Vicar's Wife, Part 5

As Thursday's choir practise arrived, my mind had began to wander. My recollection of what had happened on Monday was etched forever in my mind. I was a bit confused but totally intriged and curious as to what would happen next. Helen would be taking choir practise but what could go on with so many of the others all there.I was with 2 of my brothers that evening going to choir practise and didn't see a way to be alone again with Helen. 6.30 to 7.30 was the alloted time at the church hall and when we'd finished I was still uncertain as to what would happen but Helen put me at ease by asking me to wait behind. My brothers were in a hurry to get home to watch one of the very first editions of Top of the Pops, so I told them not to wait and they scampered off home. As the others left to go home too, Helen whispered to me to hold back and in a more vocal statement, so others could hear, she announced to me that she wanted me to sing a solo in church in about a months time, thus giving nme an excuse to hold back after practise for the next few weeks. So, as the hall cleared, Helen and I were now alone. I hadn't touched my cock since Monday, well not in a sexual way, but I'd had numerous erections, as did almost all young lads of 12, but I hadn't had a wank, even though I'd thought about because of my recollections of last Monday. Once we were alone, Helen hesitently asked me if I was OK, refering to our little 'incident' I was guessing and I shyly nodded and turned a bit red, but the effect of being alone again with Helen had my cock hardening. I noticed what appeared to be a wicked grin appear on Helen's face as she whispered 'good boy' in my ear and slyly whispered again 'do you want me to check on your ankle?' Not really understanding where this was leading, but knowing that her even just touching me would be really nice, I nodded a 'Yes please' and she sat me down on a chair and lifted my foot into her lap as she pulled up another chair opposite me. She removered my shoe and sock and with my foot lodged between her thighs, the inevitable happened. My cock, with a mind of it's own, began to harden. Helen was slowly examining my ankle but she was also well aware of my cock, making a tent in my shorts right in front of her. Her embarrasment was overwhelmed by her almost chil....dlike joy of seeing my prick rising, it gave her a sense of power and supiority............she felt that uncontrolable juicyness and wetness between her thighs now and the sweet smell of her sex began to waft into the undisturbed air between the two of them. I could just about make out this strange and unknown smell but, being a bit young and naive, couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was or from where it was eminating. What I DID know though, was that my cock was now totally hard and thought, embarrassingly, that it might be my own cock that was giving off this strange odour. It was toxic, my cock started throbbing, I turned crimson and was about to get up and run away, when Helen took on a serious demeanor and lovingly whispered 'calm down, it's alright, in fact it's quite a compliment'. then she grinned in an almost cheeky way and asked, 'Would you like me to sort it out'? 'Oh shit, oops sorry, oh yes please, I do' I blurted out. 'Pull down your shorts and pants then', she said. I did as I was told, but I knew deep down, that this wasn't going to last long. She wrapped her delicate fingers around my throbbing cock, her small hand totally encompassed my adole..scent cock, just the right fit for her hand and she quickly went to work on it...............I was leaning back now in total ecstacy and didn't notice right away that her other hand had sneaked up her skirt and she was stroking her clit, imaging that it was my cock, she was almost in a trance now and as she leaned forwards and her face took on an almost desperate expression as her breathing increased, my cock exploded and I mean REALLY exploded, never in my life had I shot such a massive load. It was thicker and creamier that ever before, there were at least 6 huge spurts and they were so fuckin' powerful too. Helen was in the throws of an orgasm now and had leaned far enough forward, without realising it or me, not deliberately doing it, that the first 2 spurts hit her square in the face but this only drove her on harder and faster as her orgasm ripped through her and she almost screamed enjoying the most intence orgasm she'd ever experienced. As we both came back down to earth, Helen smiled at me and just giggled. 'Did you enjoy that?' she smiled.
She got up, adjusted her skirt and knickers and went to the kitchen area of the church hall and came back with a tea towel. She giggled again as she wiped my spunk off her face and hair and then passed it to me to wipe any excess spunk from wherever we could see it. 'Keep this our secret' she whispered, and we might 'play' again soon. She sent me on my way with big grins on both of our faces. It had only taken about 15 minutes and was home to see the last few minutes of Top of the Pops, without suspicions being aroused.
There may be more later.
Published by fannylicker57
2 months ago
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trebleclef76 1 month ago
oh this is excellent!  love it! 
fannylicker57 Publisher 2 months ago
to eastendboy112 : You might enjoy my 'Val' blogs too
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eastendboy112 2 months ago
to fannylicker57 : Thanks for the tip, I wil read them all
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fannylicker57 Publisher 2 months ago
to eastendboy112 : Part 6 is up now, have you read parts 1, 2, 3 and 4?
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eastendboy112 2 months ago
Fabulousstory, every young boys fantasy