Tara’s First Lesbian Encounter

Tara arrived in Virgin Gorda one December. She had just ended a serious relationship with her boyfriend and needed time alone. She had rented a nice apartment by the beach that offered a great view over the water. She was on the second floor with another apartment below her. Both accommodations were spacious, offering a common area, kitchen, and a separate bedroom. Tara arrived on a Monday and moved into their room for a one-week vacation. When she arrived the vacationer below them was a single woman in her early 30's. She had long dark hair, tall athletic build, perhaps 5’ 9”. She was sitting on her veranda wearing a sheer sarong with a bikini beneath. When Tara arrived, she immediately stood up and introduced herself. Her name was Kristi. Tara later learned that she was an American yoga instructor living on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, and visiting for a little R&R.

Tara was immediately impressed with Kristi's physical appearance. Small breasts on a tall frame. She had toned legs and arms. Her stomach was flat and she had a nice tight behind. Her face was pretty, in Tara’s opinion it was “cute” more than anything else, small mouth and nose with large brown eyes. Kristi welcomed Tara to the property and invited her down to for dinner if she had nothing else planned. Tara was tired and thought it was a nice gesture and better than searching around the Island for something to eat. She was to meet for dinner around 6 pm.

Tara made her way down after having a shower and settling in. Kristi had dinner ready when she arrived. It included local fresh caught seafood from the local fisherman, coconut rice and salad. It was a nice meal and the the girls enjoyed conversing together while eating and sipping on rum cocktails.

Tara learned that Kristi had been on the property for five days and would be there for another five days. She was newly single and was vacationing to get away from the complications of a newly ended relationship and the hustle of work. Although a yoga instructor, Kristi had to travel around to different resorts to teach classes throughout the day, 6 days a week. It kept her busy and was enough money to allow her to live in comfort in Mexico and have enough left over to allow for vacations like this a couple of times a year. Tara learned that Kristi had travelled throughout Central and South America over the past 10 years after college and had settled in Mexico only two years earlier.

As the night progressed, the wine kept flowing. Many stories were told and many laughs were had. Kristi would often reach over and touch Tara’s hand. Sometimes her hand would stoke Tara’s arm and squeeze her hand. This did not go unnoticed by Tara. Tara has never been one comfortable with the touch of strangers and in fact you could even consider her a prude (well, back then that is, even I thought she was a bit strait-laced). At midnight, she and Kristi decided that they would see each other tomorrow and that it was time for everyone to turn in. Tara embraced Kristi goodbye, but when she pulled back, Kristi kissed Tara on the lips. Tara was a little surprised by this and immediately backed away, mumbled goodnight and proceeded upstairs. Before falling asleep Tara reflected on the amount of physical contact Kristi had made with her. Of course, and then she thought about the parting kiss. Tara decided that it was probably a cultural thing Kristi had picked up during her many travels and did not read too much into it.

The next day came with a pounding headache for Tara. She decided to stay in and nurse her hangover. Later in the morning, Tara went out on the dock and sat in one of the sun chairs, sipping water and facing the property. She had on her sunglasses, hat, and bikini with a sun dress over top. Before long, Kristi came jogging into view from a morning run. She stopped at the end of the dock and asked how Tara was doing. Tara said she was a little hungover and that she was resting. Kristi said she was going into have a shower and change and she would come out to chat in a bit. Tara could see Kristi walk inside her apartment, and through the sliding door glass, witnessed Kristi strip down. Tara was a little embarrassed but found she could not help but watch.

Kristi was not facing the glass, Tara saw her remove her sports bra and shimmy out of her running shorts, exposing her firm ass as she bent forward to lift them from the floor. Tara had to admit to herself that Kristi had a really sexy figure. Kristi disappeared into her washroom. Tara found her muddled mind thinking about the night before, the hand contact and the kiss. It gave her a really funny feeling inside, not unlike the feeling she got as a teenager when she kissed someone she had a crush on. Tara chalked the strange feeling up to being hungover. After about 5 minutes, a movement in Kristi's apartment caught her eye. It was Kristi walking out of the washroom with a towel wrapped around her. Once again, Tara couldn't help but stare although it wouldn't be apparent due to her sunglasses. Kristi positioned herself in front of the glass doors and removed the towel, exposing her naked body and began toweling her hair. Tara felt herself gasp; Kristi's body was amazing. Her breasts were small and perky, her nipples were small and hard; her smooth, firm stomach gave way to a completely shaven mound, her legs were spread, allowing a clear view of her pussy.

Once again, Tara couldn't look away and that strange feeling came back to the pit of her stomach. It was like butterflies, nervousness, but also a feeling of arousal. Tara had never been aroused by a woman before. Sure, she could appreciate a fine body, nice breasts, but it was never like this. For the first time in a long time her mind began to wander about things like how it would feel to touch Kristi's body, feel it against her own. The small seemingly insignificant kiss from the night before had her thinking about touching those beautiful breasts. Tara couldn't believe what was going through her mind and then was startled to see this naked beauty waving at her and motioning for her to come over. Tara was embarrassed, her face was red, but she was curious why Kristi would be calling her over. She got up and started to walk toward Kristi. As she approached, Kristi placed the towel around herself again and Tara couldn't help but feel a little disappointment.

Tara reached the door as Kristi opened the sliding door. Kristi said she had something to help Tara’s hangover and that she should come in and sit down. Tara did so and took a seat in the chair to her right. Kristi brought over a concoction made of lime juice, aka-seltzer, salt and water. Kristi sat across from Tara and encouraged her to drink it down. Tara did as she was told and immediately belched and was very embarrassed. Kristi laughed and said that was part of the cure and not to worry about it. Tara looked back from her embarrassment and noticed she could see Kristi's crotch as her towel did not provide enough coverage. Tara tried to not appear obvious as she looked, but she couldn't look away. Kristi laughed and spread her legs more and asked Tara, have you never shaved your own? Tara blushed and apologized for staring.

Kristi said she didn't mind, and that Tara could look all she wanted. She said she thought her own pussy was quite beautiful and wasn't ashamed to show it off. Tara took the invitation and had a good look. Kristi’s pussy had smooth full labia and just the slightest view of her little pink button protruding. After a few moments, Kristi asked again if Tara shaved her own. Tara was still embarrassed but murmured that she trimmed only and left some hair on top, never the whole area. Kristi told Tara that she was missing out; she loved the smooth feeling whenever she touched it. She stood and walked over to Tara. Kristi was practically on top of her. Kristi asked Tara to feel how smooth it was. Tara froze.

“Come on, just touch it, it won't bite.”

Tara was surprised how much she did want to touch it, to feel how smooth Kristi's skin was. Shaking, Tara reached up and touched the bald area just above Kristi's pussy. It was smooth, felt very sexy -- no stubble or anything. Kristi reached down and took Tara’s hand and brought it lower so it was cupping her pussy. Kristi's finger pushed Tara’s middle finger between her lips. Tara felt Kristi's wetness and could feel her arousal building. She wasn't sure if this was an accident of if this was on purpose. Tara had just withdrawn her hand when Kristi quickly covered up as someone walked past her window.

Tara was in turmoil, was this leading to something, or was this all in her mind. And even if something was to happen, Tara was unsure if a lesbian fling was something she wanted. While one part of her so badly wanted to stick around and see where this was going, the other part decided that she had better go. Tara said a soft goodbye to Kristi, clearly voicing her uncertainty. Kristi, put her hand on Tara’s face as she went to leave.

“Please come back when we have more time.”

Tara was dizzy with arousal as she got to the stairs. As she reached the door she was aware that her pussy had wet her bikini bottoms, she had gotten so aroused. Tara was unsure whether it was her arousal or the aka-seltzer concoction, but she now felt better. She realized that she was incredibly horny from Kristi’s advances -- and she was now sure they were advances. Tara decided to go into the bedroom and change out of her bikini. She entered the bedroom, sat on the bed and thought about Kristi. Subconsciously, my hand slipped inside my bikini bottom and found my pussy. Tara closed her eyes and all she could see was Kristi standing next to her naked, asking me to tease her pussy. She imagined asking Kristi to do her and felt her fingers enter her pussy. Tara was aroused beyond her wildest dreams. Her hips began to work with her fingers, and she surrendered to her erotic side. Tara’s other hand tore off her bikini bottoms as Tara felt her orgasm building. She rolled over on her stomach and began to fuck her hand. And then her orgasm hit; her pussy juiced and soaked her hand and sheets as her body went stiff.

As Tara’s orgasm waned, her mind reeled. She was surprised that she was fixated on Kristi -- she had never even thought about another woman let alone have sex with another girl. Then she was taken aback by the thought that Kristi would be leaving soon, and Tara might never see her again. So, she saw a perfect opportunity to experiment with a lesbian partner with no strings attached.

What to do now? Tara wanted to run downstairs immediately and confront Kristi about what had just transpired, but what if she got it all wrong? What if she was just eccentric and friendly... but to have me touch her, Tara thought. Tara didn't want to be consumed by these many different thoughts, if she waited, it was likely that she would never go. Tara put on a pair of panties and slipped on a sundress and left. When she got to the stairs, Kristi was standing there about to climb the stairs. Tara smiled and Kristi asked if she could have a word with her. Tara nodded and came down the stairs. Kristi led her into her apartment and closed the door.

“Tracy, I hope you can forgive me,” Kristi said. “I am sorry, I was really forward and I suspect that it wasn't proper for me to be as forward as I was.

“No” Tara replied. “It’s fine, but I have to ask, were you coming onto me?”

Kristi looked Tara in the eye “Yes, I was, and I had no right to do that.”

They both sat down beside each other, and Kristi began to tell Tara about her recently ended relationship, it was with another woman. In fact, Kristi told Tara that she was a lesbian, and her previous relationship had lasted just over two years. Her lover was 10 years younger than her and woke up one day and told Kristi that she was not a lesbian and wanted to have a relationship with a man. Kristi was heartbroken; she never saw it coming so this trip was a way to leave it behind and start anew. Kristi thought if she could sleep with someone else, it might help take the sting out of the situation. Tara hugged Kristi and told her it was fine and that she was there for Kristi. They talked for a few hours, Kristi had changed into a bath robe and before long, Tara felt like she had known Kristi for years. She realized that they could be good friends and she felt herself drawn to Kristi. Tara found Kristi to be exciting, fascinating and very attractive. She found herself giggling at Kristi's jokes, batting her eyelashes when Kristi looked at her, and she kept putting her hands on Kristi's arm and leg as they spoke. At one point the conversation broke off and Kristi looked down on Tara’s hand that was firmly on Kristi thigh.

“If I didn't know any better, I would say that you are flirting with me” Kristi whispered.

Tara smiled “Is there was anything wrong with that?”

“There was if she didn't plan on pursuing anything” Kristi said. “Have you ever been with a woman?”

“No.” Tara said “I had thought about it before but had never really thought that hard about it before meeting you. In fact, I’ve never even kissed a girl before but that I’m now looking forward to it. Now, I want to know everything there is to know about being with another woman.”

Kristi leaned forward and kissed Tara on the mouth. This time Tara kissed her back, their mouths opened and for the first time, Tara kissed a woman. She liked the way it felt, it was different from kissing a guy; it made her heart to beat fast, her stomach was fluttering with butterflies, and she could feel her arousal come on like never before. Something about this felt so strange but so right, she felt like she could kiss Kristi for hours. They did kiss for quite a while, Tara couldn't remember how long but if felt like hours, perhaps it was only minutes, but time stopped while she was kissing Kristi.

At last Kristi pulled back “Do you want to move into the bedroom?”

Tara nodded. She wanted that more than anything.

Kristi took Tara’s hand and led her to the bedroom and closed the door behind her. Tara dropped her sundress and began to peel off her panties.

“No; let me” Kristi stood and knelt in front of Tracy.

Her fingers slipped inside of the waistband of Tara’s panties and Kristi ever so slowly slipped the panties down Tara’s legs. Tara gave off soft whimpers of arousal as she realized she was going to be naked in front of Kristi. She could feel her pussy beginning to juice again and felt her juice ooze down her thighs. Kristi left Tara’s panties at mid-thigh.

“You are so wet!” Kristi ran a finger up Tara’s thigh, gathering her juice. She slipped her finger into her mouth, wanting to taste her new lover. Another swipe at Tara’s thigh. This time she offered her finger to Tara. “Taste how sweet your pussy is” as her finger slipped into Tara’s mouth. “Oh, god” Tara sighed, now fully aware that she was going to have sex with Kristi.

Tara is a beautiful woman. She has brown hair with blonde highlights, hazel eyes, dark eyebrows and lashes, and a gorgeous face. Tara is around 5' 8”, her thin frame enhances her smallish B-cup breasts. I think that Tara is one of the most remarkable looking women I have ever seen. Kristi looked at Tara with admiring eyes and told her she looked even better naked than clothed.

She motioned for Tara to slide up to the head of the bed. Tara then watched in awe as Kristi removed her robe. Kristi was naked except for sheer black panties. Tara was so turned on looking at this woman who had awoken desires that she had never imagined. Tara could feel her passion growing, she could feel the heat growing between her legs, the wetness growing. Her nipples began to harden, and a flush crept up her neck and onto her face. Tara could only think about touching Kristi's soft skin, she so badly wanted to feel Kristi's breasts and to hold her, skin on skin. Kristi crawled onto the bed and slid next to Tara and kissed her full and hard. Tara’s hands cupped Kristi's taut breasts; she loved the feeling of them in her hands. The were soft and completely wonderful to Tara. As they were kissing, Tara’s hands wandered from Kristi's breasts to her back, and she pulled Kristi closer. Kristi kissed and began biting her neck, sucking on her.

“Are you marking me?”

“When you wake up tomorrow and look in the mirror, I want you to remember me.”

“I don’t think I will ever be able to forget you.”

Tara wanted to feel Kristi's wetness, but before she could, Kristi had brought a hand to Tara’s breasts, the feeling was electric and she let herself enjoy her touch. Kristi leaned back and pulled Tara down so that she was on her back. She positioned herself beside Tara and resumed kissing her. Kristi's hand lightly ran over Tara’s chest and stomach, teasing her nipples, teasing Tara’s arousal. As Tara began to squirm Kristi’s hand slid down between her thighs. Tara relaxed her thighs and spread her legs. She gasped as Kristi's fingers worked their way between her lips and into her wetness. Tara was soaked and apologized to Kristi for being so wet from her arousal. Kristi removed her fingers and brought them to her mouth and licked her fingers.

“I like that I am the girl that has your pussy juicing like that. And I like the way you taste.”

Tara pulled Kristi forward and kissed her. She could taste a little bit of herself on her lips. Tara pulled up her legs and spread them wide.

“Go down on me.”

Kristi moved and positioned herself between Tara’s legs. She put her hands under Tara’s butt and brought her mouth down to Tara’s aroused pussy. She buried her face in Tara’s wetness, licking, kissing, and sucking Tara’s clit and labia. Tara’s breaths now came in short yips as Kristi ate her out. Her mind was on fire with passion and lust. Normally she closed her eyes during sex, but not this time. Tara wanted to see Kristi between her legs. Kristi’s eyes stared back into her own and Tara thought this was the most exciting thing she had ever experienced. This was the most amazing sexual encounter she had ever had and that she did not want it to stop.

Kristi worked over Tara’s pussy for a long time. She loved being between Tara’s legs because she could see how much this “virgin” loved it. She lifted Tara’s ass as she buried her face into Tara’s pussy. Then Kristi inserted one and then two fingers into Tracy. Her reaction was immediate: Tara responded by starting to grind against Kristi's fingers. Then Kristi found Tara's spot. She could sense that Tara had started to come. Kristi slowed her ministrations, so the Tara’s orgasm came on slowly. Kristi’s tongue and fingers kept Tara on the edge of a climax. Then Kristi went to Tara’s clit and sucked it into her mouth, flicking it with her tongue. And she let Tara have her climax. It crested like a tidal wave, then crashed over her. Tara’s body went stiff, and a loud guttural moan announced her climax. Kristi removed her fingers and kissed Tara’s pussy lovingly, sending jolts through Tara’s body.

Tara pulled Kristi’s mouth to hers and kissed her hard. Tara whispered to Kristi “I want to go down on you.”

“Are you ready to do that?” Kristi asked. “It’s one thing to have a woman go down on you; maybe you should use your fingers the first time. I don't want you to do anything you might regret.”

Kristi could tell that Tara was super horny and that she didn't want that feeling to wear off and for her to be full of regret after the passion faded.

“Oh, god; I just want to fuck you” Tara said.

She moved to Kristi's side while Kristi laid on her back. Tara ran one hand over Kristi's breasts and the other down between Kristi's legs. Kristi opened her legs and Tara’s hand touched Kristi's pussy for the second time that day. But this time, she really wanted to make her come. Kristi was very wet and Tara loved the feeling of her finger sliding over and around Kristi's clit. The heat coming from her pussy was amazing. Before long, Tara slipped one and then a second finger into Kristi. She positioned her hand so that her thumb could stimulate Kristi's clit while her fingers moved back and forth inside her new lover. Kristi responded exactly the way Tara had hoped. Her breathing increased and her pelvis began to move.

Kristi moved a hand to Tara’s crotch and she began to play with her pussy. Tara loved the feeling of being touched while she was fingering the most beautiful woman she had ever met. Tara felt another climax coming on. Kristi sensed Tara was on her way and became more assertive, wanting give Tara another orgasm. Tara’s pussy muscles spasmed against Shell’s fingers as her second orgasm hit her. She leaned forward wanting only to kiss Kristi's beautiful, small mouth while she came. Her orgasm was explosive. Her body heaved and her kissing paused momentarily as she went up and over the edge. Tara had never come twice in a row before, and Kristi was the key to her greatest pleasure.

Tara removed her hand from Kristi's crotch and positioned herself between her lover's legs.

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been so sure of anything in her life.”

Kristi laid back and watched as Tara’s mouth hovered over her pussy. Tara knew that there was no turning back now, and nothing in her life had felt so right. Tara took a taste with her tongue from the base of Kristi's pussy, up over the hood of her clitoris. The taste was amazing, it was better than she ever expected, better than her own. Kristi was literally dripping, it was running down her crack, soaking into the bed. Tara’s tongue worked up and down her slit as Kristi began to writhe under her. She took a finger and pulled up on the top of Kristi’s slit. This exposed her clit from beneath her hood. Tara sucked it into her mouth and let it slide between her teeth. Feeling Kristi slide between her teeth was intoxicating, especially when Kristi’s writhing indicated that she was close to an orgasm. Kristi was staring down at Tara intently, and the two gazed in each other’s eyes.

“Don’t stop.”

Tara realized that Kristi was about to come and brought her tongue agaist Kristi’s clit when it entered her mouth. Flicking it and moaning, letting those vibrations work into Kristi’s clit. Kristi nodded in approval and then told her to keep doing what she was doing. Tara continued to tease Kristi's clit. Then Kristi let out a loud, deep moan as her legs began to shake. Her hips rose off the bed and Kristi came. A shuddering orgasm. Her legs clamped against Tara’s head as Tara continued to work over Kristi’s clit. And Kristi continued to orgasm. Finally, Kristi’s orgasm subsided. She pushed Tara’s mouth away because her pussy was too sensitive for much more. Like Kristi did to her, Tara softly kissed Kristi’s pussy as she moved away.

The two laid together for much of the afternoon. Tara couldn't keep her hands away from Kristi's pussy. Whenever, Kristi had calmed down, she would be back at it again. She couldn't get enough of this new experience and she told Kristi that she loved making love with her. Then she asked if Kristi mined if she called it that. Kristi said that was fine with her and kissed her some more. They fell asleep in each other’s arms, only to wake as the sun began to set.

“Why don’t we get dress and go out for dinner” Kristi whispered.

“I need to shower” Tara whispered.

“Me too” Kristi said. “Shower with me here.”

Kristi and Tara slipped into the shower. They soaped each other’s bodies and let their hands roam freely. Each fingered the other into a wet orgasm before they toweled each other dry. Tara gathered her clothes and ran naked up the stairs to her apartment.

Tara decided to dress on the sexy side. A white somewhat tranlucent cotton sundress that buttoned up the front and only panties underneath. The dress fell mid-thigh, showing a lot of leg. Her nipples were visible, as were her panties (white). Kristi went further: a black gauzy top with nothing underneath and a very short skirt. Tara gasped as Kristi approached and took her arm. Her breasts and hard nipples were visible through the gauzy fabric.

Tara gushed about how sexy Kristi looked. Kristi smiled and whispered “You didn’t think this night was going to end with dinner, did you?”

“I certainly hope not; you have no idea how much I want to do it again.”

They chose a seafood restaurant close to home and chose a corner table. They sat around a corner of the table. Tara couldn’t take her eyes from Kristi’s tits. On top of that, Kristi’s skirt had ridden up baring almost all of her legs. Tara could feel her pussy wetting her panties. As they pored over their menus, Tara felt Kristi’s hand on her thigh. She pulled the tablecloth so it covered Tara’s crotch. Then her hand crept higher. Tara’s pussy tingled at the public spectacle unfolding. Their waiter arrived as Kristi’s hand reached Tara’s panties.

“You’re going to have to order for me” Tara whispered as her legs clamped around Kriti’s hand.

Tara slid forward so she could push against Kristi’s fingers, but all Kristi offered were the knuckles of one or two fingers which she pressed against Tara’s clit. Tarra gasped softly as her hips undulated against Kristi’s knuckles.

“Do you want to come?”

“I don’t know about letting it happen in public.”

“Let go; you’re so wet … you must be close.” Kristi’s knuckles slid up and down Tara’s clit. Suddenly the pressure from Kristi’s knuckles and the friction from Tara’s panties overwhelmed her and Tara cried softly as her orgasm hit. She felt her come ooze through her panties as her pussy pulsed.

“Oh my god” Tara whispered “I’ve never been fucked in a restaurant.”

The restaurant soon became too crowded for Tara to be able to return Kristi’s orgasm. As they enjoyed the last of the wine, Tara looked at Kristi.

“I would like to spend the night with you.”

Tara and Kristi returned to Kristi’s apartment and spent all night together. Not much sleep was had. As they entered the apartment, Kristi turned Tara to face a full-length mirror in the living room. Kissing and biting Tara’s neck, Kristi slowly unbuttoned Tara’s dress, letting her nakedness unfold slowly. Having already climaxed in the restaurant, Tara was lost in her erotic side. As her breasts were exposed, Kristi’s hands went to each nipple and sensuously pulled and pinched until Kristi felt Tara’s lean against her, trying to remain standing. The last buttons were undone and Tara’s dress fell to the floor.

“Look at how wet you are.” Tara looked down at her panties and saw that her white cotton panties were so drenched with her come that the crotch was virtually transparent. The cleft of her slit was still juicing, and she could see it flow through her panties and down her thigh.

“Touch yourself. But leave your panties on.”

Tara reached down and began to lightly stroke her pussy. Kristi was still nibbling on her neck and pinching her nipples. When Tara pressed her finger between her pussy lips, her juices seeped through the fabric of her panties and soaked her fingers.

“Taste yourself.”

Tara brought her hand up to her mouth and sucked her come from her fingers. Without thinking, her hand went back to her panties and she began to stroke her pussy harder.

“Do you want to come?” Tara nodded her head. “Go ahead, but watch yourself come.”

Tara looked at her reflection. She was the picture of erotic lust. Her mouth was open as she panted through her arousal. Her nipples were hard and erect. Her panties were now thoroughly soaked; her legs had parted to allow her finger access to her pussy. Kristi’s tongue slipped into Tara’s ear as she whispered “Come for me. Now.” Tara pushed her fingers into her pussy, panty fabric leading the way. And she came. Her legs trembled and weak in the knees, Kristi gently let her slip to the floor where her orgasm wracked her body.

“Oh my god, I’ve never had sex as good as this.”

Kristi helped Tara up and led her to the bed. She laid down next to Tara and gently stroked her boy as Tara’s orgasm waned. After several minutes, Kristi slipped between Tara’s legs and began to peel her panties off. Her mouth went to Tara’s pussy, and she went down on Tara. When she sensed Tara’s orgasm was building, she stopped.

“Have you ever been fucked by a girl?” Tara looked at her quizzically.

Kristi got up and went into her bathroom. A few minutes later she emerged with a strapon. It had a very large phallus, maybe 10 inches long and a large girth. Another smaller probe slipped inside the wearer, ensuring that both women would be pleasured.

Tara smiled “How do you want me?” “Every way I can” came Kristi’s reply.

Kristi began with Tara on her back. She teased Tara’s pussy with her “cock,” rubbing it up and down her slit. Tara spread her legs as wide as she could, Inviting Kristi to enter her. “Not yet.” Kristi teased Tara, waiting for her to ask.

“I need you inside me. Please.”

Kristi brought the head of the dildo to Tara’s opening and slowly slipped it in, an inch at a time. Tara ‘s moans became lusty growls as Kristi’s cock slipped deeper into her. “Oh, god” she moaned repeatedly.

“I need you to fuck me.”

Tara’s breaths came in deep moans as Kristi’s “cock” kept going deeper into her. Once in all the way, Kristi whispered “Everything Okay?” Tara could only repeat “Just fuck me.”

Kristi’s hips began to gently piston as she began to fuck Tara. She looked down and smiled as she watched Tara’s tits bounce with each stroke. Tara’s eyes were closed; her skin began to blush as her arousal grew. Both women began to perspire with the exertions, and soon they were covered in a glistening sheen of perspiration. Tara wrapped her legs around Kristi and pulled her hard against her, as her hips also began to gyrate looking for a deeper penetration. As she began to feel her orgasm. She felt Kristi pull out of her. Then Kristi whispered:

“On your hands and knees.”

Tara quickly rolled over, not wanting her arousal to fade. Head down, ass in the air facing Kristi. She felt Kristi begin to mount her. The dildo slid inside Tara, again filling her beyond her belief. Rather than wait for Kristi, Tara began to rock back and forth, fucking Kristi’s “cock”. A constant moan now replaced her breathing as she took all of Kristi. She could feel her juices seeping past the dildo and running down her thighs. Her hands gripped the bedclothes and her face went headfirst into the pillow as she began to scream as her orgasm hit. Tara was a mess: slick with sweat her body blushed in red, hair plastered around her forehead and shoulders. Kristi kept pumping, even as Tara climaxed, and Tara kept screaming in a continual orgasm.

Finally, Tara had enough and crawled away from Kristi’s dildo and collapsed on the bed, erotically drained. Kristi, herself a sweaty mess, slid up alongside Tara and wrapped her arms around her. Tara wrapped her arms around Kristi and the two kissed. They kissed along time this way feeling like one. Tara never spent another night in her apartment. The two women barely left the room. Once, on Kristi's second to last night, they went out on the dock and made love in the dark under the stars.

During their last 24 hours together, the two women had a marathon of sex. There wasn't a part of either of their bodies that hadn't been kissed, touched, or licked by the other. When Kristi had to leave, Tara walked with her to where the boat would pick her up and bring her to the airport. They held each other’s hands and kissed, not caring what other people said or saw. Tara and Kristi exchanged email addresses and other contact information. Tara told Kristi that she loved her. To Tara’s dismay, the proclamation of love was not returned, just a smile, another squeeze, and a reply “I know and I am glad, but thank you, you have given me exactly what I needed.”

The next morning, Tara woke back in her apartment and went into the bathroom to shower. She looked in the mirror and notice a large black and blue welt on the side of her neck. Kristi!
Published by bianca44
2 months ago
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Topjimmy01 2 months ago
I love it when my pussy is freshly shaved ❤️❤️❤️
curiosityalive 2 months ago
A real gusset wetter darling! I enjoyed being turned on by your story and I had a good ending too!!! Alison xxx
jd76501 21 days ago
to Topjimmy01 : So do I Honey its so erotic, and makes me very wet and Horney 
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jeancl 25 days ago
I absolutely love this story, very sensual and turn on for me. Make me hard. 
drewan 1 month ago
Totally Sensational!  Well done!
Leomoore 2 months ago
Another great post.  Love it.  Thanks 
lizzielez 2 months ago
You should totally start all your posts with a disclaimer. Like 'Reader discretion is advised. Do not read in public places not suited for soaking your panties'. 
n2oral 2 months ago
A sublime seduction indeed! 
mscotton12 2 months ago
Absolutely divine !! THX !!
tamina44 2 months ago
Das ist eine schöne, erotische und liebevoll geschriebene Geschichte zweier sexuell aktiver Frauen. Für mich als bisexuellem Mann ist es absolut nachvollziehbar, dass die bisher heterosexuelle Tara die lesbische Liebe zu mögen begann, als sie von der lesbischen Kristi sehr einfühlsam verführt wurde. Mir ging es ähnlich, als ich anal entjungfert worden war - seither gibt es für mich nichts Besseres als aktiver und vor allem passiver Analverkehr. Irritiert an der Geschichte bin ich allerdings, dass neben Tara und Kristi mehrere Male eine Tracy erwähnt wird - wahrscheinlich ist damit Tara gemeint. Solche Amateur-Fehler passieren vor allem dann, wenn eine Story nach dem Schreiben nicht nochmals durchgelesen wird, bevor man sie veröffentlicht.