My dad used to fuck me

It is time to reveal a secret. I have told some people in private but now it is time to become open about this. I have no reason to be ashamed.

Two years ago I lost my father. He lost his battle against cancer. It was hard to see him suffer and I was by his side the whole time, even when he died. I havent shown how deep my sorrow actually had stabbed like a dagger into me. Cause not only was my father my very best friend – he was also my lover.

Yes. And not only that – he was the love of my life. We shared so much more than just being dad and son. We shared the same beliefs too. That is what separated us from the rest of the femily in the end, from his wife my mom and his daughter my sister. Dad and me just went our own way. And in his darkest hour, I was the only one there and I was lying next to him as he passed – giving back some of the love he has always given me.

I havent had the guts to be open about us, but I think the story of my dads and my love for one another deserves to be told. So.... where do I start? Where did it start?

I have always been before my age physically. As a kid I was much taller than my schoolmates. I also got facial hair and bodily hair already as a 10 year young boy. My voice deepened when my schoolmates we still talking with squeaking voices. And in the gymnastics changing room, the other boys admired that I had grown quite a large cock... while they still had their tiny willies ;)

I also early on realised that I am a homo. I didnt really have a problem with it, only problem was that I was horny all the time hanging out with my mates but they were all still kids. Well... I better not tell you how young I actually was myself ;)

My dad and me were really best friends. We always did things together and he always treated me like an adult. My father was a skinhead too and took me along on whatever he and his mates were up to. I have always admired the skinhead comeraderie, to be in the presence of masculinity have always felt like home. Dad and his mates always took good care of me. Dads beliefs scared mom away as he got more and more committed to our ideas and cause. After their divorce I got to stay at my dads new place as it was closer to school. There were often skinhead parties in his new flat and its strange, but they all treated me like one of them eventhough they were grown up rough and tough men and I was just a boy. But I guess they saw some qualities in me and also respected my dad as a bruder.

Dad and me spent lots of time together. I was hanging out with some of the schools tougher guys too, but at home dad and me often played board games, watched scary movies and listened to lots of music. He introduced me to RAC and Oi punk. I loved it and it got him into teaching me more about our world. Guess he secretly gave me home schooling about things they didnt dare to teach in school ;)

Anyway... I had for a long time understood that I was a homo. I fantasized about men all the time. What they could do to me. What they could give me. It felt very forbidden. Especially in the very masculine world I grew up in. Some of dads skinhead mates said they hated homos, but i never really believed that they did. To be honest, they never got into any gay bashing as far as I know, they were too busy getting into fights with lefties and PC fuckers anyway ;) But I needed to tell someone...

So why not tell my closes friend: my dad? So one night when he came home from his factory work – yes, very blue collar working class – I told him that I had something to tell him. He got nervous – but I was nervous as hell! Cause if he didnt want a homo in his house I would have respected that but had nowhere to go really. So he sat down. I remained standing and took a deep breath, and then blurted out the secret I had felt inside my homo body for a long time: ”Dad... I am homosexual”.

Dad looked at me not really in shock... but maybe in disbelief. He still had his boots on, his bomber jacket. It was dark outside and some street light from the outside shone in on his bald shaven head. He didnt say a word... he just stayed silent. His eyes looked away, he started to stare at the wall.
I wanted a reaction from him, his silence scared me. After all, he was also my only family and I also lived under his roof. I said ”dad, say something....”, but he held his fists in silence. He rubbed his hands hard against one another and for a second I thought he sas going to beat me. Dad was never afraid of a bit of aggro, actually he enjoyed violence quite much (something he has passed on to me), so I just didnt know what would happen... but his silence was killing me!

Moments passed by and felt like an eternity... I had opened up to him and no reaction... I got afraid and sat down on a chair and... started to cry! Boys dont cry – but I did. I cried my eyes out, somewhet in shock, I needed my dad. He looked at my crying with tears all over my face and eventually he said ”so... youre a homo?”. Yes dad”, I said, ”I am so sorry”. I could barely speak.
”You dont need to be sorry son, nothing you can do about it”, he said. That calmed me a bit. I stopped crying but could still barely breathe. My heart was beating so fast!
Then my father said ”here is nothing you can do about if you were born a homo... You know XXX (of of his mates)? He is not exactly straight either”.
That baffled me... and I asked ”what do you mean”?
”Well... dont tell anyone... but he sometimes when hes drunk cannot keep his hands off... from me”.
”Oh?” (I quickly, for a second, saw him as drunk as always in my imagination).
”And well... Ive been drunk and have let him have his way with me.. we have done things... that we needed to do. So... how can I judge you”.

I was completely in shock! My macho dad... with another man? I have to admit my cock hardended a bit.... but mostly out of shock...

Dad reached out with his arm and said ”Come here....” I sat down next to him and he put his arm around my shoulders. I dont know why , but I started to cry again. Out of relief? So he put his other arm around me and said ”there, there boy... you will be alright... youre tough guy, arent you”.
He stroked my hair and said ”we better shave that off soon, haha, fucking hippie”. I laughed a bit through my drying tears and he hugged me very hard. He then spent half an hour talking about that he would always love me no matter what. That he would never let me go. It felt so good to be in his arms and to hear him promise me to always take good care for me. That was a promise he would keep for the rest of his life. There and then, i just loved my dad so much. So eventually I, still in his arms, looked into his eyes and said ”Dad... I love you too”.
And thats when something happened... the world stopped... we fell silent.... and looked into eachothers eyes... I felt the smell of his sweat... and his breath against my face... and without knowing how, our lips got closer and... we kissed!

I dont think i have ever felt such exitement in my body in my whole life! My life and world changed there and then. My dad kissed me deep – and life would never be the same again. It would instead be so much more than I had ever dare to dream of.

We kissed passionately for a long time. I hadnt really kissed before, but my dad was a great kisser. He got his bomberjacket off... took my t-shirt off and put his hands on my chest and said ”youre fucking beautiful”, kicked his boots off and pushed me onto the sofa... and that night he showed me everything two horny men can do together. I opened up to my dad in even more ways ;)

That night I got fucked in the ass for the first time. Im glad it was dad as he was very gentle. But laso horny as hell, but so was I and I think he understood that if he was careful he would not scare me away.... When dad came inside my that night, I knew I was in heaven!

So I lost my ass virginity to my dad on his sofa... Dad and I went to bed, exhausted after hours of fucking and sucking, and I fell asleep in his arms. The next morning, he was a bit hesitant.. didnt know what to say... Understandable, as we woke up with his naked teenage son naked next to him, having fucked my mouth and ass for hours the night before until he blessed me with his load up my homo ass... So I whispered to him ”Dad, its okay... one more time before you go to work?”.
He could not say no to that... so I went down under the blanket and started to suck his cock. To feel dads cock grow hard inside my mouth was such a hot feeling... and the load he fed me was the best breakfast I have ever had!

So dad was the first man in my ass... and I know he always believed that he was the first man to fuck my mouth... but truth be told.... he really wasnt!

Cause a few months before I had been looking after the rotweiler fighting dog of one of dads skinhead mates. I took it out on walks for a few evenings. Some of these evenings I walked through the park of our city and heard sounds in the bushes.... and thought I saw men looking out at me. It was a bit strange, but I had heard a teacher once telling us kids to stay away from that park at night... which just made me want to go back! ;) So one evening i told my dad i was going to a school mate, but went to the park alone and – I dont know how – dared to sneak into the dark bushes. And there I saw a man down on his knees, sucking another mans cock. Wow! I was still not sure of if I was a homo or not... but here, where noone could really see who I was, I could see how I liked being a homo.... so, on shaking legs, I too went down on my knees... I dint really know how to do this, but thought that if I show what I need, someone will give it to me. So I was down on my knees, waiting... but not for very long! An older man stood in front of me, looked down on me and raised his eyebrows when he saw how young I was. But I just nodded a bit, to make him feel alright. So he took out his cock and put it against my lips... it slid in, and he started toc fuck my mouth.. he seemed to be in a hurry to get off so he fucked deep and hard.... and when he let go of a huge load of cum that filled my mouth – thats when I knew that I defenitely am a homo! I swollowed all I could but he soon pulled out and was in a hurry to get away... but I stayed and felt the taste of this mans cum in my mouth and thought ”so this is the taste of another male”. I loved it!
So for a few months before I came out to my dad, I sneaked away to that park only to give blowjobs to the men who happened to be there... I was very eager and I think I became a bit popular among the men there... sometimes I dared to sneak into the park in the morning too, on the way to school, giving blowjobs to men on their way to work. For every cock, I felt stronger about the fact that I was born to serve men! That is still my aim in life. I never really told dad about that I had sucked quite many cocks already... cause I didnt want to destroy his romantic picture of being his sons first lover.

From that night on, I always slept in my dads bed. We were both always horny and fucked a lot, but eventhough we loved eachother he told me that he could only continue to fuck me if i didnt tell anyone. Cause then he would go to jail – and i really didnt want that. I wanted dad to fuck me forever! Which is actually what happened – we contintued to fuck one another for decades! For some periods my dad got weary about it and afraid and wanted to stop, but that never lasted for very long. Guess he realized that jerking off fantasizing about fucking me wasnt as good as actually doing it ;)

My dad was a violent man. I know that. With me too. But he only gave me what I deserved. He was a clear top and I was born to serve, to bottom... we were always very open between one another about sexual fantasies and with a dominant, rough father and a horny bottom of a son getting together I think you can imagine things... We experimented a lot with BDSM as I had gotten older and dad taught me the important of being obedient and to serve the greater power – which was of course him! It all came so naturally, we were truly made for one another.

So did anybody know about my dad and me? Well... after some years, when i became legal, dad told his skinhead ”buddy”, when they were drunk, that maybe they shouldnt just jerk off together, but sneak home to his place... cause ”my son is a homo and we need to show him what real men are made of”... and so they did. Dad lured his mate into punishing me with his cock in my ass while dad fucked my mouth... his drunk mate thought they were punishing me but dad knew that I would love taking two hard cocks... guess it was my birthday gift for turning legal, even if a few days too late ;)

So... my dad was my best friend, my lover and my master. He taught me everything about being a man, taking it like a man. To be the strongest bottom I could be. To stand up for myselt. He taught me how to fight both when we were out with the skinhead gang and bumped into enemies – and at home in bed when he needed to get some steam off. Some would say that he had a toxic masculinity, but I loved him so much. My dad was – and is – the love of my life.

It feels good to finally let go of this. We had nothing to be ashamed of. What can be stronger than the love between a son and his dad? We were united in so many ways, so manny bonds both between minds and bodies. I am so thankful for all dad taguth me, he has truly shaped me into the skinhead homo slave I am today.

Dad, I love you so much. And you were the fucking sexiest man!
One day when we reunite in hell.... you will know what to do to me ;)
Published by Bootskinhead
3 months ago
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Bootskinhead Publisher 1 day ago
to bootedskinhead : Did your dad love you too?
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bootedskinhead 8 days ago
I loved being used by family
Bootskinhead Publisher 1 month ago
to BarebackGay-2016 : Thank you sir. Enough to use me too?
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Bootskinhead Publisher 1 month ago
Guess they all needed a hole to put their cocks in for some male relief, and you were lucky enough to be that hole! I got both love and rough sex from my dad. With dads cock inside me I knew I was loved. Thats the power of the alpha. He shows all with his physical superiority!
BarebackGay-2016 1 month ago
to Bootskinhead : I like you
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Bootskinhead Publisher 1 month ago
to BarebackGay-2016 : It is my life. I am so thankful!
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BarebackGay-2016 1 month ago
A very hot story. 
Bootskinhead Publisher 2 months ago
to Nudistbro19 : Thank you sir. My father would have liked to see you shoot.
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Nudistbro19 2 months ago
to fuckerskin : lol i do
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Nudistbro19 2 months ago
i'm jerking off so hard to this
Bootskinhead Publisher 2 months ago
to SleazyG : Some things are too important for words. They should remain unspoken actions, or the magic will disappear. Just be thankful for what he gave you, for that he shaped you. Treasure his gift and remember that you were chosen.
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SleazyG 2 months ago
to Bootskinhead : I think i wanted to keep HIM happy.    The dr u gs made things easier and better.  I thought he was happy and enjoying himself because he would cum.  I was happy because i made him cum. We never spoke about it after but he kept doing it so he must have liked it !
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Bootskinhead Publisher 2 months ago
to SleazyG : guess you got high on his cum too? Seems you both had a good time together and that your dad wanted to make you feel as good as him :smile:
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SleazyG 3 months ago
I loved having sex with my dad.  I remember the first times with him.  My parents were separated and I would stay at dads for holidays- he was a drummer in a band and was into party scene.  I experimented with dr u gs , which were always around and the reason we had sex.  He was always high
Bootskinhead Publisher 3 months ago
to fuckerskin : Yes, I wish dad & me could have been more open about our love. It was so much more than just sex.
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fuckerskin 3 months ago
ya like it dontya ya PERVY BASTARD !
Bootskinhead Publisher 3 months ago
to indieskin2 : I will always be a skinhead in hart, body and soul, the way my dad taught me. They are my family. But I am afraid that now as the truth is out, things will be different. But I think they all knew about dad and me. Maybe thats also why both dad and me really did our best to prove that we were genuine skinheads with deep belief in our way of life and values and ideas, to make up for our "shame"... maybe.

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indieskin2 3 months ago
what more can you ask for? gay skinheads. they are my favourites.