Who is the daddy? Part 1
I have been really busy lately with my office work. Flood of cocks is finished I am back meeting my selected regulars.
The by-product of my hobby keeps growing in my womb and everything is fine with me which is the most important thing.
I was and I am still curious to know whose seed is that strong and grows in my hostile environment as my body used to reject pregnancies naturally.
One of my friends is a doctor at the private clinic so she told me how I can collect DNA samples and do tests without potential daddies knowing it, so I have already tested all my regulars who was on my suspects list. It appeared it is not their fault that my belly looks like a balloon. It leaves me with 2 suspects who I have not seen since November and I have met them only once!
The guy No1 is that businessman from USA with smoking pipe cock that locked in my pussy. His seed stayed overnight and could potentially inseminate me.
The guy No2... I regret that I have met him. His uncle is my regular so he asked if his nephew can loose a milf virginity with me. The young guy wanted to try a mature milf type woman as he watches porn and jerks his cock off very often while watching milfs. I do not remember No2's name as I did not want to meet him again, so the short story is... The guy arrived he looked like a teenage maybe *****, I asked him to show me his ID and confirm that he is 18. He also was very skinny with thin arms and legs. After all paperwork and testing sorted we proceeded to the bedroom...
I asked him to do me in doggy style as I did not want to kiss him. While he was shagging me he kept saying 'yes, yes, awwww, yes' and it was annoying. He was rushing things, he was anxious with sweaty palms.
His long but thin cock poked my cervix directly several times which was very unpleasant, it is not like a cock stimulates the spot near cervix so called A spot and you get an orgasm, poking cervix directly it is a damn painful stuff.
After 1st shot he did 2 more later and eventually his 1h was finished. It was one of the longest hours I had. My pussy was full of his semen and he wanted to watch how I was pushing his creampie out.
Now I do not want to imagine how he splashed his yogurt into my cervix hole directly. Well, he had a great time but not me...And now it will be a shame if I am pregnant from him..
Overall it is not clear who is the daddy, a strong mature gent from USA or a skinny young student.
But they both 'won' against my regulars taking into consideration that seeing me once and get me pregnant, one of them must have very motile swimmers.
The by-product of my hobby keeps growing in my womb and everything is fine with me which is the most important thing.
I was and I am still curious to know whose seed is that strong and grows in my hostile environment as my body used to reject pregnancies naturally.
One of my friends is a doctor at the private clinic so she told me how I can collect DNA samples and do tests without potential daddies knowing it, so I have already tested all my regulars who was on my suspects list. It appeared it is not their fault that my belly looks like a balloon. It leaves me with 2 suspects who I have not seen since November and I have met them only once!
The guy No1 is that businessman from USA with smoking pipe cock that locked in my pussy. His seed stayed overnight and could potentially inseminate me.
The guy No2... I regret that I have met him. His uncle is my regular so he asked if his nephew can loose a milf virginity with me. The young guy wanted to try a mature milf type woman as he watches porn and jerks his cock off very often while watching milfs. I do not remember No2's name as I did not want to meet him again, so the short story is... The guy arrived he looked like a teenage maybe *****, I asked him to show me his ID and confirm that he is 18. He also was very skinny with thin arms and legs. After all paperwork and testing sorted we proceeded to the bedroom...
I asked him to do me in doggy style as I did not want to kiss him. While he was shagging me he kept saying 'yes, yes, awwww, yes' and it was annoying. He was rushing things, he was anxious with sweaty palms.
His long but thin cock poked my cervix directly several times which was very unpleasant, it is not like a cock stimulates the spot near cervix so called A spot and you get an orgasm, poking cervix directly it is a damn painful stuff.
After 1st shot he did 2 more later and eventually his 1h was finished. It was one of the longest hours I had. My pussy was full of his semen and he wanted to watch how I was pushing his creampie out.
Now I do not want to imagine how he splashed his yogurt into my cervix hole directly. Well, he had a great time but not me...And now it will be a shame if I am pregnant from him..
Overall it is not clear who is the daddy, a strong mature gent from USA or a skinny young student.
But they both 'won' against my regulars taking into consideration that seeing me once and get me pregnant, one of them must have very motile swimmers.
11 months ago