Never done this before – A Whole Night of Amazing

As soon as the Missus stepped through the door, I showed her what arrived and with excited gleams in our eyes we went for it. I took 2 pills and then waited.

Now my missus and I are in our late 40’s. Prior to getting to this age we had fairly average sex but since hitting the 50’s it’s sort of dwindled and to a point where we just accepted as it is – no more sex. I can’t get it up on demand and if it does happen, she’s not prepared as she suffers from a loss of sexual desire. So anyway, about an hour or so after we took some Libdoplus with our coffee, I was feeling some heat within me and I started teasing the missus. To my surprise she started responding! And damn did we get all heated up soon enough.

To cut the long story short – we ended up spending our entire night in the bedroom till we both fell asleep from the exhaustion! This was a real game changer for us!. We had one of the best sex ever that night and even managed to get another session in the next morning. This has really gotten the missus and I all excited over each other again and we’re very happy with the results. As I finish writing this, it’s almost time for the missus to walk through the door *wink*.
Published by hornygun
6 months ago
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