China Sex Tidbits
Here I will write in detail all about China's past, recent and current interesting sexual events--from ancient time, to under Western colonial time, all the way to the modern era. They will be in mixed random order!
I will also try to share some stories from my own experience! I want you to also share your sexy experiences with Chinese ladies~<3
Random Terms
Traditional Chinese Medicine - TCM
Chinese Massage Parlor - CMP
Chinese Massage Parlors
There are as many or more Chinese Massage Parlors ("CMP") in the entire just the US Bay Area then almost a fifth of all of California's) Chinese massage parlors (CMPs) are in every US city and town, in every district, in all neighborhood. SF Bay Area have over 10,000 alone and growing. But in the entire US, there could be as much as 100,000 to 150,000 Chinese/Asian massage parlors.
Rxpe of Nanjing Anniversary
A very tragic history for the Chinese people, but much more for Chinese women. As early as 1980's up until the mid 2000s, tens of thousands of Japanese businessmen , would be having their regular annual business paid expensed sex trips to China on 13th of December for about 2 weeks, or up until sometime in January (The Rxpe of Nanjing was months long "mass orgy" that happen in China from December 13, 1937 to January) and they come to China in huge groups and they book out entire hotel floors, or a lot of times the whole hotel and they will bring in hundreds of Chinese prostitutes at a time to roleplay their sex crimes in China during those 2 weeks. For decades this was allowed under the Chinese authorities, but around mid 20 China government began to cracking down...
The sex ring was finally laid to rest when rumors began spreading like wildfire in Chinese forums and blog sites. The secret was out. Discussions on Chinese internet was all on this highly sensitive and taboo topic that was brought to light.... talking of Chinese women still being comfort whores for the Japs, about letting the Japanese rxpe (roleplay) Chinese women in China like their good ol' it had to end. Now, most Japanese men go to Taiwan and play with the Chinese women there during their "sexual anniversary". Almost whole population from Taiwan come from surrender Chinese nationalist forces and other Chinese who fled along with them. Taiwan continues to be their Japan's little Chinese sexual playground despite losing the war.... that is just unfair!
Japan forced at least 300-500k Chinese women to work as "comfort women", but the real number is probably a lot higher, closer to 10-20 million. After Japan surrender, the ten's of thousands of Chinese comfort stations were all over China, all still open and just become brothels and whore houses, especially for Western men. The 300,000 to 500,000 were numbers only from Nanjing , Japan were rxping Chinese women all over China, then Western men liberated them and were themselves enjoying them as much as the Japanese.
1 year ago