Wife’s pregnant sister Kira

My wife phoned to ask me to call in on her sister on my way home.
It was early summer but absolutely pissing down, we’d had thunderstorms all day and she apparently had a water leak at the back of the house.

Kira is the baby sister almost 10 years younger than my wife Abbie and could be a little bit wild apparently though I’d always found her really sweet and certainly cute. She’d recently moved in with her boyfriend after becoming pregnant at only nineteen, so not exactly planned.

I parked down the road and ran through the rain to knock at the front door, Kira answered quickly and pulled me inside.
“Ooh thank god you’ve come James” she gabbled while standing in the hallway gripping my shoulder “there’s water pissing out the pipe at the back it’s going everywhere I think it’s gonna flood the house!”
She was clearly in a bit of a panic
“Alright don’t fret babe I’m sure we can sort it, show me where it is” I reassured her.
She pulled me through to the kitchen by my tee shirt, although it had been raining most of the day it was still really warm and humid and Kira was dressed only in a thin tee shirt kind of nightdress in pink with a kiddy type picture of a hedgehog on the front, almost see thru it was pretty well filled by her bump now and she was obviously bra less, her white knickers just covering the cheeks of her ass where it rode up, barefoot she exuded innocent sex.

“There, there!” she pointed through the window
Sure enough it was Niagara out there, I went to the back door and had a look out. The down pipe had come apart about 8 feet off the ground so the gutter water was just gushing from the pipe, the drain in the ground didn’t seem to be running away either, flooding the paved patio.
“Ok ok” I said “ first of all have you got a long stick or something I can use to try to clear the drain in the floor? and I’ll really need a ladder or steps”
“Uhh yes yes, is this any good?” She asked grabbing a broom from the cupboard “and there should be a stepladder in the garden shed”
“That’s great Kira you just go and sit down now” I said giving her a quick hug resisting a squeeze of that peachy ass. “I’ll see what I can do with it”
“Oh thanks Jim I’ll just stay here and watch, thank you” she gushed, kissing me on the cheek.

I tackled the drain first and with a bit of poking around managed to loosen stuff and pull out a handful of moss and crud! Then went to the shed to fetch the ladders. When I returned I was relieved to see the water level dropping fast and climbed the ladder to reach the pipe, it was a fight to get it back in place all the time stood under the torrent of cold water but after a couple of attempts it was reconnected, I used a brick to jam it in place as the fixing clips had broken off.
I looked round to see Kira clapping her hands and jumping up and down like a school kid, her full tits bounced in time while she blew me kisses before I waded back to the shed to return the ladder.

Bursting back into the kitchen I stood dripping on the mat my tee shirt and jeans soaked right through. It didn’t stop Kira from giving me another great big hug, squeezing me tightly.
“My god! You are wet” she laughed “you could enter a Mr wet tee shirt competition”
“You’re not doing so bad yourself” I smiled staring at her wet front where the thin cloth clung to her swollen breasts and belly, I had to ask “how far gone are you?”
“Oh seven months now” she smiled looking cuter than ever “you’d better get straight up in the shower, I’ll put your clothes in the dryer”
“I can’t drip all the way through the house Kira, I’ll just take it off here”
“Uhh ok then” she said and stood smiling

I hesitated a few seconds before slipping my trainers and socks off, she watched as I pulled my tee shirt off and dropped my jeans, I fully expected her to leave and fetch me a towel or something, or at least turn around, but no.
“Keep going” she said “it looks like they’re wet too” referring to my boxer shorts
What the hell I thought, she is family so I guess it’s ok?
She kneeled down right in front of me to pick up my wet clothes, looking up to me with doe eyes she licked her lips provocatively her erect nipples poking through her wet shirt
“Come on Jim, let’s have them”
Under her gaze I peeled the wet shorts down my even wetter legs and she took them as they slipped from my feet, grabbing the rest and heading straight to the dryer just as my cock began to swell.

I headed to the bathroom before I got myself in serious trouble. Did I misread the signals? Maybe she was just hugely grateful I thought as the warm water poured over me but that look she’d given me from the floor as I’d undressed for her? Surely that meant something? My cock certainly thought so as I massaged the soap over it half erect. There was a brief knock and Kira came in looking directly at me.
“Here’s a fresh towel James, you don’t mind if I just have a quick wee do you? I’m bursting, it must be all the water” she laughed “though I seem to be going every ten minutes since I’ve been pregnant”
“Carry on” I said “it’s your bathroom” and looked away

She did her thing and when I turned back I saw her little white panties around her ankles, she didn’t pull them up when she stood but flicked them away with her foot
“I’ll put the kettle on Jim, don’t be long it’ll get cold” she said as she left.
When I came down the stairs Kira was just coming from the kitchen carrying a tray with tea and biscuits, I followed her in to the lounge. As she bent down to put the tray on a side table the cheeks of her bare ass were clear to see, I couldn’t resist patting that milky round buttock “Cheeky” I said playfully.
She stood up and backed into me “you’re the cheeky one” she said and reached behind to take my hand and place it on her round belly “hold me Jim” she whispered.
I hugged her and rubbed the bump in a circular motion the smell of her blonde hair fresh and lovely while my chin rested on top her head.
“That feels so good James, I really needed a hug” she said her voice breaking
“I’ve been feeling so lonely and shitty lately”
I turned her around, I could see her welling up “Hey, hey what’s all this?” I said trying to sooth her “let’s sit down, tell me what’s up”
We sat and I got the tea as she began to unload how she felt.

“I do love Ryan” she started “but he’s been such a prick recently, he knows I hate being alone here especially at the moment, and yet he still went and took this job away instead of working close to home for me”
“Well he’s got to get the money in Kira” I defended “it’s not always that easy”.
“No, he had the choice he could’ve taken work within travelling distance but instead took this job four hours away, there was hardly any difference in the money I just think he wanted to get away from me” she sobbed
“Aww I’m sure that’s not true babe, how could it be you’re so gorgeous”
“He doesn’t think so” she went on “ever since I got pregnant he’s hardly touched me, he’s so distant I just feel fat and ugly”
I turned to hug her again “Hey now take it from me, you look absolutely wonderful, there’s nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman”
“Oh thanks James, you’re so lovely, come here” she smiled pulling me closer “come and lie in my lap”

I allowed her to pull me down to her thighs, my cheek rested against her swollen belly. I’d given in to my Achilles heel, I have a real thing for pregnant women I find them hugely attractive, when Abbie had been pregnant I couldn’t get enough of her and loved to fuck her on every possible occasion, now here I was in the lap of her baby sister, inches from her pussy.
I tried to cool the situation a little “I should text Abbie to let her know all is ok”
“Oh no, don’t do that” Kira replied “she’ll expect you to be on your way then and your clothes won’t be dry for a while yet” then putting her hand on my bare chest she exclaimed “Ooh did you feel that? Baby’s on the move she’d like to meet her uncle” she said
I had felt it, a little kick from inside pressing against my cheek but it was her mum that had my attention, I turned and kissed her belly moving to stroke her thigh at the same time.

Kira wriggled a little and tugged at her tee shirt pulling it up over her belly.
The tight warm flesh was now there for me to smooth and kiss all over while my hands strayed further taking in her thighs then on to swollen breasts.
“Jim, Jim that feels so good, so close” she murmured
I stroked and squeezed a little at her full tits then felt a warm dampness at her nipple
“Oh my god! Sorry” she said looking down at me “my boob’s leaking, they’ve just started to do that sometimes over the last week or two”
“Don’t worry Kira” I reassured “it’s perfectly natural and actually really lovely”
I stared up at her as I pulled her tee shirt higher “do you mind if I taste it?”
“Uhh really?” she asked looking slightly shocked “um go ahead if you want to”
She seemed a little apprehensive as I licked the first drops from her nipple then closed her eyes when my lips engulfed the enlarged areole, sucking gently my tongue flicked at her stiffened nipple and she sighed heavily.

After a minute or two she gestured for me to move a little and leaned forward to pull her tee shirt off.
Now fully naked I new she was mine, I had to fuck my little sister-in-law.
She cradled me back to her breasts and I suckled at them in turn like she was nursing me, at the same time she pulled the towel from my waist and very gently and slowly wanked me, it was almost non sexual the way she did this there was no urgency at all, sometimes using just a couple of fingers then her whole hand and in between exploring over my balls and between my thighs, it was hugely erotic and relaxing at the same time.
We stayed like this for what seemed like ages and probably would have much longer if it weren’t for a beeping sound from the kitchen.

“That’s the dryer” Kira said “I’d better go and get your clothes”
“Stay here you, I’ll sort that out” I said getting up
I hurried naked to the kitchen and hit the off button then returned to Kira
“You haven’t got your clothes” she said raising her eyebrows with a broad smile.
“Let me look at you” I said “stand up” I pleaded
“What?” she said looking down bashfully “you can see me here”
“I’d like a proper look just stand up for me” I pulled her up by the hands
She stood slouched with her face looking at the floor
“Chin up” I ordered “shoulders back, that’s it”
I patted her behind “let’s see what we’ve got here”

She wore no make up the only beauty concession being the immaculate bright red nail polish on her fingers and toes, her skin creamy white, faint freckles over her nose and cheeks extend to the upper chest and arms, her silky blonde hair in a tidy short bob framing her pretty face perfectly.
“You really are very beautiful Kira” I wondered how her real natural beauty had passed me by all these years but I suppose she was just a kid when we first met, pushing her hair back a little to stroke her blushing cheek I ran down her arms to take her small soft hands and lift to my mouth and kiss them in turn paying attention to each finger, next I went behind to smooth her narrow shoulders, run fingers down her sides to womanly hips now I guessed slightly larger than a few months ago. I knelt behind her to hold her hips while I kissed the pale round buttocks before me, she let out a little giggle, my hands went to her ankles “feet apart” I ordered. She moved them apart a few inches “more” I instructed guiding with my hands until they were about 18 inches apart “that’s fine” now I stroked up and down each leg from ankle to buttock, I could see her pussy lips between her slim thighs but was careful not to touch even though I stroked close several times, eventually massaging and spreading her ass cheeks until her lips glistened wet.

Returning to the front I stroked her face again then kissed her on the forehead nose and lips, I held her head while our tongues probed each other’s mouths, her taste was divine and we kissed forcefully, passionately until her hands went to my waist pulling me to her, our belly’s touched, my erection jerked between us. I pulled away “hands by your side please” I ordered
“Oh Jimmy pleeease” she begged her bright blue eyes sparkled now“
I haven’t finished yet, be patient” I said
Moving on to her upper chest and those perfect breasts full and rounded enlarged dark pink areolae and erect nipples looking me in the eye, not a hint of drooping, I kissed and sucked gently on each one tasting the sweet fluid causing her to gasp before moving on to that big round belly with only a few weeks to go now.
I knelt again to study every detail of her youthful pregnant form, the faint stretch marks, the pushed out belly button and the unmistakable line which runs from there to the top of her mons pubis, here she was delightfully smooth and hairless. I smothered her with kisses all over her belly to that wonderful silky cunt where my tongue flicked out to taste the honey there, she was sweet and flowing freely. Her fingers flexed and pussy contracted under my touch.

Standing slowly I kissed those leaky tits once more and running my hand up her thigh cupped her pussy while thrusting two fingers inside her, she was so wet two went in easily and a third reached further to press at her anus. Her legs trembled and knees buckled a little.
“Absolutely beautiful” I whispered “you’re perfect” and eased her back to sit on the sofa. I knelt and spread her legs to stare at her gaping cunt, she gave me a second or two before bringing her knees together self consciously.
“Relax” I said “show me” and pushed them apart then went further lifting her legs to place her feet on my shoulders, now her little puckered asshole also came under my gaze.
“Do you want a photo?” She joked
I looked at her smiling face over the mound of her belly “I’d love one but I’m not sure how it would go down with Abbie if she browsed my album”
We both chuckled.
“Take one with my phone” she said to my utter shock “I can keep it safe and it’ll be a nice reminder of our afternoon”
“Really?” I said “that’d be so damn hot”
She pointed “it’s just there on the table” I reached and took the phone “here I’ll unlock it she said” turning it to her face before handing it back.

I selected camera and fired off about ten different shots of her naked pussy and body, my god I was hard this was so dirty. I put the phone down to turn my full attention back to Kira’s pussy, touching the lips, spreading them to see the glistening entrance to her cunt then lunging in to lick and slurp at her juices, it was heavenly as she wriggled on my face, I flicked my tongue over her clit then drew it between my lips and sucked gently, her legs fell wide open her hands on my head, pulling my hair a little “Fuck me Jimmy, fuck me please” I heard her whisper, I continued licking “Please Jimmy fuck me, just fuck me now” she begged a little louder “Fuck me now please”

I straightened up placing the head of my cock at her entrance and slipped gently in all the way until our bodies touched, she was so ready there was no resistance at all, she gasped then grunted quite vocally “thank you Jim thank you so much, just stay there all night” her thighs clamped around me her heels at my back “don’t go” she pleaded “just fill me with that gorgeous cock” she began to clench her buttocks moving the pelvis up and down against me still holding me as deep as she could to squeeze my cock, I could barely contain myself fighting to control the urge to pump her, I really did want this to be her moment so I reached up to fondle and squeeze her tits instead, to my delight they were immediately oozing fluid, I wanted to lean in and taste it but had to hold position with my cock buried inside for her to milk me.
It was Kira who surrendered now, slapping me on the chest “Fuck me Jimmy, fuck me really good now” she said clearly
I pulled out and slid back into her, slowly at first then building to a rhythm of long deliberate strokes, her legs were wide open again and I held her cool feet while I fucked for her pleasure not mine, all the time she moaned softly repeating “fuck me Jimmy, fuck me, thank you, oh yes give it to me thank you”
I felt like a fuck god, fucking my little princess, my little princess with a big pregnant belly, my god she was even more gorgeous now with her legs open wide begging to be fucked real good, I couldn’t hold back much longer
“I’m going to come” I said
“Don’t you stop Jimmy, keep on fucking me, I need to feel that come inside me, please just fill me up I want all that come” she panted
“That’s it let it go, fill me with your lovely spunk”
I kept pumping, her pussy clamped around my cock
“Urghhh” I grunted as I flooded her cunt, it was my turn to be vocal when I unloaded stream after stream into her starved pussy, my orgasm seemed to go on and on all the time encouraged by Kira “that’s it Jimmy fill me up, oh thank you I love your cum inside me thank you come on, more” I’d never had a girl so grateful.
As I finally finished she began to tremble her thighs clamped around me now squeezing the breath from me, her body shuddered then gradually relaxed “That was wonderful Jimmy thank you” she breathed.
We both slumped a little as my cock slipped from her, I sat back on my haunches drinking in her beauty and sex, legs still spread, vagina open and wet.

I took up her phone again and held it to her face to unlock, I gotta catch this image I thought as I clicked a couple then urgently switched to video when cum began to dribble from her oozing sex “Wow!” I exclaimed “this is hot Kira just wait until you see, you’ll come again”
“Oh Jimmy, mind the carpet” she said throwing her tee shirt at me with a mock scowl. I placed it to catch the mess.
Handing Kira the phone once the shoot was over my head rested on her thigh while I kissed her creamy pussy, the smell and taste was pure sex, I couldn’t get enough of her juicy cunt and my own semen
“oh yes you bad boy” she urged “make me happy” spurring me on to lick and suck her deeper, eating my own cum was something that Abbie was never keen on, thinking it a bit weird so this was a rare and hot treat and I was loving it with Kira.
As I feasted and Kira held me close I heard my voice saying “this is hot Kira just wait until you see” and realised Kira was watching the video while I ate her out, when it got to the bit about the carpet she chuckled putting the phone down when the clip ended.

Lifting my head she slithered down to the floor to kiss me passionately, tasting our sex on my mouth “Really Jimmy thank you, I’ve never felt anything like it” her tongue darted in my mouth again.
“Get up you lovely man” she guided me to my feet kneeling to take my slippery semi flaccid penis into her mouth, it was so sensitive at first I thought I would faint, the whole length went past her lips, I felt her teeth at the root and she bit down gently to hold me there as my rod filled with blood. Her hands gripped my buttocks ensuring we didn’t part while my flesh filled her throat, I felt her tongue squirming around me and she gulped, her eyes blinking and filling but still staring up at me, at last gasping and gagging a little she released me for air then sucked me deep again before biting firmly around the head.
She released my bursting cock and fell on to her elbows “give it to me again Jimmy please I want more” she panted

Spreading her knees a little I passed a cushion to rest her head on and moved between her legs, my palms on her ass spread her cheeks wide and my thumbs massaged those pouting lips flicking at her clit before filling her with what she wanted, cock deep inside while my belly rested on those smooth round cheeks, fucking is what she got now, controlled and easy I didn’t want to hurt her but she pushed back against me taking control for herself so I let her, I stayed still while she did the work at her own pace. It was heaven just watching and massaging her back and ass while she massaged my man meat. Enjoying the view of my veiny shaft sliding into her pregnant pussy, I reached forward to hold those swollen hanging tits to feel them bounce and sway and pinch lightly at the nipples then rub over her lovely belly as the pace quickened until she pushed back hard on me, orgasm taking over in spasms until she slipped forward and rolled onto her side in exhaustion.

Turning her onto her back I moved to her side to kiss her, belly, tits and lovely face to enjoy her exquisite form, then kneel over that beauty to stroke my cock for her to see, she smiled like an angel rubbing my thigh and ass while I teased the cum out shooting it all over her belly first then her tits, impressive globs dripping onto her nipples and upper chest.
“That was lovely Jim” she murmured then reached to the sofa “you’d better get another memory” she smiled passing me the phone
This was incredible, I didn’t know what to capture first, close-up, full body? I went for them all, I’d no idea how many I took with Kira really getting into it come the end, posing for me, giving me those sexy eyes and lips, squeezing her tits and touching her pussy for me it was amazing, she had such a big smile on her face after our little shoot. A huge contrast to how she’d looked when I’d arrived.

“Sorry Kira but look I’m gonna have to go, Abbie will be wondering what’s happened to me”
“Oh yes of course, I’m sorry, I’ve kept you a bit too long” she answered sadly
I hugged her tight “Hey, it’s been amazing and of course I don’t want to go but I need to be careful” I kissed her and squeezed her ass “I don’t want to get banned from coming back to help you out” I winked
She lightened up a bit and smiled “do you want another quick shower?”
I was tempted for a second but decided us getting in the shower would make for a delay that couldn’t be explained “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea babe I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you”
“Not with me you horny bastard, I just meant you, besides I’m not washing your smell off for a week”
“Hmm” I agreed “I suppose it would make sense then”
“Go on, I’ll get your clothes ready. You can use the same towel can’t you”
“Yeah” I kissed her cheek and leapt up the stairs
I was back down in a couple of minutes, Kira to my surprise was still naked in the lounge but had laid out all my clothes ready to put on

“Come here you lovely man” she said pulling my towel free grabbing my cock again “let me hold that wonderful penis once more before you dress” her lips were hot on mine in another passionate embrace
“thank you Jim you’ve saved my life today, I mean it I was so down and I think you’ve changed that, I feel stronger” there was real emotion in what she said, I felt great for helping her though apprehensive about where it could lead but she went on “I’m not a baby Jim and I don’t want this to mess things up for either of us” she took my hand to place it between her legs, I fingered her gently while she wanked me “but it has been amazing this afternoon and I wouldn’t want to lose it provided we’re careful, ok”
She released my stiff cock “now get dressed” she finished “and get home to your wife”

I dressed in silence while she tidied and watched me, I went to get my shoes and Kira followed naked into the kitchen, looking out the window to check my repair it was clear the rain had eased off, “I’ll just have a quick look” I said opening the door. I stepped out and walked over to the see the pipe was secure now the water had drained, then turned around to see Kira still naked right behind me
“Kira!” I said startled and shocked in equal measure “what about the neighbours?”
“Oh fuck them James it’s only Frank that side who could see” she said gesturing to the left “he’s alway peeping trying to get a glimpse so it would probably make his day but he’s harmless enough”.
The small garden was quite private as she said only overlooked from the upstairs windows of one neighbour, someone would have to climb up to see over the high fence anywhere else. “All the same babe you don’t want him ogling you”
“I don’t really care” she said twirling around “I’ve nothing to be ashamed of as you said yourself I’m a beautiful expectant mother”
“Come on in” I said taking her hand, what on earth had I started I thought.

She giggled and followed me back inside pushing past me and into the lounge, she came back out pulling her hedgehog tee shirt on as I was in the hall
“There is that better?” She said tugging it over bump
“Much” I laughed “at least you look semi-decent you naughty unruly girl” and I pulled her tightly to me, the scent of sex strong from the damp fabric.
“But you’d better get that in the wash you smell of cum and sex”
“No way” she protested “I’m keeping your stink of sex for days as a happy reminder, now go on you’d better get home to my sister”
We kissed again, I squeezed her ass once more and slipped out the door
“Any problems Kira just give me a call, or Abbie” I added
“Thanks again James you’ve been brilliant” she called “I’ll let Abbie know you’re on your way home” I was just a tiny bit apprehensive at that thought but let it go.

Making the short drive home I reflected on what had happened between us, I considered my feelings of guilt at perhaps taking advantage of Kira and her low mood, rubbing my chin in contemplation the scent of her gorgeous pussy still strong on my fingers soon allayed any doubts I had, she certainly wanted it, needed it and got it today. The fact that she is my baby sis-in-law is the only complication, I just hoped it stayed as our little secret.
Arriving home Abbie was all smiles and pleased to see me
“Aww thanks for sorting things for Kira today love she’s really grateful”
“Uhh yeah she seemed to be I said” a little sheepishly.
“She sent a lovely text saying thanks” she went on “have a look you big hero”
She passed me her phone

“Hey Abbie thanks so much for the loan of your lovely husband today he was an absolute marvel, cleared all my pipes and got everything flowing as it should be, he got really wet doing it bless him. It was so comforting to have him here too, made me feel warm and safe, I’ve been a bit down recently so the company was great really cheered me up. He’s on his way home to you now you lucky girl so give him a big kiss and thank him from me. Speak soon love Kira ❤️xxxx”

I almost choked reading it wondering what she was going to say next. But Abbie threw her arms around me and gave me the kiss though it didn’t have the same raw passion of Kira’s. “You’d better get out of that wet clothes Jim I’ll put it in the wash”
“Yeah, Kira put most of it in the drier but it’s still a bit damp in places and these trainers will take days to dry out, I think I’ll jump in the shower love” I said
“Ok honey, you get cleaned up and I’ll put some dinner on”
I slipped the wet shoes off and went for my third shower of the afternoon.

Kira may need further help…..
Published by Loveitall66
7 months ago
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d-wills 7 months ago
to Loveitall66 : Really enjoyed it, just wish it happened to me haha, looking forward to the next instalment 
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Loveitall66 Publisher 7 months ago
to d-wills : Thanks for your comment, so happy to hear you’ve enjoyed it 
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d-wills 7 months ago
Brilliant read, thank you.
Loveitall66 Publisher 7 months ago
to dmf399 : I’ll be working on chapter two over the next couple of weeks so I’m hoping you’ll enjoy that too. I agree that sex with a pregnant woman is a huge turn on and its great to be able to enjoy up until the due date 😉
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dmf399 7 months ago
to Loveitall66 : Very hot story.  i was referring to my memories of fucking my pregnant wife!  In fact, with all three of my wife's pregnancies  we fucked and that sent her into labor each time.  I'm very interested in a follow up.
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Loveitall66 Publisher 7 months ago
to funpics70 : I love a pregnant girl, so beautiful xx
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Loveitall66 Publisher 7 months ago
to wanxalott : Glad you enjoyed, part 2 to follow 
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funpics70 7 months ago
what a wonderful vision 
wanxalott 7 months ago
hot scenario, most enjoyable read
Loveitall66 Publisher 7 months ago
to dmf399 : Hot memories? I’m intrigued. Glad you enjoyed and thanks for the comment so soon after posting. I’ve got ideas for the follow up if you’re interested 😉
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dmf399 7 months ago
Extremely erotic!  Brings back really hot memories.  Very nicely done, thanks.