At present the video with Nona has been viewed 179 times and downloaded 20 times.
На данный момент видео с Ноной смотрели 179 раз и загрузили 20 раз.

NONA is a cute, slim, and shy young lady with a traditional upbringing. She is now 25 years. She lives in the North Caucasus 40 km from my home town. She is a graduate in veterinary. She is single. I have known her since childhood as I know her mother. Before she had reached the age of majority I noticed I was getting hot about her and was looking at her with a man's desiring eyes. I even told her mother about it, and she answered that if it wasn't for the big age difference, as a friend of the family, she would only have been glad. And for me this was the last straw. One quiet day at my home (Nona was then 22 and I was 52) I couldn't resist any longer and Nature took its course. I quietly deflowered her and recorded the unprotected fuck secretly on video. Two years later she has been keeping quiet about it. We met a couple of times for a walk in the streets. I like now to expose and discuss her publicly. I recently created a photo of her face with a QR code on it leading to the video of our fuck and one guy from Moscow promised to print a few dozen copies and post them in various public places - imagine unsuspecting passers-by checking the QR code!

Ask me here in the comments for the link to the secretly recorded video of me deflowering Nona..

НОНА - милая, стройная и застенчивая девушка с традиционным воспитанием. Сейчас ей 25 лет. Она живет на Северном Кавказе, в 40 км от моего города. Она закончила ветеринарный факультет. Она не замужем. Я знаю ее с детства, знаком с её матерю. Еще до того, как она достигла совершеннолетия, я заметил, что я начал влюбляться в нее и я смотрел на нее вожделеющими глазами мужчины. Я даже рассказал об этом ее матери, и она ответила про меня как друг семьи, что, если бы не большая разница в возрасте, она была бы только рада. И для меня это стало последней каплей. Один спокойный день в моем доме (Ноне тогда было 22, а мне 52) я больше не мог воздержаться, и Природа взяла свое. Я безмятежно лишил ее девственности и тайно записал незащищенное совокупление на видео. Два года спустя она молчит об этом. Мы встречались пару раз, когда гуляли по улицам. Мне сейчас нравится выставлять ее и обсуждать её публично. Недавно я создал фотографию ее лица с QR-кодом, который ведет к видео нашего траха, и один парень из Москвы пообещал напечатать несколько десятков копий и разместить их в разных общественных местах - представьте, ничего не подозревающие прохожие проверяя QR-код!

Попросите меня здесь, в комментариях, дать ссылку на тайно записанное видео, на котором я лишаю Нону девственности..

Published by wifexpress
6 months ago
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Rakesh27 1 month ago
to wifexpress : Thanks for the detailed info 
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wifexpress Publisher 1 month ago
to Rakesh27 : Yes, last time we met two months ago at an event in her native village, 40 km from where I live. Now she has moved to the town where I live and rents a small flat. No, she has no friend (we live in a culturally traditional region). Specifically about Nona, no, my wife doesn't know. One day I want to invite Nona to an evening to the ballet. or opera. I very much want to fuck her again.
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Rakesh27 1 month ago
Mmmmm.....!!! I have watched the video! Nona is so beautiful and fuckable! Her body and her face are so beautiful! You are so lucky to have deflowered her! And the age difference is so hot! Do you still meet? Does she have a boyfriend now? Does your wife know about Nona?
wifexpress Publisher 1 month ago
to Rakesh27 : Yes, I am sending you now the link to the secret video recording of Nona.and me.
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Rakesh27 1 month ago
Can you please share the link 
wifexpress Publisher 1 month ago
to SaimonPhoenix : Спасибо! Да, заводит риск, показать видео как я засаживаю Нону и как её публичного обсуждают. Мы с ней встретились ещё в декабре на мероприятие в селе где она живет. Она переехала суда две недели назад.
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SaimonPhoenix 1 month ago
Ммммм, я отправляю всем твою ссылку на видео твоего траха с Ноной! Любишь риск? Ты с Ноной ещё общаешься? 
wifexpress Publisher 1 month ago
to SaimonPhoenix : Я бы очень хотел повторить! Но ей сейчас 25 лет и она наверно ведет свою собственную личную жизнь. Я был бы счастлив если она залетела от меня. Ссылку на её видео со мной ты можешь переслать всем?
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SaimonPhoenix 1 month ago
У Ноны отменная попочка и фигурка! Просто улет! Смотрел видео как ты её жестко ебешь в пизду! Она сейчас арендует квартирку где живешь? На юге Нальчика? Значит, надо повторить? )))))
wifexpress Publisher 1 month ago
to Nicko178 : Да, конечно! Отправлю ссылку на видео сейчас в твой личный чат. Заводит риск показывать Нону публично! На данный момент видео смотрели 132 раз и загрузили 17 раз.
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Nicko178 2 months ago
Можно видео пожалуйста как ты Нону лишаешь девственности?)
wifexpress Publisher 2 months ago
to Ferid99999 : Это неожиданно... Wow! Нет, я не против!
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Ferid99999 2 months ago
Ja otpravil ssilku na video tebia s Nonoi okolo uzhe 20 svoix druzei na Skype - ti ne protiv?
wifexpress Publisher 2 months ago
to Ferid99999 : Совсем не против.
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Ferid99999 2 months ago
Ja otkril silku na video toboi s Nona i posmotrel. Ya ee xochu ochen silno! Ja xochu eio viebat v pizdu bez rezinki ochen silno!!!
wifexpress Publisher 3 months ago
to cgrth : The conscious risk of provoking pregnancy in reality when mounting a pretty slim young woman or someone else's young wife is always a huge aphrodisiac. I was very hot when I mounted unprotected Nona that day and recorded the fuck secretly on video. I am ready to send the link to the video to anyone on Skype if asked.
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cgrth 3 months ago
I have just open the link to the video of Nona with you! She is so young and hot! And because it happened without a condom you could have made her pregnant! It's a pity it didn't happen. It is good that you secretly recorded the fuck! I also like your bull's cock! I wish I was her boyfriend to invite you to fuck her all the time, and always do it without condom. I would not mind if she got impregnated by you!
SaimonPhoenix 3 months ago
На данный момент я отправил ссылку на видео с Ноной 4-м людям.
toy06800 4 months ago
Can you show me your wife's face? I want to pay homage to her and cum on her!
wifexpress Publisher 4 months ago
to toy06800 : The idea and the risk are extremely exciting! I am still waiting for news but he has confirmed several times he would do it. He also promised to make photos of the picture with QR code posted in the different public places and send me the photos - and I will also show them through a separate link. At present the video has been viewed through the QR code 70 times and downloaded 8 times.
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toy06800 4 months ago
I read that you created a photo of Nona's face with a QR code on it leading to the video of you fucking her, and that a guy from Moscow promised to print a few dozen copies of the photo and post them in various public places. Wow! I can imagine unsuspecting passersby seeing the photo and checking the QR code! I think more people should ask you for Nona's photo with the QR code so they can post it in public places too! Has this guy posted his photo yet? Extremely horny!
wifexpress Publisher 4 months ago
to toy06800 : Yes, she is very beautiful! Thank you! I have known Nona from the time she was born. I am just an old friend of her mother. For the last several years as she turned into a beautiful teenager I gradually set my eyes on her as a man... Three years ago I confessed one day to her mother that if Nona had not been so young  I would have paid "different" attention to her, to which her mother answered that yes, if her daughter not been so young she would "of course not have minded". This answer got me sooo horny... And one day a few months later it just happened unexpectedly. Nona and me live in a region with traditional values and it is usual for young women to keep their virginity relatively late (many until they marry). Nona trusted me as a friend of the family and I was the lucky one who deflowered her.
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toy06800 4 months ago
elle est tellement belle ! comment as-tu fait pour avoir cette chance ? et tu me dis vierge à 22 ans ?
wifexpress Publisher 4 months ago
to toy06800 : You asked me for the link to the video of Nona and me. I have just sent you the link in the private chat. You should stick the parts together accurately. You are welcome to send the link to others!
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toy06800 4 months ago
Привет, жена, как мы можем получить видео Нона? СПАСИБО
wifexpress Publisher 5 months ago
to claus1977 : I haven't reminded Nona since our fuck two years ago (watch the video). And she still doesn't know that I recorded the fuck secretly then, and that I am exposing her on the Internet. I think one day I could make a hint to her and see her reaction.
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claus1977 5 months ago
Is Nona actually ready to try new bulls and to feature consciously in porn? So hot... Can you ask her when you meet for coffee?
wifexpress Publisher 5 months ago
to claus1977 : Nona's face with a QR code is now being exposed on Flickr on Internet. Through the code the viewer can watch the video of us both fucking. She doesn't know about it and the risk of exposing her to other potential bulls desiring her as a ready cute young slut is very exciting. I would love her to feature in commercial porn.
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claus1977 5 months ago
Watching Nona riding you on the video I can see she needs to be mounted by more bulls. I'm fucking ready for her!
wifexpress Publisher 5 months ago
to claus1977 : It was hugely exciting because she is young, slim and beautiful, and I have known her since she was born. And on that secret recording I actually deflowered her.
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