Harsh Corporal Punishment & Guilt Relief

Following a long sleepless night, Saturday morning finely arrived with a new working coffee maker, primed the night before, starting on time. After a cup and a light breakfast, Lisa was off. She followed the instructions she had been given, parked in the designated place, looked at the map and walked to the rear of the auditorium to a metal door with a sign taped on it: "Inmate Entrance". She entered a wide corridor with a table on the left side. After she presented her ID, a female guard handed her a wire basket and told her to strip and place everything she wore into the basket. As soon as Lisa was nude, she was handed a paper dress. Moments later Lisa sat on a bench in the make-shift C.P. waiting room with three other young women. All of whom were grateful for the modesty offered by the baggy, one size fits all, orange dress. The occupants nervously glanced at one another mindful of the large "NO TALKING" sign across from them. Lisa realized that they all must have been given the same information packet that included a warning about random drug testing. Lisa correctly suspected that the Department of Corrections wanted her to feel her punishment unencumbered from any chemical relief. Penalties for failing a drug test, or any of the other requirements, ranged from an additional set with the strap for the first offense to doubling the entire sentence for the second deviation from the guidelines. Lisa also understood why there was no need to cite any penalties for a third violation. However, the penalty for missing an appointment was even more draconian. Secure in her mind that she'd followed their instructions, her mind wandered to more pleasant thoughts about last Sunday night. Unfortunately, that evening started the chain of events that landed her here.

She and her husband, Tom, watched two racy movies on Netflix and they both went to bed aroused and wanton. After a prolonged fuck-fest, Tom relaxed, but Lisa climbed down in the bed and placed him in her mouth. In a short time, he was hard again. They drifted to sleep around 4AM. They both awoke groggy with the alarm blaring in their ears . After a quick shower, Lisa put on a clean dress. When she ventured into the kitchen, she discovered that their coffee maker had picked this morning to expire. She headed to the local coffee shop, took two sips and turned her car back on the feeder road. She found herself behind a slow-moving Toyota. Lisa swerved her Honda Civic towards the left lane to pass. She was immediately surprised by the collision with a school bus in her blind spot. Lisa had a seat belt and air bags, but the grade schoolers didn't have either. Luckily, mostly cuts and busses, but one broken arm and one broken jaw. Lisa was overcome with guilt when she saw the kids loaded into the ambulance. Lisa was arrested and placed in handcuffs as soon as the paramedics finished examining her.

Later that day, her lawyer remarked that he had little to work with. The prosecutor cited reckless driving and 33 counts of c--d endangerment. Her legal eagle scoffed that a fuck-fest depriving her of sleep was NOT a viable mitigating circumstance in court. However, this was her first offense and he successfully negotiated the prosecutor down to 3 months of incarceration or a $6,000 fine. Unfortunately, Lisa didn't have $6k and the 3 months would cause the loss of her job and strain her young marriage. Her lawyer met with the judge again and returned with a third option: Corporal Punishment - but they came down hard on her: She was to be punished once a month for next three months - but no points off her license. He explained that Corporal Punishment took place on Saturdays and she would not have to miss work. Having watched Liz suffer a few weeks ago, Lisa struggled with the decision. She wondered if she could endure such a punishment three times. However, she felt she really didn't have a choice - and signed the document that was placed on the table. Her lawyer told her what to expect, but the statement that she would be spanked hard, and: "the city would be certain to get six thousand dollars' worth" kept returning to her thoughts. Her lawyer handed her the information packet, told her to read it, follow it too the letter and wished her luck.

After two of the others left the holding cell over the space of about an hour, Lisa's name was finally called. She wasn't anxious to be punished, but she was anxious to get this over with and the wait was tedious. She was placed in shackles and the short sleeves of her paper dress were cut allowing the dress to fall to her feet. Lisa instinctively stepped over it. She was led down a hall and through a door to into a foyer of the large auditorium. The guards led her to the side of the room and told her to wait. The sounds coming through the gaps around the door horrified her. Mercifully, the person being punished before her was almost finished. A few minutes following the last applause, the doors opened to the hall and the young woman who was called before her was led into the foyer. Lisa looked at her well-marked ass and felt a little ill, but managed to recover before the guards returned their attention to her. Lisa was led down the aisle, just like she watched her friend Liz proceed weeks ago. Taking the short steps allowed by her restraints, she slowly made her way towards the raised platform.

All eyes were on the striking well shaped blond who held her shoulders back, chest out with her head high and looked straight ahead. She simply ignored the cat calls and looks of contempt offered by the towns people on each side of the isle. She was led up steps where she saw two women, a hip high heavy wood frame with thin padding on the top bar in the center flanked by a stand. She quickly turned away from the menacing implements hanging down from the stand. The guard led her to the older women. Plastic restraints were placed on her ankles and wrists. The shackles were removed, and the attendant told the older women: "Inmate transferred to Matron for punishment @ 10:15AM. This is the first of three punishments, each one to include: 36 hard swats, Light Strap; 36 hard lashes, Heavy Strap and 36 strokes of the Rattan Cane applied full force ." The crowd gasped hearing the dreaded 3x3x36 sentence cited. The matron thanked him and added that she would certainly teach this young lady not to endanger the lives of young people. An expression of fear and anguish crossed Lisa's face as she bowed her head in shame. The guards left. The other women with the word: "nurse" embroidered on her uniform assessed Lisa's BP and heart rate. The nurse nodded to the matron who looked down at Lisa with contempt.

With both the nurse and the matron working as a well-practiced team, Lisa quickly found her 118lb, 5'-4" tall slender nude body secured bent over the tall frame. Blocks were placed below her feet to raise her hips high enough. Each of her legs were pulled tightly towards a support spreading open her legs to expose both her well rounded ass and cleanly shaved pussy to full view. It took long cords to bind her short arms, but her well-shaped almost C-cup size breasts dangled down to complete her humiliation. To warm her up, the matron took a light strap and came down on her ass with moderate force at first, but soon she built up the force with lashes alternating each cheek. Lisa was letting out a mummer with each one of the remaining 36 hard swats. Her little ass was now very red. The matron paused before switching to the heavy strap. Lisa's endorphins worked hard to relieve her, but they had barely subsided when that heavy strap came down across both ass cheeks. Lisa exhaled a laud groan and her eyes watered. The next one came from the other direction as she pulled against the restraints and whimpered loudly. The matron continued alternating sides with punishing lashes marking her red ass with dark red/purple streaks. The sound of thick rubber striking flesh followed by her whimpering was carried through the sound system to reverberate throughout the auditorium. The people were captivated as they watched her suffer on the large reply screen. The matron paused after 36 punishing lashes; Lisa's whimpers had become cries of pain towards the end. She was desperate for the endorphin rush that briefly followed as the crowd cheered.

Next, the nurse placed a plastic bit in Lisa's mouth. The matron swished a 3/8" rattan cane through the air causing the crowd to cheer and Lisa to cringe. A moment later, the cane struck the upper 1/3 point of her ass with force. She clamped down on the bit hard and let out a yelp responding to the most severe pain she'd ever felt. The second one landed just below the first. Welts rose up from each stroke marking the path of the painful stick as it marched down her ass. The harsh pain of the cane embracing her skin caused her to continue crying out through the bit with each stroke. Tears formed in her eyes and rolled a little way down her cheeks before they fell to the floor. The matron paused after eighteen strokes. Though Lisa was grateful for the brief respite, she was already dreading the remaining strokes. When the matron resumed, the relentless assault on her ass continued with the cane ripping into her flesh. Lisa's cries became launder each time the cane landed on an existing welt (unavoidable with her petite bottom). A few of these broke her skin and wept blood. Tears continued to fall and her arms were becoming fatigued from pulling at the restraints. Lisa's jaw was starting to hurt from clamping down on the bit. But the matron continued her task - to the delight of the crowd watching Lisa's face contort with the pain after each new welt appeared on the other side of the large split screen above them. Lisa's cries following the crack of the cane echoed through the hall. She was balling a study stream of tears at the conclusion of her caning. Lisa was left restrained, bent over the frame, relishing the little relief her endorphins could manage for a few minutes. Her red & purple ass was covered with deep welts. The nurse wiped her tears, tended to her broken skin and placed ointment on her welts. Lisa continued to hang limp in on her restraints while the crowd applauded.

Lisa was unbound, but she wasn't able to stand on her own. Her arms and legs were imprinted with red rings marking where the restraints had been. The matron held her up in a motherly embrace for several moments as Lisa gathered the energy to stand on her own. When the matron relaxed her hold, she cruelty told Lisa that she was looking forward to seeing her again next month. Lisa's eyes were still watery, but she gathered all the energy she had left to: straiten her stance, raise her head to look the matron directly in the eye and nod her head. Most women cowered when the matron expressed her delight with administering another punishment. But while Lisa's ass radiated pain, she felt the relief of being unburdened from her guilt. Lisa now understood that this punishment was what she truly needed. Though the matron was impressed with Lisa's character, she simply nodded back to her recent victim. The nurse slowly led her down the stairs and whispered in Lisa's ear that masturbation was her best legal relief available before she handed her back to the guards. They got on each side of her, lifted her up by her elbows as they carried her out of the hall. The town's people enjoyed this last opportunity to admire Lisa's well punished bottom. The shackled nude women waiting her turn in the foyer turned away - not wanting to add to her anxiety by seeing Lisa’s welts.

Lisa was carried into a dimly lit room. The two young women that proceeded her were lying face down on twin beds that were covered with fitted plastic. Lisa could see that they weren't punished as severely as she was, but their bottoms were still a frightful sight in the dim light. The wide ass of the women in the first bed had twenty-four well-spaced welts across it; while the women's more petite bottom in the next bed only showed red and purple strap marks. Lisa was led to the next available bed where she was placed face down. The guards left the room, closing the door behind them. The women on the bed next to her remarked that it would be at least half an hour before they would return. A moment later, Lisa herd that same person sliding her left hand's fingers in and out of her very wet pussy. Just a couple of feet away, Lisa watched her use her other hand to stimulate her clit. Apparently, her public punishment removed any inhibitions this woman may have had. After a few short minutes, the women's breathing changed - Lisa had never watched another female cum in real life. Watching her shake with the spasms of a long orgasm aroused Lisa. As tired and frazzled as she was, Lisa started fingering herself as well. Although she hadn't been able to cum since the collision, with welts across her bottom, it only took a very short time. Lisa's respiration changed as spasms of joy ripped through her in one of the most powerful organisms of her young life. Her fingers relaxed - before she began again sending her into another orgasm that shook her violently. At one point, all three were climaxing together. At the conclusion of her last orgasm, Lisa collapsed into slumber feeling more content than she had been for some time.
Published by spanker_eric3
9 months ago
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spanker_eric3 Publisher 9 months ago
to tamina44 : Thank you for your comment - I'm pleased that you enjoyed this story, Indeed, we are both fans of Public Punishment
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tamina44 9 months ago
Das ist erneut eine wunderbar erotische und erregend geschriebene Spanking-Geschichte von dir, die mich beim Lesen zweimal abspritzen liess. Ich danke dir, dass du mir stets zu herrlichen Orgasmen verhilfst. Der Grund für meine Erregung ist deine detaillierte Beschreibung von Lisas harter Bestrafung und ihrer dabei empfundenen Gefühle. Aber auch ihre Erleichterung und Glücksgefühle bei der Masturbation, ihre mehrfachen, gigantischen und den ganzen geschundenen Körper schüttelnden Orgasmen und ihre grenzenlose sexuelle Befriedigung am Schluss sind realistisch beschrieben,

Und auch das Publikum dürfte auf seine Kosten gekommen sein. Es muss ein herrliches Bild sein, wie Lisas volle C-Brüste bei jedem Schlag auf den Arsch in Bewegung geraten und vor und zurück baumeln. Noch geiler dürften die Bilder auf dem geteilten grossen Bildschirm sein, die von den auf das Gesicht sowie Arsch und Fotze gerichteten Kameras aufgenommen werden. So kann das Publikum nicht nur die Tränen und das fast unmenschliche Leiden in Lisas Gesicht geniessen, sondern auch, wie sich der rote Farbton und die Striemen auf ihren Arschbacken vermehren. Bei einzelnen Frauen dürfte auch zu sehen sein, wie die Schamlippen anschwellen, die Fotze sich öffnet und milchig-weisser Fotzenschleim herausläuft und auf den Boden tropft.

Ich würde es begrüsse, wenn weltweit vor allem für junge Straftäterinnen und Straftäter die Möglichkeit eingeführt würde, zwischen Gefängnis, Geldbusse und öffentlicher körperlicher Züchtigung als Strafe zu wählen. Ich bin überzeugt, dass damit besonders die derzeit stark zunehmende Jungendkriminalität eingedämmt werden könnte. Bei schweren Straftaten müssten neben den rund 100 Schlägen auf die Arschbacken für junge Frauen zusätzlich mindestens 50 Schläge auf die rasierte Fotze und für junge Männer 50 Schläge auf die prall abgebundenen Eier verabreicht werden. 
spanker_eric3 Publisher 9 months ago
to eastendboy112 : thanks!
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eastendboy112 9 months ago
Wonderful erotic story.  
spanker_eric3 Publisher 9 months ago
to brvhrt99 : thanks! Indeed a well shaped young women bent over a truss is great to contimpplate!
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brvhrt99 9 months ago
Breasts dangling down and the bit in the mouth... love it