whore! I'm a OOOH BLACK COCK OOOH FUCKING WHORE!" Heather repeated over and over as she came, just as she had been instructed to do for hours.

Unlike the previous times, however, the video and sound stopped abruptly and the fluorescent lights came back on. A man's voice went loudly over the intercom, startling the college girl who had fallen into her own depraved fantasy world for the last sixteen hours. "Your time is up. Please gather your belongings and any used contents of Boxes A, B and C. You can dispose of any unwanted contents in the trash bin located by the main exit door. Please get your packets on the way out. They are located at the main desk in a red envelope with your room number marked on the front. Your check will be mailed to the address you listed on your initial paperwork once Test Three is completed. Thank you."

Jumping off the bed, she pulled up her panties and her jeans and scooted to the bathroom to check her makeup in the mirror. Her blonde hair was disheveled and Heather did her best to make it look normal. In the end she pulled it back in a ponytail. She looked exhausted, like she had fucked all night long. In a sense she had, only she had done it to herself. With the video and sound off Heather could finally think for herself and the anger was coming back. How could they do this to people? How did I get into this mess? What have they done to me? How do I go back to normal? When will this conditioning wear off?

The questions bounced around in her head as she reapplied her lipstick and slipped her shoes on. Heather desperately wanted a shower to wash the taint of the day off, to remove the images of a bunch of filthy niggers from her mind, niggers who had no business even touching a white girl. Touching them with those big hands, fucking them with those big black cocks...

"Get me out of this fucking place!" she said aloud, frustrated that she was still thinking about black men. She grabbed the dildo and the magazines she had unwrapped and threw them in the clear bag that had been provided. The sooner I throw this shit away the better, she figured, embarrassed that she had looked at the magazines and even more embarrassed that she had used the dildo.

A KNOCK KNOCK at the door made her jump. "We're ready to clear the room for you," a Hispanic woman's voice said from the other side. Heather shoved the toy and magazines into her purse to hide the items from view and then unlocked the door. The older brown skinned woman was pulling a janitor's cart and smiling, "Sorry, I hope I didn't disturb you."

"What the hell do you mean by that?" Heather snapped at her, then pushed passed without even waiting for a response. She walked down the brightly lit hallway and saw there were several doors still closed – the muffled sounds of porn came from each of them and she wondered if every girl in the experiment had been subjected to the same interracial crap she had been forced to watch. Heather turned the corner to see her roommate waiting by the front desk talking with a woman – it was the same woman who interviewed them both when they signed up for this preposterous d**g trial.

"-ake sure you drink eight ounces of water before you go to bed tonight and be sure to read the material inside the packet first thing in the morning. Call the 800 line if you have any out of the ordinary headaches or other symptoms, okay?"

Brianna took a red envelope from the woman –Mrs. DiMurrio was it?- and slipped it into her purse. "Thanks, I appreciate it- Hey Heather! You ready to get out of here?"

"SO ready," she responded, taking a red envelope from DiMurrio like her friend had done.

The woman behind the desk started again, "Just remember that the d**g will remain in your system for another forty-eight to seventy-two hours-"

Heather cut her off, "Yeah, I heard you telling her everything. Can I go now?"

The woman's smile faded in response to the girl's rudeness, "Yes, you may leave. You can dispose of any used items from boxes 'A', 'B' and 'C' here in this trash can."

The blonde college student had no intention of showing this clinic worker or her friend the items she had used. Even quickly tossing something into the can would be admitting she had masturbated and Brianna would never let her hear the end of it.

She heard another girl coming down the hallway and wanted to get out of the clinic right away. "I didn't USE anything. Can we go?"

"Yes you may."

As the two of them stepped out into the midnight air Brianna turned to her friend with a concerned look on her face, "What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't like being stuck in that tiny room all day long."

Brianna unlocked the car doors and the two of them climbed in. "I didn't mind it so much. I don't think I have ever seen so many naked girls in my entire life though."

"Or guys..." Heather added.

"You got guys in your videos? Not me. It was all girls playing with themselves or doing it with other girls. It's like they were trying to turn me into a lesbian or something. So were the movies any good for you at least?"

"I barely watched them," she lied. "I just zoned out most of the time."

Heather climbed into bed and turned out the light on her nightstand. The air conditioning from the apartment was blowing down on her but it still felt hot in the room. Maybe she was still feeling a reaction from the d**g? she considered. She pulled back the blanket on the bed and then a few minutes later kicked off the sheet as well. Her petite frame now rolled on the mattress, clad only in her tank top and pajama shorts.

I can't believe I let Brianna talk me into this, she thought. Some weird d**g is in my body doing who-knows-what and then they show me all that disgusting porn. Of all things to have me watch they show me black guys fucking white girls. Fucking them with those big dirty cocks. Every one of those girls was a slut for fucking those giant dicks. Those giant dicks pumping into them, making them cum over and over. Fucking their white pussies. Maybe those girls were given this d**g too. Yeah, that's the only way you could get that many white women to betray their race. d**g them up with some sex medicine and make them so horny they can't stand it. That's the only reason I watched those dirty movies. Watching and rubbing my clit and fucking my pussy with that big black dildo while those white cunts got stretched out by those enormous black cocks...

Heather couldn't stop thinking about the interracial sex she had witnessed all day long and shoved her fingers into her pajama shorts. Her pussy was wet to the touch and immediately felt overwhelming desire as soon as she touched her clit. She needed to cum one more time to be able to get to sleep– to hopefully shake these thoughts from her head and get some rest finally. The clit rubbing wasn't doing it though and eventually she had her fingers buried deep in her snatch. One finger, then two, then three. Fuck, I need it so bad right now!

She jumped off her bed and grabbed her purse. Even in the dark it wasn't difficult to find the big dildo she had punished her pussy with for hours. At ten inches long it barely fit in her bag and it was so thick her fingers couldn't even reach around its girth. Heather pulled off her shorts and slid the dildo along her pussy lips. She couldn't believe she was doing this in her own bedroom; in her own apartment! It was so wrong, so filthy, so...

She pushed the black dildo in her cunt and moaned loudly. ...So hot. The sounds from the clinic came back to her conscious mind as she fucked herself with a dildo that dwarfed every guy she had ever slept with. Knowing the dildo was the same size as the black actors' cocks in the movies (and in many cases smaller than the actors) made her whole body tremble.

Fuck me with that black cock!

Black cock is better!

Black cock is bigger!

I'm a dirty little white girl!

I love black dick!

The climax came quickly as she pushed the dildo deep inside her, deeper than her boyfriend ever reached. The thickness was delectable as she mentally compared the feel of her boyfriend's cock to the black phallus that just shook her body with orgasmic pleasure. "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Ohhhh!" sleep came almost as quickly as she did, and Heather fell asleep grasping the toy in both hands.

One week earlier

Her roommate Brianna had suggested they sign up for a d**g trial that was being conducted off campus. It paid $200 for three days of testing and –after paying for books this semester- it was an option that she needed to take if she was going to have any social life at all this month. When she arrived at the clinic she was interviewed by an attractive woman in her thirties.

"Hi, I'm Mrs. DiMurrio. You are here for the d**g trial, correct?"

"Yes, although I am a little nervous about it," Heather answered.

"Don't be. This is the third trial we have done on humans and the side effects are minimal. Dehydration, mild to moderate headaches, hot flashes. It is highly unlikely you'd get any of these symptoms but even if you did they wouldn't be fatal – just an annoyance."

"I noticed that the trial is for women only. What kind of d**g is it? Like birth control?"

DiMurrio smiled, "No, not at all. It is a sexual stimulant, like Viagra but for women. This trial is going to be done over five hundred women and a third of those will be the control group-"

"Whoah, I didn't know it was going to be some sex d**g. What is it going to do?"

"Well, we know it works, but how well it works is what the trial is for." The clinic worker went on to describe how on the first day they would establish a baseline for how excited a woman got by watching pornographic images. The second day they would administer the d**g and then expose the patient two a large block of pornographic images in a controlled setting for an extended period of time. The third testing day would be a blood test and then a repeat of the first test to see what changes occurred, if any.

Heather had seen a few pornos before with her boyfriend and she and her girlfriends had laughed about them on a few occasions. Never had she ever discussed things so clinically with a stranger, however. It was awkward.

"Don't worry," Mrs. DiMurrio told her, "It is all done very discreetly and you will be by yourself during the tests in the event you feel overly excited."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, in case you need to masturbate."

Heather felt her face turning red, "I don't masturbate-"

"Please, you don't need to tell me anything. There is a survey for you to fill out, disclosure forms, schedule forms. The paperwork is all I need."

"But I don't need to, you know, do anything with myself, do I?"

"No. It is something you can feel comfortable doing if you feel you want to, but it isn't a requirement in any way."

In truth Heather did masturbate, but it wasn't frequent and it was usually when her boyfriend was unavailable for awhile. When she did it was a quick stress relieving moment. She certainly wasn't about to touch herself in some clinic office.

Completing Test I

Heather squirmed awkwardly in the chair watching pornographic images flash across the computer screen. She was alone in the room but it was still embarrassing to be doing the test in the first place. The sensors were attached to her temples, neck, chest, and back stuck uncomfortably to her skin; the finger clip measuring her heart ate and armband measuring her blood pressure were difficult to ignore as well. The images seem to come in batteries: women giving blowjobs, then couples in a doggie style position, then men masturbating, then pictures of sex toys, then threesomes involving two women and one man. She had been reclining in the clinic chair for about twenty minutes. Nobody had interrupted her and her only instruction was to sit comfortably for an hour looking at sexual imagery. This wasn't a bad way to earn $200 at all. Some of the pictures were hot, others weren't. Her excitement level ebbed and flowed; Heather became particularly aroused when she was shown images of women masturbating with big toys. She wasn't sure why it excited her; she certainly wasn't a lesbian and had only kissed a girl once. Still there was something exciting about watching these girls forcing a thick dildo into their pussies and she wondered if the machine she was hooked up to was recording her excitement or not.

The images flashed by and then changed to something Heather definitely didn't like: niggers. At first the images were just the men posed without their shirts, white and black men alike. Then it went to showing them nude from the waste down. It showed a white guy's cock, then a black guy's cock, then a white guy's cock again, then another black cock. The men were sometimes hard and sometimes soft and sometimes jacking off. It was all very confusing for the blonde haired college student – she was raised in Georgia and brought up properly that you just didn't mix races. She had been picked up on by plenty of black guys in high school and college but always gave them the cold shoulder like they deserved.

Now she was being subjected to images of black cocks, dozens of them in fact. Some with foreskins, some without. All of them were big though – even when they were soft! Like all girls Heather had heard rumors about black men being bigger than other men but never gave it any thought. Her boyfriends always brought her enough pleasure so who cared about a big dick anyway? But looking at them was like a traffic accident; she just couldn't turn away. Many of the images had men measuring their cocks with rulers.

One white cock – 5 inches. It looked like her boyfriend Tim's dick actually.

One black cock – 10 inches. It wasn't even all the way hard.

One white cock – 6 inches.

One black cock – 13 inches. Thirteen? It had to be fake!

The pictures went back to men having sex with women. This time though, the pictures were sporadically replaced with black men having sex with white women. Now that is pushing the limits of decency! Heather thought. She turned away from the screen for the remainder of the test, glancing back occasionally just to see if the Negroes were gone from the screen. Occasionally she went back to watching the white couples until another black guy's cock ruined things for her once again.

After the test she filled out a survey asking her to rate her excitement level for the different types of images. As she went down the list she made sure to let them know exactly how she felt about certain subjects.


NUDE WOMEN- she rated it a 3.












Starting Test II

A man in a golf shirt and ID pin labeled "Hi My Name is DAVE" walked Heather down the hallway from the waiting room to her test room labeled 'EI02'. Brianna had just been called from the room about ten minutes prior leaving her alone in the white room with a dozen other college girls. Heather glanced at some of them and noted that they all looked as uncomfortable as she did. Still, she was glad when she was called second.

"And here is your room for the next sixteen hours," the man named Dave told her. "You will find a sink and a toilet in through this door, and over here by the bed is a box that you may look through at any time once the test starts."

Heather thought the room was quite nice all things considered. There was one door and no windows. The walls were pink and there was a comfortable looking bed that was covered in a plastic sheet. "What's with the plastic?" she asked him.

"Just to show the room has been fully laundered, that's all. So over here you will see there is a large screen TV facing the bed that will probably catch most of your visual acuity, and two smaller ones on these walls here. There is a fourth smaller screen in the bathroom-"

"Why in the bathroom?"

"So that you are exposed to the images no matter where you go."

"And how do you know I won't sleep through the whole thing? You guys starting this test at seven AM kinda sucks, don't you think?"

"Well, I think the whole idea is to make sure you are awake. There is a button on this touch screen computer terminal that will flash randomly and you have to click it to show you are awake. It doesn't make any noise though. And if you fall asleep you will be required to-"

"Yeah, I know, required to do this whole stupid thing over again. I got it. I'm not gonna fall asleep, I was just asking. So when you we have a lunch break?"

Dave stared at her with an impatient look, "I was just getting to that. You did eat breakfast as instructed, correct?"


"Your two provided meals will be brought to you at approximately noon and six PM. Somebody will knock on the door and then you will take the tray off the cart outside and bring it in. When you are done just set it on the table here. You will remain in the room with no contact with any other human being until midnight tonight."

Heather pulled the plastic off the bed, balled it up and pushed it into the trash can while listening to this Dave guy drone on and on with his instructions. She wasn't an idiot and all she had to be told was "Stay in the room and watch porn". She didn't need a 10 minute breakdown of the day.

"...required to pay back $250 to the clinic."

"Whoah, wait a sec. What was that last part?" She said, the money part catching her attention.

"Simply put, the clinic has put a lot of money into the testing and if you decide not to go through with the test today, you will be required to pay back the clinic $250 for not completing the remaining tests."

"The other people didn't say anything about that."

"It is in the disclosure documents you signed. But are you planning on quitting?"

"No," Heather told him.

"Then I wouldn't worry about it. So are you ready for your pills?"

"Sure." The worker handed her two pink pills and a glass of water, making sure to witness her drinking the whole glass. Then he asked to search her purse – the second time it had been searched that day.

chapter 2

"Sorry about this, I just need to make sure you don't have a cell phone, wrist watch, or recording device or iPod or anything else that might distract you from the test."

"No problem. I just have my make-up, hairbrush, and my wallet. I left all that stuff at home like it said in the instructions."

He handed her purse back, "Do you have any other questions?"

"Uhm, I guess not. No. When does this all start?"

Dave looked at his watch, "In six minutes." He stepped out the doorway and turned around, "Be sure to lock your door."

"Why?" she asked.

"For privacy, of course." And with that he walked down the hallway. Heather pulled the door shut and locked the door. Climbing up on the bed, she pulled her shoes off and stretched out on the bed. It was nice and comfortable. She looked around and noticed there was no place else to sit except on the bed or on the toilet. The computer monitors and the big screen TV all flashed the same message "STAND BY".

Five minutes later, the room lights went out and the screens flashed "TOUCH HERE TO BEGIN". Heather pressed the button and all three screens came to life with a series of quick sexual images, so quick she couldn't even focus. It sped up and then the screen went white. A brunette woman with nothing on except high heeled shoes walked onto the screen and appeared to be talking directly at the camera. "Your assignment today is Big... Black... Cocks."

The screen flashed again and there was a giant black cock getting unzipped from a pair of pants by a sexy blonde girl. The thing was long and ugly and thick and uncut. The girl in the video put it right in her mouth and began sucking it.

"Gross!" Heather said aloud. She tried turning away but each screen showed the same horrible image of a white girl tainting herself with some Negro's cock in her mouth. A rhythmic techno beat was playing in the background along with a girl's sexy voice that kept on saying the most vile things...

"I love looking at big black dicks.
Black guys have better bodies.
Black men fuck harder.
Black men last longer.
Interracial porn turns me on.
My pussy wants black cock.
I must masturbate every day thinking of black men.
Black cocks make my cunt wet.
I can't help wanting those black rods.
I'm a black cock whore.
White men can't compare to black men.
White men no longer please me..."

Occasionally the screen would flash the same message, most of the time it showed switching images and video clips of interracial sex. Heather closed her eyes; she couldn't block the sound out but she didn't have to see the disgusting acts. A few minutes later the music stopped and the lights in the room went back on. A male voice went over the intercom, "Room EI02, you did not touch the screen button in time. We now have to reset the test. Please stand by."

"Can I have a different type of show please?" Heather called out. There was no answer.

The lights went out once again and the screen prompted her to start. The same video started up again, "Your assignment today is Big... Black... Cocks."

Heather couldn't believe it. Out of all the kind of porn in the world they had to show this trash? And not just interracial porn but SIXTEEN HOURS of interracial porn! She seriously considered walking out of the office when she remembered it would cost her $250 to leave. "This is bullshit!" she screamed aloud.

A picture of a black cock surrounded by red light flashed in the corner of the screen with the word "PRESS" underneath it. Heather pressed the letters and nothing happened. Grudgingly she touched the image of the black cock and it vanished. The perverse display continued on with a petite blonde girl (about the same body type as herself, she noted) taking a giant black cock in her pussy. It looked like the girl was going to split in half, screaming in a pain-pleasure combination. Heather got off the bed and went into the bathroom and poured a glass of water from the sink. She could see the screen in the bathroom mirror – it stood out prominently in the dark and in fact was the only thing lighting up the bathroom at all. Some words flashed backwards across the screen, at least that was the first thing Heather thought until she realized everything was mirror image. She turned around and read, "I LOVE BLACK COCK". As she walked back into the room she realized it was going to be a long ass day. She sat up on the bed and stared at the screen miserably.

She was imprisoned in this room for sixteen hours by her own greed. For $200 she had to witness these disgusting sex acts and it appeared that, for the video, there was no deviating from white women fucking Negroes. What were they trying to prove with this test? Was this directed at her specifically or was it random? Perhaps it was because she scored the sex acts with black men so low that they wanted to see how she reacted to sixteen hours of the same filth? Or maybe every woman had to watch this?

Heather started to feel a little warm and thought that perhaps the medication was kicking in. The 'black cock' button was flashing again and she pressed it, then settled back down against the pillows and watched a girl with her creamy thighs spread open and a muscular black man pumping away at her. The look on her face was one of absolute bliss as she screamed out, "FUCK ME! FUCK ME WITH YOUR BIG BLACK DICK! GOD CUMMMINNGGG!!"

Heather had the growing realization that her pussy was getting wet and her nipples were sensitive. What's happening? Is it the d**gs? Is it making me turned on? All of a sudden she had a horrifying revelation: what if the medication she took aroused her to the point of needing to masturbate. Would she? Would she actually watch these interracial, despicable acts while she rubbed her pussy? She realized she was definitely feeling warmer and she stripped out of her jeans and climbed under the sheet of the bed. The fabric was soft and comfortable and felt nice against her skin. A nice fresh laundry scent was still clinging to the fabric and it felt very comfortable there in the dark.

Heck, if it wasn't for the kind of sex on display from every screen, Heather would have found the moment very arousing. Here she was, alone watching porn for an entire day, lying in the dark, just a t-shirt and panties. Her nipples ached and she knew they were getting hard and pressing against her bra. She sat up, unclasped the bra, and pulled it out from underneath the t-shirt. She could have easily taken the shirt off but she still wasn't feeling 100% comfortable that nobody would walk in. Still, it had been a long time –what time was it?- and nobody had contacted her since she didn't press the button in that one instance. They did say she would be alone for the day...

Heather watched as the video images bounced around, broken up by a close-up of the original brunette. Every time it went back to her she was fucking herself with a big black dildo and talking dirty...

"I want to watch black men.
I want to see a big black cock.
Black men are bigger.
Bigger is better.
Black men are sexier.
I like watching black men fuck white girls.
Interracial sex is good.
Interracial porn is sexy.
Interracial sex is dirty.
I want to be a dirty girl.
Feeling naughty makes me cum hard.
Dark skin.
Big hands.
Hot bodies.
Nice asses.
Thick long cocks.
Huge black balls.
Giant black dongs.
White women sucking black cock is sexy.
White women fucking black cock is sexy.
Thick white cum from big black cocks is sexy.
Dark skinned cocks pumping white girls..."
Yes, the medication was definitely taking effect now. Heather's b-cup tits were sensitive to the touch and one curious little check in her panties confirmed that her pussy was soaked. She let her fingers remain on her clit and slowly massaged it as she watched a girl getting fucked doggy style by a guy with a long black dick. He spanked her ass and left a red mark on her right cheek as she bounced back against him and begged for more. Heather's own pussy was aching and she quickly pulled her panties off for better access. She wondered if the girl in the video was feeling as dirty and slutty as she was as she fucked that black guy. Was this 'her thing' or did she do it for money?




The messages drilled into her head as she frantically rubbed her clit. Oh I am definitely feeling as dirty as I could possibly be. This clinic has d**gged me and now I am hornier than I ever have been. It's their fault. They made me watch this. They are making me feel this way. I can't help but rub my sweet wet pussy while watching that dirty Negro fuck that girl. Yeah, fuck her. Fuck her good and hard. She is a dirty slut and deserves it. What's happening to me? Why am I thinking all these things? I'm such a whore. A whore just like these girls. A slut who needs to get fucked. Oh yeah, fucked by a big cock. A big BLACK cock. Oh that's it, fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Ooh, you dirty nigger, fuck my white pussy!

What was normally a stress relieving event had turned into a nightmarish situation. The orgasm was hot and naughty and the guilt over what she had done made her almost sick to her stomach. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face off with some water. The cold on her skin made her relax somewhat. Okay, it is just the d**gs - it isn't me, she told herself. She dried off her face and then caught a glimpse of the 'black cock' button in the corner. Quickly she spun around and pressed it on the bathroom panel.

Climbing back into the bed she rolled over on her side and stared at the smaller screen mounted on the wall next to the bed. Had she seen that girl before? Or that guy? It didn't seem like the scenes were repeating at all, but they were showing longer and longer sex scenes instead of the shorter clips. She liked the longer scenes because they didn't jump around so much and were easier on her eyes. The words flashing across the screen had stopped for a time too which meant room EI02 was better lit now; the glow from the three screens lit things up pretty well. The only time it got dark was when they did a close-up on the black guy's body as he thrust away into the female porn star's waiting hole. When the camera backed off the couple the room got brighter again. The button appeared on the screen and she immediately pressed it. Her fingers slipped down between her legs and she began to rub again...

Although she didn't know it, three hours had passed by in the dark room. Heather had just finished masturbating for the fourth time and was once again doing her best to avoid watching the movies while still paying attention for the red glow in the corner of the screen. The brown box sitting on the ledge below the computer screen caught her eye – it had a large letter 'B' on the top and wasn't taped shut in any way. It had been there the whole time but she had been somewhat 'distracted' by things. Now that her orgasm had just ended, she was able to clear her head a bit more. She sat up and opened it and reached inside. There were two magazines wrapped in cellophane that read "Gangland" up at the top and featured a pretty but slutty looking girl on each cover. The man that had taken her into the room had told her the items in the box were for her, but didn't tell her what to do with them. Even though they were obviously pornographic, Heather decided to open them up anyway. She hoped that it would have some other content other than interracial pictures – she was feeling horny again and didn't want to succumb to the onslaught of black men movies that bombarded her in this room.

She unwrapped the first one and opened the cover. Holding the magazine up at an angle to catch the light properly, she looked through the pictures and unsurprisingly found that each set contained nothing but black men fucking white women. Only these pictures were worse: they had groups of four and five black men all violating a single white girl who hungrily took on every single cock. A big black cock in her pussy, another one in her ass, a third one in her mouth and one in each hand. Getting filled up like that... So naughty, so slutty, so-

"Damn it!" she said aloud, slapping the magazine shut and chucking it to the foot of the bed. Her pussy was aching again and she knew that she needed to cum soon. She ripped into the cellophane of the second magazine and found the same types of pictures. One picture was of a blonde girl with her mouth open wide and her face covered in cum; all of the black men had shot their sticky loads on her face and it covered her cheeks, nose, lips, forehead, and a big glob was dripping off her chin.

The video in the background was blazing away and the black actor was talking dirty to the girl, "Yeah, I love fuckin you white girls. You just so nasty..." Heather started rubbing her pussy u*********sly then slowed when she realized she was thinking about all that cum shooting from a Negro man's cock.

She tossed the second magazine on top of the first and then reached into the box again, desperate to find something to get off with that had a white man in it. She pulled out a small bottle of lubricant. Her hand disappeared into the box again and reemerged with a large dildo that looked like a real life cock – a real life black cock that is. It was ten inches long and thick and veiny and looked like one of the toys she had seen the girls in the movies use. The packaging was still sealed and Heather realized it was left in here specifically for her use.

They want to see if I use this, she realized. They want to see if this d**g can make a girl do something she hates. These bastards aren't going to get me. This stupid experiment is so wrong. If it wasn't for the money I would never be here. There is no way I am putting that black thing up in me. I'm so horny though. I'll just use my fingers. Yeah, that's it. Oooh, yeah, just my fingers pushing up inside of me. I'm so fucking wet. Heather shoved two fingers in and out of her cunt and realized it was in time to the pumping of the black guy's hips. The girl in the video was screaming for more while watching her pussy get filled up, her expression was one of admiration for the black man who was grabbing her tits while he buried his foot long dick inside of her. She had to have cum at least three times and the scene continued. With no clock or wristwatch it was impossible to tell, but it seemed like they had been fucking for a half an hour.

Heather pushed a third finger into her hole and moaned loudly, "Oh fuck!" Is this what it felt like to fuck a big dick? Maybe a bigger cock really was better? What would it feel like to fuck a big cock like that? She stared at the dildo lying on the bed. No, I can't. I can't do it. Just my fingers. Oooh, yeah, deeper, I need to get deeper. Fuck! She pulled her legs up in the air like the girl in the movie and tried fingering herself from the side to get more penetration, but it was no good. The scene ended with the guy shooting ropes and ropes of white cum from his thick black rod onto the girl's face. She held tightly onto his cock and rubbed the cum into her skin and licked it off his shaft. The screen went black again and then flashed a series of rapid messages and pornographic images.




Heather actually found herself mouthing the words on the screen.

The next scene started right up. This one had two black men sandwiching a hot looking dark haired girl between them. One kissed her on the mouth while the second one kissed her neck. She rubbed her ass against the back guy's crotch while unbuckling the pants of the man in front of her. Out came yet another specimen of black cock, thick and long and veiny.

Heather looked at the dildo again. Her internal struggle continued as she watched the brunette sucking a cock that was so big her mouth couldn't get around it. Damn I need to cum so bad again. These pills have got me so worked up I would fuck my boyfriend u*********s. I need a cock so bad! It isn't cheating if I use a dildo, is it? No, it can't be. It's not like I want to use it – I need to use it. He isn't here and I need to cum so bad right now. They have me so screwed up that I can't think straight at all. All I can do is react to this medication. Yes, the d**g works. I admit it works. It has to be working. It's making me do things I would never do. Like masturbate all day. Like watching black men fucking white girls. Like fantasizing about getting fucked with a big black cock. Damn it I need it so bad. I can't stop myself...

She sat up and ripped into the package, pulling the dildo out. The girl in the movie spat on the black man's cock and lubed it all up before putting it inside of her. Heather opened the lubricant bottle quickly and dripped it along the dildo's shaft. She stroked it in her hand with a mixed feeling of fear and lust. She was certainly not acting herself and under any other circumstance she would have left the room hours ago. But she couldn't go out like this. She needed to fuck so bad she would sleep with anyone just to quench her thirst for sex. Would she fuck a black man? Yes, she would. Heather was convinced of it, in fact. The medication had her so hyper-aroused that she would allow a filthy dirty nigger to penetrate her pure white pussy. To fill her up. To ravage her body and do unspeakable things with her.

No, I have to stay in here, she told herself, pushing the dildo into her waiting cunt and gasping as she did. Oh this feels so fucking good! So long and thick and deep up inside of me. So much bigger than my boyfriend! I can't even control myself around a dildo, how could I control myself around a real life man? Could I stop myself? If I saw a black man on the street would I be overwhelmed by the need to see his enormous cock? He would have a big one of course. They are all big. Every single one of these ugly black men has been gifted with a giant, pussy pleasing cock that would ruin me forever. No, I have to stay here till the d**g wears off. Stay here and punish my little white pussy with this big black dildo...

"Oooooooooh!" she let out a long sound marking her deep vaginal orgasm. Her G-spot made her whole body go crazy and her pussy juices seemed to gush out of her.

At lunch time there was a knock that startled the blonde patient from her dream world. Heather pulled her panties on and her t-shirt and peaked out the door; the corridor was empty save for a cart with a food tray. She grabbed the tray and quickly closed the door. That and her dinner break were the only distractions she had from her masturbation sessions. She was glad about that though. She didn't want any distractions. She wanted sex. No, not just sex. Hot dirty sex with big black dicked men.

The day after

She slammed the phone down for the second time that afternoon, this time catching her roommate's attention. Brianna came out of her bedroom wearing a short baby doll nightie, nail polish in hand. "Why are you trying to break the phone? Was that Tim?" She finished the final brush strokes on the nails of her left hand and blew on them.

"Yes, it was him again. He gave me some bullshit story about some frat thing he had to do today and I could come down and see him later in the afternoon. I am so done with his fraternity garbage!" Heather went into a long tirade about how her boyfriend was never around when she needed him. Brianna listened to her roommate's rant, blowing on her nails until she was sure they were dry.

"Hey what's up with the 'tude? You've been all bitchy since last night. Is somebody feeling lonely?" Brianna made kissy faces at her friend and started grabbing her in a playful way.

chapter 3

Heather swatted her away laughing, "Get off me, lezbo!"

Brianna sat back on the sofa, "I might as well be. I watched so much lesbian porn yesterday I couldn't even sleep last night. I wore out the batteries on my freakin vibrator-"

"TMI! TMI, Brianna! Keep your bedroom activities in the bedroom."

Brianna sat up a little, "Don't act all innocent with me. I heard you last night playing with yourself."

"I wasn't playing with myself!" Heather shouted back.

Brianna laughed at her, "You so were! Look at your face! You are turning all red. You were totally playing with yourself."


"Oh really? Let's go look in your room and find that new toy you got from the clinic..."

"You are such a snoop, bitch!" Heather picked up a throw pillow and whacked her roommate with it who had gone into a full belly laugh on the sofa. "I can't believe you went into my room!"

"I didn't! I didn't!" Brianna managed to say between chuckles. "I swear!"

"Then how do you know about it?"

Brianna stopped laughing, but she was still smiling at her friend, "Because I watched you last night... And this morning."

Heather froze. Her roommate had watched her masturbating with the black dildo. What would she think? Did she know about the magazines? Did she know about the interracial porn? The fantasies? "Why didn't you knock or interrupt me or something so I didn't embarrass myself?"

"Because I was enjoying the show too much," Brianna grinned, sliding her hand along Heather's thigh seductively.

"Bri', stop it."

"I can't help it. I think the d**g they gave me last night has me all worked up." Brianna slinked up close to Heather and started kissing her on the neck. She pushed her hands away but Brianna kept grabbing her from different directions, "Come on, it will be fun."

"No, I can't. I'm totally straight. I'm not judging you or anything but I can't."

Brianna slid her hand down over her shorts and whispered in her ear, "Just until the medication wears off. Come on, I need it badly. I've been thinking about you all night long..."

Heather's pussy was tingling already, and then the touch of her friends fingers rubbing against her crotch got her even more excited. "It's cheating on Tim," she whimpered.

"Oh Tim would totally love it if you were with another girl and you know it." Brianna kept rubbing between her legs and kissing her neck. "Come on, Heather. I'll make you feel so good. Maybe I'll even shove that big dildo up inside of you like you did all morning long..."

Heather couldn't stand it anymore. The two girls locked in a kiss, their hands running along each other's skin. Brianna unbuttoned Heather's shorts and slipped her fingers along the blonde's damp mound and she moaned in response to the touch. Whatever the d**g was that the clinic had given them, it had certainly worked. To Heather's best knowledge, Brianna had never even kissed a girl, yet here they were, acting like a couple of lesbian lovers. Brianna took her by the hand and they went to her bedroom.

"Fuck me! Push it in deeper!" Heather screamed as her roommate shoved the black dildo deep in her pussy.

"Damn, that is so sexy watching you fuck that toy, Heath'. You are being such a bad girl, you know that?" Brianna pumped the toy in and out of her friend's cunt quicker now, watching her pretty pink pussy take it all in. She had watched hours of women masturbating with big toys the previous evening and now here she was watching her own roommate's cunt filled up with one. She ground her own pussy on Heather's smooth leg while talking dirty to her friend. "Who would have thought you of all girls would like a black cock in your pussy."

"Oooooh!" Heather moaned in both delight and shame at the thought. Who would have thought indeed? She had told her friend everything in the heat of passion. Every shameful act, every deviant thought.

"Tell me again how the video went again. Tell me how bad you want this black cock."

"God I need it so fucking bad. I'm a dirty white girl who loves to fuck black dick. I need a black man to fuck me hard. I want him to bury his cock up in me, use me all night long, make me feel like a slut."

"You are a slut, Heather. Fuck that black dildo, you bad girl you."

"Cumming again! Cumming! CUMMMING!"

Two hours later, the roommates stepped out of the shower together; their second showers of the day and they both needed it after the sweat the two of them made during the afternoon.

"When do you think we'll stop feeling the effects of the d**g?" Heather asked.

Brianna dried her friend's back while taking the liberty of admiring the blonde's ass and legs. "They said two to three days."

"But does that mean two days starting from when we took the pill or when we left?"

"I think from when we left. So today, Sunday, and maybe Monday I guess."

Heather sighed, "Well, there goes classes on Monday. I'm screwed."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm not leaving the apartment. I can't trust myself until this d**g wears off. When my stupid ass boyfriend gets done playing with his fag frat boys he can come over here but I'm not leaving."

"Who says you need your boyfriend?" Brianna asked seductively, cupping Heather's breasts and initiating a kiss. Heather kissed her back.

"I suppose I don't. But I really need some penetration... I can't believe I'm having this conversation with you."

Brianna chuckled, "It's totally cool. We're in this together. I'm sure we'll figure things out."

It was Saturday night and Heather was just hanging up the phone. "Yeah, okay. I'll see you in a couple hours. Okay, bye."

"Tim's really coming over?" Brianna asked, pouting. She had put on a sexy plaid skirt and a white half blouse tied to show her trim waist and belly. She looked every part the naughty school girl. She had one hand behind her back and the other was just petting her own skin.

"Yes, he's finally coming over. And not a moment too soon from the looks of you."

"What do you mean by that?" Brianna asked not-so-innocently, lifting her skirt up and showing off a bright red pair of lace panties.

"It means that if I spend another night with you, we'll have two lesbians in this apartment."

"And that would be bad?"

"Yes!" Heather said with an exasperated tone. "I enjoy cock too much."

"Are you sure Tim's is going to be big enough for you?" Brianna held up the black dildo and rubbed it along her cleavage.

"Hey, you said you were going to keep that hidden in your room tonight for me. You can use it if you want."

Brianna sat down next to Heather and frowned, "It's no fun unless you are on the other end of it."

"That's just the sex d**g talking."

"So? I really enjoyed this afternoon. Don't you want to spend the whole weekend like that? Licking... Sucking... Rubbing..." She ran her hand along Heather's blonde hair and played with it.

"Stop, please. Or I won't be able to say no. Please, Brianna, I need a man to fuck me tonight."

"Fine," Brianna said, flustered by her roommate's denying her lesbian seductions. She walked into the kitchen and rummaged through the refrigerator. "Hey, we need to go shopping tonight."

Heather looked into the kitchen from the couch, "Why?"

"Because we have no food. We have no milk, no coffee. Let's go tonight and get it over with."

"Can't we do it tomorrow?"

"Uh, no. If you and lover-boy Tim are going at it all night, I'll get stuck doing all the shopping. No way."

"Fine. We'll go tonight."

The Club

Brianna was certainly doing her best to distract Heather. While she drove, she slid her hand underneath her red panties and rubbed her pussy, masturbating while she drove. Heather succumbed slightly to her sexed up roommate's demands and agreed to masturbate with her while they drove. The windows of the car were tinted so nobody could see the two of them, although Brianna ran a red light at one point as she watched her blonde friend pull off her panties and rub her cunt underneath her skirt.

Heather was getting used to being horny all day and was even enjoying the dirty feeling of teasing her friend. Brianna had gone completely crazy for pussy. After taking the clinic d**g and watching the girl-girl videos all day, she was practically brainwashed into being a lesbian.

"You are such a tease, Heather." Brianna kept looking from the road to her roommate's bare pussy, rubbing her own as she did. "You sure you don't want to just spend the night with me?"

Maybe Tim can fuck the black fantasy right out of me, she considered. "I can't," she replied. "As bad as you need to be with a woman right now- that's how much I need some cock."

"Well, here is your chance." Brianna pulled into the dance club parking lot and climbed out of the car. Heather looked around and realized her friend had completely passed the grocery store and gone to a club that was a couple miles from their apartment. She never went there because of the 'element' but her friends always said they had a good time there. But now wasn't the time for clubbing. Tim would be over in less than two hours and the last thing she needed was to be around a bunch of other men in her state.

"Brianna, come back!" she called, trotting up behind her roommate. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going inside." She walked up to the bouncer and showed her ID. The man was about 6'4" and black and overweight and sweating in his suit in the late Summer evening heat. He eyed Brianna in her schoolgirl outfit and handed back her driver's license.

Heather stopped in her tracks; she looked at the bouncer and a thousand images of black dicks came flooding back to the typically racist girl.

Black men make me horny.
I am addicted to black cock.
Black men have the biggest dicks.
Black men fuck better.

Damn it, Brianna! You did this on purpose. "Brianna, come back!"

"Hey, was that your friend?" the bouncer asked her.

She looked at him and immediately stole a glance at his crotch. Looking back up she answered, "Yeah, I really need to go talk to her but my purse is locked in the car and she has the key."

"Hold on a sec." The bouncer checked the IDs of a big group of people going into the club. It seemed to take forever but when he was done he turned back to her, "Go on in and get your friend's keys and come back out. Just show me your ID when you get your purse, okay?"

"Thanks!" she waved and went in. Wow, he was really nice for being a Negro. I wonder how big his cock is...? She looked around the club trying to find her sex-demented friend before they both got into a lot of trouble. It was early in the evening but there were already a fair amount of people there. She spotted Brianna over at the bar talking with two tall black guys. The two of them were leaned over her as she spotted Heather walking toward her. She whispered into the taller one's ear and they all looked over when she got up to the bar. The Negro men were dressed in baggy pants and long t-shirts and the tall one had a shaved head. The other one had cropped hair with a line carved along the side.

"Hey guys, this is Heather who I was just telling you about." Brianna made eye contact with Heather and had a smug look on her face.

"Hi, it's uhm, nice to meet you I guess."

"You guess?" the one with hair asked; he looked insulted and angry like most black men do. Still, there was something very sexual about him. Heather could smell his odor, the odor she had made fun of many times before when talking about 'darkies' when they were out of earshot. But now she was smelling it and feeling a wave of sexual desire wash over her. She realized she was staring when the taller one without hair put his hand out.

"Hey, I'm Terrence. This here is my friend Mike. Your girlfriend says you like to dance."

"No, uhm, not really. I'm actually in a bit of a hurry tonight. I have a boyfriend and he's coming over soon-"

"Mike, would you like to dance?" Brianna grabbed the shorter black man by the hand and started walking toward the dance floor. She looked over her shoulder and winked at Heather, "Why don't the two of you join us?"

"Come on, Brianna. I need to go. Tim is coming over soon!" she called after her roommate.

"Hey, we just gonna dance a little," Mike told her, "then you can get goin." The two of them walked onto the dance floor where the music was so loud you could feel the vibrations from the speakers. Heather went after them but it was obvious her roomie was either ignoring her or couldn't even hear her. I've got to get out of here. Find a telephone anywhere and call Tim... She turned around and collided with a wall of black flesh; he had followed her onto the dance floor and she had walked right into Terrence's arms.

"If you dance with me a little bit, I'll give you some money for a cab, how that sound?" His big arms were holding her solidly and he towered over her 5 foot 2 inch frame. She looked into his eyes with trepidation, her stomach was doing flip flops and her nipples were hard as pebbles. She nodded and stood there as this Negro stood inches from her, moving and swaying to the beat. He slid his hands down her body and to her waist, getting her to move to the music some. Those big dark hands are on my body. A black man's hands actually touching me. Oh no, it's happening again. I'm getting turned on, this time in the arms of some black stranger. I've got to stop...

Heather turned around and stepped to leave the dance floor but Terrance moved with her and crept up from behind, swaying with the music and holding her from behind, his crotch rubbing right against her ass. She closed her eyes as the sexual energy from this dark skinned man enveloped her. She remembered she was wearing no panties (having taken them off for her roommate in the car) and the dirtiness of the situation started to overwhelm her. The dance floor was dark, but her desire to get fucked was darker still. She could feel his cock getting hard in his pants and pressed her ass backwards to grind against it more. I can't stop myself. The medication, the interracial brainwashing, the music... I can't fight it. I need it hard. I need it dirty. I need it black. Yes, black. A black man is going to fuck my perfect white pussy and there is nothing I can do but let it happen.
Terrence slid his hand under her skirt and realized she had no panties. His fingers moved along her slit and found it wet to the touch. He spoke in her ear, "Damn, girl, you really do have some jungle fever goin on. You wanna get outta here?" He was yelling but she could barely hear him over the bass from the music.

She couldn't bring herself to say yes, but how could she say no?

The words flashed across her consciousness...


She looked up from his long, coffee colored, uncircumcised cock into his eyes, "You are so much bigger than any of the white guys I've been with." She put her mouth back on the head and sucked on it. Inside of Heather a part of her was screaming, but the flashes continued.



It made her feel dirty and she rubbed her pussy even faster as she gave the best blow job she could. His cock was as long as the dildo she had taken from the clinic and thicker to boot. She was nervous about it hurting but she knew that the d**g she had taken had all but wiped out her inhibitions. The clinic had converted her into being a black cock loving slut and as long as she was under the influence of this d**g she was at the mercy of her own sex drive. She hated them for what they had done to her, but at the present the pleasure was too powerful to fight. She would deal with them later, but for now...

"Your girlfriend said you never been with a black man before," Terrance told her. His breathing was heavy as he laid her back on her own bed and poised his cock above her pussy.

"Never. I never even thought about it. Now I can't think about anything else." Heather started to cry. How many times had she called her girlfriends who even talked to black men 'nigger lovers'? How many times had she ridiculed white women who shamed their race by dating Negroes? Now her legs were spread and her womanhood was about to be ruined by a black man.

"You want me to stop?" he asked. His thick cock head was touching her mound, teasing her pussy lips, on the cusp of entering her.

I do want you to stop. I want you to leave. I want you to get your black ass out of here and never come back. I want to take a shower after letting you touch me. She stared at his dark member, her breathing shallow and her heart racing.





"Stick it in me," she whispered, barely able to believe she uttered those words. A single tear dripped from the corner of her eye.

"You sure?"

"Fuck me!" she commanded him, staring him in the eyes. "Fuck me with you big black cock! I can't stand it anymore!" She grabbed his hips with her legs and squeezed Terrence into her. His cock filled her up and she grabbed a hold of him with her arms. His body fell upon her and he thrust deeply inside her waiting, sopping cunt, touching all the places where her inferior boyfriend had never discovered.

Terrence pumped her little pussy, surprised at how tight she was. He had been with a couple white women before, but they had gone black years before he ever got to them. This one was different, however. She obviously wanted him for the sex, for his being black. Her friend called her a racist white princess who had a closet fantasy about black men and Terrence was happy to oblige it. "You a freaky little white girl aren't you?" he asked her. She turned her head away and simply moaned loudly. "Yeah you like it nasty don't you girl?" he leaned down to kiss her on the mouth and she pushed his face away.

"Don't kiss me!" she told him through her moans. "Just fuck me. Fuck me harder!"

"Wassup with that? Huh? You to good to kiss a black man? Huh?" He pumped her harder, his balls slapping against her ass. "Prissy little white girl too good for us bruthas?"

"I d-d-don't kiss nig-, Negroes. I don't kiss Negroes." Heather's whole being was a confluence of contradictions at that moment. The sexual energy, the overwhelming imagery, the build up of the moment, her white supremacy upbringing, the taboo nature of her coupling; all of it was creating a tension that she could barely contain. She felt like she was going to explode.

"You gonna call me a nigga, bitch?! Huh?" Terrence was going to show this girl the error of her ways the hard way. He slammed into her pussy without any regard for her pleasure at all. He grabbed her hands and held them over her head and then forced his mouth on hers.

She wailed in pleasure when their lips broke contact, "Oh no! Cumming! Cumming! Cumming! AAAAAAAAH!"

"Oh that's right, bitch. I'm gonna make sure you never fuck a white boy again. You gonna love that nigga dick after tonight!"

"Noooo... I can't...." Heather could barely pay attention to what her body was doing. The orgasm was like an earthquake inside and Terrence kept pumping in and out of her without ceasing. She could feel another orgasm building too. So soon? How could I be orgasming so quickly? My body is betraying me!

"Oh yeah you will, white girl. You gonna love black dick from now on. Mmm hmm, take it all in, bitch." He stroked her long and slow, then fast and hard. Then slow again. Heather went crazy underneath him, cumming again on his long pole. He felt her pussy get even juicier as her cunt flowed with liquid pleasure. He wanted to pound her from behind but for now she needed to see him, to look at him and what he was doing to her. He wanted this white girl to remember tonight. "Oh, that's right, white bitch. You cummin with a black man inside you. How's that feel, huh?"

chapter 4

Heather was shaking all over, "B-b-bad.... OOOH! D-d-dirty... OH!"

"You like feelin dirty doncha?"

"I don't knowww..."

"You like havin that big ol nigga dick up inside ya, ain't that right?"


"Say it, bitch! Say you like nigga dick!"

"I can't!"

Terrence pulled her hair and thrust into her harder, "Say it, you dirty little white bitch!"

Heather lost all control, "I want it! I want your nigger dick! Oh yes, more! PLEASE! Fuck me! I'm a dirty white girl who loves nigger cock!"

"You think your momma and daddy would like you fuckin a big black cock?"

"Noooo... OOH!"

"-Or you boyfriend?"


"But bad little white girl likes it though, don't she? You like fuckin a nice hard black cock, ain't that right?"

"I love black cock! Oh I love it! I need it! It's soo much better. More! Give me more! I need it bad!" Heather wanted him to pound her and use her and fuck her. There was nothing romantic about the moment and it was well beyond passion. It was rough, almost violent sex that her body craved. She wanted him to fuck her as a form of punishment, to crush her will to resist a black man forever.

Tim's friends dropped him off at the apartment complex where his girlfriend lived. He stumbled up the steps and barely caught himself with the handrail. The frat had put on another event today and that of course was all the excuse they needed to break out a pony keg. Six beers and a couple shots later, Tim was well lit and ready for a piece of ass. He was running late, but it was Saturday night and they were staying in. Heather was a bit of a bitch, but they had good sex together and that was really what he was looking for when he got involved with her a month ago. Many of the guys were jealous he had snagged such a hottie this early in the semester and now she was all his. When she called him this afternoon she was talking dirty and begging for him to come over. Tim felt very confident his girlfriend was going to be running hot tonight.

As he walked down the hallway he could hear the sounds of sex coming from one of the apartments. Damn, they are going at it hard, he thought. As he approached Heather and Brianna's door, he realized the sounds were coming from inside their place.

"What the fuck?" Tim said aloud. He figured it might be Brianna at first since the moans from the girl were so loud and Heather never got that loud. But it sounded like his girlfriend. He reached up to the top of the door frame for the spare key they typically left there but it was gone. He ran his fingers along the whole frame and then checked under the mat. Where the fuck is the key? He knocked on the door, but the sounds of fucking continued. He knocked louder and the sounds quieted but nobody answered.

"Heather, it's Tim. Open up. Heather, open the damn door!" He pounded on it with his fist. Was she sleeping with somebody else? He slapped the door with an open hand over and over until he heard the deadbolt slide. A tall black man with a blanket wrapped around his waist answered the door.

"What you poundin on the door for?" he said, looking down at Tim.

"Hey, sorry dude," Tim backed up. This had to be Brianna's date, although I can't believe she'd be dating a black guy. "I thought Heather was here. She said she was-"

Terrence cut him off, "You got the wrong apartment."

"No I don't. Heather is Brianna's roommate."

"I'm telling you, you have the wrong apartment. Now don't be bangin on this door again." He slammed the door shut and Tim heard the deadbolt engage. He heard a voice from right by the door that sounded just like Heather's, but couldn't tell what she said. Tim didn't dare knock again but he pressed his ear to the door and soon heard the sounds of bedsprings and his girlfriend's moans once again.

Four days after

"Are you sure you just don't have an abnormally high sex drive?" the man on the other end of the phone asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. This d**g is still affecting me," Heather complained. She kept her voice low so that the others couldn't hear her conversation.

"Well, what you are saying shouldn't be possible. The dosage should have easily been absorbed and used by your body within seventy two hours and you should definitely not be experiencing more arousal after four days. Do you feel that you need to go to the emergency room?"

"No, I don't need to go to the damn hospital. I'm not sick or bleeding or anything."

"I don't understand, Miss. So you are reporting abnormal symptoms of wanting more sex?"

"Yes!" she tried to yell a whisper into her cell phone. "It's-" Heather didn't want to explain the details of the last few days. "It's very disruptive."

The nasally voice from the man repeated his original comments, "As I told you, you are scheduled for your blood work tomorrow and you can talk with one of the physicians then. Until tomorrow, just try to relax, drink plenty of fluids-"

Heather hung up on him and closed her cell phone. What had they done to her? What could they do to reverse the effects? How could she get help and not explain the depths of her depravity?

Her moment of self pity was interrupted as Mike and Terrence walked back into her bedroom carrying their beers. They were both fully naked and their cocks were getting hard again. Oh, those big black cocks...





They had fucked her mercilessly for over two hours and were coming back for more. She started rubbing her pussy as soon as she set her eyes on their engorged black tools. She desperately wanted to stop but somehow couldn't tell them no. She needed them. She needed their bodies, their dark skin, their big dicks, their foul mouths and their sexual stamina. Climbing down on her knees she began sucking one big cock then the other. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut...

After Test III

Heather fidgeted with the bandage tape on her arm as she walked passed all the testing rooms. She heard the same rhythmic music from her testing and heard familiar sounds from the rooms. How many girls were being shown the interracial movies she was forced to watch? At least six that she counted as she heard the messages bleeding through the walls.

"I must masturbate every day to interracial porn."

"Black cocks are so much better."

"My white pussy needs a black man."

She stormed up to the main office where the clinic's manager supposedly worked and opened the door. Her office was just like the rest of the building: white walls, fluorescent lights, white tables, and white chairs. There were no pictures on the walls, no windows, nothing to distinguish the room in any way except for the file boxes stacked up along the left wall. The brunette woman wore a stereotypical white lab coat and thin framed glasses that she was using for reading. Her office nameplate simply read "T Benson".

"You must be Heather, correct?" the woman greeted her.

"Yeah, uhm, Mrs. DiMurrio told me you had my blood tested. Did she tell you about the problems I've been having?"

"Please sit down," Dr. Benson told her. The women sat on opposite sides of the desk and she opened a folder that was resting on top of a disheveled inbox. "Mrs. DiMurrio gave me a general message, that you were experiencing abnormal arousal, but she also said you were unwilling to elaborate. Can you give me more information to work with?"

Heather stared off at the filing boxes, unable to make eye contact. "Okay, it's like this. Ever since I took those pills here on Friday I haven't been able to stop thinking about sex. I mean, you stuck us in these rooms with, you know, porn and everything. And since then that is all I think about."

"The porn is all you think about?"

"No. I mean yeah. I mean, well kinda."

"Which room were you in?"

"I don't remember," Heather answered, getting more flustered by the minute. "Does it matter? The point is that I can't stop having sex. Even when I don't want it –and trust me I don't want to be doing the things I've been doing- I can't say no and end up sleeping with these... people."

"People?" the doctor asked. "How many people if you don't mind me asking."

Heather started counting from the first day. Brianna, Terrence, Mike, and then some black guy they brought over late last night. I fucked another black guy and I don't even know his name. His cock was so thick too. God it felt like I was going to split in two when he penetrated me. His skin was so dark. All of them fucking me one after the other, calling me their white fuck toy. Those black bastards used me all night long and all I could do was beg for more.

"Four," she finally answered. Four people."

"And is that unusual for you?"

"Yes! What the hell kind of question is that? I'm not some whore you know."

"Don't get angry please. I'm just trying to figure out what is going on."

"I told you what is going on. Your d**g has done something to me. I get stuck doing all these sexual things with people I would NEVER sleep with. Why are you staring at me like that? What the hell is wrong with you? Tell me: what does the blood test show? I bet you know, don't you. TELL ME!"

"Heather, I don't know if you want to hear this but your blood work came up negative."

"That's impossible. You missed something." Heather stood up and grabbed the paper out of the doctor's hand. She looked it over but realized she had no idea what any of the numbers meant.

"We didn't miss anything. In fact, we really didn't need to test you at all. I'm not sure if you remember but we had three groups that we tested. A, B, and C. You were in the 'B' group. The control group."

She stared at the doctor with tears welling up in her eyes. "What does that mean?"

The doctor took the blood work paper gently from Heather's hands and put it back in the file. "It means you were given a placebo. Sugar pills. Heather, we didn't medicate you at all. Now we normally don't disclose information on who..."

The doctor went on and on, but Heather couldn't hear her. She put her face in her hands and sobbed uncontrollably. In the back of her mind she kept hearing her own voice repeating over and over I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut. I'm a black cock slut...

Published by kinkysmurf
12 years ago
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OnYmsgRustolot65 8 years ago
What a great story...but it only took one one to turn me.......kay
gtx84da 11 years ago
to xjanis : You're right.
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MMSdawg 12 years ago
Love it!
xjanis 12 years ago
white girls are better for black guys