The 7th Hand

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuhn. UUUUUUUUUUHnNNNN!”
No response.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...”
Still no answer. I must admit that my level of articulacy was somewhat hampered by the gag in my mouth, and my ability to remove the gag was equally limited by the silk ropes round my wrists (and ankles) tying me in a spreadeagled position on the bed. Much as I like the feeling of our expensive satin sheets against my naked skin I was getting a little bored now, having been left in this position for a good hour.
What I was trying to say was ‘you bastard, let me go!” But it wasn’t coming out that way. I thrashed about as much as I could, hoping to make enough noise to get him to come up and either untie me or fuck me senseless and then untie me, but still no response. I knew he was downstairs because I could hear him moving about.
That seemed to do the trick, as I heard his footsteps on the stairs.
His head appeared around the doorpost and he looked at me, his gaze lingering rather too long on the spot between my wide open legs.I tried to close them to deny him the pleasure of seeing my pussy so exposed but the ropes were too tight.
“E’ ‘ee ‘oh!” Which loosely translates as ‘let me go’ (I didn’t feel up to trying to add ‘you fucking bastard’ as if I couldn’t even say ‘let me go’ intelligibly, the chances of conveying a more sophisticated message were even more remote. Hopefully the glare in my eyes would make him realise that this wasn’t fun anymore and I wanted - no: needed - to be untied.
What had started as a joke during a pleasantly erotic fantasy-exchanging conversation after our morning sensual love-making (I love having sex first thing in the morning, particularly if I’ve not properly woken up and this morning I’d become aware in my sleep of a hardness throbbing against my buttocks which turned out to be his morning glory) had turned into reality.I’d told him that I’d like to try some mild (at first, anyway) bondage, such as being tied to the bed and ravished and it appeared that he’d been thinking the same thing as when he brought me up my tea and toast he produced some white silk ropes(conveniently already cut to the proper length) and, spreading my arms and legs, had tied my hands and feet to the four bedposts, leaving me spread-eagled with my glistening pussy and breasts with their still-erect nipples on full display. However, instead of ravishing me, he stood looking at me and wanking his cock until he came on my tits. Then the bastard fucked off to the kitchen to make some coffee.
“You’ll have to be quiet,” he said. “The builders will be here soon.”
What? I mean fucking WHAT????
“Had you forgotten?”
Holy fuck: I had indeed forgotten that Andy and his idiot son Joe were coming to fit a cupboard they’d made for the spare bedroom just across the hall.
“I need to prepare you,” he said and with a gleam in his eye pulled open the bottom drawer in the bedside table: the drawer where I keep my toys.
He took out my rabbit and I heard the whirring as he pressed the ‘on’ button and the little motor sprung into life. My favourite setting on the rabbit is the one where the very tip goes round in little circle. He of course, knew this, and he applied it to my pussy lips first and then up to my clit. I strained against the ropes, wanting something of a firmer touch there now, but he clicked it off again and put it back in the drawer.
“Maybe I’d better blindfold you as well, he said. “Wouldn’t want you to see those strapping young lads and get any ideas, would we?”
The swine produced a black velvet blindfold from somewhere. I don’t know where he produced it from but I knew where I was going to shove it when I finally got free. Just as he finished fitting it on the doorbell rang.
“That’ll be the lads: I’d better let them in. Hush, now!” and leaving the door ajar a crack behind him he was off down the stairs. I lay there gagged, blindfolded and trussed up as I listened to him let the guys in, make them a cuppa and then lead them upstairs to the spare room.
“There you go, lads,” I heard him say. “Help yourselves to anything you find lying around which you need. I’m off for a run, won’t be long.”

They started moving stuff around and the sounds went on for a while before falling silent. I was resigned to my fate now and didn’t dare make a sound in case they came to investigate. I must have even dozed off and was woken by the sound of the door opening and a voice saying “I think he said the stuff to go in the cupboard was in here.....Fucking hell!”
The footsteps stopped and then came a whisper “I think she’s asleep!”
“Dirty fuckers! Who’d have thought it,eh?”
“Some fucking tits on her, eh?”
“Yeah... “
Then another whisper, this one in a voice I knew.
“Help yourselves, lads: she won’t mind and I don’t either!”
I played asleep, partly because I was dumbstruck at what he was suggesting and partly because the thought of it made me feel decidedly horny. And to be honest, I couldn’t believe they’d go through with it.
That last thought was soon laid to rest, though, as I felt a hand sliding up my left calf to my inner thigh and another one cup my right boob, rubbing in circles making the nipple stiffen. Hand number 1 got a bit bolder now and a finger extended to run gently up the valley between my labia and inner thigh, then down the other side and then probed softly at the entrance to my pussy which was now soaking wet. Another hand(that made 3 so far,) rested on my other breast and I felt a mouth close around my nipple, sucking it and drawing it out into stiffness. I moaned softly, not daring to move in case I broke the spell
, as I was thoroughly turned on by now. Another hand (4 now) slid under my buttocks and lifted me up off the bed, opening my pussy further and a warm mouth encompassed my swollen pussy lips, drinking in my juices, my smell, my wetness. Two more hands stroked my legs and I felt a familiar hard muscle against my stomach, pressing into me.
“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” I still hadn’t recovered my normal way with words but it didn’t matter now. A groan of lust is a groan of lust however you spell it.
Into my left hand, which was held palm upwards by the rope and the way I was lying, I felt a stiff cock being placed. I closed my hand around it and started stroking it, rolling the foreskin back over the swollen head. My left hand was soon similarly occupied. That made 2 cocks and I knew there were 3 in the room. I felt the gag loosen but just as it was slipped aside and before I could say anything, cock number 3 entered my mouth. I sucked it hard, using my tongue on the vein running up the shaft to bring it to full stiffness. By now I’d lost track of all the hands and mouths on my body; I just knew that I was horny as hell and the juices were running out of my pussy. One of the cocks left my hands and I felt a male body straddle me, hands squeezing my tits together while the missing cock slid between them and began to fuck my tits with long strokes. The other hand was also left empty and I soon felt a blunt knob pushing into my pussy. He was a big lad, whoever he was, and I caught my breathe as his hands gripped my bum cheeks and his cock clip all the way in. No messing about with this lad, then! This seemed to inspire the cock in my mouth, as I tasted pre-come and the thrusting increased in pace and urgency. The one between my tits also sped up its movements and I moaned again; the feeling of 3 stiff cocks, all inspired by me, enjoying me in their own ways had me dripping wet and shamelessly opening my cunt, my mouth and my tits to be fucked senseless every possible way... well, except one which was missing. I pushed my hips up from the mattress, raising the man inside me up too, and managed to gurgle around the cock in my mouth: “ in my arse, in my arse, too!”
I heard hubby laugh.
“Go on, lad,” he urged, “get underneath her.”
It took a moment to re-arrange everything to our mutual satisfaction, and I had what I wanted: a cock in my mouth, one in my cunt and another in my bottom. The sensation was unbelievable and I revelled in being a shameless slutty cock-gobbling, dual-penetrated lustful woman of the type most men dream of meeting but never do. I had cocks in every hole, hands and mouths on my tits, and now it was my turn to set the pace, bucking my hips and head to drive the cocks in and out at a pace which satisfied my feelings of lust which were stronger than I’d ever known before. I abandoned myself to the pleasure I was feeling and soon heard the one beneath me grunt “Fuck, I’m going to...... coooooooome!” The hot spunk filled my arse and the cock in my cunt throbbed in response as it felt the spasm of the other one through the membrane separating my two holes. I felt it pulse too, and the heat of more spunk flooding my inner vaginal cavity and as the cock in my mouth let loose it’s own load of salty spunk, my cunt convulsed as my orgasm crashed through me.

The bodies around me relaxed too, moving away now that they were spent. I love the feeling of the power I have to be able to control and dominate these strong hard men with my softness and wetness: while I have their cocks stiff they’ll do anything I want and I’d reduced these three to limp rag dolls. They left the room, pulling on trousers and boots as they went and I heard hubby say as he let them out of the front door “Thanks, lads! I may have something else which needs seeing to in a few weeks.”

I lay back, drowsy, as ever after a good fucking, and was drifting away, replaying the afternoon in my mind until I remembered something. If I hadn’t still been roped to the bed I would have sat bolt upright, because what I remembered was this: at the height of my passion, a part of my mind which always remains slightly detached, observing what was happening without affecting my enjoyment of it, was aware of the 6 hands on me: 2 clutching my buttocks as their owner plunged his cock into my wet cunt, 2 on my hips as the guy underneath me held me onto his cock, and 2 holding my head at the right angle to get maximum pleasure from my hot mouth around his cock. And I distinctly recalled a hand sliding down my stomach between me and the man lunging between my thighs, it’s fingers finding my clit and flicking it between thrusts.
So whose was the 7th hand?
Published by horzag
1 year ago
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