Diana’s Tales---Colonial Home

I stood in front of the two-story colonial home feeling like I’d stepped into a time warp. It was my first time in years visiting the hometown where I grew up. Clark, my boyfriend when I was an 18-year-old high school senior, was throwing a party, and I was nervously anticipating reconnecting with many of my old high school friends.
After high school, Clark’s parents had tragically died in a car accident, and he inherited his parent’s house and ended up marrying and raising his own family in his childhood home. The house held a lot of memories for me dating back to when I used to go out with Clark. I looked up at the second story window and remembered having sex with Clark on his parent’s bed all those years ago when we were 18-year-old seniors. Hell, I remembered one time we were both so horny, we barely even made it past the front door before we tore off our clothing and were passionately making love.
My mind raced back to the last time I stepped foot inside the home. It was right after our high school graduation, and Clark threw a huge party while his parents were out of town. I was always an adventurous free spirit, and Clark and a few of his high school senior football teammates gang banged me for hours on end that night as we celebrated the end of high school life.
As I was about to ring the bell, the door opened, and a familiar face appeared in the doorway.
“Diana,” Clark beamed. He was 30 some odd years older, and his body had long since turned larger and softer. Gone was his toned football playing athletic body, and now he sported what might charitably be termed a “dad bod.”
We hugged in a warm embrace. “Thank you for inviting me over,” I said appreciatively. “It’s so good to see you. We haven’t seen each other in forever.”
“I know. You look incredible,” he commented as he eyed my body, his eyes twinkling with attraction. “When I saw that you posted on FB that you were coming to town, well, we already had this big BBQ planned, so I invited you, hoping we could catch up, and now you’re here. This is great.”
“Diana, is that you?” a shrill voice called out.
A woman stepped up to Clark and possessively wrapped her arms around him. The hint was obvious.
“Beverly, it’s nice to see you again,” I greeted Clark’s wife, hoping a dash of kindness might defrost her chilly reception. Clark dated and then eventually married Beverly, but she had always been jealous of me since I was his ex. I sighed to imagine she remained jealous 35 years later, but old habits sometimes die hard.
“Please, make yourself at home,” Clark said as he motioned for me to enter. “LeDaniel and Santiago are out on the back porch. It’ll be like old times. You remember them from high school, and – “
“Honey, can you help me check the meats and set up the margarita machine,” Beverly interruped her husband.
“Yes, dear. Diana, I’m sorry, but please make yourself at home.”
“Is there someplace out of the way I can lay down my coat?” I asked.
“Upstairs bedroom on the right. You can leave it on the bed,” Beverly offered as she grabbed her husband’s wrist and whisked him away.
“Thank you,” I politely replied.
Then I slowly made my way up the stairs. When I got to the top, there were two doors, and I couldn’t remember which door was the bedroom, so I decided to take a 50/50 shot. I opened one of the doors and gasped in shock at what I saw.
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” I apologized profusely. Nevertheless, I stood there with the door open as a naked young man faced me. He was drying himself off after a shower, but he panicked upon the interruption, and he dropped his towel to the floor and stood still as if he was frozen in place.
I was mesmerized by the sight of him, drawn in at first by the thick meaty cock standing at attention, and then my eyes drifted upward, and it was like déjà vu. I could only assume he was Clark’s son because he was the exact spitting image of his father, exactly as I remembered him when we were high school seniors all those years ago. He was 6’1” and 175 pounds of muscular youthful perfection. His body was toned and athletic, his skin soft and supple.
“I’m so sorry, I was looking for the bedroom,” I finally apologized as I stumbled away, although I snuck one last glance at the boy’s naked body as I pulled the door closed behind me.
After the door was shut, I stood up straight, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. I quickly collected myself and decided to just leave on my thin jacket rather than risk opening another door.
So, I headed back downstairs and mingled with the other guests. I saw LeDaniel and Santiago and quickly struck up a conversation. I felt awkward talking to them with their wives and families all about. Both men were close friends of Clark, but the last time I’d seen them 35 years ago, they were spit roasting me in an upstairs bedroom.
I guess people become frozen in time in your mind, and I still remembered them as wild, rambunctious teenagers, so to see them now as middle-aged responsible adults was somewhat jarring.
Nevertheless, it was good catching up with old friends, and any awkwardness quickly melted away as we recounted stories from our youth. Everyone seemed to marvel at how well I’d been able to maintain my figure, which was a nice ego boost.
A few minutes later, though, Clark’s familiar voice bellowed, “Diana, I want you to meet my son, Mitchell. He’s 18 years old and a high school senior now.”
I turned around and shared an awkward glance with the naked young man I had met a few minutes earlier, but I quickly recovered and offered my hand to him.
“It’s very nice to meet you,” I greeted him with a wink, slyly acknowledging our accidental encounter.
Mitchell just smiled shyly and generally looked all out of sorts.
His father, Clark, gave him a light slap him on the back of his head. “What’s wrong with you, boy? I raised you to be polite.”
“I’m sorry, ma’am. It’s a pleasure making your acquaintance,” Mitchell mumbled, although his eyes remained glued to the ground.
“Kids, these days,” Clark grumbled.
“It’s quite alright,” I reassured them. “I’m sure he’s got friends his own age he’d much rather converse with than a bunch of old stiffs telling war stories from decades past.”
Mitchell took the opportunity to slink away, and I returned to the conversation with my old high school friends, although I couldn’t help sneaking glances across the room to Mitchell every so often. He hung out with two other teen aged boys.
Through conversation, I learned that Santiago and LeDaniel also had boys that were 18-year-old high school seniors named Diego and Brandon. All three teens were starters on the local high school football team. While Mitchell was the star quarterback, the other two were his top wide receivers, and they were the other two boys that Mitchell was hanging out with.
“They’re all chips off the old block,” LeDaniel commented.
“I can see that,” I replied as I looked back over to the group of high school boys. I couldn’t help noticing how much each resembled their father. “It’s almost like déjà vu,” I marveled under my breath.
All three young men bore striking resemblances to their fathers when they were the same age. Brandon was tall, maybe 6’3” 180 pounds, and he was the same black skin tone as his father with a similar athletic build and hair cut razor short. Similarly, Diego was a strong 5’10” 160 pounds. Just like his father, Santiago, his skin and facial features reflected his Mexican heritage, and his hair was slicked back just like how his father wore his hair at the same age.
“It’s funny how life comes full circle,” Clark remarked. “35 years ago, that was us off in a corner, hanging out at my parent’s parties while all the old folks chattered away. And now we’re the old folks.”
“Speak for yourself,” I joked. “Speak for yourself.”


The next day, I spent a quiet morning with my aunt, but I grew restless after lunch and decided to get out of the house in the afternoon. I stopped by my old favorite coffeeshop for a shot of adrenaline and saw a familiar face manning the register.
I remembered how awkwardly Mitchell had reacted when I saw him naked yesterday. At first, I thought I should leave before he saw me, but I quickly changed my mind. After years of being a guidance counselor, I was an expert on conflict resolution, and I wasn’t afraid of confrontation. I knew the best way to deal with any problem was head-on, so I quickly decided to confront our awkward encounter from yesterday and clear the air between us.
“Fancy meeting you again,” I said in my most charming tone before proceeding to give him my order.
Mitchell looked stunned at first, almost mortified, as I stepped to the front of the line, but my friendliness appeared to quickly disarm him, and he gave me a sheepish smile in response as his eyes pointed down and input my order.
After I received my drink, I took a seat at a small table in a corner of the café.
A few minutes later, Mitchell approached me as I sat checking messages on my phone.
“Excuse me, do you mind if I join you?” he asked meekly.
I looked up at him with a pleased expression. “Of course, please, have a seat, but aren’t you supposed to be working?”
“It’s okay, I’m on a break,” he replied.
“I should apologize,” I started as Mitchell took a seat. “Look, we obviously got off on the wrong foot yesterday, and I was hoping we could clear the air. I mean, that first encounter yesterday between us, that was a little awkward.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry. Look, I wasn’t trying to flash you, I mean, I’d just showered and was getting dressed and then - ”
“Oh, you have nothing to apologize for,” I insisted. “I barged right on in and intruded on you, although next time maybe you should lock the door.”
“I froze,” he explained. “It’s like I couldn’t move. I should’ve covered up.”
“I’m sorry I stared,” I admitted.
“That’s okay. I mean, I wasn’t offended. I was afraid I’d offended you.”
I chuckled. “Can we just agree to put it behind us and start over again?”
Mitchell nodded his head and then stuck his hand forward. “I’m Mitchell. It’s nice to meet you, ma’am.”
“Ma’am? That makes me sound so old. Please, call me Diana,” I said as we shook hands.
Mitchell’s phone was on the table, and it kept buzzing with incoming texts, but he ignored it.
“It seems someone’s really trying to get in contact with you. You girlfriend?” I inquired as I eyed his phone buzzing away.
“Oh, I don’t have a girlfriend. It’s nothing.”
“Are you sure about that?” I insisted.
“It’s silly. Just stupid teenage stuff.”
“Believe it or not, I was a teenager once,” I reminded him. “Plus, I was a school guidance counselor for years. I’ve heard it all, so you can’t surprise me. Why don’t you amuse an old woman?” I said with a wink.
Mitchell looked unsure as he eyed me skeptically, but then his face softened.
“Don’t look directly, but do you see the guys working in the back?” he asked.
I snuck a glance behind the service counter without turning my head and recognized Mitchell’s friends who were at the party yesterday, Santiago and LeDaniel’s sons.
“I see,” I said, deflated. “Your friends are teasing you for conversing with an old woman.”
Mitchell took a deep breath before answering. “Actually, it’s quite the opposite,” he stammered.
I eyed him curiously. “Do tell.”
“They all thought you were a hot cougar,” Mitchell reluctantly admitted.
My eyebrows raised. “Oh, I see.”
“There was actually a silly bet we were talking amongst us to bed you,” Mitchell remarked, his voice barely above a whisper.
I maintained my composure, although this revelation had my heart racing. “And what was the prize?” I asked out of curiosity.
“Nothing really. Just bragging rights. See, I told you it was just silly teenage stuff. I mean, you’re a married woman, right?”
I looked down at the ring on my finger and then back up to Mitchell “I have to admit I stared because I was struck by how much you look like your father. It was like déjà vu. It really brought me back almost 35 years.”
“I thought you might’ve been offended,” he said, surprised by my reaction.
“Quite the opposite. I shouldn’t tell you this, but you reminded me of your father in more ways than one,” I explained as my eyes veered down to Mitchell’s crotch.
My small action seemed to set him at ease, and he laughed at my innuendo.
“I thought all my parents’ friends were old and stuffy, but you’re still kind of cool,” he remarked as he seemingly breathed a sigh of relief.
“Only kind of cool,” I teased him.
“I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just, you used to go out with my dad, didn’t you?”
“You’re reminding me how old I am again,” I lamented. “That was 35 years ago now. That’s almost twice your age, even.”
“I mean, my dad and his friends, they all look older with beer bellies and all,” Mitchell explained. “You’re still really fit. I can’t believe you’re my dad’s age. I’d guess you were 10-15 years younger. That’s why you had us all talking yesterday.”
“Nice recovery,” I teased him again. “I do appreciate the compliment, though. Flattery will get you far in life,” I laughed. “I try to stay in shape. I work out regularly and watch what I eat. You have to as you age, and your metabolism slows down. So, tell me, why did you come over to my table?”
Mitchell froze like a deer in headlights. “I – I – I,” he stuttered.
“Were you still hoping to win that bet?” I asked with a twinkle in my eye.
Mitchell looked at me in confusion, clearly unsure if I was joking around. “I think my break is about over. I should be getting back to work,” he replied nervously.
I reached across the table and picked up his phone. I held it up in front of his face to trigger the facial recognition. The device unlocked, and then I proceeded to send myself a text from his phone.
“There, now you have my number. Look, I’m in town another day or so, and I don’t have any plans. If you’re interested, hit me up. Maybe you can still win that bet,” I said with a wink.
Mitchell’s face broke into a wide triumphant grin as he jumped up. He nodded his head and then practically leapt back behind the counter to resume taking orders.
I smiled, proud that I could still have such an effect on teenaged boys. I finished up my drink and then casually sashayed out of the café with an extra hop in my step. I returned to my car, curious if Mitchell would actually reach out to me or if I had just embarrassed myself by putting myself out there like that.


“What’s that buzzing?” my aunt complained.
“It’s just my cell phone. Someone is texting me,” I explained.
“Doesn’t anyone use the phone to make calls anymore,” she ranted. “They call it a phone, but I don’t see anyone actually talking to anyone else. All people do is text and play games anymore on their so-called phones.”
I ignored my aunt’s diatribe and picked up my phone to look at my messages. I figured my husband was texting to check in on me, but I was pleasantly surprised to see a text from Mitchell, and my heart fluttered.
Mitchell: Were u joking about letting me win the bet?
I collected myself. A small voice in the back of my head told me to just ignore him, and honestly, I had every reason in the world to do so. I was a married woman, after all. And he was only 18. And the son of my former lover.
Then again, none of that had ever stopped me before. I’m a lustful woman, and my husband had long since proven incapable of fulfilling my sexual appetite. So, I had long since engaged in a series of affairs, often with younger men, and now another opportunity presented itself, and I didn’t hesitate to answer the call.
Diana: There’s only one way to find out.
Mitchell: You’re not going to tell my dad about this, will u?
I smiled. As much as he wanted to sleep with me for bragging rights, he was seemingly just as worried as me to keep it a secret from his father, Clark.
Diana: I won’t tell if you won’t tell.
Mitchell: I get off work in a half hour. My parents left town this morning. It’s their anniversary tomorrow, and they’re at a bed and breakfast out of town. They won’t be back for a few nights.
Diana: So, you’re the only one at home?
Mitchell: Yes. Meet me at 3 pm.
Diana: Ok.
“Oh Auntie,” I called out as I set my phone back down. “I think I’m going to go out for a bit and meet with a friend.”
“It’s nice knowing you’re all settled down now and married,” my aunt commented. “I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but we used to worry about you when you were a teenager. We were always worried that you were trying to sneak out to meet up with boys. It seemed you were always gallivanting around doing God knows what. Anyway, have fun, dear.”
I tried not to blush, but I couldn’t bear to tell my 80-year-old aunt that old habits die hard.


I parked a block away from Mitchell’s house. I wondered if maybe I shouldn’t have rented a motel room for our illicit encounter, although I didn’t want a motel room charge appearing on a credit card statement for my husband to question.
I nervously looked around, but the street appeared to be empty. I decided the worst thing I could do was to look nervous and draw attention to myself, so the best thing I could do was calmly and casually approach the house.
A minute later I was standing before the front door and ringing the bell. I had dressed nicely, not wanting to parade through the neighborhood looking like a tramp. That said, I was fully aware that I was an older woman, a cougar on the prowl, so I decided to play up my age and go for a sophistication that I hoped Mitchell wasn’t used to with the high school girls.
I wore a black pencil skirt that hugged my curves and stopped an inch above my knees. I paired it with black nylons and three-inch heels that nicely accentuated my toned calves. On top, I wore a peach blouse, although I decided not to wear a bra underneath. The blouse was a size too small, and it wrapped tightly against my C cup breasts.
From a distance, I imagined I looked like a perfectly respectable middle-aged woman, albeit, one who was dressed sharply. When Mitchell opened the door and got a view of me up close, however, he saw the outline of my nipples pressing through the thin blouse fabric and the cleavage showing behind the extra button I left undone.
“Are you going to invite me inside?” I said with an eager, seductive smile.
Mitchell was speechless as he stepped aside to let me in. His eyes followed me as I entered his house, and then the door clicked as he closed it behind me. The house had been so loud and lively the day before during the party, but now it was filled with an almost eerie silence.
I turned around, and Mitchell looked nervous, so I decided that I needed to try to set him at ease.
“There’s no one else here, right?” I asked.
“It’s just us,” he assured me.
“Good,” I said with a twinkle in my eye.
He gasped as I lowered myself down on my knees before him as he stood with his back against the front door.
“Is it really true what you told me earlier?” I asked as I stared intently at the bulge in his pants.
“Is what true?” he replied.
“That you young men at the party yesterday had a challenge, a bet to see who could bed me?”
My hands reached up to his pants and undid his belt. He was dressed only in jeans and a tee shirt, and I pulled the belt off his jeans in one swift motion and tossed it aside.
“Yeah, we all thought… I mean, you’re a total milf,” he responded awkwardly.
I stood up to look him directly in the face while my hand reached out and cupped his crotch. I smiled slyly. “Do you think that’s any way to talk about your father’s friends?”
His cock pulsed in my hands and grew hard.
“You’re such a sexy woman,” he muttered.
“I graduated high school with your parents,” I reminded him. “I’m literally old enough to be your mother. In fact, I’m the same age as her.”
“You’re nothing like my mom.”
“I don’t know about that,” I pointed out. “I mean, your father has fucked her. And he’s fucked me. We at least have that in common. And now, it seems you want to fuck me, as well.”
Mitchell’s body was practically shaking in my arms. I knelt down again as I unsnapped his jeans and lowered his zipper. He wore red briefs, and I pulled his jeans down, his cock thumping against his underwear as I placed my hand on it and massaged his bulge.
“Tell me, do you have a thing for older women?” I continued.
“I have a thing for you.”
“Have you ever been with an older woman?” I asked as my fingers slipped inside the waistband and lowered his underwear to his ankles.
His cock fell out, but instantly bounced back up, almost like a spring. He was hard and thick, just like his father all those years ago. I remembered giving his father, Clark, a blowjob in the exact same place Mitchell now stood with his back against the front door of the house while his parents were out of town.
Mitchell closed his eyes and exhaled deeply as I opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around his cock. I slid down, taking in the full 7 inches of his hard cock into my mouth. His member was still warm from being enveloped in his underwear as my tongue tasted his manhood.
“I slept with a college freshman last month,” he answered. “But she was only 19. She wasn’t a woman like you.”
I pulled my mouth off him and began to stroke him with my hand. “Do you think you’re man enough for me?”
“I’d love to find out,” he confessed.
I laughed. “I bet you would. Do you want to undress me?”
I stood back up, although I kept my hand on his cock as I kept stroking him.
His hands reached for my blouse, his fingers shaking as he began to undo my buttons.
“This is like opening the best Christmas present ever,” he observed as he pulled back my blouse and my tits came into view.
“Do you like them?” I asked as I shook my chest and let them jiggle a little. “You don’t think they sag too much, do you?”
His eyes were glued to my breasts. “They’re perfect.”
“Do you want to undress the rest of me?” I offered.
His cock was ready to explode, and I pulled my hand off him, wanting him to save his load for my pussy.
Mitchell’s hands reached around my waist. He was so nervous, he fumbled with the zipper on the back of my skirt, but he eventually worked it down, and then I shimmied my hips until the skirt dropped to my ankles before I stepped out of it and kicked it aside.
I was left standing in front of him wearing only a black thong, black thigh high nylons, and my high heels.
“I take it you like what you see,” I commented as his eyes nearly popped out of his head.
He leaned his head down and clamped his mouth on my breasts as his hands reached around and cupped my ass, and I gasped.
The next thing I knew, my body was lowered down onto the floor. His strong arms guided me down until I was lying on my back on the carpet in the entryway. I still hadn’t made it more than 3 feet inside his house, and I was already naked with Mitchell lying on top of me.
His mouth came off my tit, and he gazed into my eyes before leaning over to kiss me. My hands lifted his shirt up as he broke the kiss just long enough for me to pull it over his head and toss it to the side.
Then my hands ran over the curves in his back. Across his strong chest. Down his toned biceps and forearms.
“Looks like you’ve been hitting the weight room,” I commented as ran my hands over his wide shoulders.
“Got to be ready for football season,” he replied smoothly as his hands fondled my tits.
My legs wrapped around his body as my hands moved down and felt his firm ass. His whole body was lean and taut, his muscles hard and defined.
My panties were moist as his manhood pressed against me. I squeezed my legs tight and pulled his body into mine as we started making out again.
Then Mitchell pushed himself back and then stood up on his knees in front of me as I laid on the floor. I spread my legs wide, basically inviting him to mount me.
He smiled as he looked down and took in the sight of my naked body while I fondled my own tits.
“You’ve got a horny woman in front of you. What are you going to do?” I dared him.
He didn’t answer me, but his hands reached down and pulled my thong to the side. His other hand grabbed his cock, and then guided himself into my pussy. The tip of his cock pressed against my slit, teasing me mercilessly.
“Don’t make me beg,” I pleaded.
“I kind of want to hear you beg for it,” he decided, as he grew more confident by the minute.
I spread my legs even wider until I was practically doing the splits in front of him.
“I want to feel you inside me,” I pleaded.
He smiled smugly, and then he pushed the tip of his cock into me.
“Like this?” he asked.
I was so overwhelmed with arousal, just feeling the tip of his cock enter me already had me on edge. I was putty in his hands.
“I want you inside me. All of you,” I answered.
Mitchell thrusted forward, and his cock easily slid in with no resistance, fully penetrating my moist cunt. It was almost as if he pushed the air out of my lungs as he left himself impaled in me. His balls pressed against my taint, and I wrapped my legs back around my young lover.
“Looks like I’m not the only one who works out,” he commented as his hands ran over my toned calves and thighs and then cupped my firm ass.
Now it was my turn to smile smugly. “I have to be in good shape to keep up with the local high school football team quarterback.”
“That sounds like a challenge,” Mitchell smiled back at me with a determined look on his face.
And then he started fucking me with reckless abandon.
“You asked me if I’d ever been with an older woman,” he remarked. “I should ask you if you’re always a cheating cougar wife, always seeking out younger men.”
“Guilty as charged,” I sighed as I thought about some of the other young lovers I’d taken on in recent months.
And then he slammed his cock balls deep back inside me, and it jolted me back into the present. I looked up into Mitchell’s face as he loomed over me, his strong muscular body the perfect embodiment of youthful vigor.
I looked down and saw his cock pumping in and out of me, and shivers went up and down my spine. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close so we could kiss as his cock continued pounding into me. My breasts pressed against his chest as my breath grew heavy, my soft fleshy mounds in stark contrast to his hard firm pecs.
My mind drifted back to all those years ago when his father had fucked me the exact same way, in almost the exact same spot, and it sent me into overload. My body started spasming.
“Fuck, are you cumming already?” Mitchell asked in disbelief.
I could only reply in deep moans. My arousal was overwhelming, but he kept fucking me the whole time while I climaxed. My fingernails dug into the skin on his back, and my nylon clad legs wrapped even tighter around him, wanting to pull him deeper and deeper inside me.
And then my moans turned to helpless shrieks as I surrendered to my desires. My body convulsed, but somehow it felt like only the first of many orgasms to come.
And then Mitchell pulled out of me, and I whimpered in complaint as my pussy suddenly felt empty without him inside me.
“What’s wrong? Did you cum?” I asked, flummoxed as to why he stopped.
He shook his head no as his strong hands reached for my hips and rolled me over on my stomach. Then he pulled me up onto all fours and positioned himself behind me.
“I don’t do anal,” I cautioned him.
“So, you do have standards,” he laughed.
“Not many,” I admitted.
“That’s okay. I just want to tear that pussy up.”
His words made me shudder in pleasure. The tip of his cock lined up again with my slit, and I closed my eyes in anticipation. And then he plunged back into me, instantly delivering me back into a euphoric state.
“God, we all fantasized about you when we saw you yesterday, but I never imagined you were such a hot slut in real life.”
“I’m glad I walked in on you naked yesterday,” I remarked.
“You’re getting off on fucking your old boyfriend’s son, aren’t you?” he wondered aloud as he sank his cock balls deep back into me.
“Fuck you,” I spat back.
Mitchell just laughed. “I love that dirty mouth of yours. I can see why my dad went out with you. You’re a fun fuck. I can only imagine how wild you were back in high school.”
“God help me, I love it,” I sighed.
“So do I,” he agreed as he slammed his cock back in me. His body pounded into me, our bodies loudly slapping together with each deep thrust.
My titties were swinging back and forth in the air as he fucked me doggystyle, my body pushing forward with every hard push Mitchell drove into me. He kept his hands on my hips, and he’d corral me back in, just for him to plunge himself back into me all over again.
My pussy was dripping wet. He was giving me a workout, and my back was becoming slick with sweat, my hair turning wet and stringy.
And then he slapped my ass, and I let out a shriek. Of pain. Of pleasure.
I was supposed to be a sophisticated, mature married woman. A respectable pillar of the community who had married well and settled into a nice comfortable life. I had returned to my hometown to catch up with old friends and family. And yet, there I was, naked and on my hands and knees while the 18-year-old son of my high school ex-boyfriend was fucking me like a whore.
And I loved every second of it.
Mitchell slapped my ass again, and I cried out. I felt my arousal cresting again. My body began shaking. My arms grew weak, and my head and chest crumpled to the floor, even as my ass remained in the air as he relentlessly pounded my pussy.
“Do you want me to cum inside you?” Mitchell queried.
How considerate of him to ask, I thought, although I decided to make the decision for him.
The blood rushed to my pussy as his balls rubbed against my clit with each thrust. My clit was swollen, aroused, and sensitive to the slightest touch. I closed my eyes as another orgasm consumed me. Sparks went off, and my body was like a livewire, crackling with energy flaring. I was energized, brought to life as I moaned out my pleasure.
I squeezed my pussy around his cock, my years of kegel exercises and strengthening my pelvic floor paying off in moments like this.
“What the fuck?” Mitchell moaned, clearly surprised by my tightened grip.
My pussy wrapped around him tightly and practically milked him, forcing him to cum as he began ejaculating inside me, his warm thick seed filling my pussy.
He finally slowed his phallic assault on my body, and we both remained still as he grunted out every last drop of cum and deposited a full load deep inside me.
We were both exhausted but exhilarated. He fell onto his back as his softened cock slipped out of me.
Meanwhile, I fell over, rolling onto my side and ended up lying next to him on the carpeted floor. I gathered my strength as rolled my face over on top of him to clean off his cock as his cum began to leak out of me.
As I tasted the mixture of my juices and his cum on his softened cock, I glanced over and saw the wet spot mixed with a few drops of cum on the carpet below where we had fucked. I was pleasantly surprised to feel his cock hardening again in my mouth as I enjoyed the taste of his ejaculate on my tongue.
Mitchell lovingly ran his fingers through my hair and over my shoulders as we just lay on the floor while I slowly sucked him off.
“So, was it everything you imagined?” I asked him as I let him fall out of my mouth.
“The guys are never going to believe me when I tell them about this,” he said as he shook his head in disbelief. And then he caught himself. “I mean, if you’re okay with me telling them about it.”
“You must really want those bragging rights,” I teased him.
“Trust me. Fucking you is worth bragging about.”
“Really?” I asked him. “You want to brag about bedding a 53-year-old woman? Besides, what if they don’t believe you?”
“I wish they could see us right now,” he sighed wistfully.
“Hmm,” I pondered.
“What are you - wait – you’re not – “ Mitchell stuttered, stumbling over his words.
“Do you want to hear a story?” I asked him.
Mitchell laughed. “You ask like it’s a question, but I think you’re going to tell me regardless.”
I laughed along with him. “You’re probably right. So, you know that I used to go out with your father.”
“Yeah, I know. But why did you two break up, anyway? If I had a girlfriend that was a sex fiend like you, I’d never let you go.”
Now it was my turn to sigh wistfully. “I went away for college, and long-distance relationships are just hard. Especially when you have my sex drive,” I replied as I shrugged my shoulders. “Anyway, we both knew it would be over after high school graduation, and Clark knew how I could never have enough sex. So, he arranged to have his buddies fuck me in a gangbang as a kind of end of year celebration.”
“Are you fucking serious?” Mitchell yelled out incredulously as he sat back straight up.
“That party yesterday was jarring for several reasons,” I continued. “One, it felt like I fucked half the guys who were at the party back in high school, and it was strange seeing them older now with wives and kids and looking all respectable. The last time I saw them, we were all just horny teens. And two, it was strange to learn afterward that the guys who gangbanged me seemingly all had sons who wanted to bed me, as well.”
“Wait, you slept with Brandon’s dad and Diego’s dad, too?”
I nodded my head slowly. “It was quite the memorable graduation party.”
“I could see my mom was jealous of you and possessive of dad yesterday.” Mitchell recounted.
I laughed. “I noticed it, too. I can’t imagine what she’d say if she knew that I slept with her son instead.”
“I won’t tell if you won’t tell,” he quipped.
“Deal,” I agreed.
A few seconds of silence passed before Mitchell spoke again. “This is unbelievable,” he mused.
“I find it hard to believe I’m sitting here myself,” I confessed. “I’m feeling nostalgic, though. I’ve seemingly been reliving my past a lot this weekend. Now do you think your friends would want to help me relive my high school graduation weekend?”
“You mean the gangbang?” Mitchell said in disbelief.
I took a deep breath. “You only live once,” I reasoned. “Do you think they’d be interested in indulging an old woman to relive her fantasies. On the plus side, it would also give you all the proof you need for your precious ‘bragging rights’,” I said with air quotes.
The next thing I knew, Mitchell reached for his pants a few feet away and pulled his phone out of his pocket.
Then he looked up at me and smiled with a goofy grin. “They’ll think I’m shitting them,” he remarked as he started typing a text message.
A few minutes passed as he furiously exchanged text messages with his two friends.
“How much did you tell them?” I asked after he finally put the phone down.
“Only that I’ve got something they need to see to believe. I promised them it’d be worth their while.”
“So did they respond?” I asked cautiously.
“They’ll be here in ten minutes. They said I’d better not be lying to them.”
“Well, then I’d better get myself ready,” I said as I began steeling myself for the coming orgy. “After all, I need to make it worth their while, right?”
Mitchell just grinned cheekily.


The doorbell rang. Mitchell answered the door, and Diego and Brandon were impatiently waiting outside.
“What the hell, Mitch?” Diego complained. “What’s so desperate that it couldn’t wait, and we had to rush over here?”
As Mitchell’s two friends walked into the house, I stepped out from behind the opened front door and closed it behind them.
They turned around, and their jaws dropped to the floor as they saw my naked body standing in front of them, dressed in nothing but black thigh high stockings and high heels. I had stripped off my cum soaked thong panties before they arrived since my thong was soaked through as gobs of Mitchell’s cum ****** out of my pussy and weighed down the fabric.
Their faces quickly registered my identity. “No fucking way,” they replied in unison.
And then they turned to look at Mitchell. “Dude, you actually – is this for real?” Brandon asked.
“Why don’t you ask the lady?” Mitchell confidently answered. “But I do believe I won our bet.”
“You were first,” I confirmed, “but you two can win the bet too, if you’d like.”
Diego and Brandon hungrily licked their lips as they looked over my naked body. They looked back to Mitchell for a second, as if to verify it wasn’t all somehow a joke, and then both men reached out to my body.
Diego stepped around me and began fondling my tits from behind while Brandon slowly stroked his fingers along the length of my slit while he stood in front of me and watched the reaction on my face.
Their fingers sent sparks off in me, and I leaned back into Diego’s body. I smiled at Brandon in front of me as I sighed, my pussy already aroused and moist as he slipped a finger inside me.
“So how is this going to work?” Diego asked.
“There’s plenty of me to go around,” I informed them as I collected myself and then pushed their hands away and stepped past them. “How about we make our way upstairs?” I proposed.
“You’re sure your parents aren’t coming back,” Brandon asked cautiously.
“They’re booked at the Crystal River Bed and Breakfast for the next two nights. They’re hours away,” Mitchell insisted.
“What’s in it for you?” Diego asked me skeptically.
“Isn’t it obvious? What do you mean?” I replied.
“I mean, when something seems too good to be true, it usually is. I’m just trying to figure out what’s the catch,” he explained.
I sighed, blowing aside the stray strands of hair from my face.
“Alright, here’s the deal. You’ve got a horny woman willing to let you three young men use my body pretty much any way you want. I may be old, but I still remember how young teen aged boys are, and I’m willing to bet you can’t pass up on my offer.”
They all nodded their heads in the affirmative.
“But what’s the catch,” Diego asked again.
“Now I’m sure you can appreciate that all I ask for is a little discretion,” I continued. “I don’t want word of whatever happens here this afternoon to get out, but I’m willing to bet you feel the same, so let’s say we keep this all between us. After all, I’m a married woman, and you guys probably don’t want to have to explain to your parents why you slept with one of their old classmates.”
The three young men all nodded their heads in understanding again, although Diego looked at me, his eyes repeating his question again without saying a word.
“I’ve already told this to Mitchell, but you two deserve to know, as well,” I confessed. “You asked what’s in for me. I might’ve thought that the opportunity for me, a 53 year old woman, to enjoy three strapping your men such as yourselves should be enough incentive, but there is something else.”
“I knew it, there’s a catch,” Diego triumphantly declared.
“Let’s just say I’m a sentimental old woman,” I said, choosing my words carefully now. “I remember my own high school graduation all those years ago. I remember being in this house after graduation when I celebrated the end of high school with a bang by, ahem, letting Clark, LeDaniel, and Santiago gangbang me.”
“But that’s my dad,” Diego cried out in disbelief.
“Mine, too,” Brandon added.
I took a deep breath before continuing. “So, If you’re up for it, maybe you boys could help me take a walk down memory lane.”
“Is this for real?” Brandon asked as he turned to Mitchell.
“It’s as real as it gets,” he insisted. “And just so you know, I’ve already won our bet, so you guys are getting sloppy seconds.”
Brandon and Diego looked hurt for a second, but the longer they looked over my naked body, the more the lust overcame them.
“Alright. I’ve never been with an older woman. I’m game to see what it’s like.” Brandon decided.
“Me, too,” Diego concurred. “I mean, I’ve got to know if you’re half as freaky as you talk.”
“That sounds like a challenge,” I pointed out.
“You’ve got some young bucks raring to go, Diego concluded. “Now I’m tired of all this talk. Let’s see if you can ride.”


We quickly made our way upstairs to the guest bedroom at Mitchell’s house. I crawled up on the queen size bed toward the headboard where Diego waited. He was naked and sitting with his back against the headboard, slowly pumping his cock. His manhood was meaty and thick, and I licked my lips in anticipation as I drew close to him.
As I reached him, he let go of his semi-flaccid manhood, and my fingers wrapped around it instead. For a brief second I looked up into his face before I looked back down and wrapped my lips around his cock. My tongue lavished over his member, and I tasted his precum as another pair of hands reached for my waist from behind.
Mitchell was watching from the side, so I knew it was Brandon positioned behind me, and I shivered in excitement as I realized I was about to be double teamed.
Diego was of Mexican descent, and Brandon was African American, and the interracial aspect to my gangbang gave me an extra jolt of excitement, just like it did when their fathers gangbanged me 35 years before.
Brandon’s fingers ran along the length of my wet slit, and the sensation almost took my breath away. Meanwhile, Diego’s cock grew in my mouth as he fully hardened. I struggled to take him all in while my hand fondled his testicles. His balls were full, and I couldn’t help wondering how much cum they held.
And then the tip of Brandon’s cock tapped against my slit, and I sighed loudly.
“Oh, she likes that,” Brandon commented.
“She gives good head, too,” Diego added as I continued bobbing up and down on his member.
“This bitch is so wet, so ready to be fucked,” Brandon said.
“Then give it to her,” Mitchell chimed in.
And then Brandon plunged his seven inches of cock into the depths of my pussy. I stopped moving my head up and down on Diego for a second as I just enjoyed the feel of a hard cock inside me again. I realized how right Mitchell was earlier when he said I was insatiable.
There was something about being spit roasted that I loved. I loved having one cock in my mouth and one in my pussy, and, even better, I loved knowing that a 53 year old woman could still turn on these hot 18 year old high school studs.
For a brief second, my mind drifted back to my senior year of high school when it was their fathers, Santiago and LeDaniel, doing the exact same thing to me. It was in the same room, although the furnishing and décor had since been updated to reflect modern sensibilities. The afternoon sun, however, even shone through the window the same way.
And then Brandon started fucking me, his cock plumbing my pussy with deep, hard thrusts. Each thrust pushed my whole body forward before his strong hands pulled my body back onto him, and I used that momentum to move up and down on Diego’s shaft.
All the while, I kept my lips wrapped tightly around Diego’s member. My tongue worked over the head of his cock, taking in the drops of precum as they ****** out. His hand reached down and ran through my hair as his body relaxed, and he moaned out in response.
“Her pussy’s still pretty tight,” Brandon crudely commented. “An old slut like this, I thought she might’ve been stretched out with all the dick she’s probably taken in her life.”
“She’s got a talented mouth, too,” Diego attested.
As lewd as their assessments of me were, I took perverse pride in knowing this old gal could still satisfy those young studs. As much as I enjoyed having a hard cock fill my mouth, Brandon’s cock was hitting against my g spot, and his balls swung against my clit every time he was fully impaled on me, and the combination was sending my arousal into overload.
I kept my lips wrapped tightly around Diego’s shaft, but I found myself becoming distracted by my arousal. My breathing grew heavy, and the bliss was spreading through my body. My pussy was screaming in pleasure as I tried to spread my legs a little wider, hoping that Brandon might be able to impale himself even deeper in me.
The fact that both men currently fucking me were darker skinned only added fuel to the flames of my desire. I loved interracial sex, and I found the contrast in skin tone between their darker colors to my lily white visually appealing.
I remembered growing up how much more taboo interracial relationships seemed. Even though interracial relationships are almost commonplace now, back then it seemed like an unwritten rule that you kept to your own kind. Whether you were white, black, Latino, or asian, you were expected to date someone in your community, but I never subscribed to that belief.
Not that I saw myself as a trailblazer or anything, but I always found variety to be the spice of life, so I’ve always regularly taken on sex partners of every skin color. A good hard cock has the same effect on my pussy and can make me climax, regardless if it’s black, white, or brown.
And Brandon’s cock was definitely delivering me to the promised land at that moment. My pussy tingled in excitement. My mind became clouded, my thoughts overtaken by my arousal. I almost choked on Diego’s cock as my concentration drifted, although I tried to focus, determined to bring Diego to orgasm, as well.
My tits were swinging wildly as Brandon fucked me with reckless abandon, his body ramming into mine as skin slapped against skin, the hard, taut muscles of his thighs driving his cock ever deeper into me.
Mitchell came over and fondled my swinging tits and then ran his fingers down the length of my back, and that extra touch pushed me over the edge. I was delirious. My spine tingled as Mitchell’s fingertips traced along the curve of my spine. I was overcome with emotion, and I shrieked out in pleasure, hoping to dear God that all the windows on the house were closed because I was screaming loud enough to wake the dead as that old familiar feeling of an orgasm overtook me.
I climaxed on Brandon’s cock as he continued plowing my pussy, and I grunted out in pleasure. I savored the energy wave spreading through my body, my muscles spasmed, and I began shaking uncontrollably, almost in cold sweats, and I loved every second of it.
I was trying to catch my breath when the first shot of cum shot out of Diego’s cock, his warm thick cum coating the upper side of my mouth. I kept my lips sealed tightly around his shaft but almost gagged as he kept shooting stream after stream of cum and filling up my mouth until it was nearly leaking past my lips, but I took his load like the good slut that I am.
The sight of watching me climax must’ve been too much for Brandon, because then he impaled himself balls deep in me as he released his load into the depths of my pussy. He let out a mighty roar as my love canal flooded over with his seed, his cum spreading throughout and filling my pussy.
I held myself still and just enjoyed the feel of all that cock and cum in my mouth and pussy all at the same time. Then I looked up into Diego’s face as I slowly slid my lips off his cock, careful to keep all his cum in my mouth. And then I swallowed his load clean and opened my mouth to show him I had ingested his whole load in one shot, and he just laughed.
And then I finally looked back at Brandon. His giant black horse cock was still hard and sticking out of my pussy, and we both just laughed at the absurdity of it all. As I finally felt him begin to soften, I slid forward and rolled over so that I ended up sitting next to Diego with my back against the headboard.
I looked down to the sight of my swollen and soaked well-fucked pussy, and a glob of cum dripped out of me onto the pillow I was sitting on.
“You may need to clean the sheets before your parents come back,” I warned Mitchell.
“Clean the sheets?” Diego said incredulously. “This whole damn house reeks of sex after all that. You may need to bleach the whole place like a crime scene.”
“Not so fast,” Mitchell countered. “I mean. Why in such a rush? I’ve got all day to clean up tomorrow before my parents come back. Till then, you know…. Maybe we can run it back.”
“Are you up for a second round?” Brandon asked as he looked at me.
“Technically, this would be her third round,” Mitchell pointed out.
“If you guys are up for it, then so am I,” I answered, throwing the ball back in their court. I was still on a high after my climax, and I was ready to keep the party going.
“Fuck, that sounds like a challenge, boys. How many times did our fathers fuck you in that gangbang back in the day?” Diego asked.
“I lost count,” I admitted.
“Well then, we at least need to keep going until you lose count then,” Diego concluded. “After all, you said you wanted to relive your high school experience. If you’re going to relive it, then you might as well do it right.”
I grinned. “Alright. Let’s see what you boys got,” I challenged them.


The rest of the afternoon, all three young men took turns on me in every conceivable combination.
Oh, the wonders of youth. Mitchell was fully recovered, and they each took turns recovering while the other two invariably drove me to another orgasm. They loved spitroasting me. I laid on my back while Mitchell fucked my pussy and Brandon stuffed my mouth full of cock. Diego and Brandon reversed positions next time they fucked me on all fours. Diego sat on the bed with his back propped up against the headboard while I sat on his lap, bouncing up and down on his cock while Mitchell stood on the bed next to us, and he fucked my face.
True to their promise, I lost count on how many times I climaxed as the afternoon turned to evening. I was a wanton sex slut, and the boys delighted cumming in and on me however they wanted. They ejaculated on my tits, on my face, and on my ass, and then playfully spread their semen all over my body, coating me in their seed. I had so much semen on my face, it’s like I was wearing a cum mask after a while. As their jizz dried up, it became crusty on my skin, but they kept fucking me until we all had our fill of sex.
By the end of the night, everyone was thoroughly worn out, and I had basically milked them all dry, having drained every last ounce of cum from their bodies. My pussy ****** out their cum, and my tongue and teeth were stained with cum, as well.
As they sat in on the floor in a row with their backs against the bed, I individually cleaned off each of their cocks one final time. I tasted my juices on them mixed in with their cum, and I savored the taste on my tongue and took note of the subtle differences between the three of them in the color of their skin and the taste in their cum. They were the same but different at the same time.
While I lovingly sucked on their flaccid cocks, they ran their hands over my body, not so much in lust, but more sensually. While I cleaned them off, they started waxing poetic.
“I’ve always known my dad as this upright, tough, son of a bitch father,” Brandon commented. “I never imagined him taking part in a gangbang.”
“Same here,” Diego agreed. “My dad is all religious now, telling his kids to save yourself for marriage. It’s strange to think he was ever anything different.”
“I guess the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree there,” Brandon pointed out.
Diego laughed. “My sisters are saving themselves for marriage, but they don’t know what they’re missing out on.”
“I knew my father used to date you,” Mitchell said to me. “He would kind of talk fondly about you, but my mom always stared daggers at him any time your name was mentioned, so I knew she was jealous of you for some reason.”
“She knew Diana had some magic pussy,” Brandon laughed.
As I finished cleaning off Mitchell, I sat up with my back against the wall as I faced my three young lovers. I looked down at my cum covered body with their semen leaking out of my pussy and the taste of their manhood still fresh on my tongue. I looked like a mess, but I carried and wore their cum almost like a badge of honor.
“Let that be a lesson to you all,” I finally spoke.
“A lesson? Was this some kind of class I wasn’t aware of?” Brandon asked.
“Hard as it may be to believe, your parents were once young, and I can promise you they were every bit as wild and unruly as all of you are now.”
“I guess you have a point,” Mitchell conceded.
“Hey, any time you want to give us another lesson, I’m here for it,” Diego added.
I laughed and threw my head back as I closed my eyes and just savored the moment. “Thank you, boys,” I said softly after moment of silence.
“Thank you for what?” Mitchell asked.
“For making an old woman feel young again,” I smiled.


“Well, you’ve been gone quite a while. If I didn’t know better, I might’ve thought you went out to meet with a boy,” my aunt commented when I finally returned to her house for the night.
“Don’t be silly, auntie,” I answered. “I’m a married woman. All my old high school friends are married with families now. Besides, I was just with a group of friends, but it was a lot of fun. In a lot of ways, it was just like old times. Almost like Déjà vu.”
“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” she said with a smile. “You really should come back to visit more often. There’s a lot of folks still here who’d enjoy seeing you.”
I smiled as I remembered how my three new young lovers had all offered to welcome me back any time. “I think you have a point. Maybe I should come back more often,” I agreed as my mind was already thinking about returning to see Mitchell, Diego, and Brandon again before they left for college.


The end.
Published by kwen55
11 months ago
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Leomoore 6 months ago
I mean Diana.
Leomoore 6 months ago
Great post, loved it.  But 53 isnt old.  One lady on here is 82 and still has regular sex with many partners.  Keep going Diane.
drewan 7 months ago
to kwen55 : Fuck, you are a hot babe, aren't you?
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kwen55 Publisher 7 months ago
to drewan : most of it is
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drewan 7 months ago
So how much of this story is true, you gorgeous sexpot?