Away On Buisness
Another month, another deadly dull trip to the site office. An early start, a long drive, a long day in tedious meetings, another night of dinner for 1 and probably too many drinks before nodding off on your own. On the plus side, at least i'd managed to arrange a better hotel so i'd at least have something to do besides stare at walls.
I'd had a big lunch at work at least so I ate something light on the way back into the town to the hotel. I checked in at the desk, then spent 10 minutes replying to a couple more of the endless emails. I shut my laptop and decided I was going to make use of the leisure facilities for which my wangled extra hotel allowance had paid for.
I eventually found way through the maze of corridors to the leisure club reception. I could make out a pool over the receptionists shoulder. She took my room number and then smiled as she handed over a couple of towels and pointed me in the general direction of the changing rooms. I picked a locker and flung my clothes in before sliding into the swimming shorts i'd brought down. It was pretty quiet in there but I really didn't mind. I swim a fair bit to keep in shape but I wasn't planning on doing much but chilling out and killing some time. I followed the signs that led to the pool. Passing through was the wet area with a row of 3 showers recessed and opposite were doors to a sauna and a steam room. The steam room door you could barely see the other side of, the sauna was currently unoccupied. I thought I would make use of these later, but not until after a dip.
I entered the pool area and it was lightly populated,As I completed a couple of leisurely lengths they departed. I lounged a little, tried a jacuzzi in the corner which was pleasant enough but the water was a little too tepid. I headed back into the entrance of the mens changing rooms and thought it was time to make use of the wet area.
I've travelled a fair bit with work and did a stint where I was visiting mainland Europe a fair bit. Despite the British reputation for being awful prudes, i'd actually really got into sauna culture there. Although it was a bit of a shock to the system at first not only with everyone being naked but it being both sexes all in together. Still, you get used to it in about 2 minutes. Although I admit the time I ended up being taken there by several people from an office i'd just spent the day working with (including a couple of superiors) took maybe 5 minutes to not seem weird. So why am I going off at this tangent? Well, this sauna represented a bit of a conundrum. On the one hand, its in the mens changing rooms so (perhaps a rogue cleaner) i'm not going to offend any ladies if I whip my shorts off. On the other hand, this is the UK and not Germany and places have weird and irrational rules. So I took the cowards way out and stepped into the dry sauna with my shorts still on.
I decided to start off slowly and said to myself i'd do 10 minutes and take a break. As the 10 minutes was nearing its end I heard the adjacent steam room door open. Looking out of the sauna door the cast shadow turned into a tall figure strolling over towards the shower. He was naked.
My time was up and I climbed down and walked out of the door. The sound of the door clicking drew his attention and he looked back over his shoulder. "Oh hello there" he said. He glanced back over his shoulder and said "I hope you don't mind", presumably referring to his state of undress. I laughed "well at least that has cleared up about the house rules". He smiled and said "well I assumed no one would care, and I thought I had the place to myself anyway". "Yeah, me too" I replied back as I hit the button on the adjacent shower and stepped under. I entered into a little chatter and asked if he was a hotel guest or someone who just used the place, it turned out he was here overnighting on business too. He turned front on to me for the first time as he spoke, my gaze remained very much upstairs. "I'm good for a chat if you're not clearing off" he offered, and turned away and strolled back towards the steam room. He stepped in and closed the door behind as I finished off my cooling rinse. I advanced towards the steam room, paused a couple of steps before the door and removed my shorts and then followed him in.
Once through the door it revealed its early mysteries. Inside was very dimly lit with a circular built in seating. I took a position opposite where my new found friend was. We chatted about a few things, the hotel, where we worked, family and so on. He shifted around a little in his seating position and my eyes were briefly drawn downwards as he opened his legs up a bit. Not a small guy, definitely the shower to my grower and framed under a patch of short but dark pubic hair. He then suddenly announced "I need another break from here". We proceeded out of the door and under the shower again. At this stage the conversation changed and little and remarked "you must work out a bit". Now I try to keep in shape, i'm no 5 nights a week gym bunny but I keep fit. I batted back "yeah, I try". He suggested he hadn't done the dry sauna yet so thought he'd do that before calling a wrap on things. I stepped in first this time and took a position, it was still unoccupied. As I settled my companion took a seat but quite close by.
The chat resumed although it then became a bit personal fitness orientated. Then he remarked whilst looking across and down at me "you always shaved there?" I don't shave myself completely but I hate a tangle so I tend to keep things short. I explained I mostly did it for comfort. To be honest I also thought it looked better and makes the most of ones dimensions, but I neglected to say that part. He seemed quite enthused by the subject and then proceeded to cup his balls in his hand and go "yeah, I just shave these but don't go quite as full on for the rest as you have". For some idiotic reason all I could follow up with "yeah, that looks really nice".
Chatter steered away a bit from genital housekeeping thankfully. I did however notice a not so brief touch of the back of his hand on the outside of my thigh. I didn't react one way or another initially. Then after a moment I slightly opened my leg out a little. The touch returned, I swear he let out a barely audible 'mm'. Another moment passed and the back of his hand crested over the top of my thigh and turned over so the flat of his hand was placed downward. It gently brushed upward an inch and I turned towards him and he was looking at me.
Then the next thing was... a loud and unmistakable noise of a shower turning on. His hand withdrew and we both looked away. A few moments later another patron entered the sauna, an elderly guy who greeted us with a hearty hello and said "ah, no dress code here then". We returned the greeting, stayed as long as was necessary to be polite and my companion headed for the door and I followed behind.
We both rinsed off for the final time, this time with soap from adjacent dispensers. When our eyes caught he had a something between a grin and a smirk. Neither of us mentioned about the stray hand although I think his face said a little. Or did it? Bloody hell, its not a situation i'd been in before (well, nothing comparable since fumblings a very long time ago) and my mind was going a thousand miles an hour. We proceeded back towards the lockers. I grabbed my shorts as we did, he retrieved a towel he'd left hanging up. We didn't really say a lot as we got dressed, nor as we walked out of the leisure area and bid the girl on reception goodbye. As we reached the lobby area he suddenly said "drink?". I accepted, "yes, thats an excellent idea".
He shouted the drinks and we took a seat opposite each other. He was still looking at me intently and smiling between words and sips of his drink. I did my best to smile back without overdoing it. With about a quarter of his drink he announced "I think I might head back to my room". I replied with a vague but potentially leading "so might I".
We both entered the lift, we were both on the same floor. A member of staff stepped in with us. My companion was still looking at me as the other person minded their own business. They got out on 3. We continued up to 5. He ushered me out first and I turned left. I heard him behind "mine is this way", then a pause "if you're not in a rush to sleep". My stomach was Churning This was not in the fucking script. I tried to keep my composure, shrugged and smiled and followed.
So i'm stood in another mans room who I met about an hour ago. There was an awkward silence which was broken by "so what are you here for exactly?" The best I come up with was "i'm not sure but I expect i'm about to find out". Another pause and he stepped towards me, then kept stepping and then planted his mouth onto mine. This took me by surprise somehow, and whilst i'd harboured some fantasies (and had a little youthful experimentation) i'd never actually kissed another guy before. After the initial shock I suddenly found myself giving as good as I was getting. After what was probably seconds but felt like minutes, he pulled away and uttered "fuck!". The stare that accompanied suggested this was in a good context. Then the second surprise when he said "i've never done that before". "Uh, me neither". "Do you want to do more?" he asked. I retorted with a flat "oh yeah". Then he went on "any boundaries?" Jesus dude, stop with the fucking questions! "I have no idea and i'll tell you when we get there". He was in my face again, then stepped away and sank to his knees. In a blur he was tugging away at my belt. He got just enough open to pull my jeans down to over my thighs. He rubbed his face briefly in my now bulging briefs and pulled those down from the back. My six inches of cock popped out into the open in front of his gleeful face. He took it in his mouth almost immediately. Then he gagged a little, which probably did back up his claim that he hadn't done this before. He reset himself and resumed but not with quite so much ambition this time. It was bloody good though, and if i'd popped out 75% hard, I was at 105% now.
I looked down on him bobbing away and then started to pull my t-shirt over my head as the enthusiastic sucking continued. I couldn't quite escape my jeans just yet for fear of throwing him off his stroke. He eventually stopped to catch his breath and I pulled his shirt up over his head. He returned to my cock briefly and I said I needed to get out of the rest of my stuff. He pulled away and I stepped out of my jeans as smoothly as I could manage. I then ushered him to his feet and suggested perhaps he should strip too. I helped him with his pants as he'd helped me. The bulge underneath was considerable and he was almost poking out of his waistband. As his underwear fell to his feet, I took hold of him and it more than filled my hand. I pushed him towards the end of the bed. As he sat on the edge, slightly falling back, then primal urges overcame me. I pushed apart his legs and with his cock still in one hand I started furiously licking away at the base of his shaft and balls. The very audible noises suggested this was hitting the spot. I'd only done this once before but knew enough that I didn't have the worlds greatest gag reflex and this was definitely gag territory. Hardly a time to get the tape out but I reckoned north of 7 inches and noticeably more girth than me too. So I concentrated on using my tongue for the time being and somehow made conscious effort to maintain eye contact. I worked the underside of his shaft firmly, then focused on the back of his very swollen glans before another trip down the shaft. Eventually I worked up enough courage to take his crimson tip in my mouth. I slid down as far as I dared, fortunately he wasn't a head pusher. He also really wasn't complaining. In fact after a few minutes he was asking me to stop "if you don't stop i'm going to come and i'm not ready yet".
I rose back to my feet. I'd stayed pretty rock solid throughout and I gently stroked my own shaft in front of him. He gestured me towards the bed and he resumed the oral play, working in some of the things i'd done to him. My balls aren't especially large and he was occasionally taking them one at a time into his mouth. We were both sprawled at funny angles and I was desperately trying to reach his cock with my hand. I eventually got a light grasp and he was happy to break away. I ushered him onto his back and I straddled his thighs. I had a firm grip and said to him "this is fucking gorgeous, I bet you love stroking this". I pressed our two cocks back to back, sometimes stroking them in unison and then mostly focused on his. I stroked his foreskin up but he was so hard that it barely covered the head now. He was oozing precum and I rubbed it all over his glans with a finger. He was getting super-sensitive now and shifting with every touch of that digit. "Fucking hell I want to see this thing shoot", he squirmed again and I stroked him firmer as if to get him to submit. I took the silence as permission to proceed and started to stroke harder whilst also using my other palm as stimulus. The tell-tale breathing drew on and I felt a tensing and then a pulse under my grip as the first shot hit hard and fast. The first glob landed in his navel. If he is like me then the second is always the biggest and it didn't disappoint and it skipped across his chest and i'd swear a drip hit the underside of his chin. As his whole body shook then further shots arced across his body and oozed over my hand. "Oh my fucking god" he said, wide eyed. He looked up at me, I was really fucking turned on and feeling mightily smug at the same time. I held up my hand which was showing some evidence of his epic ejaculation around the webbing of finger and thumb. In a surprise to even myself, I heartily licked it off.
As he got his breath and bearings back, he said "OK your turn". Wondering about the specifics, then the surprise part came. "I want you to shoot in my face, cover me in your cum". I felt a tangible twitch, which only got worse when he reached over for his smartphone and said "and I want to film it." He unlocked the phone, activated the camera app and handed it to me. I pointed it down and started the video recording as he was now kneeling and rhythmically stroking my cock. He started to address me and stare at me through the camera "I want your load in my face". I'm a slow builder and I could feel the rise beginning. I gobbed into my spare hand and gestured I should take things from here. I'm now pumping my own cock and trying to keep the shot steady. He is glancing between my penis and the camera like its Xmas Eve. His hands are rubbing my thighs, then one of his hands reaches between my thighs and I can feel a finger trying to probe through. I think I know where this is going and as I widen my stance a little I can feel a digit start to gently probe my asshole. This starts to send me over the edge and I utter a brief warning as I enter the final strokes. I was expecting to come hard but was caught completely off guard. I watched through the screen as the first shot ricocheted off his face, then he opens his mouth deliberately wide and catches the second pulse full in his mouth. Even pulse I groan as I splatter the rest all over his face and chest. As I finally finish cumming then a drip is forming on his chin. I film on for a few seconds more, stop the recording and drop the phone on the bed and try and get my bearings back.
He just sits there for a moment, then wipes his face with his hand, and then gleefully inspects it. "That was fucking awesome". I breathlessly agree. We both take time to recover, then I take my leave. As i'm about to exit the door then his upper body is still smothered in a mix of mine and his jizz. His patch of pubic hair matted. He says "i'm here another night if you're around." I smile and leave for my own room.
I'd had a big lunch at work at least so I ate something light on the way back into the town to the hotel. I checked in at the desk, then spent 10 minutes replying to a couple more of the endless emails. I shut my laptop and decided I was going to make use of the leisure facilities for which my wangled extra hotel allowance had paid for.
I eventually found way through the maze of corridors to the leisure club reception. I could make out a pool over the receptionists shoulder. She took my room number and then smiled as she handed over a couple of towels and pointed me in the general direction of the changing rooms. I picked a locker and flung my clothes in before sliding into the swimming shorts i'd brought down. It was pretty quiet in there but I really didn't mind. I swim a fair bit to keep in shape but I wasn't planning on doing much but chilling out and killing some time. I followed the signs that led to the pool. Passing through was the wet area with a row of 3 showers recessed and opposite were doors to a sauna and a steam room. The steam room door you could barely see the other side of, the sauna was currently unoccupied. I thought I would make use of these later, but not until after a dip.
I entered the pool area and it was lightly populated,As I completed a couple of leisurely lengths they departed. I lounged a little, tried a jacuzzi in the corner which was pleasant enough but the water was a little too tepid. I headed back into the entrance of the mens changing rooms and thought it was time to make use of the wet area.
I've travelled a fair bit with work and did a stint where I was visiting mainland Europe a fair bit. Despite the British reputation for being awful prudes, i'd actually really got into sauna culture there. Although it was a bit of a shock to the system at first not only with everyone being naked but it being both sexes all in together. Still, you get used to it in about 2 minutes. Although I admit the time I ended up being taken there by several people from an office i'd just spent the day working with (including a couple of superiors) took maybe 5 minutes to not seem weird. So why am I going off at this tangent? Well, this sauna represented a bit of a conundrum. On the one hand, its in the mens changing rooms so (perhaps a rogue cleaner) i'm not going to offend any ladies if I whip my shorts off. On the other hand, this is the UK and not Germany and places have weird and irrational rules. So I took the cowards way out and stepped into the dry sauna with my shorts still on.
I decided to start off slowly and said to myself i'd do 10 minutes and take a break. As the 10 minutes was nearing its end I heard the adjacent steam room door open. Looking out of the sauna door the cast shadow turned into a tall figure strolling over towards the shower. He was naked.
My time was up and I climbed down and walked out of the door. The sound of the door clicking drew his attention and he looked back over his shoulder. "Oh hello there" he said. He glanced back over his shoulder and said "I hope you don't mind", presumably referring to his state of undress. I laughed "well at least that has cleared up about the house rules". He smiled and said "well I assumed no one would care, and I thought I had the place to myself anyway". "Yeah, me too" I replied back as I hit the button on the adjacent shower and stepped under. I entered into a little chatter and asked if he was a hotel guest or someone who just used the place, it turned out he was here overnighting on business too. He turned front on to me for the first time as he spoke, my gaze remained very much upstairs. "I'm good for a chat if you're not clearing off" he offered, and turned away and strolled back towards the steam room. He stepped in and closed the door behind as I finished off my cooling rinse. I advanced towards the steam room, paused a couple of steps before the door and removed my shorts and then followed him in.
Once through the door it revealed its early mysteries. Inside was very dimly lit with a circular built in seating. I took a position opposite where my new found friend was. We chatted about a few things, the hotel, where we worked, family and so on. He shifted around a little in his seating position and my eyes were briefly drawn downwards as he opened his legs up a bit. Not a small guy, definitely the shower to my grower and framed under a patch of short but dark pubic hair. He then suddenly announced "I need another break from here". We proceeded out of the door and under the shower again. At this stage the conversation changed and little and remarked "you must work out a bit". Now I try to keep in shape, i'm no 5 nights a week gym bunny but I keep fit. I batted back "yeah, I try". He suggested he hadn't done the dry sauna yet so thought he'd do that before calling a wrap on things. I stepped in first this time and took a position, it was still unoccupied. As I settled my companion took a seat but quite close by.
The chat resumed although it then became a bit personal fitness orientated. Then he remarked whilst looking across and down at me "you always shaved there?" I don't shave myself completely but I hate a tangle so I tend to keep things short. I explained I mostly did it for comfort. To be honest I also thought it looked better and makes the most of ones dimensions, but I neglected to say that part. He seemed quite enthused by the subject and then proceeded to cup his balls in his hand and go "yeah, I just shave these but don't go quite as full on for the rest as you have". For some idiotic reason all I could follow up with "yeah, that looks really nice".
Chatter steered away a bit from genital housekeeping thankfully. I did however notice a not so brief touch of the back of his hand on the outside of my thigh. I didn't react one way or another initially. Then after a moment I slightly opened my leg out a little. The touch returned, I swear he let out a barely audible 'mm'. Another moment passed and the back of his hand crested over the top of my thigh and turned over so the flat of his hand was placed downward. It gently brushed upward an inch and I turned towards him and he was looking at me.
Then the next thing was... a loud and unmistakable noise of a shower turning on. His hand withdrew and we both looked away. A few moments later another patron entered the sauna, an elderly guy who greeted us with a hearty hello and said "ah, no dress code here then". We returned the greeting, stayed as long as was necessary to be polite and my companion headed for the door and I followed behind.
We both rinsed off for the final time, this time with soap from adjacent dispensers. When our eyes caught he had a something between a grin and a smirk. Neither of us mentioned about the stray hand although I think his face said a little. Or did it? Bloody hell, its not a situation i'd been in before (well, nothing comparable since fumblings a very long time ago) and my mind was going a thousand miles an hour. We proceeded back towards the lockers. I grabbed my shorts as we did, he retrieved a towel he'd left hanging up. We didn't really say a lot as we got dressed, nor as we walked out of the leisure area and bid the girl on reception goodbye. As we reached the lobby area he suddenly said "drink?". I accepted, "yes, thats an excellent idea".
He shouted the drinks and we took a seat opposite each other. He was still looking at me intently and smiling between words and sips of his drink. I did my best to smile back without overdoing it. With about a quarter of his drink he announced "I think I might head back to my room". I replied with a vague but potentially leading "so might I".
We both entered the lift, we were both on the same floor. A member of staff stepped in with us. My companion was still looking at me as the other person minded their own business. They got out on 3. We continued up to 5. He ushered me out first and I turned left. I heard him behind "mine is this way", then a pause "if you're not in a rush to sleep". My stomach was Churning This was not in the fucking script. I tried to keep my composure, shrugged and smiled and followed.
So i'm stood in another mans room who I met about an hour ago. There was an awkward silence which was broken by "so what are you here for exactly?" The best I come up with was "i'm not sure but I expect i'm about to find out". Another pause and he stepped towards me, then kept stepping and then planted his mouth onto mine. This took me by surprise somehow, and whilst i'd harboured some fantasies (and had a little youthful experimentation) i'd never actually kissed another guy before. After the initial shock I suddenly found myself giving as good as I was getting. After what was probably seconds but felt like minutes, he pulled away and uttered "fuck!". The stare that accompanied suggested this was in a good context. Then the second surprise when he said "i've never done that before". "Uh, me neither". "Do you want to do more?" he asked. I retorted with a flat "oh yeah". Then he went on "any boundaries?" Jesus dude, stop with the fucking questions! "I have no idea and i'll tell you when we get there". He was in my face again, then stepped away and sank to his knees. In a blur he was tugging away at my belt. He got just enough open to pull my jeans down to over my thighs. He rubbed his face briefly in my now bulging briefs and pulled those down from the back. My six inches of cock popped out into the open in front of his gleeful face. He took it in his mouth almost immediately. Then he gagged a little, which probably did back up his claim that he hadn't done this before. He reset himself and resumed but not with quite so much ambition this time. It was bloody good though, and if i'd popped out 75% hard, I was at 105% now.
I looked down on him bobbing away and then started to pull my t-shirt over my head as the enthusiastic sucking continued. I couldn't quite escape my jeans just yet for fear of throwing him off his stroke. He eventually stopped to catch his breath and I pulled his shirt up over his head. He returned to my cock briefly and I said I needed to get out of the rest of my stuff. He pulled away and I stepped out of my jeans as smoothly as I could manage. I then ushered him to his feet and suggested perhaps he should strip too. I helped him with his pants as he'd helped me. The bulge underneath was considerable and he was almost poking out of his waistband. As his underwear fell to his feet, I took hold of him and it more than filled my hand. I pushed him towards the end of the bed. As he sat on the edge, slightly falling back, then primal urges overcame me. I pushed apart his legs and with his cock still in one hand I started furiously licking away at the base of his shaft and balls. The very audible noises suggested this was hitting the spot. I'd only done this once before but knew enough that I didn't have the worlds greatest gag reflex and this was definitely gag territory. Hardly a time to get the tape out but I reckoned north of 7 inches and noticeably more girth than me too. So I concentrated on using my tongue for the time being and somehow made conscious effort to maintain eye contact. I worked the underside of his shaft firmly, then focused on the back of his very swollen glans before another trip down the shaft. Eventually I worked up enough courage to take his crimson tip in my mouth. I slid down as far as I dared, fortunately he wasn't a head pusher. He also really wasn't complaining. In fact after a few minutes he was asking me to stop "if you don't stop i'm going to come and i'm not ready yet".
I rose back to my feet. I'd stayed pretty rock solid throughout and I gently stroked my own shaft in front of him. He gestured me towards the bed and he resumed the oral play, working in some of the things i'd done to him. My balls aren't especially large and he was occasionally taking them one at a time into his mouth. We were both sprawled at funny angles and I was desperately trying to reach his cock with my hand. I eventually got a light grasp and he was happy to break away. I ushered him onto his back and I straddled his thighs. I had a firm grip and said to him "this is fucking gorgeous, I bet you love stroking this". I pressed our two cocks back to back, sometimes stroking them in unison and then mostly focused on his. I stroked his foreskin up but he was so hard that it barely covered the head now. He was oozing precum and I rubbed it all over his glans with a finger. He was getting super-sensitive now and shifting with every touch of that digit. "Fucking hell I want to see this thing shoot", he squirmed again and I stroked him firmer as if to get him to submit. I took the silence as permission to proceed and started to stroke harder whilst also using my other palm as stimulus. The tell-tale breathing drew on and I felt a tensing and then a pulse under my grip as the first shot hit hard and fast. The first glob landed in his navel. If he is like me then the second is always the biggest and it didn't disappoint and it skipped across his chest and i'd swear a drip hit the underside of his chin. As his whole body shook then further shots arced across his body and oozed over my hand. "Oh my fucking god" he said, wide eyed. He looked up at me, I was really fucking turned on and feeling mightily smug at the same time. I held up my hand which was showing some evidence of his epic ejaculation around the webbing of finger and thumb. In a surprise to even myself, I heartily licked it off.
As he got his breath and bearings back, he said "OK your turn". Wondering about the specifics, then the surprise part came. "I want you to shoot in my face, cover me in your cum". I felt a tangible twitch, which only got worse when he reached over for his smartphone and said "and I want to film it." He unlocked the phone, activated the camera app and handed it to me. I pointed it down and started the video recording as he was now kneeling and rhythmically stroking my cock. He started to address me and stare at me through the camera "I want your load in my face". I'm a slow builder and I could feel the rise beginning. I gobbed into my spare hand and gestured I should take things from here. I'm now pumping my own cock and trying to keep the shot steady. He is glancing between my penis and the camera like its Xmas Eve. His hands are rubbing my thighs, then one of his hands reaches between my thighs and I can feel a finger trying to probe through. I think I know where this is going and as I widen my stance a little I can feel a digit start to gently probe my asshole. This starts to send me over the edge and I utter a brief warning as I enter the final strokes. I was expecting to come hard but was caught completely off guard. I watched through the screen as the first shot ricocheted off his face, then he opens his mouth deliberately wide and catches the second pulse full in his mouth. Even pulse I groan as I splatter the rest all over his face and chest. As I finally finish cumming then a drip is forming on his chin. I film on for a few seconds more, stop the recording and drop the phone on the bed and try and get my bearings back.
He just sits there for a moment, then wipes his face with his hand, and then gleefully inspects it. "That was fucking awesome". I breathlessly agree. We both take time to recover, then I take my leave. As i'm about to exit the door then his upper body is still smothered in a mix of mine and his jizz. His patch of pubic hair matted. He says "i'm here another night if you're around." I smile and leave for my own room.
7 months ago