The Video
I've always had a fantasy of doing something like tis.
Vicki lives a few doors down the street from me. We've known each other since we were kids but didn’t become close friends until high school. At eighteen we became even closer after we began to experiment sexually. Neither of us were “lesbians” or so I thought. Then there was the Christmas vacation when we were both home from college.
One day I called on Vicki to see if she wanted to go into town that evening. She said that her boyfriend had enrolled in the army and was away on a three-month training course.
“Boyfriend?” I asked. “You never said anything about a boyfriend.”
“Yeah, well stuff happens” she said by way of trying to explain. “Why don’t you come over?”
With me being, as they say, between relationships and not really in the mood to go out, I was excited to get to spend an evening with her. And she said that she wasn't in the mood either. But it soon became clear that she had an altogether different motive for not wanting to go out. Her parents were away for the day and that gave her the opportunity to ask me a favor.
I decided to dress on the sexy side: a tight white top and no bra with a short pleated skirt (I love pleated skirts). “Will you do something for me, Ellen?” She asked, looking rather hesitant.
“What's that?” I asked cautiously, looking at her expression.
“So, you know my boyfriend is away for a while.” She began. I nodded. “I want him to have something to remind him of me, well, of the times we've had together, if you know what I mean.”
She was looking embarrassed now. She paused for a moment and when I didn't oblige by asking, she went on.
“Well, I've been trying to make a video of me to send to him.” She paused again. “One of me masturbating.” Another pause. “But I can't hold my phone still and do it at the same time, and if I wedge it somewhere, it kind of doesn't look right.” A longer pause.
“Would you film me doing it?”
“Are you sure?” I asked in surprise.
“He asked me for a nude photo, but I think this would be better.”
“But what if he shares it around?”
“He wouldn't do that.” She stated with more confidence than I would have felt, and she must have seen it in my face. “Trust me, it won't happen.”
She handed me her phone.
“Well, so long as you know what you're doing.”
“I do” she nodded her assurance. “Anyway, just thinking of having done it will keep me warm at night.”
“I suppose so” I answered doubtfully. It wasn't what I was expecting to be doing, but I couldn’t see any real reason why not and, anyway, the thought appealed to my naughty side.
“Good, let's do it.” She was suddenly all excitement and enthusiasm, “I'm just in the mood.”
I took that to mean she felt turned on by the idea, though I had no idea why. I was still feeling cagey for her. “So long as you're absolutely sure” I cautioned her.
She didn't answer; she was already stripping off, her clothes ending in a heap on the floor. By the time I'd got her phone figured out she was sitting on the sofa, naked except for her bra and panties and looking up at me expectantly.
“Are you ready? she asked.
“I guess so.”
“Start filming then.”
I sat on a chair opposite her and did as she asked, framing her face first and then drawing back to show that she was almost naked.
“This is for you” she said to the camera while looking at me, before slowly opening her legs wide and raising her knees, planting her feet on the sofa to either side of her. Her pussy and trimmed bush were visible through her sheer panties. Her pussy mound was prominently on display. She reached down and began to stroke her pussy through her panties. Between her spread legs her tits were visible, and her nipples had begun to poke through the sheer fabric. Her fingers pressed the panty fabric into her spread pussy lips, and I could pink inside of her pussy.
“Do you like this?” And then she slipped her fingers inside the waistband of her panties and slowly peeled them down her legs.
”Slowly, just like you like it.”
She had told me what she intended to do, but somehow I hadn't expected her to be quite that blatant or that I would find watching her so erotic. I must admit I was getting aroused by her show and while I felt uncomfortable watching her, I had agreed to film her, so I kept her phone camera pointed between her legs. Pretty quickly I found it was less embarrassing for me to watch the phone screen rather than to look at her directly.
Vicki had no such reservations, her fingers now went to her naked pussy, and she rubbed gently at her button, smiling sexily at the camera (and me) as she flicked it with her thumb. I could see her juices now beginning to ooze from her pussy, seeping into the crack of her behind and glistening on her thighs.
“I bet you're going to enjoy watching this, aren't you?” she whispered huskily, again looking right at me.
I thought she was talking to her boyfriend, but she was looking directly at me as if I was the person she was talking to. It was a little embarrassing but also quite exciting. I carried on filming, watching intently as Vicki slipped both hands between her legs, using one to spread her pussy lips wide while the other fingers massaged her slit and strummed her clit. It was very explicit and erotic, so I zoomed in until her wet pussy filled the screen, with her red painted fingernails just coming into view from the top to play with her clit. I wondered if her boyfriend would find the sight as arousing as I did.
Vicki looks gorgeous naked and has a gorgeous pussy. Her clit stands out prominently from under its hood when she gets turned on. And she was obviously very turned on As I was filming her because it was rigid and very red from being teased by Vicki’s fingers. I could see that her pussy was wet and gaping open, looking very inviting between her neat labia. I could imagine watching her video and wishing I was the one doing her. Vicki obviously thought so too.
“Looks nice, doesn't it?” she said to me and the camera, now speaking with a deliberately sexy voice.
“Now watch me enjoying it.” She sat up momentarily to unsnap and remove her bra. Her dark brown nipples were hard and erect atop her pert little tits.
“I hope you like my nipples” she whispered.
I glanced away from the screen. Vicki had closed her eyes and leaned back to rest her head on the sofa, one hand went back to playing with herself. But the other was now teasing her nipples, pinching and twisting one and then the other between her fingers. I looked back at the screen and zoomed out so that the camera could see how she was teasing her now naked entire body. It now pictured all of her again, though I wasn't sure if it would pick up her increasingly heavy breathing. I could see her chest starting to heave as her breathing became increasingly excited.
For the next few minutes I just kept the camera on her, watching her fingers beginning to push deeper into her pussy as her other hand pulled at her nipple. Her eyes were now shut, and her mouth opened so her tongue could flicker out from time to time and lick her dry lips. She was getting more and more excited. Suddenly her eyes popped open and she looked straight into the camera.
“Is this turning you on?”
For a heart stopping moment I really thought she was talking to me. In fact, I was so convinced that I tried to come up with a reply. I could feel my face go red when my immediate instinct was to answer her with a yes. I had been sitting on the floor in front of Vicki’s couch, but I shifted so that I could kneel. I could feel how hard my nipples had become, and I hiked my skirt higher up my legs so I could stroke my thighs. I could now feel how wet my panties had become.
“I bet you want to do it too, don't you? Do you want to go down on me?” she whispered.
She was not making it clear if she meant for me to masturbate or to join her in bringing her to orgasm. Her question added to my turmoil, because I was feeling increasingly that this was for me, and I realized I wanted to join her either way.
She was tugging hard at each nipple in turn now and so I zoomed the camera onto her breasts, anything to stop me from staring at her juicing pussy. But even that did not stop me thinking about how nice she looked. I panned away, gradually moving down her body without consciously choosing to, taking the picture down past her navel, to where her wrist covered her trimmed bush. I watched as her fingers slipped deep into her pussy as her thumb worked her clit. As I zoomed in on her pussy, it began to spasm along with her rosebud and I knew that her orgasm was building; the red of her nail flashed back and forth as her thumb worked over her clit.
“Oh, it's so good, knowing that you will see me come.”
She was breathing very heavily now and so I pulled away to include all of her in the frame. I wanted to catch her facial expression when she came; after all, it's what she would want the camera to see.
Her orgasm erupted suddenly, almost without warning. It was clear that she was close. It was magical to watch. She was rubbing herself hard one minute, and her body writhed slowly under her fingers. Then her legs flew wide, as wide as they could, and her body began jerking and shuddering. Her fingers no longer rubbed her clit, but slapped at her pussy in a rapid tattoo. Quick staccato gasps issuing from her lips in time with her slaps. I'd never seen anyone do that before and I stared openly at her in surprise, even when the slaps and her orgasm finally died away and her hand rested limp and motionless over her pussy.
I kept the camera trained on her as she recovered, her chest heaving and her body trembling. A sheen of perspiration covered her. She still had her legs raised and parted; still unashamedly displaying herself both to me and to the camera until eventually she motioned for me to put the phone down. But she still made no move to cover herself up.
“You have no idea how good that was” she told me breathlessly. “My heart's still pounding like a trip hammer.”
So was mine, especially after what she said next.
“I'm so bloody horny, I'm going to carry on. You don't mind, do you?”
I shook my head wordlessly, wondering vaguely if I could cope with witnessing her masturbating like that again. “Do you want me to keep filming you?” I asked.
“No, but it would be nice if you would to do it as well.”
That shook me. I'd not expected it, but in the mood I was in, it sounded very exciting. I sat there dithering; wondering what had made her say it. Had she read my mind, could she see how turned on I was, what was she thinking? The wetness between my legs told me how much I wanted to, I really wanted to. But I was embarrassed at the idea of masturbating with someone else there.
“Come on” Vicki encouraged me. “I'll feel self-conscious if you just sit there and watch me get off again. You can sit next to me, and then we won't see each other.” She patted the sofa beside her.
It was the thought of Vicki being uncomfortable that persuaded me, along with the fact that we wouldn't be face on to each other. But really, I was so horny there is no way I could have said no. I stood up and rather hesitantly began to undress, dropping my clothes onto the chair I'd just vacated. I left my panties on.
“What if your folks come back? I blurted, suddenly alarmed at the prospect. I'd forgotten all about them until that moment.
“They won't” Vicki chuckled. “They're going to take in a show this evening, so they won't be back until after midnight.”
Vicki sat down and lowered her nearest leg to the floor to make room for me and I sat down alongside her, feeling very self-conscious of my nakedness and of what we were about to do. Vicki looked at me, smiled a little shyly and reached back between her legs.
“You won't tell anyone about this, will you?” she asked abruptly. “They'll only take it the wrong way.”
“No way” I told her. There was absolutely no chance of that. I'd be far too embarrassed to tell anyone.
“So, this is between us?” she insisted.
“Take off your panties.” I stood in front of Vicki in just my panties. As I began to peel them off, Vicki whispered “No, let me do that.” She slipped her fingers inside the waistband of my panties and began to slip them off. Strands of come stretched from my pussy.
“Oh, look at how wet I made you!”
I kicked my panties aside. Vicki whispered “God, you’re gorgeous.”
I looked across as my own hand tentatively made its way down to my pussy. I couldn't see Vicki’s pussy from beside her, but I could see her knuckles move rhythmically over her bush. I gasped as I realized that we were masturbating together. We flashed each other a quick conspiratorial smile and then leaned back, our eyes closing.
God, it was exciting, sitting naked next to another naked girl and gently masturbating. It somehow seemed more naughty than sexual, even though we were both totally turned on. I listened to her noises as I rubbed my clit, heard her breathing, each exhalation starting with a tiny gasp of arousal, and heard her rhythmic movements, the sound of skin moving over skin. I could feel her knee pushing against mine as we both tried to open our legs as far as we could. I could feel her leg trembling slightly with excitement as it rubbed against my thigh in time with her hand. I'd never known anything quite so erotic, and I just sat there, one hand on my pussy and the other massaging my breast. Deep inside I could feel the first signs of an orgasm begin to build.
Then I felt her move slightly and I opened my eyes automatically. She was adjusting her position, her face turning slightly towards me.
“I like us doing this, don't you?”
She sounded lost in lust, and she smiled when I nodded and gasped out an agreement. Moments later I felt her free hand land on my side, move to find a comfortable position and then give my hip a little squeeze of affection. I looked across at her and smiled, finding unexpected pleasure in the feel of her hand against my skin. It added to my excitement to have someone's hand touching me as my orgasm closed in.
It didn't take long. I was so aroused from watching Vicki that my own climax came more quickly than I expected. Knowing that it was going to be a powerful one and knowing how noisy I can be when I come hard, I took my hand from my breast and rammed it into my mouth, wanting to muffle my climax. It helped a little, but I still made all kinds of strangled noises as my orgasm ripped through me. I couldn't keep still, my body jerked and shuddered, my hips lifted clear of the sofa. In the distance I heard Vicki's voice complimenting me on my climax, telling me how good it was and how much she liked watching me. I couldn't answer. Even after it was over and I slumped back into the sofa I was gasping too hard to speak, and so I just looked at her and grinned broadly with pleasure, nodding my agreement with everything she had said.
“Fucking hell, Vicki” I gasped out as soon as I had the breath. “That was awesome.”
Her hand was dislodged from my hip as I came, but now she placed it back, carefully and gently letting it rest just below my hip bone. I placed my hand over it and smiled, watching as she began masturbating once more.
“Can you come again?” she asked, looking hopefully into my eyes.
That's not usually a problem, although the second one is sometimes a bit slow to arrive, but I suspected the circumstances would help this time. And anyway, I still felt as horny as hell.
“I think so” I hedged my bets a little on purpose.
“Keep me company then” she asked. “It would be lovely if you were still doing it with me.”
I'll agree with that, I thought. I put my fingers back on my climax sensitized clit and stroked it lightly, not rubbing myself off yet but just gently playing, looking across at Vicki at the same time. And it was lovely, the pair of us sitting side by side and masturbating quietly, both naked, both gazing and smiling at each other, our legs bumping in time to our gentle movements.
It wasn't long before Vicki began to breathe more heavily again, with little gasps of pleasure. Then she moved, sitting forward to reach further. I knew instinctively what she was doing, and the beautiful wet sounds as her fingers entered her pussy confirmed it.
“You don't mind watching, do you?” She gasped, aware of her own noises.
“God, no” I told her. “It's turning me on.”
It was too; although I was already as randy as hell, listening to her made me feel even hotter. My fingers were playing with my clit in earnest now. I wanted to come again.
We were still glancing sideways at each other, but instead of a sexy smile her face was now furrowed with concentration and her eyes were shining with pleasure as her second orgasm began to develop.
“Vicki, are you going to come?” I asked her quietly, the prospect sending a little frisson of excitement down my spine.
“Yes” she replied, her voice already thick with excitement. “Are you?”
“Not yet” I shook my head. “Maybe soon.”
I was loving what I was doing, but there was no sign yet of my own second climax, although I knew the fact that I was sitting next to another girl, with both of us naked and both of us masturbating, was going to make it happen sooner or later. It still wasn't overtly sexual; I didn't think we fancied each other. It was just plain and simple being naughty. We were doing something we shouldn't, something that would be looked down on if anybody ever knew, and that, more than anything, was what was giving us such a buzz. You know what it's like; you just can't resist pushing the boundaries.
I thought I was ready for Vicki's climax this time, I'd already moved my leg away a little to give her room, but this time when she came, she lifted her leg and draped it over mine to get it as far open as she could. She looked at me, a timid apology in her gaze as she slapped her pussy into orgasm, making the same sharp gasps as before. Putting her leg over mine had pulled mine further apart, but it didn't matter, I'd stopped what I was doing to watch her shattering orgasm beside me.
“Yes, I know it's a bit odd doing that” she gasped when it was over. “But it works for me.”
I knew what she meant. I didn't mind, all I knew was the look and sound of her smacking herself had me fascinated. Not that I wanted to do it myself.
“I don't mind” I told her, meaning it.
“Thanks” She replied. “But don't stop. Finish yourself.”
I started stroking myself again, feeling a little self-conscious at first now she had finished, but too turned on to really care. I turned my face towards her, watching her watching me. She was making no attempt to hide her gaze, she simply stared openly at me, her eyes going from my face to my pussy, with her leg still hung over mine. I suppose I should have been put off by this unconcealed interest, but instead I found myself becoming even more excited by it. After a short while she unhooked her leg and turned half on her side facing me. I felt surprisingly pleased.
“Ellen, you know you're beautiful, don't you?” she said in a half whisper.
As a matter of fact I thought Vicki was better looking than me, her body is slimmer, her curves firmer, and her hair a more definite shade of rich brown than my mousy color. But I still appreciated the compliment enough to go red, especially as I wasn't sure if she meant what I looked like or what I was doing. What happened next didn't make it any clearer.
She stared at me, watching me still playing with both my pussy and my breast until finally she reached out very tentatively and put her hand over my other breast. For a moment or two she just rested it there and looked into my eyes, waiting for my reaction. I wasn't about to stop her. I was far too turned on to object. I just smiled at her as she softly and uncertainly began to squeeze my breast. I think she had been getting up the courage for a while, because as soon as she saw I wasn't about to complain she squeezed it much more firmly and confidently. It felt lovely and so exciting it made my heart beat even faster. I didn't really look on it as a lesbian approach, though I suppose that strictly speaking it was. I just thought that she was helping me to masturbate, and I loved it for that. I moaned softly in encouragement and closed my eyes, letting her do as she wished.
We stayed like that for some minutes, with me sprawled on the sofa with my legs wide apart and two fingers playing with my clit and with both of us massaging my breasts. But then suddenly her hand lifted from my breast.
My eyes opened in confusion, I had been enjoying her touch and I wondered what had made her want to stop. She looked back at me and smiled knowingly, and then, before I could say anything, her hand clamped around my wrist and lifted my hand away from my pussy. I frowned at her in surprise and displeasure. She smiled back once more and then she placed her own hand firmly over my pussy, replacing mine.
This time she didn't show any uncertainty or hesitation. It was as if she knew that my reaction would be positive before she started, and she was right of course. I gasped in astonishment but I didn't try to stop her, I didn't even think about doing so. I just opened my legs a little further and submitted to her touch, knowing without asking what she wanted to do. She began to gently rub my button, her fingertips flicking back and forth across it, obviously intending to bring me to a climax herself. I'd never had anyone, anyone at all, let alone another girl, touch me like that and I wasn't at all sure what to make of it or even if I should let it continue. But it felt so good to have Vicki masturbating me that I just sighed and let her.
Even so, I was still nervous and I found myself wanting to put my hand over hers, maybe to guide her and maybe to stop her if I felt I needed to. But I didn't want to do that, I wanted to let her bring me off, and so I kept my hands well out of the way, playing with my breasts instead. It was the first time I'd been able to play with both my breasts at the same time and so I made the most of it, tugging at my nipples, all the time letting Vicki stroke and rub my clitoris. Before long I felt an orgasm building and I was moaning softly, my hips beginning to gyrate in an attempt to amplify the sensations of Vicki's fingers.
“You're getting close, aren't you?” she whispered suddenly.
“Yes” I whispered, too turned on to say more.
She moved, taking her fingers from my clit. I was alarmed, thinking that she didn't want me to come, but then I felt her thumb replace her fingers and the fingers themselves feel around my entrance, looking for the way in.
“Oh yes” I gasped, feeling her two fingers slide deep into my soaking wet pussy.
Another first for me. I had let my boyfriends finger me, usually with one finger and very briefly, but never a girl. It didn't matter though; or rather it did, because she was so much better than any boy. I suppose that is because she knew what a girl likes, and she was doing it. She was thrusting two fingers in and out vigorously but not violently, hooked slightly to rub against the roof of my vagina. And all the time her thumb was pushing against my clitoris. It was guaranteed to get me off, and it was doing just that. I turned myself a little towards her, hooked an arm about her and rested my head on her shoulder in total surrender.
“You're making me come” I gasped into her ear.
“That's the idea.” I could hear both delight and triumph in her voice.
This time I tried to muffle my orgasm with my face in her neck, pulling her towards me with my arm around her shoulders, but it still sounded horribly loud to me. It seemed to me that I just came and came and came, every time her fingers plunged into me another wave of sensations followed and every time her thumb moved across my clit I called out with pleasure until eventually it all died away and I was left panting for breath with Vicki's fingers still buried inside me. For a little while we didn't move, other than me shuddering and gasping each time her fingers twitched or moved inside of me, both of us just enjoying the moment, but finally she pulled away and sat beside me looking pleased with herself.
“Oh my god, Vicki” I whispered breathlessly. “I've never felt anything like that.”
“You didn't mind, did you?” she asked with sudden concern.
“No way” I told her. “It was out of this world.”
“I just wanted to know what it was like.”
“What?” I asked, confused by her question. I was the one who had been on the receiving end.
“What it would be like to touch another girl” she answered, making more sense.
We lapsed into silence for a minute or so as we both digested what she had said. Then she asked “Can I look at you?”
“If you want” I answered, perhaps not fully appreciating her meaning.
She untangled herself from my arm and slid from the sofa to kneel in front of me. I sat straight on the sofa again and let my legs drift open, beginning to understand what she wanted. She smiled up at me and then, placing a hand on each knee, she pushed my legs wide so that she could see everything. I should have felt so embarrassed, but for some strange reason having Vicki staring directly at my pussy felt absolutely the right thing. My inhibitions from earlier had completely vanished.
I let her gaze at me for what seemed an age, but just as I was beginning to feel puzzled by her silent stare she slid her hands along my thighs and used her thumbs to push my labia apart. Then she stopped, kneeling in front of me and staring at my pussy again.
“Can I go down on you?”
Without waiting for an answer, she leaned forward and planted a sudden quick kiss on my clit before pulling back again. I gasped with surprise. That was the last thing I expected. I didn't mind, in fact it was amazingly nice, but she caught me completely off guard. I suppose instinct should have made me slam my knees together, but I didn't. I don't know why, I just didn't.
“Good?” she asked, grinning cheekily.
I nodded, unable to form words.
Vicki took that as permission and leaned forward again, and this time it wasn't a quick kiss. This time it was full on oral sex. I couldn't refuse it either, I had a girl going down on me, and I didn't care. This time I did not want to slam my knees together.
She was still pressing my pussy open when her mouth landed neatly in the middle, right in the center of my still very sensitive slit. I felt her tongue begin lapping at me, licking between my inner and outer labia, up one side and down the other before going right up the center, making me gasp and shiver with pleasure. I had never felt anything as good, I just sprawled on the sofa and moaned, one hand back to tugging at my nipple and the other clamped over Vicki's head to stop her from moving away. I knew, I just knew, that if she carried on, I could come again for an unprecedented third time. Even on my own I'd never managed more than two.
At first she was simply licking me, I think mainly because it was the first time another girl ate me out, but then as she realized that I wanted it she grew in confidence. She began to use the flat of her tongue, nodding slowly to press it along the whole length of my slit, dipping fleetingly into my hole at the lower end before flicking my clit with the tip at the top. I gasped each time, a quick gasp of surprised pleasure as each time felt better than the one before.
Soon she began to probe my entrance, pushing her tongue as far into my vagina as she could, licking around it and thrusting it in and out like a tiny cock before she dragged it up the length of my pussy until she reached my clitoris. Once there she licked me yet again and then flicked the tip of my clit with the tip of her tongue before closing her lips over it and sucking it into her mouth. For a few moments she just sucked at it, but then, as if that were not nice enough, she began to bite my clit with lip covered teeth, gripping it tightly between them and tugging at it each time until it pulled itself free and recoiled back, sending the most wonderful sensations zipping through me. That, more than anything, made it certain that I would have my third orgasm. I still had my hand on the back of Vicki's head and as I got closer and closer, I had to force myself not to push her face into my pussy and stop her tugging at my clit. In the end I took my hand away to join the other, and squeezed my own nipples, and squeezed them hard.
This final orgasm was the most powerful of the three and had me gasping out loud with each wave of pleasure that flooded through me. My body shook and shuddered all the time, making it hard for Vicki to maintain her contact. I enjoyed the best climax I've ever had. She pulled and licked at my clit, keeping it up until in the end I just sagged into the seat and pulled myself free as the sensations finally began to die away. God, it was so good.
“My god, Vicki” I gasped eventually, not able to say more.
She scrambled to her feet and came to sit beside me, hooking an arm around my shoulders and hugging me to her.
“I think that was worth it, don't you?” she asked.
I nodded quickly in agreement, but as we sat there silently recovering from it all my mind was working overtime. Something didn't quite ring right.
This was all just for us, wasn’t it? There is no boyfriend – this was just because you wanted to have sex with me?
“Yes” she admitted finally.
I sat quietly digesting what she had told me.
“Are you mad at me?” she asked.
I'd just climaxed more and harder than ever in my life, how could I be angry? But I was a bit sore at getting seduced that way.
“No I'm not mad” I smiled at her. “But I suppose you'd like me to do you now?”
“It would be nice” she told me, shifting optimistically in her seat. “Do you want to?”
“Yes” I told her truthfully, watching her as she opened her legs ready. “But it won't be today.”
I reached for my clothing.
“I'm going home, and you can go without while you think about how you tricked me. That's your penance. But the next time we meet, well that'll be a different story because I really want to fuck you.” I grinned lasciviously at her.
I got dressed and went to the door before I looked over my shoulder at her still sitting naked on the sofa. “Do you taste nice?” I asked.
“I don't know” she answered, surprised at my question.
“Well, I'm going to have to find out next time.”
Vicki lives a few doors down the street from me. We've known each other since we were kids but didn’t become close friends until high school. At eighteen we became even closer after we began to experiment sexually. Neither of us were “lesbians” or so I thought. Then there was the Christmas vacation when we were both home from college.
One day I called on Vicki to see if she wanted to go into town that evening. She said that her boyfriend had enrolled in the army and was away on a three-month training course.
“Boyfriend?” I asked. “You never said anything about a boyfriend.”
“Yeah, well stuff happens” she said by way of trying to explain. “Why don’t you come over?”
With me being, as they say, between relationships and not really in the mood to go out, I was excited to get to spend an evening with her. And she said that she wasn't in the mood either. But it soon became clear that she had an altogether different motive for not wanting to go out. Her parents were away for the day and that gave her the opportunity to ask me a favor.
I decided to dress on the sexy side: a tight white top and no bra with a short pleated skirt (I love pleated skirts). “Will you do something for me, Ellen?” She asked, looking rather hesitant.
“What's that?” I asked cautiously, looking at her expression.
“So, you know my boyfriend is away for a while.” She began. I nodded. “I want him to have something to remind him of me, well, of the times we've had together, if you know what I mean.”
She was looking embarrassed now. She paused for a moment and when I didn't oblige by asking, she went on.
“Well, I've been trying to make a video of me to send to him.” She paused again. “One of me masturbating.” Another pause. “But I can't hold my phone still and do it at the same time, and if I wedge it somewhere, it kind of doesn't look right.” A longer pause.
“Would you film me doing it?”
“Are you sure?” I asked in surprise.
“He asked me for a nude photo, but I think this would be better.”
“But what if he shares it around?”
“He wouldn't do that.” She stated with more confidence than I would have felt, and she must have seen it in my face. “Trust me, it won't happen.”
She handed me her phone.
“Well, so long as you know what you're doing.”
“I do” she nodded her assurance. “Anyway, just thinking of having done it will keep me warm at night.”
“I suppose so” I answered doubtfully. It wasn't what I was expecting to be doing, but I couldn’t see any real reason why not and, anyway, the thought appealed to my naughty side.
“Good, let's do it.” She was suddenly all excitement and enthusiasm, “I'm just in the mood.”
I took that to mean she felt turned on by the idea, though I had no idea why. I was still feeling cagey for her. “So long as you're absolutely sure” I cautioned her.
She didn't answer; she was already stripping off, her clothes ending in a heap on the floor. By the time I'd got her phone figured out she was sitting on the sofa, naked except for her bra and panties and looking up at me expectantly.
“Are you ready? she asked.
“I guess so.”
“Start filming then.”
I sat on a chair opposite her and did as she asked, framing her face first and then drawing back to show that she was almost naked.
“This is for you” she said to the camera while looking at me, before slowly opening her legs wide and raising her knees, planting her feet on the sofa to either side of her. Her pussy and trimmed bush were visible through her sheer panties. Her pussy mound was prominently on display. She reached down and began to stroke her pussy through her panties. Between her spread legs her tits were visible, and her nipples had begun to poke through the sheer fabric. Her fingers pressed the panty fabric into her spread pussy lips, and I could pink inside of her pussy.
“Do you like this?” And then she slipped her fingers inside the waistband of her panties and slowly peeled them down her legs.
”Slowly, just like you like it.”
She had told me what she intended to do, but somehow I hadn't expected her to be quite that blatant or that I would find watching her so erotic. I must admit I was getting aroused by her show and while I felt uncomfortable watching her, I had agreed to film her, so I kept her phone camera pointed between her legs. Pretty quickly I found it was less embarrassing for me to watch the phone screen rather than to look at her directly.
Vicki had no such reservations, her fingers now went to her naked pussy, and she rubbed gently at her button, smiling sexily at the camera (and me) as she flicked it with her thumb. I could see her juices now beginning to ooze from her pussy, seeping into the crack of her behind and glistening on her thighs.
“I bet you're going to enjoy watching this, aren't you?” she whispered huskily, again looking right at me.
I thought she was talking to her boyfriend, but she was looking directly at me as if I was the person she was talking to. It was a little embarrassing but also quite exciting. I carried on filming, watching intently as Vicki slipped both hands between her legs, using one to spread her pussy lips wide while the other fingers massaged her slit and strummed her clit. It was very explicit and erotic, so I zoomed in until her wet pussy filled the screen, with her red painted fingernails just coming into view from the top to play with her clit. I wondered if her boyfriend would find the sight as arousing as I did.
Vicki looks gorgeous naked and has a gorgeous pussy. Her clit stands out prominently from under its hood when she gets turned on. And she was obviously very turned on As I was filming her because it was rigid and very red from being teased by Vicki’s fingers. I could see that her pussy was wet and gaping open, looking very inviting between her neat labia. I could imagine watching her video and wishing I was the one doing her. Vicki obviously thought so too.
“Looks nice, doesn't it?” she said to me and the camera, now speaking with a deliberately sexy voice.
“Now watch me enjoying it.” She sat up momentarily to unsnap and remove her bra. Her dark brown nipples were hard and erect atop her pert little tits.
“I hope you like my nipples” she whispered.
I glanced away from the screen. Vicki had closed her eyes and leaned back to rest her head on the sofa, one hand went back to playing with herself. But the other was now teasing her nipples, pinching and twisting one and then the other between her fingers. I looked back at the screen and zoomed out so that the camera could see how she was teasing her now naked entire body. It now pictured all of her again, though I wasn't sure if it would pick up her increasingly heavy breathing. I could see her chest starting to heave as her breathing became increasingly excited.
For the next few minutes I just kept the camera on her, watching her fingers beginning to push deeper into her pussy as her other hand pulled at her nipple. Her eyes were now shut, and her mouth opened so her tongue could flicker out from time to time and lick her dry lips. She was getting more and more excited. Suddenly her eyes popped open and she looked straight into the camera.
“Is this turning you on?”
For a heart stopping moment I really thought she was talking to me. In fact, I was so convinced that I tried to come up with a reply. I could feel my face go red when my immediate instinct was to answer her with a yes. I had been sitting on the floor in front of Vicki’s couch, but I shifted so that I could kneel. I could feel how hard my nipples had become, and I hiked my skirt higher up my legs so I could stroke my thighs. I could now feel how wet my panties had become.
“I bet you want to do it too, don't you? Do you want to go down on me?” she whispered.
She was not making it clear if she meant for me to masturbate or to join her in bringing her to orgasm. Her question added to my turmoil, because I was feeling increasingly that this was for me, and I realized I wanted to join her either way.
She was tugging hard at each nipple in turn now and so I zoomed the camera onto her breasts, anything to stop me from staring at her juicing pussy. But even that did not stop me thinking about how nice she looked. I panned away, gradually moving down her body without consciously choosing to, taking the picture down past her navel, to where her wrist covered her trimmed bush. I watched as her fingers slipped deep into her pussy as her thumb worked her clit. As I zoomed in on her pussy, it began to spasm along with her rosebud and I knew that her orgasm was building; the red of her nail flashed back and forth as her thumb worked over her clit.
“Oh, it's so good, knowing that you will see me come.”
She was breathing very heavily now and so I pulled away to include all of her in the frame. I wanted to catch her facial expression when she came; after all, it's what she would want the camera to see.
Her orgasm erupted suddenly, almost without warning. It was clear that she was close. It was magical to watch. She was rubbing herself hard one minute, and her body writhed slowly under her fingers. Then her legs flew wide, as wide as they could, and her body began jerking and shuddering. Her fingers no longer rubbed her clit, but slapped at her pussy in a rapid tattoo. Quick staccato gasps issuing from her lips in time with her slaps. I'd never seen anyone do that before and I stared openly at her in surprise, even when the slaps and her orgasm finally died away and her hand rested limp and motionless over her pussy.
I kept the camera trained on her as she recovered, her chest heaving and her body trembling. A sheen of perspiration covered her. She still had her legs raised and parted; still unashamedly displaying herself both to me and to the camera until eventually she motioned for me to put the phone down. But she still made no move to cover herself up.
“You have no idea how good that was” she told me breathlessly. “My heart's still pounding like a trip hammer.”
So was mine, especially after what she said next.
“I'm so bloody horny, I'm going to carry on. You don't mind, do you?”
I shook my head wordlessly, wondering vaguely if I could cope with witnessing her masturbating like that again. “Do you want me to keep filming you?” I asked.
“No, but it would be nice if you would to do it as well.”
That shook me. I'd not expected it, but in the mood I was in, it sounded very exciting. I sat there dithering; wondering what had made her say it. Had she read my mind, could she see how turned on I was, what was she thinking? The wetness between my legs told me how much I wanted to, I really wanted to. But I was embarrassed at the idea of masturbating with someone else there.
“Come on” Vicki encouraged me. “I'll feel self-conscious if you just sit there and watch me get off again. You can sit next to me, and then we won't see each other.” She patted the sofa beside her.
It was the thought of Vicki being uncomfortable that persuaded me, along with the fact that we wouldn't be face on to each other. But really, I was so horny there is no way I could have said no. I stood up and rather hesitantly began to undress, dropping my clothes onto the chair I'd just vacated. I left my panties on.
“What if your folks come back? I blurted, suddenly alarmed at the prospect. I'd forgotten all about them until that moment.
“They won't” Vicki chuckled. “They're going to take in a show this evening, so they won't be back until after midnight.”
Vicki sat down and lowered her nearest leg to the floor to make room for me and I sat down alongside her, feeling very self-conscious of my nakedness and of what we were about to do. Vicki looked at me, smiled a little shyly and reached back between her legs.
“You won't tell anyone about this, will you?” she asked abruptly. “They'll only take it the wrong way.”
“No way” I told her. There was absolutely no chance of that. I'd be far too embarrassed to tell anyone.
“So, this is between us?” she insisted.
“Take off your panties.” I stood in front of Vicki in just my panties. As I began to peel them off, Vicki whispered “No, let me do that.” She slipped her fingers inside the waistband of my panties and began to slip them off. Strands of come stretched from my pussy.
“Oh, look at how wet I made you!”
I kicked my panties aside. Vicki whispered “God, you’re gorgeous.”
I looked across as my own hand tentatively made its way down to my pussy. I couldn't see Vicki’s pussy from beside her, but I could see her knuckles move rhythmically over her bush. I gasped as I realized that we were masturbating together. We flashed each other a quick conspiratorial smile and then leaned back, our eyes closing.
God, it was exciting, sitting naked next to another naked girl and gently masturbating. It somehow seemed more naughty than sexual, even though we were both totally turned on. I listened to her noises as I rubbed my clit, heard her breathing, each exhalation starting with a tiny gasp of arousal, and heard her rhythmic movements, the sound of skin moving over skin. I could feel her knee pushing against mine as we both tried to open our legs as far as we could. I could feel her leg trembling slightly with excitement as it rubbed against my thigh in time with her hand. I'd never known anything quite so erotic, and I just sat there, one hand on my pussy and the other massaging my breast. Deep inside I could feel the first signs of an orgasm begin to build.
Then I felt her move slightly and I opened my eyes automatically. She was adjusting her position, her face turning slightly towards me.
“I like us doing this, don't you?”
She sounded lost in lust, and she smiled when I nodded and gasped out an agreement. Moments later I felt her free hand land on my side, move to find a comfortable position and then give my hip a little squeeze of affection. I looked across at her and smiled, finding unexpected pleasure in the feel of her hand against my skin. It added to my excitement to have someone's hand touching me as my orgasm closed in.
It didn't take long. I was so aroused from watching Vicki that my own climax came more quickly than I expected. Knowing that it was going to be a powerful one and knowing how noisy I can be when I come hard, I took my hand from my breast and rammed it into my mouth, wanting to muffle my climax. It helped a little, but I still made all kinds of strangled noises as my orgasm ripped through me. I couldn't keep still, my body jerked and shuddered, my hips lifted clear of the sofa. In the distance I heard Vicki's voice complimenting me on my climax, telling me how good it was and how much she liked watching me. I couldn't answer. Even after it was over and I slumped back into the sofa I was gasping too hard to speak, and so I just looked at her and grinned broadly with pleasure, nodding my agreement with everything she had said.
“Fucking hell, Vicki” I gasped out as soon as I had the breath. “That was awesome.”
Her hand was dislodged from my hip as I came, but now she placed it back, carefully and gently letting it rest just below my hip bone. I placed my hand over it and smiled, watching as she began masturbating once more.
“Can you come again?” she asked, looking hopefully into my eyes.
That's not usually a problem, although the second one is sometimes a bit slow to arrive, but I suspected the circumstances would help this time. And anyway, I still felt as horny as hell.
“I think so” I hedged my bets a little on purpose.
“Keep me company then” she asked. “It would be lovely if you were still doing it with me.”
I'll agree with that, I thought. I put my fingers back on my climax sensitized clit and stroked it lightly, not rubbing myself off yet but just gently playing, looking across at Vicki at the same time. And it was lovely, the pair of us sitting side by side and masturbating quietly, both naked, both gazing and smiling at each other, our legs bumping in time to our gentle movements.
It wasn't long before Vicki began to breathe more heavily again, with little gasps of pleasure. Then she moved, sitting forward to reach further. I knew instinctively what she was doing, and the beautiful wet sounds as her fingers entered her pussy confirmed it.
“You don't mind watching, do you?” She gasped, aware of her own noises.
“God, no” I told her. “It's turning me on.”
It was too; although I was already as randy as hell, listening to her made me feel even hotter. My fingers were playing with my clit in earnest now. I wanted to come again.
We were still glancing sideways at each other, but instead of a sexy smile her face was now furrowed with concentration and her eyes were shining with pleasure as her second orgasm began to develop.
“Vicki, are you going to come?” I asked her quietly, the prospect sending a little frisson of excitement down my spine.
“Yes” she replied, her voice already thick with excitement. “Are you?”
“Not yet” I shook my head. “Maybe soon.”
I was loving what I was doing, but there was no sign yet of my own second climax, although I knew the fact that I was sitting next to another girl, with both of us naked and both of us masturbating, was going to make it happen sooner or later. It still wasn't overtly sexual; I didn't think we fancied each other. It was just plain and simple being naughty. We were doing something we shouldn't, something that would be looked down on if anybody ever knew, and that, more than anything, was what was giving us such a buzz. You know what it's like; you just can't resist pushing the boundaries.
I thought I was ready for Vicki's climax this time, I'd already moved my leg away a little to give her room, but this time when she came, she lifted her leg and draped it over mine to get it as far open as she could. She looked at me, a timid apology in her gaze as she slapped her pussy into orgasm, making the same sharp gasps as before. Putting her leg over mine had pulled mine further apart, but it didn't matter, I'd stopped what I was doing to watch her shattering orgasm beside me.
“Yes, I know it's a bit odd doing that” she gasped when it was over. “But it works for me.”
I knew what she meant. I didn't mind, all I knew was the look and sound of her smacking herself had me fascinated. Not that I wanted to do it myself.
“I don't mind” I told her, meaning it.
“Thanks” She replied. “But don't stop. Finish yourself.”
I started stroking myself again, feeling a little self-conscious at first now she had finished, but too turned on to really care. I turned my face towards her, watching her watching me. She was making no attempt to hide her gaze, she simply stared openly at me, her eyes going from my face to my pussy, with her leg still hung over mine. I suppose I should have been put off by this unconcealed interest, but instead I found myself becoming even more excited by it. After a short while she unhooked her leg and turned half on her side facing me. I felt surprisingly pleased.
“Ellen, you know you're beautiful, don't you?” she said in a half whisper.
As a matter of fact I thought Vicki was better looking than me, her body is slimmer, her curves firmer, and her hair a more definite shade of rich brown than my mousy color. But I still appreciated the compliment enough to go red, especially as I wasn't sure if she meant what I looked like or what I was doing. What happened next didn't make it any clearer.
She stared at me, watching me still playing with both my pussy and my breast until finally she reached out very tentatively and put her hand over my other breast. For a moment or two she just rested it there and looked into my eyes, waiting for my reaction. I wasn't about to stop her. I was far too turned on to object. I just smiled at her as she softly and uncertainly began to squeeze my breast. I think she had been getting up the courage for a while, because as soon as she saw I wasn't about to complain she squeezed it much more firmly and confidently. It felt lovely and so exciting it made my heart beat even faster. I didn't really look on it as a lesbian approach, though I suppose that strictly speaking it was. I just thought that she was helping me to masturbate, and I loved it for that. I moaned softly in encouragement and closed my eyes, letting her do as she wished.
We stayed like that for some minutes, with me sprawled on the sofa with my legs wide apart and two fingers playing with my clit and with both of us massaging my breasts. But then suddenly her hand lifted from my breast.
My eyes opened in confusion, I had been enjoying her touch and I wondered what had made her want to stop. She looked back at me and smiled knowingly, and then, before I could say anything, her hand clamped around my wrist and lifted my hand away from my pussy. I frowned at her in surprise and displeasure. She smiled back once more and then she placed her own hand firmly over my pussy, replacing mine.
This time she didn't show any uncertainty or hesitation. It was as if she knew that my reaction would be positive before she started, and she was right of course. I gasped in astonishment but I didn't try to stop her, I didn't even think about doing so. I just opened my legs a little further and submitted to her touch, knowing without asking what she wanted to do. She began to gently rub my button, her fingertips flicking back and forth across it, obviously intending to bring me to a climax herself. I'd never had anyone, anyone at all, let alone another girl, touch me like that and I wasn't at all sure what to make of it or even if I should let it continue. But it felt so good to have Vicki masturbating me that I just sighed and let her.
Even so, I was still nervous and I found myself wanting to put my hand over hers, maybe to guide her and maybe to stop her if I felt I needed to. But I didn't want to do that, I wanted to let her bring me off, and so I kept my hands well out of the way, playing with my breasts instead. It was the first time I'd been able to play with both my breasts at the same time and so I made the most of it, tugging at my nipples, all the time letting Vicki stroke and rub my clitoris. Before long I felt an orgasm building and I was moaning softly, my hips beginning to gyrate in an attempt to amplify the sensations of Vicki's fingers.
“You're getting close, aren't you?” she whispered suddenly.
“Yes” I whispered, too turned on to say more.
She moved, taking her fingers from my clit. I was alarmed, thinking that she didn't want me to come, but then I felt her thumb replace her fingers and the fingers themselves feel around my entrance, looking for the way in.
“Oh yes” I gasped, feeling her two fingers slide deep into my soaking wet pussy.
Another first for me. I had let my boyfriends finger me, usually with one finger and very briefly, but never a girl. It didn't matter though; or rather it did, because she was so much better than any boy. I suppose that is because she knew what a girl likes, and she was doing it. She was thrusting two fingers in and out vigorously but not violently, hooked slightly to rub against the roof of my vagina. And all the time her thumb was pushing against my clitoris. It was guaranteed to get me off, and it was doing just that. I turned myself a little towards her, hooked an arm about her and rested my head on her shoulder in total surrender.
“You're making me come” I gasped into her ear.
“That's the idea.” I could hear both delight and triumph in her voice.
This time I tried to muffle my orgasm with my face in her neck, pulling her towards me with my arm around her shoulders, but it still sounded horribly loud to me. It seemed to me that I just came and came and came, every time her fingers plunged into me another wave of sensations followed and every time her thumb moved across my clit I called out with pleasure until eventually it all died away and I was left panting for breath with Vicki's fingers still buried inside me. For a little while we didn't move, other than me shuddering and gasping each time her fingers twitched or moved inside of me, both of us just enjoying the moment, but finally she pulled away and sat beside me looking pleased with herself.
“Oh my god, Vicki” I whispered breathlessly. “I've never felt anything like that.”
“You didn't mind, did you?” she asked with sudden concern.
“No way” I told her. “It was out of this world.”
“I just wanted to know what it was like.”
“What?” I asked, confused by her question. I was the one who had been on the receiving end.
“What it would be like to touch another girl” she answered, making more sense.
We lapsed into silence for a minute or so as we both digested what she had said. Then she asked “Can I look at you?”
“If you want” I answered, perhaps not fully appreciating her meaning.
She untangled herself from my arm and slid from the sofa to kneel in front of me. I sat straight on the sofa again and let my legs drift open, beginning to understand what she wanted. She smiled up at me and then, placing a hand on each knee, she pushed my legs wide so that she could see everything. I should have felt so embarrassed, but for some strange reason having Vicki staring directly at my pussy felt absolutely the right thing. My inhibitions from earlier had completely vanished.
I let her gaze at me for what seemed an age, but just as I was beginning to feel puzzled by her silent stare she slid her hands along my thighs and used her thumbs to push my labia apart. Then she stopped, kneeling in front of me and staring at my pussy again.
“Can I go down on you?”
Without waiting for an answer, she leaned forward and planted a sudden quick kiss on my clit before pulling back again. I gasped with surprise. That was the last thing I expected. I didn't mind, in fact it was amazingly nice, but she caught me completely off guard. I suppose instinct should have made me slam my knees together, but I didn't. I don't know why, I just didn't.
“Good?” she asked, grinning cheekily.
I nodded, unable to form words.
Vicki took that as permission and leaned forward again, and this time it wasn't a quick kiss. This time it was full on oral sex. I couldn't refuse it either, I had a girl going down on me, and I didn't care. This time I did not want to slam my knees together.
She was still pressing my pussy open when her mouth landed neatly in the middle, right in the center of my still very sensitive slit. I felt her tongue begin lapping at me, licking between my inner and outer labia, up one side and down the other before going right up the center, making me gasp and shiver with pleasure. I had never felt anything as good, I just sprawled on the sofa and moaned, one hand back to tugging at my nipple and the other clamped over Vicki's head to stop her from moving away. I knew, I just knew, that if she carried on, I could come again for an unprecedented third time. Even on my own I'd never managed more than two.
At first she was simply licking me, I think mainly because it was the first time another girl ate me out, but then as she realized that I wanted it she grew in confidence. She began to use the flat of her tongue, nodding slowly to press it along the whole length of my slit, dipping fleetingly into my hole at the lower end before flicking my clit with the tip at the top. I gasped each time, a quick gasp of surprised pleasure as each time felt better than the one before.
Soon she began to probe my entrance, pushing her tongue as far into my vagina as she could, licking around it and thrusting it in and out like a tiny cock before she dragged it up the length of my pussy until she reached my clitoris. Once there she licked me yet again and then flicked the tip of my clit with the tip of her tongue before closing her lips over it and sucking it into her mouth. For a few moments she just sucked at it, but then, as if that were not nice enough, she began to bite my clit with lip covered teeth, gripping it tightly between them and tugging at it each time until it pulled itself free and recoiled back, sending the most wonderful sensations zipping through me. That, more than anything, made it certain that I would have my third orgasm. I still had my hand on the back of Vicki's head and as I got closer and closer, I had to force myself not to push her face into my pussy and stop her tugging at my clit. In the end I took my hand away to join the other, and squeezed my own nipples, and squeezed them hard.
This final orgasm was the most powerful of the three and had me gasping out loud with each wave of pleasure that flooded through me. My body shook and shuddered all the time, making it hard for Vicki to maintain her contact. I enjoyed the best climax I've ever had. She pulled and licked at my clit, keeping it up until in the end I just sagged into the seat and pulled myself free as the sensations finally began to die away. God, it was so good.
“My god, Vicki” I gasped eventually, not able to say more.
She scrambled to her feet and came to sit beside me, hooking an arm around my shoulders and hugging me to her.
“I think that was worth it, don't you?” she asked.
I nodded quickly in agreement, but as we sat there silently recovering from it all my mind was working overtime. Something didn't quite ring right.
This was all just for us, wasn’t it? There is no boyfriend – this was just because you wanted to have sex with me?
“Yes” she admitted finally.
I sat quietly digesting what she had told me.
“Are you mad at me?” she asked.
I'd just climaxed more and harder than ever in my life, how could I be angry? But I was a bit sore at getting seduced that way.
“No I'm not mad” I smiled at her. “But I suppose you'd like me to do you now?”
“It would be nice” she told me, shifting optimistically in her seat. “Do you want to?”
“Yes” I told her truthfully, watching her as she opened her legs ready. “But it won't be today.”
I reached for my clothing.
“I'm going home, and you can go without while you think about how you tricked me. That's your penance. But the next time we meet, well that'll be a different story because I really want to fuck you.” I grinned lasciviously at her.
I got dressed and went to the door before I looked over my shoulder at her still sitting naked on the sofa. “Do you taste nice?” I asked.
“I don't know” she answered, surprised at my question.
“Well, I'm going to have to find out next time.”
1 month ago