Getting Old.
I am getting so old. Had a friend over on the weekend, Saturday . Was enjoying watching a movie and as usual starting stroking his cock while we watched. Sucked a little bit , which is my usual routine now a days. Suck a little and jerk a little then have them jerk themselves off, usually on my boobs. BUT, for the 1st time in a fair while I started getting a little horny and felt my pussy getting slightly wet. So we talked about it and how if he mounts me its to sore and I hurt when a cock goes to deep. He said I should try getting on top tso I can control how much goes in so OK I agreed. I straddle him and slowly ease on. Get about half in me and slowly ride up and down. We have to stop and go looking to see if I have any Lube. I dont buy it anymore as I dont usually screw but fortunately found a near empty tube. We squeezed and cut it open and got enough out so stroked him and got him reasonably lubed and then the remainder on my pussy. Climbed on and slowly over a few minutes got most of him up me. Then like an idiot I got hot and horny and started riding and realized I was going to cum. Went hard and he shot in me just as I came as well. I felt him shoot and then felt him finish and his cock going down so I waited and then slid of laying beside him. Both of us out of breath lol. It took about 2 minutes for us both to cum lol. It was the 1st time this guy had actually screwed me over the years I have known him. So he was pretty happy. Any way next morning holly hell am I sore. I really went to hard. He called said his cock was red raw and chafed. So I dont think I will be trying that gain. Getting carried away when having a root and being on top I lost all caution to be careful when I was cumming and slammed myself and pussy onto him. So lesson being. Dont screw when your to old, always have Lube even if you dont screw anymore, or think your not going to screw anymore, and dont get on top of a guy on the lounge floor and ride. My knees are red raw and its bloody summer and now I have to wear slacks until the give away rash on my knees heals.
1 year ago