Payback on a Spying Roommate
I originally wrote this as a video-script back in around 2012, and it was one of the first I ever wrote down. I've shared it online as a video script, and it was criticized for being too much a script and not enough a story. It's among my favorites, so I'm re-releasing it in narrative form this time. I'd still love to watch this as a movie. If you agree, let me know which porn stars you'd like to see in the video.
None of this story is based on any personal experiences this time, and everyone is 20 or older.
(You can ask yourself: who's really doing the seducing here?)
Scene 2 (revisited): Payback on a Spying Roommate
It seemed like an unremarkable afternoon. I just returned to my apartment. The apartment's unremarkable, just a plain two-bedroom apartment with simple furnishings. There's a sofa that my mom contributed, a couple of lamps that I got from the Redbird Resale Shop, and an armchair and a table that my roommate's family contributed. Oh, and a couple of plants that Jen and I got at the Walmart a few months ago so the place wasn't so sterile.
Even the clothes I wore that day were unremarkable. I had a light brown skirt on, above my knees but not too far up. The blouse is a nice, pale yellow, but it's not sexy. I had no reason to think that everything in my life was about to change. So I came home from my job as an intern, I went into my bedroom to study, and I turned on my computer. While I waited for it to start up, I sat on my bed and took off my shoes (professional shoes with heels but not sexy) and my hose (very light tan, nothing provocative) to get comfortable. I looked back over at the computer screen. And I was staring at a blank screen.
"Damn!" Well, what am I going to do now. I go through the standard checks. Yes, everything's plugged in. The monitor's on. Everything should be working, except it isn't. Here's the benefit of having a roommate; I'll ask Jen if I can use hers long enough to pay my bills online. I leave the bedroom, walk across the living room to another room with a closed door. I knock on it gently. "Jen, can I come in and use your computer?" No answer. I knock again, but still nothing. I open the door and enter Jen's bedroom. It's similar to mind — nothing fancy. Her laptop is on her desk, and I move the mouse to wake it up.
There's a list of folders, and I almost laugh to myself. The most prominent folder in the center of the screen says MOVIES. "I bet you don't even have any movies." I'm overcome by curiosity, and I open the folder, and I see a list of files: Wendy-1, Wendy-2, Wendy-3, … all the way through Wendy-260. It's so strange. "Jennifer, why do you have all these files with my name on it?" I double-click on Wendy-1. The movie starts, and it's just a fixed camera that shows my bedroom. From the angle, I can tell that the camera is somewhere near the ceiling, and it shows my bed from the front back to the table. It must be from about when we moved in because it's decorated like it was back then. Or, I should say, undecorated.
In the movie, I enter the room. It's weird to watch yourself when you're not expecting it. I must've just come from a run; I'm wearing my running shorts, tennis shoes, and a T-shirt. I pull off the shirt and the sports bra and then pull down the shorts and panties together. I climb on the bed in the video and start to masturbate. I immediately close the window. "Oh my God!" That's not what I was expecting.
I wonder … and I open up Wendy-60. I'm in the room wearing just some plain yellow panties. I'm facing away from the camera, but I can see my top reflected in the mirror, and I'm topless. I remember those crappy panties, and when I turn around, I can see the rip at the waistband and the hole in the front. I pull off the panties and put them in the trash. Then I lie face down on the bed and masturbate. Of course I never realized that's how I look when I masturbate, and I think it's be kind of interesting to watch if I didn't know it was me.
"Good God, are they all like this?" I scroll down and open Wendy-100. This time, I come out of the bathroom with a town around me and wet hair. I take off the towel and dry off. It's like I never looked at myself before, and I've certainly never done any kind of assessment. I'm not one of those girls who has false modesty and pretends oh, do you really think I'm attractive. But I never thought of myself as sexy until this moment. I toss the towel into the laundry basket and walk around the room and get clothes out of the dresser to put on. It's kind of like watching a model or someone on TV and thinking, I'd love to have breasts like hers. But I'm watching myself walk around the room, and, really, I already have them. I wouldn't trade the slender figure I'm watching and toned legs for any star's that I can think of. And how is it no one ever told me that my butt looked so good? Jen must think so, but she's never given me any sign. I crawl onto the bed and masturbate from behind. I think I remember that day and how much I love to finger myself from behind like that. I've never seen Jen covertly watching me while we're together. She's never made any move to see me undress or shower or anything. But why would she? She's got it all on video and can watch me perform nightly.
I close the movie and open the latest file, Wendy-260. Yes, this is current, because this looks like my room now. I come out of the closet wearing a miniskirt, and I look at myself in the mirror. This was just two days ago, and I know what's going to happen. I was thinking about a boy I liked and decided this skirt didn't look appealing enough. But now I think I made a mistake; I look damn sexy in that skirt. It's a cream skirt that shows off my legs and clings to my sides and to my butt. The color matches my wavy hair that comes over my shoulders. I wonder if Jen has watched this recording yet. I wonder if she's lying in her bed or sitting in the chair while she watches me. The screen version of me pulls down the skirt and then the panties. I was so horny that day, just like I am now. I realize that I'm rubbing the outside of my panties while I watch, and I make myself stop. On the screen, I sit on the edge of the bed and spread my legs. It's like I knew that I was posing, and the camera has a clear view of my pussy.
It feels so kinky watching myself like this, and I have an idea. I'm able to zoom in, and I fill the screen with my pussy. Now I can't see my face, and it's like I could be watching any online coed. Except I know it's me, and I know how it felt. I shaved myself that morning, and I love the feeling of my fingers rubbing the soft, smooth skin. And I'm captivated watching the fingers go in and out, just like Jen must be when she watches me. I imagine Jen sitting at this desk, naked, matching my rhythm. And since I've zoomed in and can't see my face, it's easy to pretend that this is Jen I'm watching while she's watching a video of me. It's the weirdest thing. I never watch myself masturbate in the mirror, and I'd never had any dreams about Jen. In fact, I can't think of any other woman I've ever thought of like this or been interested in or wanted to watch. But now, suddenly, the thing that seems most important to me in the world is to see whether or not Jen is smooth like I am and to watch her like she watches me. My body remembers how good this felt just two days ago. My fingers have reached inside my panties now, and I know that if I watch this video to the end, then I'm going to cum, standing here in Jen's room. That's not what I want. I want to do this with Jen, maybe even let her make me cum. I feel my body tighten as I imagine that, and I feel there's no interrupting the inevitable if I don't stop myself immediately. It takes all of my determination to close my eyes and force my hands off of my body. I hear myself whimper, and my hands are drawn back to my yearning pussy, but I'm resolute. I'm going to wait for Jen and do this with her. I shut down the movie player and force myself to slow my breathing until I have my composure.
I leave and close Jen's door and get a book from my bedroom. Then I sit on the couch in the living room to read it while I wait for Jen. But I can't concentrate. I've forgotten how to read. I've forgotten everything except Jen coming home and how I'm going to approach this. And I wish she were here already, except I'm not ready yet, and I'm feeling nervous about this whole thing. She's so modest and never wants to talk about boyfriends or sex. And if I just blurt out my new feelings, she might just lock up and ignore what we both want.
It's the longest time of my life while I'm waiting and making my plans. Maybe I should be naked out here masturbating when she gets home and let her see me and become overpowered by her own desire. But that's no good because sometimes she brings a friend with her after work or after the gym. Or, I could change into something sexier for her. But why? She's already seen and examined every inch of my body 260 times. Probably more times than that. She already knows what I look like and decided I'm sexy enough to spy on.
The whole idea that someone finds me so sexy and desirable that they've been secretly peeping on me and masturbating turns me on more than I've ever felt before. And the fact that it's Jen makes it even stronger to me. I mean, if it were a guy, well, what do I expect? They're going to be crazy about seeing any fairly attractive girl, right? But it's another girl who wants me and fantasizes about me, and that makes my horny feeling stronger. And it's also easy and more fun to imagine how it would feel having a girl (not a guy), with hands like my own, caressing and fingering my body. It's going to feel like my own fingers exploring over and inside my body, except it will be another sexy girl's fingers and not mine. My pussy's demanding my attention. I have to concentrate on breathing normally again.
I'm so wet, and my panties are so uncomfortable. My fingers keep pushing them against my pussy while I wait. I try sitting on my hands to keep them away. What if Jen is at dinner with friends or on a date, how long can I wait for her and ignore my body screaming at me? Well, she can't be on a date, because she doesn't go out much. I knew she was shy with guys, and now I know the real reason.
It hasn't been an hour, but it's been at least 30 minutes, and Jen finally comes in the door. I look at her in a new way, as a new lover-to-be instead of just a friend or roommate. She is so unbelievably cute. Her skin is clean and pretty and isn't ruined by any tattoos. Her hair doesn't quite reach her shoulders, and it's not as light as mine, but I'd still call it blonde. My urge is jump up, pull off her clothes, and cover every inch of her body with kisses. It's obvious that she just came from the gym. She has on a spandex leotard under her plain gym shorts. The leotard hugs her sides that I can hardly wait to run my hands along. She's small-framed, and I'm guessing she has 32 or 33B breasts, and I want so badly to see them for myself. If she likes being a voyeur, I wonder if she also would like to be a show-off. Is she going to want me to undress her, or will she want to let me watch her slowly peel off those clothes? I shiver involuntarily in anticipation.
Really, I don't care. I just want her so badly, but I don't want to scare her. I know she's been comfortable with just watching me and masturbating, and I want to help her move to the next steps. And I'm going to use what she's comfortable with to move her along.
I try to sound nonchalant. "Hi, Jen. How was the gym?"
"I feel so much better now. I had such a stressful day and I sure like using the treadmill to relax. Now I'm not so stressed."
Jen walks over to the small kitchenette to get a glass of water. There's a bar with some bar stools between the kitchen and the living room. I realize that I've seen her in jeans and dresses and loose shorts like these, but I've never really seen what her ass looks like. I imagine caressing it while I finger her. It's probably soft and smooth like mine, and I would love to kiss and lick it — anything to help turn her on. I stand by the sofa now. "That's good." I wait for Jen to come out of the kitchen with her glass of water. "Is the stress gone?"
"Well, not completely. I never can get rid of all of it. I'm just a stress-bunny." She smiles and shrugs.
That's exactly what I expected her to say, and I'm ready with the dialog that I rehearsed. I'm going to guide her to where I know she wants to go. I put a serious look on my face. "Well, I've been thinking about talking to you about stress for a long time, but I haven't been totally comfortable bringing up the topic. You know, I moved in with you about half a year ago and I didn't know you well enough at first."
"Wendy, I love having you as a roommate and a friend. You can tell me anything."
"Okay, here goes. You don't know it but I feel lots of stress too."
"No, I never would've guessed!"
"That's because I have a technique to get rid of it and it works really good." I pause and take a deep breath like I'm getting up my courage to continue. I know she's interested. "I play with myself every day. Sometimes twice a day."
Jen acts like she doesn't already know this. "What?" Well, maybe she really is surprised that I'm talking about it. I think she thinks I'm reserved a lot like she is and we've always topics like this.
"It's true. I masturbate a lot, every day. I hope this isn't offending you."
I can see the calculating in her eyes as she pauses and tries to figure out where this going and what she can get out of it. "No, you're not offending me. You're my friend and if this is important to you, then it's important to me. I'm just really surprised by this topic; it's not like you. Why are you telling me this?"
She's doing a good job controlling her emotions, but I can tell that there's an eager tone in her voice. "A couple of reasons. One is that I know how stressed you are and I want to share a useful technique with you in case you want to try it."
Jen has a surprised look on her face that I'm certain isn't acting. I'm starting to make her uncomfortable, but she's still very curious where I'm going with this. "I don't know." I think she's concerned about her reputation and doesn't want to let on how much she masturbates, and especially doesn't want us knowing that she masturbates while watching other girls.
"I don't know if you've done it much." I bite my lip so I don't laugh as I tell that lie. "I'm not trying to make you do anything you're not comfortable with, but it always makes me feel good and gets rid of stress, and I feel bad that I wasn't telling you about it." She's about to say something, maybe to object, but I hurry on before she can form a defense. "The other reason is a selfish reason for me. I always do it in the bathroom or in my bedroom, and they aren't the most comfortable. I'm kind of cramped. I'd really like to do it in this room, but I've been scared that you would come home and walk in on me and be offended. If you masturbate daily, too, and we bring this into the open, then I'd feel that it's okay for me to do it here in the living room. What do you think? Is that too selfish?"
Jen wants to act cool and in charge, but she answers quickly and with some excitement. "Oh, it won't bother me. You can play with yourself in the living room any time you want. It won't even bother me if you're doing it while I'm here. If it's something you like to do." She realizes that this sounds like she's too excited by it. She slows down and tries to act more dispassionate. "I mean, I appreciate the advice, but, uh, you know, playing with myself, isn't something I'm comfortable with." She pauses while she searches for a way to get what she wants. "But this is both of ours apartment, and I won't complain if you want to do it, even if it's out in the open."
"Are you sure? It's not going to distract you or offend you if I'm lying on the couch naked and masturbating while you're just … here?"
I steal some peeks at her breasts to see if her nipples react to her imagining the scene, but I don't see any sign yet. But it does seem that she has to take an extra moment to get her composure together.
"I swear, I don't care …" and she pauses. I know she's thinking about much she wants to watch me in person but she's also considering how she'll be able to hide how much it turns her on and how much she wants to do it, too. "… I don't care if you're spread out naked on the floor doing it if that makes you happy." She blurts out that last line too quickly, like she wants to get it out before the memory of my scenes on her computer reach her mind.
And I wonder where that image that she described comes from; is that how she fantasizes about me? "You are the best roommate ever! I'm so lucky that you feel that way." I pause and pretend to change the subject. "What are you doing now?"
"I'm going to go take my shower. What about you?"
I look down as if some modesty has taken control of me. "Well, really, I was going to go to my room and masturbate, but if you're serious that it doesn't offend you, I'd like to do it out here. Please. I've never done it in the living room, but I've always wanted to. It'll be so much more comfortable." I let that sink in. "Are you really sure you don't want to do it too?"
I can tell that Jen is torn. She says slowly "No, um, I have to take my shower. The hot shower also unstresses me."
I unbutton my blouse and take off my bra. Jen hasn't moved and is just watching but also acting like she's partly disinterested and doesn't want me to know she's watching. I stand and take off the skirt, and I'm just there in my panties. I know I'm fulfilling a fantasy that she's lusted about for several months, and I've never felt so sexy and alive before. I am so excited about taking everything off and showing her what she's only seen on her computer screen. "Are you sure about the shower? It's okay if you want to stay and talk with me while I masturbate." I push off the panties and starts to rub myself while looking at Jen. "Maybe if you spend time in the room while I masturbate, you'll get more comfortable and eventually change your mind someday. I'm still certain that this would be good for you." I lie on the sofa and caress my body. I've been completely turned on ever since I found those files on her computer, so caressing my body is for her benefit. I part my legs so that Jen can see live what's only been an image to her until now. "I don't want to push you out of the room if this makes you uncomfortable."
Now Jen can't hide that she's staring at my pussy. She pretends to be calm, but I can hear the excitement in her voice. "Well, okay, I can stay with you a little and watch, er, talk for a little while." She pauses "… while you …" She stops like she can't concentrate on what she's saying, and I feel that my seduction is going to succeed. Should I call it a seduction if I entice her to do what she already wants?"
I don't think she wants me to know how turned on I've made her. Her hands keep wandering towards her shorts, and she wants to rub herself, too, but then she catches herself and moves her hands away. She watches silently for about a minute and then asks "is that helping with your stress? Is that good? You're not uncomfortable with me in the room, are you?"
I'm focused on my fingers and the feeling that is so close to overwhelming me, and I can't answer right away. I could cum right now, but I want to wait until Jen has joined me. I slow down enough to think about what Jen asked. "Jen, I think you would like this a lot! You should try it." I think I was staring at her body earlier, but now I purposefully stare directly into her eyes and admit what I've been thinking all afternoon. "I really, really want to masturbate with you." I know there's a pleading tone in my voice, and I can't help it. "Now she knows that I'm interested in her, too, and I hope so much that it convinces her to join me."
Jen's hands finally reach their target, and she rubs herself what she watches me. I'm so close, but I know I've won her over, and I just have to hold on a little longer. Jen gives in and takes off her shorts and then her leotard. I'm excited beyond anything to compare it to, and my rubbing has doubled its speed as she steps out of her leotard. Her body is as good as, no, better than any actress or model I've ever seen.I keep my fingers inside me; I'm on such an edge that if I just touch my clit, it's going to be all over. Her hands cover her crotch. She's excited about this, but still shy and timid. "Now what?" she asks me.
I fight against every urge and pull my hands away from my body and kneel on the floor. "Here, face me on the floor like this." She joins me, kneeling with her legs open, our knees touching. She isn't completely bald like I am, but she only has a tiny patch, and I'm shaking while I think of finally touching her pussy. I take her hand with my dry hand and move it to my pussy, and she inserts her fingers. I knew it was coming, but the feeling of another girl's hand in me still shocks me. I don't want to be a cliche and moan, but her touch causes me to gasp and I can't prevent the loud moan as the afternoon of waiting finally culminates in a strong orgasm.
I know I've surprised Jen by cumming so quickly. Thankfully, she can tell that this is one of those long orgasms that you read about in magazines and you lie about having but never really expect to have. Between moans, I manage to whisper "oh, Jen, keep doing that; don't stop!" I don't know how long I drift in that sea of pleasure, and then the thought forms that I love this woman and want to spend all my time like this with her and that I want to make her happy like this, too. I put the hand that had been rubbing me into Jen, and she's as wet as I was. I play with her nipples with my other hand, and Jen gets the idea and does the same with her free hand. My moaning quickly lets Jen know when I have two more orgasms back-to-back, and then I see the muscles in her legs twitch as she cums, too. Her orgasm is silent except for the louder and faster breathing, and she stops rubbing while the pulsing from her pussy consumes her.
Jen's breathing returns to normal, and our rubbing slows down. She still has her eyes closed, and I have an inspiration. I put the fingers I was rubbing her with into her mouth, and she licks and sucks on my fingers. She does the same thing with her fingers in my mouth. Then I pull out my fingers and lean towards her. When she opens her eyes to see what's happening, I do what that morning I would've sworn I would never do. I kiss her on the mouth.
I've had lots of kisses before, but this one feels so special and better than any other. Jen takes ahold of my arms and kisses me back passionately, and we enjoy kissing for two or three minutes. I'm turned on again, and I'm also having fun with my tongue licking hers and hers licking mine. Between kisses, she asks "please rub me again."
"Let's try something else I've heard about." I shift our positions so we're both lying on the floor across from each other, pussy-to-pussy and holding hands. This is so much better than humping any sofa arm or pillow, and I can tell that Jen feels the same way as our soft lips press and rub each other until we have our strongest orgasms yet. "Let's move to the sofa." I lie on my back and reach out my arms so Jen will on top of me, breast-to-breast. And here we are kissing again. I love feeling her on top of me and love having my arms around her and my hands on her sexy ass, and I could be happy doing this all night. "You know, I think that girl sex gets rid of stress even better than masturbating."
Jen gives me a long kiss. "I'm filled with stress every day. We're going to have to do this a lot to get rid of it all."
"Uh-huh. Lots of times every day, I think." It feels like we're kissing for hours, and it's not long enough. "Isn't this a lot better than movies? I want you to delete those movies of me that you made."
"What are you talking about?"
I smile. I want to make sure that she knows I'm not angry. "I had to borrow your computer to do online bill pay, and I found all of the surveillance movies you made of me. I'm not angry because that's how I learned how you felt about me and how I feel about you. But you can have me any time you want."
Jen shakes her head. "But you couldn't have used my computer. It died last week, and I'm borrowing my step-sister's laptop until I get a new one next month."
I have a bad feeling about this. "You mean you haven't been spying on me and fantasizing about me all year?"
Jen answers slowly. "No …." She has a worried look on her face. "Does that change how you feel about me?"
Several thoughts speed through my mind. It wasn't Jen who was watching me; it was Amber who's been fantasizing about me and whom I fantasized about this afternoon. It was Amber and her videos who seduced me. And it doesn't matter. I give Jen the deepest and longest kiss yet. "Not at all~ I'm so glad about this accident. I never knew that you were interested in girls."
"But I wasn't, I've never been interested in girls."
"Then … I'm so confused … why this?"
I can see Jen considering how to explain the last hour. "Well, at first, I was surprised and flattered when you were coming on to me. I didn't know that you were interested in girls …"
"I wasn't," I interrupted. "Not until I saw those videos and thought of you fantasizing about me."
"I think it was kind of the same way with me. I was really flattered to think that someone was trying to seduce me, even if it's a girl. But you're so sexy, and I know you can get dates any time you want, and I started getting turned on thinking of you fantasizing about me. And I was uncomfortable with you playing with yourself in front of me, but I wanted to stay with you because I was feeling so good with you. And I could tell you were getting close to cumming, and all I could think of was that I wanted to go play with myself, too. And then you said you wanted to masturbate with me almost like you were begging, and I couldn't help it and I thought what could it hurt if we're both doing it, and that I'd love to do it with you. And I didn't expect you wanted me to touch you until you took my hand, and then it was like so intoxicating that I was making you cum like that. And now I think I love you and want to do this all the time with you."
I wrap my arms around her even more tightly and give her a deep kiss. "I'm so glad this has happened, but you know we're going to have to do something special for Amber to thank her." I smile deviously.
It was two days later that Amber came to get her PC. I'm in the living room wearing a sports bra and tight running shorts when there's a knock on my door. I chose this outfit special for Amber. She must've just come from work. She's a Senior Sales Specialist, or something like that, and she's an executive-to-be. It's easy to see why Amber is destined for success. She's 29 but could easily pass for a classmate of ours. She's beautiful like Jen, but where Jen comes off as timid, Amber exudes confidence and sexiness. She's wearing a long-sleeved, zip-up jacket with a colorful but conservative pattern. It's just tight enough to show off how slender she is and tantalize you with the idea of pulling down the zipper to expose firm breasts wanting to be squeezed. Her dark skirt is perfect. It's high enough to demand your attention and promise smooth, shapely legs but not so high to be unprofessional. Overall, she's just dazzling, and I would buy anything she's selling. And I get the feeling that she's also selling her image.
"Come in Amber. Jen told me that you were coming over this afternoon."
She smiles, and I feel like I'm in a spell. "I came to pick up my computer that Jennifer's been using." She's really only the same height as I am, five foot five, but she has on some 4-inch heels, and I'm barefoot. Between her age and extra height — and don't forget that confident aura — I feel like I have to obey her.
"She's in the shower, which is good. It gives us a chance to talk. Come into my room, I've got something to show you." I lead her into my room, and I give her a good look at my figure and ass as she follows behind me. I close the door. "You can sit on the bed." I motion to the end of the bed and stand in front of her, just behind the camera's range.
"This is all very mysterious, Wendy." She sits on the bed, and I'm distracted for a moment as her dress slides up a little. I wonder what color panties she has on.
I look back into her eyes. "I've been thinking of you a lot lately. I've always felt that you have your eye on me whenever we're in the same room. Tell me if I'm imagining it, or …." I pull my bra off over my head. "…would you like to play with my breasts?" I start to caress my own breasts and watch her reaction. She never saw that coming. It's so out-of-character for me, but I know she's been watching me for months, and I'm going to use her anxious lust to keep her off-balance.
The shock on her face is quickly replaced by excitement. I see her glance to where I know the camera is hidden, and she fixes a serious expression on her face and doesn't say anything.
I pull down my running shorts and turn around and pose for her in my plain bikini panties. "Because I keep fantasizing about you kissing me and playing with my body. And I wonder if I turn you on at all."
Amber's squirming a little, and her confidence seems to waver. "I didn't think you were interested in girls."
I stand in front of her and I'm sure she's staring at my breasts as I play with them again. "I wasn't until very recently. An older woman about your age seduced me in a way, and I've been fantasizing a lot about sex with you." She stares at my hands as I rub them along my sides and one hand slips under my panties and comes back out again.
The excited look returns to her face, and she looks over to the camera and stands up. "But not here. Let's go to my apartment."
I shake my head. "No, I can't wait. I want you now."
"Wait, there's something I have to tell you."
I pretend to be worried. "I'm not freaking you out am I? I don't want you to think I've been stalking or spying on you. I know I hate anyone I hear doing things like that. All I've been doing is fantasizing about you, here in my room alone while I play with myself." I hook my thumbs under my panties and begin to slide them down, and I stop after a couple of inches. "I've dreamed about masturbating while you watch and turning you on. Do you like to watch girls? Would you like to watch me masturbate?"
Amber's attention is completely focused on my panties, and she's decided she doesn't care about the cameras. "I would! I would love to watch you masturbate … and then I want to help you cum." Her words rush out. I think she wants to make sure she says them all before I change my mind — or before she changes her. "I do like to watch girls, and you are so sexy, Wendy, and I've fantasized about your body so many times while I play with myself."
I let go of my panties and cover myself as if I'm embarrassed. "But look. I'm almost naked, and you have all your clothes on. I feel like a slut. Are you going to take anything off?"
Amber laughs. "Let me strip for you." She slowly unzips her jacket and turns her back to me as she lets it slowly drop to the floor. She turns to face me, and I never would have expected this. Her bra, if you can call it a bra, is two small, white triangles that cover her nipples and not much else. It's not transparent, but the sheer, white material doesn't hide anything. Her breasts remind me a lot of Jen's; maybe they're a little larger. I don't have time to gaze at her breasts. She slowly unzips her skirt and then shimmies her body as the skirt falls to the floor. She kicks it and her jacket aside. She has on a white micro-thong. It's my turn to stare. This young, professional businesswoman has transformed into a sexy vixen like I assume inhabit sites like OF. She knows she has me in a trance, and she stops to let me admire her fabulous body.
"Amber," and I can't get out any other words. My mind is stuck.
"No, call me Ash. When I feel like this, my name is Ash."
I don't know what to say. "You look so slutty." And I want to kick myself for saying that, but it's true.
Amber's face turns a little red, but she laughs. She knows it's true, too. "Yes, Ash is a slut. And, tonight, I'm your slut. She sits on the bed and parts her legs. Come sit with me, and you can do anything you want to me."
I've rolled my panties partway down my thighs so I can play with myself. I wasn't supposed to go this far, but I don't care. "I want to watch you masturbate. Show me how you fantasize about me."
"Oh, that's easy. I do that a lot, and you're my favorite fantasy, Wendy." I feel all warm and tingly when she says my name. It's like it's never sounded so good. It makes me feel so wonderful when this ideal vision of woman says that she fantasizes about me! She quickly removes her bra and thong and lies on her back with her legs spread and teases her pussy. Her pussy is as bald as mine is, and I take a shuffle-step towards her to feel that smooth skin and wet lips. Her authority and superiority have evaporated with her clothes, and now she's just a seductive slut, naked except for her designer shoes. And the shoes make her seem even sluttier to me. She rolls onto her stomach but keeps her legs spread so I can have a good view of her pussy while she continues teasing it. "Ash wants you so much. I dream of you every night like this, Wendy. Please put your fingers in me and make me cum. Please, I'll do anything you want." She squeezes her butt and then she lifts her hips a little off the bed and pulls apart her cheeks some more to offer her pussy to me. Earlier, I was feeling the desire to obey her. Now I realize that I don't have to give her my obedience; she's offering to obey me and be my slut, my slave. I take two more steps. She says I'm in charge, but I'm totally hooked and know what I have to do to her..
Just in time, the door opens and Jennifer walks in completely nude. She's been watching the camera feed in her room and decided this was the right time to make her entrance. "Amber?" she asks in mock surprise. "What are you doing with my girlfriend?"
Amber quickly turns around, very embarrassed and hunched over and covering her pussy with her hands, but also staring Jen, who's been a secret desire of hers for many years. "Your girlfriend?"
Jennifer walks over to me, pulls my panties the rest of the way down, and we wrap our arms around each other and kiss while we caress each other's butts. "Yes, my girlfriend. We found your stash of videos on the laptop, and one thing led to another." She gives me another extremely sensual French kiss. "Oh, and we deleted your videos of Wendy."
Amber has recovered from the initial shock and is sitting up again and showing off her beauty. I'm certain that I'm in love with Jen because I'm not interested in Amber; all of my attention is on my girlfriend. I peak over at Amber staring at us. Or at least 90% of my attention is on Jen. "Jen, this isn't Amber. This is Ash. Ash is her slut name. And she's offered to be my slutty sex slave and do anything I want her to."
Amber has resumed her masturbation. "You look so hot, Jen. We can have so much fun together. All three of us."
"I know. I was in the other room watching and heard her offer." She gives her attention to Amber. "You know we made a new video of you tonight. I bet it'd be real popular on the internet."
Ash transforms back into Amber and looks us in the face. "No! You wouldn't do that, would you?"
Jen teased her. "What if I give you a choice? You can either leave here now, and we'll never talk about this again, and we'll delete the video. Or, you can let us post it, and we'll let you spend the night having sex with us."
Amber struggles with the decision. Her hands creep back to her pussy and begin massaging it again. Her eyes have returned to our pussies.
"You are such a slut! You're willing to trade your reputation and your career for a night with me and Wendy. But don't worry, we don't plan to share that video with anyone else."
She leans on her back and spreads her legs apart as wide as she can to show off her pussy. She holds the legs apart with her hands on her thighs. "I saw how you looked at me, Wendy. I know you both want me. Come use me. Lick me and finger me and make me cum. Please!"
Jen sneers at her. "Are you for real? You're the one who complained that my swimsuit was too revealing. You got me in trouble because you warned my mom that my boyfriend was going to sneak into my room after the prom."
Amber/Ash takes her fingers and pulls apart her pussy lips. "That's because I wanted you for myself, Jen. Kiss me and I'm yours. Wendy, you saw how much desire I have for you." I stare at her beckoning tunnel and wonder how many fingers I could fit in there.
Jen will have none of it. She strides to the bed and pushes Ash off of its side. "I know how much you like to watch my girlfriend. Well now you can watch me fuck her, and then we can decide what to do with you."
My desire has been growing since I opened the door and saw Amber, and watching Jen kicking Ash's ass to defend me has turned the intensity to eleven. She holds her hands out to me, and I climb on the bed and on her so we can trib and kiss. I've started to get familiar with the levels of Jen's lust, and I can tell that hers exceeds even mine at this moment. I peek over at Ash. She's standing by my desk watching us, one of her hands is moving in and out of her pussy, and the other is rubbing her clit hard. That pushes my orgasm over the edge, and then that triggers Jen's orgasm.
Even Ash is caught in the moment, and I can hear her calling to us through her orgasm: "Ash loves you both. Thank you for letting your slut cum with you." Even after cumming, she can't stop masturbating while watching us. "I'm sorry for spying on you, Wendy. Please let me join you. Let me lick you and make you cum. You will love my tongue. Everyone loves my tongue. I'll do anything for you."
"Anything?" Jen asks.
"I'm your slut. I'm your slave." Her masturbation goes slower. "Give me your order. Do you want me to lick you?"
"I've always wanted to spank you."
I expect Ash to be horrified, but I'm forgetting that Amber isn't here. Amber would have been mortified; Ash is excited by it. "Yes! Spank your slut! I want to feel your hands on my ass!" She comes to the bed, leans forward with her hands on the bed, and sticks out her lovely butt for Jen to abuse.
There's a look on Jen's face I don't recognize as she walks behind Ash. I'm not sure which one is sexier.
I watch Jen swat Ash's cheeks thrice each. I'm still lying in the bed, and Ash's breasts are hanging down just above my face. With each swat, Ash gasps, and I'm fascinated watching her breasts jiggle. I can lift my head just a little and put one in my mouth and use my tongue to caress her nipple — but I interrupt myself before I start. I'm being mesmerized again by Ash's charm. I roll out of the bed as Jen gives her another spank. She keeps her hand on Ash's butt after the spank, and Ash is panting heavily. Jen's other hand is rubbing her own pussy; she's also getting trapped in Ash's field of magic.
I hug her before she swings again and kiss her. "Stop. I want you to concentrate on me, not Ash."
I feel Jen's body relax as she turns from Ash and hugs me back and pushes her tongue into my mouth and gives me a long kiss. "I want to lick you, Wendy."
Ash cries out. She's still bent over the bed, and now her hand reaches between her legs and feverishly rubs herself while the other hand holds herself up on the bed. "You can't! You promised to fuck me!"
"Shut up, slut. And take off those damn shoes." It was as if I'd slapped Ash, but she obeys. Without the expensive shoes, the last shred of Amber and her authority has disappeared, and all that remains is the sexy, naked slut crying and begging for attention. Yes, crying. The tears start as the shoes come off, and then she stands in front of us, totally naked, still unable to stop rubbing herself.
"Please," she says between sobs, "let me, too. Let me have sex with you. Please."
She looks so vulnerable and oh so very, very sexy, and I'm tempted to wrap her in my arms and squeeze her and have her be my slave. But Jen's arms are still around me, and that gives me strength. "No, Jen and I need some time together and alone. Go leave the room, and close the door."
Ash is still whimpering and rubbing as she picks up her clothes. "No, your clothes stay here. You can go home naked, or you can watch TV, or you can play with yourself until we come out. I don't care." It feels so weird to have someone that much older than I am and so sexy crying and fantasizing over me. And obedient and beautiful and naked; I can't forget naked. And I really, really can't get the thought of ‘obedient slave' out of my head. Maybe it's because I always had a deep-down admiration for her when she was Amber.I feel a wave of passion and a desire to run and grab her and kiss her while she fingers me. And then she's out of the room, but the feeling lingers.
I climb on the bed and get on my back. I want Jen to hurry and join me so I can enjoy my girlfriend and forget about Ash. She climbs on me and puts her pussy in my face while she leans over and licks mine. I close my eyes just for a moment when her tongue first touches me, but then I open it again. I like to watch while my tongue play with her pussy. This is what I needed.
Jen stops. "You're still thinking of her, aren't you."
I consider lying. "Uh-huh."
"She's very powerful, and sexy, and very, very desirable."
I answer carefully. "And slutty. But you're my girlfriend, and I wouldn't trade that for all of the sluts in the world."
She slips her tongue deep in me, and my moan tells her that she reached her target. She lets my orgasm peak and wane. I've never orgasmed as easily and as powerfully as I have today. "I want you to know that I love you more than anything, too. But I think it would be fun to have our very own slut. I've got some things I'd like to see Ash wear and do for us. You know, I've never seen anyone else as gorgeous as she is, and it's even more fun now that she's a slut we can abuse."
The fog of desire lifts enough that I can speak coherently. "As long as you and I can keep having sex every night and every morning and other times just whenever, then I'll be happy with whatever you want to do." I tease her clit with my fingers. "I would really love to rub against her body but only if you're there with me and as long as you and I give the orders." I reposition her so I can lick her easier, and she squirms and breathes faster as her own orgasm approaches. I know it will always be me and Jen in love. But in the back of my mind, there are some things I can hardly wait to make Ash do for a camera.
None of this story is based on any personal experiences this time, and everyone is 20 or older.
(You can ask yourself: who's really doing the seducing here?)
Scene 2 (revisited): Payback on a Spying Roommate
It seemed like an unremarkable afternoon. I just returned to my apartment. The apartment's unremarkable, just a plain two-bedroom apartment with simple furnishings. There's a sofa that my mom contributed, a couple of lamps that I got from the Redbird Resale Shop, and an armchair and a table that my roommate's family contributed. Oh, and a couple of plants that Jen and I got at the Walmart a few months ago so the place wasn't so sterile.
Even the clothes I wore that day were unremarkable. I had a light brown skirt on, above my knees but not too far up. The blouse is a nice, pale yellow, but it's not sexy. I had no reason to think that everything in my life was about to change. So I came home from my job as an intern, I went into my bedroom to study, and I turned on my computer. While I waited for it to start up, I sat on my bed and took off my shoes (professional shoes with heels but not sexy) and my hose (very light tan, nothing provocative) to get comfortable. I looked back over at the computer screen. And I was staring at a blank screen.
"Damn!" Well, what am I going to do now. I go through the standard checks. Yes, everything's plugged in. The monitor's on. Everything should be working, except it isn't. Here's the benefit of having a roommate; I'll ask Jen if I can use hers long enough to pay my bills online. I leave the bedroom, walk across the living room to another room with a closed door. I knock on it gently. "Jen, can I come in and use your computer?" No answer. I knock again, but still nothing. I open the door and enter Jen's bedroom. It's similar to mind — nothing fancy. Her laptop is on her desk, and I move the mouse to wake it up.
There's a list of folders, and I almost laugh to myself. The most prominent folder in the center of the screen says MOVIES. "I bet you don't even have any movies." I'm overcome by curiosity, and I open the folder, and I see a list of files: Wendy-1, Wendy-2, Wendy-3, … all the way through Wendy-260. It's so strange. "Jennifer, why do you have all these files with my name on it?" I double-click on Wendy-1. The movie starts, and it's just a fixed camera that shows my bedroom. From the angle, I can tell that the camera is somewhere near the ceiling, and it shows my bed from the front back to the table. It must be from about when we moved in because it's decorated like it was back then. Or, I should say, undecorated.
In the movie, I enter the room. It's weird to watch yourself when you're not expecting it. I must've just come from a run; I'm wearing my running shorts, tennis shoes, and a T-shirt. I pull off the shirt and the sports bra and then pull down the shorts and panties together. I climb on the bed in the video and start to masturbate. I immediately close the window. "Oh my God!" That's not what I was expecting.
I wonder … and I open up Wendy-60. I'm in the room wearing just some plain yellow panties. I'm facing away from the camera, but I can see my top reflected in the mirror, and I'm topless. I remember those crappy panties, and when I turn around, I can see the rip at the waistband and the hole in the front. I pull off the panties and put them in the trash. Then I lie face down on the bed and masturbate. Of course I never realized that's how I look when I masturbate, and I think it's be kind of interesting to watch if I didn't know it was me.
"Good God, are they all like this?" I scroll down and open Wendy-100. This time, I come out of the bathroom with a town around me and wet hair. I take off the towel and dry off. It's like I never looked at myself before, and I've certainly never done any kind of assessment. I'm not one of those girls who has false modesty and pretends oh, do you really think I'm attractive. But I never thought of myself as sexy until this moment. I toss the towel into the laundry basket and walk around the room and get clothes out of the dresser to put on. It's kind of like watching a model or someone on TV and thinking, I'd love to have breasts like hers. But I'm watching myself walk around the room, and, really, I already have them. I wouldn't trade the slender figure I'm watching and toned legs for any star's that I can think of. And how is it no one ever told me that my butt looked so good? Jen must think so, but she's never given me any sign. I crawl onto the bed and masturbate from behind. I think I remember that day and how much I love to finger myself from behind like that. I've never seen Jen covertly watching me while we're together. She's never made any move to see me undress or shower or anything. But why would she? She's got it all on video and can watch me perform nightly.
I close the movie and open the latest file, Wendy-260. Yes, this is current, because this looks like my room now. I come out of the closet wearing a miniskirt, and I look at myself in the mirror. This was just two days ago, and I know what's going to happen. I was thinking about a boy I liked and decided this skirt didn't look appealing enough. But now I think I made a mistake; I look damn sexy in that skirt. It's a cream skirt that shows off my legs and clings to my sides and to my butt. The color matches my wavy hair that comes over my shoulders. I wonder if Jen has watched this recording yet. I wonder if she's lying in her bed or sitting in the chair while she watches me. The screen version of me pulls down the skirt and then the panties. I was so horny that day, just like I am now. I realize that I'm rubbing the outside of my panties while I watch, and I make myself stop. On the screen, I sit on the edge of the bed and spread my legs. It's like I knew that I was posing, and the camera has a clear view of my pussy.
It feels so kinky watching myself like this, and I have an idea. I'm able to zoom in, and I fill the screen with my pussy. Now I can't see my face, and it's like I could be watching any online coed. Except I know it's me, and I know how it felt. I shaved myself that morning, and I love the feeling of my fingers rubbing the soft, smooth skin. And I'm captivated watching the fingers go in and out, just like Jen must be when she watches me. I imagine Jen sitting at this desk, naked, matching my rhythm. And since I've zoomed in and can't see my face, it's easy to pretend that this is Jen I'm watching while she's watching a video of me. It's the weirdest thing. I never watch myself masturbate in the mirror, and I'd never had any dreams about Jen. In fact, I can't think of any other woman I've ever thought of like this or been interested in or wanted to watch. But now, suddenly, the thing that seems most important to me in the world is to see whether or not Jen is smooth like I am and to watch her like she watches me. My body remembers how good this felt just two days ago. My fingers have reached inside my panties now, and I know that if I watch this video to the end, then I'm going to cum, standing here in Jen's room. That's not what I want. I want to do this with Jen, maybe even let her make me cum. I feel my body tighten as I imagine that, and I feel there's no interrupting the inevitable if I don't stop myself immediately. It takes all of my determination to close my eyes and force my hands off of my body. I hear myself whimper, and my hands are drawn back to my yearning pussy, but I'm resolute. I'm going to wait for Jen and do this with her. I shut down the movie player and force myself to slow my breathing until I have my composure.
I leave and close Jen's door and get a book from my bedroom. Then I sit on the couch in the living room to read it while I wait for Jen. But I can't concentrate. I've forgotten how to read. I've forgotten everything except Jen coming home and how I'm going to approach this. And I wish she were here already, except I'm not ready yet, and I'm feeling nervous about this whole thing. She's so modest and never wants to talk about boyfriends or sex. And if I just blurt out my new feelings, she might just lock up and ignore what we both want.
It's the longest time of my life while I'm waiting and making my plans. Maybe I should be naked out here masturbating when she gets home and let her see me and become overpowered by her own desire. But that's no good because sometimes she brings a friend with her after work or after the gym. Or, I could change into something sexier for her. But why? She's already seen and examined every inch of my body 260 times. Probably more times than that. She already knows what I look like and decided I'm sexy enough to spy on.
The whole idea that someone finds me so sexy and desirable that they've been secretly peeping on me and masturbating turns me on more than I've ever felt before. And the fact that it's Jen makes it even stronger to me. I mean, if it were a guy, well, what do I expect? They're going to be crazy about seeing any fairly attractive girl, right? But it's another girl who wants me and fantasizes about me, and that makes my horny feeling stronger. And it's also easy and more fun to imagine how it would feel having a girl (not a guy), with hands like my own, caressing and fingering my body. It's going to feel like my own fingers exploring over and inside my body, except it will be another sexy girl's fingers and not mine. My pussy's demanding my attention. I have to concentrate on breathing normally again.
I'm so wet, and my panties are so uncomfortable. My fingers keep pushing them against my pussy while I wait. I try sitting on my hands to keep them away. What if Jen is at dinner with friends or on a date, how long can I wait for her and ignore my body screaming at me? Well, she can't be on a date, because she doesn't go out much. I knew she was shy with guys, and now I know the real reason.
It hasn't been an hour, but it's been at least 30 minutes, and Jen finally comes in the door. I look at her in a new way, as a new lover-to-be instead of just a friend or roommate. She is so unbelievably cute. Her skin is clean and pretty and isn't ruined by any tattoos. Her hair doesn't quite reach her shoulders, and it's not as light as mine, but I'd still call it blonde. My urge is jump up, pull off her clothes, and cover every inch of her body with kisses. It's obvious that she just came from the gym. She has on a spandex leotard under her plain gym shorts. The leotard hugs her sides that I can hardly wait to run my hands along. She's small-framed, and I'm guessing she has 32 or 33B breasts, and I want so badly to see them for myself. If she likes being a voyeur, I wonder if she also would like to be a show-off. Is she going to want me to undress her, or will she want to let me watch her slowly peel off those clothes? I shiver involuntarily in anticipation.
Really, I don't care. I just want her so badly, but I don't want to scare her. I know she's been comfortable with just watching me and masturbating, and I want to help her move to the next steps. And I'm going to use what she's comfortable with to move her along.
I try to sound nonchalant. "Hi, Jen. How was the gym?"
"I feel so much better now. I had such a stressful day and I sure like using the treadmill to relax. Now I'm not so stressed."
Jen walks over to the small kitchenette to get a glass of water. There's a bar with some bar stools between the kitchen and the living room. I realize that I've seen her in jeans and dresses and loose shorts like these, but I've never really seen what her ass looks like. I imagine caressing it while I finger her. It's probably soft and smooth like mine, and I would love to kiss and lick it — anything to help turn her on. I stand by the sofa now. "That's good." I wait for Jen to come out of the kitchen with her glass of water. "Is the stress gone?"
"Well, not completely. I never can get rid of all of it. I'm just a stress-bunny." She smiles and shrugs.
That's exactly what I expected her to say, and I'm ready with the dialog that I rehearsed. I'm going to guide her to where I know she wants to go. I put a serious look on my face. "Well, I've been thinking about talking to you about stress for a long time, but I haven't been totally comfortable bringing up the topic. You know, I moved in with you about half a year ago and I didn't know you well enough at first."
"Wendy, I love having you as a roommate and a friend. You can tell me anything."
"Okay, here goes. You don't know it but I feel lots of stress too."
"No, I never would've guessed!"
"That's because I have a technique to get rid of it and it works really good." I pause and take a deep breath like I'm getting up my courage to continue. I know she's interested. "I play with myself every day. Sometimes twice a day."
Jen acts like she doesn't already know this. "What?" Well, maybe she really is surprised that I'm talking about it. I think she thinks I'm reserved a lot like she is and we've always topics like this.
"It's true. I masturbate a lot, every day. I hope this isn't offending you."
I can see the calculating in her eyes as she pauses and tries to figure out where this going and what she can get out of it. "No, you're not offending me. You're my friend and if this is important to you, then it's important to me. I'm just really surprised by this topic; it's not like you. Why are you telling me this?"
She's doing a good job controlling her emotions, but I can tell that there's an eager tone in her voice. "A couple of reasons. One is that I know how stressed you are and I want to share a useful technique with you in case you want to try it."
Jen has a surprised look on her face that I'm certain isn't acting. I'm starting to make her uncomfortable, but she's still very curious where I'm going with this. "I don't know." I think she's concerned about her reputation and doesn't want to let on how much she masturbates, and especially doesn't want us knowing that she masturbates while watching other girls.
"I don't know if you've done it much." I bite my lip so I don't laugh as I tell that lie. "I'm not trying to make you do anything you're not comfortable with, but it always makes me feel good and gets rid of stress, and I feel bad that I wasn't telling you about it." She's about to say something, maybe to object, but I hurry on before she can form a defense. "The other reason is a selfish reason for me. I always do it in the bathroom or in my bedroom, and they aren't the most comfortable. I'm kind of cramped. I'd really like to do it in this room, but I've been scared that you would come home and walk in on me and be offended. If you masturbate daily, too, and we bring this into the open, then I'd feel that it's okay for me to do it here in the living room. What do you think? Is that too selfish?"
Jen wants to act cool and in charge, but she answers quickly and with some excitement. "Oh, it won't bother me. You can play with yourself in the living room any time you want. It won't even bother me if you're doing it while I'm here. If it's something you like to do." She realizes that this sounds like she's too excited by it. She slows down and tries to act more dispassionate. "I mean, I appreciate the advice, but, uh, you know, playing with myself, isn't something I'm comfortable with." She pauses while she searches for a way to get what she wants. "But this is both of ours apartment, and I won't complain if you want to do it, even if it's out in the open."
"Are you sure? It's not going to distract you or offend you if I'm lying on the couch naked and masturbating while you're just … here?"
I steal some peeks at her breasts to see if her nipples react to her imagining the scene, but I don't see any sign yet. But it does seem that she has to take an extra moment to get her composure together.
"I swear, I don't care …" and she pauses. I know she's thinking about much she wants to watch me in person but she's also considering how she'll be able to hide how much it turns her on and how much she wants to do it, too. "… I don't care if you're spread out naked on the floor doing it if that makes you happy." She blurts out that last line too quickly, like she wants to get it out before the memory of my scenes on her computer reach her mind.
And I wonder where that image that she described comes from; is that how she fantasizes about me? "You are the best roommate ever! I'm so lucky that you feel that way." I pause and pretend to change the subject. "What are you doing now?"
"I'm going to go take my shower. What about you?"
I look down as if some modesty has taken control of me. "Well, really, I was going to go to my room and masturbate, but if you're serious that it doesn't offend you, I'd like to do it out here. Please. I've never done it in the living room, but I've always wanted to. It'll be so much more comfortable." I let that sink in. "Are you really sure you don't want to do it too?"
I can tell that Jen is torn. She says slowly "No, um, I have to take my shower. The hot shower also unstresses me."
I unbutton my blouse and take off my bra. Jen hasn't moved and is just watching but also acting like she's partly disinterested and doesn't want me to know she's watching. I stand and take off the skirt, and I'm just there in my panties. I know I'm fulfilling a fantasy that she's lusted about for several months, and I've never felt so sexy and alive before. I am so excited about taking everything off and showing her what she's only seen on her computer screen. "Are you sure about the shower? It's okay if you want to stay and talk with me while I masturbate." I push off the panties and starts to rub myself while looking at Jen. "Maybe if you spend time in the room while I masturbate, you'll get more comfortable and eventually change your mind someday. I'm still certain that this would be good for you." I lie on the sofa and caress my body. I've been completely turned on ever since I found those files on her computer, so caressing my body is for her benefit. I part my legs so that Jen can see live what's only been an image to her until now. "I don't want to push you out of the room if this makes you uncomfortable."
Now Jen can't hide that she's staring at my pussy. She pretends to be calm, but I can hear the excitement in her voice. "Well, okay, I can stay with you a little and watch, er, talk for a little while." She pauses "… while you …" She stops like she can't concentrate on what she's saying, and I feel that my seduction is going to succeed. Should I call it a seduction if I entice her to do what she already wants?"
I don't think she wants me to know how turned on I've made her. Her hands keep wandering towards her shorts, and she wants to rub herself, too, but then she catches herself and moves her hands away. She watches silently for about a minute and then asks "is that helping with your stress? Is that good? You're not uncomfortable with me in the room, are you?"
I'm focused on my fingers and the feeling that is so close to overwhelming me, and I can't answer right away. I could cum right now, but I want to wait until Jen has joined me. I slow down enough to think about what Jen asked. "Jen, I think you would like this a lot! You should try it." I think I was staring at her body earlier, but now I purposefully stare directly into her eyes and admit what I've been thinking all afternoon. "I really, really want to masturbate with you." I know there's a pleading tone in my voice, and I can't help it. "Now she knows that I'm interested in her, too, and I hope so much that it convinces her to join me."
Jen's hands finally reach their target, and she rubs herself what she watches me. I'm so close, but I know I've won her over, and I just have to hold on a little longer. Jen gives in and takes off her shorts and then her leotard. I'm excited beyond anything to compare it to, and my rubbing has doubled its speed as she steps out of her leotard. Her body is as good as, no, better than any actress or model I've ever seen.I keep my fingers inside me; I'm on such an edge that if I just touch my clit, it's going to be all over. Her hands cover her crotch. She's excited about this, but still shy and timid. "Now what?" she asks me.
I fight against every urge and pull my hands away from my body and kneel on the floor. "Here, face me on the floor like this." She joins me, kneeling with her legs open, our knees touching. She isn't completely bald like I am, but she only has a tiny patch, and I'm shaking while I think of finally touching her pussy. I take her hand with my dry hand and move it to my pussy, and she inserts her fingers. I knew it was coming, but the feeling of another girl's hand in me still shocks me. I don't want to be a cliche and moan, but her touch causes me to gasp and I can't prevent the loud moan as the afternoon of waiting finally culminates in a strong orgasm.
I know I've surprised Jen by cumming so quickly. Thankfully, she can tell that this is one of those long orgasms that you read about in magazines and you lie about having but never really expect to have. Between moans, I manage to whisper "oh, Jen, keep doing that; don't stop!" I don't know how long I drift in that sea of pleasure, and then the thought forms that I love this woman and want to spend all my time like this with her and that I want to make her happy like this, too. I put the hand that had been rubbing me into Jen, and she's as wet as I was. I play with her nipples with my other hand, and Jen gets the idea and does the same with her free hand. My moaning quickly lets Jen know when I have two more orgasms back-to-back, and then I see the muscles in her legs twitch as she cums, too. Her orgasm is silent except for the louder and faster breathing, and she stops rubbing while the pulsing from her pussy consumes her.
Jen's breathing returns to normal, and our rubbing slows down. She still has her eyes closed, and I have an inspiration. I put the fingers I was rubbing her with into her mouth, and she licks and sucks on my fingers. She does the same thing with her fingers in my mouth. Then I pull out my fingers and lean towards her. When she opens her eyes to see what's happening, I do what that morning I would've sworn I would never do. I kiss her on the mouth.
I've had lots of kisses before, but this one feels so special and better than any other. Jen takes ahold of my arms and kisses me back passionately, and we enjoy kissing for two or three minutes. I'm turned on again, and I'm also having fun with my tongue licking hers and hers licking mine. Between kisses, she asks "please rub me again."
"Let's try something else I've heard about." I shift our positions so we're both lying on the floor across from each other, pussy-to-pussy and holding hands. This is so much better than humping any sofa arm or pillow, and I can tell that Jen feels the same way as our soft lips press and rub each other until we have our strongest orgasms yet. "Let's move to the sofa." I lie on my back and reach out my arms so Jen will on top of me, breast-to-breast. And here we are kissing again. I love feeling her on top of me and love having my arms around her and my hands on her sexy ass, and I could be happy doing this all night. "You know, I think that girl sex gets rid of stress even better than masturbating."
Jen gives me a long kiss. "I'm filled with stress every day. We're going to have to do this a lot to get rid of it all."
"Uh-huh. Lots of times every day, I think." It feels like we're kissing for hours, and it's not long enough. "Isn't this a lot better than movies? I want you to delete those movies of me that you made."
"What are you talking about?"
I smile. I want to make sure that she knows I'm not angry. "I had to borrow your computer to do online bill pay, and I found all of the surveillance movies you made of me. I'm not angry because that's how I learned how you felt about me and how I feel about you. But you can have me any time you want."
Jen shakes her head. "But you couldn't have used my computer. It died last week, and I'm borrowing my step-sister's laptop until I get a new one next month."
I have a bad feeling about this. "You mean you haven't been spying on me and fantasizing about me all year?"
Jen answers slowly. "No …." She has a worried look on her face. "Does that change how you feel about me?"
Several thoughts speed through my mind. It wasn't Jen who was watching me; it was Amber who's been fantasizing about me and whom I fantasized about this afternoon. It was Amber and her videos who seduced me. And it doesn't matter. I give Jen the deepest and longest kiss yet. "Not at all~ I'm so glad about this accident. I never knew that you were interested in girls."
"But I wasn't, I've never been interested in girls."
"Then … I'm so confused … why this?"
I can see Jen considering how to explain the last hour. "Well, at first, I was surprised and flattered when you were coming on to me. I didn't know that you were interested in girls …"
"I wasn't," I interrupted. "Not until I saw those videos and thought of you fantasizing about me."
"I think it was kind of the same way with me. I was really flattered to think that someone was trying to seduce me, even if it's a girl. But you're so sexy, and I know you can get dates any time you want, and I started getting turned on thinking of you fantasizing about me. And I was uncomfortable with you playing with yourself in front of me, but I wanted to stay with you because I was feeling so good with you. And I could tell you were getting close to cumming, and all I could think of was that I wanted to go play with myself, too. And then you said you wanted to masturbate with me almost like you were begging, and I couldn't help it and I thought what could it hurt if we're both doing it, and that I'd love to do it with you. And I didn't expect you wanted me to touch you until you took my hand, and then it was like so intoxicating that I was making you cum like that. And now I think I love you and want to do this all the time with you."
I wrap my arms around her even more tightly and give her a deep kiss. "I'm so glad this has happened, but you know we're going to have to do something special for Amber to thank her." I smile deviously.
It was two days later that Amber came to get her PC. I'm in the living room wearing a sports bra and tight running shorts when there's a knock on my door. I chose this outfit special for Amber. She must've just come from work. She's a Senior Sales Specialist, or something like that, and she's an executive-to-be. It's easy to see why Amber is destined for success. She's 29 but could easily pass for a classmate of ours. She's beautiful like Jen, but where Jen comes off as timid, Amber exudes confidence and sexiness. She's wearing a long-sleeved, zip-up jacket with a colorful but conservative pattern. It's just tight enough to show off how slender she is and tantalize you with the idea of pulling down the zipper to expose firm breasts wanting to be squeezed. Her dark skirt is perfect. It's high enough to demand your attention and promise smooth, shapely legs but not so high to be unprofessional. Overall, she's just dazzling, and I would buy anything she's selling. And I get the feeling that she's also selling her image.
"Come in Amber. Jen told me that you were coming over this afternoon."
She smiles, and I feel like I'm in a spell. "I came to pick up my computer that Jennifer's been using." She's really only the same height as I am, five foot five, but she has on some 4-inch heels, and I'm barefoot. Between her age and extra height — and don't forget that confident aura — I feel like I have to obey her.
"She's in the shower, which is good. It gives us a chance to talk. Come into my room, I've got something to show you." I lead her into my room, and I give her a good look at my figure and ass as she follows behind me. I close the door. "You can sit on the bed." I motion to the end of the bed and stand in front of her, just behind the camera's range.
"This is all very mysterious, Wendy." She sits on the bed, and I'm distracted for a moment as her dress slides up a little. I wonder what color panties she has on.
I look back into her eyes. "I've been thinking of you a lot lately. I've always felt that you have your eye on me whenever we're in the same room. Tell me if I'm imagining it, or …." I pull my bra off over my head. "…would you like to play with my breasts?" I start to caress my own breasts and watch her reaction. She never saw that coming. It's so out-of-character for me, but I know she's been watching me for months, and I'm going to use her anxious lust to keep her off-balance.
The shock on her face is quickly replaced by excitement. I see her glance to where I know the camera is hidden, and she fixes a serious expression on her face and doesn't say anything.
I pull down my running shorts and turn around and pose for her in my plain bikini panties. "Because I keep fantasizing about you kissing me and playing with my body. And I wonder if I turn you on at all."
Amber's squirming a little, and her confidence seems to waver. "I didn't think you were interested in girls."
I stand in front of her and I'm sure she's staring at my breasts as I play with them again. "I wasn't until very recently. An older woman about your age seduced me in a way, and I've been fantasizing a lot about sex with you." She stares at my hands as I rub them along my sides and one hand slips under my panties and comes back out again.
The excited look returns to her face, and she looks over to the camera and stands up. "But not here. Let's go to my apartment."
I shake my head. "No, I can't wait. I want you now."
"Wait, there's something I have to tell you."
I pretend to be worried. "I'm not freaking you out am I? I don't want you to think I've been stalking or spying on you. I know I hate anyone I hear doing things like that. All I've been doing is fantasizing about you, here in my room alone while I play with myself." I hook my thumbs under my panties and begin to slide them down, and I stop after a couple of inches. "I've dreamed about masturbating while you watch and turning you on. Do you like to watch girls? Would you like to watch me masturbate?"
Amber's attention is completely focused on my panties, and she's decided she doesn't care about the cameras. "I would! I would love to watch you masturbate … and then I want to help you cum." Her words rush out. I think she wants to make sure she says them all before I change my mind — or before she changes her. "I do like to watch girls, and you are so sexy, Wendy, and I've fantasized about your body so many times while I play with myself."
I let go of my panties and cover myself as if I'm embarrassed. "But look. I'm almost naked, and you have all your clothes on. I feel like a slut. Are you going to take anything off?"
Amber laughs. "Let me strip for you." She slowly unzips her jacket and turns her back to me as she lets it slowly drop to the floor. She turns to face me, and I never would have expected this. Her bra, if you can call it a bra, is two small, white triangles that cover her nipples and not much else. It's not transparent, but the sheer, white material doesn't hide anything. Her breasts remind me a lot of Jen's; maybe they're a little larger. I don't have time to gaze at her breasts. She slowly unzips her skirt and then shimmies her body as the skirt falls to the floor. She kicks it and her jacket aside. She has on a white micro-thong. It's my turn to stare. This young, professional businesswoman has transformed into a sexy vixen like I assume inhabit sites like OF. She knows she has me in a trance, and she stops to let me admire her fabulous body.
"Amber," and I can't get out any other words. My mind is stuck.
"No, call me Ash. When I feel like this, my name is Ash."
I don't know what to say. "You look so slutty." And I want to kick myself for saying that, but it's true.
Amber's face turns a little red, but she laughs. She knows it's true, too. "Yes, Ash is a slut. And, tonight, I'm your slut. She sits on the bed and parts her legs. Come sit with me, and you can do anything you want to me."
I've rolled my panties partway down my thighs so I can play with myself. I wasn't supposed to go this far, but I don't care. "I want to watch you masturbate. Show me how you fantasize about me."
"Oh, that's easy. I do that a lot, and you're my favorite fantasy, Wendy." I feel all warm and tingly when she says my name. It's like it's never sounded so good. It makes me feel so wonderful when this ideal vision of woman says that she fantasizes about me! She quickly removes her bra and thong and lies on her back with her legs spread and teases her pussy. Her pussy is as bald as mine is, and I take a shuffle-step towards her to feel that smooth skin and wet lips. Her authority and superiority have evaporated with her clothes, and now she's just a seductive slut, naked except for her designer shoes. And the shoes make her seem even sluttier to me. She rolls onto her stomach but keeps her legs spread so I can have a good view of her pussy while she continues teasing it. "Ash wants you so much. I dream of you every night like this, Wendy. Please put your fingers in me and make me cum. Please, I'll do anything you want." She squeezes her butt and then she lifts her hips a little off the bed and pulls apart her cheeks some more to offer her pussy to me. Earlier, I was feeling the desire to obey her. Now I realize that I don't have to give her my obedience; she's offering to obey me and be my slut, my slave. I take two more steps. She says I'm in charge, but I'm totally hooked and know what I have to do to her..
Just in time, the door opens and Jennifer walks in completely nude. She's been watching the camera feed in her room and decided this was the right time to make her entrance. "Amber?" she asks in mock surprise. "What are you doing with my girlfriend?"
Amber quickly turns around, very embarrassed and hunched over and covering her pussy with her hands, but also staring Jen, who's been a secret desire of hers for many years. "Your girlfriend?"
Jennifer walks over to me, pulls my panties the rest of the way down, and we wrap our arms around each other and kiss while we caress each other's butts. "Yes, my girlfriend. We found your stash of videos on the laptop, and one thing led to another." She gives me another extremely sensual French kiss. "Oh, and we deleted your videos of Wendy."
Amber has recovered from the initial shock and is sitting up again and showing off her beauty. I'm certain that I'm in love with Jen because I'm not interested in Amber; all of my attention is on my girlfriend. I peak over at Amber staring at us. Or at least 90% of my attention is on Jen. "Jen, this isn't Amber. This is Ash. Ash is her slut name. And she's offered to be my slutty sex slave and do anything I want her to."
Amber has resumed her masturbation. "You look so hot, Jen. We can have so much fun together. All three of us."
"I know. I was in the other room watching and heard her offer." She gives her attention to Amber. "You know we made a new video of you tonight. I bet it'd be real popular on the internet."
Ash transforms back into Amber and looks us in the face. "No! You wouldn't do that, would you?"
Jen teased her. "What if I give you a choice? You can either leave here now, and we'll never talk about this again, and we'll delete the video. Or, you can let us post it, and we'll let you spend the night having sex with us."
Amber struggles with the decision. Her hands creep back to her pussy and begin massaging it again. Her eyes have returned to our pussies.
"You are such a slut! You're willing to trade your reputation and your career for a night with me and Wendy. But don't worry, we don't plan to share that video with anyone else."
She leans on her back and spreads her legs apart as wide as she can to show off her pussy. She holds the legs apart with her hands on her thighs. "I saw how you looked at me, Wendy. I know you both want me. Come use me. Lick me and finger me and make me cum. Please!"
Jen sneers at her. "Are you for real? You're the one who complained that my swimsuit was too revealing. You got me in trouble because you warned my mom that my boyfriend was going to sneak into my room after the prom."
Amber/Ash takes her fingers and pulls apart her pussy lips. "That's because I wanted you for myself, Jen. Kiss me and I'm yours. Wendy, you saw how much desire I have for you." I stare at her beckoning tunnel and wonder how many fingers I could fit in there.
Jen will have none of it. She strides to the bed and pushes Ash off of its side. "I know how much you like to watch my girlfriend. Well now you can watch me fuck her, and then we can decide what to do with you."
My desire has been growing since I opened the door and saw Amber, and watching Jen kicking Ash's ass to defend me has turned the intensity to eleven. She holds her hands out to me, and I climb on the bed and on her so we can trib and kiss. I've started to get familiar with the levels of Jen's lust, and I can tell that hers exceeds even mine at this moment. I peek over at Ash. She's standing by my desk watching us, one of her hands is moving in and out of her pussy, and the other is rubbing her clit hard. That pushes my orgasm over the edge, and then that triggers Jen's orgasm.
Even Ash is caught in the moment, and I can hear her calling to us through her orgasm: "Ash loves you both. Thank you for letting your slut cum with you." Even after cumming, she can't stop masturbating while watching us. "I'm sorry for spying on you, Wendy. Please let me join you. Let me lick you and make you cum. You will love my tongue. Everyone loves my tongue. I'll do anything for you."
"Anything?" Jen asks.
"I'm your slut. I'm your slave." Her masturbation goes slower. "Give me your order. Do you want me to lick you?"
"I've always wanted to spank you."
I expect Ash to be horrified, but I'm forgetting that Amber isn't here. Amber would have been mortified; Ash is excited by it. "Yes! Spank your slut! I want to feel your hands on my ass!" She comes to the bed, leans forward with her hands on the bed, and sticks out her lovely butt for Jen to abuse.
There's a look on Jen's face I don't recognize as she walks behind Ash. I'm not sure which one is sexier.
I watch Jen swat Ash's cheeks thrice each. I'm still lying in the bed, and Ash's breasts are hanging down just above my face. With each swat, Ash gasps, and I'm fascinated watching her breasts jiggle. I can lift my head just a little and put one in my mouth and use my tongue to caress her nipple — but I interrupt myself before I start. I'm being mesmerized again by Ash's charm. I roll out of the bed as Jen gives her another spank. She keeps her hand on Ash's butt after the spank, and Ash is panting heavily. Jen's other hand is rubbing her own pussy; she's also getting trapped in Ash's field of magic.
I hug her before she swings again and kiss her. "Stop. I want you to concentrate on me, not Ash."
I feel Jen's body relax as she turns from Ash and hugs me back and pushes her tongue into my mouth and gives me a long kiss. "I want to lick you, Wendy."
Ash cries out. She's still bent over the bed, and now her hand reaches between her legs and feverishly rubs herself while the other hand holds herself up on the bed. "You can't! You promised to fuck me!"
"Shut up, slut. And take off those damn shoes." It was as if I'd slapped Ash, but she obeys. Without the expensive shoes, the last shred of Amber and her authority has disappeared, and all that remains is the sexy, naked slut crying and begging for attention. Yes, crying. The tears start as the shoes come off, and then she stands in front of us, totally naked, still unable to stop rubbing herself.
"Please," she says between sobs, "let me, too. Let me have sex with you. Please."
She looks so vulnerable and oh so very, very sexy, and I'm tempted to wrap her in my arms and squeeze her and have her be my slave. But Jen's arms are still around me, and that gives me strength. "No, Jen and I need some time together and alone. Go leave the room, and close the door."
Ash is still whimpering and rubbing as she picks up her clothes. "No, your clothes stay here. You can go home naked, or you can watch TV, or you can play with yourself until we come out. I don't care." It feels so weird to have someone that much older than I am and so sexy crying and fantasizing over me. And obedient and beautiful and naked; I can't forget naked. And I really, really can't get the thought of ‘obedient slave' out of my head. Maybe it's because I always had a deep-down admiration for her when she was Amber.I feel a wave of passion and a desire to run and grab her and kiss her while she fingers me. And then she's out of the room, but the feeling lingers.
I climb on the bed and get on my back. I want Jen to hurry and join me so I can enjoy my girlfriend and forget about Ash. She climbs on me and puts her pussy in my face while she leans over and licks mine. I close my eyes just for a moment when her tongue first touches me, but then I open it again. I like to watch while my tongue play with her pussy. This is what I needed.
Jen stops. "You're still thinking of her, aren't you."
I consider lying. "Uh-huh."
"She's very powerful, and sexy, and very, very desirable."
I answer carefully. "And slutty. But you're my girlfriend, and I wouldn't trade that for all of the sluts in the world."
She slips her tongue deep in me, and my moan tells her that she reached her target. She lets my orgasm peak and wane. I've never orgasmed as easily and as powerfully as I have today. "I want you to know that I love you more than anything, too. But I think it would be fun to have our very own slut. I've got some things I'd like to see Ash wear and do for us. You know, I've never seen anyone else as gorgeous as she is, and it's even more fun now that she's a slut we can abuse."
The fog of desire lifts enough that I can speak coherently. "As long as you and I can keep having sex every night and every morning and other times just whenever, then I'll be happy with whatever you want to do." I tease her clit with my fingers. "I would really love to rub against her body but only if you're there with me and as long as you and I give the orders." I reposition her so I can lick her easier, and she squirms and breathes faster as her own orgasm approaches. I know it will always be me and Jen in love. But in the back of my mind, there are some things I can hardly wait to make Ash do for a camera.
2 months ago
What a pity that I can't play with Ash, Jen and you!